#i'm actually very excited to get my plant back when im home lmao
poptod · 3 years
Hey dear, I absolutely loved your recent Safin fic--I'm hopelessly whipped for that man and have been sad at how little content there is for him. You write him wonderfully! An ask from your resident entomologist (that's me, the bug person): I'm in love with the idea of Safin perhaps working with an entomologist that specializes in venomous/poisonous insects (details are irrelevant). They're in a relationship, and in awe of each other's respective fields (plants and insects). Smut is, of course, welcome (and encouraged, but lord we do not need to talk about how obsessed I am with him). Apologies for the long and weirdly specific ask...I'm excited to see what you do with this! Merci, chère!
notes: hello! i actually have a little interest in insects myself so hopefully i didnt get any terminology or anything wrong.. i prolly did but its not super integral to the plot lol anyway i hope u enjoy this! the song in this is called hila ya rumana and its from iraq :) and honestly, i gotta note, im really liking studying poisons, and im worried the fbi is gonna show up at my door lmao
warning: i went like all out on the smut, i mean its super consensual this time but it is All Out WC: 4.7k
You weren't sure if you were working with him or for him. Your years-long friendship would indicate the former, but the way he talked to you now, and the way he treated you, insinuated the latter.
For months now you'd been milking insects––sometimes literally––while in the employ of a man you'd known since your teen years. His name was Lyutsifer, but most of the time you called him by his last name, Safin. He took you into his home after years of being missing, and in some strange form of longing, you accepted his request; help him to eliminate en mass the people who so cruelly hurt him, who scarred him.
Still, despite the less than optimal conditions, he kept you close to him and asked you to spend much of your free-time with him. In those hours you would eat together and speak in hushed voices, sitting close together in deep secrecy. You were still his closest friend.
For now your back ached from being hunched over, a massive pair of magnifying glasses weighing you down till a headache sparked in the base of your skull. You couldn't stop just now––the bullet ant beneath your scalpel and forceps would only live for a few minutes more, and you needed to stimulate and milk as much of its' venom out as possible. A tiny vial was balanced between your third and fourth finger, ready to collect the continuous chemical.
The venom of bullet ants very rarely––if ever at all––killed a human, but they were impeccably, excruciatingly, perfectly painful, and that was what Safin wanted. He already had the power to kill. He wanted to maim. Poneratoxin would be only the first ingredient in his concoction.
"Do I need to order more?" Came his voice over your shoulder, appearing with his steel eyes on your hands and the warmth of his chest on your back.
You straightened your back ever so slightly.
"If you want to perform chemical tests, yes," you mumbled, keeping your attention avidly upon your work.
"You really think they'll react to each other?"
"Ammonia and bleach create something else when they're mixed."
"Yes, but it's still deadly," he said.
A smile itched across your lips, bursting into soft laughter. Safin chuckled as well, and ran his hands over your shoulders, digging his thumbs into the knots there before he left your lab.
"You'll get your ants," he said as he disappeared, "and your beetles."
Pain and fear. It's what he felt, he said––it's what he wanted. While you extracted the poisons from a varying number of insect species, he bred a strain of datura for its' poison; a substance he told you to be a mix of atropine and scopolamine. The alkalines caused hallucinations, paranoia, seizures, and all sorts of damage in the nerves and muscles. Deaths were apparently rare, but that wasn't what Safin was curating their poison for––he just wanted an elixir built for suffering.
"I told you I don't want you coming in here," he said, his voice reaching you in the cavernous garden before you could ever see him.
You'd taken not two steps onto the soft earth before he was telling you to leave.
"Because I may hurt myself?" You asked with a chuckle.
There was silence before he answered, almost regretfully, "yes. I don't want to see you in such a state."
"I work with poison every day, Safin."
"Poisons secured within exoskeletons.. organs, teeth, and stingers. It's different from leaves and seeds and you know that," he said as he rose from his knees, appearing behind a large, spiky bush.
"I know," you murmured, watching as he drew nearer. "I wanted to see you."
He quirked a single brow, looking down upon you.
"Well, now we both have to decontaminate." He pulled off his gloves and tossed them aside.
"By taking our clothes off?" You giggled, crossing your arms.
"Yes, actually."
The smile fell from your face, replaced by a warmth that filled your cheeks.
