#i'm feeling the love for edi tonight okay
puzzled-pegasus · 7 months
Finches as John Mulaney quotes
Here I am again, finally gracing this fandom with my cursed sense of humor once more >:)
Here's some John Mulaney quotes which I thought fit each of the Finches! Let me know if you have any!
"And then my mom said, 'I made a salad with Craisins! And the conversation ended."
"I am very small. And I have no money. So you can imagine the kind of stress that I am under."
"I always expected to be dead in a trunk with my hand hanging out the tail light by now!"
"Oh and what a mighty king I will be, eating dinner at 4:45 in the afternoon!"
"My lands stretch across this entire one bedroom!"
"I'm probably gay based on the way I act and behave and…I've walked and talked for [21] years."
"One black coffee"
"Okay so, when you get kidnapped--not if, when– "
"The bread of bread is bread…"
"You know when you're twelve, when you're like 'no one look at me or I'll kill myself!"
"Thirteen year olds are the meanest people in the world."
"One feels like a duck splashing around in all this wet! And when one feels like a duck, one is happy!"
Kay (bonus)
"This is an on-fire garbage can….could be a nursery."
"None of us really know our fathers."
"Is he nice? NOOOO!"
"Brush your teeth! Now, BOOM, orange juice--that's life."
"I always thought that uh, quicksand, was going to be a much bigger problem than it turned out to be."
"Tonight Is The Night, and How We Only Have Tonight."
"My vibe is more like 'hey, you could pour soup in my lap and I'll probably apologize to you!"
"Think about that for ten seconds and tell me you don't want to walk into the ocean."
"I look like I was just sitting in a room on a chair eating saltines for like, 28 years."
"I didn't drink water the ENTIRE time."
"Do My Friends Hate Me, Or Do I Just Need To Go To Sleep?"
*wacks hookman killer in the head with the crutch* "Now I've thrown him off his rhythm!"
"McDonald's! McDonald's! McDonald's!"
"Was there ever even a ghost, mother, or was the little girl you saw just mE all along??"
"My parents loved us, they just didn't like us."
"You have the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair."
"Beat it, bozo!"
"My wife is a b**ch and I like her SO. Much."
"I just like old fashioned things."
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bisexualgarrus · 3 years
thinking about how edi was able to find humanity within herself thanks to the consistent love and kindness both shepard and joker demostrated her, even though she was technically uncapable of understanding the concept of love and thus there was no reason for them to act that way around her, it was simply a selfless choice they both made. and when edi finally came to the conclusion she was going to make her own choices and become independent from her purpose as a machine, she choose love. she choose love over her functionality, she thought dying was worth it if it meant she would be able to reciprocate the love others had shown her.  
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one-spidey-boii · 4 years
BUMMER SUMMER || peter parker; ch four
read ch three here
an; i hope everyone out there is staying safe and sound. also, feel free to give feedback! i love to hear from you guys.
warnings; mentions of battle wounds (i.e. blood/scars/etc), future smut, mature language, fluff, angst, both peter and oc are 18+!!
word count; 2.1k+
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edie's pov
"give up now, parker. i can do this all day." i say with a heavy breath as i hold peter in a headlock between my legs. we've been messing around with each other, showing off what we're capable of. somehow that led us to this moment.
he's struggling to break away from my hold. using all his strength to squirm away, he lets out grunts that eventually end with a big sigh as he gives up. only to try all over again a few seconds later.
"god it's like your legs are made of steel, this is inhumane." he puffs out, finally accepting defeat.
"oh. oh! my eyes! what is going on in here?" a voice booms throughout the room.
both our heads snap to the sound at the doorway to see happy standing there with his hands over his eyes. tony's voice can be heard in the hallway.
"what? why are you doing that, happy? oh lord! jesus children, it's only the first day." he shouts as he shields his eyes away from our general direction. i scramble away from peter and we each end up on either side of the blue mat that covers half of the room. both of our faces are flustered and shaded a guilty hue of red even though we weren't doing anything worthy of that feeling.
tony saunters over to a table on the side of the room and motions for us to join him. i hop up off of the ground, brushing myself off and moving my hair out of my face. i take my place next to mr. stark and peter follows in suit on the opposite side of him.
"okay so as you know- peter, take your mask off. what is this a kid's costume party?" tony pokes fun at peter who rushes to take the mask off and holds it down by his side. i can't help but let out a muffled laugh at the embarrassed boy. he meets my eyes with no readable expression, only holding it for a moment before focusing back on mr. stark.
he continues on, "alright. now that that’s handled... let's get some ground rules on the table." he looks at both of us in the eyes before talking again.
"rule number one, you must always be on alert. you'll be the only ones here for the most part, aside from the occasional visits from happy or myself.
number two, one of you must be here at all times. you can take turns going out and helping old ladies cross the street, or whatever it is that you guys do. hey, hey, i'm kidding don't give me that look, peter.
number three, i expect weekly updates from you. edie, you'll probably want to handle that.
and lastly rule number four, i just added this one because i didn't think it would be a problem, but who am i kidding? no hanky panky in my compound. got it?"
i snap out of my focused state at that last part. my mouth bobs open and closed like a fish as i search for something to say. never in a million years would i think about doing things with peter. just the thought of it made me shiver.
"hello? i need an answer." tony says as he looks between the both of us. it's then that i notice peter- again- is flustered beyond belief.
peter's pov
"you got it mr. stark." i blurt out. he gives one last glance between us and nods his head in satisfaction.
"good. i'll see you two crazy kids later." he responds with a wink as he walks backwards towards the door, giving us laser fingers before he turns and is gone from the room. i move my attention to happy who was trailing behind him.
"don't make me come back here more than i have to." he says with a fake smile and wave before disappearing as well.
i turn to the only other person left in the room. the said person who suddenly makes the butterflies in my stomach turn on each other to form an all-out war. the scary part about this feeling is...i have no idea why i feel it. and it's sprung up on me out of nowhere. all i know is that as of late, being around her makes me nervous, and sweaty.
"i'm gonna go...take a shower," i say pitifully. i internally scold myself for being so weird all of a sudden, but without waiting for an answer i bolt out of the room and make my way to my own space i’ll be staying in this summer. during my escape, i hear the faintest 'bye' coming from edie's direction.
finally in my room, i press the button that releases my suit from my body and shimmy out of it, starting to feel claustrophobic beneath its tight hold. while showering was just the first thing i could think of for an excuse, the idea doesn't sound so bad. i scramble through my suitcase and find all of the things necessary to take a shower. i carry it all to the bathroom and turn on the water.
while waiting for it to warm up, i stare at myself in the mirror. my hair is damp from the sweat that always comes when i wear my mask. i just look rough. my cheeks are red and flustered- an emotion i find myself feeling a lot lately- and the only reason as to why, is the reminiscent feeling of edie's thighs wrapped around my head. a combat move that is a bitch to be stuck in is now sending shivers down my spine in the strangest way. the feeling of her soft, yet durable suit against my cheeks is fresh in my mind. part of me wants to feel her actual skin caressing my face. just the palm of her hand. or maybe even her lips.
the scandalous thought hits me in the face when i remember who it is i'm thinking about. no no no. i'm just a horny boy who is thinking with the wrong part of his body. there is no way i can be thinking these things about edie. not my best friend, that would be so weird.
it's nearing dinner time the next day after mr. stark and happy left to meet up with the others. i've done my best to stay in my room, but the nagging feeling in my stomach craved for any food other than the peanut butter crackers i smuggled in the middle of the night.
with a groan, i peel back my sheets and crawl out of bed. i walk over to my door and pull it open, checking both ways to see if it was clear. i sigh with relief as i see no signs of edie and step out into the hall.
it's not that i don't want to see her, but...i kinda don't want to see her. i took the time to myself to think of my messed up feelings. i haven't always felt this way. edie has always been my best friend, and that's all i saw her as. but when i realized i wouldn't see her for three months, my heart hurt and my stomach twisted. now that it's just the two of us, those feelings are magnified and blaring and overwhelming.
halfway to the kitchen i hear footsteps bounding down the hallway behind me. i whip around just to be tackled to the ground by an alarmingly strong body.
"where ya been, pete? i've tried to get you out of your room all day. by the way, i like the shirtless look." edie pants from above me with a cheeky wink. i feel myself melt at her words. she wanted to see me. who am i kidding? of course she did, i'm the only other one in the compound and she’s probably bored.  i'm dragged out of my thoughts when the rest of her sentence hits me.
looking down i do realize i have no shirt on, only a pair of sweatpants that are now sitting a little too far down on my hips due to the way edie is sitting on me. i scramble out from underneath of her, keeping hold on the band of my pants to ensure no more embarrassment. my movements send her flying on her butt a few feet away.
"oof, okay. my bad." she says awkwardly, but continues, "hey i was thinking of going out tonight? kicking a little ass and whatnot. wanna be my guy in the chair?" she asks from the ground as i stand to fix my pants. i curse my cheeks as i feel them redden.
jumping at an idea, i suggest something else, "actually i-i'll go out. don't worry about me though, i've got karen. wouldn't wanna make her jealous." i say, trying to joke. her face drops slightly before covering it up with her bright smile. i wonder how many times she's done that without me noticing.
"right. spider boy doesn't need little ole me. i'll be here when you get back." she chirps as she hops up from the floor, "at least keep me in mind when you're out there. i'll be right here." she taps her ear and i notice the tiny piece of metal made to fit her ear perfectly. it's her comm that tony gave us to ensure we're always sure of each other's safety. mine is sitting in my room, untouched.
"okay, e. i better get r-ready to go." i stammer out and turn back to my room.
"aren't you gonna eat?" she calls from behind me as i make my retreat.
my mission to get food was unsuccessful.
edie's pov.
i watch peter stumble back down the hall, seemingly eager to be anywhere i'm not. i brush the thought away and cop it up to nerves. we're officially here by ourselves, i'm nervous too.
i turn on my heel and head to the kitchen, where i begin making mac and cheese. it's one of my favorite things to eat, so i double the portions for later. or maybe i'll be generous and share some with peter.
my ear piece makes a short static noise and soon peter's voice is flooding through my head, "i'm heading out now, edie. uh, i guess let me know if there's an emergency or something. but other than that i'll be offline." he says, immediately doing so before i can respond.
i huff and plop myself down on a stool, waiting for my water to boil on the stove. my heart begins to sink. if peter is going to be acting this way the whole time we're here, i don't know if i'm so excited anymore. sure, i know this is a huge responsibility on our shoulders but we can still have fun, right?
"a watched pot never boils." i whisper to myself as i let my head fall into my hands. soon after that i feel my mind start to slip into a calmer state, easing me into a sleepy trance. i try my best to fight the feeling, but as soon as my eyes slide shut, i'm done for.
"edie? e? what's going on over there? there's an alarm going off, edie. edie!"
my head snaps up off of the marble kitchen island as i take in the room around me. the pot of water is definitely boiling now. so much so that the smoke detectors have started going off.
i stand up, still trying to gather myself and run over to the stove.
"pete? gosh, sorry. it's nothing i'm fine, i was just- FUCK. oh ouch ouch ouch." i put my thumb in my mouth and begin to suck on it, apparently i'm not awake enough to realize the pot is hot as hell before i tried to move it from the burner.
"e? are you okay? i'm coming back, hold on." peter says, worry lacing through his words. i hop up and down silently, holding my hand to my chest.
"no, no. i'm okay, just a little accident in the kitchen, i'll live." i reply, doing my best to not worry the boy protecting the city.
"oh my god, you cut off a finger, didn't you? i thought knives were your thing! i'm almost there."
"no! gosh, peter, i'm fine. finish your patrol. i'll see you later." i rush out, now at the sink, running cold water over my burn.
"too late i'm already here." he says. there’s some rustling coming through the comm, and he lets out a faint curse, "the doors aren't opening. what the hell?"
there's a silence.
"mr. stark never logged my finger print." he says, defeated. i can't help but laugh at his misfortune.
"don't worry, peter i'm coming to save you." i say with a coy smile, glad he can't see how much i'm enjoying this moment.
"totally unfair," he mutters, "i was supposed to come save you. but then again, what ever would i do without you, wolfie?"
|| taglist; @my-patronus-is-mabel-pines @whycantileaveyou @lovewolfspirit
wanna be added to the taglist? comment or send me a message :))
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Liam & Edie
Liam: get out of work early, I need your help Edie: alright Edie: what are we doing? Liam: I finished a 🎬📽🎞 & it has to be screened tonight at a specific time Edie: do you know what cinema you wanna infiltrate Edie: like, max capacity blockbuster moment or a more independent arthouse style? Edie: I have ideas for both, if you don't already Liam: gotta be sold out seats for max exposure Edie: looking up whatever dumb superhero shit is on right now Liam: put the word out for me too, yeah? 📢 you've got more 👀 on you Edie: of course Edie: keep it vague but intriguing? Edie: what's the angle Liam: my sister is Edie: your sister? Liam: she's 16, would've been Liam: today Edie: the film is for her Edie: not a hard sell Edie: every twat loves a party Liam: every twat's forgotten about her already Liam: I have to do something Edie: I'll get all the people there I can Edie: 16 is a big one Liam: I'm looking for a cake to blow up Liam: big enough to splatter lots of rows but not too huge to sneak in Edie: really do need a pram Edie: if you do wanna go big, my ma has a kiln, easy to bake in and quicker Edie: I could put it in a backpack or some ridiculously oversized handbag my sister has Liam: you're amazing Edie: you or the audience haven't tasted the cake yet Liam: be more fitting if it tastes bad Liam: like we're shoving bittersweet down everyone's throats Liam: & in their faces Edie: that's easily done Edie: toxic hazard here we come Edie: how long have you been working on the vid? Liam: a while Edie: are you happy with it? Liam: there's no more time left to do edits Liam: I gotta get it out there, like I said Liam: 18 is gonna need something bigger Edie: timing is key Edie: did you talk about it Edie: what she'd want to do Liam: looking that far ahead wasn't something she let herself do Edie: that's fair Edie: I haven't looked that far ahead before Edie: we'll make it special Edie: something she'd approve of Liam: there has to be some way to throw a party after that's not the standard gay shit Edie: an anti-party Liam: yeah, without being ☢️ & barcode tattoos about it Edie: so a disgusting cake, what else can we fuck up Edie: bastardized 🎈s are almost a given Edie: maybe we can play some party games Liam: use your talents on the happy birthday song Edie: I'll do my best for you both Edie: did she believe anything happened after you die? Liam: she wanted to come back as someone else, show up back in my life just when she reckoned it'd gotten settled & boring Liam: but I don't think she really believed that, just didn't want me to turn into one of those twats Edie: yeah, most people want to believe something like that Edie: some continuation Edie: but the percentage who genuinely do, I don't know Liam: a lot of shit she said was for my benefit of my ma's, I don't know if she knew I knew that but I did Edie: Yeah Edie: but through reassuring you, she was probably trying to give herself that same comfort Edie: again, whether it worked is unlikely, but we keep going 'til we don't Liam: yeah Liam: I have certainty in her not wanting everyone to act as if she was never here this fast, I'm going with that Liam: her friends, a lad she liked, they're supposed to give more of a shit Edie: we'll make them remember Edie: I was thinking Edie: she'd be in transition year now Edie: they're always having bollocks seminars and lectures Edie: that would be easy to hijack Edie: well, not easy, but we could Liam: you're so fucking smart Liam: I didn't even think Edie: it'd be a way to get the ones who won't hear our call tonight Edie: which are arguably the ones who need a lesson in caring more so Liam: keep it going like pass the parcel Edie: a project worth the waste of time that whole year is Liam: then a holiday, me & you Liam: where we won't waste any time Edie: are we going to find a holiday home? Liam: did you like living with me? Edie: so much Edie: I wanna live with you properly Edie: all the time Liam: then yeah, we'll find a holiday home & when we get back you can move into mine Edie: really? Liam: our mas will both have shit to say about it but so do we Edie: if they're really going to object to that degree Edie: we'll work for enough money to rent our own place Liam: & sleep wherever else we have to until we've got that Edie: as long as I'm with you Edie: I miss you when I'm not Liam: I wanna be with you all the time too Edie: maybe if we split our time between mine and yours, they wouldn't even notice Liam: they can tell themselves they're keeping a better 👀 on us if we do Edie: yeah, and it's not 'as serious' as moving in together Edie: in their minds Edie: guess it'd be better if we were going 'round sleeping with anyone and everyone Liam: I've had more offers since I got a girlfriend than before Liam: must be a shared view between our parents & lots of the girls at school Edie: 😡 Edie: adds to them feeling something if they get to fuck someone over at the same time as, I guess Liam: I'll never hurt you or let anyone else do it Edie: I know you won't Liam: I love you Edie: I love you Edie: no one is gonna stop us from living the life we want Liam: [a pic of a pram he has stolen for her to fill with stuff and there's a birthday pinata in there currently like oh hi] Liam: I found this for you Edie: 😍 Edie: Baby! Edie: you got me wheels Liam: I couldn't stop thinking about you struggling with a heavy backpack Edie: You're so sweet and I'm so excited Edie: is what's going in the pinata a surprise? Liam: I was gonna tell you but lets keep the excitement going Edie: is it 🕷s Edie: or 🦷 Liam: do you know where I can get that many 🦷? Liam: that'd be a great idea Edie: 🤔 Edie: maybe a vet's dumpster Edie: think people dentists study 'em Liam: maybe my ma kept our 👶 teeth Liam: I'll have a look Edie: Mine kept hers Edie: you'd need quite a few to make an impression Liam: the fake blood I'm gonna add will help Liam: but you're right Edie: there's loads of roadkill around mine Edie: could get that for the 🦴🦴 Liam: I don't know if I want you touching it though Liam: you could get sick or something Edie: I've got gloves Edie: the only illness they had was potentially bad eyesight 🚗 Liam: you've gotta be careful, baby Edie: okay Edie: for you Edie: how else can I help you though? Edie: the cake is in Liam: keep thinking, all your ideas are perfect Edie: I wanna be Edie: what about spiking the drinks, but not in a fun way Edie: or is that too 👿 Edie: just a laxative or something, nothing mad Liam: it don't matter, we won't drink it Edie: I definitely won't Edie: don't even miss any of it Liam: we need something that'll make them 🤮 she did lots of that Liam: only fair Edie: what does that 💊🧪 wise Edie: too much salt is a dead giveaway with one sip Liam: charcoal is probably too big a giveaway too Liam: & you can't get ipecac no more Edie: 😕 ugh Liam: we'll have to settle for the laxatives Edie: they'll make themselves sick all on their own Liam: you did make a fucking disgusting cake Edie: you don't even wanna know what I put in it 😏 Liam: I want all your secrets Edie: you can have everything Edie: [a gruesome list of god knows what] Edie: it smells so gross cooking right now Liam: don't make yourself 🤮 Edie: I'm getting some fresh air Liam: what can you 👀? Edie: from here, the pond Edie: which also smells, so I might need to go look at the 🍅🥔s growing instead Liam: go decide on your outfit Edie: what do you want me to look like? Liam: beautiful Edie: nothing more specific? Liam: nah, not until I've seen what you come up with Liam: you test well Edie: 🤞 Liam: 😍 Edie: that's what I want Edie: always Liam: I want you Edie: I can't wait to go away with you Edie: are we going to the sea Liam: we can Liam: we can go anywhere you like Edie: I just wanna watch the