#i'm ditching the small font i hope that's okay
etherealfangirl10 · 4 years
Gotham High: Jarley
Chapter 1
Pairing: Joker X Harley
Warning: None
-What would have happened if Joker and Harley met in High School? Would things have turned out differently?-
I took a deep breath to calm myself. It's okay. I'm just starting a new school, right? Nothing TOO bad. Well, hopefully.
No. Harleen. You will NOT be thinking like that. I took another breath and threw on a black T- shirt and a red skirt, two black diamonds embedded on the design on each side of my hips. I slipped on black leggings and red tenis shoes before striding over to pick up some hair ties and putting my blonde hair up in pigtails. I hoped I looked somewhat presentable, though I doubted no one would actually care...
I walked out of my room, already had done my teeth earlier, and headed to the front door. My mom was already gone, off to work I supposed. To my surprise, the bus was already coming down the street, and I hurried up to the sidewalk. It's doors opened and I cautiously stepped inside, taking a deep breath. As I turned to face the people inside the bus, I felt like every pair of eyes were on me. Ducking my head, I began to walk forwards to find a seat. As I saw an empty space, I began to stride over to it quickly, and that's when the bus began to move, lurching forwards. I found myself tripping over something and tipping forwards, my eyes widening as I saw the floor come closer and closer. I landed with a loud bam and felt my cheeks heat up. I hastily got up and smoothed out my skirt, sure that my pale face was beet red.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to!" A voice said behind me. I turned around to find a pretty girl with a black tank top and shorts. She had a look of genuine concern on her face, and I felt my anxiety lessen slightly. "My name is Selina. What's yours?" She tilted her head as she seemed to calm down, noticing that she hadn't seen me around before.
"Er.... I'm.. Harleen....Harleen Quinzel....." I replied, and shifted uncomfortably, still standing. I still felt the eyes of others on me, and slight snickers still lingered in the air, making me feel like making a hole appear and jumping into it.
"Are you new?" She asked, and I almost shot back a sharp reply, but embarrassment halted my tongue. She continued. "Well... here. You can sit by me." She scoots over, closer to the window.
"Oh! Uhm, thank you..." I mumble, and, after hesitating for a moment, sat down next to her quickly and jerkily, sitting up stiffly and away enough not to touch her.
"Relax, I'm not gonna scratch you." She laughed, her green eyes flashing playfully as she leaned towards me. I felt my face flush once again and nodded, a shy smile on my lips.
*They arrive at school*
I practically jump up from my seat as soon as the bus came to a halt, ready to get off this trap of humiliation. I leaped down the stairs, not even touching them in my haste to get off. Selina caught up quickly, taken aback with my behavior.
"You're not trying to ditch me... are you?" The pretty brunette asked, her sharp gaze narrowing suspiciously.
"What? N-no! I was just-" I got cut off as, suddenly, a girl behind me rammed into me. I flew forwards a couple of feet, stumbling to keep my balance. As soon as I was safe from face-planting (again), my hand flew to my shoulder to rub the spot that was hit. "Well then. Isn't this perfect." I mumbled to myself as I flinched at the spot that was already beginning to bruise. Pale people problems.
"Oh, dear. Didn't see you there, love! I was rushing to- oh, hey, aren't you that new girl, umm, what's the name? Harleen?" A feminine voice sounded from behind me, and I groaned, turning around.
"Yep, that's me. And clearly I telepathically invite random people to hurt me." I didn't mean for my tone to be sharp, but I was already fed up with embarrassing myself twice in less than 30 minutes. I blinked, all of the sudden realizing she knew my name. My brain whirled as I tried figuring out how this random girl knew her name.
"My, so prickly." She retorted, but she didn't look angry. In fact, my comment looked like it just amused her, and she added with a gleam in her eyes, "like a cactus." Okay, weirdo.
"Uhm.." My spirit died all of the sudden, and we just looked at each other in an awkward silence. Now that I mention it, the girl was pretty, with pale skin and startling green eyes, brownish red hair landing in soft waves at her shoulders. Her gaze was kind, unlike Selina's sharp looks.
Speaking of Selina, she hooked a slender arm around the girls, hooking their elbows, and smiled, flashing white teeth.
"Heeyyyyy, Pammy." She said, and I could have sworn it sounded like a purr.
"It's Pamela." The girl corrected, and flashed me a brilliant smile. Whoa. Is every girl going to be gorgeous here? "But you can call me Pam." She assured me, blushing slightly. "That's what my friends call me. Er... if I had any, that is." Selina protested at that, offended.
"Nice to meet you, Pam." I greeted softly, sending a small smile back. She nodded, before starting to walk over. Whoa. Personal space. But she only stopped when she reached me, our faces almost touching.
"So. What's your first class? Maybe we have it together!" She exclaimed, staring into my soul. I fumbled with swinging my backpack around and unzipping the smallest pouch, sliding out my schedule.
She snatched it, leaving my hand in mid air.
"Oh! English! Aw man, don't have that." Pam pouted, looking down at me with big, green eyes. She was only slightly taller than me, and Selena taller than us, having long limbs.
I sighed, shrugging with a, admittedly, sad smile. "Guess I won't be having a friend to sit by. Unless.." I turned to give Selina a questioning look, and she just shook her head.
"Sorry Harleen." She answered, placing her head down on Pam's shoulders sadly.
"That's alright. I'll just... bear it." I shuddered at the thought of going in the class alone.
"Ooh, wait! But I can take you there if you'd like!" Selena popped her head back up, green eyes lighting up with newfound energy. I smiled bright, relaxing just a little.
"Great! Let's go before the bell rings and there's a student rush!" I suggested, and she giggled, grabbing my hand and launching towards the doors, me flying behind her.
"Whoa!" I squeaked, and Pam quickly pushed my schedule into my outstretched hand before I was whisked away, waving sweetly at us, and yelling that she'd see us at lunch. I barely managed to wave back before the school doors slammed behind me.
Selina and I almost flew to the classroom, her rapidly pointing out directions to all sorts of rooms on our way. We finally came to a screeching halt next to a door that looked exactly the same as all the others, and she beamed at me, just as a loud sound emitted from the speakers. I realized it must be the bell, as students seemed to have appeared from no where. My eyes widened as the hall slowly began to swarm with people, and Selina laughed as she pushed me into the classroom.
I slunked to my seat, trying to stay out of attention, and sat down at an empty, random seat, putting my head on the table. It wasn't the ideal first morning at my first day at school, but... at least I had some friends, right? I mean, I sure hope they were. I bit my lip softly, and looked up as the teacher walked in, a short brunette. I started to calm down a bit, when all of the sudden, I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I'm ashamed to say that I jumped in my seat, and spun around to face the person, startled. "Uhm, yes, what-" my blue eyes widened as I took in the culprit, which happened to be a boy.
Now, I know love at first sight isn't a thing, but let me tell you, attraction at first sight is.
Pale with emerald green eyes (green eyes seemed popular here), his face was already a sight to behold, but what really caught my attention was his hair.
Dark green hair, sticking up all over the place, but somehow charming all the same. I blinked, trying to snap back into reality. Those sparkling, bright eyes weren't helping my train of thought.
All I managed was a meek, "hello?", before he started grinning a sparkling smile, and that's when I knew.
I was gonna have to seriously avoid this dude.
*ack, sorry, guys, this is my first fic on here and I’m still getting used to format difference and fonts and all that ^^ hope ya enjoyed the first chapter!*
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