#seriously guys why do we pick writing as a hobby
fuckyeahdindjarin · 4 months
When you go two months without writing a single word and you're not sure you ever want to go back to it. Who's with me 🙋🏻‍♀️
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dazais-guardian-angel · 3 months
gotta say that if bram stoker is trying to convince me that Renfield isn't actually future Johnathan from another timeline, then he isn't doing a very good job at it
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ribbonprincess · 6 months
Since you want to write something I'm here to give a suggestion! 🙂‍↕️
Should we go old school and bring back s1 jj? 👀 R and jj have some history (not on talking terms anymore) so the pogues convince jj to ask her for the breathing things (I have no idea what they're called in english but iykyk) and she tells him he can get it only if he takes her with him? And then maybe some interactions with reader (a kook) and the pogues! Just some good ol' s1 vibes, some fluff, lil angst if you feel like it
Walking over your yacht at the port,JJ sighs,knowing this is the only option. Hopping on,it doesn't take long before he finds you "hey cupcake" turning your head to look at him you release a sigh before crossing your arms over your chest.
"JJ,what do you want? if my parents see you,you're good as dead?" "well...you see,I might need some scuba diving gear" Furrowing your eyebrows you stand up,looking over him before shaking your head,moving over the back of the place. You couldn't say no to him,you still need to work on that "why?found a new hobby?" Chuckling awkwardly, he rolls the pick in his mouth "no,no...uhm,me and the pogues need it"
"what- why?" "can't tell you that princess,it's private information- just know that we really need it" Raising an eyebrow you put everything in front of you. "if you really want everything then you either tell me or I come with you" JJ runs a hand through his hair as he thinks "I...fuck- fine,you can come but no questions okay?" "yeah,okay sure"
Driving over the other side of the island you sigh before talking "so,I can't know what you guys are looking for?" "no,John b will skin me alive if I told you- the others are gonna already be mad that you're there"
"I'm bringing you the gear so the least you can do is be a bit happy." Looking over him as you stop at a red light, you find him already staring at you,chucking awkwardly he is the first to speak. "I know we haven't talked in a while but,how are you doing?" Scoffing under your breath you continue to drive before answering "I'm fine,will ask the same about you but the answer wouldn't really be truthful so" "oh come on,I know things haven't ended in great terms but still-" "exactly they haven't,so drop it"
Arriving at the spot you park your car,hopping off as JJ picks up the gear. "seriously? what is she doing here?" you can hear Kiara groan as you walk over the boat. "hi guys,you haven't missed me?" Receiving an eye roll from everyone you nod to yourself "I brought the scuba gear,be happy."
As John b finally dives into the water after arriving at the spot you continue to steal glances with JJ, Pope and Kiara sitting in awkward silence as they look at you. "You wanna tell us something?" Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion,you look over her. "no,why would I?" "I mean...you disappeared like thin air" "yeah,well- you guys didn't like me much and me and jayj stopped talking...so" "yeah,right" JJ nods as he looks over the water in deep thoughts before deciding to just let it out.
"about that- since you gave us the scuba gear I thought...maybe if you wanted you could come surfing with me tomorrow,even if you don't know how" Nodding you smile a bit. "yeah,okay...sure" "but only because of the gear you know...no other reason"
"JJ you're so bad at this,just ask her out" "wha-" "yeah...Pope's right" Chucking he looks back at you,finding you already staring with a raised eyebrow "I mean...I wouldn't say no,we could give it another try- if you commit to it,because I'm for sure not losing my time again"
JJ sighs as he runs a hand over his hair, "yeah,okay then.. we can give it another try and I'll try my best" Smiling you nod,looking at the pogues who don't look the happiest but still not as annoyed as before so maybe it is a win. You couldn't wait for tomorrow to arrive.
Should I do a part 2 where they go to the beach?(especially cause I'm not proud about how this turned out)
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illubean · 6 months
can you please write headcanons or one-shot abt chrollo with a s/o who’s fav hobby is drifting and is OBSESSED with cars and motorcycles (your writings are the best btw<3)
Chrollo with a Drifter!S/o
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Characters: Chrollo Lucilfer Type: Headcanons, College!Au, Gn!reader
made this college au bc thats the direction my brain went i hope thats ok >.<
Warnings: none
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Chrollo had always been intrigued by you
before you even started dating he's seen you around campus, often times arriving to school on your motorcycle
he thought you were seriously badass
but to him you were out of his league
why would someone as cool as you be even remotely interested in some bookworm philosophy major?
but lucky for him, you ended up formally meeting through a mutual friend
you both really hit it off at some house party Uvogin was throwing and that's how you guys ended up going on your first date
it was relatively normal, the both of you had met at a local cafe and talked about your interests and all that jazz but one detail you left out was your affinity for drifting, racing and cars
by the time the third date rolls around you insist on picking Chrollo up
he was unsure as of why but he just let it happen
another thing he was unsure of is why you scheduled this date really late at night
but when you pulled up to his apartment in this souped up sports car he was more confused about how you were even to afford all of that while being a college student
when you pulled off of the main road and into a clearing not too far out from the city he just got even more confused
"uh, were exactly are we going?" "You'll see"
after a little longer you guys saw a group of other parked sports cars and two large crowds on either side of a makeshift racetrack
before Chrollo could even fully process what was going on, you already pulled up next to this other car and there was some lady with a flag standing in front of you guys
you are speeding and drifting and racing this random guy, just doing your thing meanwhile Chrollo is screaming the entire time and gripping on his seat for dear life
after like an hour and a half of this madness it finally ends and you won the race yayyy
Chrollo was out of breath and could barely keep up with his own thoughts while you were already getting out of the car and claiming some sort of prize
when you get back in the car and start it back up is when he finally snaps his head towards you
"You're crazy!!...I kinda like that."
anyways you begin dating yayyy
and you always insist on doing all the driving just because you like cars so much
and Chrollo lets you because it saves him gas money but like...never race with him in the car again
he will go with you to whatever meets you want just let him out the car where he can watch semi safely from the sidelines
one day when he got into your car he noticed a sticker on the front of the dash that read "passenger princess" in pink fancy lettering
he bursts out laughing at this and its not like he can even deny it
you also bought Chrollo his own helmet for days you decide you want to ride your motorcycle
he is much more afraid of the motorcycle than your car and he refuses to ride it unless he knows for sure that what you're planning is something tame
but even if you do lie to him and take him somewhere to speed and race and drift and all of that the adrenaline makes you more attractive to him so he'll forgive you every time anyways
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01zfan · 7 months
wow you guys…i hit 1000 followers sometime this week! im sorry for not noticing earlier but wow im so grateful!
i seriously didn’t expect this account to even break 100. i was just writing as a little escape from my normal life. i got into riize pretty recently after losing interest in kpop as a whole for a really long time. i was a carat and nctzen (a fan of many groups, ive been into kpop since 2014 ish) but lost interest and just kinda focused on myself for a long time. i finished school, made friends, started working, started going to school AGAIN, picked up hobbies, moved away from my hometown to pursue my passion, etc.
i kinda thought that part of my life was over but riize literally stole my heart from the moment i got into them. i havent felt this way about a group for a long time and one day it just got a little too much so i wrote about separate fics for my top two (eunseok and sungchan). and you guys liked it! and you guys wanted more! and you guys commented on it and sent me asks hyping up my writing! and you guys followed me! and reblogged my stuff! and now we are here!
seriously would’ve never thought i’d have so many receptive, sweet, and sincere interactions on the stuff i write. i was seriously expecting to speak into the void like i’ve seen happen with alot of writers for fandoms. i write screenplays and sometimes its hard to remember why i like writing so much. you guys reminded me why i want to write for the rest of my life. we fangirl and talk about it together and have built a community over shared love and words. isn’t that so wonderful? i want to repay it back with good alot of good writing ^^
if you’ve been here since third and/or bad idea, right i want to say i love you so much seriously. i remember the accounts of the first people to ever follow me and comment on my stuff. i recognize the users of people who silently support me and i love you guys too heh.
if you’ve ever sent me a request thank you for giving me inspiration! i’m a big believer that on this earth one of the few things that belong to us and us alone are our ideas. it’s something no one can take from you—so thank you for giving me something so precious and trusting me to do it justice. i hope to continue making you guys happy! and if you just followed me, welcome!! i have alot of stuff to read and i plan on releasing more!
i’m working on argue with you pt three (planning on that dropping on wednesday!) and other stuff, like requests and sacrilegious so i have alot of stuff coming! thank you for your patience and thank you again so much for following me and supporting this account. you are all so special and dear to meeeeee :3. lets continue to love riize and fangirl togetherrrrr.
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http-caedis · 1 year
Here are my Yamified interpretations of ygo protags despite not remembering how most of them act 😜 (I am in the process of rewatching all of ygo up to arc v and I refuse to watch past that generation)
Yugi Muto
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- Crybaby
- I just feel like this boy is one insult away from breaking down and ykw that’s ok
- He definitely has a therapist
- The therapist definitely has a therapist
- Yugi would tell his therapist abt his wacky adventures and they’re like “Interesting,,,” *writes down that he’s fukkin insane*
- He’s a sweet boy,, prolly the nicest out of all of the protags 🥰
- Would brings snacks for his friends <3
- Definitely iS the Mom friend and that’s ok bc it’s very fitting for Yugi
- He’s always worried abt somEthing and I hc him to have crippling anxiety yuh yuh
Jaden/Judai Yuki
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- Literal definition of adhd
- I’m right I am not arguing with anyone abt that
- Nothing in his hands stays in good condition 😔
- Phone? Cracked. Duel disk? Tape repairs. Clothing? Holes and rips. Should I go on?
- Has the constant energy of a 4 year old on a sugar rush and it drives everyone insane
- Jaden please just sit down 😭
- Bro definitely raps
- It’s his second biggest hobby besides dueling ofc
- He can do a pretty solid freestyle like the boy is good
- Prefers to rap abt gay shit tho
- “Yo yo give me a beat,,, yuh”
- “So I was kissin’ this dude-”
- Goodnight 😭
Yusei Fudo
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- Does not understand a joke
- The most intimidating out of every protag
- He’s nice once you get past how scary he is
- I feel like he doesn’t know his own strength
- Like he means to gently pull someone in his direction and they end up fukkin flying 😔
- Sarcasm is his sense of humor
- Which is why no one gets his jokes
- Definitely takes things far more seriously than he should
- Has the most focused and intense face ever,,, while folding laundry
- He’s the scary dog friend that you can have around to feel safer at night 🥰
- Definitely a gentleman of the higHest order
- Like I said he’s a very cool guy,, just once you get past the intimidation and distant nature of him
- Lowkey babygirl ngl
Yuma Tsukumo
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- I’m gonna be so honest I don’t remember a singlE thing about him
- So this may be the shortest part,,, I’m gonna try tho 😭 (Sorry to all my Yuma lovers </3)
- I feel like he never knows what’s going on
- You could get his full attention,, tell him exactly what’s about to happen,,, and he’d immediately forget
- And once that thing happens he’s like woaH woAH WAI T
- Worst luck EVER
- Do noT go to him for anYTHING luck based
- You will not get what you want
- And whatever ur using will explode
- Also a nice guy,, just,,, ur gonna hafta be patient with him 😔
Yuya Sakaki
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- Oh I have many thoughts for him
- Let’s get the biggest one out of the way first 🥰
- He’s a contortionist
- Listen,, if he can do acrobatics n such,, then go alL THE WA Y
- He finds the most painful looking positions comfortable
- He’s surprisingly strong???
- “Omg hai Sylvio :3” *picks him up and puts him over his shoulder*
- Could prolly give Yusei a nice run for his money
- Back to the contortionist thing,, his friends like to just randomly put him in random positions
- “We call this one… The Pretzel!!!”
- Yuya yawns,, honestly could fall asleep like that
- Speaking of which
- Don’t share a bed with him
- Him nor Jaden honestly 😭
- They both can not be still while asleep and WILL kick you off and not apologize for it once they wake up
- Yuya is definitely part of alphabet soup I mean look at him
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ethersierra · 2 years
13 and the Coriolis crew? :D
13. My hobby is getting into the Wildest Possible Arguments in public and I will drag you into it because it gets you every time. No really if you drank half of a five hour energy would you get shitty energy for five hours or 2.5 hours of energy. I need to know this right now while the previews are playing at the movie theater, why would I wait? No seriously if I bought the Mona Lisa should I be allowed to eat it
So this ended up not being exactly as intense as I wanted to make it (I wanted them to stand on the tables at Fantasea Denny's and get kicked out for doing so) but then I started writing and the conversation had other ideas. It's surprisingly wholesome? I'll try giving chaotic another crack some other time (especially since the first few lines are a real good setup for shenanigans >:D)
Zoox was tired. Tired of waiting in line, tired of getting kicked out of said line for "reckless behavior," and tired of Amber and Devo's bullshit.
