#i'm fucking afraid of judgement from a person who i will never meet and never talk to except this ONE time
lithuilgreenleaf · 2 years
FUCK am i bad at talking to people
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
Impatient - Yandere!Pup Hybrid!Seungmin
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Yandere AU & Hybrid AU - First Person POV
Genre: Mature, Smutty Themes, Internal Monologue
Pairing: Seungmin X Implied Chubby!Reader
Words: 1,627
Warnings: Implied masturbation and dirty thoughts. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: This one's a little darker than the first, but still pretty tame on the feral aspect imo. I'm still testing the waters a bit, but I'm still really happy with the way it turned out! As always, please let me know what you think! Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!~
The Second of The Feral Drabbles
You’re mine.
You may not know it yet, but it’s true.
Poor little kitty cat, soon to be caught by the big bad wolf, and you’ll be none the wiser.
It’s okay, I’ll take care of you. Really, I promise I’m not as bad as I seem at first. I can come across pretty cold and guarded at first, maybe even a bit judgemental, but I promise it’s not directed at you. 
No, never you. 
I just have to get over the initial territorial state of needing to constantly be near you, and marking you as my own. It’ll be a little rough at first, but once I know you want me as badly as I need you, I think things will be okay. Though, now that I think about it, I don’t really want to hide anything…
Why shouldn’t everyone know that I’m yours and you’re mine? It’s always been meant to be this way. I can tell just from your scent alone that you were made to be mine. You’re just so addictive, I don’t know what to do with myself.
Well… I do know what to do, but I’ll admit I’m a very impatient man. I want you now, not after I’ve spent precious time that could be used loving you, and keeping you by my side instead of building said relationship from the ground up. That’s going to take forever, and I’m not that good of an actor. Your friends are bound to piss me off with how close they already are with you, especially that one guy friend of yours who can’t seem to stop leaving his scent all over you. Right now, he’s on pretty fucking thin ice, and one more provocation and I might just snap.
No matter, I’ll take care of him in due time. He’s a threat to our relationship already. Bastard doesn’t understand that you’re mine.
I’ve already started laying out the foundations of our first meeting, too. Sure, I may be impatient, but perhaps it’ll make the reward all the more sweeter from the everlasting buildup. Maybe, just maybe, the tension will be so thick at that point that it cannot help but to snap while we’re with each other, losing ourselves to the throes of passion like I’ve constantly dreamed about.
Fuck, I can’t wait for that day - the day where I can show you in every and any physical way I know how just how deep my love for you goes. I want to build you up until you’re begging for me to touch you - until I’m the only one who you let touch that gorgeous body of yours. 
I’m the only one worthy of you, anyways…
I bet no one’s ever been fully able to satisfy you before. Assholes probably didn’t care enough to learn your body like I will. By the time I’m done with you, I’ll be able to play the most intimate of pleasures over you just with my fingertips alone.
Oh, you poor thing. You’ve just been desperately waiting for me to come along and please you to your heart’s content, haven’t you? You know what you want, and you won’t be afraid to take it all from me, won’t you, Darling?
It’s okay. I won’t mind at all. 
In fact, I want you to take my all. I’ll make your head spin and your legs tremble. I’ll run your voice hoarse from how raw your cries of ecstasy will be. I’ll make it so that pussy of yours trembles from a single glance from my heated stare, positively weeping with endless nectar for me to drink up to my heart’s content. Me, and only me.
With me, you’ll never have to worry about another half-assed attempt to please you again.
I want to become the only one you think about. No, I will become the only one you think about. I’ll make sure of it, even if it’s the last thing I ever do.
I want to make you so cockdrunk on me, that you’re practically begging for me to breed you every time I walk into the room. I want to make it so you cannot help but want to spread your legs for me every time you see that lustful look take over my features, pleading for me to make you mine in every way imaginable. 
I want to make you so desperate for me that you ache for my touch when I’m not around, and when you so much as attempt to relieve that throbbing from between those plush thighs of yours, you’ll soon come to realize that it’s not enough. It will never be enough. Only my touch can satiate that need deep within your core. Only my cock can fill you up like you always deserve.
Let me treat you right, Darling. Let me love you like you’ve always wanted. Let me live to serve you, and then you can thank me by doing the exact same for me. I wish to consume you. I wish to ruin you in the best of ways, just as I want you to do for me. 
You won’t even have to try very hard. I’m already weak for you. Your smile, your laugh, your scent, your face, your body, your personality: everything about you drives me crazy. 
I won’t lie and say that I can never think straight around you. No, it’s more like my world shifts more into focus whenever I think about you. You make me finally understand what this life is all about. It’s always been about meeting each other, and belonging to one another. I only wish that it didn’t take me so long to realize that it’s been you that I’ve been searching for this entire time.