There was no question, but even if there was, he already knew what your answer would be. He was infatuated and it showed; it showed in his words, in his manner, how he undressed you like he was revealing something special, and how he kept your eye as the both of you entered a waterfall of soft, warm water. You weren't much better, pressing yourself to his chest and reaching up to ruffle through his wet hair. His hands fell to your waist in an attempt to balance you as he chuckled.
He grabbed your wrists to pull you away from his hair, but before he gave them back to you, he kissed your palm. You chuckled and shook your head, reaching up to stroke his face.
"So beautiful, my love," he murmured, leaning into your touch so his lips brushed your pulse.
You giggled and repeated him; "so beautiful, my darling."
It was the first time he kissed you, but it felt like anything but new. It felt like something familiar, something home, something more normal than breathing or speaking. His lips melded to yours, dripping with the shower water that fell in the space between you. The feeling of his tongue running against your bottom lip wasn't enough to distract you from his hands, which ran up and down your bare waist and hips, squeezing and soothing the dark marks his nails left.
Your hair was still damp by dinnertime. Despite wet hair, he left you high and dry, leaving chaste kisses as he dutifully cleaned you and himself. Now he pulled a fur coat over your shoulders, protecting you against the autumn's chill.
The midnight sky was particularly clear tonight, unmarred by clouds or a moon, who had disappeared for now. Their absence led to the revelation of the milky way, its' reverence, the glow of dark matter leaving a trail of shadows that the stars subsisted off of, coloring the pathways in green, purple, and blue. It was all that caught your eye, even as Safin stepped out onto the balcony carrying two plates.
He kissed the top of your head as he passed you, handing you your plate.
"How many vials of the bullet ant's venom have you now?" He asked once he sat down, situating his food.
"Five now," you said. "I was thinking we should add monarch butterflies to the equation."
He paused.
"Butterflies?" He repeated, turning to you.
"Consuming the catepillar or butterfly can cause confusion and nausea in high enough doses."
"You and I both know it gets that poison from milkweed. If you just want to study the butterflies, you can do so," he said with a low chuckle. "I don't mind funding a few of your side projects, so long as you keep up with our... concoction."
"R.. really?" You asked, wide-eyed.
"Of course, my dear," he cooed as he took your hands. "What's mine will always be yours. It has always been that way."
"Oh. Thank you," you said in a soft voice. "I actually... lately I've.. I've been interested in this specific Pacific beetle that creates this special milk –"
He laughed, and when he did, you couldn't help but stare at him with your own dumbstruck grin.
"Beetle milk?" He asked.
"It's not really milk. Well, it's kind of milk. And it's not really a beetle, it's technically a cockroach, it's the only cockroach to give birth to live young, hence the milk."
As you rambled, he listened intently, leaning forward and into your warmth. Most everyone you met were disgusted whenever you talked about the bugs, so his unending patience melted your entirety. It was just like him, too––so kind, so very in love, and so very rarely showing that to anyone but you.
After dinner and a long discussion concerning your next steps in your experiments, the two of you bid each other good-night and left to your respective rooms. They were close to one another, and you could still hear him pacing a wall over, disturbing your burning eyes and sore muscles. Your blankets remained wrapped tight around your shoulders, shielding you from the general cold of Safin's home. How could he pace bare-footed at 2 in the morning in a room below 55 degrees?
With a groan, you rolled off the low bed and onto the floor, slowly raising yourself to your feet. A long, thick blanket surrounded you like a plush cape, and the end of it dragged against the floor as you padded the short way over to his door.
You knocked and the footsteps finally paused, resuming till the door clicked and swung open. Despite his lack of sleep, he looked far more put-together than you did.
"... hello," he said, raising a single brow.
"I heard you pacing," you mumbled, sniffing through a stuffy nose. "Are you alright?"
"Oh. Yes, I'm quite fine," he said quietly. "Did I wake you?"
"No, I never fell asleep," you said.
Technically, that was still his fault, but you decided to forgo mentioning that.
"Neither did I," he said, though you assumed as much. "Perhaps we should find something to put ourselves to sleep."
"Like a drug?"
"Anything at all."
You paused to think a moment, pulling your bottom lip through your teeth.
"How about tea?" You suggested.