sun go down under the waves with you Liam: you watch that, I'll watch your face while it does Edie: You're so Edie: you make me feel like a person Edie: a real one, that matters Liam: you matter to me, Eds Edie: I'm not used to this feeling Liam: you know I'm not either Liam: we'll get used to it Edie: it's like I believe you but I can't believe it Edie: if that makes sense Liam: I get it Liam: I do need you to believe me though Edie: I do Edie: you're just perfect Liam: nah, I'm not Edie: to me then Liam: whatever's wrong with me, we're good together Edie: we're going to make a perfect baby Edie: that always feels like a person Liam: I'm gonna love it even if things go wrong Liam: I need you to know that too Edie: I know you will Edie: and I believe that Edie: I wouldn't have agreed if I didn't Edie: you won't be able to not love your own child Edie: even if it's hard Liam: & I'll wanna be with you, perfect or not Liam: whatever else happens Edie: we can do it Edie: I love you and I want it to work Edie: I wanna be a good mum and give the baby all the love and attention and everything it could ever want and need Edie: that is so much more than most people have Liam: the baby is so fortunate to have you for its ma Liam: you've done everything right already & its not even here yet Edie: I wanna do it right Edie: I can't imagine doing it wrong Liam: I know you will Liam: you set your mind on shit & it gets done, that's how you are Edie: makes me sound like an assassin Edie: don't hate that Liam: I don't hate thinking about you holding a 🔪 Edie: next video Liam: it'll be on my mind until then Edie: I can give you a preview Edie: if you show me the fake blood Liam: [does obviously] Edie: 🤤 Liam: I made extra for you knowing you'd be into it Edie: That's just one of the reasons we work Liam: are you gonna give me the rest of them? Edie: I'll start on the list but I don't know if it'll ever be done enough to be conclusive Edie: and I'd hate for you to think I'm not serious Liam: that's another reason why we work Edie: see, they keep adding up Edie: good thing I didn't commit to tattooing it on me Edie: run out of space so quick Liam: I don't think her video is done enough Liam: I don't know what to do Edie: You'll regret it if you miss her birthday, I think Edie: you'll have chances to add to it and improve on it every year if you want Edie: it's a tough one to know what's enough on, yeah Edie: 'cos what could be Liam: if it's shit I'll have ruined her birthday Edie: do you think it's shit? Liam: I can't tell Liam: I can't feel anything Edie: I can watch it before you show it Edie: or you can just do it Edie: they aren't going to forget it though, regardless, and that's what you want, yeah Edie: for them to remember her Liam: you've gotta watch it on a big screen Liam: I'll watch you & I'll know if it's good or not Edie: okay Edie: I won't tell you I know it'll be good Edie: cheapen my actual reaction Liam: 👌 what do you wanna tell me instead? Edie: another reason we work is you're talented and creative too Liam: I have to try to bring something to the table if we want a perfect baby Edie: you mean aside from how insanely hot you are Liam: its gonna look like you so that don't count Edie: maybe it'll get to be tall like you Edie: my 10 year old sister is already taller than me Liam: you only wanna be taller for kissing me Liam: there'll be a no dating rule until they're like old enough to properly move out Edie: might save your back, that's all Edie: they won't need to, they'll be happy with us Liam: I've already saved yours with this pram, I'm not bothered about mine Edie: but I am Edie: I'll invest in some stilts Liam: & have you snatched up by the circus, nah Liam: don't matter if its twins in there, I'll pick you all up Edie: 🥰 Edie: you make me look and feel like that emoji, legitimately Liam: [a picture of some random people he's sneakily taken a photo of while he's out and about and changed so they have no eyes because he misses and wants to see her rn] Edie: ooh baby Edie: 👁s would be a great pinata filling Liam: have we got time to turn 🍇 or some gay shit into 👀 like a ma on halloween? Edie: OH Edie: speaking of mas Edie: just had a 💡 Liam: what? Edie: she has mealworms to feed the 🐦🦅s Edie: too late for the cake but how perfect Liam: genius Edie: my next idea was going to get some caviar but I don't think my wage is stretching that far Liam: I could steal some Liam: dunno where the fuck from though Edie: bet they don't have any at the spar Edie: there are tadpoles in the pond but I'm not murdering them Liam: the worms will work Liam: I'm on my way to yours, how long til the cake is cooked? Edie: you're coming here Edie: 😄😄😄 the excitement is only going ↗️ Edie: about 10 minutes, though a bit of burning can't hurt Liam: I thought you'd like a hand with decorating Edie: I'd like to see you Liam: you miss me too Edie: so bad Liam: I know Edie: come see me Liam: I kept the secret for as long as I could but I'm nearly there now Edie: no secrets, right Liam: I don't want there to be Edie: I'll tell you everything you wanna know Liam: tell me what we're doing tomorrow Liam: after this Edie: we're gonna get in the car and drive 'til we get somewhre we want to stop Edie: and we'll get fish and chips and ice cream and play on the beach and then we can talk about bringing the baby back and doing it all again Liam: the baby's face when it eats ice cream for the first time Liam: & feels what sand is like Liam: we'll film it all Edie: 🥺 Edie: I feel like I might cry? Liam: everything we don't remember any more we'll do again with our 👶 Edie: there's so much good stuff to relive Edie: stuff we didn't get to do too Liam: yeah, there's lots of shit I've not done Liam: I used to feel properly awkward about it Edie: just 'cos my childhood was weird in an 'exotic' way doesn't mean it weren't too Edie: there's loads of Irish childhood staples that we didn't have Edie: we'll make that list too, for the 👶 Liam: I can't think of a better way to start the baby book Edie: I'm gonna do it for your birthday Liam: yeah? Edie: I've got a feeling Liam: that might be knowing that I'm outside Edie: [dramatic run out] Liam: [we know he's as extra and would immediately stop whatever he's doing/ drop whatever he's holding so they can kiss dramatically, don't get a hole in that pinata yet sir] Edie: [ah you crazy kids, dunno where the rest of the fam is tbh] Liam: [100% gonna say he puts her in the pram and pushes her into this gaff like a giant nerd, so imagine her just squished in there please] Edie: [LOL adorable, try not to break it already] Liam: [you probably don't have time to do pram repairs on top of everything else lads] Edie: [we got schemes honey] Liam: [if you don't draw on each other with icing pens when you're decorating this cake I don't wanna know either of you] Edie: [my boo has put her foot down] Liam: [all the tattoo practice and ideas in any possible artistic medium thank you] Liam: [we all know what saucy behaviour you'll be getting up to as soon as he gets there though] Edie: [but the softest ever tbh 'cos a tough day and you just wanna make sure he's okay] Liam: [honestly there's only so busy you can keep yourself boy, we all see you] Edie: [not gonna force you to talk on it but also gonna be clear it's an option] Liam: [he's just trying to get today over with as if tomorrow and on any other day he won't think about it, oh hun] Edie: [mood] Liam: [where is his mother? what is she doing rn? those are my real questions] Edie: [sad things don't think about it Liam: [anyway we know the vibe so is there anything else you wanna make a point of happening rn before we skip to the aftermath?] Edie: [hmhmhmmm we can probably skip] Liam: [everyone gonna be cross at you lads] Edie: [I like to think the fam was there earlier so they were already moody, but then you come back with the police and you're gonna skip town tomorrow so lol] Liam: [his poor mum having to go down the garda station when she's already living her best life, likewise gonna be in a great mood] Edie: [safe to say you will not be invited back tonight gal] Liam: [Rio is gonna tear Liam a new one cos he was all I'm gonna look after her it's chill when they last talked haha] Edie: [oh lordy] Liam: [I just hope they got to do all their creepy plans before the police ruined it] Edie: [or at least the important ones, and that it went well in that people are talking about it] Liam: [gotta let you have that] Edie: [tis important and a mood] Edie: how's your ma now Liam: she's still going Edie: I thought she'd like it Edie: if you explained what you did Liam: she likes what we did but not how Liam: she don't understand that playing it in the sitting room wouldn't work Edie: she wants to keep it all private Edie: if people feel uncomfortable it's only because they should Liam: we know that Edie: is she more 😭 or 😤 Edie: one is easier to deal with Liam: it's both, at the same time for a while Edie: that must be so exhausting Liam: it's just what she's like Edie: you've not really known her any different? Liam: I must have, but I don't remember Liam: not clear enough Edie: I'm sorry Edie: if I could've taken the blame harder, I would've Liam: I don't want you to take any of it Edie: I don't care about getting into trouble Liam: you will if it sticks next time & you maybe can't earn as much cash Liam: be the perfect ma you've set your heart on Edie: not at the sake of you though Edie: it's so unfair I couldn't take my fair share Liam: you did, you weren't there for the shit I did before that got me my talking to from the 🐷 Liam: it's about her not you Edie: yeah, I know Edie: wish we'd saved the pinata for them though 🐷🤮☠ Liam: we'll make a 🎬📹 I've still got the rave masks Edie: Yes Edie: it's the least we can do Liam: you'll feel a bit better at least Edie: no, it's not about me Edie: how do you think it went, before they showed Liam: you thought it went decently I could see it in your 👀 Edie: it did Edie: it was beautiful Edie: but did you like it? Liam: I reckon she would've Edie: she'd be proud, for sure Liam: yeah Edie: but I am, whilst I can't guarantee that Edie: I can this Edie: are we still going tomorrow Liam: I'll show up, if you can't get out send me a 6 Edie: I'll get out Liam: safely Liam: I'm not gonna watch you fall out your window Edie: I won't, babe Edie: no guard dogs here Edie: they can't keep permanent watch Liam: no 🔥🌉 either though Liam: your ma must already hate me Edie: I'm not staying though Edie: I'll pretend to listen to them Liam: I understand baby, I don't want to be here Edie: I want to take you to the beach Liam: we'll go then Liam: smooth it over after if we have to Edie: I don't know how to care about making them happy, never mind doing it Liam: all you need to do is say what they wanna hear Edie: wait 'til they hear about the baby Liam: we just won't tell them until your 🤰 makes us Edie: but 'til then Edie: literally who knows what they want Liam: we know what your sister wants, she told me Liam: we'll base it off that, be good Edie: 🙄 Edie: she's a fine one to talk Liam: don't you wanna behave with me & for me? Edie: for you, not them Liam: I'm only asking you to do it for me Liam: so they won't be getting in our way Edie: what do you want me to do now then? Edie: tell me Liam: explain why we did it but pretend you're sorry that it got out of hand Edie: alright Edie: I'll hate every second of it but I'll do it Liam: I'll make it up to you Edie: tell me how Liam: 💍 Liam: I'll get you one Edie: you already got me a pram Liam: that was for the 👶 too, I wanna give you something that's just yours Edie: oh Edie: will I have to hide it too though Liam: as long as you don't bury it Edie: we could pretend it's not THE 💍 Edie: put it on a different finger Liam: you've still got great ideas after earlier Liam: you really are a genius Edie: Hardly Edie: I'm just trying very hard to be very good for you Liam: you don't even have to try Edie: I do when it means having to hide how I feel about you Liam: nobody can say shit about me promising to marry you one day Edie: they say all kinds of shit Liam: you don't have to hide that we're in love whatever they say Edie: I never will Edie: they know I am, that they can't change that Liam: if you don't wanna be good we can leave tonight Edie: you're right that it'll make shit easier Edie: I can ignore them Liam: I don't care about shit being easier if you're not happy Edie: I am happy Edie: they might not be happy with the way it's come about but they can't harp on it too hard without making me miserable Liam: I couldn't have done everything today without you Edie: I'm glad I could do that for you Edie: that's how it should be Edie: is going to Edie: I've got your back, you've got mine Liam: yeah, like a family Liam: me & you are, however long this baby takes to show up Edie: there's nothing you could ask that was too much of me, seriously Liam: not a test this time Edie: can handle it either way Liam: I know 👀 Liam: but I can't handle missing you more than I do, if you wanna like be a huge bitch to me or something like Edie: I could try if you wanna be less loveable for a sec too Liam: one sec I'll have to try & stop thinking about how alive you were tonight first Liam: & find a less gay way to say it than that while I'm working on it Edie: you say gay, I say workable lyric or tat inspo Liam: when you've filtered it through your 🧠 it'll be right Liam: all I know is beautiful wouldn't be good enough Liam: 🎇🎆 Liam: either Liam: I think the closest would be when you get a puddle of petrol, all those colours, that kinda bullshit Edie: I wish I could tattoo that onto me Edie: a bruise would be closest to that Edie: but I wish I could see me how you see me more Liam: I'll start filming, see what I can do Edie: you have a year 'til my birthday too Liam: lots of chances to get footage then Edie: be good for the baby too, when it grows up Edie: see we loved them before they even got here Liam: we'll record as much as we can Liam: starting at the beach tomorrow Edie: we'll make a sandcastle dreamhouse Edie: and find the perfect shell to start a collection for them Liam: I don't think I've ever made one Edie: 1/8 ratio water to sand is a good start Edie: then it depends if you want the castle buckets, or a plain one so you can sculpt it yourself Edie: add seaweed, shells and pebbles, et voila Liam: I'm gonna look for enough shells to make a mobile too Edie: 🌌🧠💡 Liam: maybe we can make it sound on top of looking nice Edie: if we find some driftwood too, that would be 🔝 Liam: we'll go back if we don't Liam: until we do Edie: if we like it we can move there Liam: what kind of 🏠 do you want? Edie: one that's the perfect size for just us three Edie: and always feels cosy and like a home and is the place you actually always wanna come back to because it's that comforting Liam: 🗺❌ Liam: I'll take you hunting Edie: maybe we'll find another to takeover when we're down there Liam: lots of them are holiday homes now summer's over they'll be empty Edie: and not everyone invests in good security, even though they're rich enough to Liam: pick the one you like best, I'll get us in Liam: most people don't bother changing their alarm codes from the default Edie: right Edie: they kinda deserve it Liam: if you're not gonna treat your shit like you want it, someone else will take it Liam: why not us Edie: 9️⃣9️⃣9️⃣ Liam: how long can we stay this time without your ma calling that number herself? Edie: when we're on our way, I could tell her we've gone Edie: rude of her to stifle our creativity 📹🎞📼 Edie: but if we give her something, she might freak less Liam: you got any 🎁 in mind? Edie: you mean getting her a stick of rock or? Liam: whatever works Liam: you know I'll do it Edie: It's not even you, they admit they don't know you Edie: maybe we give them the chance, when we do come back? Liam: 🎲 Liam: alright Edie: it might be totally unbearable Edie: I make no promises to the contrary Liam: you don't have to, you'll be there Liam: unbearable is when you're not Liam: like now Edie: I know Edie: it hurts my heart not being with you right now Liam: if my ma decides to stop, I'll call you Edie: do Edie: I'll get out of here as soon as I'm physically able Liam: me too Liam: even if it means I'm waiting outside for you 👀 Liam: 🛰🌏 Edie: You can wait outside my window any time Liam: 📹🎞📼 Liam: 🤫 Edie: 😳 Edie: everything you do is hot Liam: I'm thinking about you whenever I do anything, maybe that's why Edie: I won't dispute that Edie: even though you definitely deserve more credit Liam: you can give it to me when the credits roll on your film & you realise what you look like to me Liam: & that everything I do is to turn you on or make you smile, laugh, all that happy shit Edie: I don't know what I ever did to deserve you Edie: but I'll be a better person from now if it means I get to keep you forever Liam: nah, don't change a single thing Edie: 🤏 😈 🤏 😇 Edie: got it Liam: we won't show every 🎬🎞 to the 👶 Liam: or every 🎤🎧 either come to think of it Edie: got to have things to protect them from Edie: may as well be us, not actually a threat Liam: [sending her all the cute baby videos such as when they eat a 🍋 etc like this will be us because we can't be dealing with our mother popping off anymore] Edie: [sending her stuff of the twins 'cos that big sister evidently lol] Edie: him* soz babe Liam: [Grace would die if she knew] Edie: [when you are 10 and MORTIFIED honey] Liam: [when his ma is having a breakdown and he's just spamming the bae with random adorable baby content from the internet casually] Edie: [so sorry to your ma but also not sorry we did] Liam: [he can't handle all your emotions gal I'm soz, we're living our best fantasy life here instead] Liam: [I vote this happens until he can actually call her and thus end the convo cos we know they highkey enough to do that]
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Please give me ya best smut fics. I'm so single these help.
yes. -cade
artisan raw and gluten free by C0LUMBINE for edy (1/1 | 3,030 | Explicit)
Tyler sticks his hands in the pockets of his hoodie and looks at Josh with a face that says 'impress me'.
Josh sighs heavily and glances at the watch on his wrist. "Got twenty minutes, I'll- I'll suck you off, I dunno. Just, please."
Tyler huffs out a laugh. He stands there, preening, like a bird that's proud of its feathers. He clicks his tongue and decides to say, "I might have a little bit left."
//drug use, unhealthy relationships.
odi by Area50Dun (1/1 | 1,793 | Explicit)
Tyler smirked. "Why? Is Joshie gonna cry?" He said in a baby voice, his bottom lip coming out into a pout. Tyler's tongue was sharp. So sharp he once brought Josh to tears, and he never let Josh forget it.
Or the one where they hate each other, fight then fuck.
A Little Extra Cash by PastelMess for C0LUMBINE, headfirstfrhalos (1/1 | 4,274 | Explicit)
Tyler’s short on rent.
Trust by Ohfrickfanfic (1/1 | 890 | Explicit)
He trusts Tyler with his whole heart, his whole mind — his whole body.
So tonight, when Tyler whispers, ‘Can I try fisting you?’ into Josh’s ear during foreplay —
Josh doesn’t hesitate before answering with a breathy, ‘Yes’.
lose it - by orphan_account (1/1 | 1,611 | Explicit)
we will walk away from empty gold by joshlerz (1/1 | 323 | Explicit)
a little thing where josh makes tyler piss himself.
My heart is a compass by orphan_account for Batblood (1/1 | 4,253 | Explicit)
Great sex with no strings attached, while making money doing it, seems like the perfect arrangement.
Never Gunna Give You Up by summerdownturn (1/1 | 2,149 | Explicit)
After years of pining, a door is all that separates Josh from his fantasies.
Prompt: Tyler goes into rut, and Josh helps him through it.
A Little Adventure Never Hurt Nobody by oneawkwardsilence (microphoneMessiah) (1/1 | 1,107 | Explicit)
Tyler and Josh try some things in a Taco Bell parking lot.
Baby by olgushka (1/1 | 2,681 | Explicit)
Tyler offers Josh to suck his dick.
Square Pegs (Wooden Wedges) by marsakat for flightlessnerds (1/1 | 5,724 | Explicit)
Tyler always went to Josh for the questions that he was too afraid to ask anyone else. No secrets between them, only the denial that Josh kept from himself.
Just A Tune Up by dandeliondun (1/1 | 3,334 | Explicit)
"There is one way y'could pay me—if you're up for it."
"O-okay? What is it?"
"Let me eat ya' out."
crimson headache (aching blush) by C0LUMBINE (1/1 | 2,941 | Explicit)
"Keep playing," Tyler suggested. Josh narrowed his eyes in confusion, but was still turned on nontheless. Tyler wouldn't stop staring at him, so he figured there was no way around it.
"That's ridiculous," Josh couldn't believe himself when he actually grabbed the controller and placed his thumbs on the buttons, feeling the texture.
"It's a mouth on a dick, still," Tyler shrugged.
"Right. You're right. I'm just gonna-"
"Yeah. Win this," Tyler commanded, wrapping his lips around the tip of Josh's dick at the same time he resumed the game.
Basically -- Josh visits Tyler in his hotel room in the middle of the night. He is tired and Tyler is a little, bored bastard.
let me love (let me touch) by melodramatic (1/1 | 1,289 | Explicit)
The atmosphere was light, the moon shone through the curtains, and there wasn't a thing that Tyler wanted more than to make his boy feel good.
In heat by leooX (1/1 | 1,759 | Explicit)
Josh was supposed to be at work.
Boneless by franticatlantic (1/1 | 2,862 | Explicit)
In which Tyler Joseph is the definition of 'slim thick with yo cute ass.'
Faithful Duplicity by futurecastiels (1/1 | 2,756 | Explicit)
Tyler face-fucks Josh. On the bus.
Decode by franticatlantic (1/1 | 4,337 | Explicit)
Josh is punk. Tyler wears floral skirts.
They fuck on a bet.
Movie Night by elucidation (3/? | 5,414 | Explicit)
Nope. He's not going anywhere. Not right now. Right now he's going to sit right the fuck here and definitely-not-watch his best friend get a handy from his wife. They're still silent, barely moving, even, but Josh's body is hyper aware of every shift. Every sigh wired right to his cock.
through the holes in his eyes by C0LUMBINE (1/1 | 6,808 | Explicit)
Josh does not understand. But Tyler thinks, hopes he does. Among the trees, where nature allowed some free space, stands a trailer, old, beaten up and covered with moss. Josh can hear screeching coming from the inside and it only gets louder when Tyler opens the door with the help of his foot.
