#i'm almost scared to even try cos i'm not even in the right headspace
fuckyeahdindjarin ยท 4 months
When you go two months without writing a single word and you're not sure you ever want to go back to it. Who's with me ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
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frenchfrywrites ยท 3 years
Hii I haven't been here in a while but I'm still alive!! I hope your flight has been going well, and even if you're stressed, I believe in you! You will make it! ๐ŸŒปโš˜๐ŸŒปโš˜๐ŸŒปโš˜๐ŸŒปโš˜
If you want a thirst I can send a thirst, this is so self indulgent, also this happened to me one time, wasn't nearly as fun lol.
Thinking of sweetie Mams. He's going with you to an amusement park, for those big scary rollercoasters or those platforms that fall from the sky very fast, or those spinny things that go whish whish in circles in the air. He's internally just as scared as you are but as always is keeping the brave face up, and so are you honestly, dumbass on dumbass love cos you're both acting like everything is fine.
He's holding your hand tightly, only letting go to dry his hand if it's getting sweaty. He takes every chance to ask you to buy him a million snacks and drinks (wink wink) and you do, even buying him a gigantic cotton candy in the shape of a pink crow (it's a pigeon but he says it's a crow so who cares).
He's chugging down soda after soda to keep his racing heart calm, which would never help but you won't pop his bubble. After going in one of those big scary rides, those where he's clinging so hard to your arm you think he might break it, he's looking squirmy and nervous so as always, you give him a hug.
He's whining about how he probably needs to go pee right now, the drinks he asked you to buy and the terrifying ride all coming together to fuck him over. You coo at him and sneak your hand under his shirt to grab at his collar, pulling him firmly against you, and that almost sends him into his headspace right there.
"Do you really want to go?" Your voice's sickly sweet and sadistic. He nods enthusiastically, sort of scared to try to speak in case he doesn't like the sounds that leave his mouth.
"That's too bad, puppy, because we have so many rides to go to, and look at the bathroom line, we wouldn't make it in time..."
He pouts but is resigned to follow you to the next ride and pray (oop) that his bladder is nice to him.
By the time you're coming home, he doesn't quite make it even to the living room without having a cute little accident, good thing you were there for him to praise him and to clean him up.
- โ™Ÿ๐Ÿ’™
!!! Happy to hear you're alive ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’– thank you for your support, I did make it !
Also I know you sent this as "self indulgent", but oooh I love it sm!!!
A day with Mams at an amusement park sounds like so much fun!! He's definitely been looking forward to it, and wants to make the most of it with you. Because of this he's already been holding for a while before he tells you. Even if you'd passed a bathroom without a line he wouldn't have gone, because that would mean missing out on fun he could be having with you instead! And now, when you tell him to hold it, he's jittery with a bit of anxiety but mostly excitement. He knows you know his limits, and he's going to put a lot of trust in you with deciding how much longer to stay in public. The moment you decide to go is when you exit a particularly thrilling ride and Mammon has a little wet spot, not anything dramatic or very visible to an outsider, but just enough to get you to lead him out. As soon as you get in the car he'd be crying about how he's sorry he let out a little, so you'd need to praise him for holding so long, and being such a good boy.
And yeah there's no way he's making it to the bathroom. He'd try, kudos to him for that, but with the way he was holding himself in the car, bouncing his leg, and gripping your arm with his free hand... you kind of suspected he'd relieve himself before getting there. He's going to need praise, clean up, and then a handjob... unless you want him rutting against your thigh... or on his hands and knees while you pound him so good he can't think anymore
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punkscowardschampions ยท 4 years
Lux & Amber
Lux: Hey, Amber, I was wondering if I could talk to you, when you've got the time to ๐Ÿ’ฌ back and forth for a bit ๐Ÿ˜Œ Amber: Hi Amber: this'll work... Amber: are you okay? Lux: Yes in the sense this isn't a total emergency Lux: but no in the sense I'm not bothering you for no reason Lux: I don't know how to start this Amber: total emergencies are what my mama's for anyway, but I'll still try to help, if I can Lux: Yeah Lux: not that I'll be having that kind of emergency ever Lux: well, it was his idea Lux: and I don't know whether he expected me to follow up on it or not but I'm going to Lux: so maybe I don't feel as insane Lux: it's about Dash Amber: Oh Amber: we're not together if that's what's worrying you, it was just once Amber: and it won't be happening again Lux: I knew you weren't Lux: maybe knew is an overstatement, thought, anyway Lux: what do you think of him? Amber: you did, because he doesn't do 'together' and we all know that Amber: what did he do to make you feel insane? Amber: I think it's probably similar to the way he made me feel stupid, but I'm ready to be wrong Lux: How did he make you feel stupid? Amber: I thought we were friends, we're not Amber: and I thought that maybe he was just a little lost, but he knows exactly what he's looking for Lux: Yeah Lux: I think it might be the same Lux: he said one thing at the time Lux: but then today he said something that made that all so Lux: gross Amber: because he wanted something different from you today from wanting to have sex with you Lux: he said it was part of the tour Lux: which in itself...but then he said he only