#anyway thank you for this lovely message
toburnup · 2 years
hello again i'm the anon that sent you the asks about steve seeing eddie's art/tattoos on other people in the 'mark my skin' series and about steddie playing out the bathroom fantasy in 'thirty days', and in both cases i didn't mean them as a prompt (bc i didn't know if you'd appreciate prompts) but obviously i would LOVE it if you'd decided to write them and i think i speak for the entire steddie nation when i say that i would love to read anything you write in both those universes /1
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ahh, hellooooo, you have been such a wonderful source of inspiration!! i have written a bit of your mark my skin suggestion (love that!) for a mini post-series work/coda, annnnd i am writing the bathroom scene 😇😇 so it's your lucky day.
and no worries at all. i love receiving prompts. and i especially love them when they're connected in some way to something i've already written, idk why, that just feels extra special. like the mini world i made is enough that you can imagine other stuff happening within it.
also... fooling around during a movie is a Classic so i had to do it again!! consider it written just for you (i also wrote the movie scenario into this fic if you haven't read it, though that's steve being a nuisance toward eddie).
and for your actual question, i've written femslash in the past (though not since my last fanfiction stint back in like, 2011). if there's a couple i like, i'll write whatever i need to make it happen lmao. i've considered writing something for ronance since i love writing robin, but oooof nancy's character is very hard for me to write!! like it's hard to get her voice right! but if that's what you were looking for, feel free to send me any ideas you have and i'm happy to take a shot at it. what can i say, i'm a slut for prompts.
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cordiallyfuturedwight · 2 months
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you can't stop me lovin' myself ♡ for @kimtaegis
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's Day! (and this blog's first post anniversary!)
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laddertek · 6 months
@countthelions (tumblr ate this when I tried to save my answer as a draft, so we improvise 🙃)
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This one? :D
This whole stream was delightful. What a way to return 🤗
Tango was so happy energetic.
And from Tango calling Etho's storage system cute and Etho in gamechat going "CUTE?!" (00:41:07). To the razzing (and laughing) over shops (00:49:00 and 01:03:49). Etho taking Tango's head twice, and it all being so playful (00:58:11). Etho using Tango's catchphrases 🥹🥹🥹 It gets me every time! "porkchop power" "flee with extra flee!" And the way he said it was the cutest, and Tango's giggle about it too (01:00:59). Etho offering to give the tour Tango wanted. More mail talk and laughing guilt and planning and razzing and teaching Etho to do the stamps. Tango complimenting the path (and that Etho showed it to him when he first came back when Etho came to say hi) (01:15:41). They still plan on doing their sand-collection-off (01:35:06).
And of course the whole TNTificating with Etho's new "boom boom tech" (01:39:43--02:15:17) was just…the most fun. They are having the most fun together...it's an absolute joy. (And it's also them collaborating on how to figure out a redstone thing together which is just so satisfying.) Just...TOO MANY (!!!) (so many) fun moments in that whole TNT section that I can't even start on highlighting them all 😭 I'd need another mammoth paragraph...
Honestly??? Still smiling. Great great great stream 🥹
Timestamps are for YouTube not Twitch because Tango was so fast on getting the VOD up lmao
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elodieunderglass · 1 month
So for some more details:
- I am fairly time-poor with a huge amount of commitments: Grownup Job Senior Promotion, three small kids on summer holidays/starting school, writing a novel fanfic for sick friend, peak growing/harvest season at allotment, etc. so im only offering “what I can actually deliver” at this time
- swan comic is a new idea, people like those don’t they? Not sure of how fundraising mechanism would work here but maybe taking prompts?
- not sure how essay would work but it’s probably my best/most appealing skill?
- material items in exchange for a minimum fixed amount. So offline I’m most known for material works. I’m not a BAD printmaker / craftworker and for this I would be looking at designing a sort of limited print run of greeting card style original hand printed prints. I know you guys aren’t familiar with this work from me, so this would involve a bit of trust that An Art from me would be worth at least £5 lmao. However it’s kind of nice to get something real in the mail right??
- super worried about fandom auction so this would be mostly a register of interest that I’d take to more experienced people and use as leverage to start an auction; I’m not in a great place to provide much actual legwork here. I also have huge guilt from like 2000-something where someone paid A HUNDRED AND LIKE 20 DOLLARS to charity for earthquake survivors and I DID NOT FINISH THE FIC AND I HAD to write to them, weepingly, apologising forever about it, and they were so graceful, they forgave me and wrote off my fandom auction contribution, but I had never watched the tv show they requested and was in the process of romancing dr glass and it all went SO wrong, this MIGHT heal my scars of shame from fandom auctions generally OR might make them worse. It itvery hard to write fic actually it’s my worst skill pls don’t pick this
I will dance like a monkey and get sick kids out of Gaza. What would you like to see most?