"It's not that he doesn't want you here, he's just hungry. Come in," Tyler nods towards the door.
* * *
Josh catches Tyler stealing from his bird feeder and wants to know why.
//animal abuse, animal death.
With you I have it all by SonataNocturne (1/1 | 2,356 | Explicit)
Just the two of them in a land far away, surrounded by snow. It just could be the best Christmas ever.
Horny on Main by PastelMess for ijustsit (1/1 | 2,585 | Explicit)
Tyler thinks he might be going through menopause because Josh's beard is making him more horny than usual.
Birthday Boy by olgushka (1/1 | 10,755 | Explicit)
It's time to celebrate Tyler's birthday.
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anjealously-blog · 2 years
Hi mga marecakes! Yesterday, I wasnt in good spirits. Today, i still am not but im better than yesterday. Thinking about it, I'm quite grateful for some people who knowingly and unknowingly cheered me up 🤗 i thanked them already but i want to post an appreciation. The chance of them finding this is unknown HAHAHA nevertheless, i want to. Shy ako to express this to them so ill say it here.
To Ylone,
You're my little brother from another mom you know. Di mo alam pero malift mo talaga ang araw ko. Your timing is always right kahit magmsg ka lang para garaan ako or magpatulong. I love that you act like a child with me kase feeling ko talaga I have another brother. Thank you Lon! I dont know how you do it, but its so on time na i wonder talaga minsan if you just feel that something's wrong hahaha. I know pag mag usap tayo, its mostly tuyaan and lokohan. And i know flustered ka nung nagthank you ako sayo kahapon HAHAHA sabi mo pa nabaliw na ako kasi bigla2 nalang nag thank you. But lon, like i said, minsan blessing ka, madalas salot HAHAHA but im still thankful i have you in my life. I never expected na we'll be this close. And I thank God coz he brought you to me. I dont say this to you often but I really love your presence. I love na di mo ko ginakalimutan igreet during occassions. I love that you annoy me randomly. I love the brother I have in you. I will always root for you Ylone! Thank you for treating me as your Ate. We may not be connected by blood, but we're soulmates in other ways. Hays, I love you lon, bigtime! Ikaw ata ang greatest take away ko sa PYM 💝 Pag nabasa mo to, wag mo ko kausapin, maririndi lang ako sayo!! HAHAHAHA PS: IBALIK MO NA MGA DAMIT KO PARANG AWA MO NA
To Earl Dimple,
Beb, i was joking when I msgd you yesterday so you probably didnt feel like something was wrong. I know were close but i dont want to open to you yesterday. Why? Kase I want to keep our jokes and banters. I thought na I would rather laugh with you tonight than be dramatic with you. You also didnt know, but you cheered me up bigtime! And di ako naga joke nung sinabi kong i miss you na!! Uwi ka na kasi! Anw, beb you've always been my go to friend, you know that. We're closer than we thought. We're actually sisters! Thank you for always coming whenever I wanted to get out. Ikaw talaga ang aking one call away friend! You know na I'm always relieved whenever kasama ka, na kahit sino pang kasama nating iba, okay na sakin. You're my constant. And im damn blessed for having you. I love you bb gurl, sobra! 💗
To RS,
If you read this, I know you'll figure out that this is you. Buhay pa ako! HAHAHA the biggest appreciation today is for you! My frustrations were relieved yesterday coz you lend me an ear (not literally). I know we're already friends, but recently lang tayo napunta sa gantong point of closeness. I wanna thank you for reaching out to me, kahit gusto mo lng naman ng gala HAHAHA chos. Really, thank you for giving me a safe space where I can open up without thinking much of the judgement I can receive. Sira naman na image ko sayo kaya keri nalang mag open diba? HAHAHA but really, mamsh I really love that you dont treat me with high regards. Alam mo na diba, na I want to be on equal grounds with my friends, that Im quite sad with the fact na most of my friends act cautiously around me coz they dont wanna annoy or offend me. But you didnt. From then, ang ginawa mo lang ay garaan ako everytime magkaencounter tayo. Until now, magchat ka lang para manggara ulit. From other point of view, its weird that I love na ginagaraan ako, but you know why. So really, thank you. I havent had the guts to open up to other people im closed with, so i mustered up the courage to open up to you kasi sabi mo you'll be there to listen. So i did. And im glad i did. I feel shy coz you saw my vulnerability but aside from that, i felt safe. Thank you for being a safe space! :) hays sana noon mo pako sineryoso kausapin edi sana bff tayo!! And also, sorry coz i dumped my emotional baggage to you. And i also wanna tell you, dont be always there for others. Wag mo hayaan na mapuno ka ng bagahe ng iba. Give yourself space also. With that, i forgot to tell you and im too shy to tell you now, but ill be here for you too. To listen to your rants and be a safe space also. Sabihin ko nalang sayo to next time kasi hiya na ako HAHAHA. Thank you mamsh, sobra sobra!! 💖
0 notes
puzzled-pegasus · 4 months
Random but I was watching some John Mulaney videos and wondered which ones you best think fit the Finches?
I swear a lot of them could probably fit Gus lol.
I actually made a post a while back for this! It was a long time ago though and you probably don't have time to scroll through my blog looking for it lol so here, I'll paste it again for you. :)
"And then my mom said, 'I made a salad with Craisins! And the conversation ended."
"I am very small. And I have no money. So you can imagine the kind of stress that I am under."
"I always expected to be dead in a trunk with my hand hanging out the tail light by now!"
"Oh and what a mighty king I will be, eating dinner at 4:45 in the afternoon!"
"My lands stretch across this entire one bedroom!"
"I'm probably gay based on the way I act and behave and…I've walked and talked for [21] years."
"Arrrgh…you know, life."
"I used to drink but then I drank too much and I had to stop."
"One black coffee"
"Okay so, when you get kidnapped--not if, when– "
"The bread of bread is bread…"
"You know when you're twelve, when you're like 'no one look at me or I'll kill myself!"
"Thirteen year olds are the meanest people in the world."
"One feels like a duck splashing around in all this wet! And when one feels like a duck, one is happy!"
Kay (bonus)
"This is an on-fire garbage can….could be a nursery."
"None of us really know our fathers."
"Is he nice? NOOOO!"
"Brush your teeth! Now, BOOM, orange juice--that's life."
"I always thought that uh, quicksand, was going to be a much bigger problem than it turned out to be."
"Tonight Is The Night, and How We Only Have Tonight."
"My vibe is more like 'hey, you could pour soup in my lap and I'll probably apologize to you!"
"Think about that for ten seconds and tell me you don't want to walk into the ocean."
"I look like I was just sitting in a room on a chair eating saltines for like, 28 years."
"I didn't drink water the ENTIRE time."
"Do My Friends Hate Me, Or Do I Just Need To Go To Sleep?"
*wacks hookman killer in the head with the crutch* "Now I've thrown him off his rhythm!"
"McDonald's! McDonald's! McDonald's!"
"Was there ever even a ghost, mother, or was the little girl you saw just mE all along??"
"My parents loved us, they just didn't like us."
"You have the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair."
"Beat it, bozo!"
"My wife is a b**ch and I like her SO. Much."
"I just like old fashioned things."
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Rio & Buster
Rio: It was so good having you back Rio: everything smells like you again Buster: I feel that Buster: If I could've taken back half your wardrobe with me to miss you less I would've Rio: Never gonna be Brazil levels of hot here so sadly I need them or I'd let you Buster: I'll take what I can get Buster: It's so quiet here Buster: I could hear your every breath right now if you were here too Rio: That'd be nice Rio: I like you being the only thing I hear and see Rio: but selfishly glad Indie isn't in School right now for the same reason Buster: Admittedly I didn't see much of her but she seemed better than I expected Buster: Or better at pretending to be anyway Rio: Yeah, she's really trying to be alright Rio: she don't want him to fuck her up and I don't blame her Buster: Me either Buster: He ain't worth any of that Rio: Just wish it was the same for Edie Rio: but there we go Buster: Yeah Rio: It'd be so scary having to do this alone Rio: having a baby, I mean Rio: or with a useless father fucking shit up, even worse Buster: I was gonna say Buster: I don't wanna but I keep thinking about Chlo and James 'cause like what the fuck Rio: She's probably as much use as him though Rio: if not less so Rio: I don't know, can't picture her worrying about anything real Buster: Still, he's flirting with a girl at school every time I see him, I swear Buster: As much as I hate her, that's uncalled for Buster: And it's a car crash Rio: Yeah, again unsurprised Rio: Nance reckoned it wouldn't be long before they were cheating on each other Buster: There's no love lost between Nance and him either but she's right nonetheless Buster: I should've gone to see Astrid, speaking of, but since that means a high chance of also seeing my aunt Buster: Next time, I'll get Nance or Indie to sneak her out Rio: It is sad though, like, not gonna shed a tear but I doubt she's getting any herself in her state Rio: I think we're gonna take her to the park later, Indie's going stir-crazy Rio: I'll take pictures and stuff Buster: She was never gonna be a MILF like you, babe Buster: But yeah Buster: How are you feeling, besides missing me, obviously? Rio: Obviously Rio: I'm feeling pretty good though, revamped all my socials and cam pages so they look more professional Rio: Productive to keep myself from missing you too much Buster: I'm proud of you Buster: Do you reckon you'll have to take a break when my boy starts showing or is anyone gonna think you look hot like I do? Rio: Hmm, I don't know Rio: Like, it's a fetish because everything is but maybe I won't be feeling hot regardless of how viewers feel Buster: True Buster: You don't know how you're gonna feel yet Buster: You might want the time off Rio: Also depends how much we need the money Rio: 'cos we will when he's here Rio: maybe I'll work 'til I drop, Ma always did Buster: Don't worry about that Buster: I'll make sure he has everything he needs and wants Rio: Not if you get cut off for him, babe Buster: That's not gonna happen Rio: I hope not Rio: I'm just considering every outcome Buster: Baby, trust me Buster: It's gonna be fine Rio: I do trust you, baby Buster: I'm gonna look after you both Buster: If I have to beg my parents for anything or whatever else, I'll do it Rio: I know Rio: but I'm prepared to do whatever I have to too, you know Buster: That's why I love you and I know you're gonna be the perfect mum Rio: I love you so much Buster: I love you too Buster: Both of you Rio: You're so fucking perfect, you know that Buster: We are Rio: How are you, I haven't even asked, rude Buster: I'm good, don't worry Rio: I won't even ask what you're up to today though 'cos I know Buster: Yeah, same shit, different day Rio: You're doing so good though Rio: you're gonna be top of your whole year Buster: That's my plan Buster: Not only 'cause then my mum won't be able to refuse me anything, like Rio: Hot Rio: I'm not gonna refuse you anything either, just FYI Buster: Damn Buster: Is that how it is? Rio: Of course Rio: You're gonna earn so much more than A*s baby Buster: Now I'm distracted Rio: Whoops Rio: meant to be incentive Buster: I don't have to be there and see your face to know you aren't that sorry Rio: 😋 Buster: I miss you Buster: Take some pics just for me before you get to the park, yeah? Rio: Of course Buster: [Sends some pics of his own 'cause only fair] Buster: For incentive or distraction, whichever Rio: Inspiration, I think Rio: Gotta up my game Rio: 😩 Buster: I don't believe you Buster: You're so fucking beautiful Rio: I swear, I'm knackered still Rio: got no makeup on Buster: Nothing you've said changes what I said Rio: You really love me, don't you? Buster: You know it Buster: You should go rest if you're tired though Rio: No 😠 Rio: Don't make me Buster: Come on Buster: Be good Rio: I wanna be with you Buster: Talk to me from our bed then Buster: Go lie down Rio: Are you telling me? Buster: Do it Rio: 🤤 Rio: I'll do it but I'll miss you Buster: I've left enough clothes there, put something on Buster: It'll help Rio: Imma wear this hoodie out Rio: it's like a dress and I don't want anything between my skin and your clothes Buster: Well now I definitely need pics Rio: Oh no I just had such a sad realisation Buster: What? Rio: I'm gonna have to take my nip piercing out to breastfeed 😞 Rio: Acc gutted, like Buster: Me too Buster: I didn't think about that Rio: I was looking and people say you can keep it in but I'm not shoving tiny metal choking hazards in my baby's mouth like drink up kid, you selfish hoes 😂 Buster: We could bottle feed him? Or is that more selfish, like? Rio: Nah, breast milk is liquid gold babe Buster: I know you're right Buster: But very unfair of you, son 😂 Rio: I know, he ain't the only one benefitting from these titties, like Buster: Maybe we won't have 11 kids 'cause 😒 Rio: Aww, is daddy jealous already? 😏 Buster: I am now Buster: Gonna have to make the most of these next few months, aren't I? Rio: Oh yeah Rio: Shit, when are you not meant to fly when you're pregnant, how many months Rio: I won't be for the summer will I? Buster: Hold on, I'll look Buster: After 37 weeks or 32 if it's twins Rio: Phew Rio: We're fine Rio: I didn't think it was too early Buster: I'd have to have words with my boy if he was being that much of a troublemaker, like Rio: 😍 Rio: go off daddy Rio: gonna clue him in you a soft touch though Buster: Shh Buster: I am not Rio: Oh yeah? Buster: Yeah Buster: You know how strict I am Rio: I do have the reminders on me Rio: but that side of daddy is just for me Buster: Can you still feel them all or do I need to be more strict next time? Rio: I can Rio: but I still want more Rio: and harder Buster: Good Buster: I know you'll earn every one Rio: Working on it already Buster: I bet you are Rio: Just letting everyone know how much I miss you right now Buster: Yeah? Rio: Mhmm, check your snaps Buster: Baby Buster: Fuck Rio: You look so pretty between my thighs Buster: When did you even take that? Buster: So sneaky Rio: You were very focused, I couldn't resist Buster: All I wanna do now is recreate that Buster: I'm so mad you aren't here Rio: Me too Rio: I'm so fucking horny today I blame hormones entirely Buster: I blame you for giving me everything I want except coming back to London with me Buster: I just get used to having you whenever I want and I have to go back to missing you Rio: 😩 Don't Rio: I wanna be there so badly Buster: Come here then Buster: Bring Indie with you, you've done it before Rio: I don't doubt she'd jump at the chance to get away from here Rio: It's your parents too though, I'm not trying to give them all the reasons to hate me Buster: Just give me until my exams start Buster: At least Rio: Tell me it'll help you focus or something Buster: It would Buster: That's not a lie Buster: I'm so horny right now I can't concentrate on anything Rio: And only I can fix that, yeah? Rio: In person, has to be Buster: I need you, babe Buster: It's an actual plea Rio: Baby Rio: Okay, I'm coming Rio: I'll see when the next flights are Buster: Do whatever you need to do first Buster: But also, like, hurry up Rio: I will, I need you now Rio: Indie's off School for this whole week so she's good Rio: It'll be tonight Rio: Give us time to take Astrid out still as we promised Buster: 'Course Buster: I wanna know how she is, I mean that Rio: You're so good Rio: I think Ro was going to get her hair done whilst we're out so that's good Rio: sign of normality returning Buster: Yeah, she's not being a total recluse, like Rio: She's said a few civil words to me and actually let me in when me and Indie have brought her back so Rio: Never gonna be my biggest fan but I'll take it Buster: That's like huge progress in terms of her Buster: Maybe our son can actually be friends with Astrid one day Rio: Aww Rio: that's so cute Buster: Hopefully they won't fall in love like we did but you know Buster: I'll send you money for your flights, yeah? Rio: Lord, don't Rio: You just paid for your own Rio: Not to mention spoiled me Rio: I got this, babe Buster: You sure? Rio: I'm sure Rio: Focus on all the other ways you're gonna treat me when I get there Buster: Already done Buster: I'm so focused Rio: Care to share with the class, McKenna? Buster: Not yet Buster: It'll be better when I just show you Rio: But I'm already desperate Rio: This is gonna be a long day Buster: Poor baby Buster: Let me help you Buster: [Sends more pics] Rio: Are you tryna help or hurt Rio: I'm trying to get ready here and now Buster: Do you want me to stop? Buster: Just say the word Rio: NO Rio: Never Buster: So tell me what you need, babe Buster: We have time Rio: You'll play with me? Buster: Always Rio: That's why you're the best daddy Rio: I need you to tell me how bad you want it to be tonight already Buster: You know I'm aching for you, don't you? Buster: I need you so bad, Rio Rio: Are you gonna eat my pussy again, baby? Make me so wet and ready before you fuck me? Buster: I'm gonna make you beg me to fuck you Buster: You know I love that Buster: How sensitive you are when you've already cum so hard for me Rio: It feels too good I can't handle it but I want more and you know it Rio: You never stop Buster: I'm not gonna stop tonight either Rio: I wanna lose track of how many times you make me cum Buster: Good 'cause I'm planning on turning that maths brain off for you Rio: Fuck me 'til the only thing I can think about is your cock making me feel so good Rio: 'Til I forget my name but all I can say is yours Rio: Please please please baby please Buster: I'll fuck you until you pass out. You're gonna rest one way or another, baby Rio: I'm whimpering like a little bitch right now, I'm so fucking weak for you daddy Rio: Cum on my belly again, it was so hot Buster: You're so hot Buster: I'll do anything you want Rio: I want anal Rio: Didn't it feel so good Rio: so tight Buster: I was hoping you'd say that Rio: I'll put a plug in now, get stretched for you Rio: I'm already so distracted so Buster: Jesus, I'm gonna be thinking about that until I can take it out of you Rio: I'll put the toy in my cunt on the plane too, both holes ready for daddy Rio: make me cum before I even get to you Buster: Oh god Buster: You're really spoiling me Buster: This was meant to be about you Rio: It's all about you Rio: you've been working so hard, you need this, don't you baby? Rio: take out all that frustration on your little girl, she wants to help you Buster: You're gonna take it all for me, aren't you? Rio: Yes daddy, every drop, every inch and every worry, all of it Rio: You're gonna feel like the God you are when we're done Buster: You're so good at making me feel like that Rio: Good, I want you to always feel like that Rio: You're King and I'm Queen and we worship each other Buster: I fucking love you Rio: I love you Buster Rio: I can't wait to show you just how much with my tongue, like Buster: Me too Buster: You think you can get ready for me, but you just can't, baby Rio: Jesus Rio: I want you to do it 'til I'm in tears Buster: I told you, I'm not stopping Rio: Can I touch myself now Buster: How much do you need it? Buster: Tell me Rio: I've been bad Buster: Yeah? Rio: Everything you said was making me so squirmy so I put your pillow between my legs Rio: now it's all wet and I just wanna make it wetter Buster: You better do it then Buster: It's too late to be good now Rio: Have I earnt my first spanking, daddy? Buster: We do have to make sure you learn a lesson, yeah Rio: Oh fuck yes Buster: You've gotta do it properly though, 'cause I'll be checking when you get here Rio: Yes sir Rio: I'll make you proud again but I want to enjoy you being mad at me first Buster: Show me my pillow then Buster: We'll see how mad I am Rio: Okay, but I'm not moving it, it's in just the right spot right now Rio: so I'll have to be in the picture too Rio: [Pic] Buster: Fuck Buster: You were really grinding, weren't you, babe Rio: I told you, it still smells of you Rio: me too now Buster: Well, you better not stop Buster: I want you to smell of me all day long Rio: I won't, not 'til you tell me too Rio: I'm being good again, promise Rio: I'm gonna be wearing your hoodie all day, 'til I see you again and you take it off Buster: You're so good Buster: And you look even better Rio: I feel it Rio: How am I this close already holy shit Buster: 'Cause you want to please me and I want you to cum Rio: You