#i'm assuming this is in anticipation of watching so i'm trying not to mention spoilers :')
egophiliac · 1 year
hey, do you watch kamen Rider ex aid and kamen rider build?
yep, I've seen them both! Ex-Aid is actually one of my favorites (Poppy 🩷🩷🩷), although admittedly I wasn't super into it until the second half, when it gets less episodic and more into the overarching plot. (I've also heard from other people that they really liked the first half and hated the second, so...it depends on what you like about it, I guess.) some of the execution is messy and it sometimes gets overambitious and doesn't always land, but it has a delightfully weird style/tone that hit me just right, plus a couple of my favorite character arcs! and, like, it's literally a video game creepypasta with superheroes. c'mon.
Build's story was tighter, but my feelings on it are mixed (no pun intended). it did a couple of things that I really really really loved, and also a bunch of things that I really really hated, though some of it is just that I'm not personally into the kind of story it was! 🤷 overall I didn't care for it, but if you're not me then you'll probably like it a lot more than I did. (and I think we can all agree that whoever put that sticker on the back of Rogue's head is a genius beyond mortal comprehension.)
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thechaseofspades · 1 year
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur ramble time (***Spoilers ahead, trying to keep it light though***)
This is officially my favorite active Disney show (not counting The Owl House because it only has one episode left), and top 3 overall behind Ducktales and Owl House. Which is saying a lot when a show is up in that tier just six episodes in.
Way (waaay) more under the cut...
First, let's talk about Lunella. Specifically, her role in the plots of all these episodes. Every one of them teaches her a lesson not only for defeating the villain, but more importantly a life lesson. And not just "aw gee I'm gonna be a horrible person for the first half of this for no reason other than in service of the lesson." We get to see her flaws established, why she has them, and how it affects her relationships with friends, family, and even herself. We are getting to see Lunella naturally learn and grow as a borderline teenager, and that's just awesome.
I raved about the visuals last time but this show just has such a unique style. The next time somebody complains about western media all looking the same, show them this show. There is not a single wasted frame, and every chance for a neat visual or background bit or whatever is taken advantage of.
My favorite element is how the characters slide or snap or otherwise move between poses. It reminds me of Clone High, especially the scene in Ep. 3 with Casey and her dads. It gives the show this energy that makes it feel like everything is moving all of the time. Plus, the gag of Casey sliding out of frame in the cafeteria in the Beyonder episode was really funny.
And the humor! I didn't keep count but it felt like I was laughing at a lot of the jokes, even just the sight gags like I was describing up top. The characters are starting to stand out and find themselves which is a big step in my show-watching experience.
And the music!! How many other Disney shows are gonna have a Childish Gambino song that they have to censor every couple words? What a move. I want to see the S&P emails on that one.
Anyway, I cheated and listened to some of the soundtrack a couple nights ago in anticipation and it absolutely delivers. But for as good as it is, the visuals make it pop. If you saw the first two episodes and how they ended, you know what I mean.
The Beyonder is a whole thing that I'm gonna take another appearance or two to get an opinion on. Seems like if the Collector was an adult, which is scary tbh. The ending of his episode really threw me for a loop.
LGBTQ+ rep shows up all over the place in this show. We've not gotten a main character yet, but Casey's dads have I think appeared way more than Violet's dads ever did. When they're not in screen, there's references to them in Casey's room for example. There's also trans flags, both blatant and hidden, littered all over. There's a scene where Lunella meets a character and they exchange pronouns, one of them using they/them. We also get another enby side character from that scene, although I don't think they've had much outside of that except for one other mention.
(this paragraph contains spoilers for an unreleased future episode(s)) Based on the soundtrack, I think a love-centric episode is coming up. Seems to be straight and I assume it's Lunella and a guy. Not 100% though and I'd be pleasantly surprised if it went in a different direction. Please come back to this in a month or two and tell me how dead wrong I was.
Future spoilers are over now.
What else... I dunno. Clearly I have a lot to say and will probably think of something else later, but if you for some reason decided to stick with this whole ramble then that's awesome.
TL;DR, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is amazing and the first six episodes are on Disney+ so please go watch it
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