And another thing! I can’t believe I haven’t said this before yet, but you’re perfect. In every conceivable way, you are perfect for me, just as I am perfect for you. We have so many of the same interests and hobbies: you enjoy a lot of the same music and movies as I do, and we have very similar ways of thinking from what I’ve observed of you so far. Every detail I learn only makes me fall harder for you, Darling, and when the time comes, I only hope the same can be said for you.
You are perfect because you are mine. I am yours because you are perfect.
Nothing will change that. Nothing will ever change that.
I cannot help but wonder, though… will you think about me as much as I always dream about you? Will you also spend hours fantasizing about the life we’re going to have? About raising a family together, even if it’s just a fish, or a turtle? 
Whatever you want, really. I’m not fussy. 
How about how my hand will feel in your own as we walk through the park? Or perhaps you’re also like me when you let your thoughts roam, thinking about how good our hands would feel on each other’s bodies, mapping our own paths of pleasure over one another’s skin.
Would you be shy at first when you learn of all of my desires? Would you attempt to hide that soft and supple flesh of yours from me, brushing me off because you think I won’t love every dip and curve that I see? Or would you surprise me by taking control? Will you take everything that you want from me, and then some, once you know that I want you more than anything I’ve ever longed for in my entire life? Either way, I’ll make you confident in your ability to turn me on. All it will ever take is one look. Even just a simple touch will be enough.
I am desperate for you, and I’m not afraid to prove it.
I’ll admit, Darling, I’ve already torn through several pillows pretending that they were you spread out beneath me. It’s not the same. They could never imitate the warmth your plush body could provide for me. They’ll never let me know what your whimpers as you beg for ‘more' sound like, or how delightful I’m sure my name will be falling from your lips. They could never actually tell me what you enjoy, or how to please you in the best of ways.
No. Only you can do that. All in due time.
At least, that’s what I keep telling myself. I just wish it was sooner, rather than later.
Impatient, remember?
Alas, I suppose I’ll have to sweep the feathers from my floor again after tearing into this last pillow with my teeth. 
I cannot wait for the day when I finally get to mark you as my own. The pillow, it seems, just isn’t cutting it anymore, but it will have to suffice for now. 
I want to get all of this pent up frustration out before I meet you, though. The last thing I want is to pop a boner the moment you speak my name for the first time, or scare you away because of some other effect your mere presence affords me. I swear, I turn back into my younger, hormonal teenage self whenever I think of you. 
I guess that’s just the effect you have on me.
Oh, well. It’s a good thing that I’ve planned everything out already, up to and including our retirement together. Now, all that’s left to do is start. 
Hopefully though, I can make it through the long haul. I really hate waiting, especially when it comes to you.
I know that you’re already mine, and I’m already yours. All that’s left now to do is convince you. 
If I’m lucky, maybe you’re just as impatient as me.
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p0ckiiturtle · 5 months
So, I recently started hyperfixating on an old show I used to watch called “Winx Club”. It’s a 2004 Italian Magical Girl show that was really popular and soon made its way to the states.
I’d also like to point out that this show ran from 2004-2019. Just to give you guys a heads up on how long it ran for.
While it was loved by all, it did have many, many, MANY flaws. One of which was their love interests.
Sky: Bloom’s boyfriend
Brandon: Stella’s boyfriend
Riven: Musa’s boyfriend
Timmy: Tecna’s boyfriend
Nabu/Nex/Roy: Aisha/Layla’s boyfriend/fiance/crush I guess
And Helia: Flora’s boyfriend
Notice how Aisha’s list is a bit longer. I’m gonna get into that.
They all suffer from the same thing. A thing I like to call “The Lover Effect”. Basically, when a character is introduced, but their only trait is to be another character’s love interest.
They have no other backstory. No known morals. They’re just there to fall in love with the character. And nothing more.
A lot of shows struggle with this. Mainly with their female main characters, but there are some examples of the male characters suffering from this.
And Winx Club is one of the prime examples of this.
We know little to nothing about their pasts. We don’t know what their goals are. And they’re only there to serve the main cast. The Winx. Their entire personalities revolve around them being the boyfriends of the Winx.
I think the only characters whose past we know of are Sky and Nabu’s. And even then, it’s seldom said.
A while ago, I was researching for a video based on my own version of winx for my TikTok account (shameless plug, I know). And I came across this:
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It was from the old Winx website. I wasn't aware of this when I was watching it cause I grew up on the Nickelodeon one, but that's besides the point.
It clearly states here that Riven's mom left him when he was very young. And according to him: She probably left for money. Resulting in his distrust of people and his 'bad boy' attitude. Specifically in women. This was never stated in neither the show nor the comics.
