#i'm brain fucked so please excuse me if this sounds like a lot of crap
makiema · 5 years
A different take on Titan Science and Paths
I know I include a lot of religious spiel in my SnK rambles but, this time, I'd like to point out some of the scientific or rather, sci-fi tropes associated with the plot. Most of the generic shows tend to pull in the same old LSD bs to try and justify that the mind can possibly access a different dimension or plane when nerves are stimulated in a certain way. Now, often these dimensions are there all along but invisible and inaccessible to normal people for a variety of reasons. It is all an elaborate theoretical physics ass pull but, SnK has actually left plenty of hints down the line. So, I'd just throw in a few proofs of conventional sci-fi motifs which indicate that all the mysteries in the SnK verse will be resolved by logic in the end rather than the endgame being a pragmatic win of humanity over the devil.
• In Episode 6 of Season 1, where we actually see the 'awakening' of the Ackerman power, we get a glimpse of the brain.
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Mikasa's brain is shown to be getting 'charged'. It's indicative of greater ion activity in the nervous system and therefore, the body is now basically capable of super human actions. It becomes overtly sensitive, more aware and muscle power increases considerably. This is probably the most common method of showing how the mind can enter a state of hypersensitivity and when it does so, it can open 'gates' into a different dimension. I think something similar happens to Mikasa here. Her Ackerman instincts are activated and she can 'draw power' via Paths from a dimension where the source of superhuman powers, i.e. OG Ymir resides.
• Next, when talking about Paths, Eren comments that PATHS connects all the Subjects of Ymir but are invisible to them.
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So, it is fair to assume that Paths is in a different dimension that we cannot access. But, some people are privileged enough to open a gate in this dimension and draw strength from it when in a dire situation. That'd be the Ackermans. We know Kenny went full rage mode on the MPs because he was pushed to the edge during the Ackerman oppression period. Mikasa activated her powers when Eren's words struck a chord in her. The powers cannot be accessed only when an Ackerman is in danger. They have to consciously work their brain, focus and put up a real fight in order to open the gate. It could mean that Ackermans have special sensory organs that can somewhat perceive Paths and draw strength from there, unlike other Eldians. They have inherent superior abilities, thanks to their fundamental genetic make up.
• Now, let's come to the Titan Serum. The whole act of making a person a lab rat dates back to the World Wars when the idea of biological warfare first emerged. There's a lot of controversies regarding illegal researches that supposedly took place during the War era. War prisoners were often injected with narcotics and experimented upon. So, in light of SnK that has war references galore, it can be assumed that the Titan Serum is actually a super strong narcotic; it can work the nervous system even to an extent where it is possible to access a different dimension. Hence, the Subjects of Ymir (actually subjects of Titan experiments) are connected via Paths that run through that dimension. It can be said that the serum is a drug that helps to draw tremendous power from an alternate world. Opening such a portal would need or produce a lot of energy. This justifies both the lightning striking down and the heat generated during a Titan transformation. Lightning occurs because of charge flow. If there's a big enough created potential difference in the nerves owing to the effect of narcotics, it isn't improbable for a lightning discharge to take place. And, flowing of this huge amount of charge/electricity is what emits the heat/fire.
• Also, let's examine how Titans are killed and how Reiner's plot armor was used during RTS. Titans can be killed only by cutting their napes with a clean stroke. The nape is the pivotal part of the Nervous System. Consciousness, connection, coordination- the nape governs everything. So, severing the nape is equivalent to cutting off the body's ability to work by interpreting signals given off by the brain. Therefore, the effect of the drug is lost and hence, the grotesque flesh that supposedly comes from "thin air" sublimes as nothing can sustain it in this dimension anymore.
But, here Eren confirms they don't just appear from thin air but are actually sent through Paths. The mind or consciousness, under the effect of the serum, controls this passage. So, it's natural for this transmission to stop if the anatomical structure that deals with consciousness transfer throughout the body is ripped off. We know in RTS Levi impaled Reiner's neck with his blades but, he pulled one on Levi using the "consciousness transfer" trick. This theory explains the deus ex machina Isayama employed in that arc using Reiner. After all, it's the consciousness that's only important because the serum is primarily involved with that.
• Now, how does wounds invoke the Titan Power? We know wounds are a sign that the body is in some danger and that it needs power to overcome it. So, this is a valid cause for the brain to try to draw power out of desperation. The rest is just like how I explained regarding Ackermans. However, since Ackermans don't have the serum injected, they can only awaken muscle strength. Their bodies become more agile and hypersensitive but, they cannot access the Paths or wake up in a different dimension altogether. This is because even though their genetic make up sort of entitles them with superior reflexes and great agility, the serum (which actually has the drug) is required to open the portal to the World of Titan Power.
