#i'm a very sporadic reader and i don't read things in chronological order asldkja
hood-ex · 3 years
I don't know if you've been asked this before, so I'm sorry if this is a repeat question. How do you keep up on comics so strictly? And do you have any tips for people who are trying to becoming a lot more knowledgeable when it comes to comic books? Especially when it comes to Dick Grayson and his inner circle?
Oh, I don't lmao. I mean, new comic releases, sure. I only read older comics when I'm in the mood. There's not really any rhyme or rhythm to how I read them.
When it comes to newly released comics, I would suggest reading them on the day they come out when the hype over them is strongest. Why? Because if you see people talking about certain issues or posting certain panels, you'll probably feel most motivated to read those issues yourself so that you can get in on all the new content people are posting/talking about. Then you'll have context for everything which is nice, and you can also be part of the conversation.
Jumping in towards the start of a comic run will also help you keep up with the series more easily because you can read the issues as they come out rather than having to read #1-20 issues before you can understand the context of the newest issue coming out, y'know?
Right now is actually a good time to jump into most batfam comics since Nightwing, Robin, and Batman: Urban Legends only have a few issues under their belts each. Batman and Detective Comics might be a bit harder to get into right now. But, yeah, if you're a fan of Dick, Babs, Jason, Tim, or Damian then I'd go ahead and jump into reading the runs I listed above. (It kinda pains me to suggest reading those series though because the current characterizations are... not the best. But for the sake of keeping up with new content then, yeah, read those.) Then when new issues are released for each series, read them the day they come out so you stay up to date. (Again, like I said, you'll probably have more motivation to read new releases on the day they come out when everyone is talking about them and sharing stuff about them.)
As for Dick's inner circle, the easiest way to get to know most of them at once without sifting through each character's individual runs is probably by reading Titans comics. A lot of comic readers aren't too fond of older comics because the art and lingo feel out of date, so no one is gonna judge you if you don't want to read the first Teen Titans series with the fab five. Instead, you could always read Teen Titans: Year One which has the members of the fab five but is a much shorter run and can easily be read within a day (hell, you could prob read the whole thing in an hour). Like I've said before, Garth and Donna's characterizations in that series aren't the best. Either way, you'll be introduced to the team and get an idea of their powers, dynamics, mentors, and a taste of what they contribute to the team.
I would suggest reading The New Teen Titans Vol. 1 first (or at least some of the issues) if you want to understand who Dick's friends are. You can almost knock the first volume out in a month if you just read one issue every day. It has #40 issues so if you read two issues (or more!) on some days then you can easily have the whole thing read in a month.
I know, I know. A month sounds like a long time and you want all the comic knowledge now. Trust me, I get it. Just remember that you can always take some time on the weekend to knock out a ton of reading. Sometimes when I'm really into a series, I'll read it like a book and read 30 issues in a day.
Reading a mini-series is also a faster way to catch up on characters since the story is more contained. (Examples: Robin: Year One, Batgirl: Year One, etc.)
Reading Wiki pages about specific comic events or characters will also save you time. You'll get the gist of the story or character without having to read tons of issues about them. (I do believe knowing the context of how everything happens is important though so I'd use Wiki more as a general guide.)
Anyways, yeah, try and read new comics on the days they come out and then on other days of the week is when you're going to want to catch up reading older comics.
I hope that kiiinda helps?
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