This could've been perfect ammunition for a good redemption arc for Riven. Why he's so distrustful and so standoffish of all of his friends. Why he's constantly pushing Musa away. He's too afraid that they'll leave him. And the hurt will start all over again.
But no. They don't.
Instead, they give some toxic relationship between two characters where they're both in the wrong, but decide to paint him as the bad guy cause 'ShE wOuLd NeVeR dO tHaT!!!!". They constantly breakup. And then when they decide to give him the slightest amount of character development , they just drag him back down to being the asshole character. And the whole cycle repeats.
Every. Single. Fucking. Season.
I'm not even kidding.
I will give them this though;
As much as I will shit on Nick for practically ruining Winx Club, at least they tried to give him a redemption arc. But it was put into a half-assed breakup scene where he had to 'find himself'.
The next victim is Sky.
For those who don't know:
Sky is the crown prince/king of Eraklyon. His home kingdom. The most we know about him is that he possibly has daddy issues and was in a relationship before Bloom.
Now the way they went about Sky is interesting. Because they gave him a little bit of a backstory. But not enough for him to be an interesting character to me. The most that we know is that his dad is an asshole and his ex-fiancé was just selfish.
From what I've gathered from the show.
But what else about Sky? What was his childhood like? What was his relationship with Diaspro, his ex, like? When did Sky and Diaspro first meet?
In the show, it's stated that they were childhood friends, but for some reason, I don't believe that. Maybe it's my version of Winx clouding my judgement, but I don't care. Knowing how most marriages between the elites and royalty were mainly for political reasons back then, that was probably my reason for not believing the whole "childhood friends" thing.
We don't even know his relationship with his father. The most we know is that he has an older cousin who he doesn't trust for some reason after something he did back when they were kids.
But personally, I think him somewhat revolving around Bloom could work.
Imagine this:
Ever since you were a child, you were forced into a life of perfection. Your parents were distant from you, so you were raised by the servants in the castle. You're forced into an arranged marriage to some girl who can only think about herself, from your eyes. And that's all you know. Perfection. Perfection. Perfection.
And then all of a sudden, you meet this girl. She's outgoing. She's a bit shy. She has goals. Aspirations. But most of all, she's free.
You meet her parents and you see how strong of a relationship they have with her. She has friends in her school. She's made tons of mistakes, but no one criticizes her for them. After all, they're just mistakes.
And the more you're around her, the more you realize that your childhood wasn't good. It wasn't what you wanted. You realized that you needed your parents love. But because of their status, they never gave it to you that much. Only speaking to you at dinners or whatnot.
Sky wanting to break the mold and find his true self because of Bloom could work. With good writing and planning, his character could become far more interesting than the one we were given.
Next up: Brandon.
The most we know about him is that he's Sky's best friend/squire and is from Eraklyon just like Sky. We don't know jackshit about his family life. All we know is that he's loyal and a flirtatious guy. Even when he's dating Stella, he's still flirting with other girls!
Like wtf??
Sure, he gives Stella a heartfelt speech about always loving her for who she is, regardless of how she looks. But that's basically it. And I hate that the most I can give him is killing off his dad. Like, that's the most character I can give him. Because we don't know jackshit about his past. His goals. Or anything else about him. And it sucks.
Next: Timmy
I hate that we barely see any of him throughout the show. The most screentime we get of him is when he's searching for Tecna when she gets lost in the Omega Dimension. But the fact that he didn't go on that trip with Sky and Bloom just sucks. I get that they wanted to create some cute moments between them and they didn't want Timmy, the guy who literally found her coordinates, to be a third wheel. But his girlfriend was LITERALLY SUCKED INTO ANOTHER FRICKIN PLANET!!!!! I think he has every right to be on that trip. It could've shown his desperation and fear that he may not be able to find his love.
And as much as I love him when it comes to commitment and his girlfriend, he still falls into this category. because once again, we don't know his damn backstory. Hell, we don't even know where he's from!
Like Riven, Helia, or Nex. Unless it was specified in the show, we don't know where they're from.
I'm gonna assume that Timmy's from the same planet as Tecna, which is Zenith. A futuristic planet with highly advanced technology mixed with magic.
But here's the thing: The only thing about his character that may give me that answer is the fact that he's smart and likes to make robots.
That's the only reason why.
Nothing about his character design gave that away. Which may just come down to me being nit-picky. But I honestly don't care.
And I hate that I have to assume where he's from because the show never gives us any indication from his character.
For Tecna, she had no idea how to handle her feelings for Timmy and was constantly going back and forth on logic and heart because that was the norm in Zenith. Logic was their only answer. And for that, they probably have no reason for love or feelings.