• The World of Titan Power sounds so far fetched but , these all are already very controversial speculations so I might as well roll with it. In my opinion, the World of Titan Power is nothing but the dimension that OG Ymir opened when she first consumed "the source of all organic matter". There actually is a certain mixture that is considered a source of all organic matter. It is a composition of some gases that when charged with electricity can produce amino acids which bind to form proteins and which then morphs into muscles. So, if Ymir did in fact ingest something like that we can say that when the lightning hit, it caused her to morph into a big grotesque mass of protein chunks, namely the First Titan. In Frankenstein, something similar happened - there's this fateful lightning strike which suddenly gives life to the monster Victor created out of scratch. We cannot entirely discard the possibility of this to have occured. This also explains why all Subjects of Ymir are connected. Given that Ymir had digested something that powerful, her genes must have been permanently mutated. This led all the subsequent generations of her race to have the ability to exercise the power she gained from "the source of all organic matter".
• The non-linearity of time : I'm no science expert but in Einstein's theory of relativity he mentioned something about time being non - linear and space-time being essentially four dimensional. What I suspect Paths is, is basically the connector in this 4D realm.
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This panel is further corroboration to the claim that Paths has no existence in the 3 dimensional reality we're familiar with. Therefore, the concept of time doesn't exist, at least not as being linear. Rather, there is no clear distinction between past and future. Eren Kruger can see the future, Eren can see moments into the future, there's this overriding dejá vu feeling. The relativity theory or Lagrangian logic ( which works along the lines of relativity) considers the future to influence the past. Of course, all these theories are valid only in the quantum level, but even so, sci-fi tends to accept it to work even at a normal level. This comes with a catch of course - it requires the mind to be under the influence of powerful drugs or chemicals that are associated with incredible nerve activities or the beginning of life, etc. Even besides Einstein, some Eastern cultures apparently believe in the non-linearity of time. The concept has been traditionally hypothesized for a long, long time judging from Mayan calendars, ancient tribal relics, etc. So, one may say that Isayama is drawing from all this rich history associated with time travel or time being non - linear. It is a top-notch plot device that is known to shock the readers when explained, whatever be the perspective.
• The existence of a different dimension can mean tampering with any and all known realities we find acceptable. That OG Ymir is active in that dimension isn't much of a surprise. Because, even though she's dead in this realm, her consciousness that posseses the "source of all organic matter" cannot be called dead. Rather, it can be said that it is passed on to that dimension and will live there eternally.
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In fact Eren is hinting at that dimension when he talks about the single coordinate. After OG Ymir died in this world, we know her powers are divided by means of cannibalism as seen in the Season 2 ending. Now the Founding Titan, which I believe is sort of like a pure-breed member of the bloodline, is the domineering one given the closest semblance to OG Ymir's DNA. Therefore, she is established as the main overseer of Paths that allow for the inter-dimensional travel. Given that her powers are superior, it doesn't come as a big surprise that she can access the consciousness of her other descendants and delete memories and stuff. A similar thing can be said about Zeke's screams which gives him control over mindless titans. Zeke posseses royal blood and all of this is possible only because the Founding Titan, containing OG Ymir's blood, is actually the gate keeper of the gate that helps draw power from this dimension that belongs to her. Also, let us take note of how Isayama specifically talks about "spinal fluid". I mean it's not just any other body part or fluid or not even blood, but always the spinal fluid that is at the centre of the Titan transformation thing. This indicates that everything is essentially depended on the consciousness or the nervous system. So, the serum may as well be a strong stimulator that makes it possible for the mind to tread on Paths which lead to the dimension where OG Ymir is looming, where all her powers (and the Founding Titan) are looming.
• So what about Zeke's rebirth? Well, the whole rebirth or respawn ass pull is Christian symbolism at it's absolute best. It is very clearly suggestive of Jesus Christ and His resurrection. But, in the context of this being part of a time hack or dimension hack or whatever, it still boils down to the fact that "the source of all organic matter" that Eldians posses is actually dormant, parasitic life form so, when its host is in danger and about to die, it'll cause the brain of the host to take a leap into Ymir's dimension where she can give first-aid treatment to her Subject. (Lol this sounds so sketchy but anything happens in sci-fis once you can sneak into a different dimension). This, also explains why when a Titan shifter dies, another, yet unborn, baby inherits the power. The "source of all organic matter" can be thought of as the earliest primordial parasitic life form that seeks to survive no matter what. So, when one host dies, it enters another host via Paths that connect all the host bodies.