"Sounds wonderful," he said.
You were quick to regret not putting on slippers as you continued to roam down the halls, warmed by only a large blanket and no socks. Fortunately, the kitchen wasn't far, and you crawled up onto a tall stool, leaning most of your weight on the kitchen's island. Your blinking grew slower as you slouched. Out of the corner of your eye, you spied Safin preparing to heat some water.
Only a moment later he was at your side, wrapping his arms around your midsection and digging his nose into your neck. You flinched from how cold his nose was, but he just laughed, and you hunched your shoulders with a grin.
He swayed back and forth, humming something you couldn't really hear but that lulled you further into your exhaustion anyways. Vibrations from his chest passed to yours.
"Aibtisamat alfatat aljamilat jaealatha 'akthar halawatan," he spoke in a soft melody, his words brushing the shell of your ear like petals. "Eindama raha alakhrun tazhar, lam yastatie 'ahad.."
You chuckled quietly and asked, "what are you singing?"
"An old lullaby," he murmured, and his swaying slowed. "My mother used to sing it... at times."
"Do you know it in English?"
He paused before he answered.
"A part of it. I don't recall the whole song."
With no further action from him, you turned in your seat, separating yourself only a moment so you could look him in the eye. Despite the space, your hands continued to pull his hips and waist into you.
"Can you sing it for me?" You whispered, staring into warm, but empty, eyes.
"I can try," he said stiffly.
You nodded with a slow blink and leant into him, resting your head against his chest. His heartbeat pounded beneath your ear.
When he sang, those subtle vibrations caused a swell in your heart, electrified by something you rarely heard. He kept a trill in the notes that gave way for an assurance that this was an Arabic song he was singing––something from his heritage, and obviously, from his childhood.
"He will make earrings for her, and a ring and necklace," he began with a similar melody. "The smile of a beautiful girl made more sweet. When the others saw her appear, not one was able to close their eyes. Oh my soul, my life and my virgin love, I was bored from my impatience, and my soul is love to see you."
You hardly noticed when he stopped singing, and were only roused from your stupor by him gently shaking your shoulders.
"I kept you awake with my pacing, didn't I," he murmured, carding his fingers through your unkempt hair.
"A little," you attempted to say, but your mouth was still pressed against his chest.
"I think... if you fall asleep first, in my bed," he said softly, "I won't have as much trouble myself."
You lifted your head off of him.
"Are you asking me to sleep with you?"
It had to be the first time you'd seen him stutter or hesitate; your own eyes widened in response.
"I think it would be.. beneficial... for both of us," he finally answered.
"Maybe," you mumbled, your gaze fluttering down to his lips.
His own eyes wandered as well, distracted as you were, before he leaned only an inch forward to meet you in a soft kiss. He barely touched you with his gentleness, touching you like your skin was a sheen of frost that would soon melt beneath him. He was right––you did melt, and he did his best to catch you.
The kettle began to hiss, and Safin groaned against your lips, leaning his weight into you. You giggled, pushing him away from you. With a long sigh he relented, leaving your space to pull down two cups and turn off the stove.
By the time he got back to you, your cheek was back to being pressed against the freezing counter, warm, fuzzy breaths filling your chest. A ceramic mug clinked brightly as he set it down in favor of stroking your hair.
"Drink a little with me," he said, pushing the cup towards you as he sipped at his own tea.
You drew a long breath as you raised your head, reaching forward with a sloth-like claw to pull the cup into you. Safin watched with a bated sense of amusement as you took a sip, your eyes still half closed, and your chin barely six inches off the table.
He chuckled as your eyes widened, shifting to him.
"Green tea?" You asked quietly.
You didn't get through much more than a quarter of your cup before he offered a little mercy, pushing your drinks away and helping you to your feet. The shivers returned from the cold floor, but despite that discomfort, you still barely had enough consciousness to speak to Safin when he led you into his room instead of yours.
Nothing left your mouth, even though the words were there.
He hummed that melody again as he helped you into bed, pulling the blankets over you, and eventually sliding in beside you. The black room rendered your eyesight useless, and you regressed to depending upon touch and sound, both of which you soon felt––hands around your waist, pulling you in, and a long, soft breath leaving Safin. Your muscles went lax, and you leant into him.