Meanwhile for Timmy, he's automatically head over heels for her and has no problem confessing his love for Tecna. That could be chalked up to just how they were raised. But, as I've said before, we don't know how he was raised.
Next: Helia
You wanna know something crazy?
Originally, Helia was supposed to be a girl. But they changed his gender and made him a boy because Flora was the only one without a boyfriend. And they didn't want her to be single.
(Even though Aisha didn't have a boyfriend and was single until season 3)
The thing that gets me the most about Helia is that he's seen as the quiet and reserved nature lover of the group. Just like Flora. But even then, we barely hear from this fucking bastard.
Like, I get that he's supposed to be the quiet guy, but it's not like he's non-verbal. He can fucking talk!
At least we know from context clues that he's most likely from Linphea. The same planet Flora's from. But that's only because he's friends with the fucking princess of Linphea.
I guess you could chalk it up to his love for nature and pacifist personality, but that could be applied to anyone.
What's worse is that I couldn't even find/give him a reason as to why he's like this. I could just leave it and just say that "It's his personality. He was just born like that", but I refuse. The most i could give him was a large family. 6 sisters with him being the middle child.
Yes, I took a page out of 'Loud House', but I feel like it could work. You have absolutely no idea how much your family can shape and affect your personality.
But that's just me.
Next: Nabu
This is going to hurt me because he's my favorite out of all of the Specialists.
I want to say he falls into this category. I really do, but a part of me just doesn't have the heart to. Especially since he was basically the perfect match for Aisha/Layla.
Both come from wealthy families. Both have only known perfection throughout their lives, but are trying to break that mold and want to be their own person.
And I think it's perfect! Even if they were in an arranged marriage, they could still make it work.
You just have to develop their relationship over time. Have them do little things that makes the other fall in love with them bit by bit.
Unfortunately, they decided to fucking kill him off in season 4. Literally the season AFTER HE WAS FUCKING INTRODUCED!
And it pisses me off so much!
But back to his "Lover" trope:
See, he doesn't fall into it that much. If anything, I'd say he doesn't fall into it at all since we, as an audience, were given more than enough content of his past to make a clear picture of him.
Is this me being biased because he's my favorite? Absolutely.
And I think the reason as to why he was so loved by the fandom is because he was something new. He wasn't a copy paste of the same person but with a different personality and character design. He was something fresh.
Until they decided to fucking axe that and give us shit.
I don't wanna go too much into detail for Roy and Nex. Their characters bored me to death.
All you have to know is that Roy was the equivalent of the rebound summer fling for Aisha and Nex is like Riven, but worse. At least Riven was somewhat interesting as to why he acts the way he does. Nex is just an ass for no reason.
I get that this show is supposed to be for young girls. It's to encourage them that they can do anything. But you can have an uplifting girls show with interesting male characters.
With the reboot coming soon, I really do hope that the writers take their male characters into account and give them interesting personalities and not go down the Nickelodeon route and screw everything up.
From what I've heard, Iginio Straffi, the creator of Winx, is back to writing for the reboot. Even though his writing was flawed, I do hope that he's used these last 2-3 years in improving his characters and plot. From what I've heard, he's been working with authors from around the world. So this may be a sign of hope for the Winx fandom. Because god knows we need it.
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archduke-enver-gortash · 10 months
I'm afraid but 17 and 23 for Zeke?
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
letting him meet gortash. there’s literally horrific things happening endlessly in their subsequent time together of course but that was the catalyst of it all. gortash staking his claim. the first arrow sent flying in the war. it’s that whole culmination of gortash’s conquest that is ruining zeke. so i truly can’t just pick one event. but also i am at a point where i’m like ok how do i pass judgement on what is worse between things like ‘engraving his initials in his heart’ and ‘forcefeeding him the corpse of someone he was getting close with that he manipulated him into violently killing’ and ‘keeping a canvas of the teeth he pulls from zeke as a trophy’ like. i dunno man!!!
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
it’s the same emotion for both of these: kindness! i talked about how he is drawn to people who have a ‘i can fix him’ attitude towards him, but that does not mean that he can deal with it appropriately. at first, he’d question your motives—believes that you’re lying, that you’re manipulating him, or trying to harm him in some way and you know how zeke is: he makes this abundantly clear and spits (sometimes literally) on people who are trying to help him. later on when his mental state starts deteriorating again he physically abuses shadowheart and ultimately tries to kill her. he feels as if he does not deserve it deep down—he has been only ever been given rewards and nice words for doing something right. for being father’s chosen. which is why he has this deep competitive acidity towards people—he needs to prove to himself that he is deserving. the one thing zeke craves above all else is approval, kindness and love but it’s not something meant for him.