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In Eren's words, distance and blood has nothing to ditch the transmission. This is even more evidence that everything has to do with consciousness and the 4D plane wherein lies Paths that can establish connections with all the Subjects that bear the same genes.
In conclusion, one of the themes, albeit minor, in SnK is Science Vs Religion. With the advent of science and technology in modern day Marley, it is very likely that the story will be scientifically resolved. We have heard Magath say time and again that they cannot depend on Titan powers forever and that there has to be other technological advancements. In fact, with blimps and everything and even the military thinking of "flying Titans" there's no knowing how greatly progressive Science was in that timeline. If we go back to the early chapters, we have the instances of the Order of the Church, the hegemonic insiders of Wall Sina, the so called peace-keepers in the MP. And then, in Willy Tybur's speech we have the story of Helos (the hero) and the Devil (the root of all evil). All of it is can be categorised under religious brain washing that is essential to veil the truth and to carry on with oppression. However, the SC has always fought against conventions; they dared to go outside the walls, both literally and metaphorically. The upper echelons in Marley brainwashed the public into believing that erasing a whole race off the face of Earth is peace. Willy Tybur can be said to have pulled in all the Helos and Devil crap to stage a fake didactic ideal for the Marleyans. They're made to believe that they'd be mini Helos-es if they supported genocide, much like how the Nick would tell the masses that the walls are apparently God's creations and humans aren't supposed to tinker with them. But, we see how the plot progressed by discarding such myths and by relying heavily on reason, rationale, logic and science the SC would finally tear down these walls that were hiding the truth of the world. So, it's very likely that the Devil plus Helos was just Willy Tybur's creation and in reality everything actually has to deal with science and reason (like warping of time-space or some shit like that). And, true freedom can be achieved only when Eren breaks down the walls of ignorance, unlocks these truths and reveal to the world the falseness in Willy Tybur's little fairy tale. Remember in Chapter 112 how Eren said that ignorance is the biggest impediment to freedom?
Well, it might have been a foreshadowing all along. The key to freedom is knowledge. As long as the world is ignorant and buying whatever bullshit is thrown at them, it'll remain a slave to falsehood and fantasies. All the problems of racism, oppression, etc. will continue if people keep believing whatever they're fed by the upper brass of the society when they're confused. Only when the world is aware, educated and knowledgeable can it tear down the walls of misunderstanding between the two races and stop the oppression. This would consequently lead to the freedom Eren has always hoped to achieve- the freedom to live in this world that belongs to them without being ostracized by anyone because "everyone is special from the moment they are born".
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love-hatred-stuff · 3 years
Mad at him } Jung Jaehyun [nct]
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》 genre:
angst, light fluff
》 warning(s):
Jaehyun swears a lot & is kind of a dick, mention of other idols [ma johnny], um that's it ig
》 word count:
Crap, school is shit!
I was doing homework for hours now and I was still not finished with all of it. It was upsetting me, more than it should.
After I had let out a heavy and annoyed groan I heard my phone ring. Jaehyun, my boyfriend was calling me.
Wow, he actually had the time to call me.
He didn't contact me for a whole day and I was getting more pissed each minute. In the beginning of our relationship, he always made sure how my day was when we hadn't had the chance to meet up.
Today had been an absolute disaster what wasn't making my mood any better.
But I had to suppress my anger for a moment, because he was rather sensitive. What means, I better not get mad for no proper reason.
He started talking instantly after I picked up.
"Hey, sorry that I couldn't call earlier. How was your day?" His voice was monotone and I didn't like that, at all.
I felt the wish that he would've better just let me be for the rest of the day with that attitude crossing my mind. Though I tried ignoring my now mixed feelings.
"Yeah, nevermind. Mine was not the best day to be honest." I tried to reply like I normally would.
"What happened?" I wasn't in the mood to tell him about my whole day.
And because he hadn't had the time to pick me up yesterday too, I decided to tease and play a little bit. Maybe this would make my day better.
"Nothing, that's the problem. I am doing homework for hours now and my brain is about to explode. But luckily, I have Kai. He helps me out a lot, with my problems." It almost sounded like I was only talking to a friend and not my boyfriend. Acting like Jeahyun wasn't my boyfriend for almost two years now.
Since I knew, he gets angry when I'm close to other guys, it's the perfect idea to play with his feelings. Cruel, but effective.
"What do you mean, helping you with your problems? That's what I'm supposed to do. You should better get your ass here now!"
"Don't cuss at me. He's just a good friend I met in school Jaeh." I acted like I was trying to convince him that it wasn't a big deal, but in reality it was what I wanted, of course.