did it to 'tourists' Amber: I've been here for months, how am I a tourist? Lux: I know! Amber: my family lives and works here and he goes to school with me, I see him every day for like hours, on the commune and outside of it Lux: I wanted him to admit that it was a lie, that this was like family, because that isn't what you do to family, even if it's totally chill or whatever, you still don't view all these girls as your sisters, like you clearly do the boys as your bros Lux: but he couldn't do that, 'cos if this is all bullshit then what is he doing Lux: but then that amounted to him essentially saying he did it to the most fucked up, vulnerable girls, who he knew would go away before it became an issue for him...and that's me, so, everything else he said is untrue and manipulative and Amber: I don't think he understands family for what it's worth, whether he really believes this is one or he's hiding behind that Amber: but if that's his perspective, I understand now why he seemed to immediately regret sleeping with me, because it's unlikely I'm leaving any time soon Amber: even if my 'vulnerability' did jump out Lux: you've at least confirmed I'm not hysterical Lux: he said I should ask you, that it's cool Amber: I'm sorry he hurt and used you like that, I didn't realise I'd have to start warning every girl here Amber: or that he was THAT person Amber: yes, he lied to me and stole from me but he's not the first hippie boy I've met who tried to do some kind of free love revival Lux: he said he wasn't scared of me 'telling' on him to these girls because everyone else is into it too Lux: but he asked me not to multiple times so clearly he doesn't think everyone would still be down if it was total transparency Amber: plenty of people here are into it and whatever you say or don't say, there'll be girls who are still into him Amber: I fell for it after everything I'd seen and heard because he made me want to, I was still willing to give him another chance afterwards Amber: pretty face and prettier words, right? Lux: I'm just sick of dealing with people who are shitty Lux: just because they're not as shitty to me as everyone else Amber: there are people here who would listen, I hope, hold him accountable instead of falling into the forgiveness and understanding speech immediately Amber: my mama, for one, if it came from you instead of me Lux: there's people here who don't like me too Lux: more than that Amber: Who? Lux: I'm not trying to turn this into a big tattle-tale party Lux: I tried to tell him but he wasn't listening Amber: you can tell me, I'll keep my temper and listen Amber: nobody wants to listen to teenage girls and I'm not feeding into that lie that we're all hysterical, even though I am angry Lux: some of the older ladies Lux: they don't think I am a teenage girl Lux: that I've co-opted the experience of being a woman for the aesthetic, without ever having to face the adversity and struggles they do, as biological women Amber: I don't have the vocabulary to express how disgustingly narrow and dangerous that thinking is Lux: it's interesting to hear it from a perspective other than religion, I guess Lux: but still Lux: he thinks it's perfect here, and everyone is Amber: and his brother thinks it's hell on earth Lux: you know his brother? Amber: I met him and my 'aesthetic' jumped out for him Amber: he decided who I am because I live here Lux: I almost thought he'd made him up Lux: in a weird way Lux: I don't know how you get Dash and then him, from what he sounds like, anyway Amber: their experiences are actually entirely different Amber: Dash has opted out of any of the struggles, by being here, so it is perfect for him in that way, I guess Amber: like a utopia Amber: it's no wonder his brother thinks none of us live in the real world Lux: He doesn't 'do' responsibility, he said that Lux: responsibility to be an alright person really is the minimum Amber: plenty of people here obviously don't either Amber: those woman you mentioned don't even understand their own privilege, they just want to tell you yours Lux: don't get me wrong Lux: here is fine Lux: and lots of the people are nice and whatever Lux: but whenever I talk about my family it's like this smugness of how backwards they are when I've got the same treatment from plenty of non-religious folks for no reason but disagreeing Lux: my parents think they're saving me from eternal damnation, because they love me, that's not nothing Amber: like the thinking that anything about living this way makes us superior isn't backward Amber: they're pretending to be free and open is the key to the kingdom and the only way anyone gets to be here Amber: but it's not Lux: I just need somewhere I'm safe Lux: so I can actually sort out what I'm doing with the rest of my life Amber: I know what you mean Amber: I feel like I'm always asking for time to figure things out but it doesn't happen like that Lux: Sorry to put more strain on your time right now Lux: it just Lux: ugh Amber: honestly, it's a relief that there's someone else who feels the same about this place Amber: I can't talk to my parents about it, they love it here Lux: You can talk to me about it any time Lux: even if I am your dad's teacher's pet right now Lux: I just get really bored of the manual labour here, I don't mind chipping in, obviously, but being stuck here all day every day, I want to be using my ๐Ÿง  Amber: he talks about you A LOT and I am jealous but I'm not holding it against you personally Amber: if only you could take my place in school... Amber: but for now, do you want to come with me? Somewhere where everything is concrete and plastic? Lux: Dash would be so upset we're not talking about him right there Lux: sounds like heaven Amber: does he 'do' upset? ๐Ÿ™„ Lux: I'm trying not to care right now Amber: we're caring about ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ’… like teenage girls with like ZERO struggles Amber: I full intend to buy the most uncomfortable and impractical bra ever and wear it everywhere those women are Lux: ๐Ÿ˜† Lux: as long as I can find some falsies to fill mine Amber: I probably should too, there's not much going on here Amber: and when you're in a better headspace, I'll introduce you to my friends from school Amber: I think it'll help Lux: really? ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Amber: Yes, some of them are so 'normal' it makes me feel ๐Ÿ‘ฝ Amber: but in a good way Lux: I could use that Amber: the conversations hit different because they are Lux: I liked talking to him Lux: 'til he messed it all up Amber: not to be โœŒโ˜ฎ๐Ÿ•Š but do you want to give him another chance? Lux: I really don't know what I think or what I'm going to do yet Lux: I've got no desire to hate anyone or be petty Lux: but he isn't sorry so Lux: I'm just a pushover and an idiot if I give him another chance Amber: caring is important but you need to care about yourself too, especially if he isn't sorry Lux: I just hope he can make some better choices Lux: but unlikely Lux: he's happy with how it is right now Amber: treating girls right instead of passing them around like ๐Ÿšฌ๐ŸŒฟ isn't growth he's ready for Amber: yet Lux: its hard to know what I should say Lux: if anything Lux: to these other girls he was openly being nasty abouy Amber: his honesty was brutal, why soften the truth if it only protects him? Amber: you can always show them the relevant parts of the conversation if you kept it Lux: I'd feel like crap if other people got hurt needlessly when I knew Lux: but I'm hardly endearing myself to them if they don't see it how I do and they just think I'm trying to like, claim him or whatever nonsense Amber: I can do it, he's already made all those jokes about me being ๐Ÿ’” Amber: and I've been here long enough for everyone to know who I am Lux: ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜’ Lux: why are guys like that Lux: they say they wanna chill with down girls but then their ego makes them wanna believe you're actually in LOVE with them Amber: I wish I knew, and that I didn't have sex with him Amber: but he probably would have said I did anyway, I guess Lux: He's the second person I've ever Amber: well now I'm really ๐Ÿ˜  Amber: my dad'll be upset about it but if I see him around I will hit him Lux: I mean, I'm straight Lux: so I was gay Amber: that's adversity if those judgemental woman would like to get into it, liking boys is the biggest struggle Amber: they really don't make it easy for us Lux: Are there any boys you like that aren't him Amber: I need to make better decisions, so that means saying no to that question Lux: Gotcha Amber: but it's a lie and I'm not lying to you today too Amber: just so you know Lux: I appreciate it Lux: probably got enough frivolous boy chat for the both of us though, so you can try to be better Amber: he did say he likes me, I do have that in writing, but what have we learned today if not to trust stuff like that Lux: is he from school? Lux: not all guys can be total assholes, right Lux: that sounds like something those old ladies would say Amber: he's a good person but he insists he's bad for me, I have to listen to that, don't I? Lux: depends why he thinks that, I suppose Lux: it could be an insecurity thing Lux: or a genuine warning Amber: he thinks it's genuine, and I know why he does, we are very different Lux: good different like your school friends Lux: or the bad kind Amber: I don't know Lux: Tricky Amber: it's another thing I need more time to figure out Lux: You'll have it Lux: boys wait for girls like you Amber: girls like me? Lux: Beautiful Amber: that's girls like US Lux: ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜š Amber: beautiful and weird and getting out of here for a while even if boys are waiting for us Lux: heck yeah! Lux: he's waiting on Cleopatra though, currently Amber: who? Amber: is she new here? Lux: oh, that's not her real name Lux: umm Lux: another ๐Ÿ’Ž Amber: he's not waiting for me Lux: Sapphire! Amber: of course Lux: I don't know her Amber: she got here a few weeks ago, her brother Onyx tends to speak for her more than she does for herself Lux: don't love that Lux: was picturing Liz Taylor Lux: wouldn't need to worry about her Amber: did he say she looks like Elizabeth Taylor? Lux: just Cleo Lux: well, 'vibe' which can mean everything and nothing, I really don't know Amber: I don't ๐Ÿ‘€ it Lux: like you said, if anything his words are pretty Lux: which is nice, in a fucked up kinda way Amber: I don't think I'll try and remember how he described my 'vibe' though Lux: just let me know if he's doubling up on ๐Ÿ‘ผs Amber: there are less ๐Ÿ‘ผ๐Ÿฝ it would be creative Amber: but no Lux: not going to keep a list for him so he can keep track or anything Amber: if he keeps one himself I didn't find it when I searched his room Lux: wait, WHAT??!? Amber: he stole my stash, I didn't want my dad to get upset with me so I went to his house to see if I could get it back Amber: that's how I met his brother Amber: I didn't find it, if he smoked with you, that was on me Lux: asshole Lux: I need to find something cute to wear at the shops Lux: it's the most teen girl response possible Amber: [tells her where she can find all the best clothes because it'd be such a free for all cos nobody has proper rooms or storage like] Lux: ๐Ÿคž having my ankles on display is a CHOICE LEWK Lux: ['cos how many of these malnourished girls are 5'10 lol] Amber: โœ‚ Amber: short shorts are a teenage girl staple Amber: I'm going to get something else pierced while I'm this young and beautiful Lux: ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„ I have the legs for it ๐Ÿ’ Amber: and if you get ๐Ÿ˜ฝ called, you get to say everything Dash refused to listen to earlier Lux: Alright, I'm ready ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿคฉ ๐Ÿฅณ Amber: ๐Ÿ™ƒ Amber: let's go!