there’s also this thing of like. pre-game, the only person he ever spent more time with besides the people in the temple was gortash. his “kindness” his “gifts” WERE given with the intent to ruin. gortash cuts his hair, gives him jewelry and clothes to take over him in these small but not any less meaningful steps. zeke, especially with these small acts, does not even realize it consciously (9 wis. man) but it doesn’t affect him any less subconsciously.
and expressing? god, we all know what a massive cunt zeke is. he genuinely can’t do it. he’s not even sure if he can love. when gortash was briefly forgotten and shadowheart really showed him that he fucked up, he would sneak in her tent and put a night orchid on her pillow. he cannot do it verbally at all even then. and when she addresses it the next morning he tells her to fuck off and that he’d never do something like that. but also. deep down zeke does know that he is not a person. that he can’t do ‘love’. he is the urge. he is the eye. he is the hunt. he is the wild. even these little acts are like daydreams. trying to mend those ruins into something shaped like a man. that however is one thing he certainly will never be.
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zozo-01 · 2 years
Care To Join Me For A Dance, My Love?
Hey there! Some of you may have guessed by now that I am a sucker for royal balls. Now is the Monarchal Summit going to be a ball? Probably not. Will that stop me from writing about our favourite vampires and their partners at a ball? Fuckk no!
Anywho, already had fun writing for Darlin' at a ball once and I decided, 'hey, I'm gonna do it again.' So here is a more fluffy ball fic featuring our favourite Southern gentleman and his lovely Darlin'.
@dolls-circus and @sri-rachaa come and get your food!
Warnings: None (I know surprising for me.)
click here for the ao3 link!!!
Darlin’ was used to this. They were used to having the eyes of everyone in the room focused on them. The stares happened when their family hosted parties. They happened whenever they walked late into a pack meeting, long before they had gotten with Quinn. It was always eyes filled with judgement, scrutinizing every action and word that was either said or wasn't said.
This was different. They felt the eyes of everyone in the ball, but there was no heat behind them. Instead, their gazes had admiration, awe and wonder. Who was this person and why are they here? Darlin’ was impressed with themselves. They had managed to capture the positive attention of all the Old Bloods in attendance.
But it didn’t make it any fucking easier for them to enter the ball.
Despite the admiration they received, one thing was for sure, they were still a wolf entering vampire territory. Not just any kind of vampires, Old Blood. (Old Blood like Quinn.) These are vampires that have been alive long before their great-grandparents were born. They have seen empires rise and fall, have more knowledge than Darlin’ could ever dream of, and as much as they hate to admit it, they can beat the absolute shit out of them. They were hesitant to walk in, in fear of angering the wrong person and having to answer for it.
‘Maybe I can turn back? Tell Sam that I felt sick and didn’t wanna come? Can I atleast not stand around like a fucking idiot and move?’
Before any more doubts entered their head, a pair of kind eyes caught theirs. From across the room, atop his golden throne, William was encouraging them to enter. They can already hear his voice in their head. “It’s alright little one, you’ll be safe here.” He didn’t have to say any words to make them feel at home. His presence was enough to have them feel like tonight was going to be alright. Fun even.
Darlin’ shook any remaining doubts, held their head up high and smiled. They remembered what their mother used to say when they were old enough to understand the undeserved judgements casted upon them.
“These aunties can smell your fear, my doll. You must smile, hold your head up high and let them know that you are not afraid of their words.”
‘Well these ain't aunties, but the same advice can be used against centuries old vampires who can kill me with a bite? Right mama?’
With their mother’s words echoing in their head, Darlin’ began to descend down the stairs into the main ballroom, eyes darting from person to person in search of a certain someone. Their eyes trying to find the silver eyes that they have grown to love.
‘Finding him would be so much goddamn easier if all of these stupid masks weren’t in the way. Fucking hell, where the fuck is he?’
Samuel Collins saw the sun set down the horizon and into the main ballroom.
They say to never look directly at the sun, but Sam decided that advice to be horsehit and glued his eyes onto his sunlight.
They look… there weren't words in the human language that could describe how beautiful Darlin’ looked walking down the stairs. Their confident stride and dazzling smile captured the eyes of everyone in the room. With every step they took, Sam heard most of the vampires' halt their breath in awe of his wolf. Had it been any other context, Sam would feel bothered, not jealous as some people would insist, with so many eyes on his Darlin’. 
But how can he blame them when Darlin’ looked as enchanting as they did? 
Somehow, a room full of vampires were put under a trance by a wolf.
His stubborn, reckless, lovely, beautiful, Darlin’ wolf.