His scent filled your dreams.
It took months of experimentation trying to replicate the various serums, poisons, and venoms artificially, a task that you and Safin worked at simultaneously. Now that the collection of samples were complete, the vials could be used for reaction cataloguing and studying. That pushed your work into a different lab––one you shared with Safin.
"I... despise chemistry," he said to you one day, his eyes glued to a glass tank full of white mice. He was crouched down to its' level, his hands on his knees, squinting as though they'd committed some sort of misdeed.
You chuckled.
"Isn't that one of the main parts of your job?"
"Yes," he said, rather bitterly. "That doesn't mean I have to enjoy it."
"It's not that bad. They're still dying, Safin," you said with a sigh, leaning against the counter.
"Not in the right ways," he hissed. "I don't want this quick death we've been getting."
You paused in thought, chewing on your tongue and your cheek.
"If we make several different substances, each that targets a different organ, that might work. But we'd need a special way to get it into their systems, a way that wouldn't mix it beforehand or after consumption. Something like a complex pill."
"Wouldn't it just mix in the stomach?"
"Yes, well, it would be a very complex pill," you said, chuckling as you shrugged halfheartedly. "It's not a great idea."
"No it's not."
"You just need something that'll activate the pain neurons and the brain neurons and then keep them firing, like a pesticide, but for humans," you said.
He bit into his lip, letting out a harsh sigh as he leant his arms on the counter, bowing his head between them.
"How does a pesticide kill insects?" He asked after a long moment of silence.
You pushed down your amusement––for his sake.
"Couple different ways. DDT does essentially what I said," you said, crossing your arms. "Keeps the neurons firing, so they have seizures until they're too exhausted to keep breathing and they die."
"Jesus Christ."
"Yeah," you chuckled. "Does that sound good?"
"Fuck," he breathed out, straightening his posture and flicking his black hair back.
He turned to you and took your hands, raising them to his face, and kissed you from the tips of your fingers to your lips. You giggled as he pressed fluttering kisses to your neck, but gladly returned the affection once he reached his mark.
"That sounds wonderful," he murmured beside your ear.
"If we stun them with the seizures, it'll give us time to give them a second poison," you suggested quietly, your own lips beside his ear. "Something far more painful."
"Mmm," he hummed, leaning into you. "Devious, my love."
"I think you like it," you said.
His hips digging into yours would indicate so.
"And you may be right," he said, and his teeth dug into your neck, causing you to arch against him with a gasp.
Rough hands kept you pinned beneath him, settling any reactive jerks that rushed through your body. He forced you into staying still, and he forced his leg between yours, pulling your hips down to grind your core against his thigh with a bruising grip. All the while, his tongue and teeth tested the sensitive skin of your clavicle.
"What would I do without you," he asked, allowing his lips to move against your skin as he spoke. "Something to play with."
"You'd be lonely," you murmured as you dug your fingers into his scalp. "All alone, up in this lab of yours." He stilled for a moment to breathe in your scent, slowly moving up to face you. "But you won't be alone anymore."
"You won't leave?" He asked, but it wasn't a question––it was a demand. His gaze had turned cold.
"No," you said softly, pulling him in by a hand on his cheek. "No, not ever."
A darkness shadowed his expression as he leant in the rest of the way, his lips meeting yours in pillowy bliss. How he kept his lips soft in the frigid weather was beyond you, but you appreciated it deeply, wrapping your arms around his shoulders to draw him in closer.
His touch seemed its' own poison, dripping onto your tongue by way of his thumb, running over your chest and hips. You could barely move with him pressed to you so tightly, so you could do nothing when his thumb hooked into your jaw beneath your tongue and forced you down to your knees. Your muscles ached from the impact, but before you could speak, he was gripping your hair and pulling you up, grinding your face against his cock poking through his pants.
"I know you've got a talented tongue, darling," he said, and there was a wicked smile on his face, his eyes flickering with sparks of pleasure. "I've wanted to do this for so long."
You chuckled and mouthed at his erection, watching how his eyelids fluttered shut and a soft groan left his mouth.
For a moment you fumbled with the latch keeping his pants shut, but once you undid it, you pulled down his boxers and grinned. You pumped him with one hand, and propped your chin on his angled hips.