That being said, he found himself getting caught up in their bullshit more than he cared to admit.
"No, no, no- if Zoox wore pants," Amber starts, earning a look of exasperation from Devo, sitting across the table from her. "Would he wear them on his Brinarr legs, or on the lil' branches of coral?"
Zoox doesn't dignify this with a response, instead opting to slice off a bit of his pancake with his fork and bring it up to his face hole. Fantasea Denny's wasn't exactly the best nutrition for a Brinarr, but he liked the syrup a little too much to protest Devo's restaurant choice.
"But Zoox es right there! And he already es wearing pants!" Devo points out, gesturing grandly to his right, where Zoox is sat taking up most of the booth. Zoox just takes another bite. Well, he tries to. He still doesn't have the whole eating thing down.
"Well duh," Amber replies, rolling her eyes. "But those are like... standard Brinarr armor. What if he wanted to wear jeans, or cargo shorts?"
Zoox nods. "I guess I never have worn jeans... or.. cargo shorts... before... Would they even fit me?" "No, no nooo Zoox, Zoox Zoox Zoox..." Devo shakes his head and sets down his fork. "If you're going to wear human clothes, don't start with those crimes against fashion! Besides, your suit is already perfectly wonderful azit is!"
Zoox is too distracted as he considers his suit, thanking Devo for the compliment, to notice how quiet Amber is being.
Suddenly, he hears a THWAP as she brings both her utensils down hard on the tabletop. He quickly switches his focus away from Devo and instead to the angry woman sitting across from them.
"...Ambaer?" Devo prompts.
"Don't you ever," Amber starts quietly, slowly growing louder by the word. "And I mean ever, disrespect cargo shorts like that again."
Devo's expression fills with confusion. "What's the big deal with cargo shorts? Zey are just shorts with pockets, no?"
Amber shakes her head. "You don't know the half of it. Those pockets will save your life, guppy, when you least expect it. A proper adventurer has gotta always be prepared."
A silence fell between them as they returned to their respective meals. Then Zoox made a sound like he was clearing his throat (he wasn't) and picked the conversation back up.
"So, uh, I'm just curious, but- why were we talkin' about my pants again?"
"I was just wonderin', why it is you always have to do things at our level instead of your own? Like, you're made out of coral. They're all different entities, I mean, don't you, like... have certain corals that get colder than others?"
Zoox considered it for a minute. "Well, they way I see it... Hmm. You're made out of cells right?" Amber nods.
Devo turns his head up to look the Brinarr in the eye..holes. "Sorry? Cells? Like a prison?"
Amber's jaw drops. "Oh sweet summer child, what have they been teachin' ya in that church?"
He broke out into an abrupt grin and began to laugh. "I knew I could get you guys with zhat."
"Naw, Devo, c'mon, you derailed the science lesson with Zoox--"
"You guys don't seriously think Brother Seldom let me out into Founder's Wake without at least a middle school knowledge of zhe world, did you?" He said between laughs, catching his companions up in it too.
As the laughter died down, and Amber and Devo prodded for Zoox to continue on, he thought, they might all like each other more than they acted.
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flockrest · 1 year
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munday questions for mumus / @stygicniron, @lunaright, & anonymous
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which muse would you say is the most fun to write personally?
heads-up that i may answer some of these with most of my muses in mind, including those not featured on this blog!
as for most fun, is it any surprise that my answer would be tulin! out of all the Little Guys i've actually made a blog for, he's had the advantage of not additionally being an extremely minor or niche character, so levels of engagement from others have been super lovely and crucial in making him the most enjoyable to write! otherwise, toothless from httyd and my wife queen zelda from twilight princess come very close in second place due to being written with close friends in the past.
are there any muses you’ve dropped? if so was there a reason why?
i don't think i've ever consciously dropped a muse? my muses can become inactive ( writing/blogwise ) just because my interests, motivation, and energy are never aligned consistently, but i have yet to write for a character i ended up saying never again to shortly after :)
is there a trend or a specific type of muses you normally tend to pick up?
characterisation and thematic-wise, not really! a majority of my muses are now Little Guys and/or Not Human compared to how i first started out, but it's not like being either of those is a personality trait sldkfjlf the things tying them all together most clearly are that they have all given me the same disgusting amount of brainrot, and i am either extremely unhappy with what their canons have done with them or there is so blissfully little of their canons that i am more than happy to do whatever the heck i want with them!
are there muses that you would like to use more?
i love you tutu, but you gotta give the others here some of the spotlight, seriously lskdfjdkl i'd love to write any of the others on this blog more, but particularly kido! he's my son-boy-lad-baby-darling-child of five years and going! the product of two friends fucking around, but i've run a lot further off with him now that i do get sad thinking about how i can't show this friend ( we are unfortunately no longer in contact ) what i've figured out with him :'D
( thank you to everyone who wants to interact with him btw. you are the realest mvps, i hope you know that )
honestly though, it's kind of my fault for not pushing for anyone other than tuli more, and i understand that minor/more niche characters can be left by the wayside when there's only so much time we all have for this hobby. this is more a case of it is what it is, and i can deal with that! i just hope i'll be able to get more interactions with everyone, not just tulin, as time passes!
which muse has had the biggest change in personality or drastic turns in character development?
good question! maybe rauru? i doubt putting him through several crises in his life doesn't count as drastic turns in development slkfjdlf the only muse i've got who beats him in terms of What Horrors Can Be Inflicted On You would probably be the runaway kid from little nightmares :')
but the one whose organic development surprised me the most is probably kido! he started off as little more than an offshoot of the concept of "collective grief" that i was enabled to taking more seriously, then i really started thinking about his family, and what healing might look like for him, and what it might not look like for him, and before i knew it i had more character thoughts and motivations than i know what to do with?? perks of being a writer ahaha
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romantic-reveries · 2 years
I felt myself getting needy and I hate that. I have a small crush on this guy. I have no reason to—I barely know him. But he has so insanely many of the qualities I want in a partner. We’re so similar.
Same religious and political views. Similar hobbies. He cooks, he reads, he plays guitar, he’s thoughtful and curious and kind. We’re both Hufflepuffs. He asks me SO many questions—I’ve never had someone take such an interest in me before, and it doesn’t even seem to have a motive. He’s barely even sexual with me. He’s witty and funny. He’s respectful. I asked him something about his behaviour once, just a curiosity, and this man said, “let me psychoanalyse myself for a minute” and then sent me this detailed paragraph about why he thought he acted that way. He noticed me people pleasing when I was trying to pick a movie for us to watch and kept pushing me until I picked what I wanted instead of what I thought he wanted. He likes romcoms, and he talked about fanfiction with me (he doesn’t even read it). He asked me what Pinterest boards I have when I mentioned being on it. He just takes this insanely keen interest in things in a way that’s unlike any other guy I’ve met. He seems responsible. He owns a home, I assume, since he mentioned having his kitchen renovated.
But he also makes no sense. He seems to want my attention often. If I don’t text him, he texts me. We’ve touched like, every topic under the sun. More than I’ve touched on with literally any other guy I’ve ever talked to, even my actual ex-boyfriend. He asks me so much stuff. And yes, that can be platonic, too, but friends don’t usually ask you what you want in a partner or whether you want kids. Even the few sexual things, I could write off, but it’s like he’s measuring for compatibility and then he talks about starting to date again, and obviously, I mean, we’ve only been talking a week, and I’m not asking him to date me. That would be crazy. But I basically told him I kind of had a crush on him and he… didn’t remark on it. And we only live a state apart so it’s sort of like… I don’t know. Maybe I’m the weird one with attachment issues. In my mind, us meeting is no different than meeting on an app. And obviously, I’m not gonna jet down there to meet this total stranger, but like… we could talk on the phone, maybe. Or video chat. There’s very real potential there, I guess, is my point, but he… doesn’t seem to feel similarly? Despite asking me all the questions you tend to ask someone you’re romantically interested in?
Which, y’know, for all I know, he’s 60. Or a woman. Maybe that’s the hesitance. Maybe he’s just having fun, killing time.
He just checks so many boxes. And that’s fascinating and lovely to me. But I’m also proud of my growth—I recognised I was getting attached and I reined myself in. I like talking to him, but I’m not about to become that needy, desperate girl that having a crush sometimes makes me. I’m better than that, so I’m pulling back. If he wants to talk, he’ll do something about it, and I won’t take it seriously.
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write-orflight · 2 years
Golden: Chapter 2
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**Gif Not Mine**
Prev - Next
Pairings: SpencerXReader (Friends to lovers)
Rating: M
Words: 2.5K
Warnings: no real warnings, innuendo if you squint
Summary: One misheard conversation turns Y/N and Spencer’s perfect friendship upside down. Now, she needs him to play pretend for her parents wedding. Will their friendship last this one little hiccup? Or will it change how they see each other forever?
A.N well guys I’m back, it’s been a minute but I’ll update you. I’m a big girl with a big professional office job now so I haven’t really had time to write how I want. However, my friends suggested I get back into hobbies I enjoyed before dating my ex so I’m back to writing in my spare time, which is limited with my workload. I am going to be updating a lot more or at least trying so my request are open but bare with me as my laptop was stolen so this was all posted from my phone. So sorry there’s no breaks. It’s hard out here. Happy reading and make sure to reply if you’d like to be tagged. Much much love -Cia
Chapter 2: Take me back to the light
You were sitting in your physics 201 class, bored out of your mind. Anyone could tell physics was not your favorite class but you still enjoyed it because Spencer was the TA. And watching your friend talk passionately about something was always something you enjoyed. You were taking notes on things you wanted to ask Spencer about later when you heard Stephanie behind you.
“God, he never shuts the fuck up.” She groans as her friend snickers next to her.
“Come on, Steph, don’t be rude.” Her friend laughs next to her.
“Seriously, it’s fucking annoying. He never lets Professor Tegarten teach his own class without going on a 30 minute rant like a fucking nerd. Bet he’s a virg--”
“Hey, Stephanie!” You interrupt loud enough to gather her and a few classmates attention. “Do you ever shut fuck up?”
You don’t miss the quiet gasp that leaves the class. Spencer’s head snaps up when he hears you, looking at you with a shocked expression.
“Ms. L/N! I’m sure Mr. Reid would like to continue his lesson if you’re done being a distraction.”
“I’m sorry Professor Teagarten, Mr. Reid.” Spencer gives a weird look when you refer to him by his formal title. “I wasn’t trying to be disrespectful I was just letting my classmate, Stephanie know that if she focussed as much in the class as she did being a vapid cunt she wouldn’t be failing.” That induces a few laughs and an open mouth expression from Stephanie.
“Ms. L/N!” Language like that will not be tolerated in this course. Either apologize to Ms. Langley or leave at once.”
“Yea, I won’t be doing that.” you say, picking up your bag. “I will however apologize to you and Mr. Reid. Sorry for causing a disturbance.”
You wait outside the lecture hall with a book until the class is long dismissed, giving Stephanie a look as she passes by you. You look up when Spencer is heading towards you with an angry expression. You chase after him when he just walks past you.
“Aw come on, Spen, don’t be like that.”
“That was incredibly embarrassing.” Spencer says, crossing his arms. “Why couldn’t you let it go?”
“You knew Stephanie was talking shit about you?”
“Yea, she does it every time I speak.” Spencer shrugs.
“And you want me to just, what? Let that happen?”
“Yes, Y/N. It’s not the first time I’ve had to deal with people like that.” Spencer says. “Happened all the time in High School.”
“Yea well this isn’t high school, it’s college. I’m sorry kids are cruel but you’re supposed to be respected here. And if I have to make sure of that, I will.” You say. You hear Spencer mumble something and that makes you look up. “What was that?”
“Nothing, I just… wish we met sooner.” He says. That makes you smile wide.
“I wish that too.” You smile.
You were sitting across from Spencer on the jet on the way back home from a relatively easy case. You immediately noticed the file in his hand he was reading from despite not having a new case yet.
“What’s that?” You asked, leaning up. “Cold case?”
“No, it’s your mom’s facebook page.” He said, turning it towards you and sure enough, it was. “I asked Garcia to print it for me since I don’t like technology.”
“Uh-huh…..” You trail off, confused. “... May I ask why?”
“I need to learn about your family and who’s going to be at the party before it happens.”
