#i'm an invasive species to all other social media - i'll die anywhere else
flowersforvax · 2 years
yeah i don't think the migration will have much of an immediate impact
but i'm worried more if other celebs and advertisers start making accounts here
and tumblr changing the ui or something to monetize the platform....that's terrifying to me
And you know, that's fair, absolutely - I just don't care for the twitter user panic I've been seeing ("oh no! the annoying people are coming back!" Sir, this is the annoying people website)
You're right, i can definitely see more brands and celebrities coming here but I just. I guess i'm just holding onto the hope the last months of changes to tumblr gave me; call me naive but it really seems like this last takeover gave the tumblr staff the freedom to finally listen to the users - as far as they can do that while also keeping the lights on - so. Knock on wood they're gonna keep doing that with shoelaces and crabs
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