“You know, instead of standing here with your mouth watering like a newborn, maybe you should go up to them and ask them to dance?” Vincent teased his best friend. He wore a cocky smirk to accompany his equally cocky comment. His partner lightly hit their lover on the chest and chastised him for his smart comment.
Sam turned to face the vampire prince with a smirk of his own. “Well I’m sure your partner here would love to hear about the look on your face when they walked into the room.” He couldn’t finish his description, one he so desperately wanted to tell, before Vincent slapped a hand over Sam’s mouth. Vincent stumbled over his words, trying to make a lie that he can use to maintain his pride.
Vincent’s partner covered their own mouth to muffle their laugh at sight of two normally dignified men fighting like children. “While I would love to hear about Loverboy gawking over me, you may want to help your mate Sam. It seems as though they have some unwanted attention.” The two men turn around to see an Old Blood noble talking to Darlin’. Not even a second later, Sam ran to his Darlin’ ‘safety,’ leaving behind the bemused vampire prince and his equally bemused partner.
“Oh he is so whipped for them.”
“Don’t tease him, you'd do the same for me, Loverboy.”
 Sam ran through the crowd of nobles on the dancefloor. His masked silver, determined eyes locked onto the vampire that was talking to his Darlin’. ‘Thank the Lord for vamp speed.’ He stopped right behind Darlin’, who was blissfully unaware of their mate standing behind them.
“Excuse me, Darlin’,” he says, tapping them on the shoulder. Darlin’ turned around to look at Sam. Their masked eyes sparkled with happiness at the sight of their mate. The noble seeing Darlin's attention completely on Sam, understood that they weren’t relevant anymore and so they left the vampire and shifter alone. “Care to join me for a dance, my love?” He bent on one knee and exaggerated the action of holding out his hand for them to take.
Darlin’ let out a heavenly giggle and accepted the outreached hand. “I can’t let my cowboy stand there like an idiot.” A soft smile adorned his masked face and he placed a gentle kiss on their held hand. He let his lips linger on their skin, not wanting to leave this bubble of sunlight. 
Darlin’ dragged Sam up to his feet, their lips barely touching. They looked into each other’s eyes, lost in the galaxies swirling in them. They were close to each other, but Sam wanted them to be closer. He wanted to pull Darlin’ into his heart and hold them there for as long as they live. He wanted to keep them away from all the hurt they’ve been through. Away from all the harm that may befall on them. 
He knows they can protect themselves, but that doesn’t stop the need he has to take care of his Darlin’.
Darlin’ was the first to look away, glancing at the dancing vampires. They cleared their throat before saying, “so, we should probably join the others, if you’re still up for that dance.” 
Sam gave a low chuckle. “Lead the way, my Darlin’.”
The two walked onto the dancefloor hand-in-hand. Sam noticed that Darlin’s smile was shaky. Most people assume that Darlin’s confidence was unwavering, and for the most part, they’d be right. Sam knows them, though. He prides himself on the fact that he knows them better than most. And he knows that Darlin’s nervous about something.
“Hey, you alright? Something buggin’ you?” Darlin’s eyes widened at the question. They chuckled nervously before giving an answer.
“Nah, it ain’t something bugging me… I just,” they paused and lowered their voice. “I’ve never danced in a place like this. Like all fancy and shit.” They looked up at Sam’s face with a reserved smile. “Don’t get me wrong, I want to dance with you, I don’t want to… embarrass you.”
Sam shook his head and held Darlin’ cheek. “You’re not going to embarrass me, love. Besides, you’re one of the most graceful people I’ve ever met. I promise you, you'll be alright.” He gave them a reassuring smile and used his other hand to hold their waist. Darlin’ turned their head and kissed the palm of the hand on their cheek. They held his hand in theirs and placed their free hand on his shoulder.
The couple glided across the room, in perfect sync. He spun them a few times, and every time Darlin’ let out a cherished giggle. As the dance went along, Sam pulled Darlin’ even closer. The early need of holding them close came back. The two slowed down, moving away from the main dancefloor so as to not clog up space.
Sam and Darlin’ had both of their arms wrapped around each other. They swayed slowly to the music in the background. Darlin’ leaned over to whisper into Sam’s ear. “Have I told you how devilishly handsome you look tonight?” They said it with a flirtatious smile. It was enough for Sam to tense up with how good their voice made him feel.
Sam tilted his head over to whisper back “you look…,” yet again Sam was at a loss for words. How does one describe the celestial beauty Darlin’ possesses in a mortal language? For no language, however modern or ancient, could capture their divine essence. But he had to say something. 
Sam cleared his throat before whispering back in a husky voice. “You have bewitched me body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. And wish from this day forth never to be parted from you.”