I wanted him to spend time with me, without telling him to.
"Do you think I care if he's just a friend? We had been friends too before we started dating, Y/N." He sounded pissed and I had to smile proudly.
"That's different." I wasn't allowed to mention that I would never replace him, like I usually would, because it had to sound a little suspicious.
"That Kai guy is going to get killed if he thinks he can have you. I want you to come over right now!" I almost giggled at his command.
"I don't think, you really want me there." I expressed my thoughts.
"What the fuck is wrong, Y/N? You know that's not true." I could hear his voice getting shaky and hard to control.
"Ok then. I'll be there in 10." I ended the call quickly before it could get too emotional.
I didn't like emotions, except for the ones I had for Jaehyun. They can easily let you make some real dumb decisions.
That's why I was a rather cold person. I was kind, but I wasn't someone who smiled all day and acted like nothing angered or annoyed me. 'Cause there were always things in my way.
Fortunately I was also a quite strong person, that learned to be in the past few years and I don't give up that easily or let some shit destroy me.
Jeahyun was also strong but I had better skills than him to get what I wanted and my influence on him was just too big to let him win. I always won fights, but that wasn't important in our realtionship. To me it was just an advantage that I would use in such situations.
I changed into a short but cute, rosè dress and a white cardigan with brown buttons, put my converse on and fastly walked to Jaeh's dorm.
I had needed fifteen minutes, but it was fine, he would wait for me longer.
I knocked like I always did, three times.
After some seconds Jaehyun ripped the door open and I slightly flinched.
"Holy Shit. What are you wearing?" He scanned my body. I could see, he found it hot but there was also some anger building up in his eyes, and it was rising fast.
"Nice to see you too." I rolled my eyes, inconspicuously also looking over his body. He was wearing sweatpants and a muscle tank top, showing his biceps and toned abs.
He wasn't getting his eyes off me.
"Y/N, this dress covers like nothing. I get it, your curves look absolutely stunning but you have to change!" He angrily commanded.
"Shut up, can I come inside now?" I asked with a hint of annoyance.
"Yes." He stepped away and walked through the kitchen, into his room.
I could sense his tightened jaw and all of his tensed muscles.
"Slow down. It's just a dress." I pronounced looking at him like I couldn't believe how childish he reacted, and at this point I really couldn’t.
"Do you have ANY idea of what the boys think about you when you're wearing this?" He asked and finally turned to me again.
"I would LOVE to know." I ironically said.
"I don't want my girlfriend to walk around like she's just some bitch. Because you're not. These boys are disgusting when it comes to something beautiful like you, Y/N."
Now I'm a bitch? You're done Jaehyun. I thought but grimaced at the hurting word he just said to me.
I know he also called me beautiful, but that wasn't the word that was spinning around my head just now.
When he noticed my face and that I didn't reply after some seconds he tried to apologise.. of course.
"Babe, you're not a bitch. I didn't mean it. All I was trying to say is-" He wanted to grab my arm but I moved back before he could do so.
"No, I got it Jaehyun. I only look like one." I snapped back at him. Not yelling but also not in normal loudness.
I was even more mad than before. And now, I was also hurt. Dangerous Combo.
"No- I- I think it's just too short, Y/N." He wanted to defend himself.
"I understand." My voice wasn't loud anymore at all, but it didn't sound like I meant it.
My voice was pathetically shaking and I was looking on the ground, thinking if it would be the best to just leave now.
"Maybe I should just go. I mean I wouldn't want a bitch in my room either, so..." Talking with a quiet voice, I looked up at him and I saw fear in his eyes.
"No, please-" He stepped forward and was going to take my arm but I backed away again.
"Don't touch me." I warned. His face was getting pale. I didn't miss his teary getting eyes either when I looked at him.
"I'm so sorry. Please don't leave. I really didn't mean it, Y/N. Please, I am just jealous of boys being able to see what usually only I see." He avowed.
"It's fine. I wasn't ready with my homework anyways. I should leave."
"Don't. I want you here right now. Please, I'll do anything." His begging voice spoke.
"But I wanted to get finished today."
"Y/N?!" Suddenly a different person asked excitedly.
I knew who it was and turned around instantly to look at his good looking face.
"Johnny!" I jumped in his arms and he was hugging me back happily.
"Johnny, not now-" Jeahyun was angry once again.
"Let me hug this precious little girl! Hell, you're getting hotter everyday?" Johnny laughed and we separated. He scanned me up and down and smiled mischievously.
"Honestly, if Jeahyun wouldn't date you, surely I would ask you out." He claimed.