“You couldn’t just ask me? I could’ve told you.” You say, shrugging. Spencer gives you a look.
“Really? What’s your little sister’s major?”
“Art science.” You supply.
“Nope, she changed to Sociology last winter.” He says, laughing and handing you the file. “Wanna brush up on your family?”
You mock his laugh, flipping him off. “I don’t need to brush up on my family, thanks. Why are you reading up on them though? They already know and love you.”
“They haven’t seen me since I was 22, I’d like to think I’m a little different now.”
“I mean, hardly.” You laugh at the bored expression Spencer gave you. “Spencer, my family already loves you. You have nothing to worry about.” You say, handing him the file back and heading to the back area to make a cup of coffee.
You’re halfway making your and Spencer a cup when you see Emily coming towards you with her own cup.
“So..” She starts. “Spencer’s meeting the family this week.”
“Spencer has already met my family when we were in college. He’s just coming with me this week to make it less miserable being around my mother.”
Emily nods, understandingly. “You know, that kid would do anything for you, right?”
You turn and level Emily with a weird look. “What are you getting at, Emily?”
Emily just shrugs. “I’m just saying maybe this week will be eye-opening for the both of you. You’re both so clearly in love with each other—“
“What?!” You cut her off. “You know, this trip is purely to get my mother off my back. There is nothing and there will be nothing going on between us, got it?” You say, with a pointed tone that makes Emily lift her hands in self-defense. The seatbelt light shines indicating you take your seats. You return with your and Spencer’s coffee, handing it to him and locking your seatbelt. He takes note of your annoyed expression.
“You okay?” He asks. You nod briefly.
“Come over tonight?” You ask, Spencer nods and returns to his file for the rest of the flight.
You and Spencer we’re halfway into your Thai dinner when you broach the subject.
“Hey, what’s our story?” You say, stuffing chicken pad thai into your mouth.
“Story?” Spencer questions. “We met in study hall at Caltech because you were failing Calc, and have been friends ever since.”
“I know how we met, genius.” You laugh. “And so do my parents. I mean, what do we say when they, you know, ask how we got together?”
“Oh, that?” Spencer says, leaning back and thinking briefly. “Maybe… after a tough case, someone got hurt, made the other realize they should confess their feelings. High pressure situations seem to bring that out of people.”
“Hmm..” You nod. “Who’s confessing to who?”
“Me, Obviously.” Spencer said, looking incredulously. “We could say it was after the Oregon case.” You remembered that case. You had gotten hurt while chasing after an Unsub with Spencer. He stayed by your bedside the entire time.
“You?!” You scoff. Spencer looks mildly insulted. “Please!”
“So what’s that supposed to mean?”
“Spencer, come on.” You laugh, leaning up. “I love you, bud but every person you’ve dated since I’ve known you, I’ve had to set you up on. My parents aren’t going to believe you asked me out.”
“Okay first, you realize I don’t need you to set me up, Right?” Spencer says, “I mean, I let you and Garcia do it because it makes you happy. But I don’t need help getting girls. Never have.”
“Alright then, do it.”
“Do what?”
“Ask me out.” You say, leaning forward into him. “Since you seem so confident that’d you’d be the one doing it. How would you ask?”
Spencer looks uncomfortable for a moment. “I don’t know if I should--”
“Oh come on, Spencer.” You plea. “Just for fun? I wanna see what you mean.”
“Fine.” He sighs. “I guess I’d say… Y/N, You’re my best friend and I never want to say anything to lose you but I almost lost you and I decided that I can’t go on without telling you how unbelievably in love I am with you. I never expect you to feel the same and if you want to go back 20 seconds and forget I ever said anything that’s fine but I don’t want to go another morning, another lunch in the office, another dinner on the phone with you not knowing you are the single light in my life. I’m in love with you and I need you to love me back.” Spencer finishes his monologue with a deep sigh looking you intensely in the eye. There’s a brief moment in your shared gaze where you think of how badly you want his words to be real. How badly you want to be in love with someone, in love with Spencer.
But you lived in reality
And in this reality, Spencer was just a friend. A friend who wants to help.
“Wow uh…. That was good, Spence.” You laugh, nervously. “Okay, We’ll say it was you.”
“I think we should kiss.” Spencer blurts out.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I mean, we’re a fairly new couple. I think your mom’s going to expect us to be at least a little all over each other.”
“We could just tell her we’re not big into PDA.” You provide.
“We could but if it does come up, I don’t think our first kiss should be in front of everyone. That’s a big way for us to end up caught in the lie.” Spencer says. “Plus, do you really think that ‘No PDA’ rule is going to work on your mom? You know how she is.”
You sigh for a moment, Spencer was right. Even though you wanted him to be wrong. You knew how your brain worked. If Spencer kissed you and you liked it. You could never go back to how you were before.
“Okay.” You agree. “Do you want me to…?”
“No, no. I-I could..I mean, i-if y-you want to--” You smiled as you listened to him stammer and stumble to try to find the words. Spencer was adorable sometimes.
“Just kiss me, Spence.” You laugh and as if all he needed was a cue, Spencer hand is circling around your neck pulling you towards him. He hesitates for a moment, to see if it was something you still wanted. You give him a small nod and his lips are crashing on to yours. A small moan of surprise leaves your lips as Spencer cups the sides of your faces with his hands pulling you impossibly closer to him. It’s almost impossible for you to not lose yourself in the feeling of Spencer tongue gliding against you. He kissed you like a drowning man’s last breath of fresh air. You were enjoying it too much, you knew this. But you couldn’t help yourself. It was Spencer.
Spencer pulls away for a moment, leaning his forehead on your briefly before backing up, surveying your face. “Was that--? Are you okay?”
No, you wanted to say. You completely flipped my world upside down. All I can think about is how you kiss, how your hands felt, how they’d feel in other places--
You cut off your own thoughts. “Oh, yea. I-I’m okay.” You shake your head to clear your mind. “What about you? You okay?”
Spencer clears his throat. “Y-Yea, I’m good.”
“Good…” You trail off. “We should probably focus back on our story again.”
“Y-Yea.” Spencer stammers. “So...where was our first date?”
“Hmm… Stagilliano’s?” You muse. Spencer gives you a weird look. “What? It’s the place we eat the most.”
“Yea, but it’s not a place I would take a date!” Spencer exclaims.
“I went on a date to Stagilliano’s last week!”
“Well, your standards are a little low, Y/N.” Spencer says, you exclaim a small ‘Hey!’ “But I don’t want your family thinking I’d take you to a 2 for $25 penne vodka.”
“Fine then, Casanova. Where do you take all these dates that you apparently don’t need me to set you up on?”
“The planetarium??” You say. “You take every date to the planetarium? To what? Bore them to death?”
“Well, not every date. But if it’s someone I like, yes.” Spencer says, taking a drink of the long forgotten beer you had given him when he came over. Spencer didn’t drink much but he figured if this was going to be a long night immediately followed by a longer week with your family, he needed the edge. “You’d be surprised. A lot of girls like space.”
“A lot?” You repeat, narrowing your eyes. “What exactly are you saying, Spence?”
Spencer smirks. “Just that it’s never not worked.”
You pause for a second before realizing the innuendo. “Ugh, gross. You know I don’t like thinking about you having sex!” You exclaim while Spencer goes into a fit of child-like giggles. It was a lie though, you often thought about Spencer having sex… mainly alone… in the comfort of your bedroom.
You shook your head, manually erasing that train of thought. “Let’s move on to something else, please.” You plead.
Spencer takes mercy on you. “Alright, pet names. Do we use them?”
You muse for a second. “Do we have to? I don’t even use pet names when I’m actually dating someone.”
“Alright, Snookums” Spencer chuckles, causing you to roll your eyes.
The two of you spend the rest of your night ironing out your stories until it’s a freshly pressed shirt. You’d feel confident if your exhaustion hadn’t taken over hours ago.
“Alright, we should call it a night. You can crash here if you want.” You say to Spencer as you start clearing the table.
“Yea, I’ll crash on the couch.”
You have a heinous idea that you try to hold in but it explodes out of you anyway. “You know, you could just sleep with me.. in my bed, I mean. We’re going to be sharing at my mother’s anyway. We might as well… practice.” You hate the words as they come out because they were lies. You didn’t need the practice, you just hated sleeping alone.
“Y-Yea.” Spencer stutters, before following you into your tiny bedroom.
The two of you lay stiff for a while, on opposite sides, both of you not daring to touch the other. You look at Spencer’s silhouette in the dark, sensing the obvious discomfort.
“You can move closer, you know.” You whisper into the dark. “I know my bed is too small for you. I don’t mind.”
Spencer responds by turning towards you, bending his legs inward. He mumbles a small ‘thank you’ close enough to the back of your neck that it makes you shiver before falling asleep, leaving you wide awake, silent and wrestling with your emotions.
And when he pulls you closer in the middle of the night, you still say nothing.
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phebth · 2 years
Hai:D me again uwu
I loved ur last post with the badass s/o bc i kinda hate seeing them with an always innocent reader or s/o 😭 like there ARE SO MANY PERSONALITIES THAT WE ALL RELATE TOO then just "cutesy, soft, gentle" etc.
Sooo how about a female reader who is- wait ..wait hold on...
*proceeds to push micheal put the way*
.. A female reader who is lesbian and falls in love with star? :D I want to see thw boys reaction but mainly star, you can add micheal if you want but pretend like micheal and star never dated tho :^ unless you want some angst in it 😏 i dont mind uwu
Star x Female!Reader
a/n: no because I have no idea what authors think about when writing those stories?? like what if YOU were in the reader’s shoes would YOU act like that?? no. no, you wouldn’t so cut the bs and add some SASS. Ngl I have a feeling that some authors have some misogynistic views embedded into them because I genuinely can’t think of any other reason as to why they keep writing the reader so innocent?!?
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You were aimlessly walking around the boardwalk bored of all the rides you had already done. Observing your surroundings as you make up a fake personality for each person you pass by. Your friends were gossiping next to you but you weren’t really focused on what they were saying. When your group agreed to take a break they all decided to leave to get ice cream but you chose to stay and rest your feet instead.
distracted by the moonlight hitting the ocean you didn’t notice the group of guys slowly approaching you. “what’s a sweet thing like you doing out this late~?” well that certainly brought you back to reality. “It’s only 10 pm idiot.”  you snarked back a reply as you turned around 4 guys stood next to you. “oouuhh~ this kitty’s got claws!” one of the curly blondes replied.
They all seemed really interested in making you like them but something else caught your eye or should I say someone else? unfortunately, one of the guys was blocking your view and wouldn’t move out the way. “move you're blocking the view” as you pushed past him you saw a curly-haired brunette that wore a long white dress. “Good evening my lady~ what’s a delicate flower such as yourself doing hanging around these parts” you said as you picked her hand up and placed a light kiss on it while maintaining eye contact.
EVERYONE was dumbfounded. “did she seriously just push me aside?!?” David asked himself while Marco was on the floor laughing his ass off. Star was practically giving you heart eyes as she mustered up the courage to say something. “oh! uh- well I was just taking a walk… would you like to join me?” “it would be my honour”
“Oh! I forgot to introduce myself... I’m Star what’s your name?” “it’s ______ but you can call me whatever you’d like” as you finished your sentence you could tell her face had turned a few shades darker.
right, when you and Star were about to turn around one of the guys said something. “Hey! where do you think you’re going sweetheart?”  the look on Star’s face was nervous, it made your stomach sink.  “We were about to go for a walk”  you replied for her, David gave you a deadly glare that you gladly returned."Neither are you invited” and with that, you quickly took Star’s hand and left.
You guys spent the rest of the night walking around and making conversation about your hobbies and interests. Taking her on every ride she asked for and spoiling her the whole night made your heart race, especially when she would look at you after she made a joke to see if you liked it or not. Both of you decided to gift each other a ring, every time you held hands the cold metal would rub against your fingers.
Star was smiling you were smiling, and everything felt perfect. Well, that was until you guys had to part ways. "It was lovely hanging out with you today" you said with a smile on your face "Yeah I really enjoyed it... would you like to meet me by the merry-go-round tomorrow?" Star said shyly barely maintaining eye contact "sure, same time?" "Yep!" and right before you turned away she grabbed your face and kissed your cheek.
After you had left to go meet up with your friends, Star was stuck having to fight herself out of the guy's grasp. "Dude she was so hot! I would let her choke me!" Paul blurted out as everyone else started asking questions. Micheal kept quiet the entire time as everyone fussed over Star and you.