do? Buster: You have to Rio: Yes, tell me what to do Buster: Ruin that pillow so I have to rest my head on your stomach whenever I'm tired Rio: Oh my God Rio: My two boys Buster: I don't ever wanna sleep anywhere else Rio: You never have to, I want you with me and on me always Buster: You make me so happy Buster: I need you to feel this good so go harder, okay Rio: Yes baby Rio: I'm trying to do it how you would Buster: Good girl Rio: Tell me how hard I've made you Buster: I'll show you Buster: [Pics] Buster: Look what you did Rio: I swear I can fucking taste it Rio: You need to cum with me and show me how big a load you shoot Buster: How could I refuse? Buster: God, it's like I can feel you, everything you'd do Rio: Please don't, I'll work harder for it but mamãe need daddy's cum Rio: You're just really good at all sex, I swear Rio: even online Rio: it's better than actual sex I've had with people that aren't you Buster: I feel that Buster: And I've fucked a lot of girls so you can take the compliment Buster: You're just the best Rio: Because you're mine Rio: I own that dick, always have, you know it Buster: You own all of me Buster: Always have and always will Rio: No girl has ever made you feel like this, have they? Buster: No Buster: Only you Rio: Right answer Buster: It's the honest answer Buster: You're so special, Rio Rio: Shit Indie and her friends are back but I'm so fucking close Buster: You can be quiet Buster: Prove it Rio: But Rio: I wanted to moan for you Buster: There's plenty of time for that later Rio: Okay Rio: but I'm gonna have an attitude all day now Rio: and they're gonna have to deal 'cos it's their fault Buster: I'll make you feel better Buster: I promise Rio: how daddy Rio: i'm listening 😋 Buster: I'll make twice as much noise Rio: Make sure you say my name Rio: Lots Buster: I'm saying it right now Buster: Really loud for you Rio: Oh baby boy Rio: How do you know exactly what I like Buster: 'Cause I know you Buster: I always have Buster: And you know me Rio: Yeah Rio: I wish I'd known we'd end up here together Rio: I loved you so much Rio: More now but I mean Rio: as a kid, I really did Buster: Everything that you've ever wanted to do with me, I've imagined us doing it so many times 'cause I loved you too Buster: We have forever to make up for lost time Rio: We do Rio: Plus we probably would've beaten my parents record and had so many babies by now so good thing really Buster: There was shit we both had to do first Buster: But I'm all yours now Rio: Growing the fuck up, namely Rio: Mine forever Buster: Exactly, I wasn't ready for you then Rio: and we got each other's best first, no matter what Buster: Yeah Buster: You know, I think you can make some noise, babe. I bet they're being really loud themselves Rio: 🙄 Honestly Rio: I think I will Rio: 'cos now I'm shamelessly daydreaming how much better my first time with you would've been than what I had Buster: Fuck Buster: Cum for me like you would've Rio: I'd be telling you how long I'd wanted this Rio: how I'd waited for you and you were better than all my wet dreams had told me you'd be Buster: Thank god there's nobody here 'cause I'm being louder than I promised Rio: It's such a good fantasy Rio: You'd cum so quick and you'd blush so pretty and be so adorable but I'd just kiss you and play with you until you got hard again for me Buster: You know you wouldn't have to wait long I used to cum so many times a day just thinking about you Buster: But you are gonna need something harder than that pillow if you're imagining me Rio: Would you tell me? Probably not, maybe after we've done it a few times and you can see how much you turn me on and I think about you too Rio: You want me to fuck myself now daddy Buster: I'd have to tell you, I've never been able to keep shit from you Buster: You always know Buster: You'd love it though Rio: I seriously would, I'd be even more distracted in School, thinking about you and when the next family party was so we could sneak off alone and play Buster: We'd be expecting everyone to walk in on us every minute but that'd just make it hotter Rio: And we'd find out how loud we are Rio: like we want to get caught Buster: And how hard and fast we'd have to fuck Rio: We'd come back in all sweaty and red-faced Rio: our hair so crazy Rio: and no one would ever guess Buster: You'd look so beautiful it'd just make me want you more Buster: You'd have to stop me from ripping your dress Rio: And if I was wearing a dress, which I would be, hitched up even shorter so you could see I wasn't wearing any knickers for you, I'd have to make sure you got every last drop of cum before we went back in to the party Buster: You'd have to cover every mark the next day but you'd get too distracted touching each one and remembering how I did it Rio: I'd always be late to School because I'd have to fuck myself in the makeup mirror looking at what you'd done Buster: And I'd be late too 'cause I'd spend too long in the shower fucking myself to the vivid flashbacks Rio: We'd get into so much trouble, baby Rio: our parents wouldn't know what was going on Buster: Yeah we would Buster: You know none of it would be enough and we'd have to touch ourselves at school too, any chance we could get Rio: Yeah, all the time and so much texting and sending pictures in lessons Rio: and we'd get our phones taken off us and we'd have to pray the teacher's didn't see anything Buster: I'd get so many detentions for you Rio: I'd make it up to you Buster: 'Course Buster: You're the best thing that's ever happened to me Rio: Back at you, Buster McKenna Rio: I like saying your name Buster: Half of it's yours now Rio: Yeah it is Rio: I've changed all my bank and bills and shit and it felt so good Buster: It's his too Buster: We just need the other half Rio: It'll come to us Rio: we've got time Buster: It's gotta be perfect Rio: Like him Rio: We'll brainstorm Rio: fucking gives me the best ideas Buster: Tell me something I don't know Buster: You get so focused, babe Buster: It's fucking hot Rio: You love a 🤓 Buster: Just you Buster: If you were any sexier, forget my promise for later, I'd be the one passing out right now, like Rio: You're so fucking cute Rio: it's rude, how are cute and hot, pick a lane Rio: 'cept don't Buster: I'll pick one when you do Buster: But you can't 'cause you're everything Rio: If I wasn't part of us I'd find us sickening Buster: If I wasn't with you, I'd have to kill whatever cunt was in my place Rio: And there you go, being hot again Rio: Jealousy is such a turn-on I don't care what anyone says Rio: it was so hot when we knew we wanted each other but we hadn't admitted it yet, never mind done anything about it so we got with each other's friends Buster: Sorry I didn't have hotter friends for you, babe, but not that sorry Rio: Made it easier to think about you so Rio: not that mad Buster: Who was the best, other than me? Rio: Oh what was his name Rio: Think he was Italian or Swiss or something Rio: The one you made me go on a double date with you with Buster: Laurent, yeah he's very Swiss Rio: What does that even mean? 😂 Buster: I mean, the level of European where the gay jokes write themselves as far as the rest of the lads are concerned Rio: Gotcha Rio: Well if he is gay he's very convincing to the contrary Buster: He obviously ain't Buster: He never declared his love for me Buster: Do you wanna go marry him or? Rio: That settles it then Rio: Shame he ain't even bicurious, we could thruple Buster: Don't sound so enthusiastic about it, damn Rio: See 😋 so hot Rio: and so easy Buster: Calling me a slag as well now Buster: Rude Rio: Poor boy Rio: What have you married, huh Buster: Go marry your real love, I'll get you off the bigamy charges as a final favor, like Rio: Giving to the end Rio: I'll give you a good reference Buster: Enjoy Switzerland 'cause he splits the year between there and here Rio: Ooh Rio: I'll have to learn how to ski Buster: I'll be back for my kid when he's ready Rio: Damn, forgot about that Rio: Better stick with you then Rio: not up for the custody battle tbh Buster: You never know, Laurie might have the fetish Buster: Or his dad might Buster: If you wanna trade up worthy of leaving me, like Rio: If he did, he'd surely be piping Chlo by now, but that aside 'cos you've got my attention Rio: is he heir to the Hublot fortune or? Clue me in, babe Buster: He could well be fucking her for all I'd know Buster: Either of them could Buster: Oh, you wish, babe Rio: How dare he not be pining for me forever, I'm fuming Buster: I can tell Rio: Where's the loyalty? Rio: Honestly Buster: You gotta give him a repeat at least first Buster: And probably remember his name that time so you can moan it out, like Rio: Can you remember the name of your double date then? Buster: I'm not claiming she was good enough Rio: Yeah, you were not feeling it, I recall Buster: How could I when you showed up looking like that? Buster: Not that it stopped you, apparently Rio: I know you can't remember what I was wearing boy, 'cos I can't so 😜 Rio: I felt pretty bad actually, 'cos he was alright unlike most of your friends and I could barely keep the conversation going 'cos I kept looking over at yous Buster: Fuck you, I can Buster: I've got a great memory Rio: Oh yeah? Buster: You look especially good in red so yeah Buster: It really clung to you, being silky, which of course was intentional as hell Rio: Oh Rio: That's right, actually Rio: As if you remembered that Buster: I know it's right, I can see it in my head right now Rio: Why you even studying, babe? Rio: You're gonna ace these tests so easy Buster: 'Cause how fucking stunning you are isn't on any of my A-levels, sadly Rio: You should complain Buster: Call the exam board for me, babe, they'd do anything you say with that voice Rio: Too smooth for your own good, you Buster: It's all true Buster: Speaking of, you are really coming tonight, right? Rio: Yes baby Rio: [Shows booking] Buster: Okay Buster: Good Rio: You want us still, yeah? Buster: More than anything Buster: That's why I asked, it's hard to believe I keep getting everything I want Rio: Surely not, par for the course, golden boy 😉 Rio: but no Rio: I know Buster: Stay with me, yeah? Buster: Even if I am a moody prick about exams Buster: I actually do need you Rio: Of course Rio: I know you do Rio: I'm not just coming to fuck you Rio: though obviously, not that much of a pricktease Buster: Good to know Buster: But obviously, I'm glad 'cause you do need rest too, I'm serious Buster: And I need my boy for good luck Rio: We're coming Rio: 🍀 in tow Buster: I can't wait until he can properly hear what we're saying to him Rio: They can first hear around 18 weeks Rio: so if you've got anything really fucked you wanna say, get it in now, like 😏 Buster: Will do Rio: Right, she's finally ready for the park 🙄 Rio: Said as if I haven't been happily entertaining myself but you know Buster: 😏 Buster: Did she hear you or not? That's my only question Rio: Did she hear us or not, that's my question Rio: awkward way to find out I'm pregnant Buster: It would say you a convo though Buster: save* Buster: Seriously, I know I need to be more careful about what I say but like, I can't help myself Buster: You're just so Rio: I don't care Rio: I wanna be happy about this Buster: Do you mean that? Rio: Yeah Rio: Seriously Rio: Heaven forbid anything happens, you're not just seamlessly moving on without anyone noticing so Rio: if people find out, they do, we get to be as excited as we want and talk about it how we wanna, it's our baby Buster: Yeah Buster: Fuck it Buster: We made him, we can talk about him as much as we want, whenever we want Rio: Exactly Rio: and we wanted him, we're not ashamed Buster: I'm not scared either Rio: We've got each other Rio: All 3 of us Rio: everyone else can like it or leave Buster: Agreed Rio: Good Rio: I love you Buster: I love you too Buster: Go have fun at the park, like Rio: I will Rio: Send you all the snaps like promised 💕 Buster: I know Buster: It won't be that long until we can take him for all kinds of family outings, even if it feels like too long to wait at the moment Buster: Think about that, babe
0 notes
Rio & Buster
Rio: I've gone home Rio: Can you go back to your 'rents tonight please Rio: Need some 1 on 1 with Indie, will explain when everything's less hectic Buster: Alright Buster: Are you both okay though? Rio: Will be Buster: Anything I can do other than fuck off? Rio: Not right now Buster: Okay Buster: I'll see you tomorrow then? Rio: Yea Rio: Probably, I'll let you know Buster: Probably Buster: Come on Rio: What? Rio: I'm not sure yet Buster: Am I at least gonna get to see you before I go or are you not sure about the day after either Rio: Yes of course Rio: I'll come see you Buster: Well, I'll see you then Buster: Do what you've gotta do Rio: Yeah Rio: talk later Rio: love you Buster: I love you too Rio: [Next day, late lbr] Rio: How's the hangover? Buster: You know I don't get hangovers, babe Buster: Not a fucking amateur Rio: Hmm Rio: Okay, babe Rio: well my head hurts Buster: I've been to the gym, hung out with a half dead Nance and got my school work done so yeah Buster: Like I said Buster: Poor baby Buster: How's Indie? Rio: Such a twat Rio: She's still asleep, it took a while Rio: but Rio: I don't know Rio: really Buster: You love how hardworking I am, don't lie Buster: Do you want me to come get the dog it's gonna need walking, yeah? Rio: No need to rub it in Rio: Yeah, please Rio: I should be here when she wakes up Buster: Anything else you need like coffee or food? Rio: That's okay, baby Rio: How much do you know then, how much did I say Rio: it's all a bit of a blur Buster: Literally nothing Buster: I wasn't even sure if you were gonna say you loved me, like Buster: It was all business Rio: I did though, didn't I Rio: I'm surprised it hasn't got 'round yet Rio: your ma'll be celebrating again today, like Rio: Drew's back inside, he got arrested yesterday Buster: Yeah you did. Thank fuck otherwise I'd have been even more worried Buster: I'm sure my mum knows but I ain't seen her Buster: He must've been carrying so much shit, damn Buster: I can't say I'm not glad Buster: It couldn't happen to a more deserving bloke Rio: Well, I know Meena was going to tell Ro last night so yeah Rio: that'll be fun right now Rio: was last night Rio: sorry you were worried, it got intense there wasn't really time to explain all this then, like Buster: Shit, maybe I should head around there at some point too then Buster: Or offer to drive Nance if she wants to Buster: Don't worry about me, babe, I was well drunk there wasn't a lot of time of me being awake worried after we spoke Buster: Still time to miss you though, obviously Rio: Rather you than me Rio: it's such a mess Buster: What's new, like Rio: Hopefully he was smart enough to keep his stash under the 13 thou mark Rio: it depends if they then got a warrant for his car or house though 'cos they keep so much shit at his 'cos he's fucking replaceable Rio: I've been looking and he could get like 14 years if he's unlucky Rio: a year is his best at this point so Rio: any chance he had of seeing Astrid now is put back 'til then, if ever Buster: He's been in the game long enough that luck shouldn't come into it Buster: Regardless, the cunt's now got an excuse for why he can't see her, he'll love that Rio: I guess so Buster: He's a lot of things but he ain't that stupid, not about that at any rate Buster: There's a reason he always gets out so he can go back Buster: Jammy prick Rio: You could've got along in another life, like Buster: Fuck that Rio: I feel sick Buster: Baby Buster: I'm on my way Rio: It's going to be bad Rio: I've got to tell Edie, no one else will think to Buster: If you want me to do it I will Rio: Yeah Rio: What are you even going to say Buster: I'll figure it out Buster: The truth basically Buster: It's more about what she wants to say anyway Rio: If anything Buster: Yeah Buster: Exactly Buster: That's why I'm offering, you already don't feel well Rio: It should come from one of us though Rio: no, I'll do it Buster: What if Indie wakes up? Buster: How are you gonna juggle both of them? Rio: I'll do it Rio: I can Buster: Let me help you Buster: I can Buster: Whatever it is you need Rio: You can't fix this Rio: none of us can, like Buster: I know Buster: But that don't mean I can't make it easier for you if only in little bullshit ways Buster: Like sitting with you while you message Edie and making you tea or whatever Buster: We're a team Buster: So tell me what you want me to do Rio: I don't know Rio: okay Buster: Rio Buster: It is okay Rio: No it's not Rio: it's so far from being fucking okay, jesus Buster: I mean, it's okay not to have all the fucking answers Rio: Well again Rio: no it ain't so Buster: You can't fix this either, you know Buster: So yeah, it is Rio: I know but that doesn't make it okay Buster: It makes it shit but shit that you'll handle anyway Buster: You always do Rio: Yeah Rio: tell me something I don't know Buster: I can't Buster: You're a know-it-all, remember Rio: Shut up Rio: this is serious Buster: I'm serious Buster: You can do this Rio: Stop being nice Rio: Go away Buster: No Buster: I don't want to and you don't want me to Rio: I know I don't want to do this right now Buster: What do you want then? Buster: Tell me Rio: Oh my God Rio: I don't know Rio: to be unconcious again Buster: So go back to bed Buster: I have a key I can get the dog without waking you up Rio: No, I have things to do Rio: it's irrelevant what I want right now Buster: No it isn't Buster: A few more hours aren't gonna make a difference to Edie, who else is she gonna hear it from, she ain't here Rio: Yes it is Rio: No more being selfish Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: What good is you playing the martyr gonna do anyone? Buster: All its gonna do is run you into the ground Rio: What good has come from me ignorning my responsibilities and doing whatever I want? Rio: None Buster: You ain't on both counts Buster: And taking care of yourself is a responsibility too Rio: Well it's low down on the fucking list Rio: and I'm fine Buster: Bullshit Buster: Lie to yourself if you want, don't lie to me Rio: Get off my back Buster: It's one thing not to give a shit about yourself but you can't tell me not to care Buster: It's not happening Rio: I have no energy for this right now Rio: do what you want Buster: Then stop fighting me Buster: I'm on your side Buster: Jesus Rio: Whatever Buster: Don't Buster: Just actually fucking don't Rio: What now Buster: You're so infuriating Buster: Fucking hell Rio: I ain't sorry Rio: so leave Buster: Fuck you Buster: Why do you always have to do this? Rio: That's just how it is Buster: No it isn't Buster: It's not me or them, trading one responsibility for the fucking other Buster: Selfish or selfless Rio: What do you want right now, seriously Buster: I want you, you idiot Buster: Stop shutting me out Rio: Don't call me an idiot, fuck off Buster: Stop being one Buster: Do you know how many times you've said whatever or told me to leave Buster: I love you Buster: You know that Rio: Why won't you listen Rio: I need to be alone Buster: Then go Buster: I'm not doing it for you Buster: So you can say I turned my fucking back when everything was this fucked Rio: Fine Buster: Christ Rio: This isn't about you, as much as it isn't about me Buster: Yeah it is Buster: 'Cause you think it's a choice Buster: No more, being selfish, yeah? So fuck me Rio: I have to prioritise right now Buster: Fine, go back to being what they need you to be Buster: Put your life on hold, again Buster: Nice to know that your priority ain't me, babe Buster: Cheers Rio: What else can I do? They need it, end of Rio: how do you expect to be right now, there's so many bigger problems Buster: Fuck you Buster: I would literally die for you Buster: And I'm not important Buster: And that's not even the worst thing, it's that you still think it's me or them like I'm not part of this Rio: I can't do this right now Rio: I'm sorry Buster: Yeah Buster: You will be Buster: You and me both Rio: You're not getting the point Buster: Then make it Buster: What are you trying to say? Rio: I'm just trying to keep them alive Rio: okay Rio: that's all I'm trying to do Buster: And all I'm trying to do is make sure you know you don't have to do that without me Buster: I'll always help you Rio: Not now Rio: I've ruined it Buster: Stop trying to give up Buster: I'm right here Rio: I'm not I'm Rio: I don't know, I'm just trying to do the right thing Buster: Me and you Buster: That's the right thing for me Buster: If its not that for you there's nothing else I can say Rio: Don't Rio: that's not what I'm saying Buster: Then what? Buster: If you love me that's all I need from you right now Buster: I'm not asking for anything else Rio: Of course I do Rio: what's the right thing for them Rio: everyone else Rio: that's what I want to know Buster: You