"Definitely." I giggled softly.
He was always letting me feel good. And he was one of the guy friends of my boyfriend that I liked the most. He was funny, hella handsome and so nice over all.
Though everything remained on just a friendship, we just always casually played around.
"Hey, shut the hell up. She's mine." Jaeh growled at him and put his hand around my waist, taking back what's his.
I kept smiling but I was also trying to push his hand away, so it was difficult to keep a happy look.
Johnny noticed the awkward situation and started talking to me again.
"Anyways. Do you wanna watch a movie in the living room?"
I opened my mouth and was about to say something but Jaehyun was faster than me.
"No, we were busy." His cold voice was giving me goosebumps.
He could be scary, when he was jealous. I am talking out of experience. Not too nice ones.
"We were not, actually I was about to leave. But because I didn't see you in so long I will stay longer alright?" I suggested when I was back in my senses.
"That's perfect!" John smiled at me.
"You won't hang with my girl, Johnny." Jaeh protested.
I turned around to give my boyfriend a look.
"Could you shut up for a moment? It's my decision since you don't own me. And I'm a bitch right? So it's normal when I hang out with a lot of boys, isn't it?" I started to grow my confidence back but I was fucking mad.
He won't destroy my moment with Johnny right now!
"Did he do something?" The brunette boy in front of us asked.
He was almost two heads taller than me and since Jeah knew I liked taller guys, he was probably freaking out.
"No-" Jaeh started but I thought he could know the truth.
"He said, I looked like a bitch." I told him.
"You did what, Jaehyun?" His shocked voice asked, searching for a reassuring answer in our faces.
"I said sorry already. I didn't mean it okay?! But the dress she's wearing shows almost all of her legs, not to mention her half exposed butt."
"That's no excuse bro. Look, she looks stunning in this dress! There's no reason to fight over." His friend wanted to convince him.
"You better not look at my girl like that, or I have to punch you until you understand." Jeahyun pushed his chest with his fist.
"Calm down man. You should work it out before you come in the living room, I'll pick the movie in the meantime." Johnny decided and walked away.
"Do you let all boys touch you like him?" Now Jaeh asked aggressively, coming nearer.
Now we both had reached a certain line, so I tried to keep it low with my next words, struggling to find a compromise.
"No. I love you. And I wore this dress because I thought you'd find it cute too. Not to attract other boys. I won't wear it in public anymore okay? But you should the fuck calm down and let me talk to Johnny. After all he's your roommate and friend. He won't do anything I don't want." I explained with a strong tone.
His expression softened finally, giving me hope he'd give in eventually.
"Yes, I'm sorry. Will you forgive me for calling you... that?" He wanted to know with puppy eyes.
"I'm not over that yet. It hurted me, Jaeh. I will forgive you if you let me sit with Johnny and watch a movie with us." I claimed and cupped his cheek.
"Fine." He sighed.
We watched an action movie and had a lot of fun. In between time Johnny touched me unintentionally, during laughing and talking.
Jaehyun couldn't hold back and threatened that he would get angry if he would keep doing that. I told him it was fine and Johnny and I just continued like nothing happened.
Don't let your boyfriend treat you like he's in a higher position than you.
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I'll probably do a masterlist for all the groups I stan and write about.
Hope you enjoyed, stay tuned!!! ♡
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justformyself2 · 4 years
Notting Hill ³
Hi guys!!. I'm back, not by popular demand hehe. Well, at least I'm not showing up empty-handed. Hope you enjoy it and if you did please let me know. Yes, it gives me motivation.
This is my participation on my friend’s @lullabieswrappedinlies​​ Rom-Com writing challenge (go check her out, she is so damn creative and amazing). This story is based on the movie Notting Hill and will be added to my MASTERLIST.
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"You don't want to talk about it?"
The 'narrow eye move' does not affect people such as Alexis, who remains leaned on the counter, gazing at you from above for the past ten minutes.
She huffed low and kept going. "It's okay if you want to talk about it."
"Alexis... I just want to take care of my store. I want to sit here till it's time to receive Agnes and five more women who will try to make me do coffee runs for them and then, hopefully, or not, I will sell a book or two before Kirk comes in to try to steal something, then I want to close, go home, lay down on my bed and think about the fact that I might go broke somewhere in the next three months."
"Kirk is at it again? Shit, I thought he fled after trying to steal from the stalls."
"He let the beard and hair grow a lot, lost weight, most people still don't know is him, yet, but I'm on it."
Her eyebrows raised and rested.
"Well, if you can prepare for the thieves you can definitely prepare for when-."