"do you think she'd be down to-" "Don't even think of finishing that sentence Marco." Star retorted knowing he was going to ask something inappropriate. "I mean it's not like she’s in love with you, it was just one date." Micheal said. "How would you know? you weren't invited. Besides I'm going out with her tomorrow as well." Star defended. "Can we join-" "No. this is MY date, not yours." She said interrupting Paul.
The boys retired to their nest while Star started getting comfortable in bed. It took her a while before falling asleep that morning because she was too excited for the next day.
Part 2 :)
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honeyabyss · 3 years
Phone calls after Mc returned to the human realm
this man is stubborn, calling you would be like admitting he's gone soft and his pride does not allow that!
so he refuses to call for the first few weeks, keeping himself busy with work of which he has enough anyway
due to all his student council work, a few other tasks of Diavolo and on top of that the usual shenanigans of his brothers, he quickly becomes very stressed
he's at his breaking point and needs someone to talk to so he can release some of his stress before he takes it out on someone else
so he goes to your old room and starts talking as soon as he enters it, only to stop confused when he doesn't see you in the room, remembering only now you left for the human realm
disappointed he sits down onto the bed and curls the blanket around himself
"Their scent is almost gone...Soon it'll be as if they were never here"
he closes his eyes, sighs softly and makes his decision
"Mc? I hope I didn't wake you. I simply thought a conversation would be nice, it's been a while..."
Lucifer's call is pretty casual, he talks about his day, work and his troublemaker brothers, it almost feels like any other day before just this time it is over phone
he does not want to admit he misses you, a) because he'd seem weak and b) he fears what admitting it will do to him, he might just miss you even more
BUT while saying goodbye he accidentally lets a "I miss you" slip, his breathing stops shortly realizing his mistake, he is about to apologize when you say it back
he smiles softly, genuinely relieved about your shared sentiment and whispers "I'll call you again soon then" before hanging up
from then on he calls you every evening and you better jump right away and pick up at the first ringing, because this man is lonely without you
"Congratulations! You're one of our lucky winners of our monthly Devil-Lottery. We'll have to confirm your bank account number with the one given to us when you agreed to participating in the lottery. Would you be so kind to slowly repeat the number-"
this greedy demon will quite literally try to scam you, only to absolutely panic when you hang up on him
he will instantly call you back, constantly adjusting his glasses, a nervous habit he acquired over the years
"H-hey...Mc...uhm, it's me your favourite demon!"
he is relieved you picked up, as it means you didn't block him right away, he stumbles over his words trying to find an excuse why he just tried to scam you
"Ah you know I only did that to test you, you've passed nobody scams my human! You're my amazing human after all! That's why I love you...u-uh I-i mean...nothing...that was a static you must have misheard..."
when you tell him you knew it was him as you recognized his voice, he'll be outraged, screaming into his D.D.D (and probably later getting punched by Lucifer for being so loud)
"What do you mean you already knew?! You dared to hang up on The Great Mammon?
He gets a bit sulky by your reaction, so how about playing into his obvious lie of testing you to make him feel better again
besides trying to scam you Mammon also called to (not so sneakily) check on your wellbeing
now that you're gone he constantly worries about you and he can't do much to help, but if you were actually in need of help due to whatever, trust me he'd fight Lucifer himself for permission to go to you
he'll call you as often as he can, sometimes with a few days of a break in between, asking you about your life and also letting you in on his upcoming money making schemes...please don't tell Lucifer about them
Mammon has learned his lesson though, he'll never try to scam you again, he couldn't bare it if you were to block or ignore his calls
phone calls? Why? You two can just talk about the in-game talk function of this new online game you play, but no real world talk while playing that ruins the immersion!
Levi will rarely call you as he just doesn't feel comfortable enough to talk with you about normie stuff for too long
he normally just spam writes you, ding, ding, ding, one message after another coming in without you being able to respond quick enough
so if gets too much and you decide to just call him so you can have an actual chance of responding, Levi just panics and almost drops his D.D.D
"Mc? D-did you accidentally hit the c-call button? N-no? I-i see no I love you too!!....AAAAAAAh I-i meant I l-l-love t-talking to you too...hehehe w-why would a yucky o-otaku like me say something like that"
poor boy is so nervous he'll say something stupid and will stutter a lot the first few times you call him, he is just not used to talking on the phone
he will laugh nervously over everything and sometimes there'll be a phase of awkward silence, but please don't point it out, Levi is already stressed enough as it is
once he gets used to calls, he'll surprisingly suggests to have a phone call while both of you are watching the new episode of an anime, so he'll be able to talk to you as if you're right next to him, which works out mediocre at first, you have to tell him to be a bit quieter a few times but besides that it's quiet nice
"Ooooooowhooooooah!!! Did you see that? That was amazing, I wish I had these superpowers, I'd save you of every danger like a real hero! W-what do you mean I'm already your hero?"
Yes, you saw and heard it, and your neighbours probably heard Levi...
on the rare occasions Levi calls you he'll often asks you for favours like to buy him this exclusively in the human realm sold limited edition game, of course he isn't like his scummy brother Mammon who'll constantly asks for things and he'll also make it up by sending you stuff you can only get on Akuzon
so calls don't happen very often, but neither if you really mind, you'll still be in contact through messages and games
Satan will be very proper about calling you, he'll check through messages if you're fine with him calling you, so he can be sure you have time and he doesn't bother you
Satan never jumps into a conversation right away (unless he is angry), he makes sure to show interest in you and hold a bit small talk, asking about your day, how you're doing and so on
you talk about many different things with him mostly about your shared interests, but Satan is willing to listen to you ramble about hobbies he doesn't have as well
one thing you two quickly come to do was have book club sessions over phone
"I wish you were still here Mc. I miss my book discussion partner, nobody here has as interesting opinions and views as you..."
back in Devildom you two would both read a book and afterwards discuss your thoughts, and you found a way too keep doing just that
you both write about books, decide on one to read for the week and would than have a phone call where you just talk for hours about the piece of literature you've read
now that you're back in the human realm, the book choices are even bigger as you can read human books as well, you just have to send a copy to Satan, sometimes Barbatos will be nice and pick a book up and deliver it to Satan, or to you if it's the other way around with a demon book
"Oh? No, you're right. I haven't thought about it like that yet...your thoughts are so fascinating!"
Satan will shower you in praise for every little detail that you noticed yet he missed. he genuinely enjoys your phone calls, and though he wouldn't admit it, sometimes he anticipates your call more than the actual book
even though there now is a bigger distance between you two he still feels as close to you as before, not much has changed for him and he knows he'll be able to see you again soon, he'll just have to be patient
"Next week, same time? I'm looking forward to talking to you again. Take care until then!"
"Oh my Lord! You won't believe what just happened!!!"
no greeting or alike, just straight into the discussion
whenever something gossip worthy happens, Asmo is already dialling your number to spill the tea and keep you updated on any Devildom related gossip, even if it won't help you much, it's a nice thought of him keep you in the loop
those are only the spontaneous call though, obviously you can't take these all the time...you still have a life of your own...
you two actually call each other every day at the same time, plus/minus a couple minutes, the water in the tub has to be filled first...yeah Asmo likes to talk you while he is taking his afternoon bath
"Hahh it's so relaxing, warm water caressing my beautiful skin, and the bath bomb today smells so good! I wish you could smell it, or even better I wish we could bathe together!"
*water sloshing noises intensified*
Asmo...no....yes...maybe...just stop, you'll fluster Mc!
"No really! I miss having you here, I'll pamper you all day the next time I'll get to see you. You must already be starved of my beauty, but don't worry my dear, I'm just as starved of seeing your lovely face!"
what to talk about while he is bathing? Anything really if it's about your day, any complains or whatever, just expect a few innuendos of him...that's nothing new though
seriously though Asmo is the guy to talk to about any of your problems, he will listen and try to come up with a solution for you, even if he seems a bit narcissistic sometimes he really cares about you, so use your phone calls as therapy from time to time
"Oh darling, don't worry it'll be okay! I'm here to help...now tell me every detail so I can come up with a plan! I'll always be there for you, no matter what!"
"*munch munch* This one is really good! Mc you should try some...oh"
now that you're back in the human realm, Beels snack times are very lonely, he has just gotten so used to your presence, even sharing his food is normal by now
and let's be honest Beels snack time is 24/7 so he misses you a lot
he feels the urge to call you every five minutes and sometimes even forgets to eat while phone is ringing and he is waiting for you to pick up
but you can't constantly talk with him over phone so the calls often end up on your voicemail where Beel tells you about all the different kind of foods he ate that day
when Belphie catches wind of his twin constantly pestering you, he hides Beels D.D.D so he can't call you all the time
when you're actually able to pick up on his call, Beel will be so happy you can quite literally hear his huge grin while he's excitedly talking about his current snack
"Have you ever tried spicy bat-wings? There opened a new restaurant in town and it's really good!! Next time you're here I'll invite you there. Oh but what if it closes before you're back...ah you'll just have to visit soon!"
though Beel is often disappointed when you don't pick up, he would never hold it against you, he knows he calls quite a lot, but he just misses you and tipping a message while he eats is harder than putting his D.D.D on speaker and talking to you
of course he doesn't only talk about food, he also tells you about how his brothers are doing and how his workout was, or what things he has planned to do at the weekend, all in all Beel is just super happy to share everything of his life with you
on rare occasions he'll call you and be untypically quiet, that happens when he had a fight with his twin, it's not often but sometimes it happens and his first instinct is to call you, because he feels like he can tell you everything so he is very comfortable and trusting with you
"I miss you a lot, you know...but I also know that you think about me daily, every time your stomach rumbles you'll be reminded of me and that makes me happy, I also think about you every time I'm hungry! Hm? But I'm always hungry? That's right! You're always on my mind!"
Listen, his sleeping schedule is very tight, you can't just expect him to call you!
he will call you so rarely and if you call him it might just happen that he is sleeping and has phone on silent...or he's just to lazy to walk to his phone, or he is just not in the mood to talk... he takes any excuse to not be on the phone
Belphie does like talking to you, but he is not the greatest at long conversations so he like messages more
sometimes when he can't seem to fall asleep, he will be the one to call you...in the middle of the night...and you better pick up or he gets annoyed
"What took you so long? I thought you wanted to talk more often and then you leave me hanging for a whole minute? Doesn't matter I would have waited longer with you...."
he is mostly silent through a phone call, his main reason to call you is because he like to listen to you talk, it's calming to him and if he calmer then he might be able to fall asleep again
so don't expect an amazingly deep conversation...
"Mhmmm...hm? Yeah I'm still there. I'm listening keep talking, I love your voice..."
he'll bring up a topic from time to time so you have an inspiration about what to talk about, but most of the times he just lazily hum or making acknowledging noises so you know he is still listening
he will to 100% fall asleep while being on the phone with you, that doesn't mean you're boring, but that he trusts you so much that he is comfortable enough to let his guard down
"Good afternoon! How was the week of my favourite human?...ah don't tell Solomon I said that hahaha"
as the future king of hell, he is a busy man, but he still manages to give you a call once a week, to the same time you two would have normally had your weekly afternoon tea meeting in the castle
with the exchange year over there is not much about your classes to talk about left, but Dia is just as excited about any other topic you decide to talk about, be it the most mundane thing he loves it!
"Oh so you went grocery shopping? That must be fun! Barbatos does it all the time, though I suppose you buy less things...I'd like to see a human market at some point, I wonder if they're very different from ours...oh but I wouldn't really able to tell I suppose, Barbatos and you would need to point out the differences!"
this man can talk without taking a break for hours...you think Asmo is bad? Prepare for Diavolo...
but seriously it never gets boring with him, because he somehow finds good and fun stuff in every activity, I swear give him a vacuum and watch him clean you're whole flat with the enthusiasm of a child getting presents on Christmas
the work of a future king consists of so much paperwork, Dia will have only few events of his week to tell you about, if there is something to talk about there is a high chance it has to do with the brothers
so he'd much rather just sip his tea and listen to you, he'll ask you loads of questions though about anything he doesn't know
sometimes you two forget the time and Barb sadly has to remind you to come to a stop for now
"Mc? Did I wake you? If so I'm terribly sorry...would you be up to talk for a little bit more? I'm not feeling too tired yet"
surprise night time calls from Dia where you'll have to speak silently or Barbatos might reprimand Diavolo for staying up all night and being tired the next day, Dia doesn't regret it ever though, he likes to talk you a lot!
