#i'm feeling 50/50 on the story so far cause i'm *kind of * accomplishing what i want to
hiddenobject-fanblog · 7 months
i love the idea of curioso sitting on the couch watching cartoons and him singing from happiness is too cute 🤧
thank youu for gracing this niche fandom with your writing! ❤️
Thank *you*! I'm glad you're enjoying the story still..! <3
I can't wait for Curioso's past to come up, I have some personal headcanons + additions I've added to it that I'm dying to get to. Time and patience, thouuugh....
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manofmanymons · 2 years
might i be so bold as to ask for ship hcs
I'm assuming this is about Survive specifically
And here's how I'm gonna do this
I'm just gonna write 2-3 hcs for EVERY ship that I know exists in this fandom regardless of whether or not I ship it
Takuma x Kaito
Kaito's legitimate first reaction to realizing he liked Takuma was "SHIT, WHY?" He lost all sense of how to talk to him like "normal" and could hardly get through a single conversation without getting flustered and panicky. Literally the worst thing to ever happen to him as far as he was concerned at the time.
They hardly act like a couple in public but damn are they clingy in private. Kaito's like a cat that will lie on top of whatever you're reading (or smash something) if Takuma isn't paying attention to him.
100% of PDA when it does happen is a direct result of Takuma being a bully. Kaito will be mad at him for the rest of the day, but that never stops him.
Takuma x Minoru
They're that couple that was dating for a year before they realized they were dating bc falling in love came super naturally and happened really slowly over time.
Rather than any form of actual confession, one day Minoru was just like "Hey, are we like...boyfriends?" and Takuma said yes.
They have matching bracelets.
Takuma x Aoi
Their friends joke about Aoi being out of Takuma's league.
They act the most like an embarrassing high school romcom couple, constantly flustered and unsure of how to approach the other.
Takuma continues to somehow accidentally forget that Aoi is a girl sometimes and ruins moments with very Dumb Boy remarks. Thankfully, she finds this endearing rather than annoying.
Aoi x Saki
Of all couples, they're the one that would take the longest to get together. Between Aoi's general anxiety and Saki's fear of losing friends, Labramon and Floramon practically had to force them to confess.
Saki often has to reassure Aoi that she really does like her and wouldn't change her for the world.
To that end, Saki likes bragging about Aoi. A lot. It's kind of annoying (affectionate).
Aoi x Kaito
They both help each other to be more like the other. Aoi needs to be more assertive, Kaito needs to communicate better, and they're both very patient in helping each other work through their hang ups.
They practice hairstyles on each other sometimes. One time Kaito gave Aoi a cute clip that he originally got for Miu before she started wearing that hat all the time and never had the heart to throw away. She treasures this.
Their friendship got off to a super rocky start, both thinking the other really didn't like them, but once they started getting along, they got really close really fast.
Aoi x Minoru
Take what I said about Takuma being dumb with girls and multiply it by 50.
A real opposites attract couple, Minoru's optimism and Aoi's groundedness balance each other out, and they're both better for it.
Minoru x Ryo
"He's so goddamn annoying." "So you don't like him?" "No wtf I love him." They're the couple that shocked all their friends when they got together because everyone legitimately thought Ryo couldn't stand Minoru.
One time Minoru felt guilty about always teasing his bf so much so he tried to dial it down, but all that accomplished was making Ryo think he did something wrong and get really upset. This mistake was never repeated.
Ryo is the jealous type bc Minoru gets along with too many people too well. He doesn't act on it, just kinda sulks and pouts. Minoru thinks it's cute.
Ryo x Shuuji
Funniest "how I fell in love" story ever. Shuuji's been down bad ever since the day Ryo decked him in the face.
It started as a one-sided crush, with Shuuji really admiring Ryo's strength and dedication to his partner. These feelings caused him to unconsciously seek Ryo out more often and keep trying to get to know him better, at which point Ryo started developing feelings of his own.
Their favorite thing about each other is how easy it is to talk about the ugly sides of themselves without feeling afraid or judged.
Miu x Saki
The more they got to know each other, the more they realized how much they have in common, until they eventually got really excited to spent time together.
All masks are off together, and they make each other feel safer in being their true selves than they ever thought they could be.
One time Saki had a calm and honest talk with Kaito about why he needs to leave Miu alone more often, and it actually helped. If Miu wasn't enamored before, she sure was then.
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