You take a long audible breath, rearranging the bills scattered, which made Alexis retrieve for a moment.
"He is not coming. He can be an asshole, but he is not as audacious as Kyle."
There was a hint of confidence flourishing inside your chest, although Alexis's persistence kept accelerating.
"He is famous, that makes you gain some audacity, thinking that it will allure people into doing what you want. I'm just saying, I'm here for you."
"Well, thanks. Did you talked to Kyle yet?"
"Fuck no! He can rot in hell for all I care about. That night was a disaster! The son of a bitch suddenly showing up."
You watch her squeeze her left thumb inside the other palm, harshly, before you shove the pile of bills under the glittery paperweight.
"Did he suddenly realized he wanted to be a father after ten years?"
She lets out a bitter chuckle.
"Appear at my front door with the most ridiculous, bushy mustache, like he just came out of a seventies porno." She huffs aggressively, archiving the blended expression of disgusted and angry.
"I couldn't even recognize him."
"Well, it's been years." You reminisce. " Did you really thought you could avoid it? At some point-."
An, almost discreet, movement next to the shelves interrupts the conversation.
The tired creak of the wooden floor exposed Nova, purposely or not. Judging by the posture shown seemed calculated. She had both hands inside the red apron, combined with a hint of annoyance spread on her features, very clearly portraited.
Alexis is dynamic, remaining natural regarding what her daughter could have listened to.
"Hey baby, are you ready to go?"
Nova sighs and her shoulders go down.
"No mom, I just arrived. What are you doing here?"
"I work next door, Nova."
"Well, actually I wanted to take you all to eat something."
Cold lie, easy to spot, mainly because it was a fact that your sister hates to eat out, and that was why your niece's gaze, filled with doubt, was shot in your direction.
It didn't take a lifetime to recognize the type of moves, of which, Alexis would appeal for damage control. She needed to reassure her daughter, keep her on her side.
"She should have told him to go back the same path he came, but no, she just let him in." It was the following thing Nova said to you after arriving from school today, dropping her pink backpack into the ground behind the counter, followed by "I feel like she will accept him back at some point."
There was no remark on exactly when the pendulum of your niece's feelings towards Kyle became so stuck on the pure hatred side, although expected to happen at some point.
The complicated questions completely stopped at the thirteen. Alexis couldn't decide between relief or disbelief till browsing the history bar on the laptop while innocently- as she said- tried to find the recipe for cannolis and instead found Kyle's Facebook page, where he was incredibly active. There were photos, places, friends, trips, a lot of women, one of them Carly Raymond, his highschool sweetheart, who still had a perm.
There was nothing else for Nova to be curious about, and it is not your niece's fault technology was way easier to navigate for information than your sister was.
Alexis reacted cold, in the way you wouldn't expect, not actually trying to salvage the situation because a part of her would never forgive Kyle, the same part that wished Nova did the same.
"Was I supposed to lie to her? Make it worse, make her doubt me too? What he did is hateful, can I blame her? I was the one who always told me he would break her heart no matter what. He didn't even have to come here to do it, and do you think he is ashamed of all that crap online? Traveling, living his life around the world but not being able to come to see her, choosing this 'lifestyle' over here?"
"I know a good, quiet place, that opened down the street."
You ignited, but Nova kept the skeptical stare.
"Sounds great, come on Nov, get this apron off."
"Ok. We will have to talk at some point anyway."
You watch Nova give up, untying the apron behind her back, approaching the counter in slow steps, and leaving it there.
"That's my girl."
"Wait, I have to take something first."
Alexis watches her search inside her backpack as you got up from the chair, taking your sky blue Weichen wristband.
'Closed for lunch' in pink Sans Serif font as Nova made, was hanged on the inside of the glass door before you locked.
"Sorry for the inconvenience", advised to be added on by your niece was revoked by you since no one, not even Agnes would have felt inconvenienced by the closing. You still had the, sometimes, foolish hope of the weekends, when the streets would be fuller than now.
Leading the pace you could only hear Alexis's voice behind your back before you could spot the large Navy blue plaque of Ledbury restaurant and its crowded sidewalk, right next to Walmer Castle pub.
"Guys" You called. "There it is." You pointed front, towards the other side of the street, stopping on the sidewalk as the cars accelerated on the green light.
Turning around you capture your niece's smile as your sister whispered something in her ear. On Nova's hand, there was the same Smithsonian Magazine from this morning.
You forgot to tell Alexis about the way she sounded, reading on the drive to school an extended report about how brains are wired to capture and respond to emotions.