Barbatos is always busy and his schedule can often suddenly change with a new whim of his master, so he can't exactly have a scheduled call with you
so you might not get to hear of him very often
BUT he made it a habit to call you when he is on duty to do the dishes, the chore is somewhat boring to him with no one to distract him
so he calls you and if you pick up, he'll put you on speaker and talk to you about whatever comes to mind while his hands wash one after another of the expensive porcelain of the royal household
"I've bought this new tea which is said to be really nice, it can even be enjoyed cold apparently. It seems to have to just the right amount of sweetness to not get bitter when drank cold...you can still add sugar for extra sweetness, though I believe you're already sweet enough as it is"
no matter what you decide to talk about Barbatos always has at least some knowledge about it, so it's beneficial for both of you, he can tell you the things he knows and you tell him your stuff
"I hope I'm not bothering you too much? There is quite a lot to do today... so it might take some more time..."
you will never get to know that Barb has actually already finished the dished a few minutes ago, but just isn't ready to say goodbye yet
the rest of the employees will be able handle the castle for a bit longer without him, meanwhile he can take a well deserved tea break and listen to you
he very much enjoys the fact he found a way to have some time with you while theoretically having to be at work, as long as he is able to finish all the tasks of his daily schedule, he doesn't feel too bad about his not so legal break
"I fear I'll have to get back to work now, but I loved talking to you today! I hope you enjoyed it as well. I'll talk to you again soon!"
Though Solomon returned to the human realm with you, you haven't heard much of him, being a wise old man sorcerer must be very time consuming
so calls of Solomon might be rare but that doesn't mean you don't write messages every now and then, when he calls you though it's always about something interesting or important to share, he talks about those things rather verbally, the best option for him would be in person, but that doesn't always work so a phone call is the second best option
"My lovely apprentice, how is your studying going? I've found the tome we were talking about last time you were interested in...it took some research to find which sorcerer had it but I brought it back for you. How about I'll drop by you next week? I can help you with your studying then, the tome is written in an older version of the language it might be easier if we do it together!"
Solomon can simply not sit still, so while you're on the phone, he is always tinkering at something and the background noises are sometimes quite peculiar...
Was that a pig squeaking? Are you sure you should be brewing a potion while being on the phone? Isn't it distracting?
Oh Lord was that an explosion?!
"Hmm? Oh yeah...I`m cooking dinner right now! It was just a small explosion though, you know the ones that are regularly happen in the kitchen. Why? Was my cute student worried about me?~ heheh alright, alright, I'll stop teasing you...for now!"
no matter how chaotic, teasing or busy Solomon is though, if you call him and are in need of help, he'll drop everything and run to you
he knows how hard it can be when studying magic, not to mention that the studies are difficult, the constant hiding of any magic in front of other humans is also very nerve wrecking, sometimes you feel like giving up and going back to your normal life, back to your non-magical very human friends that are blissfully unaware of everything happening around them, but you know you could never forget and act as if nothing happened, you'd also miss your new not so normal friends, so when times get hard Solomon will rush to you and comfort you in person or at least calm you down on phone until he is able to go to you
if that happens he is more likely to call you every two to three days just to check in on you
"Hey how is my strong and beautiful fellow human doing? Feeling better yet? Need a shoulder to lean on? I'm at your flat in 10 minutes..."
Simeon is a daily caller as well, he's gotten so used to seeing you every day that he feels quite restless if he doesn't get to hear your voice at least once a day
he asked you to recommend at what time he should call, he doesn't want to restrict you in your daily life, so you both came to the conclusion after dinner would be perfect, as both of you are free for the rest of the day then
He will often write a bit on his TSL scripts, just some notes and inspirations he comes up while talking to you
"How was your day my little lamb? You haven't overworked yourself right? Tell me if you ever need help!"
though Simeon would definitely have things to complain about with how Michael is working him to the bone, he'd rather not worry you so instead he tells you about how Luke is doing and evasively answers you questions about himself
"Oh me? Ah yes, I'm doing fine, just doing the usual archangel stuff you know...Ah please do not worry Mc, my dear! Nothing dangerous!"
over the time his TSL notes turn into random scribbles, rhymes and poems and every now and then something that looks suspiciously like your name
Sometimes Luke crashes the call and wants to speak with you as well so Simeon tries to put the phone on speaker only to end up ending the call and Luke getting frustrated with Simeon and doing it himself
then again Simeon also just accidentally hangs up on you mid conversation, because his fingers hit the button without him noticing, he'll get so confused when you cut off in the middle of your sentence and thinks something has happened to you, only to be relieved when you call back a few seconds later
Simeon is very interested in your day and how you doing, asking you many questions and encouraging you to keep talking
"Oh no please keep talking! You're not overwhelming me at all, in fact I like listening to your voice, it puts even the most melodic voice of an angel into the shadows...hahaha did I make you embarrassed? I apologize, I didn't mean to, I was only telling you my honest opinion!"
Simeon is quite the flatterer, but he often does not notice it, he simply tries to be nice, so a call with him leaves you flustered and stuttering ever now and then, but he is just as quick to blush at a honest and heartfelt compliment
Luke might be an angel, but he is still low ranking and therefore has less assignments, besides studying to become a great angel and doing some minor tasks for Michael, he is relatively free
he often spends his free time in the kitchen constantly trying to improve his baking, now after the exchange year not only to impress Michael and Simeon but also Barbatos, maybe a bit Beel and definitely you!
but as Simeon is still working at these times, he gets somewhat lonely so he'll try calling you to keep him some company
Luke has this habit of speaking the recipes out loud to remember the steps better and be able to able to make them from memory, he got that tip from Barbatos, but he still has his moments where he gets stuck and forgets what to do next, you can notice that when he gets silent and concentrates on trying to remember
"Ah right that was it! I almost forgot about the eggs! Good thing you were here...or well on the phone hehe! You always remember this stuff, you're so amazing!"
when you tell him you simply looked it up in the internet for him, he'll get a bit sulky that he now basically cheated, but with your reassurance that he is already great and can remember so many other steps, he is quickly back to his happy little angel self
"Michael let me help with his conference today I was assistant record keeper today, one day I'll be able to do it alone, bit they're talking so much and so fast...I think I still need a couple centuries until I'm fully ready, but I'm working on improving! You should also try to improve your skills daily! Even a small bit of practice is good! Though I think you're perfect already!"
Luke most definitely learned his flattering from Simeon... he talks about many different things on the phone but repeating topic is Michael...just talking to you makes his day and later he'll tell everything Simeon and he smiles so brightly while he reports to him, please keep talking to him a lot!
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Who said I’m out of your league?
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A/N: I wasn’t sure how to end this one so let me know what you all think! Feed back is greatly appreciated! Also I totally had to use this gif, his confidence is unmatched lol
Request:  Can you please do a William Nylander imagine where you meet the team for the first time and they tease him about you being out of his league or something. Thanks!
For the entirety of your six month relationship, you had always assumed that Willy was out of your league. He was a professional hockey player, the Swedish-Canadian version of Thor, not to mention that his personality could impress even the strictest mother on the planet. You were, for all intents and purposes, average. You had a normal job, normal friends, you considered your looks to be normal, and you had a normal, by your own standards, upbringing. Your personality was probably the one thing you were confident could hold a flame to Willy’s but even then, he had the ability to be so selfless at times you wondered if you were dating an angel. 
Willy on the other hand thought that you were the most amazing thing to ever walk this planet and he took every single opportunity to tell you just that. You did something different with your hair? “Wow babe, you look amazing.” You wore new clothes that you just got? “Damn baby you should model for that company.” There was never a shortage of compliments that came from him about you. 
Which was probably why you didn’t feel as nervous as you should about meeting his teammates for the first time. You knew that Willy loved you, there was never a doubt in your mind, so you figured even if today went horribly wrong in every aspect you still had that going for you. You also had heard wonderful things about his teammates, from Willy himself but also the fans. It wasn’t like you hadn’t interacted with them in some capacity, they had heard your voice over the phone or briefly over the headset when Willy joined them for video games. You were pretty sure Willy had talked about you to them, at least in some capacity, so really you should be set up for an easy meeting with all of them. 
That’s what you tried to tell yourself anyways, the closer you got to the bar you were meeting the team at the more you felt your hands beginning to sweat. You rubbed them on your jeans for the fifth time, reaching over to lace your fingers with Willy’s as he drove. You thought you were holding your nerves fairly well, you had assured Willy before you left that this was going to be a walk in the park.
Boy were you beginning to eat your words.
“What’s got you so worked up?” He teased, pulling his eyes away from the road momentarily before he returned them to focus on where he was going. “You’re never nervous.”
That was a lie. In fact Willy had seen you nervous on numerous occasions, including the first time you two had ever met. He would be lying if he said he didn’t find it cute. You had a number of nervous ticks that he had picked up on over the last few months. You would bounce your leg while waiting for an event that was causing your nerves to spike or you would bite your lip when deep in thought, as if planning out every option. Your cheeks would heat up, creeping up your neck, when someone called you out on any and you would wave your hand in the air as if physically brushing the nerves away momentarily.
 Right now you were expressing all of those ticks, right down to the heat climbing up your neck as you tried to wave your free hand absentmindedly, brushing his words out of the air. It caused Willy to smile, he knew you better than you thought he did. He brought your hand up to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of it before he focused back on the road again. You would never admit it to him, you liked to be a neutral front but he had seen your nerves spike randomly in the days leading up to today. You had grilled him about his teammates a few times, wanting to make sure you at least had the basics of their names, girlfriends who may or may not be there. It had made Willy laugh, comparing it to you taking notes as if you were about to write a paper on the leafs player. 
“You can hide it all you want, but you’re nervous.” He called you out again and you gave him a sharp look, sticking your tongue out at him childishly. 
“I’m not nervous, I’m just…” You trailed off, tossing around a number of emotions in your head before you settled on the one. “Worried. These guys are your teammates and your best friends. I know it shouldn’t be that big of a deal, because you love me and that’s important but it’s going to make things awkward if they don’t like me.” 
You turned to look at him, letting your words settle in the car as Willy parked, your stomach dropping to your feet as you realized you were there. Everything felt so much more real now that you were looking at the sign of the bar, peering in the front window you could see Zach and Rasmus, already surrounded by other players. 
“Hey..” Willy’s soft voice pulled your eyes away from the window and back to him. “It’s going to be okay. They’re going to love you, I mean it’s not like I haven’t hyped you up. Just be yourself, if you’re uncomfortable after like an hour then we can go, okay?” He assured you, giving your hand another kiss.
“Okay, let’s go.” You smiled a little, grabbing your purse and climbing out, stopping in front of the car to wait for him before you both made your way inside. Your stomach flipping once more as he held the door for you, following you inside and guiding you over to the table.
“About time, we were wondering if you got lost on your way.” Zach teased, causing Willy to roll his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. I get lost one time and you never let me live it down.” Willy laughed, pulling out a chair for you to sit down in before taking one at your side. “This is Y/N. Y/N, this is Zach, Rasmus, Auston…”
You followed his finger as he pointed to each player who was there, as well as their own guests, mentally trying to commit them all to memory. You were pretty good when it came to names and faces, but the nerves weren’t helping, you could almost feel your hands shaking a little. 
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you all.” You waved a little, smiling softly as conversation picked up, Willy holding your hand under the table. 
It was as though you had known these people your whole life, you fell into conversation easily, answering questions about your job, hobbies, and your family. Willy kept a close eye on you the entire time, making sure that you weren’t getting overwhelmed by the amount of people who were trying to get to know you all at once. He smiled a little as he watched you engage in a conversation with Mitch about puppies and which breed was superior. He hadn’t been worried about you meeting the guys, he knew you would get along well and they would probably end up liking you more than him. 
In his mind it was impossible to not like, you were the sweetest person he had ever crossed paths with, with the exception of maybe his mom. You were constantly doing what you could to help others, taking care of him in the smallest ways like putting his laundry away after a road trip, making his favorite dinner after a rough game, or making sure he followed the trainer’s instructions even if he tried to avoid them. Not to mention that you seemed to make friends everywhere the two of you went, you just had the type of energy that drew people to you. 
“Hey, I’m going to grab another drink with the girls, did you want anything?” You asked, pulling him out of his thoughts as you stood up and he smiled a little. “Sure, surprise me.” 
He gave your hand one more squeeze as he watched you branch away from him with some of the girls, making your way up to the bar to order your drinks. It was like a proud parent watching their kid go off to school for the first time, it was a sign to Willy that you really were comfortable around his friends now. 
“Dude, she is so out of your league.” Mitch snorted, taking a sip of his drink as he watched Willy look after you with that same lost puppy dog expression you had been describing about your own dog only moments ago. 
Willy felt his cheeks heat up as he tried to hide his face in the last remnants of his drink, he should have known the second they had him alone they would say something to him.