"How long have you wanted this, baby?" You asked in a coo, puffing out your bottom lip.
He took in a deep breath, jerking his hold on your hair when you ran your thumb over the tip of his cock.
"Don't play coy," he hissed, pulling your chin off him, "and don't tease. Now open your mouth."
You should've opened your mouth. But some brat inside you, someone who hated orders, kept your mouth shut and your hand pumping his base. Seeing that, his jaw steeled and a growl built in his throat.
He leased his grasp on your hair, moving to instead push his thumb back into your mouth, hooking back in and forcing you to open. You let him, and you let him shove his cock inside you, instantly hitting the back of your throat. You could feel his muscles tense and untense beneath you before he began pumping himself into you, keeping you still with a hand twisted back in your hair.
"Didn't know you were such a brat," he grunted out, letting his head fall back. "I'll have to train you, teach you to be a good whore. Fuck."
You moaned around him, sending vibrations up his cock that ended with shivers up his spine. Words tumbled forth when you wrapped your tongue partway around him, tracing swirls up and down while he continued to thrust into you.
"There you are, my darling, being such a good toy for me. So obedient."
Tears budded on the edge of your eyes, but before they could drop he was hauling you back up to your feet, pushing you up onto the counter and wrapping your legs around his hips. His lips were back on yours, soothing the burn of your own lips stretching around his thick cock.
But he didn’t move further––he just kept kissing you, kept roaming your body with large hands, and never descending to where you needed him most.
"Mm – aren't you –" You tried to speak, but he kept barraging you with kisses. "Aren't you going to fuck me?"
"Is that what you want, darling?" He asked, grinding his hips against your clothed center, sending heat up from your core to your chest in bursts of lightning. "Is that what you need?"
"Yes, yes, please," you begged, relenting to his touch when he began to stroke you through your pants. Your own hands gripped at his hair and his back, ensuring he wouldn't leave you. "Please, baby, please."
"Of course, my love," he said softly beside your ear, tracing his fingers down to the hem of your pants and slipping them underneath. 
He stepped away for only a moment to pull your clothes off, tossing them into corners of the lab that didn't exist to you anymore. When he returned, he slid his cock between your thighs, teasing but never going inside. You whined, nearing tears once more.
"Safiiiinnnnn," you said in a moan, dragging out his name in a way that had his hips jerking forward.
His eyes pierced yours as he gripped your chin, forcing you to look him in the eye.
"Beg for me."
"Please fuck me, Safin, I need you," you mumbled, barely hearing yourself speak with your fuzzy mind.
"Fuck, just touch me! Anything at all," you finally cried, desperate for anything. "Please, I need you so bad."
He grabbed a fistful of your locks.
"And what do you need?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.
"I need your cock," you sniffled. "Please baby, I'll let you do anything, anything you want."
You knew he didn't need all this––he was just getting off on it, on the control he now so obviously held over you. You couldn't deny you were getting off on it, too.
"There we are, my darling," he murmured, stroking the back of his finger down your cheek. "Properly ruined."
Without warning he shoved himself inside you, his thick cock stretching you out almost painfully. You let out a cry, but that didn't stop him, and he began thrusting into you, leaving your body shaking.
"Fuck, so wet for me," he said between moans and grunts. He slapped the soft underside of your thighs, making you yelp. "All for me, aren't you? All mine."
You couldn't respond, overwhelmed by the sparks that flew every time he pounded into you, filling you and pushing on your g-spot. Though you found it too hard to keep track, you knew you'd come at some point, and now it was just building. 
He chuckled at your helpless state and continued fucking you, heedless of your overstimulated moans. To his amusement, your state only degraded, and soon your head was jerking to the side, your nails digging into his skin as you were left to the whims of your electrified nerves.
Hiding in the crook of his neck, you allowed the moans to flow loose from your mouth, heating the space between you. A wicked idea formed in your cloudy head, and you raised yourself to press your lips to his jaw.
"I need you to cum inside me, baby," you breathed out, feeling the way he tensed under you and his thrusts grew in speed and strength. "I wanna be dripping with your cum."
He cursed beneath his breath and, after pounding himself into you several more times, he stilled as deep as he could inside you, releasing with a long, pretty moan against your shoulder. You felt his cum pouring out into you, painting your walls a creamy white that leaked out around his cock. The mere feeling of that spurred on your last orgasm, thriving off the feeling of him slowly thrusting himself back in and out of you.