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punkscowardschampions ยท 6 years
Rio & Buster
Rio: Indie had a good night out that didn't result in me holding back her hair Rio: Am I dreaming??? Buster: Gotta be Rio: Yeah forreal Rio: Can call be a Mum all you like though, 'cos think she's got a proper lil boyfriend and I am so proud ๐Ÿ˜œ Buster: Thought you two didn't do hubbys Rio: Not as a rule but she's defs ๐Ÿ˜ Rio: So cute Buster: While it lasts Rio: Oosh, pessimist this morning, are we? Rio: Was gonna ask how you were but ??? Buster: I'm being real. It's Indie Buster: And she's learnt from you Rio: She's 17, would you like her to have a marriage under her belt already Rio: and why you being a cunt about me for? Buster: I'm not Buster: I'm saying, she doesn't need to get wifed up at 17 like Buster: And she won't Buster: He's just one in a line, she had a crush on me, remember? What makes this lad special? Rio: Alright Rio: She can still enjoy it whilst it lasts, nah? Rio: So can I ๐Ÿคท Rio: Don't worry, I know she still has time for you, like, your ego can chill Buster: Never said otherwise Buster: You're the one throwing your congrats around for her and her new man Buster: Making it something it ain't and won't be Rio: And we get to the real issue here Rio: Look, I don't have expectations, alright? You don't need to worry, I'm not Chlo about it like, Jesus Rio: Give me some credit Buster: Fuck off Buster: I already know what expectations you've got. Understood like Rio: Do you? 'Cos you are deffo reading something wrong here Buster: I'm not an idiot Rio: Again, didn't say you were Rio: But I don't know where the fuck this has come from Buster: Then you're the stupid one Buster: Come on, Rio Rio: That's what it is Rio: I'm not clever enough for you? Did one of your arrogant law school friends see us the other night and now you've gotta ditch me and pray third times a charm with Erin? Rio: Fuck, I didn't know you were an ACTUAL snob, Buster Buster: Fuck you Buster: I'm not making this that easy for you Buster: If you want out get a better excuse, babe Rio: You're the one that's saying all this! Buster: Don't act like you don't know what's pissing me off Rio: I actually fucking don't Rio: Not a mindreader, yeah? Buster: Finally admitting it Buster: Usually reckon you know it all, yeah? Rio: Don't be a twat Rio: Just tell me Rio: I can handle it Buster: Last night Rio: What? Rio: You didn't like it? Buster: You know I did Buster: That's not the problem Rio: What then? It can't happen again? Rio: I thought we were past this Buster: We're clearly not in the same place Buster: Or headspace whatever Buster: I told you to stay. What the fuck Rio: But you don't have to Rio: Don't feel you have to, you know Rio: I get it Buster: No you don't Buster: I didn't do it for that Rio: You've just got out of a thing, and you've been fucked over and tied down unwittingly before that Rio: I'm not trying to be that, you don't have to pretend with me Rio: You want what you want and that's okay Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: Something wrong with your hearing this morning or do you just not wanna hear this Rio: I wanna hear but you ain't saying shit Buster: Cause you're too busy doing it for me like Buster: I'm trying to tell you what I want Buster: Christ Rio: Tell me Rio: Alright, I'm listening Buster: Yeah? Cause you didn't last night Rio: I didn't think you meant it Rio: not meant to hold people to what they say during sex, figure that rule extended to right after, like Buster: I reckoned we were past saying shit we don't mean Buster: I wanted you here with me Buster: I fucking still do Rio: Oh Buster: Tell me what you want Buster: Cause if I'm wasting my time I wanna know Rio: You know I want you Rio: I just feel stupid now Buster: I know you wanna fuck me Buster: I need to know if you wanna stay around after Rio: I do Rio: I thought you knew that too Rio: but I was thinking that's the opposite of what you wanted so I was just ignoring that side of it to keep you happy Rio: Pathetic, I'm aware Buster: How could you think that? Buster: You're the smart one like Rio: It sounds stupider now than it felt Rio: You can't blame me, like, you did just try and chuck me again Rio: its not like its ancient history Buster: I didn't Buster: I told you it wasn't about us Buster: And it's not like I wanted Erin Rio: I know, I get why you did it, 'course I do Rio: but it still woulda ended it, like Buster: But it wouldn't have been what I wanted Buster: You know I want you Rio: but I don't always know how Rio: you don't either, I know like Rio: we've not really said..ever Buster: Tell me now Rio: I want to be with you Rio: Basically all the time Rio: and not just because I wanna fuck you all the time either Rio: Still true but Rio: I do like you too Buster: Good Buster: I've told you so many times before that we're the same Buster: Need to start hearing me, babe Rio: I might just start Rio: Maybe Buster: Yeah? Buster: I wish Buster: I thought you