“I mean seriously, she’s like a walking angel. How did you land her?” Zach asked, joining in on the chirping of their young teammate. Everyone was happy that Willy had found someone who seemed to match his energy, knowing that the blonde deserved the best. 
“It’s my undeniable charm boys, maybe you should try it sometime.” He smirked a little, firing back at his teammates as they all erupted into chuckles around him. 
“Well if she ever wants a real man, let her know I’m always around.” Rasmus teased, reaching over to mess up Willy’s hair playfully as Willy smacked his hands away. 
“She wants a man not a man child.” Willy fired back before he felt a hand on his shoulder, another drink being placed in front of him. “Got your usual!” 
He smiled as he saw you sitting back down beside him, shooting a look to the boys to behave, he didn’t mind their chirping but he didn’t know how you would take it seeing as how this was your first time meeting them and while it was going well, he didn’t want it to ruin anything.
The rest of the afternoon continued in a similar manner, the conversation flowed easily, and any time you stepped away from the group Willy was hit with another round of chirping about how you were out of his league. It was all in good fun and by the end of the afternoon you had begun to pick up on some of the chirping that carried over into the normal conversation, firing back at the boys with a smirk. 
“I mean, at least Willy knows what he’s doing, when was the last time a girl came back to you after a night?” You shot back at Auston innocently, sipping your drink as Willy and the boys burst into a loud round of laughter, accepting the high fives and the fist bump from Auston. 
“On that note, I think we better get going, gotta get my girl home and away from you hooligans.” Willy smiled, throwing his tip money on the table as he helped you up and you waved your goodbyes to the group. 
“Bye Y/N! You know where to find us if you ever want an upgrade!” You heard the boys called, laughing as you and Willy made your way back out to the car. The ride home was nice, you were buzzing as you filled Willy in on the conversations he hadn’t been a part of. This continued when you got home too, jabbering away as you made your way upstairs, stripping out of your jeans and sweater, tugging a pair of his sweatpants from the drawer as he sat on the bed, staring at you. 
“Damn you are so out of my league.” He muttered to himself, smiling as he watched you glow in relief of his friends approving of you. 
“What? Who said I was out of your league?” You frowned a little, setting yourself between his legs and playing with his hair as you looked down at him, his hands resting on your sweatpant clad hips. 
“Just the guys chirping at me, don’t worry about it but they do have a point. I am dating a literal angel.” He smiled as he could tell that the heat was rising up your neck to your cheeks again, in an attempt to hide your blush you shook your head. These were the things you usually thought about Willy, not things you were used to him saying about you. 
“Oh please, have you looked in the mirror Nylander?” You hummed, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips so he couldn’t argue against you. “Maybe we aren’t out of each other’s leagues but just in a league all our own.” 
He smiled against your lips, giving your hips a gentle squeeze. “That’s a pretty elite league to be in, I must’ve gotten called up when I started dating you.”
“You’re running my compromise!” You laughed and pushed his shoulder, hardly enough to budge him. “Now, I had fun today but can we get pizza or something and just chill? My social battery is drained.” 
He smiled and stood up, now towering over you gave him the advantage to press a kiss to your forehead. 
“Your wish is my command, Princess.”
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scarletwinterxx · 3 years
End to Start pt. 4 - Jaehyun AU
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
taglist: @the-universe-in-you-jjh @undevotedfangirl @dumplingley @halbae @johnjaespeach​  @notsooperfect​ ​
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2020 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
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“I never pegged you for a liar”
“You might be a foot taller than me but I won’t hesitate to deck you if you don’t shut up”
“You said you didn’t know him!”
“I never said such thing” you argued back, it was the typical morning for you. And by typical you mean Jungwoo bothering you as you work around the shop. Everyday he makes you wonder why you hired him in the first place.  
“Your ex is Jung Jaehyun, the CEO of Jung Publishing. Their company is like established world wide, his sisters work abroad and his youngest brother works here. The world really is small after all”
“You sound like a fan”
“I can’t believe I tease Sungchan like that when his family can buy the whole block”
“Better start saying your apologies then” you mumbled
The bell ringed just then, making the two of you look up. “Speaking of, Sungchan, Jungwoo has something to say to you” You said as the younger boy walk towards the front counter
“Did I do something wrong again? I swear I didn’t mix up the salt and sugar this time”
“This time?” you asked
“No no no, you didn’t do anything wrong” you and Jungwoo spoke at the same time, the taller boy looking between the two of you like a little kid worried he might get scolded over something
“It was one time, and in my defense it was partly Jungwoo hyung’s fault. He put the two side by side”
“I kinda don’t want to know” 
“You have something to say to me?” Sungchan asked Jungwoo, you just chuckled at the latter “You know, you’re a liar too”
“Too? What did I lie about exactly?”
“You’re a Jung!” 
“He literally said that the day he applied here, technically he didn’t lie about anything. I was just dumb enough not to put two and two together” you answered for the younger boy. The three of you proceeded to work, the two boys in the kitchen area getting some pastries ready for display, you can hear them bickering from back there. 
“Uhm noona, can I ask you something?” you were surprised by the sudden voice breaking the silence in your office, there Sungchan stood by the door peaking in
“Sure, come in. What is it?”
“Am I fired?”
“Why? Did you switch the sugar with salt again?” you chuckled, trying to make him feel less nervous
“Uhm I kinda heard what happened yesterday at home. I swear I wasn’t eavesdropping but you know, you guys weren’t exactly quiet” 
You just smiled at the boy, he was so much like his siblings yet so different. He definitely got the good looking genes, much like his older brother he also has a weird sense of humor. But one thing that sets them apart is how shy and nervous Sungchan seems to be, like a little puppy being introduced to the world. 
“Of course you’re not fired. Whatever happened between me and your brother has got nothing to do with you, I kinda didn’t even know you were siblings up until yesterday”
“I didn’t know you were his ex too” you chuckled at his answer, of course he didn’t. You never met  the young boy when you and Jaehyun dated, you’ve met his sisters and his mom but you never got the chance to meet his father and his youngest sibling. 
“That was a long time ago, you were probably still in middle school when we dated”
“He moved out of our house during his third year in college, I never expected he will cause mom wanted him to stay home. But one day he kinda just packed his things then he was out the door. Mom was so mad at him”
The two of you broke up the summer before third year of college, you left for Paris a few weeks before school started. You asked the university to let you go and transfer, which they thankfully approved. 
Then you were on the next flight out. Not a single goodbye said. 
You never heard from Jaehyun after that, you couldn’t bring yourself to ask about him. You had no right to, after what happened. So the story Sungchan told you was new news to you. 
“He really liked the cake by the way, when he came to pick me up yesterday he asked if I could buy him another one”
“It is his favorite flavor” you smiled at the memory. 
Jaehyun may or may not be the inspiration behind the uniquely flavored cake, when you were making the menu for your cafe you couldn’t help but add that selection. Given that not many people will like it but still you wanted to make it, 
“So I’m not fired right?”
“No, I might have to ask Jungwoo about the salt incident though”
“No matter what he say, he was partly at fault” 
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This was honestly the last place you thought you’ll be at. You must look so silly right now, standing in the lobby of a corporate building in your sundress holding  cake boxes while the receptionist stares you down. 
“I’m sorry miss but I can’t just let you go up without an appointment”
“Okay uhm can I talk to someone that I give this to and take it upstairs?” you asked, gesturing at the boxes you brought
“Sorry we don’t allow solicitations” she smiled at you, but you know she was pretty annoyed at you. 
You were just about to give up when you hear someone call your name, 
“Y/N? Is that you?” 
“Hi, Jess” you smiled back at her, “You brought a gift?” she asked, nodding at the box
“Yea, one of them is for you actually. It’s kind of late for your birthday but I thought you might like it” 
Jessica smiled at you before taking the box and linking one arm around yours, the receptionist long forgotten. 
“Let’s go upstairs, come on” then she whisked you away. When you got the elevator, the two of you made small chats. She was talking about how the designers loved the photos you took during the shoot,
“You should do it again sometime”
“It’s just a hobby now, really” you smiled at her suggestion, you did major in photography for the first two years in college but after moving schools, you decided to change majors too. Culinary was still hard to do, but you enjoyed every second if it. It was also a good thing that you were just as good with a camera as you are with a whisk. 
“And let me guess, that one is for Jae” Jessica nodded at the box you were holding
You were about to say no but you both know that wasn’t the truth so you just laughed, “You know after you he never really dated anyone seriously. Chunga is a great girl and yet they never worked out. It’s like he already knew it wasn’t going to, no one was like you so why try”
“I don’t think he actually thinks that” you mumbled, “Just accept it, my brother is still very much smitten with you. He’s just trying to act all tough because he doesn’t want to get hurt again” she shot you a smile. 
The two of you stepped out the elevator, you just followed Jessica since you’re not really sure where she was going
“I’m sorry” you know saying those words will never suffice but you still say it anyways. 
“Don’t say sorry to me, you didn’t do anything wrong to me. And to Jaehyun too, just be gentle with him” she shot you that sisterly smile
“I don’t think he wants to talk to me, can you give this to him though?”
“Why don’t you give it to him yourself?”
“That’s not really a good idea, I don’t want to ruin his day”
“Believe me, you’ll be the best part of his day” she said as she open the door to her office you assume. She gestured for you to come in first, so you did. 
When you turned around you almost lost your grip on the box you were holding, 
“Okay, can’t say I walked right into that one” you mumbled, hearing a chuckle from Jessica who was standing behind you
“Enjoy” Jessica says from behind you before closing the door. 
Jaehyun almost didn’t go to work today. Yesterdays revelations were too much to take in, of course it didn’t go down without an argument between him and his mother. Plus you were there and you looked like you just wanted to get away from him again, but you stayed rooted at your spot. 
The two of you didn’t exchange any words besides an apology you muttered on your way out the door. He really thought that was the last of you he’ll see.
And now you’re here. In his office. He almost pinched himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming right now because if he’s being honest it wouldn’t be the first time you’ve appeared in his dreams.  
“What brings you here?”
“Uh, I’m not sure?”
“You’re not sure?”
“I didn’t think this far ahead”
He can’t help but chuckled at your expression. You were still standing awkwardly by the door, looking around his office. 
“You know you can come closer, I don’t bite. Unless-”
“Okay don’t continue that sentence” you said as you walk towards his desk, putting the cake carefully on his table
“What’s this?”
“An apology gift”
“So you’re bribing me now” okay ouch.
He must have noticed the change in your expression because he quickly added, “I didn’t mean it like that”
“No no, it’s fine”
Then it was silent, not the awkward type of silence. You weren’t sure where to look so you just looked down at your feet, you hear a chuckle from Jaehyun
“Just yesterday you were close to tears and now you’re here bringing me cake”
You smiled gently at his words, taking a deep breath before speaking again
“It was like a weight lifted off of my shoulder, at least now I don’t have anything to hide from you. There’s no monsters hiding in my closet or something like that. I don’t expect you to forgive me and forget about it. But I do want to fix this, the least I could do is make up for the wrongs that I did”
“Was it wrong?”
“I took your mom’s money, the money that she gave me to break up with you. She pretty much paid me”
“You said it yourself you never touched a cent”
“I couldn’t. I wouldn’t. It wasn’t worth it”
“Wasn’t worth what?” Jaehyun asked, he wasn’t why he did or what answer he wanted to hear from you but he asked anyway
“It wasn’t worth totally losing you. I knew if I used it then that meant I agreed with your mom. I only did what I did not because of the money but because I wanted you to be free from the burden you were feeling. She was never going to let us be if we continued dating, so I just took the money and disappeared”
He didn’t expect you to be this truthful and open about it, but then again you never really lied to him. He knew you like the back of his hand, even after all these years. There was no use to lying if it’s with him, he'll just see right through you.
“You could’ve said goodbye”
“You would’ve known then, you would’ve stopped me from going then we both wouldn’t be where we are now” You answered,  this time there were no screams, no anger no sadness. 
“Are you happy?” he asked
“Yes, it wasn’t always like this. There were a lot of hard days, now I’m just glad I got through all of that” you answered with a smile, you look over at him to find him already staring at you. “Are you happy, Jaehyun?” you asked him
“I can be”
As he said those words he also held your gaze, looking like he was staring right through you. This wasn’t the Jaehyun you’ve talked to previously, the one that was always angry and throwing words at you. This was just Jaehyun, the Jaehyun you used to know. 
But then again he isn’t. He has changed so much in the past five years, as you have. Maybe you two were tossed together by fate at the wrong time, and it ended badly. But here you are now. 