When he slipped out of you, some of his seed came dripping out of you and onto the lab floor. He stared at it and then looked up at you.
"This whole lab will need to be sanitized," he said.
You laughed, throwing your head back, still riding on your own elation. He was right.
It was your best bet; the closest to what you wanted. Strychnine targeted the spinal cord's nerves, blotting out the nerves' control on the body's muscles. That constant stimulation caused continuous seizures that, in the right amounts, would lead to such a deep exhaustion in the muscles that the victim would simply stop breathing. Their muscles simply wouldn't let them anymore. You saw it more times than you truly cared to––Safin wanted to be ensured that the secondary poison would take affect after the strychnine did.
The pain, though present in strychnine, fully came into play with a substance coming from one of Safin's plants. Its' name was moroides, and it wasn't an especially poisonous substance––that wasn't its job. Moroides purpose in your hands was to cause pain, and considering people had died from the sheer level of pain induced by the plant, Safin considered it to be a high contender. Later on, after seeing how the two toxins interacted, his mind was set on the chemical.
He was smiling. You, on the other hand, were leant against the counter, your arms crossed as you watched him. You understood his need for revenge, that desire for retribution, but he seemed to enjoy watching the mice die. He kept giving them the poisons––strychnine first, moroides second. Over and over again.
"Isn't that beautiful," he murmured, his gaze enraptured in the furry, writhing creatures within the glass cage.
You pushed down the vomit building in your throat. He called you beautiful, as well.
"I think we've done enough tests," you said quietly.
"Perhaps so," he said, and his gaze lingered on the mice before he turned to you. "We have so little left to do."
You cocked your chin upwards, watching carefully as he approached you.
"Does that make you happy?" You asked.
He fell silent for a moment, deciding to stare instead of respond, enraptured in your gaze.
"I will miss working with you," he admitted in a soft voice.
"There will always be other things to work on."
"Other people to.. punish," he murmured, and his gaze fell to your lips, capturing them in a quick kiss. "Others who deserve punishment."
"Exactly," you said with a grin, beaming your thrill into him, and drawing out a smile in him, as well.
"My darling," he said, stroking your cheek with his thumb, "we will be forgotten heroes in history."
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xcrystalzero · 3 years
Hi! May i have a romantic genshin matchup? I've never asked something like this before but it seems like such a fun thing! :D
I'm a 19yo bisexual girl. Im 5'9 and i have green eyes and long brown hair. I have a deep monotone voice (which im insecure about >.<), my way of speaking is also monotone and im extremely calm and patient, which is why on the outside i seem like im unemotional.
I'm quite introverted, and enjoy spending time alone, since socializing drains my energy a lot. But if i really trust someone i can be around them all the time without getting tired :) i get along well with both introverts and extroverts, as long as my boundaries are respected. i like to think that im a very empathetic person who can easily see things from many perspectives. I'm not very good at comforting people, instead im better at giving advice on how to deal with their problems/feelings. I love unconditionally and im very loyal. I'm a very sleepy person.... Sometimes i take several naps a day, sleeping is awesome lmao
I'm a bit insecure, but one skill that im proud of is knitting and crocheting, which i spend a ton of time doing. I also love nature, including the less "popular" things such as bugs and reptiles and "boring" plants.
My love language is physical touch and quality time. I just enjoy being in the presence of people i love, even if we arent talking or doing anything. Cuddling is very important to me since it comforts me and makes me feel closer to the person.
I hope this is enough?? Im very excited to see who you would choose and why, but of course dont push yourself if youve gotten a ton of these <3 thanks for your time :D
Hey anon! So this one was actually kind of hard and I honestly had a few people in mind before I settled on this one. So, without further ado...
I match you with ... Keqing!
-She's rather extroverted and straightforward but not rowdy so you guys wouldn't get on each other's nerves. She's out a lot for work, but occasionally also enjoys a fun social event and will be sure to drag you along with her.
-She really admires the patience you have with everything. She's sometimes quick to get heated and appreciates the stability and calm that you bring to her life. Of course, that means that she also tries to motivate you whenever possible and push you to achieve your full potential.