knew what the bracelet meant like Rio: I know what it meant to me Rio: I don't know, I guess I'm scared to read into things you say and do, case I get it wrong and get fucked up over it Rio: Call me a pussy if you want Buster: I won't Buster: I get it Buster: But I'm not Drew and I'm never trying to give you mixed messages Buster: You can trust Rio: Okay Rio: I do Rio: in almost every way Rio: and I want to with the rest too Buster: Okay Buster: I know I've fucked up a lot but I'm not gonna do that any more, as best as I can swear to it Buster: You're too important to me like Rio: I'm not going anywhere Rio: I'm sorry I left Buster: I can't blame you Buster: I was gonna leave you, like it or not Buster: I'm sick of trying to fight this Buster: I care about you Rio: You're just trying to do what's right, be a good person, I'm not going to fault you that Rio: but you are good already Rio: you know that, right? Buster: All I know is if this is wrong then I'll be wrong. Fucking gladly. It doesn't feel like it to me, never has Rio: Me either Rio: Its only knowing what everyone else will think Rio: but it feels right to me, for me Buster: Yeah Buster: I don't care what anyone else thinks, just what you think Rio: Do you mean that? Buster: I do Buster: I wanna give you what you want, if we're fucking or not Rio: I wish I could claim you Buster: You already have Buster: I've not felt like this for anyone else Rio: Me either Rio: I didn't think I was capable honestly Buster: Proved you wrong, babe Buster: I wanna take you out. A meal or whatever. Not like we're sneaking around in the fucking dark Rio: I'd like that Rio: I told Indie Rio: Don't be mad, swear she won't tell anyone, she knew there was someone and I didn't want to say that was anyone but you Buster: Fuck Buster: What did she say? I don't want to fuck things up between you and her Rio: She was obviously taken aback at first Rio: but she is genuinely okay with it Rio: even happy for me Rio: gutted to have missed out herself, like but you know Buster: You're not just telling me what I wanna hear, are you? Buster: Minus that last part Rio: No Rio: For real, swear on my life Rio: I was headfucked too Buster: Maybe if we ever tell anyone else they won't be as headfucked themselves as we reckoned Buster: I don't know but it's good to think about Rio: Yeah, we don't wanna get too cocky too soon Rio: even if that's your speciality Rio: but maybe the world wouldn't implode? hm Buster: I'm well mad you said that before I could Buster: My MO Buster: Did you mean what you said about claiming me? Cause I have an idea Rio: Sorry to ruin your fun, babe Rio: Of course Rio: Hit me Buster: Well you're wearing something for me, I should too, yeah? Buster: Let's shop Rio: Yeah? Rio: Never turning down a shopping spree Rio: Let's do this Buster: Maybe I'll get you something too Buster: If you behave Buster: No clues if I mean good or bad Rio: Lucky I'm so great at both Rio: and I always work out what you want Buster: Yeah Buster: And lucky for me when you model it that's entirely for my benefit Buster: We both win Rio: ๐Ÿ˜ Rio: Feels good being a winner again Rio: Especially with you Rio: but just know if we're buying lingerie you're helping me try on and take off in the changing rooms okay Buster: Just know then we might not make it to purchasing anything Buster: And don't blame me if we get kicked out Rio joined the chat 8 hours ago Rio: ๐Ÿคท I don't mind Rio: we're treating you, already got mine Buster: But we're meant to both be winning like Rio: We still will be, trust Rio: or we can behave and be really boring if you're feeling it Buster: I like you, yeah, but I ain't that whipped cheers Buster: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Rio: If you think that's what I'm gon' be cracking the whip for, you're mistaken hun ๐Ÿ˜ Buster: Valid, you can't be distracting me in lectures one minute and telling me to behave the next Buster: When do you wanna head out spending? Rio: Oh, can't I now? Rio: Bold assumption Rio: I'm ready whenever you are, not got anything on 'til my shift tonight Buster: On my way then Buster: Fuck it Rio: Yay Rio: Just need to get changed Rio: not gon' let me in the good stores like Rio: not on my pretty woman clapback best today Buster: I look so good it won't matter what you wear Buster: Other than to me 'course Buster: So take your time Rio: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Rio: Boy bye Rio: I got my fans, how dare Buster: I know but I'm trying not to think about it Buster: Got jealous enough already Rio: Yeah? Rio: That mean you don't wanna head up the club, like? ๐Ÿ˜ Buster: What do you think? Rio: ๐Ÿ’‹ Rio: I only want you, the rest just pay my bills, babe Buster: Too late to kick it old school and set you up like you're my mistress all expenses paid Buster: Flat set up to have you all to myself sounds good though Rio: Feminism fucked me on that one, yeah Rio: at least you got the dubo place to yourself basically all the time Buster: Thank fuck Buster: It's hard enough sneaking around when we've got somewhere to go Buster: If I couldn't see you as much like Buster: Fuck Rio: Rich boy perks paying off as per ๐Ÿ˜‰ Rio: but nah, I feel that too, too hard Rio: like Indie knows now but she don't need a show still Buster: Much as she'd like catching one of my performances Buster: Don't need to make your friendship that weird Rio: ๐Ÿ™„ thought you didn't do performances? Buster: Maybe Buster: Maybe not Rio: Hmpf Rio: who you been performing for if not me boy Buster: Gonna dole that fake shit out to my exes Buster: You know you don't make me feel like you Rio: Damn, you're too smooth Rio: see how we got in this trouble Rio: can't be blamed Buster: Can't lie Buster: You gotta handle the truth Rio: Okay, only if you can handle all this Rio: [sends pics, more cutesy than usual but still hot obvs] Buster: Doing my best like Buster: Always trying to make me die at the wheel Rio: No Rio: I'm not Buster: ๐Ÿคž ๐Ÿ€ Rio: Seen more lively morgues than this joint tonight ๐Ÿ’€ Rio: Entertain me? Buster: Course Buster: I could always do it in person you know Buster: Try not to get too jealous of your customers Rio: As much of a tryhard as you are, babe- ๐Ÿ˜˜ Rio: Better boozers about, trust Rio: Looking for new jobs rn like, soz, know y'all all miss me Buster: Takes one to know one, babe Buster: Fucking feminism making you pay your own bills Buster: Keep getting reminders of it today like Rio: ๐Ÿ–• Rio: Gotta try hard to get these tight old fuckers to part with the tips, like Rio: If only we'd known what we were fighting for, eh ladies? ๐Ÿ˜‚ Rio: but it's all good, 'cos the only reminder all my new shit is giving me is of us definitely getting caught by that shop assistant but we were throwing too much ๐Ÿ’ธ around for her to do anything about it Buster: And you looked so hot in all of it Buster: Can't blame her for wanting to get a front row Rio: Glad you think so baby, the good shit is for your eyes only Rio: Don't need potential investors knowing I can already afford that shit shh ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿคญ Rio: as long as she abides by look but don't touch, I'm cool Buster: Nah for my eyes only you said Buster: It's well shit you have to work tonight Rio: Obviously not her, weren't feeling her that hard, like, even tho she was werkin' what she had for the commission but whaddya reckon on threesomes? Rio: Yeah, proper shit ever having to leave the bed init ๐Ÿ’” Rio: Fucking rest of the world, leave us alone for a bit Buster: You know how I feel about sharing Buster: Depends if who you're thinking of is worth it like Buster: Yeah Buster: Since you mentioned it, guess who's blowing my phone up and making me wish even harder you were here Rio: No, good Rio: I feel the same Rio: Done it before but Rio: can we keep it just you and me please Rio: Didn't leave it at the bitchy comment then? Not the entertainment I was after but, always happy to oblige isn't she Buster: You know I only want you Buster: It's more than fine with me if you feel the same Buster: My fault for thinking how bored I was, yeah? Can't lie though I was hoping we'd distract each other Buster: Maybe she sensed it. Still trying to cockblock after all this time Rio: You make me feel so special ๐Ÿ˜‡ Rio: Lbr, who's competing with me, good luck hoe ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚ Rio: She's like anti-viagra, her mission in life to bring down the vibe and your hard on ๐Ÿ˜’ Rio: Got an idea but what bullshit she chatting Buster: Easiest thing I've ever done and you know I'm a lazy, entitled brat so long list Buster: Or me. Honestly. What lad? Fuck that Buster: Yeah. How did I ever get her pregnant? Never wanted anyone less like Buster: She's trying to say that I'm failing Jay 'cause I went shopping once without buying out half the shops for her. Please Rio: Looks like we stuck being the baddest for now then Rio: Hard job but someone's gotta, yeah? Rio: I don't even know, genuine, unless you were packing lil' blue pills for some reason Rio: ๐Ÿ˜‘ She's the one out here already trying to buy love Rio: who's the real failure, hun Buster: I can't even blame coke 'cause I didn't take any far as I remember Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: She's pissing me off already Buster: Acting like Jay's boring her like Rio: Who could be bored with their own child? Rio: Soz real babies don't come with as many fun features as your dollies, like...the fuck? Buster: She's like a kid herself Buster: Her parents do everything and she has the nerve to act like I'm the one not pulling my weight Buster: I take the piss a lot with mine like, but I don't dump Jay on them as well Rio: Having a kid SHOULD grow you up but it don't always Rio: seen it with a lot of people I went to School with, all about the drama STILL, like they ain't got mouths to feed Rio: You're a good Dad, that's why Rio: No one can say otherwise Buster: Now who's making who feel special Rio: You should know Rio: and she ain't gonna tell you