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noahmullariii · 4 months
the rage I feel when reading Blood of Olympus chapters 45-56 is almost equivalent in magnitude to the absolute joy I experience when reading The Last Olympian chapters 1-23.
remember when percabeth was good? when they meant the world to each other but had other people they cared about (nico, for one. both of them. so much), other worries and other storylines aside from their romantic plot? and when nico's completed arc wasn't repeated for no reason other than to dump more trauma on the youngest character in the series? when background characters were included in the story not for all the unnecessary last minute romantic subplots but because they were fun and fascinating to learn more about? and were actually friends with main characters? remember when grover was percy and annabeth's best friend forever? and antagonists were actually interesting and intimidating and had compelling goals? and the story revolved around friendship and family and loyalty? and death was definite and loss was palpable and battles were thrilling?
yeah. good times.
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apnourry · 1 month
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it's a great color on me idc
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 2 months
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chalkrub · 1 year
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first batch of "doodles"!! (I spent more time on them than expected)
ropka for @sharkflan
leanne for @gollygeesir
and GORILLA for anonymous :^)
these were all super fun to draw, hope these interpretations are okay!! and thank you for the nice messages <:^)!!!
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jasperyourmutt · 4 months
hi everyone <3
I have a bit of a life update. To make a long story short, last week I was diagnosed with PTSD. I have been having a... very hard time coming to terms with that. For most of my life I believed I just had a bad anxiety disorder, but I am now realizing that is unfortunately not the case. The past couple months I have been in a near constant state of fight or flight, fear, panic, whatever you want to call it- without really realizing it. and man. it has been exhausting, mentally, physically, spiritually. I just thought it was normal to feel like this all the time. i assumed everyone felt like this. my therapist has helped me realize I am in a lot of pain right now and it is not normal. so. the good news is that there is an intensive trauma therapy that I will be doing for the next couple months that is going to really help me recover. i love and trust my therapist with my whole heart. there is a light at the end of the tunnel. i am finally getting the help i need. so. unfortunately I am going to step away from tumblr for a bit. i dont really want to do this, i love being on here. i love interacting with all the friends i've made here. kink has become a very important and healing part of my life. but it is just a little too much for me at the moment. I'm not sure when I will return, could be a couple weeks, a couple months. I'll return when I feel right. I feel like this may be a little odd to share here, but it's important to me to acknowledge and share that I have been having a really hard time. i tend to downplay when i'm in pain. i feel like people usually don't care about me (i know this is very very much not the case. im trying to convince my brain of that too.) its really hard for me to tell people when i am struggling, especially in my real life. so i am taking baby steps and starting here. so, until I return- chase your tails for me, roll in the grass, bark at the squirrels. take care of yourselves. if you are struggling, know youre loved. get the help you need. i will be curling up in my dog bed and taking a nap in the sun. ruff ruff. wag wag. much love to all of you.
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moonjxsung · 8 months
Hello internet ! Sorry I’ve been a little erratic about posting and reblogging today. But I wanted to confirm the person who stole my fic word for word has deleted their account and removed the fic (before playing the victim, in true thief fashion of course 🙄)
Quick little useless blurb I wanted to get off my chest: I began writing because I was unhappy with my own job- I think I’ve mentioned before that my current field of work isn’t related to writing in the slightest and I just missed producing fictional pieces. When people steal my writing, they’re not just stealing a physical Minho fanfic- they’re stealing hours where I clocked out of my corporate 9-5 and sat at my computer to spill my emotions into something that keeps me sane. They’re stealing personal anecdotes I’ve experienced, unique occurrences that I’ve conjured up, love letters in the form of fanfiction and even references to my real life in some of my pieces. It’s a form of identity theft, simply put. You don’t have permission to take the art I created from my pain and my anxiety for your own five minutes of fame on another platform. It’s up to you to live your own life and funnel that into your own writing.
Thank you to everybody who helped get that account taken down. I think we’ve developed a beautiful symbiotic relationship on here where I get to interact with so many lovely people while putting out work I love. As long you guys help me call out people who take advantage of our little space for their own benefit and hold them accountable, I promise to keep our little safe space alive on here for you guys to always have a corner of the internet where you can find comfort- in reading my work or even just dropping by to chat.