She held the magazine, folded in one hand while eating a Dairy Milk with the other, and in a very 'Alexis' tone discoursed: "Basically is just our brain responding to our way of thinking, even when we anticipate something in our minds. We don't even have to see it."
Your sister still whispered something towards Nova's ear, but the smile placed there died down as she looked, eyes wide, ping-ponging between you and something else that appeared to be amidst the crowd, standing on the other side. She pokes Alexis's arm with emergency.
Spreading as easy as the people starting to move again around you, the same tension, mirrored on their faces, irradiated on the pitch of your stomach right when sister's eyes went cold.
"Excuse-me." You hear, close to your right ear, remaining standing still.
"Oh, my God!" Another voice, a woman's voice as you can now notice as Alexis leaves Nova's side to grab your arm.
The woman's voice sounded alarmed and so does the beats of your heart as more people start murmuring.
"I can't believe it is him."
"Oh! Lord, it is Mike Levine."
Cars started to honk as the crossing street became fuller, and the crowd starting to form began to work as a magnet of more curiosity and obstacles, but Alexis's arm stood strong over your shoulders, navigating and crossing you to the other side.
You wished her arms were stronger than the temptation you blamed for making your back swerve.
There was a moment of not knowing what to expect till you came to realize expectations grew in a matter of seconds. There must be was a reason to want to look back at Mike Levine, surrounded by strangers all over, ungratefully creating an illusion of a time that didn't seem to pass.
He was still the same as you came to see once or twice in a free subscription magazine, but he wasn't plastic anymore.
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kawaiidragonpotato · 7 years
A Heated Heart (Peter Parker x Reader)
(Warnings : umm…some heated kisses? Does that deserve a warning? Lol and Strong Language)
Summary: Reader is a bit of a delinquent because she doesn’t take crap from no one and is trying to understand why she has a crush on the genius of her new school Parker. She gets saved by Spiderman, may or may not make-out with him as a thank you and when she sees Peter at school and the way he acts towards her causes her to get suspicious and she figures out his secret identity cause of it. ***
Midtown High was not as disappointing as the previous school you were transferred into. Not that it mattered. It was not highschool if there were not some sort of snobs dressed in whore like clothes and jocks, that bullied kids, that had their brains in their biceps. As if to prove the fact you watch, as you sling you bag over shoulder and head toward where your schedule said your locker was, a bulky boy slam a smaller one against the lockers. You arch an eyebrow at this scene and look around, noticing how those that were watching were simply snickering or not doing anything at all.
‘Fucking cowards the lot of them’ You thought as you look back at the scenery before you, only getting more annoyed as you notice something else. The bastard is bullying the poor kid on your new locker. It just was not you day.
Nor was it the jocks. You sigh in irritation and decide to give the bullheaded bastard a chance as you reach up and tap on his shoulder, he brushes you off and seems to smirk at the boy in his hold. His victim however looks at you sheepishly, as if he was trying to apologize for the boys behavior, bless his heart. You clear your throat this time and speak up.
“Excuse me, can you let the young man go?” Your voice is loud enough that you know he heard you as others around you are whispering about you speaking up, wondering about the new kid already. You watch as he glanced at you a look of annoyance on his face, looking extremely cocky as he smirks slightly at you before laying his eyes back on the boy.
“I will get to you later sweet cheeks” He sounded like he was boasting as your lips pull down in a frown and you arch your brow once more, not impressed at all.
Peter squirms slightly in Flash’s grip, wanting to get out of his hold and knew he could easily, but he also knew he had to keep up the front of him still being weak and geeky Parker, the freaky genius of Midtown High. He looks over Flash’s shoulder again to see the new girl glaring at Flash as her grip on her strap of her backpack tightens enough for her knuckles to whiten. He widens his eyes and shakes his head in alarm and warning at the girl as she calmly, and quietly (silently impressing him) drops her bag to the floor as she flexes her fingers and muscles and seems to stretch for a few seconds (and ignores Peter’s warnings, that or she didn’t see them). He watches as she taps on Flash’s shoulder again, Peter looks up to see Flash give him a look of anger and pure annoyance as he drops one of his fist he bunched up in Peter’s shirt and turns his body towards her.
“WHA-” Flash goes to yell out but doesn’t even get to finish his first word before the girl punches him square in the face, knocking him out and causing him to let go of Peter as he hits the ground out cold.
Everyone is silent as they all process what they just saw, soon everyone is whispering loudly as they are unsure of what to do, before someone decides to go get a teacher. Everyone looks at the new girl who looks utterly calm as she stares at Flash’s unconscious body in disgust.