You’re not expecting a second shot at love with him, it wasn’t your time then so who call tell it is now? you were willing to gamble again but this time you both were too scared to lose. To hurt to ever risk falling again. Happiness is pretty much what all you want for him. 
He deserves to be happy, even if it meant you had to end what you had in order for him to start again. 
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When Clary meets Ash (Fan Fic)
Hey :) this is how I imagine Clary and Ash's reunion (after the events of TDA) in the fic I am currently writing.
It's Chapter 5 of "The new Shadowhunter Academy" (Ao3 link to the full fic is here but don't click or skip Chapter 4 if you are not in for Kitty sexy times).
Thanks to @amchara for providing beta work and to @blaidr for letting me bounce my ideas off him.
To give you context, Ash met Dru in Faerie and they exchanged their numbers. Clary seized the opportunity to obtain Ash's number from Dru and write him the following text message:
“Hey, Ash. Dru gave me your number and please don’t be angry with her, I am very strong headed and there was absolutely no way she could have refused. I am Clary. You may have heard of me. I am your late father’s sister. That’s right, your aunt. You can call me whatever you like. Emma told me what you did in Thule, how you saved her. How you saved everyone. That was very brave of you. In a way, both of us were faced with a very difficult choice and made the same. Doing what we thought was right. I would love to meet you and tell you about my mother – your grandmother – or just talk about anything. It can be things totally unrelated to the Shadow world. Hobbies, movies, books and games we like. You can pick the time and place. Neutral territory. Hope to see you soon. Clary.”
This is what happens following the text:
Clary wrapped her oversized woolen coat tighter around herself, as she made her way through the crowded streets of Manhattan. The route was familiar. She took it almost every week to meet up with her parabatai and have what they called their “mundane hour”. They talked about everything, from Clary’s art to the latest TV shows they had binge watched. No topic was off the table, save for anything related to Shadowhunter duties, and the Shadow world in general. As co-head of the New York Institute and since recently, artist owning her own gallery, her weeks were very busy so she looked forward to those rare and precious moments when she could escape with Simon. Her heart rate seemed to accelerate with each of her steps, and it didn’t help that she also had the strange feeling she was being observed. When she reached her destination, she took a deep breath and opened the double glass doors leading her inside the coffee shop. She and Simon had their regular routine there, and her gaze went automatically to their usual spot, near the large windows.
A broad-shouldered jock with a baseball jacket was already sitting there, speaking loudly to his cheerleader girlfriend. Two of his friends were standing next to him, mock punching his muscular arms. It made her realize that Ash probably never had this. High school friends and romance. Ash. She was still struggling to figure out why he had asked her to meet up at this place, at the exact time she usually got there with Simon. Was it him being considerate, a clumsy way to make her feel comfortable in familiar surroundings? Or was it a warning? I know your habits, and precisely where you take your coffee, when and with whom.
Her gaze swept over the crowded room - her heart seemed to have moved up her throat, the frantic pulse almost choking her - and zeroed on a tall, white blond haired boy ordering coffee at the counter, standing with his back to Clary. She sucked in a breath. Ash. He was fully clothed in black - Dru had told her that was his usual style - and huge headphones were covering his ears. She slowly and cautiously approached him and when she was close enough, put a tentative hand on his elbow. “Ash,” she whispered. The boy glanced over his shoulder, his blue eyes quizzical and… it was not Ash.
She mumbled an apology.
“Clary,” said a voice coming from behind, and she froze. It was not a boy’s but a man’s voice, the sound beautiful and ethereal. She just stood there for a few seconds before she slowly turned.
What had she expected? Merely a taller version of the young boy with pointy ears and a sour expression that she had met three years before, dressed in the same refined velvet clothing threaded with gold that identified him as fey royalty?
If so, she had clearly been mistaken.
She blinked a few times to make sure her mind wasn’t playing tricks. He was tall, as she had anticipated (Sebastian had been after all). At least two heads taller than her and probably taller than Jace. But he was also very different from the Ash of her memories, from the sketches she had drawn of him after they had crossed paths. He had amazingly grown into his features, his face now the best combination of the Seelie Queen and Sebastian’s. As if he had picked the most alluring colours of the palette. And the result was… Stunning. Clary’s hand twitched, aching for a pencil.
He was not dressed in black, but in plain blue jeans and he had stuffed his hands in a very elegant, long pale gray cashmere coat. His white blond hair and pointy ears were concealed under a deep green beanie, the same colour as the scarf around his neck.
He arched a silvery eyebrow at Clary, his expression bemused, and she realized she was staring.
“Clary, seriously?” he said, his gently scolding tone at odds with his enchanting voice. “This guy isn't even half as good looking as me." He glanced pointedly at the patron in question, who was gaping at him, and shrugged. "No offense, dude,” Ash added as an afterthought.
He turned his attention to the barista. She was beautiful, dark skinned with long braided hair and pouty lips. “Hello, gorgeous. We’ll have a double espresso with oat milk and a dash of cinnamon for the lady and a plain black coffee for me.”
Clary stifled a gasp and tried to hide her discomfort. He knew exactly how she took her coffee, and she didn’t know how she felt about this.
The pretty barista nodded eagerly, her cheeks red and her big dark eyes dreamy as she stared at Ash. “Why don’t you… Go sit at your table and I’ll bring you your beverages when they are ready?” the girl offered enthusiastically. The long line of patrons that had formed behind Clary and Ash would probably disagree but she didn’t seem to care.
“That would be lovely,” Ash said in his euphonious voice. “And so are you.” He winked at her, and Clary wondered if she would need to catch her while she swooned. He paid before Clary even had a chance to reach for her purse.
“Come,” he said in a commanding tone, as he made his way to Clary and Simon's usual table. This was unnerving.
The jock seated there paused in the middle of his conversation with his girlfriend when he saw Ash stand casually next to him. Clary braced herself for a heated exchange, but she should have known better.
“You want to sit somewhere else,” Ash said evenly, one hand inside the pocket of his designer coat and the other stretched out in front of him as he studied his fingernails.
“I want to sit somewhere else,” the jock repeated in a monotonous voice, his gaze blank. He stood, as if in a trance, and his girlfriend and friends followed him, puzzled, to an empty table at the far end of the room.
Ash drew a chair for Clary and she sat. He did the same, opposite her. He pulled off his beanie, and shook his silvery hair, like a crown of liquid white gold. He wasn’t dressed for the part but he had never looked more like a prince.
“Ash… please don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Your mind tricks.”
He cocked his head and observed her, his face unreadable, for what seemed like an endless minute.
“You’ve been my aunt for what? Five minutes? And you’re already trying to boss me around?”
“I am not trying to boss you around, Ash. Simply asking you not to abuse your powers.”
A shadow flickered across his green eyes.
“I’ll let you in on a secret, Clary. I spend much more time and energy holding back than using my powers. If I did let go, trust me, you would know.”
Clary opened her mouth to reply but was cut short as the barista popped in front of them and placed the mugs on the table. She slid a paper napkin to Ash, her phone number scribbled on it. Clary tried not to roll her eyes, as Ash flashed his dazzling smile at the girl, who almost tripped on her own feet as she returned to the counter.
Clary lifted her cup to her lips and paused, as she caught sight of the cinnamon powder floating on the surface. She put it down.
“What about this?" She pointed at her coffee mug and waved around them. “ What is it, if not a show of power? What are you trying to tell me? That you know everything about me? That you’ve been spying on me?”
Ash pulled on a fake shocked expression, mouth open and green eyes wide in mock innocence. “Spying on you? What are you talking about?”
“Come on, Ash. The evidence is right here.” She lifted her cup abruptly, and hot liquid splashed out of it. “You know exactly how I like it. When I take it, where I take it.”
Ash’s mouth twitched. “Where did you pick up these lines? From the script of some lame X-rated movie?”
“Adult movies have storylines?” Clary asked, arching her eyebrows.
“Of course they do. Where do you think the Grimm Brothers took their inspiration from?”
He grabbed the paper napkin and started mopping the coffee she had spilled on the table. The blue ink faded and the barista’s phone number vanished.
“You lost that girl’s number,” Clary noted.
Ash shrugged. “I have a girlfriend now.”
Right. Drusilla Blackthorn. From the moment she had met her, Clary had known that the smart and quiet turquoise-eyed girl would someday turn heads.
Clary knew that Dru hadn’t really confirmed their relationship status yet, but it was neither the time nor place to broach the subject with Ash. She was, after all, on a mission to win over her nephew and had not been doing a very good job so far.
A young lanky boy with pink hair and piercings covering his skin walked by and dropped a glossy flyer of the upcoming Mortal Instruments concert on the table between them. Clary hid a smile. It reminded her...
“I have something for you.” She said as she fumbled inside her bag and took out the drawing she had made of Jocelyn, Luke and herself, in front of Luke’s upstate farm (before it was turned into the new Shadowhunter Academy) and laid it on the table.
Ash looked at it hesitantly, like a kid who really wanted to grab the candy but was afraid there was a mouse trap under it. He hunched his shoulders forward and clasped his hands under the table, as if to keep himself from temptation.
“I recognize your art. I like it. I also appreciate Julian Blackthorn’s but I may not be as objective where… one of the subjects of his drawings is concerned.”
“You’ve seen my art?”
He leaned back on his chair, crossing his long arms behind his head. Somehow, he managed to make it look graceful.
“Which Shadowhunter hasn’t? I noticed that you often drew Jace with angel wings.”
“Yes. That’s how he used to appear to me. In recurring dreams.”
“Was it?”
“Was it what?”
“Jace. In your dreams.”
“Who else would it be?”
“Someone who looks like him, but who actually has wings.”
“You mean Kit.”
Ash shrugged. “It would make more sense.” His gaze flickered back to the drawing, which still lay on the table, untouched. “You look a lot like your mom.”
“So do you”, Clary blurted before she could take it back.
Ash shot her an unfathomable look.
“How is she?” She asked.
“You mean, the Seelie Queen? You tell me. You must see her more often than I do.”
“Well, not really. I am not that involved in politics, even though Alec is Consul. Julian Blackthorn is the one who deals with her most of the time. She appears to have... a fondness for him.”
“Who doesn’t?”
Clary’s mouth quirked up.
“I am glad you are getting along with the Blackthorns. They are such an incredibly strong and talented family.”
“They are.” He turned his face away, but not before she could see the expression of longing plain on his delicate features.
She swallowed. She was painfully reminded that Ash never had a shot at a happy family. Born of a political union, and dragged here and there, though interdimensional portals, by people more interested in his powers than anything else he had to offer as a person. And judging by how Dru talked about Ash, he had a lot to offer.
“I imagine it must have been awful living in Thule… But what you did for Emma and Julian back there... if it hadn’t been for you…”
“I don’t want to talk about Thule,” he interrupted her. “Can I borrow this?” He asked, his long fingers brushing the Mortal Instruments concert flyer.
She watched as he started folding the paper, realizing with a jolt of surprise that he was making an origami and wondering what shape would come out of it. It was odd seeing him doing such an innocuous thing, as if he was not a faerie prince with a heavy heritage and a giant target on his back, but an ordinary boy. She remembered what Emma had told her of her encounter with Ash in a nightclub in Thule. The way he had shown no interest, playing a video game in a corner of the room, while Sebastian was committing atrocities. Had he really been as indifferent as he looked?
“Ash, we don’t need to talk about Thule if you don’t want to, but if I can help you… If there is anything I can do-”
“Why?” He looked up sharply. “Are you able to create a rune that could undo the things I saw?” His tone was even, but his delicate fingers had started slightly shaking and he suddenly dropped the paper - his work unfinished - to fold his hands under the table to hide it. From that moment, she knew.
“No…” Clary said, drawing the word out. “But trust me, coming from someone whose memory has been tampered with... it’s not a solution.”
“I said undo. Not forget.” He snapped. “I am not such a coward that I would choose blissful ignorance over knowledge.”
He caught himself, blinking, then clenched his jaw and looked away. As if he was ashamed he had allowed himself to show any emotion at all. But Clary had managed to catch a glimpse of what lay underneath the mask and wanted nothing more than to see the rest of it.
“I don’t think you are a coward,” she said.
He looked over at her, a silver eyebrow raised. “I let it all happen, didn’t I? I didn’t lift a finger.”
“Because you couldn’t. Sebastian would have killed you. And you, Ash, are just like me. A survivor.”
He snorted and crossed his arms in front of him, leaning back on his chair. He had stretched out his long legs and Clary realized that he was tapping a foot nervously next to hers.