can't answer that, they have to Buster: And if they don't know, then what you're gonna wait around until they do? Buster: Why doesn't it matter what you want? Rio: Why is no one here Rio: she's a kid, Edie's a kid Rio: I'm a fucking kid Rio: there should be an adult here doing the right thing for them but there ain't so who else if not me Buster: Call your mum, your dad, Meena Buster: It's not your job Buster: Jesus call my mum even Rio: She won't talk to them Rio: she said it herself, not like she does to me Buster: Then tell them yourself what she told you Buster: She won't like it but I don't fucking like what this is doing to you, okay? Rio: I'm sorry Rio: I really am Rio: you have no idea how much Buster: Rio, come on Buster: Please Buster: You wanna do the right thing, there it is Buster: Tell someone Rio: Are you sure? Buster: I'm sure that you can't do this on your own Buster: That you shouldn't have to Rio: I know Rio: I'm a failure Buster: Fuck that Buster: That's not what I'm saying or what I meant Rio: It's the truth though Rio: everyone's counting on me from both sides Rio: they're all gonna be let down 'cos I can't handle this one thing Buster: It's bullshit Buster: That's why you can't handle it, there's too much pressure Buster: It shouldn't all be on your shoulders Buster: It doesn't fucking have to be Rio: Don't make me right now Rio: I want to talk to her first Rio: but I don't want to wake her Rio: can you come here Buster: I won't make you ever Buster: Not that cunt, babe Buster: 'Course, I meant when I said I was on my way, I just had to drop Nance off at Ro's first Rio: I'm sorry Rio: i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry Buster: Baby Buster: Just breathe Buster: That's all I want Rio: Don't leave me Buster: Never Rio: I love you don't ever think I don't Buster: I know Buster: It's okay Rio: It isn't Rio: I keep getting this all wrong Rio: I was so mean to Indie Buster: You're allowed to make mistakes Buster: It's a headfuck Rio: but I don't want to Rio: there's enough already without me adding Buster: Nobody wants to, babe Buster: We're all just trying Rio: I know Rio: it just doesn't feel good enough Rio: does it Buster: No Buster: But you're good enough, you know that, yeah? Rio: Ha Buster: I'm serious Buster: You're so good, Rio Rio: I don't feel it Rio: but I'm trying, like you said Buster: I love you so much Rio: I love you Rio: you know how important you are to me don't you Buster: Yeah Buster: I was just wound up Buster: I'm sorry Rio: Don't be Rio: You didn't do anything wrong, seriously Rio: You were literally trying to be so helpful Rio: I'm just Rio: I don't know, it's always bad when he goes away and it just got longer every time Buster: I still want to help you Buster: I will Buster: Indie too if she lets me, us in the flat ain't been the worst time of my life, like Rio: She will Rio: she ain't as stubborn Buster: For real what are we doing about Edie? Buster: She can't be that far away if your brothers saw her Rio: I don't think she is Rio: I'm sure I saw Kai out the other night but then he was gone Rio: she wouldn't be without him Rio: I don't know what would bring her back Rio: like, this might or it could to the opposite Rio: you can't predict her, never have been able to Buster: Should we go looking? Buster: Not now but Rio: She might talk to you Rio: or be riled enough she wanna fight me, I don't care Buster: I'll take either Buster: Not like I'm gonna let her hurt you Rio: I just wish there was a reason Rio: why she's got to be gone Rio: 'cos then it could be fixed or Buster: I'm sure there is but she ain't gonna tell either of us Rio: I don't think she knows herself Rio: not really Rio: because I've thought of it every which way Buster: She probably don't Buster: I never used to know why I was so angry when I was a kid Rio: Yeah, exactly Rio: like looking back on it you can think well it was x, y and z but sometimes at the time you just know you gotta, there ain't no other way to be Buster: Yeah Buster: Jesus, sometimes still I get so angry so quick Rio: Yeah Rio: Some shit is DNA, no matter how we try and fight it Rio: but I don't wanna do her like that Buster: I know Buster: Like how Indie thinks being a stoner is in hers Buster: It's fucked Rio: Yeah Rio: Maybe it is, I don't know Rio: there's some fucked shit that keeps repeating itself in this family Rio: and you have to hope we're not choosing it, yeah Buster: Seriously Buster: On the bright side I can take my lack of hangover from how much my mum and dad can both put away themselves, like Rio: It's definitely something Buster: Fucking traffic Buster: Damn tourists Rio: Yeah, you're brave trying to do literally anything Buster: You know I'd do anything for you Rio: Baby Buster: I've missed you Rio: I've missed you too Rio: when she was finally asleep and I wasn't I just kept wishing you were here Buster: You should've called me, baby Rio: I know Rio: I didn't want to risk waking her, and I would've been even worse than I was Buster: I'd take the risk on both counts Buster: I always want to talk to you Rio: Why are you so nice to me Buster: 'Cause you've earned it so many times over Buster: You know you have Rio: Not today Buster: Right now Rio: I'm glad you love me even if I don't deserve it Buster: You haven't done anything to make you undeserving Buster: Ever Rio: I'll make it up to you Buster: You don't have to, but that doesn't mean I don't want you to Rio: I will Rio: you won't be worried on this ever again Buster: I believe you Rio: Good Rio: I mean it Rio: I can't lose you, I can't do it again Buster: You won't Buster: Look at your hand, babe Buster: For fucking ever, yeah? Rio: For fucking ever Buster: Remember that Rio: I will Rio: I do, I promise Rio: I was just scared, but not of you and this Rio: but everything else and the possibility of it threatening us and how happy we've been Buster: And I promise I get that, I do Buster: I get scared too Buster: Not of this, but the Chlo thing Rio: Yeah, she must be getting big Buster: Thank fuck I don't have to see her in school now Buster: Just him Rio: Seriously, that'd be such a distraction Rio: not a good one Rio: he's unbearable enough Buster: Exactly Buster: Last time I did see her there, Christ Rio: That bad? Rio: I can imagine Rio: such a headfuck Buster: I didn't know if I was gonna be sick, cry or hit something Buster: Most likely him again, so good thing I didn't opt for that one Rio: Only so many times 'fore he starts to take it personal, like Rio: it's shit Rio: really shit Rio: the fact there's no retribution for doing something like that to someone Rio: no one's calling her out Buster: Let's not talk about her anymore Buster: I'm nearly there now Buster: Keep the headfuck to the most current one, like Rio: Okay baby Rio: Easy enough Rio: much as I'd like to pretend none of 'em exist Rio: nothing but you Buster: I feel that Buster: This wasn't how I imagined this weekend playing out Buster: St Paddy's was so good before the Drew news Rio: I know, me either Rio: Sod's law Rio: We all knew it was coming but couldn't wait 'til you were gone again, like Rio: no, fine Buster: I'm glad I'm here for you though Buster: Like not only on the end of a phone Buster: And you still have your iconic outfit if I start to forget how fucking good you looked in it Rio: Sadly I had to take it off Rio: even in my state, there was no sleeping in that like it's that comfy Buster: I'll take a moment to think about that Buster: Don't mind me Rio: Weren't looking bad yourself Rio: too good, like, not just Indie looking at you like 😍 Buster: Unfortunately I can't promise the same for right now Buster: [Sends a selfie to show he's got joggers on and is casual af] Buster: Dog walking attire Rio: No you're good Rio: like, put a leash on me too good 🤤 Buster: Fuck Rio: My sentiments exactly Rio: well, more or less Rio: might add a 'me' at the end there Buster: Jesus, babe Buster: You turned me on so much like 0-100 Rio: You should never be at 0 Rio: just wrong Buster: Okay not 0 Buster: like 25-100 Rio: You're just that hot Buster: You're just gonna have to fuck me before I walk this dog Rio: Oh dear Rio: well, we all got our chores, yeah 😋 Buster: If that's how you feel, I'll handle it myself Buster: Been at a standstill long enough, like Rio: No 😧 Buster: Give the tourists something to see Rio: 😩 Rio: Now I'm conflicted Rio: maybe I do want that Buster: I'm not. I want you Rio: How do you want me, tell me Buster: On the stairs Rio: Shit Buster: Gotta be considerate and not wake Indie up, after all Rio: Of course Rio: The neighbours should really be awake at this time right Buster: If they ain't they will be soon Rio: I'm already trying not to make noise for you so Buster: Yeah? Rio: Yes daddy Rio: it's hard though Buster: It really is Rio: Fuck Rio: can I see Rio: please Buster: [sends pics thank god the traffic is murder so he don't die] Rio: mmm Buster: Anything you wanna show me or are you a surprise? Rio: You can see whatever you want, whenever you want, you know that Rio: it's all yours Buster: You are Rio: [Pics] Rio: I really am Buster: God Buster: You're making me moan already Rio: You make the prettjest noises baby boy Buster: They're all for you Buster: I don't wanna make them until you can hear them Rio: Try to be good Rio: you can be bad when you get here Buster: Okay baby Rio: I'm being very good Rio: even though I could be bad, 'cos you're not here yet Buster: 'Course you are Buster: You're an angel Rio: Your angel Buster: All mine Rio: It hurts being good Rio: will you make it all better Buster: You know it Buster: I'll make you feel so good Buster: So soon Rio: I need kisses, daddy Buster: You can have as many as you want Buster: Anywhere you want Rio: my special place too? Rio: that's where i need you most Buster: I know Rio: but I need your big dick inside me more, I can't stop looking at the picture Rio: gonna ride your lap so fucking hard Buster: Yeah you will Buster: 'Cause you always know exactly what I need Rio: 'cos I'm your little girl, daddy takes care of me but I take care of him too Rio: and I know you wanna make me keep eye contact with you on your lap to see how every thrust has me closer to tears Buster: I want you so bad right now just the thought of that is making it impossible to drive Rio: I'm sorry Rio: be careful Buster: Don't be sorry Buster: You're perfect Rio: I just didn't get enough of you yesterday, I wasn't done letting everyone know you're mine Buster: Me either Buster: But I'll leave enough marks for them to still see when I'm gone Rio: I feel so pretty and loved covered in your bruises Buster: Good 'cause you are Rio: Almost as pretty and loved as I feel covered in your cum Rio: but that's just for you to see Buster: You're so fucking beautiful that if I let myself think about for too long I'd cum now here in this car Rio: I'll make you cum there if you want daddy Rio: I promise I don't mind making you hard all over again when you get here Buster: You can't you've got things to do Buster: So have I Rio: 😞 Rio: I know Buster: I can wait, you're so worth that Buster: And I really am only a few streets away Buster: If I kill some pedestrians I'll be there, like Rio: 😏 Rio: Bad Buster: I just need you Rio: I know, you're throbbing too huh Buster: Yeah Buster: I ache so much for you Rio: Imagine how much relief you're gonna feel when you cum deep inside my tight little cunt Buster: Oh fuck Buster: I better not imagine it Rio: I'll imagine for the both of us Rio: then we're going to go out, and I'm gonna be walking 'round so innocent like I've not got your load leaking out of me with my own Rio: running down my thighs Buster: Baby Buster: You're killing me Rio: it's my favourite though, people think they know Rio: but no one knows how dirty i get for you, all the things i let you do Buster: You're my favourite Buster: Everything about you Rio: I know Rio: that's why you own me Buster: I know I said I'd try to be good but you've got me making noise again Rio: I don't really want you to Rio: be bad and noisy for me Buster: You're a naughty girl today Rio: This is what happens when daddy doesn't put me to bed Buster: Oh really? Rio: Mhmm Buster: I better fix that then Rio: You know I need punishing, sir, stayed up so past my bedtime Buster: Good thing I've arrived right on time then Rio: Finally, daddy's home, come put this dog collar 'round my throat and pull tight Buster: Jesus Buster: Who could refuse an offer like that? Rio: Please don't, it'll feel so good being choked out whilst you stretch me out too Buster: I won't Buster: or can't Buster: It's impossible to refuse you when you're making demands like that Rio: I've got lots more Rio: Princess priorities Buster: I'm here Buster: Come and tell me Rio: Really? I have to walk now? Buster: I thought you'd wanna while you still can Buster: But alright, hang on Rio: Fuck, I got you like that, yeah? You gonna break my back? Buster: You'll see Rio: I wanna see. I wanna see every stroke, how big you look inside me, too big to fit but somehow you do and it hurts so good, and how I feel has you biting your lip and screwing your eyes up so tight Rio: Jesus, this is why I can't walk, I'm too ready Buster: You're gonna make me trip up these stairs Buster: Distracted ain't the word for me right now Rio: Sit and wait for me, daddy Rio: if I wanna be a dog so bad, I can crawl to you on my hands and knees, yeah? Buster: Fuck Buster: Now you have to Rio: I am, I'm coming to you lead in my mouth Rio: Puppy dog eyes has never been more accurate Buster: Oh my god Buster: I need you to hurry up Rio: I'm trying but I keep getting distracted Buster: Please Rio: No, no, I need a firm hand and strong commands Rio: Try calling my name and telling me to come Buster: Fine Buster: Can you hear me yet or are you being too slow? Rio: Not quite Rio: I'm not well trained yet Rio: little louder Buster: I'm gonna have to be stricter with you Buster: Too nice always Rio: Yeah, I think so Buster: I know you heard that Buster: And felt it Rio: You've got my attention Buster: Good Buster: Now keep mine Rio: I'll do anything Rio: anything to please my master Buster: Come here and prove how willing you are Rio: Yes sir Rio: you've never seen anyone so eager Buster: I'll be the judge of that Rio: Oh my God, please use me, use every single hole, they only exist to make you feel good Buster: Stop talking and keep moving Rio: Imagine if we got caught Rio: how are you going to explain what a whore I am for you to the nice respectable neighbours? Buster: Focus Buster: There's nobody here but me Rio: Film this, film me begging for you to fuck me 'til I cry, I want you to remember exactly what's waiting for you at home when you have to leave again Buster: I've already got my phone out Buster: Great minds, babe Buster: The nice respectable neighbours are gonna hear firsthand how well you get me Rio: Good, you're about to see exactly how pathetic I am for you, drooling from my waiting mouth and pussy Rio: they can see too, if they wanna, see exactly how a real man deals with dirty little girls who play too much Buster: Enough waiting Buster: Come here Rio: Yes daddy Rio: I love you so much Buster: Now Buster: I'll show you how much I love you Rio: Fuck yes
0 notes
Rio & Buster
Rio: Nance is successfully flirting rn, you'd be so proud Buster: If it was 'cause of me, yeah, but nah know-it-all strikes again, like Rio: 😒 Rio: We're a team, bitch Buster: I'm just playing Buster: Calm down Rio: Hmm Rio: You play too much Buster: What's that meant to mean? Rio: I'm just joking too, duh Rio: Entertain me 'fore I have to thirdwheel this Buster: I reckoned you'd easily entertain yourself Buster: Hence my lack of invite Rio: Babe Rio: You really wanted to come to the gay club? Buster: I really wanted to be with you Buster: You just happen to be there Rio: You know I always wanna be with you Rio: but this was booked in, you should do something fun too Buster: 😒 Rio: Don't be grumpy with me baby Rio: Who am I coming Home to? Buster: I know Buster: It's not your fault I have nothing to do Rio: Sure between us we can think of something Buster: Yeah? Rio: 'Course Rio: know-it-all, babe Rio: don't act like you forgot Rio: What do you wanna do, do you wanna go out do you wanna stay in, do you wanna be with people do you wanna be alone Rio: What's the vibe Buster: I wanna go out too Buster: It ain't right that my sister is but I ain't Rio: Yeah, got you trippin' Rio: are you thinking food or a bar or a club or something else altogether Buster: I don't care Rio: I'm looking Buster: You really must be not feeling that club Rio: I'm not here for me, like Rio: obviously I've been on the floor being gaybait but you know, I missed you Buster: Good to know Rio: Jealousy need not extend that far Rio: in fact, can be dropped altogether 'cos I've just thought of the place and I bet you ain't been Buster: I'm being everywhere worth going so don't get your hopes up, babe Rio: Stop being difficult and start getting ready, boy Rio: [Directions] Buster: Fine Buster: Do you wanna tell me what to wear as well as what to do or nah? Rio: Yeah, if you're offering Buster: Go on then Rio: So much harder to mentally dress you than undress Rio: Give me some options Buster: Where's the fun in that? Buster: You're supposed to know everything Rio: It's gonna be like that, is it? Rio: Alright, test me Rio: [Pic she has of him] This top Rio: [Other] but with these trousers Buster: You sure? Rio: You wanna look good or not? Yes I'm sure Buster: [Sends selfie after probably ages faffing because well he's him] Rio: There's my baby Rio: Perfect Buster: You're cute Rio: Nah all you Buster: I miss you even more now Buster: Stop being nice to me Rio: I can't help but be nice to you Rio: you're very likeable Buster: 😂 Buster: How drunk are you? Rio: Not at all Rio: don't worry, I won't spread your secret loveliness around Buster: Pick your audience like Buster: I know my sister ain't trying to hear that tonight Rio: I'll find a random gay to tell how good my boyfriend is Rio: won't be obnoxious at all Buster: 'Course not Rio: Baby Buster: Yeah? Rio: Never mind, it's stupid Rio: we can talk about it when you're a few more drinks in, like Buster: Tell me Buster: It's alright Rio: It's just Rio: do you think Edie will hate me forever Buster: Nah Buster: She don't hate you now, not really Buster: You're just the easy scapegoat, you know Buster: It's shit but it's what she needs Rio: Maybe Buster: Come on Buster: Nothing's as simple as just hating someone, yeah? Rio: I wish it was Buster: It's good that it ain't though Rio: Good for who? Rio: Not her Buster: For you Buster: But when she sorts her head out, her too Rio: If only THAT was simple Buster: Yeah Buster: It ain't gonna be like this forever though Buster: Not to be that cunt but look at us Buster: Look at where and how we are Rio: We're alright, aren't we? Buster: Better than that, babe Rio: We're not fuck ups? Buster: We've fucked up plenty of times but nah Rio: Okay Rio: I love you Buster: Trust me Buster: I love you Buster: And this ain't a mistake Rio: I do Buster: Have a drink, dance, and turn that knowing brain off, yeah? Buster: It's gonna be alright Rio: Promise Rio: You too, I wanted to make your night better Rio: not fuck it before you got going Buster: You always make my night better Buster: Like you said, who are you coming home to Rio: You baby Rio: Even if we have to be respectfully quiet Rio: boo Buster: We don't have to be anything close to quiet, babe Buster: You know what my sister is like when she gets going Buster: She'll get wasted and we'll do whatever we want Rio: Maybe she'll be preoccupied herself Rio: the night is young Buster: Don't Rio: What? Rio: You know why people come to the club, babe Buster: 😒 Buster: That's my sister, I don't wanna hear it Rio: You're adorable Rio: she's heard enough of your exploits in her time, she probably weren't buzzin' either, boy Buster: Not from me she ain't Rio: Please Rio: You loved a brag Buster: Fuck off Rio: Easy Buster: Whatever Rio: 😞 Buster: Stop sulking you're meant to be having fun Rio: Love me I want attention Buster: 😂 Rio: 😒 Rio: Rude Buster: Babe Buster: You're just funny Rio: I just know how to ask for what I want, you meant to say Rio: 😏 Buster: Alright Buster: Start over Rio: Hm? Buster: Ask me again and I'll react how you want Rio: Oh Rio: Love me Buster: [Sends a kissy face selfie because he's a nerd] Rio: 😋😍 Rio: that's better Rio: thank you baby Buster: I love you Rio: You're the cutest Rio: and I love you mostest Rio: they just played 4 ABBA songs in a row Rio: 4 Buster: Sorry I'm a moody cunt Buster: It's just weird having Nance here Buster: Well, I was gonna ask how shit was going but there's my answer, like Rio: I know it is Rio: It's reassuring to know she doesn't hate you though, yeah? Buster: No more than standard you mean Buster: But yeah Rio: You're doing good, baby Rio: I'm proud of you Rio: and I