“You were being an asshole in front of my locker dick” You scoff out loud as you pretend to dust your hands off and lean down and pick your bag off the ground. You look up to see the boy, unharmed and slightly frazzled, staring at you with a look of awe. You walk up to him till you both are almost nose to nose, watching as he seems to swallow and take a shaky breath.
“U-um thanks” His voice is warm and sweet, making you feel even better for punching that jock in the face for picking on such a nice boy.
“Anytime” You respond as you get a closer look at him, noting that he has beautiful brown eyes and his hair is just as brown and seems unkempt and like he brushes it with his fingers instead of of an actual brush. He seems to shuffle in place as you continue to stand in his space and show no intentions of moving, simply arching a brow at him as he nervously stares at you.
“I-is there an-anything you um, a-anything else?” He asks you nervously as you chuckle mentally, thinking his nervousness of you is cute, that he was pretty cute for a guy in general. You nod your head and get closer, till your breath is mingling with his and you can feel it when it hitches in his throat.
“Yeah….your in front of my locker” Your eyes twinkle with amusement as you pull back and watch as he seems to process what you said, his cheeks bursting into flames as he opens and closes his mouth a few times to try and say something. You chuckle slightly as you jerk you head to the side, he seems to get the gist as he finally moved out of the way from you locker and you walk up to it and look at the sheet of paper you held in your hand (the one that wasn’t holding onto your bag strap and had not punched Flash in the face mind you).
Peter watches you equal parts intrigued and embarrassed how his heart seemed to stop in his chest because of the new girl in front of him. “P-peter” He spits out, causing the girl to pause putting in her combo as she looks at him curious.
“Hmm?” Peter flushes as he slightly shifts in his place.
“My name. I-it’s Peter. Peter Parker” He rushes it out and watches as she gives him a warm smile, helping him to relax as he realizes that she looks tough but was still a girl and seemed to be sweet.
“Peter Parker. Nice to meet you. I'm​ (Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)” She offers her hand to Peter, he looks at it for a second before he grabs it and shakes it, noticing how soft and warm her hand is, the very hand that punched Flash out cold.
(Y/n) grins at her new friend Peter as he seems to blush as she pulls her hand away from his and turns back to her locker and finishes up her combo, pleased with herself as she is able to open it on the first try. Before she gets a chance to put her bag in her locker she notices in the corner of her eye, since her body is turned toward Peter, that a teacher is heading their way. Already knowing where this is going she sighs as she simply closes her locker and keeps her bag on her. “So much for making a good impression on my first day here huh?” (Y/n) grumbles, causing Peter to look at her confused but once he follows her gaze he cannot help but to laugh slightly.
“I think you made a pretty great first impression” Peter jumps in, causing you to snort slightly.
“Oh yeah?” He nods his head as you look at him with doubt.
“Yeah. You knocked out one of the strongest jocks in school. Your at the top of the food chain now. Your like the alpha” You can not help but to laugh slightly at how Peter was trying to explain what you just did and how it is going to affect your popularity at this school. He watches as you shake your head and give him a friendly smile just as the teacher is close enough to not be yelling as they say your name.
You walk over to the teacher, leaving Peter a little hurt and confused as you do not respond or say goodbye. As you and the teacher walk away, to their office or the principal’s, you turn your head over your shoulder to see Peter looking at your locker with his shoulders slumped slightly.
“Peter!” Hearing his name his head snaps up and he looks over to see you giving him a seductive smirk (or was it seductive? attractive maybe?). “Good thing I don’t care about popularity! I will see you later Parker! Count on it” You give a cheeky wink after this and turn away, almost looking as if you were sashaying your hips as you follow the teacher, leaving Peter to stare in shock and awe once more at your figure.
She had not been at school even a couple of hours and Peter was already surprised by the new girl, no, (Y/n) quite a few times. He found the way she carried herself, the air of nonchalance, was mesmerizing and gave her an advantage as those around her seemed to not take her seriously till it was too late (he could hear Flash groaning behind him as his friend tried to bring him back to consciousness, almost like a reminder of what she did). She had brought a source of normalcy and excitement in his life (not that his life wasn’t already exciting being a masked vigilante and Avenger in training) that was much needed. He enjoyed his life, but he had a feeling she was going to help remind him he was just as much a teenager as the rest of them in Midtown High.
[ Part 1 since I discovered that you can only type so much before it refuses and I had to delete some good shit. I wanted this to be a one-shot. So it is a one-shot considered as a long-shot? Since it will have quite a few parts. Anyways I’m trash, utter Spiderman, Peter Parker, loving trash. I’m basing this off Tom Holland’s Spiderman btw. Or trying to that is so kudos! Hope people read and like! Till the next one eheh ]
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