“Wrong. I could have. I chose not to. Because I am selfish. I don’t care about other people’s fate.”
His face split into a lazy, wicked grin. Clary could see Sebastian’s influence in his leer, but she wouldn't let it deceive her. Just as she wasn't fooled by his laid-back demeanor.
“I think it’s the opposite, actually. I think it’s because you care too much. It’s not death you are afraid of. The thing is, you have such a tender heart, you need to protect it from an affliction far greater than any physical pain you could endure. So you’d rather lie to yourself and pretend you feel nothing.”
From the long conversations she had with Tessa about her ancestors, Clary knew of a Fairchild boy who had been too compassionate for his own good. And he had been surrounded by loyal friends and loving parents, even though he had shut himself, putting on a facade while burying his grief in alcohol. Ash never had that kind of support. Throughout his life, he was left to figure things out on his own. If he was as empathetic as Clary thought he was, Ash probably had no other choice but to deal with his sensitivity alone. It was a miracle he had turned out the way he did.
“You have a lot of imagination,” he said after a moment. The ghost of a smile was still playing on his lips but something had passed across his eyes. “Then again, you are an artist. You seek beauty in the ugly. You find colors on a blank page. I admire your faith, but in this case, there is nothing to see.”
Clary jutted her chin stubbornly and they held each other’s gaze - his green eyes glittering in amusement and hers dead serious - in a staring contest.
“Still,” he said when he finally broke, first. “I shouldn’t have lashed out at you. I am sorry.”
Clary softened. “Don’t be. I am glad you are finally showing your true self. You don’t need to wear your mask around me, Ash.”
He chuckled. “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.”
“It’s funny that you would quote Oscar Wilde.”
“And why is that?”
She shrugged. “Just another thing you share in common with a Fairchild I heard stories about.”
“Clary,” he said in a gently reproving tone. Her name sounded like a caress in his melodious voice. “Are you being purposefully cryptic to arouse my curiosity?”
She moved closer, so she was sitting at the edge of her chair, and leaned forward, hands folded over the table.
“If you show me yours, I’ll show you mine,” she whispered. “Let me in. Shed all pretense.”
“I can’t promise you that,” he whispered back in confidence, leaning closer still so that their faces were inches from each other. “It’s like fabric that burns and melts into skin. If you peel it off, the skin goes with it.” He grimaced, reclining on his chair. “It won’t be a pretty sight. I don’t think even my level of hotness could sustain it.”
“Ash…” Clary said, sensing that she finally had an opening to say what she had been brooding over ever since she had learnt of Ash’s return from that forsaken land. “I wanted to tell you… I am sorry.”
Ash’s green eyes widened.
“Sorry for what?”
“I should have looked for you. I should not have given up on you.”
Ash’s jaw clenched and he looked away. “Don’t,” he said through gritted teeth. “You don’t owe me anything.”
“I do. Seb-...Ash, we...”
“What did you just call me?” He snarled. His eyes snapped back to her, suddenly cold as ice.
“Sorry, Ash. What I meant to say is… we are family."
“I already have a family.”
“I know that you care about Janus…”
“I don’t want to talk about him,” he cut her off.
“And we don’t need to. I just wanted you to know… I understand that he’s been like a father to you, and I don’t plan on moving against him, unless he strikes first or makes it impossible for me to overlook his actions.”
“Because of me?”
“Of course, because of you.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Ash… You are my nephew, my blood. You may not feel the same way about me, but that’s how I feel about you. I want you to know that, if things go wrong, for any reason, you can always turn to me. My home is your home.”
“What you are actually telling me is, Ash, if I kill the one person who has ever really cared about you - and it might definitely come to that - you can always grab my hand, still sticky and warm from his blood. Well, how nice of you. To quote Oscar Wilde again, true friends stab you in the front.”
“That’s not what I am-”
“Clary,” Ash interrupted as he stood. “Do not make me choose between you and him. Because…” Looking down at her, he swallowed hard, as if the words pained him. “Because you will lose.”
She knew exactly what he was telling her. Because they were the same in that way. Ruthless, even with their own blood, when it came to protecting their loved ones. If I had to choose between killing him and you, I would not hesitate. I would end you. Yet, despite his cold statement, despite his sharp and resolved tone, his eyes seemed to carry a deep regret.
“Ash, I understand what you're saying and I swear I am not trying to make you pick a side”, Clary said, suddenly desperate, as she mirrored him and stood. “Please don’t go. I am sorry I brought it up. We will stop talking about him. Starting now.”
“This was a bad idea. Never try to contact me again.” He drew his green beanie from the pocket of his coat and put it back on. He turned and strode toward the exit. She grabbed the family drawing that still lay on the table, stuffed it in her bag and followed him, half-running, as he was quickly losing here with his long legs.
“Ash! Please. Give me another chance. I am so sorry.”
He paused right outside the coffee shop, closed his eyes and sighed. “Don’t be. It didn’t change what I had planned to tell you anyway. I don’t want to know anything about you or your mother. I don’t want to have anything to do with either of you.”
“I don’t think that’s true,” she said, and he whipped his head around to look at her in surprise. “I know you were under house arrest. You probably had to break out of whichever place they were holding you in to come here. You wouldn’t have done that unless you wanted something. Something from me. Tell me, Ash. Tell me what it is.”
He turned his face away so she could not see his expression. A full minute passed and she had almost given up on receiving an answer, when he finally spoke.
“My fa… Sebastian. How different do you think he would have been if not for the demon blood?”
“Oh. Ash.” she whispered. She brought her knuckle against her sternum instinctively, as if to cover the gaping whole in her chest. “I saw him, you know. The brother I should have had. The father that should have raised you. If only for a few minutes.” She paused to bite back tears. “In those few minutes, he told us how to get rid of the Endarkened and said he was sorry. It’s not much to go for, but… that’s not all. I have recurring dreams of the green eyed boy that was robbed from us. And I know in my heart he would have been the best brother a sister could ever dream of.”
He was still looking away and she could see the sharp line, the stubborn set of his jaw. She wanted to hug him, to tell him she would not fail him again. That they could mourn her brother, his father, together. That he didn’t need to bear the anger at everything that was wasted alone.
He finally turned to look at her. A tear had escaped to run freely down his cheek. He had completely shed off his mask, and what Clary saw was like a stab in her gut. She shivered. Wordlessly, he reached for his deep green scarf and tied it gingerly around her neck. The way Sebastian had when they had walked down the streets of Paris. Ash looked nothing like her brother had then. His green eyes held an infinite sadness that spoke of a grief deeper, older than the short years of his life.
“It doesn’t change anything.” He said - she hadn’t imagined his beautiful voice could sound so hollow - and turned to leave.
“Ash, wait.” She grabbed him by the elbow and he froze. His eyes widened as his gaze zeroed on the fingers covering his coat, as if he couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing. She realized she had never touched him before.
“Clary, what do you want from me?” He asked in a tired voice.
“I just want to get to know you.”
“Trust me, you don’t. I am not the brother who was stolen from you. I cannot replace him. If anything, I am just like Sebastian was before me... my father’s broken toy. There is no way to fix me.”
“I don’t believe it for a second,” she said, almost frantic. “And I don’t want to find my brother's replacement, I want to get to know you! Ash. The real Ash.”
“I already told you. That’s not happening. Don’t ever try to contact me again. I am serious.”
“So that’s it?” She tried not to sound too whiny but panic was eating away at her stomach and she thought she would throw up. “You went through all this trouble spying on me, learning how I take my coffee to simply disappear from my life from one moment to the next?”
He gazed at her for a moment, his expression unfathomable. It seemed like an eternity before he finally spoke.
“I was not spying on you, Clary. I was merely following your stalker.”
“What? You were… protecting me?”
“Take care of yourself, Clary.”
He said as he stepped away from her and vanished into the crowd.
Clary threw herself in Jace’s arms as soon as he opened the door to their bedroom at the New York Institute. He froze, then started stroking her hair in a soothing gesture.
“Clary, what happened? Is everything okay?”
“No,” she said, her voice muffled against his chest.
“Tell me, Clary. What is it?”
She pulled away and wiped tears with the back of her hand. Jace’s face was a mask of shock. Clary couldn’t blame him. She almost never cried.
“I messed up.”
“What did you mess up?”
She walked to the bed and sat on the mattress. She took a deep breath, bracing herself for his reaction. “Ash. I met up with him earlier today.”
Jace tensed and his hands clenched into fists. “WHAT- Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because you would have insisted on coming.”
“Damn right, I would have. And I would have been right, too. Look at you, you look miserable.”
“It’s my fault,” she said in a small voice. “I pushed him too far.”
Jace sighed and came to sit next to her, putting a comforting arm around her shoulder. “I am sure you did nothing wrong, Clary.”
“I thought- When I showed him the drawing… the way he looked at it, Jace. He is not indifferent. He cares.”
“What drawing?”
“The one I made of the family,” she said absently, as she grabbed her bag and started fumbling inside.
She sucked in a sharp breath. The drawing wasn’t there. Peeking out in its stead, and folded out of the flyer of the Mortal Instruments concert, were origami faerie wings. The Fairchild family symbol.
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chasingpj · 3 years
○˚ 𝐱𝐞𝐧𝐢'𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ˚○
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to get me back into the writing mood and to celebrate 600 followers, i thought it would be fun to have a little holiday celebration! after a long hiatus, it's so crazy that there are that many of you who like my blog. you guys are always sending so much love to me and my works. you have no idea how much your comments in my ask box and in the tags mean to me and i figured after a long hiatus, it's only right that i return all the love <33
this celebration will last from Dec 20th to Dec 24th!
in the ask box, you can...
🎄 send me a personal headcanon about a character, pjo as a whole, or my fic yg and i'll add on to it!
🥶 confess & ask for advice (send me a confession or just talk about your day! i would love to get to know you more. i’m probably older than most of you so i’ll be your big sister today. ask me anything.)
⛄️ ask for a blurb: (send me one of the prompts provided or an idea and i’ll make short headcanons or write a 200-word blurb)
🎁 get a personalized letter from your favorite character instead of a ship (pls include: a preferred name to be referred to, you can tell me about yourself and/or a situation and i'll write a short love letter for you from your favorite character. things to include: preferred pronouns, cabin, hobby, interests, personality, scenario, and who you want the letter to be written by!)
🎶 send me a tiktok that reminds you of pjo characters, chb, or your personal oc's and i'll send you one that reminds me of whatever you choose.
❄️ get to know me more! (feel free to ask me anything)
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don’t know what to request? here are 30+ dialogue prompts you can use.
disclaimer & reminder: i will cross out the quotes that have already been requested so just check back before sending it in. I will add more if i get lots of requests. i write for percy, leo, jason, connor, travis, and benny weir.
“I’m gonna make you go first.” “Of course you are.”
“What’re you gonna name it?”
“I can’t believe you cleaned my room!”
“Why did I think this was a good idea?”
“I feel like I’ve stepped back in time.”
“Please tell me that we’re not stuck out here in your piece of shit car.”
“Oh my gosh, are you sure? Like, sure sure?”
“Just one more kiss?”
“We shouldn’t be doing this.”
“We’re gonna die.”
“I can't believe I've been dreaming about this since you saved me from that bully in eighth grade. and now we're here, together... “
“How come you always end up under my blanket?”
“I love hearing your voice, even if you’re so far away.”
"Am I your husband or taxi service?"
"Or we could make out?"
"It's 3 am and you want tacos?"
"Are you sober?"
"Don't get blood on your dress. We have dinner reservations at 7."
"I wish we could live together already."
"Did you seriously get your foot stuck in the toilet?"
“Pick-up lines only work when I’m drunk.”
“Another credit card?!”
“I’m telling your mom!”
“Looks like someone needs a happy meal.”
“Or we could make out…”
" I mean... i-i'm cool with sharing the bed if you are. "
“You’re even more stunning in person.”
"If I didn't know better, I'd say you were trying to flirt with me by buying me books."
"I'm forever in your debt, my friend." "Just buy me a burger and we'll call it even, okay?"
“How did you two meet?”
“Don’t let this one go. he’s perfect for you. “
“How is it that you always manage to look so handsome, even in [insert not-handsome looking clothes]?”
"If we lose this-" "It's just a game of Capture the Flag honey, it's not that serious" "If we lose this, I'm divorcing you."
"I'm bored, wanna do something?" "Sure, what do you want to-" "Bank robbery." "..." "..." "Should I be concerned?"
"You make me miserable, you know that?" "Then how come you're smiling?"
“Excuse you, I am great at being a third wheel.”
“Sir, the pony rides are for children only."
“Apologise. Right now.”
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