-If you knit something for her, she'll basically melt on the spot. Keqing is so focused on always moving forward and doing things on her own that if you do something like that, she'd just fall in love with you even more.
-Loves your voice. Kind of wishes her voice was deeper and she lets you know as much. Can sometimes be a little blunt and "tough-lovey" because she's not going to let you be insecure when you're so cool.
-I feel like one of Keqing's love languages is also physical touch, just not in public. She seems like she likes to cuddle and that she'd be pretty good at it, so that's good!
-After a long day working, she'll sometimes come home and just go straight into your arms to join you for one of your naps.
Even half-asleep, you can hear the door fly open and the sound of heavy footsteps making their way inside. Uh oh. You flip over, looking towards the door of the bedroom just as that too swings open to reveal the most disgruntled Keqing you've ever seen.
It takes all your self control not to burst into laughter right then and there. Instead, you prop yourself up slightly, looking over towards her with a smile on your face.
"Hello love, how was work?"
All you get in response in a hoarse sigh as Keqing swiftly works off her outerwear before promptly hopping up into the bed beside you. You can't stop the chuckle this time as she immediately wraps her arms around your waist, burying her face in your chest.
"That bad huh? You need to talk?"
"Nope, no advice right now. Just cuddles and sleep." Her voice is muffled but you agree nonetheless, lowering the two of you back down into the sheets.
"Of course. Sleep tight."
-Dates where you two go hiking and you decide to show her this cool new bug you found. She jumps back and won't come anywhere near you (she's not scared... kind of) and you will never stop teasing her about it.
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piplupod · 4 years
i am just very excited for this week but also trying not to get my hopes up too much just in case!!!
but i am feeling rly good and i just! want to share it i guess!!! just like a spewing of thoughts in a positive way LOL 💗
i am excited to go to work! i have recieved a couple recipes i am very excited to try!! i have a clean area bc i did cleaning today!! im going to work on learning to drive!! there are a handful of apartment buildings near where i work which would be so awesome to move into and only need a roommate!!! i reset my altar and shrine and feel rly good whenever i look at them!!! i have a couple animal pieces that make me happy whenever i look at them and pet them!!! i love my friends and i am so so so lucky to have them and i truly never thought I'd have friends like this, i actually understand what ppl mean when they say they love their friends and like... friendship is actually such a beautiful thing??? and i had no idea until very recently in my life and i am so grateful i know now!!! my covid test came back negative so im safe and i havent infected my family, which i am so so so thankful for!!! i am financially stable atm, and i have a shop in the works for September!!! im part of a new dnd campaign that my brother is dming and today was our first session and it went rly well!!! i have a WONDERFUL job and i am enjoying it atm!!! i love needlefelting and i am at a rly good place with my drawing skills!!! i have so many plants and theyre thriving and surviving and I'm learning abt them more n more n how to keep other ones alive too!! i actually have wifi at home except during the night which is SO MUCH MORE than i used to have!! i can actually keep up w friends online now omg!!! and im just! very content and happy, even if things are still bumpy at home! once i move out, im going to THRIVE and SHINE and GLOW!!!! 💗💙💗!!!!!
okay thats all sbfhdhskl thank u for coming to my tedward speaks LMAO
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seokjins · 8 years
what is your magic (witch) au? i'm very curious please tell me more..
anon THANK U FOR ASKING omg i’m so excited abt this au!! these are just character descriptions bc i don’t have a plot yet (or a plan to actually write this out lol), but these are all the hc’s i have
namjoon + yoongi
they’re both witches! their official designations are music makers bc they’re able to conjure stronger spells using …. music …. lol. i haven’t exactly figured out how that piece relates to their magic in particular (do they compose pieces that become the spells themselves? do they get a power boost via certain songs?), but i still really like the idea that they’re able to draw magic from music u know ?? just bc namjoon + yoongi both produce a lot of stuff for bangtan irl ;;______;; makes me real emo it does
they are incredibly powerful, the kind that goes down in myths and stories and fairytales when they set their minds to it. they can raze entire kingdoms and set the the forests on fire and kill a thousand soldiers w/o even lifting a finger, or so the legends say ,, but they mostly bitch at each other and ride their stupid enchanted broomsticks everywhere bc they’re too lazy to enchant a chair and it’s funny to see monarchs shit themselves when they pass overhead their castles lol
is a shapeshifter with magical inclinations! this means he’s not gonna be as powerful as sugamon, but he doesn’t have to make his bed or cut up the carrots or clean his house or wait for water to boil and can heal minor wounds :0
i was gonna be like “he can transform into a bunny!!” lol but nah he’s a wolf you gotta go big or go home right??