think she's having a pretty good time Buster: Good Buster: I'm gonna have a drink and calm down myself now Rio: Sounds like a plan Buster: I wish you were here though Rio: I know you don't like sharing Rio: hard when your wifey's the life and soul, babe Buster: Never call yourself that again Buster: You sound like Indie Rio: Awkward Buster: Exactly Rio: Now she might actually hate me Rio: that one Buster: I don't reckon she hates you either Rio: I'll bet you Buster: How much? Rio: Moneys boring Rio: think of something more fun Buster: Name a fantasy, I'll do it for you if I win Buster: You do mine if I win Rio: Interesting Rio: I like it Buster: Are we on or nah? Rio: 'Course Rio: I can't lose Buster: Shut up Buster: You know I always win Rio: Nah babe Rio: Sorry but you're going to look so good taking that L, hope that's consolation Buster: Whatever you say, babe Rio: I'm just th Rio: inking what I want you to do most Buster: Same Rio: Don't get too attached to the idea Buster: Says you Rio: 🥊 Rio: You'll see Buster: I know you will 🥇 Buster: I've got this Rio: 😡 Buster: Behave Buster: Don't be a sore loser already Rio: Doesn't take a know-it-all to work out your fantasy would leave me sore Buster: 😏 Rio: Pervert Buster: You love it Rio: Yeah Buster: Tell me about yours Rio: Not giving you spoilers Rio: you don't get time to prepare Buster: Fine Rio: Hey, it's my fantasy not yours Buster: I'm just trying to find out what we won't be doing Rio: I don't wanna turn you on in public Rio: I'm not that kind of girl Buster: 'Course not Rio: I am mad though Buster: Why? Rio: Because everyone's getting off with each other and I'm just sat here and you're there Rio: and it's stupid Buster: Is that your way of telling me that my sister is hooking up with someone right now? Rio: I didn't say anything Rio: You don't wanna know Buster: But she is Rio: Shh Rio: don't tell her I said Buster: If I can't take the piss there's no point her even being here, like Rio: 😩 Buster Buster: What? Rio: Ugh Rio: you didn't hear it from me okay Buster: Behave Buster: I'm not gonna sell you out, babe Rio: I think she's alright looking Rio: not sat here staring, like Rio: but from my sneaky peeks Buster: If she ain't in her 40s its an improvement, yeah? Rio: Behave Buster: Come on Buster: Don't act like you haven't thought it Rio: I'm thinking if she's had kids she's looking well for it Buster: 😂 Rio: i'm getting another drink Buster: Good Buster: You gotta keep up Rio: Excuse you Rio: Miles ahead, boy Buster: You reckon? Rio: Are you kidding me Rio: I've lost track of all the free drinks I've been getting Buster: Nicely done Buster: Get the brag in Rio: 🤷 Rio: Everyone's fave Buster: You don't have to tell me Rio: Any excuse to talk to you Buster: Babe Buster: You know you don't need one Rio: Remember when we did though Rio: Remember, like it was ages ago Rio: feels it Buster: Yeah Buster: Lets never go back Rio: Sure? Rio: Now's your chance, like, already told me the engagements off Buster: When did I say that? Rio: You said I couldn't call myself wifey Rio: was joking on both, obviously Buster: Only 'cause it's cringe not 'cause I don't want you to be Rio: It's chill, babe, I know what's up Buster: What do you know? Rio: That you didn't really mean it Rio: it was just a heat of the moment deal, I get it Buster: Is that why you said yes? Rio: I don't know Buster: Yeah you do Buster: It either is or isn't the reason Rio: This is so humiliating Rio: I mean Rio: no, it obviously isn't the only reason is it but Buster: But what? Rio: Like I said, I get that it wasn't like binding Rio: I'm not holding you to it Buster: You don't get it, clearly Rio: What Buster: You never wanna hold me to anything I say if you don't wanna hear it Rio: Nah Rio: That's not what I'm saying Buster: That's what I'm saying Buster: When was the last time I said something I didn't mean? Rio: I just didn't want it to be a repeat of the 'I love you' situation Rio: but if it's not then, I'm sorry, like Buster: Forget it Rio: Obviously not Buster: Whatever then Rio: Don't be like that Rio: I feel really fucking stupid now Buster: You feel stupid? I'm the one that said it Rio: Yeah and I said that and now you think I don't mean what I said before Buster: Well you don't so Buster: Cheers for telling me, like Rio: Don't tell me what I do or don't mean Buster: You literally said that you didn't Rio: I did not Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: I'm not drunk enough for this Rio: I said I thought you didn't mean it, that's not the same Buster: Like I said, forget it Rio: For God's sake Buster: Don't Rio: Well you know I'm not going to forget so stop saying it Rio: but if you don't want to talk right now I can't make you Buster: I can say whatever the fuck I want Buster: I don't want to talk right now 'cause you'll just reckon I don't mean any of it Rio: Mature Buster: Sorry I'm not 42 I'm sure it's not too late for Nance to give you some pointers on that score though so Rio: My point exactly Buster: If you're making a point, make a fucking point, like Buster: All your doing is giving me a headache Rio: My point is, you've not thought this through Buster: Fuck you Buster: You're not in my head even if you're trying to get under my skin right now Rio: I can't win Rio: Jesus Buster: It's not a fucking game, that's why Rio: I mean, if I'd just stuck with it, that'd probably be wrong Rio: I try to do the right thing and that's wrong too Buster: How is not believing what I say the right thing? Buster: You either know how much I love you or you don't Buster: And you either wanna marry me or you don't Rio: Well I wasn't exactly expecting it Rio: And it ain't that simple, ever, is it Buster: Yeah it is Rio: Just on this then? Rio: 'cos how do you expect me to keep track when you swap sides like this Buster: What is that meant to mean? Rio: You said that it ain't that simple, about Edie and Indie and all of that Rio: why is this different Buster: 'Cause its not like I was like we're going to Vegas right now, pack a bag Rio: Yeah well, good Rio: even so you probably want to give yourself more time than you have Buster: No I don't Buster: But you take it Rio: I'm just saying Rio: this is your first time, like Buster: Do you wanna be more patronizing? Buster: Go on, I reckon you can go harder at it Rio: This is just what everyone else would say Rio: I'd be shit if I didn't Buster: I already told you that I don't care Buster: You said you didn't either Buster: But whatever Rio: You can't not care at all Buster: Why can't I? Rio: Because it's impossible Buster: Try me Rio: Right Buster: Right Rio: Is there anything I can say or should I just go? Buster: Do what you want Rio: Doesn't answer my question but alright Buster: 'Cause I can't tell you what to say Buster: Or do Rio: I'm not asking you to, I'm asking if there's any point in me trying right now Buster: Well there's no point giving up ever, is there? Buster: Who are we? Rio: Okay Rio: Maybe you're right, should we just forget this ever happened Buster: I don't know Rio: Can you? Buster: I don't know Rio: I wasn't trying to be a dick, I was just trying to do the right thing for you Rio: but that's up to you, I know Buster: Yeah Rio: I'm really sorry Buster: Just come home, yeah? Buster: I will too Rio: Yeah Rio: I'll see if I can convince Nancy Buster: She's got enough hair to pull her by Rio: I really ain't out here tryna brawl Buster: How drunk is she? You might not have to Rio: Fairly but not like, call out the fam, stalk your ex levels Buster: Well, that's something Rio: I thought so Buster: If you need help my cab can swing by you and we can share it back Rio: That'd be good Rio: thanks Buster: No need to thank me Buster: Purely selfish 'cause the sooner we can make Nance leave the sooner we can Rio: Did you like the bar? Buster: Yeah Buster: We should go back Rio: I knew you would Rio: I'm down Buster: Just me and you though Rio: Of course Buster: I'm sorry that tonight's been a shitshow Rio: That ain't your fault Rio: nothing that can't be fixed, yeah? Buster: 'Course Buster: I'm taking the blame though Rio: No you ain't Rio: Literally how can you, good luck Buster: 'Cause my shit mood started it Rio: Nah Rio: but I don't care if we can be friends again Buster: As long as you don't want to only be friends Buster: 'Cause that's going a bit far Rio: Don't be silly Buster: Not trying to have a sleepover with my sister, like Buster: That's all I'm saying Rio: Me either Rio: but I think your family would be a little put out to find me on the sofa so Rio: glad we're on the same page Buster: Babe, you know I'd take the sofa Buster: But yeah Rio: You can't be being a gentleman even when we're fighting Buster: It ain't even it's just not being a worse cunt Buster: And not having my mum fight me as well Rio: You've been raised too right for that clearly Rio: You're not even close to being that cunt, trust Buster: You're shamelessly biased Buster: But cheers Rio: Nah Rio: not to start pitting you against 'em but I've dated many actual so Rio: I know Buster: Yeah Buster: Fucked but true Rio: It is what it is Buster: I hate it though Rio: I know Rio: but that shit's well in the past Buster: I know Rio: I think Ryan's moved on, like Buster: Good Buster: I don't have to find the cunt on my doorstep Rio: I'd question if he was ever that devoted but don't need to jinx it Buster: Yeah, like speaking of forgetting something Rio: It's weird Rio: not having to think about that anymore Rio: or think about drew or think about hiding us Buster: The only way is up, literally Buster: Not to get a non-Abba song stuck in your head but Rio: You're funny Buster: I'm hilarious Buster: And I miss you Rio: You're on your way aren't you Buster: Never fast enough Rio: that's what she said Buster: Now who's funny Buster: Coming for my 👑 again, babe Rio: What can I say? Rio: I want you outta all of that Rio: 👑 included Buster: So that's why you picked all the clothes you picked, is it? Buster: It makes so much sense now Rio: 😏 Rio: and you looked good Rio: as if i need any incentive to want you Buster: Could've been wearing a corset but the girlfriend has spoken and she ain't got time for that Buster: You looked fucking hot, wasted on that club and anywhere I'm not Rio: Adding that to potential fantasy list now Buster: 😂😏 Rio: Only got yourself to blame for giving me ideas Buster: No blame or shame Buster: I'd look great Rio: I know 🤤 Rio: Stop distracting me Buster: Fine I'll save it for the cab ride home Buster: I can see Nance but I can't see you Buster: Tiny angel problems Rio: Have you forgotten you invited her along for the ride or what Rio: and how dare you suggest I get lost in the crowd Buster: Come and kiss me if you can reach my beautiful face Rio: You're an idiot Rio: a tall, handsome idiot Buster: Fuck, you look so beautiful Rio: There we go, not too painful Rio: though she did smack her head on the way in Buster: 😂 Buster: She can blame tomorrow's headache on that, like Rio: Yeah, bet she was wishing she was short too now 😏 Buster: Then she'd look even more like mum Buster: I don't know if that's the goal or nah Rio: Probably not hers but I wouldn't be mad Buster: I would Rio: 😂 Rio: Unlikely you gotta worry about that Buster: Good Buster: Do I chat this much shit when I'm drunk or is it just her? Rio: Sure, when you're drunk 😉 Rio: Nah, you don't though Rio: she just saves up her words, like Buster: Literally Buster: Shut up, Nance Rio: You don't need to listen, the cabbie's feeling it Buster: Distract me Rio: You're meant to be distracting me, remember Buster: Am I? Rio: So you said Rio: but knew you was all chat, it's cool Buster: Shut up Buster: When have I ever been all chat? Rio: 😏 Rio: Just hoping you'll prove me wrong babe Buster: Come here Buster: You're so far from me, like Rio: How far can I really be Rio: but okay Buster: That's better Rio: Is it? Rio: What about that? Buster: I'm not mad about it Buster: So you can't be if I do this Rio: I wouldn't call it mad Rio: Frustrated, maybe Buster: Poor baby Buster: Does that help? Rio: mm Buster: Use your words Rio: I can't Rio: for two reasons now Buster: Some kind of sound is gonna come out, I know you, so what would you rather, babe? Rio: Please don't stop Buster: I won't Rio: I swear I'll be quiet Buster: We'll see Rio: I've needed this all night Buster: I know Buster: I'm here now, babe Rio: I don't like going out without you Buster: Me either Buster: Especially when you go out looking this good Rio: Yeah? Buster: Yeah Buster: You're so hot, don't you know that? Rio: I didn't even try tonight though Buster: Come on Buster: You don't have to Rio: I'm glad you think so Buster: Well now I can't stop until you agree with me Rio: Baby Buster: Tell me how hot you are Rio: 😶 Buster: If that's how you want it Buster: Guess I'll have to make you Buster: Like this Rio: Okay okay Rio: I'm hot Rio: but you're hotter Buster: I see through your shameless flattery but I like it Rio: It's true Buster: Nah Buster: You're fucking stunning, like Rio: Shh Buster: You're the one whose meant to be being quiet Buster: Not me Rio: I don't wanna talk right now Buster: I know exactly what you want Rio: Then stop teasing me Rio: I can't take much more Buster: Say please Rio: Buster Buster: Go on Rio: I swear I'm gonna make you pay when we get home Buster: Promises, promises, babe Buster: I still wanna hear it while you're still able, like Rio: Fuck Rio: I can't fight it, you know how you got me Rio: Please please please Buster: Good girl Buster: Okay Buster: Now you've earned this Rio: Oh God Rio: put your fingers in my mouth Rio: I'm gonna scream Buster: Jesus Rio: I can't help it Rio: just please don't stop whatever you do Buster: Kiss me Buster: You can moan as loud as you want then Rio: Can we Buster: If she hasn't noticed anything else we're doing I think we're fine Rio: Yeah Rio: it's just so fucking hard to stop kissing you once I've started Buster: Then don't Buster: I can fight with her about it tomorrow if needs be Rio: Fuck it Rio: I need you as close as I can get you Buster: Yeah Rio: I love you Buster: I love you too, Rio Rio: Don't forget Buster: Never gonna happen Rio: Good Buster: Fuck me Buster: How do you keep doing this to me Rio: 'Cos I know you Rio: I know exactly what makes you tick Buster: I want you so bad right now Buster: I can't handle it Rio: I know Rio: I can feel it Rio: Not far now Buster: Touch me Rio: Is that what you want, daddy? Buster: I need you to Rio: How do you want me to touch you Rio: Where Rio: You gotta be more specific Buster: [Takes her hand and puts it where he wants 'cause what are words, am I right? Lol these shameless hoes] Rio: Oh Rio: so you don't have to use your words Buster: Is that what you need, babe? Buster: There's plenty of things I can whisper to you if you want Rio: You know what your voice does to me but this is about you Buster: It can be about both of us Rio: Pleasing you is what gets me off Rio: You know that Rio: let me make you happy Buster: Oh fuck Rio: Better? Buster: As long as you don't stop Rio: When I've only just started? Rio: Who do you take me for Buster: There are a fair few other distractions in this cab Buster: I'm not saying it'd be your fault Rio: Rude Rio: There are nicer ways to tell me to try harder but understood Buster: Baby Buster: I'm saying you're doing so good that I might get us caught Buster: Especially if you're gonna go any harder Rio: Fine Rio: I'll be good Buster: I know you will Buster: You are Rio: Tell me Buster: Christ, Rio Buster: You're so fucking good Rio: Only for you baby Buster: We have to stop, I can't be quiet anymore Buster: I can't Rio: Okay Rio: Mean it this time, well Rio: I don't wanna but I will Buster: I don't want to either Buster: Tell me we don't have to Rio: We do Rio: 'cos I wanna hear you Buster: How far from home are we? Buster: I can barely think Buster: 'Cause I wanna be inside you Rio: Like five minutes, I think Rio: five too long now Buster: You mean Nance's running commentary ain't making the time fly for you, babe? 😂 Buster: What is she even chatting about now, like? Rio: 😏 Not quite Rio: Idk, but this is lowkey better than the flirting she was doing earlier so Rio: success or failure? not sure Buster: You make me laugh Buster: Someone must have liked it though Buster: Or maybe just her face? Rio: Awh babe, that's nice Buster: We share genetics, It's impossible for her to be ugly Buster: Simple as Rio: 🙄 Rio: So close Buster: You know it's true Buster: I'm not gonna have an ugly twin Rio: I'm not saying it isn't but you know, she's not reading this Rio: you can just be nice 😂 Buster: Well right now I only wanna be nice to you Buster: Sorry, like Rio: Not gonna complain Buster: Good Buster: Me either. I'm done being a moody cunt for the evening Buster: You'll be glad to know Rio: I'm still sorry Buster: Don't be Buster: I mean it Rio: But I do too Rio: you know that, yeah Buster: 'Course I do Buster: But like, I don't want it to be that way, I only said what I said 'cause of how much I wanna be with you Buster: Not to cause a rift or whatever Buster: And I only said it was simple 'cause for me it is, not I ain't a confused kid, you know Buster: Not like they are Rio: It won't Rio: cause a rift Rio: I know now Rio: I just had to make sure so then I can know where I stand Buster: And where's that? Rio: Well, I wanna stay with you too Rio: Obviously Buster: For forever though? Rio: Yes Buster: Then literally what were we fighting about? Rio: I did try to say Buster: I'm so sorry Rio: Shh Rio: It doesn't matter now Buster: I love you so much Buster: Seriously Rio: I know Rio: and I love you just as much Buster: Sorry Nance but I have to kiss you again Buster: Even if we are nearly home Rio: She can deal on this one Buster: Yeah 'cause I won't be able to deal if I don't Buster: So fuck it Rio: We kept it practically PG-13 back here Buster: And we kept it secret long enough Buster: [smooches and somehow that's the most dramatic PDA of all 'cause they highkey and Nance spies it 'cause typical] Rio: Oops Rio: 😳 Buster: I'm not sorry Buster: I ain't said anything about her club hook up Buster: Yet, like Rio: God at least give her 'til morning 😂 Buster: Obviously Buster: More fun that way Rio: I'm having nothing to do with it Rio: I just wanna get outta this cab without a fine Buster: Easy Buster: We're basically home anyway Rio: Easy if you watch your mouth, boy Buster: I'm gonna give her time to get properly mortified, hence waiting until the AM and sobriety Buster: Don't worry Buster: Not a fucking amateur Rio: I hope she's proud af just to fuck with you now Buster: 😂 Buster: You did say the girl was cute, yeah? So could be Rio: Not my type but yeah Rio: not like, pull her away sharpish at any rate Buster: One day I'm gonna make you tell me what your type of girl is Rio: 😏 Buster: But come on, let's finally get the fuck inside Rio: Thank God
0 notes
Buster & Rio