Darlin’ shivered when his breath had reached their ear. “I didn’t know you’ve read ‘Pride and Prejudice?’” The truth is, he hadn’t.
One of the more surprising facts about Darlin’ was how much of an avid reader they were. Their taste in literature was grand, from Arabic poetry from millenia ago to a children’s tale about demigods. Their eyes would absorb the words from the page, committing it to their brain. 
Along with their reading habit was their hobby of annotating their books. They would highlight lines and write little notes in the margins. Sometimes, they’d use little sticky notes to mark their favourite passages or scenes to go back and reread later. Sam loved to look through these annotated books, finding all of the quotes that Darlin’ adored to better understand them. It was how he came to find out that Darlin’ was more of a Romantic, with a capital ‘R’, then they let on.
One day, he was looking through their copy of ‘Pride and Prejudice.’ The famous quote was underlined and was accompanied by a message in the margins.
‘On Goddd, if someone said something like this to me, I’d fucking marry them on the spot.’
And Sam really wanted to fucking marry them.
“Well I decided to look through the book and thought you’d appreciate me saying it.” He acted as though he didn’t memorize that line so that he may use it in a situation like this.
Darlin’ rolled their eyes and leaned closer to Sam’s face. “My, my Samuel, how cheesy of you.” 
Sam let out a low, husky chuckle. He leaned in as well, his lips ghosting theirs and his beard brushing against their skin. “Well my Darlin’, I thought you’d appreciate the cheese.”
A beat of silence went by before Sam spoke up.
“Darlin’, can I kiss you?”
They answered with a breathless “yes” and leaned in to kiss Sam. He snaked a hand up their back and cradled their head, pulling them closer. Darlin’ had begun to run their hands through his hair, earning a groan from the vampire. The kiss was full of love and passion. Of words that were unsaid because the magnitude of their feelings couldn’t be explained. All they knew was that kissing each other, that holding each other, that being with each other was the only thing right in their world.
Sam leaned back for air. He stared at Darlin's swollen lips and love filled eyes, and could only say one thing.
“I love you so damn much Darlin’,” he whispered. He wanted the world to know who he loves.
He wanted to make sure that they knew he loves them.
Darlin’ closed their eyes and leaned their forehead to touch his. They let out a huff of laughter. 
“I love you too, Samuel Collins.”
[Staring at the couple from across the ballroom was a pair of cold silver eyes. 
The man looking at them quickly felt anger towards the southern vampire for touching what’s his.
The southern vampire walked away from the wolf. Delighted by this, the man started walking towards the shifter, wondering if they’ll accept a dance from him, for old time’s sake.]
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hoshiwhxre · 4 years
Such a Good Little Girl. (kjk)
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Kim Junkyu ; Such a Good Little Girl
{ requested ; "when,,, can you like uhhhhhh maybe write uhhh junkyu + corruption kink + size kink pleaseeeeeee" }
description: Junkyu wants nothing more than to corrupt the little sister of his best friend. He dreams about making you his personal whore, fucking you until you're shaking mess. He knows you want him too, he knows what he does to you, and eventually, he finds himself unable to resist you any longer.
typ: dom!junkyu x fem!reader
rating: NSFW
warnings: corruption!kink , size!kink , overst!mulation , male!receiving, fem!receiving , degradat!on , power!play , slight exh!bitionism , unprotected!sex , oral!sex just lots and lots of smut l o l
word count: 4.4k
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     He’d never forget the first day he met you. That pastel pink dress grazing your mid thigh, those big round eyes gazing up at him, a sweet smile that always followed the lightest giggle. He remembered your stare following across the room, blushing everytime he satisfied your curiosities with a smirk or a sparkle. With each fluster under his dark eyes, a surge of adrenaline shot through his heart. God, how he'd do anything to corrupt that pretty little body of yours. He knew he could so easily command you, and he shivered at the thought of towering over you while you begged him to just fuck you.
He took the obvious power he had over you for advantage, revelling in your stammered reaction to his hand brushing your waist, or his breath tickling the back of your neck as his body pressed intimately against you.
Every little thing he did made you feel unusually hot, your thighs constantly pressed tight to keep your wet core from dripping down your skin. He caused your stomach to knot, your heart pounding everytime he held your gaze. You felt dizzy and weak whenever he was around.
But his silent teasing, no matter how much it dominated your entire body, lead to nothing. You were his best friend's little sister, and he knew that the things he was desperate to do to you were off the cards.
Well, they were until that day.
      "Move up," Jihoon demanded, striding towards the sofa, "we want to watch the game."
He was approaching too quickly for you too argue, and you hurriedly scooched along the leather, dragging your notes to the side and sighing impatiently.
      "Junkyu's here too, so make room," Jihoon waved his hand, indicating for you to either go upstairs or allow for more space.