unless you marry her dumb ass so Buster: And that ain't never happening Buster: I'd rather the shotgun blew my head off Rio: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Rio: No one is gunning for that one but her Rio: If you reckoned you were gonna do that next to make things right, I'd have to lock you up for your own sake, not even selfish, like Buster: I'd let you, not even selfishly, though it'd be fucking hot like Buster: Looks like I might get to see Jay soon though ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿคž Rio: ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿคค๐Ÿ˜ Don't need to be given any more ideas about what I wanna do to you but I'll take 'em Rio: No way! See, cocky for a reason, gotta admit like Rio: How have you managed that? So happy Buster: It didn't take much, she has a life of her own, don't you know?! ๐Ÿ˜’ Buster: It obviously takes an age to prepare for a girls spa trip like Rio: Unsurprised Rio: but give a shit, she can spa 'til she shrivels up, like Rio: she's got so big like Rio: Jay, not Chlo Rio: not going for low hanging fruit bitchiness Buster: You ain't wrong on either count, but lot of other shit I can slag her off for before that Buster: Chlo's well thrilled Jay can say more words, gotta get those insta vids uploaded often enough that people think you care Rio: Absolutely, so not on brand to be a shit Mum Rio: cute though Rio: the fam will be buzzing to get to see her again Buster: Yeah Buster: I won't blame you if you don't wanna see me as much like Buster: Baby can be a mood killer Rio: Don't be daft Rio: It will be a bit weird for me compared to the rest but what else is new there? Rio: I still love her, like Buster: Suppose we'll have to find our rhythm with it 'cause when the other one gets here I'll have to hit the ground running from day 1 Buster: No excuse to be part time other than the ma hating me like Rio: Are you ready? Buster: Gotta be Rio: True Rio: At least this time the Ma isn't insane Buster: Thank christ Buster: Next time I might get one I actually like. Third time lucky and shit Rio: That's the plan, is it? Rio: You blatantly just want a male heir Buster: 'Course Buster: Do the world a favor creating a mini me Buster: Jay's already beautiful like Rio: Such a joker, McKenna Rio: though no kidding on that score Buster: Not asking you to volunteer to make me one, babe Buster: It's fine Rio: Obviously Rio: But you make 2 by accident and all of a sudden you're picking out names and potential mamas Buster: What can I say? So good at being a dad it'd be a crime to stop Rio: ๐Ÿ™„ I can't with you boy ๐Ÿ˜‚ Buster: You love it Buster: I know you miss me Rio: Miss you more when you're a one-man sperm bank ๐Ÿ˜œ Rio: I do though, this shift could not drag any harder Buster: What time do you finish? Rio: last orders 12.30 but I'm closing 'cos the boss man cba Rio: come help if you like Buster: Only if you're offering me a lock in Buster: Honestly though, I can. Don't have anything on at uni until the afternoon Rio: I'm offering you a nightcap, think on, boyo Rio: Good, then we've got 'til then Rio: let's make it worth it Buster: Course Buster: The sooner I get my assignments done the sooner I can go get Jay too so gonna need you to motivate me Buster: I'm sure you've got plenty of ideas Rio: Absolutely, best study buddy you ever had Rio: Gotta be a hotshot lawyer or I'm out, like Buster: Yeah? Buster: I'd give you a week until you missed me too bad Rio: Channel that confidence into your work and you won't have to find out the hard way ๐Ÿ˜ Buster: Well played Rio: I'll take my bow and reward when you're done tah Buster: But I know you ain't working hard enough for it yet Rio: Firm but fair Rio: such a DILF ๐Ÿ˜œ Buster: You're trying to joke but it's true Buster: We're parent goals here, ma ๐Ÿ˜œ Rio: I tell you you're daddy all the time Rio: No surprises here Buster: But I ain't gonna be mad that you said it again Rio: Now you're really gonna have to work harder to have me screaming that Buster: Nah, it's easily done Rio: Wish you'd come and prove it, babe Buster: I know Buster: But I'll make it worth it when I get there Rio: Same Rio: I'll let you focus for now though Rio: Good girl, see? Buster: I'd rather you let me distract us both Buster: Slow enough night that I could have you on the bar or I'd just have to hide behind it like? Rio: Baby Rio: You're killing me Rio: soz that pint was all head, something on my mind Buster: You're just trying to reciprocate, giving head while you're getting it Buster: They're welcome Rio: Be here now Buster: I don't want you to lose your job, babe Buster: Hot as it is to make you lose control Rio: I do Rio: Fuck this job and fuck me Buster: Gladly Buster: When's your break, that'd be a compromise worth making, yeah? Rio: I'm head tonight so I'll just take it Rio: we should wait though, right? you get some work done, I'll try too and then closing will be all the better Buster: You're right Rio: Standard Buster: If you get any more cocky I won't be