Buster: Talk to me Buster: Please Rio: I'm busy Buster: Alright. I'm not gonna be all in your face then Buster: But I'm sorry Buster: That's all I wanted to say Rio: Okay Rio: Thanks Rio: How is she then? Buster: You were right Buster: Can we talk later when you're not busy? Rio: Well, the 'I told you so' don't feel that good Rio: if it's any consolation Buster: I'm not about to take that as a victory, like, don't worry Rio: You do whatever you want Buster Rio: I'm good Buster: Babe Buster: Come on Buster: Do whatever you want, but don't lie to me Rio: Well Rio: I will be soon anyway Buster: What does that mean? Rio: That I'm going out Rio: to have fun Buster: Where are you going? I'll come meet you Rio: No Rio: Don't Rio: You've got to stay in with your sister anyway Buster: I've got to fix things with you too though Buster: I get that you're mad but just let me Rio: I don't wanna talk yet Rio: Later Buster: So you wanna wait until you're drunk, yeah? Rio: Not an amatuer, babe Buster: Whatever Buster: I'll talk to you later then Rio: [Later enough that drugs have been purchased and taken] Rio: What you wanna say then boy? Buster: Do you actually wanna hear it now? Buster: We can do this tomorrow Rio: S'why I asked Buster: What can I do so you'll forgive me? Rio: Hmm Rio: Let me think Buster: I reckoned that's what you'd been doing Buster: But alright Rio: I told you I've been busy Rio: and I told you I'm not obsessed with you Rio: I have a life too you know Buster: Okay Rio: Stop thinking that Rio: that's a start Buster: I don't Rio: and stop taking for granted that I'll stay Rio: just because I love you Rio: it doesn't mean you get to treat me like shit, or put everyone else before me Buster: Babe, I'm sorry if that's what you think Buster: Nobody comes before you Buster: I didn't mean to hurt you and it's shitty that I did Buster: But you're so important to me, you know Rio: I just Rio: The baby does like, but that doesn't mean she does Rio: it ain't the same thing, I want you to know 'cos she'll milk that for all it's worth and you wouldn't listen to me Buster: I know Buster: But I genuinely was worried about the baby, not her Buster: Lesson learned, like Buster: I should've listened to you Rio: I don't want her to take advantage of you any more than she already has Buster: It's not gonna happen Buster: I'll be surprised if she even talks to me again any time soon after how that convo went Rio: Is she mad Buster: I don't care Rio: Yeah Rio: Me either Buster: Are you mad? Rio: No doubt I'll get over it Buster: Let me help you Buster: Whatever you want Rio: I'm sorted Rio: I just got back from picking up Buster: So you're with Indie Rio: No Rio: She's at one of her mates Buster: Who are you with then? Rio: Party of one now Rio: Which is a shame Buster: I'll pick you up Buster: Are you back at the flat? Rio: You're not having any of my drugs Rio: we took most of it anyway Buster: I never said I wanted any Buster: So what, you wanna be on your own? Rio: I don't know Rio: I thought she'd be her Rio: e Buster: Call her Buster: She'll come back Rio: No Rio: Dramatic Buster: I'll do it then Buster: She knows I am Rio: Don't Rio: or Imma make you grovel again Buster: Tell me what you do what me to do then Buster: want* Buster: I can take you home or bring you here Buster: Or we can just keep talking Rio: I'm honestly fine Rio: I didn't wanna talk but you've ruined it Buster: I'll go then Rio: I'm meant to be shocked? Dick Buster: If you don't wanna talk to me and I've ruined your night I'm not just gonna sit here with this inbox open Rio: Then don't Rio: See if I care Buster: Stop it Buster: I know you care Buster: So do I Rio: Well sometimes I wish I didn't Buster: If you can stop, go ahead Buster: I can't Rio: Of course I fucking can't Buster: Then talk to me Buster: What's the fucking point of this? Rio: I can't because you'll be angry Rio: today is piling shit ontop of shit Rio: let's just stop Buster: Why would I be angry? I'm the one that fucked up Buster: You were right, I told you Rio: Yeah well, ditto, babe Buster: What do you mean? You're just high that's hardly the end of the world, babe Rio: It could've been so much more Rio: it would've been so easy Buster: Tell me what happened Rio: Where'd you think I got the drugs from Rio: Who Buster: What the fuck did he do Rio: Nothing no Rio: I think it was me, I text him Rio: but he was really nice about it and nothing actually happened he drove me back Buster: You text him 'cause you wanted drugs and then what? Buster: Did he take them with you? Rio: well yeah Rio: but I didn't pay so fair right Buster: You didn't pay anything? Rio: nope Rio: i offered but Buster: What did he say when you offered? Rio: yeah you know how it goes, it was just a joke Rio: banter Buster: Bullshit Buster: We've been here before, remember Buster: What did he say, Rio Rio: Don't Rio: It's so embarrassing to repeat and you know Buster: I'm gonna kill him Buster: Where is he? Rio: Buster stop Rio: It wasn't like that we we're hanging out, joking Buster: Not this time Buster: He needs to stop Buster: It's a joke until it isn't, babe Buster: Next time what do you think it'll be like Rio: There won't be a next time, I'm not like that Buster: You're not the one who's done anything wrong Buster: He's a drug dealer, you wanted to buy drugs Rio: Neither has he, nothing even happened properly Buster: Nothing should come close to happening Buster: He's having a baby with my fucking aunt Buster: And that's not even the only reason why this is fucked Rio: Exactly so don't do anything or everyone will find out Rio: it was my fault, I was giving off a weird vibe Buster: They need to Buster: How many times is he gonna ruin shit for this family, Jesus Christ Rio: Nothing's ruined Rio: don't tell, please Buster: I'm going to find him Buster: Nance will understand Rio: Don't Rio: How can I convince you this isn't a big deal, come on Buster: I'm not gonna tell anyone I'm just gonna hurt him Buster: Don't worry about it Rio: Buster, stop Rio: Please listen to me Rio: we'll be the ones who ruin everything if you do, not only with Ro and my parents and Edie and Indie Rio: but he knows about us remember, 'cos he does Buster: I don't care about that Buster: This is more important Rio: What about what I want Rio: doesn't that matter at all Buster: Of course it does Buster: Please, just don't stop me again, okay Rio: It's not going to make you feel any better Buster: Yes it will Buster: And if it means he leaves you alone it'll make you feel better too Rio: What if I wanted it to happen Buster: What? Rio: Well maybe I wanted to do it, you can't do this then Rio: right Buster: Don't say that Buster: Of course you didn't Rio: Just don't, yeah Buster: Tell me that you didn't want that Rio: Nothing happened Rio: If I wanted, something would have Rio: but that's my point, it was nothing, seriously Buster: Rio, that's so sick Buster: Don't you know that? Rio: What? Buster: He shouldn't want anything like that to happen with you Buster: We've dragged Chlo through the mud but like, she's not a grown man Rio: He's not that old Rio: and I'm legal Buster: He's the same age as your fucking dad Buster: They grew up together Buster: Come on Rio: He can't not look, really, it's not like I give people much choice Buster: Yes he can Buster: You remember him from being a kid Buster: It's fucked up Buster: Why are you making excuses for him? How can you? Rio: Well everything's a bit fucked up in this family really isn't it Buster: If you compare me to him, I swear to god Rio: I didn't Rio: I'm just saying, I've not got room to judge Buster: You have though Buster: You should Rio: It's fine Rio: I don't care Buster: I can't do this Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: You'll leave it now? Buster: I'm walking away from this convo for a sec before I say something I don't wanna Rio: Go on, get it out here, like Buster: No Rio: It's my fault Rio: Do it Buster: Shut up Rio: No Rio: Make me Buster: I love you, so stop Rio: Why Buster: 'Cause I don't wanna hurt you by saying everything I'm thinking right now Rio: I can handle it Buster: I'm not doing this Rio: Pussy Buster: You're not gonna make me Buster: Leave it alone Rio: Yeah that's good, just tell me you're thinking horrible things about me but don't say them Rio: and you wanted to talk Rio: bullshit, Buster Buster: Excuse me for not wanting to fuck up again tonight Rio: It's your turn, like Buster: Are you keeping score now? Rio: Maybe Rio: Been that kinda day Buster: Then let's call it a night Buster: Enough of this Rio: What, so I can go back to being alone? Rio: Great Rio: Thanks Buster: Let me call someone for you or take you somewhere Buster: This is so stupid Rio: NO Rio: I don't fucking want them don't you get it Rio: you're stupid Rio: being home is no different than being here Buster: Come here then Buster: Just stop shouting at me Rio: You don't want me though do you Buster: Of course I fucking do Buster: Don't say that Rio: You're disgusted right Rio: I bet you can't even look at me Buster: Not by you Buster: Just him Rio: Do you think I did it Buster: I don't think you did anything wrong Rio: Honest? Buster: Seriously Buster: None of this is your fault Rio: I don't know how you can mean it Rio: but I believe you Buster: 'Cause it's true, Rio Buster: It hurts me that you don't know that Rio: I get paid to take my clothes off and talk about sex Rio: everyone's seen me get fucked Rio: it's not so leftfield for him to reckon i'd fuck him for payment Buster: Yes it is Buster: That's like Chlo saying 'cause I've fucked her friends I wanted to fuck her and it's no big deal Rio: Money makes it different Rio: you wanted to fuck them, that's fine Rio: I'm just doing it for the cash, so why not that too right Buster: 'Cause of who he is for one thing is why not Buster: 'Cause you've made it clear to him that you don't want to Buster: 'Cause wanting to get high doesn't mean you wanna get fucked Buster: 'Cause you're worth more than however the fuck much he gave you Rio: Have I though? Maybe I'm just not good at making it clear Rio: Ryan doesn't get it either Buster: That's them Buster: Lads have really fucked you over, babe Buster: I hate it Buster: I've always known exactly what you want and don't. It's not hard to read your signals never mind take it what you're actually saying Rio: Shut up Rio: I'm no sob story it's standard Buster: It's not and I can't handle you thinking it is Rio: You reckon no girl you've been with ever felt like this Buster: I've been a massive cunt to plenty of them but I still know they haven't Rio: Nah, you're wrong Rio: not saying because of you Rio: but they have Buster: Even if other girls have been through it, it doesn't make a difference Buster: It's still not right Buster: If this was happening to someone else you'd be first in line to fuck the dude up Buster: You know you would Rio: Yeah well other people don't deserve it Buster: Why do you? Rio: Because Rio: well because I dress how I do, and I put myself out there naked all the time anyway Rio: what else would people think Rio: it's logical Buster: Bullshit Buster: Normal people would reckon that how you dress doesn't make a difference Buster: And neither does your job, 'Cause that's what it is, babe. A job Buster: If Indie was doing it you wouldn't let people treat her like shit Rio: But she isn't and wouldn't Rio: I'm not saying it's right but it's the world we live in Rio: it is what it is Buster: No, cunts are gonna think what cunts are gonna think but that ain't your fault Buster: I refuse to believe your ma ain't never taken you to a women's march or some shit Buster: If anything you should get more respect for doing it, not less, 'cause of the cunts you have to deal with Rio: Well I don't so whatever Buster: Not whatever Buster: It's shit and you don't have to accept it Rio: Christ, do you wanna go on a march or something Buster: Shut up Buster: Have you met my mother and sister? I get all the feminist speeches I need Rio: Yeah well you know it's bullshit then Buster: What drugs did he give you? Buster: You're so down on yourself and everything else Rio: Oh yeah, this is an issue with the drugs Rio: Get real, babe Buster: I'm being real, you're being negative to the extreme Rio: Damn, I'm so sorry Rio: You want posi vibes go find my Ma Buster: Calm down Rio: Whatever Buster: Stop saying whatever to me Rio: Say something I wanna hear then Buster: Like what? Rio: If you need to ask it ain't gonna happen Rio: go to bed Buster: Only if you take your own advice Rio: Sure Rio: if you like Buster: Please do Rio: Don't make me whatever at you again Rio: I've still got some left Buster: You don't need that Buster: You need to stop Rio: I know my limits, thanks Buster: Act like it then Rio: Stop lecturing me Buster: Stop being such a headfuck Rio: If you don't like it you know what to do Buster: If you don't want me to tell you what to do, then don't try and do the same to me, babe Rio: What do you want, Buster? Buster: Why are you asking me that? You already know the answers Rio: I'm not in the mood now Rio: that ship has sailed Buster: If you think I'm gonna fuck you in this state then I don't know what to tell you Rio: You're not Buster: That's my point Rio: So Rio: you can go Buster: No Buster: I might be too sober for whatever the fuck is going on with you right now but that doesn't mean I'm leaving you to it Buster: Not actually that much of a cunt, like Rio: Entertain yourself then Buster: Fine Rio: You actually got nothing better on Rio: wake Nance up, like Buster: I'm not just sitting here Buster: I've got plenty of shit to do Rio: You should focus for once Buster: Stop telling me what to do Rio: It was a suggestion not a demand Rio: touchy Buster: Don't Buster: You're so annoying on whatever Drew's mystery freebies are Rio: Maybe you just deserve it Buster: What is that meant to mean? Rio: We're here 'cos you were meant to be apologising Rio: remember Rio: not forgot just 'cos I'm wasted Buster: I already said sorry Buster: But okay Buster: I'm sorry again Rio: Yeah Buster: I fucked up it's not gonna happen that way again Rio: Alright Rio: We'll see Buster: You don't believe me? Rio: I believe you've got good intentions Buster: That's not the same thing Buster: I told you, I'm done jumping through hoops for her Rio: 'Til you know it's yours for sure Rio: then you'll have to Buster: No I won't Buster: She doesn't get to hold me to ransom even if it is my kid Rio: I wish that were true Rio: You think lads are bad Rio: Girls can be evil Buster: Cheers for that, babe Buster: You're a bit late with the warning, like, but Rio: Well Rio: I didn't think this would happen Buster: That makes two of us Rio: It's shit Buster: Yeah, I know Rio: It's always going to be shit isn't it Buster: Of course not Buster: We're gonna be so good, remember? Rio: Sounds like the kinda shit I'd say Rio: yeah Buster: Yeah Buster: You did Buster: And I believe it Rio: I'm glad you do Buster: You're telling me you don't now? Rio: I didn't say that Buster: What are you saying? Rio: I don't know Rio: I need to get away Buster: From me? Rio: No Rio: From here Buster: Come to London with me Rio: I don't think I can come meet her parents with you babe Buster: That's not what I said Buster: And I'm not doing that anyway Rio: Since when? Buster: Since today when I told her I'm not Rio: Why didn't you tell me Buster: There's been a lot going on, babe Buster: You didn't wanna talk to me and I just wanted to say sorry so Rio: Ugh Rio: you don't tell me any of the good bits Buster: Bullshit Buster: I tell you everything Rio: Obviously not boy Buster: Fuck off Rio: You are rude Buster: Stop lying Rio: Yet more rudeness Rio: Unbelieveable Buster: You love me Buster: Shh Rio: Sad but true Buster: Don't say it like that Rio: Jokes Buster: 😒 Rio: Can dish it out but can't take it huh Buster: You don't have to be competitively rude Buster: It's not a game, like Rio: Oh so you want me to say nice things to you and you get to be a meanie Rio: I think not Buster: I can be nice Rio: You're gonna have to prove that Buster: Yeah? Buster: Easy Rio: ? Rio: I'm waiting Buster: What I have to prove it but you don't have to earn it? Now that's rude Rio: 😒 Buster: Are you gonna come to London or what? Rio: Maybe Rio: but even in my intoxicated state I know it needs more planning than just saying yeah Buster: If I say please will you say yeah anyway though Rio: Say it then Buster: Please stay in London with me, baby Rio: Oh Rio: that was nice Rio: Yeah, I will Buster: Good Buster: I wish we could start today over Buster: I miss you Rio: We can Rio: Come see me Buster: I can't, you're too wasted and so is my sister Rio: Please Buster: I really want to Rio: Then come Buster: You need sleep Buster: The comedown is gonna be a bitch Rio: I need you Buster: I can't just leave Nance here she won't know what the fuck is going on Buster: I'll come get you, you can be here too Rio: Can you drive? Buster: I'm not the one that's high, babe Rio: Okay Rio: smartypants Rio: Come get me Buster: I'm on my way Rio: 🤤 Buster: I love you Buster: Hold on, I'll be right there Rio: I love you Rio: you're hot Buster: Yeah I know Rio: so damn hot Rio: i want you Buster: Tomorrow Buster: When you wake up you can have the whole day if you want Rio: 😣 Rio: cocktease Buster: I'm only a tease if I break that promise Rio: I'm mad Buster: Babe Buster: I'll still make you feel good Buster: But you don't wanna fuck me Rio: I do too Buster: You might change your mind again before I get there Buster: You already have from earlier Rio: Well I'll let you know Buster: Good Buster: Chat away then 'cause if you wake Nance you will be mad and so will she probably Rio: Pshh Rio: You know I can be quiet Buster: Normally yeah, but I'm not sure I trust in whatever you're on Rio: 😑 Rio: I'm not gonna out us to your sister Buster: I know you won't Buster: I wouldn't let it happen anyway Rio: Exactly Rio: Plenty of ways to shut me up so let's play Buster: I'm trying to be good right now and you're making it harder than it should be Rio: Fuck good Rio: fuck me Buster: Jesus Rio: Little late to be turning to him babe Buster: Yeah Rio: [Morning after] Rio: Where are you? Buster: Breakfast run Buster: I'll be back soon Rio: Oh good Rio: I thought you'd relegated yourself to the sofa on my behalf Buster: Like you'd have let me Buster: You weren't letting go, babe Rio: Are you mad? Buster: 'Course not Buster: Are you okay? Rio: Dehydrated like a motherfucker Rio: don't say told you so Rio: is Nance up? Buster: Drink your water I deliberately left it within reach Buster: Neither of you were when I left but she could have been faking so she didn't have to face the world, like Rio: You're cute Rio: I'll attempt to lift my head, like Rio: Poor babe, I'm not hearing any groans of despair so maybe she's still out Buster: I'll rig up some kind of elaborate straw set up like the nerd I am if you wait for me Buster: I'll console her with breakfast either way Rio: Don't make me laugh Rio: or be nice to me Rio: Good idea Rio: that and complete feigned ignorance, at least I got so trashed it's almost believeable from me too Buster: I'll try not to make you laugh but you can't stop me being nice to you Buster: Yeah, obviously Buster: Do you want that from me too? Rio: No Rio: I don't like it when we don't tell each other the truth Buster: Me either Rio: How are you? Buster: Standard Buster: Well, my new one of tired and stressed, like Rio: Babe Rio: You should sleep when you get back Buster: And waste this coffee, yeah right? Buster: I've got too much to do anyway Rio: 😔 Rio: Least let me give you a massage Buster: 'Cause that won't be distracting at all, like Rio: After then Rio: I'm really good at them Buster: Humble brag Buster: But I don't doubt it Rio: I'm just tryna make amends Rio: I'll think of something Rio: not firing on all cylinders yet but Buster: Babe you don't have to Buster: I'm not gonna say no to you proving how good you are with your hands in yet another way but like Buster: It shouldn't be 'cause you feel bad Rio: But I do Rio: but I want to too Rio: I don't want you to be stressed Buster: Don't Buster: You don't owe me anything, yeah? I want to take care of you too Buster: And I'm not stressed 'cause of you, you know that right? Rio: Lil bit tho Rio: lbr Buster: Nah Buster: Yesterday was already a headfuck before you were Buster: And I can't actually make you do all my school work, hot as the idea is Rio: Okay Rio: I'll let you get on, promise Rio: No funny business Buster: Shame Buster: But if I have to keep on being 😇 so be it Buster: If I could resist you last night I can do anything Rio: Hm? Rio: Yeah I bet the mess was so desirable, like 😏 Buster: You were Buster: You are Buster: And you thought I was too so Buster: Christ knows why Rio: Who are you and what have you done with Buster McKenna? Buster: He's here somewhere, queuing for espresso Buster: But he was hardly bringing his A game to you at that AM after a mad dash to the 24, like Rio: Oh God Rio: might crawl into Nance's shame pit with her Rio: don't mind me Buster: There's no need Buster: You were all over the place, but at least you weren't stalking your exes Buster: Did think I might be one at certain points but Buster: Cheers for not dumping me Rio: Really throw him off Rio: A power move, honestly, and a better use of my evening alas Rio: Shut up Buster: I was trying to stalk Drew so I could murder him in fairness so I can't judge Rio: I remember that much Rio: Let's not Buster: You were right, as usual Buster: Take it Rio: I did not feel it, trust Buster: I know Rio: Indie's texting Rio: Ugh, I feel awful Buster: Are you gonna tell her? Rio: I don't think so? Rio: I hate feeling like I'm lying again but Rio: it's not worth it, she knows what he is, I don't need to feel like I'm stirring the pot Buster: For what my opinion's worth, now I'm calmer about it I don't reckon you should either Buster: How fucked to know that your dad ain't changed from the days he was fucking your mum for drugs Buster: She don't need that spelled out again Rio: Yeah Rio: It'll just hurt her Rio: I don't trust him to give a fuck so Rio: Nah Buster: Exactly Buster: I'm sorry I lost it Buster: You don't have to worry about what I'm gonna do, alright Rio: I don't blame you Rio: it was valid Rio: but glad we're on the same page about what to do now Buster: Yeah Buster: I don't wanna fight with you about that cunt of all people Rio: Seriously Rio: Agreed Rio: Safe to say I'm off the drugs but if I get the urge Rio: go somewhere else, like Rio: easy to avoid Buster: It's not like he comes around to see Indie that often either so Buster: I just wish Chlo was that easy to avoid Rio: If only Rio: Have you heard anything since? Buster: I've blocked her socials 'cause she was all over my feed so I'm waiting for that backlash but no Buster: I meant everything I said last night, you know Rio: Wait for her to