he’s got enhanced senses like sight, for example. sight, smell, hearing are probably the most noticeable for him, but he’s also unusually agile, so he can jump walls and climb houses and travel via roof hopping if he so wishes. transformations are whenever and wherever he feels the need !!! sugamon’s been training him in some potion making, since that’s less of a magical art and more of a physical one, and he’s been doing well !!
he’s a mermaid ,,, IM SORRY HOLD ON HEAR ME OUT OK IT’S NOT AS BAD AS IT SEEMS ,, he lives in the river and chills by the lake but can also handle saltwater for a couple weeks before he needs to go back to his regular abode,,, he’s able to walk on land, but he hates having legs since swimming is much faster tbh
he’s got the prettiest chrome tail and creepy ass gills on the side of his neck and his teeth are all pointed (think ..vampire Extreme) and he’s got that second eyelid film that scares people who meet him for the first time ??? + his skin always has a slightly blue tinge underneath it. he’s also got sharp ass scales down the backside of his arm that will draw blood upon contact, his elbows have smth that protrudes out of it (think the top crest of an angelfish, but weapon-grade), and he’s able to produce a note high enough & loud enough to shatter eardrums within a 0.25mile radius :^))
he’s small in human form, so lots of people try to take advantage of him bc he has a sweet smile, but he’ll still have it on when he kills u ,,, so. ur gamble my friends
ah yes our resident pixie :^)) he’s got huge ass dragonfly wings and hair that changes color with the season and one of the brightest smiles in the entire world !!!!! literally part of his defense mechanism is that he’s able to blind people w just a Look ok his eyes turn gold and his skin starts glowing and before u know it,, you’ve literally been murdered by sheer beauty
he flies around everywhere ???? (walking is for mortals lmao) and is a nature based sprite, which means he spends a lot of time tending to gardens and wildlife, helping flowers and trees and plants grow !! he’s honestly not that scary, but when provoked - his internal temperature rises to above 500K, which means he’s literally walking on smoldering ground like the devil himself and one touch will send anyone up in flames !!!!! aka the reason he Glows lol
ONE OF MY FAVES omg HE IS 100%  A FAIRY but not the one from disney stories Oh No he is beautiful as fuck w his huge ass butterfly wings (he flies around with taehyung) and they’re pink and silver and elegant as hell?????? he sings a lot and is generally very dorky, incredibly kind, likes to cook, has residual magic but isn’t able to wield it in a free format like sugamon & jungkook - it’s all an extension of his magical self
he’s  a fairy, but a fairy that’s a pseudo siren..he lures bandits/thieves/criminals/etc through the forest w his pretty voice & pretty face & when they’ve got nowhere to go, he turns on them & kills them dead lol. his eyes go completely red and his face turns dark and his nails become claws and his teeth sharpen out at the ends (not so much as jimin’s mermaid ones tho) and the last thing they do is shit their pants and scream???? literally (╥_╥) he’s terrifying as hell never get on his bad side y’all don’t want him to come after you
last but not least: hobi is a sylph !!!! he works the summer winds most of the time, but he also dabbles w the other seasons too, really depends. he hasn’t got wings like taehyung or seokjin, but he can fly, so it’s a common occurrence for the three of them to go out together,,
he’s very sunshine/sweet/kind, but he’s prone to mood swings as the weather changes. he’s also incredibly, uncomfortably straightforward, not in the way that yoongi is, but the kind where he calls you out for something big with a smile on his face??and u can’t exactly tell howhe feels about you??the free wind spirit is really evident in his personality lol.
he also gets really scary when storms are around the corner bc his hair changes depending on weather, so it usually goes silver or black and his lips turn blue and the veins start pooling under his skin and he looks incredibly dead but his eyes are an unsettling shade of milky white and he’s very spaced out??? then before u know it he’s gone and ur running for your lives lol
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