#i'm always accepting prompts i just have like.... a bit of a backlog
toburnup · 2 years
hello again i'm the anon that sent you the asks about steve seeing eddie's art/tattoos on other people in the 'mark my skin' series and about steddie playing out the bathroom fantasy in 'thirty days', and in both cases i didn't mean them as a prompt (bc i didn't know if you'd appreciate prompts) but obviously i would LOVE it if you'd decided to write them and i think i speak for the entire steddie nation when i say that i would love to read anything you write in both those universes /1
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ahh, hellooooo, you have been such a wonderful source of inspiration!! i have written a bit of your mark my skin suggestion (love that!) for a mini post-series work/coda, annnnd i am writing the bathroom scene 😇😇 so it's your lucky day.
and no worries at all. i love receiving prompts. and i especially love them when they're connected in some way to something i've already written, idk why, that just feels extra special. like the mini world i made is enough that you can imagine other stuff happening within it.
also... fooling around during a movie is a Classic so i had to do it again!! consider it written just for you (i also wrote the movie scenario into this fic if you haven't read it, though that's steve being a nuisance toward eddie).
and for your actual question, i've written femslash in the past (though not since my last fanfiction stint back in like, 2011). if there's a couple i like, i'll write whatever i need to make it happen lmao. i've considered writing something for ronance since i love writing robin, but oooof nancy's character is very hard for me to write!! like it's hard to get her voice right! but if that's what you were looking for, feel free to send me any ideas you have and i'm happy to take a shot at it. what can i say, i'm a slut for prompts.
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 2 years
🐇 : || RULES
Hello Hello ! Good morning, afternoon or night, depending on where you are! I see you've found my rules list! Thank you! I really appreciate you coming down here to read this for me! I'll try to spare you from having to read me prattling on, but I'd just like to get an introduction for myself out of the way; then we can get into the fun stuff!
Also, though it's not vital, please know I WILL NEVER BE MAD AT YOU IF YOU ACCIDENTALLY BREAK A RULE. I know it's easy to look at these rules as an ' if you cross, you die , ' sort of deal; however, trust me, I get it! I've accidentally broken rules, and I've had my rules broken; to err is to be human. If you make a mistake, we can always move past it. Just try your best, okay? It's all about respect and trying!
Anyways! Hello! My name is Bunnighuleh; it's a pleasure to meet you all! But you can call me Bun or Bunni, or just outright Bunnighuleh if you'd prefer! I'm a 21-year-old, college student studying full-time! I mainly go by she/her and they/them pronouns, but I really don't care about labels, and you can call me anything you'd like!
Respect my muses’ boundaries.
Respect my personal boundaries.
If there’s one thing I am, it’s slow; please respect that. It's nothing personal. I am just a perfectionist, I study full-time and my interest and energy are fleeting.
Please be nice! This is non-negotiable. I don't care if your muses are rude; I mean, I play Kondraki for god sake; however, OOC I expect you to at least give me common courtesy. Rudeness is not tolerated.
Please, please, please don't use me as a meme/musing source! The occasional reblog is not a big deal, however, I've recently experienced problems with backlogs of reblogs clogging up my notifications, so please go directly to the source!
I am multi-ship and a bit of a shipping whore to be honest. However, I do not auto-ship based on the canon; sometimes I will ship my muses with one another and give them interwoven stories. Sometimes this will mean my muses are not open to being shipped with; other times this means those characters can't be interacted with unless you accept this pre-established relationship. Of course- I will never force these relationships on you. However, please do respect them and my ability to ship or not ship my characters.
I also do what I want! It sounds silly, but my blog is highly canon-divergent and headcanon based. If you don't like that, that's okay, but don't try to get on my back over it!
I am very crossover friendly! If a verse isn't outright written about in the characters, then ask me about it! I can always whip something up for you!
I am 21+, and all of my muses are 18+ ( and often horror-centred ), so NSFW in terms of uncomfortable themes and sometimes straight-up smut WILL occur. If this isn't alright with you, please leave now!
Like I said before, I am uncomfortable with minors interacting because of the sheer nature of this blog, so please, if you are under 18, leave now.
Likewise, I do explore triggering topics regarding mental illness and trauma. If you are uncomfortable, please leave now.
Mun opinion and muse opinion are two different things!! Some of my characters are actually the fucking worst, but I'd like to think I'm not! Haha
Encourage you to send asks, prompts, ideas, anything!
Encourage you to choose a muse, or several!
Encourage you to shoot me an ooc ask for any reason, even just to say hi! Especially just to say hi! Haha
Encourage you to not stress and take your time!
Encourage you to read up on my muses and lore!
Encourage you to remind me if you think I've forgotten!
That's about it though! If I ever add or remove any rules I'll make sure to post an update, but thank you again for reading this and I look forward to interacting with you all!
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