In true moonjxsung fashion I leave you with a picture of the moon I took earlier- she matches my little badge! I am okay, I’m doing my best to move on from recent events and I’m eternally grateful for you all. All my love, always- tenfold, and then some.
- ⭐️
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 3 months
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Two things you have never to chase : True friends and True love.
-Mandy Hale-
I have something to say . . . (我有話想說 . . .)
我們都知道在這世上喜歡一個人又不犯法,即使你已有家室:老婆、先生和孩子。重點是在道德和良心允許的範籌內,行使正當友誼的權利。並且你得知道如何挑選正直且成熟的對象,既不會干擾你的婚姻生活,而能給予彼此成長和助力。不過,我相信能遇到這樣條件之人,少之又少。lol (如果你深入接觸的人比你堆的沙子還多,那可不是開玩笑。XD)
We all know that it is not illegal to like someone in this world, even if you already have a family: wife, husband and children. The focus is on exercising the right to legitimate friendship within the limits permitted by morality and conscience. And you have to know how to choose an "upright and mature friends" who will not interfere with your married life, but can give each other growth and help. However, I believe that there are very few people who can meet such conditions. lol (It's no joke if you have deep contact with more people than you have piled sand. XD)
And, in addition (並且,此外)
Recently, there have been a few good friends who have interacted with me on Tumblr for more than a year, or even longer. I am not entirely aware of your other sideblogs, especially young guys asking to see my photos, and of course they're not asking for photos of me wearing clothes… ha! Absolutely impossible. 🙄😅 In fact, my personal social experienced has made me a very tolerant old woman. It's not saying this myself. You have to actually get along with me to know that because they are similar in age to my son and daughter, so I cherish their friendship even more, especially the beautiful life still longer for them. The Chinese call it: "忘年之交" (the mean similar that : get on like a house on fire "see eye to eye with someone", when your friendship between different generations. also much older than my age friends as same meanings. )
Again, I don't set to make many friends on Tumblr here, and there're very few people I interact with. The number of people we sent private messages to was probably less than the number of times I go to a bar to drink in a month. lol The posts I share here are almost like writing a diary every day and records of my recent study of various majors. It is not for popularity, nor does it want to attract attention. Of course, except for the posts showing my leather art creations, the craftsmanship is my Most of the motivation to stay alive and rest of life.
Usually I don't have ideas about personal photos gonna send to you via private message for "friendship", it with "lover" very different to me. Just like now, when you randomly see a post by me and can put a smiling on your face, this is a beautiful friendship. If you happen to see it, it's fine when you don't like it. You don't need to use too much emotions. if that way Oftenly one party will be hurt, and time will tell everything about the feelings you hold in your heart, whether you believe it or not.
Sincerely, above.
I wish you a happy family, a loving couple, a prosperous career, good health and peace!
Your another mom & an old Sis Lan~*
《最近有幾個好朋友在Tumblr上和我互動了一年多,甚至更長。我不太了解你其他的次要博客,尤其是年輕人要求看我的照片,當然他們不是要我穿衣服的照片……哈!絕對不可能。🙄😅 其實,我的個人社會經歷它造就我成為一個包容性很強的老女人,這話不是我自己說的,你得實際和我相處過就知道;正因你們的年紀和我的兒子和女兒相仿,所以我更珍惜你們的友誼,中國人稱之為:『忘年之交』。(當兩者年紀差距甚大,但心靈和思想可以相契者。)
再說一次,我並不想在 Tumblr 上交很多朋友,彼此有互動者很少,曾經私訊者應當比一個月去酒吧喝酒次數還要少。 lol 我在這裡的貼文分享幾乎像每天寫日記和近日研讀各類專業科目的記錄,不是為了人氣,也沒要吸引人注意,當然若是展示我的皮革藝術創作的作品貼文除外,工藝是我活下去的大部分的動力和生活的全部。
祝福你們的家庭美滿、夫婦相親相愛和事業精進、健康平安! 》
well said 👇 Truth. I agree. 5 5 5 🙌 xoxo
"Friendship often ends in love. But love in friendship; never. "
-C. C. Colton-
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PS. It was then dating with my friend at coffee shop across street of my studio in Chinese new year 2010. 😱 OMG! 14 years ago lol I dyed my hair color was popular in Asian at the time. and later I never dye hair color. Because it is meaningless, whether for fashion or to comfort yourself, hair colored does not prove your ability, but your brain do. 🤓
If I dye my hair again, it might be for fun, or perhaps I get to remarry/get carried away by impulse and he's dying hairs also, both do same for funs. I guess so. hahaha 🤸🤸‍♀️🤸‍♂️
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restinpeacesensei · 5 months
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traditional style 💖