getting any work done Rio: Sorry, you're too damn fun to distract Rio: Easy, too Buster: Shut up Buster: It's your fault Buster: Making me and my game look weak Buster: Thank Christ this all a secret Buster: And I have an idea how to level the playing field Rio: Your rep is safe Rio: Only I know how whipped you really are, s'how I like it too Rio: Yeah? Intrigued, maybe Buster: Take your break, babe. Touch yourself and think about me Buster: You'll be as weak as me Buster: And left wanting more too Rio: Done and done Rio: My fingers will do until your tongue can replace 'em and finish the job properly Rio: You want me to show you or is thinking about it enough already? Buster: Proof or it didn't happen Buster: And you can't hold me to anything if not Rio: you really want to get out of your job here? ow ๐Ÿ’” Rio: [10 mins later, said video] Rio: Will that convince you I need you? Buster: It's a start Buster: a fucking good one Rio: Well, I'm beyond ready for you Buster: I'm beyond regretting telling you to keep your job so there's your answer Buster: I've never wanted someone more instead of less as time goes on Buster: Until you Rio: I know Rio: I'm addicted to you Buster: I'd say sorry but I'm not Rio: Don't care, just keep giving me my fix and I'm happy Buster: I'm not about to stop, don't worry Buster: My family might be around more once Jay is though so thank christ Indie's on side Rio: Yeah, fair Rio: I'm not that much of a selfish cow Rio: That's your time with her, see me when you can, like Buster: I want time with you too and I'll make it Buster: Besides, who better to help me with a baby than the greatest ma I know Rio: I'd like that Buster: Yeah? Buster: I know it's a lot, but you're both important to me Rio: I'm ready Rio: Promise Buster: I love you Buster: So fucking much Rio: I love you too Buster: Tell me again when I see you and I'll know you mean it Buster: Don't want you to just feel like you have to say it back 'cause Rio: I will Rio: You'll see Rio: I've wanted to say that for a while now Buster: Sorry for beating you to it, but me too Rio: I'm glad, I was too scared, what if I never Buster: I'd still know Buster: I was shitting myself too though, not said it before Buster: I'm glad I have now Rio: Good, 'cos I'm gonna make you say it 'til you don't mean it no more Rio: feels too good Buster: I'm not gonna stop meaning it. Good luck Rio: I love you, Buster Buster: I love you too, Rio Buster: Get used to it like Rio: Don't know if I can Rio: its crazy Buster: I reckon you can do pretty much anything if you want it bad enough Buster: And I know you want this Rio: You really think that? Rio: I wanna do great things with you Buster: 'Course Buster: I don't fall in love with just anyone Buster: How could we not? We're both unbeatable like Buster: Together. Who else has a chance? Rio: Yeah Rio: Was never gonna be anyone else, I've known that for a while too Rio: I'm just so relieved to finally know for certain you feel it too Buster: Sorry to keep you waiting Buster: Always doing that Rio: Nah, I'd rather you were sure than say it too soon and regret it later Rio: and I've done my fair sure of making you wait so we're even on that one Buster: Not surprised. You're on my level all the time Buster: I didn't reckon I could be this happy. Don't get me wrong, I love being a dad and I wouldn't change it, but it doesn't always make me feel great Buster: You do Rio: Understandable, its a hard, thankless (most the time) fucking job, sure any of the 'rents would be happy to shout that at you like you don't know yourself Rio: but Jay is the best, and your other girl will be too, 'cos you're their Dad Buster: I actually believe that coming from you Buster: You make me feel like I'm not all just bullshit ego or whatever and could properly do something good Rio: Good Rio: 'cos you can and you will Rio: and Imma be right there with you Buster: I don't know how you started believing in me and not my bullshit but I ain't mad Rio: I told you, not as good an actor as people have you believing, sorry to burst ya bubble but not Rio: people didn't get to know the real you because it was too hard for 'em to bother Rio: I ain't never been afraid of a challenge, you know this Buster: Yeah Buster: Reckon you'll have to get me in front of the camera and let me work on that Buster: Keep the secret safe Rio: Now I know you're just saying that to make me happy ๐Ÿ˜ Buster: I wanna make you so fucking happy Buster: Trust me Rio: I do Rio: We're gonna have it all Buster: Can I get you fired if I promise to find you a new job? Buster: 'Cause fucking hell Buster: I've gotta see you Rio: You have to Rio: Got big plans and they don't involve this place, but they definitely do you Buster: Fuck it then Buster: Nothing to stop me unless there's anyone there you don't want to see this Rio: I couldn't care less about anyone that ain't you right now Rio: You know I wanna claim you Buster: Good Buster: I'll be right there
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