find you on some obscure platform you'd forgot about Rio: that's always fun Rio: yeah, I know Buster: If she starts liking more of your pics we know why Buster: Hopefully even she isn't shameless enough to try and talk to me via Nance after everything though Rio: Won't get cocky, like Rio: Yikes Rio: She wouldn't, right? Buster: Honestly? I wouldn't be surprised Buster: Last night she was so Buster: It's next level Rio: Maybe unblock her then Rio: What if she thinks Nancy knows about the baby Rio: or just drops it for the fun of it Buster: Fuck Buster: Tell me I don't have to Buster: I can't deal with this right now Rio: I'm sorry Rio: but like you said, wouldn't put it past her, and that would be worse Buster: You're not the one who should be Buster: I keep fucking this up, don't I? Buster: I should've just listened to you. And my mum Rio: We don't have to deal with it Rio: it's hard to know what to do for the best when she's happy to use anything against you Rio: can't win Buster: I don't wanna lose everything, that's all Rio: You won't Rio: Nancy is never gonna be on her side Rio: even if Chloe did talk shit Rio: it's not gonna be good but, you won't lose her Rio: and you've got me Buster: Don't leave Buster: I know it's shit right now but Rio: I'm not going anywhere Rio: 'cept with you Buster: I know Buster: I'm just being dramatic Buster: Maybe I do need sleep Rio: Just a power nap Rio: I'll wake you up Rio: even if you do look like an 😇 when you're sleeping Buster: I know Nance is here and we have to have breakfast and all that bullshit but Buster: Will you stay with me anyway while I'm asleep Rio: Of course Rio: I kind of forgot I just couldn't Buster: Yeah Buster: I have to force myself to remember it can't be the same when other people are around Rio: Same Buster: I would've just kissed you when I came in whether Nance was there or not, like sorry but honey I'm home Rio: Now I'm sad that you can't Buster: Meet me on my way in and I'll do it there Buster: Say you need the fresh air Rio: Why are you so cute Buster: It's your fault looking so beautiful when all you're doing is sleeping Buster: Making me miss you and not wanna leave with your eyes closed, literally Rio: You got it so bad, babe Rio: Don't ever stop, okay Buster: Don't you stop Rio: Just born like it, babe Rio: couldn't if I tried Rio: 😋 Buster: 😏 Buster: There she is, the love of my life Rio: Shh Rio: Got me here swooning Buster: You're in the right place for it Buster: Me, not so much Buster: Speaking of shhing don't tell your dad how busy this place is on a weekday morning, yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: should get up though, make the sofa look slept on Rio: but I'm warm and comfy Rio: I know Rio: 💔 like Buster: Stay there I'll be back soon Buster: I can do that Rio: I'm so lazy Rio: how long have you been up Buster: I'm selfish, that's where I want you Buster: Too long, babe Rio: Fine by me baby Buster: How does it feel like actual years since we were properly alone together, like? Rio: I know Rio: Long fucking day, like Rio: I miss you Buster: I miss you too Buster: so badly Rio: Well if you're good and get your work done, I'll take you out Buster: Let's just go out once breakfast is done Buster: I'll tell Nance I'm taking you home and we'll just Rio: Unless the next words outta your mouth are study date Rio: you know you gotta shh Buster: Babe Rio: Be a nerd Rio: you know it turns me on 😉 Buster: Alright Buster: But keep your hands to yourself if I have to Rio: 👐 where you can see 'em like Buster: Good Buster: I can still enjoy the view Rio: 'Course Rio: you're not training to be a priest, are you Buster: Sometimes a fair few praises of the big man do come out of my mouth, so I can see why you'd ask, but nah Rio: 😂 Rio: Shame Buster: Is that how you want it? Rio: Gotta replace the school uniform with something, babe Buster: Fine by me Buster: I love telling you to kneel Rio: Jesus Rio: You're making it very hard to be good Buster: There's plenty of time with that Buster: for* Buster: And Jesus is all about forgiveness, yeah? So Rio: So Rio: Make it through breakfast and then we can go do whatever you want Buster: I love you Rio: I love you more Buster: You reckon? Rio: Yep Rio: You said I shouldn't be competitively rude so Rio: Channeling my 💪 into this instead Buster: Well, get through breakfast and I'll prove you wrong about something for the first time in ages Rio: You're on, babe Buster: And I'm finally on my way back too Buster: Try not to swoon again when I walk in, like Rio: 😏 Do my best Rio: I am proper hank so, always a good excuse Buster: Until I catch you Buster: There'd be no excusing that reaction Rio: Sure everyone knows you love the heroics Buster: You're literally the only person who knows that, babe Buster: I asked Chlo if she was okay and she reacted like I asked if her mum was down to fuck Rio: She's a bitch Rio: and her mum would be so lucky Buster: 😂 Buster: This is why I love you more Rio: Seriously Rio: don't feel bad for trying to do the right thing Rio: even if we were both bitches about it Buster: I do though Buster: I feel like such an idiot Rio: I know but Rio: that's just how she wants you to feel rn Rio: and fuck that Buster: My mum basically told me to walk away, even if the kid's mine Buster: Maybe I should Rio: I don't think you can decide that 'til it's here Rio: it'll be real then Buster: It's real now though Buster: A real fucking mess Rio: I know Rio: but that's her, not the kid Buster: I really hope this kid ain't mine 'cause if it is, I don't want her raising it Rio: Yeah Rio: Maybe it'll change her, like Rio: failing that, she can get a decent nanny right Buster: Yeah Buster: Right again, I guess Rio: Bit strong Rio: Trying to be positive though Buster: Nah, you're coming for my nerd 👑 like Rio: Never! Rio: Ain't offering my services, no Mary Poppins, like Buster: You kind of are, to be fair Rio: Slide into her DMs with my CV then Rio: much appreciated 😂 Buster: You're welcome Rio: Fool Buster: Such a sweet talker, babe Rio: It's just mental Buster: Do you wanna elaborate or nah? Rio: You got the gist don't lie Rio: that you're having a baby Rio: might be Buster: Yeah Buster: I mean, I doubt anyone's gonna be that shocked when they find out but Rio: Yeah but Rio: doesn't mean it ain't Buster: Obviously Buster: But it means something that neither of my parents batted an eyelid at that part of the story Buster: Only the who, like Rio: I mean, yeah Rio: if they were putting money on a twin Rio: Definitely more prepared for this convo Buster: Hilarious Rio: You gotta admit Rio: that would be way more dire Buster: Way more drama Rio: I can't handle it Rio: never mind your poor parents Rio: taking one for the team, babe Buster: All about those heroics Rio: I knew Rio: Not to brag Buster: Keep my secrets, babe Buster: I'm back now, get your poker face on Rio: 😐 Rio: So serious Rio: so ready Buster: You and me both Buster: I'm so ready for you I'm not even hungry anymore Rio: 😣 Baby Rio: Don't try and break me already Buster: 🤐
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Oi McKenna Rio: can't get hold of your 'rents, big surprise, yeah Rio: ask 'em if we can crash in Nance's room this weekend, she said it's okay already, 'course Buster: Not your errand boy, darling Buster: Hit up my sister to be your messenger Rio: We've been trying, bitch Rio: Are they about or nah? Buster: How the fuck should I know? Rio: Err, you live with 'em Rio: at least in the same country, like Buster: That doesn't mean I've got their schedule memorized Buster: Didn't see them at the breakfast table like, for what that's worth Rio: Ahh, you've not had your weetabix, cool Rio: explains why you're being so unhelpful Buster: Course Rio: ugh, waste, best be a fucking travelodge nearby or summin Rio: lenny henry don't let me down Buster: Stay here Buster: You said yourself Nance okayed it and if they aren't about to ask do you reckon they'll be about to do bed checks? Rio: Yeah? Rio: If you reckon Rio: don't wanna make the place look messy, like Rio: wouldn't ask if it was just me but Indie and Edie wanna come so Rio: ain't letting them sofa surf, even if they wanna Rio: Make sure they behave, swear down Buster: Yeah, yeah Buster: Don't get in my way and it's chill Rio: Can only promise on my behalf on that one, but just be your usual self and it'll dull their appeal real quick, sure Buster: That'll have to be good enough, won't it? Buster: Hope you're better at babysitting than you are at cracking jokes Rio: Unless you wanna draw up a contract for 'em Rio: not my idea of a laugh but it's your free time, baby Buster: Nah, you're alright. I know they can't read, like Buster: Feel free to waste as much of your own time as you wanna but I'm good Rio: Ha, funny Rio: Bet Edie's smarter than you without the tutors, posh boy Buster: How much you willing to put on it? Rio: I'd put tonight on it Rio: how sure I am Buster: Your loss Rio: You reckon Buster: I know Rio: Let's hope for your sake you know more than just that Buster: Keep the blind faith for your sister, I don't need it Buster: Be getting on my knees next, putting stock in hope, nah Rio: Hey, it is Friday Rio: as long as you're repentant by Sunday, who cares Buster: If I'm sorry on a Sunday I'll be heading to sexual health not God's house Buster: Can't pray that shit away Rio: Lovely Rio: Could've kept that between you and the nurse, same kind of confidentiality clause Buster: It's a hypothetical, like your sister being better than me at anything Rio: Sure Rio: Humility, for starters, got that one in the bag Buster: Yeah, well humble, you lot Buster: First thing anyone reckons Rio: In that case, who cares what you or anyone reckons? Rio: No need to be competing with a kid, for one Rio: Awks Buster: You clearly, since you brought it up Buster: I ain't in no competition 'cause she'd never match me Rio: Whatever, university challenge Buster: Good one Rio: I know Buster: Yeah? 'Cause sarcasm's lost of you Buster: Can't be that smart either, like Rio: Not claiming to be Rio: but I was CHOOSING to ignore it, just, by the way Rio: the subtleties of polite conversation passing you by Buster: When I'm having a polite convo they won't do Buster: But since this ain't it Rio: Only because you insist on bragging incessantly Rio: a reoccurring theme in all your conversations, no doubt Buster: No need for you to worry about it 'cause we're done here with this one Buster: And you've already vowed to stay out of my way this weekend Rio: Don't YOU worry, 'cos I won't be Rio: got much more fun things to engage my interests Buster: Good Buster: Looking forward to not seeing you around, Cavante Rio: Likewise, McKenna
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Rio & Grace
Rio: Gracie! Can't tie either parental down so you're unlucky enough to be my first port of call Rio: If I come down this week (half term, right? God I feel old not knowing, ick!) how many of yous are gonna be about? Wanna catch all of you if I can Grace: I'm not surprised, Nico thinks mum's charger is the most fun thing EVER and you know dad still kicks it like he's at some 70s disco instead of a restaurant kitchen. So cringe! Grace: Iggy's took off in the van and Pablo's never here even when he is (ugh we get it, you're hanging shush) but everyone else maybe? Grace: Unless Junior's nerding it up idk Rio: Bless them, you'll miss them when you go Rio: Mum and Dad, the cats, only your faves and Nico is a little bitch 😂 Rio: Good enough for me! Sure enough I'll only hold any of yas down for a hot second regardless Rio: What've you been up to? Got any fun plans then? Grace: 😂 No way they're the worst and won't give me the chance Grace: Ask Janis they're always in her grill now she has a bf she can't ever peel herself off of Grace: Gurl you better make time for me! 😚 London's like another planet and I need that goss Grace: Gotta keep uploading that 🐰🐣 content Grace: but keeping it lowkey 👌 Rio: They're highkey nerds, tis true, least they give a shit, eh? 😘 Rio: Fucking knew it, sneaky bitch. I asked her at NYE and she said nah but I KNEW Rio: Ugh, gonna give her SO much shit when I come back 😂 Rio: Duh! My goss might not set the teenybop influencer world alight but think you'll be into it Rio: Also, got some lush bunny ears from work you can style up if you like, there's the content Rio: Very Ariana Grace: We're so blessed 🙏 Grace: OMFG THANK YOU 👏 she's such a lying bitch Grace: And they are so 😍💍💘 it's HONESTLY disgusting like I can't Grace: YAS 👑!! babes I knew I was missing you Grace: Such a mood Rio: 🙌 Rio: Steady on 😂 Fill me on the beef before I'm taking sides Rio: Can't roll like that babe 🙉 Rio: Is he a twat? I could barely get a look in, hot property with the whole fam that night not just Jan, like 😏 Rio: Right? My turn to THANK YOU 'cos all the other girls were raging after me lemme tell you, saying it reeked of misogyny and cheesy old school playboy Rio: Not educated in Hef paving the way for ladies being allowed to be sexual, ESP the sistas 💣💥 Rio: Its iconic, yeah? Like hush Grace: Honey not even! Now he's got her feeling the 💖 we all benefit Grace: Like from 💀 to 😍!! Grace: Here's the thing he's NICE!! 😮 How and who tf !! 😂 In THESE ends Grace: He's pimped my feed with his 📷 more that once. Lush! Grace: Trust her to find the one decent lad Grace: OMG how shaming! it's literally so on point I feel bad for how off they are. Beyond awkward Grace: 👯💜 Rio: Can't argue with that Rio: It'll be nice to see her happy Rio: All of yous Rio: Yeah, had noticed your new lad was off the feed Rio: Just not the one or do I need to crack skulls on YOUR behalf? Spill! 😘 Maybe Gus has had his 💔 Rio: Right? Not complaining when they were raking in the tips and looking fly doing it, this is why Vinnie listens to me and not them though so 💋 win win for me Grace: 🤞 Grace: UGH don't go there babe Grace: I'm off men rn 🙏 so you can relax Grace: Give Gus and Diego their time to shine 😂 Grace: OMG PLEASE say you can finally get me in sometime soon! 💋 Rio: Good girl 👍 Rio: Me too, more trouble than they're worth, and I'll always check what they're worth, feel me Rio: Love 'em 😂 I'd say they keep me sane but not with the shenanigans they still manage to get themselves into, nah lads Rio: You're old enough that I can vouch for you with him to get you in but Imma need to go out in Dubo with you first Rio: See how you handle your liquor, can't be risking the boss' license if you're gonna get #WGW 😏 Grace: I 100% swear down that D has a 💘 at his school but he's pulling a Jan over it so Grace: Yay! I'm buzzing Grace: Say when and I'll be on it Grace: The vibe looks EPIC in every insta it's 💕 Rio: Surely not! My babies! 😭 Rio: I've changed all ya nappies, it ain't right, I tell ya! 👵 Rio: Whenever you can pencil me in darling 💋 If you come back on the plane with me you'll only have to do the one back alone Rio: Unless you want to bring a mate but you've gotta vouch for them 'cos I don't know them enough to put my name on the line, they ain't my little sister 💛 Grace: 😂😂 I had to go full spa on him cos he was 🙎 and not vibing with the sheet masks he'd been stealing from me for WEEKS 😂😂 Grace: He's so 😍 for someone Grace: This is HAPPENING 👌 Mum'll say yes cos it's obvs for my mental health Grace: It's enough for collab our schedules tbh imagine trying to get the squad hooked up Rio: Aww! What a little sweetie! 😭 Giving me so much fodder to get 'em all with, yas gurl! 🙊 Rio: She defs knows the benefit of letting ya hair down and if she disagrees then she ain't our Muvva 👽 Rio: Same when I was your age, so many parties, so much time stretching ahead...ugh, hark at me Rio: Speaking of though, Pabs has managed to keep outta the drunk tanks since my last visit, yeah? 🙄 Chief Grace: I'd say go easy cos the acne is !! but where was mine was I was a 🍕 me and payback are bitches that have each other's backs like 😂 Grace: So welcome 💋 remember who treated you right hun 😚 Grace: Oh babe that's proper tragic 😂 Are you okay?! Grace: 🙄🙄 Grace: I'd lie to spare your feels but I can't even cos he is not forgiven! Fuck him truly Rio: Way harsh babe! Gotta share that knowledge and spot treatment 🙏 older sib duties ✌ you only gotta look out for them 3, feel MY pain when I wanna be a petty bitch please 😉😂 Rio: Clearly not, like...What tf am I like? 🙈 Rio: Still in the dog house then...I hope little miss tiny tits is too, seen her being snide on the 'gram Rio: we know she's no 😇 so as long as she's getting her share of the 💩 from you, I ain't judging on the Pabs score 👌 Grace: 😈 LMAO jks obvs I'm living for getting to flex like that Grace: Nobody else lets me near their face, their loss but still BOO Grace: Ugh yes cos he doesn't even see that he did me WRONG she was trying he's just an idiot and its like BOY NO Grace: Never learning them lessons Grace: 🚫 No worries there she's BEYOND cancelled 🚫 Grace: I hate that bitch Rio: That's why you gotta get them clients honey, just you wait, people will be BEGGIN' for your time and expertise 😘 Rio: Yeah, he's a fool in general though Rio: Not to say that ain't valid, 'cos 100% babe, but it wasn't personal, like Rio: Try to remember that 'cos he's not that boy, no matter what typa foolishness he's caught up in rn 😒 Rio: 👏 I like what I'm hearing, Gracie! So much growth! Rio: Here for it Grace: I feel you but also it's like idk it was personal to me cos she was my best friend and he knew that Grace: On some level idk Grace: Whatever I'm trying to be over it Grace: There's bigger 🐠 Rio: Fair Rio: Idk if he knows he knew...Mouthful Rio: Give him time and a chance, but that's it, sensible big sister said her piece on that, you're free to go on doing what you're doing 😜 Grace: Thanks 👑 Grace: Rio, I can forreal come to london right? Like you're not just shhing me Grace: I'm so done with this place atm Rio: Of course you can Rio: As long as the 'rents sign off on it, you can stay for as long as you like Rio: That's Dubo for ya...gets under your skin Rio: Anything else I can do, tho? Grace: 💜 Grace: Ugh it's just everything Grace: There's barely anything I can do Grace: Ignore me I'm a hormonal 👾 Rio: Have you had your B12 and folates checked? Billie and Edie were anaemic you should double-check 'cos that will have you feeling rough as Grace: 👼 You're adorbs Grace: Enough of my chatter anyway, how are you? Rio: 👀 okurr but we're coming back to this later Rio: 'cos I'm same old same old Rio: Nothing beyond the promised goss of London to report Rio: No boys, remember? Grace: 🙄🙄 Grace: Oh please you always have a boy Grace: Spill it Rio: 😨 Swear on my life, babe! Rio: Nothing and no one Grace: We're twinning then 💕 Grace: Do tell Janis 😂 Rio: Coming for ya brand Rio: Shameless 😏 like to think I could pass, not that old or having THAT crisis tho, jfc Grace: 👯💣🔥 Grace: You're flawless babe don't even stress Grace: when I'm your age I'll have to pray Rio: Aww, you doll, extra brownie points for boosting my ego 💋 Rio: What you chattin'?! We're all babes, lbr Grace: 😂 shhh avó be repping herself hard in me and no offence 👵 it's not goals 💔 lmao Grace: obrigado,... mas não, obrigado like she rocks it but she's also way old so Grace: the struggle is real 😂 Rio: You're mad gal Rio: don't be wasting your youth hating on what you'll miss Rio: though we all age like fine wine, avó paving the way 💣 Rio: Ma was onto something having us so young Grace: Don't let her hear you say that Grace: My ears are still ringing from her calling me out Rio: umm Rio: BISH YOU WHAT Grace: 🤷 No drama just Rio: You weren't on the pill? Or missed a day? Rio: We've all had the scare but I never got as far as needing to tell Mum Rio: You poor thing! 😨🙈 Grace: Well obvs that was my bad but she only made me die about a thousand times Grace: I survived Rio: Eeep! Rio: At least she didn't march you down the clinic in a shame cone like most would round here Grace: OMG like she made me go but my ootd was my own doing 🙏 Rio: Not so much as a high collar in sight 🙌 Rio: Explains your hormones though, babe, that shit will FUCK you up for ages Rio: so no worries there Grace: I know exactly what I'm in for Grace: Ugh Rio: Forreals Rio: Who'd be a fucking woman, eh? Grace: Mia. To fuck over the others Grace: kms Rio: 😂 Rio: Fueled by her PMS that one Grace: [Sends her 2 very similar selfies} which one do you vibe the most with? Rio: 1st one, s'more natural Rio: smile ALMOST reaches your eyes Grace: lmao Grace: Thanks babes Rio: if you gonna fake it 'til you make it Rio: gotta keep you the realest, ain't I? 😉 Grace: gotta keep me 😂 Rio: Wanna Rio: Blood ties aside 😘 Grace: 💜 Rio: Best get ready for work Rio: Could use you here to do my look for me, cba tonight 😐 blah Grace: I'd be living for that you know it but you'll be killing it with or without me, honey Grace: You got this gurl Rio: Cheers 🍸 Rio: I'll get the first round in when I see ya boo 💋 Grace: Yay! So excited 😚
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