#akoya gero#gero akoya#cute high earth defense club love#binan koukou chikyuu bouei bu love!#boueibu#my art#my akoya wanted to join in the vintage dress-up party too!! \;;w;;/#ognvuhgh i wanted to have this done earlier bc other people were doing art so fast for the new outfits but it got dragged out#it was Mostly done a few days ago and i made final edits and was going to post it just before i rushed out to work#i put it up then i was like '??? wait there's a color blob in the wrong place i thought i fixed that???'#i was down to my last minute and didn't have time to do it so i was like auuuughhgh and took the whole thing down#on the Next day i opened the file again to see what was wrong and the color blob was NOT THERE#so im like ??? why did it suddenly appear again in the png. so i looked and i made an error in naming my files#i accidentally named one of the versions 30 instead of 03 so it sorted into the last place instead of the actual most recent version (07)#so that is the reason i ended up being 1 minute late to work. and the lesson to me is i should not try to post at the absolute last minute#(i say this but if i don't get smth done i can't stop thinking about it. it bothers me constantly to have something almost finished but not#(and then it's difficult for me to focus on other tasks so this is why i feel like i have to just get it done before i switch tasks)#anyway i wasn't totally sure what era the traditional outfits are supposed to be from. im not knowledgeable about fashion actually T.T#i googled 'when were suspenders popular' and ended up just looking at old photos and clothing patterns from the 30s-40s#photos from back then were black-and-white can you believe it.. you have to actually look at drawings and paintings to find color#everyone who left me messages elsewhere: THANK YOU SO MUCH!! \>/////</ i will reply soon!! \;;W;;/
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stormyoceans · 3 months
Monica, did you see that?? Papang will appear in My Love Mix-Up in the next episode!!
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honestly the only reason im not losing it more thoroughly about him showing up next episode is because i remember the japanese version having an homophobic teacher and im....kinda afraid he's gonna play that role unfortunately ;;;;;;;; i really hope im wrong and that it turns out to be one of the things they decided to change, but the timing kinda fits, so im just trying to keep my excitement in check for now
either way im very much gonna enjoy seeing him on my screen!!!!!!! (BUT ALSO JUSTICE FOR MY MAN IF HE HAS TO BE STUCK IN SUPPORT ROLES CAN THEY AT LEAST BE GOOD)
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apnourry · 3 months
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braids tomorrow? yes or no
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xbraveheartx · 1 year
I was reading the post under your screenshots of Romeo. I'm curious. What is your theory on Romeo's death? Before he became a puppet?
Hmmm... I gave this some thought, so bear with me on this! Hear me out:
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If we look at his skin here, prior to the explosion that burnt him... you'll see he still has kinda... dark spots on him? And his dialogue during the fight is very flame oriented.
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Not to mention his Ergo, the very reflection of his heart, is titled "Burnt-White King's Ergo" and while it feels sorta like a copout, I feel like just maybe Romeo was victim to a fire. Krat was kinda burnt to the ground in a lot of places, after all. Subject 826 says so himself! And I really don't think he just means the newly burnt Opera House.
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There's also the fire in the main section of Rosa Isabelle Street. So what I'm saying is... maybe... Romeo, after Carlo's death, graduated and became a Stalker himself. Remember, Carlo gave Romeo his own graduation pendant, meaning... Romeo hadn't graduated yet! Is Romeo maybe a grade behind? Younger? Less experienced, and therefore, made to stay longer? Who knows... But in the end, maybe, perhaps, as his duty to the people, he was helping people in, specifically, Rosa Isabelle Street? And got overwhelmed by the puppets there and died in a fire/burning building? (Leaning towards burning building, because his face prior to explosion doesn't look charred... just kinda dusty. So maybe a building collapse?)
Also, I'm comfortable saying he died at Rosa Isabelle Street because it's there that we find the "Notes from an Experiment" document!
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His body had to have been close enough to drag into the Opera House in secret to experiment on, y'know? So I'm thinking maybe it's definitely his resting place (twice over, oof). It'd also be really sad if he really didn't even realize he had died? Like the death had been instantaneous.
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"When the boy opened his eyes..." As in, one moment he was okay, and the next?? He was... not where he thought he would suddenly wake up at. Kinda my take on that...
This was extremely long, I apologize for that!! But thank you for the question!!!! ♡ It's loving Romeo hours up in here, he died trying to do what's right, I'm standing by that!!! How he took it upon himself to use his new found power to fight against the disease and alchemists just says enough of his character to say he definitely died being a hero!!
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