The mention of your brother's friend's name made you tense, your heart stopping, filling you with a swarm of dizzying butterflies. Your eyes rose, meeting his familiar soft features as they stepped into the living room. You obediently moved up, gaze attempting to remain on your textbook as Junkyu slowly approached. Feeling him fall down between you and Jihoon, your breath caught, trying to act as though his presence wasn't heating your body up to unimaginable temperatures. His legs spread a little, his thigh brushing intimately against yours, and your eyes rolled back beneath your lids. His figure was still so much taller than you, even while sitting down, and you stole a glance at his large hands resting loosely between his legs. Glancing up, Junkyu's lips twitched, noticing your eyes dart hurriedly back to your book. His tongue passed over his lip as his orbs grazed over the big hoodie drowning your body, your small fingers playing absent mindedly with glossy pages.
      "Who's playing?" Junkyu drawled.
You shivered, his deep voice sending shocks to your tightening core.
      "We're playing against France," Jihoon replied, flicking through the channels.
With a nod, Junkyu dragged his hand towards his knee, his veins flexing beneath his smooth skin, drawing your breathless attention immediately down. You cursed yourself inwardly for how easily he distracted you, insisting you should leave, that you couldn't take anymore of the things he made you feel.
      "They're doing so badly," Jihoon groaned, loudly, leaning forward to place a more intense concentration on the game.
As he did, Junkyu's hand slipped down, grazing over your bare skin as his touch danced across your leg. Your lips fell open, stifling a gasp as his palm flattened firmly against your thigh, his thumb beginning to rub light circles into your goosebumped skin. Your eyes shot up, making sure Jihoon couldn't see, before darting towards Junkyu's head turned lazily towards the screen. Your breath was growing heavy, as his palm began gliding further up, pushing beneath your hoddies thick material.
      "If he'd just passed it to him, they could have made that goal," Junkyu drawled.
His fingers pushed up, grazing over your panties, and your breath hitched, watching his lips curl into a smirk - knowing he could feel your arousal beginning to seep through the thin material. He pressed in lightly, his touch hovering over your clothed clit, and ever so slightly your hips lifted up, struggling to control your body from magnetising to his grip. You could see stars, your judgement completely overwhelmed with arousal - and feeling him begin to retract, your hand shot down, desperately holding him in place. Junkyu's eyebow cocked, glancing at you from the corner of his eye, feeling your small fingers dig into his large hand. Scoffing, his orbs shone with a playful glisten, as he guided your panties to the side. His stare floated over your brother, making sure he wouldn't see as Junkyu dragged two warm digits between your folds. Your teeth sank into your lip, a sharp pleasure controlling your chest as he ran a teasing circle over your pleading clit. Feeling you so wet for him made him shiver with excitement. Just as he applied pressure to the sensitive skin, your thighs clenched around his wrist, not used to the raw sensation now consuming your core. A satisfied grin licking at his mouth, Junkyu continued to play lightly with your clit, circular motions accompanied by slight squeezes and soft scratches. The new pleasure was fast climbing through stomach, hitting your chest with a breathy moan you immediately muffled with a cough.
      "If you're ill you can go upstairs," Jihoon called, attention thankfully still fixed on the screen.
      "I'm fine," you croaked, your weak voice bringing a smug delight to Junkyu's spine. He could feel you twitching, writhing beside him, your pleasure uncontrollable as he allowed his roughening movements to fasten on your throbbing clit. Your fingers collapsed against his hand, your teeth pulling at your lip in sheer desperation. A strange sensation was beginning to engulf you, shooting through your body, flying to your brain, getting higher, and higher, and suddenly...
Junkyu's hand dragged from between your tensed thighs, leaving you with an unfair emptiness to override the previous pleasure. Lazily, he brushed his fingers through his hair as if nothing had happened, leaving your stilled body breathless beside him. You didn't dare look, afraid you'd explode if Junkyu met your gaze with those deeply intense eyes. Swallowing to rejuvenate your dry mouth, your trembling arms hauled yourself up, forcing a stammered salutation before rushing hurriedly from the room.
      "What's her issue?" Jihoon frowned, "was she okay?"
Shrugging, Junkyu's stare danced over the empty doorway, his tongue pressing into his teeth in a desperate attempt to control the adrenaline surging through his heart.
      "I think so," he murmured, "she seemed pretty happy."
You, meanwhile, were holding shakily onto the kitchen's marble counters, your head so low it was nearly breaking from it's neck. Your chest heaved, your heart pounding against it like a prisoner. Every technique in the book had been tried to calm yourself down, but fuck, Junkyu's fingers were burnt into your memory, the tingles replaying through your core while your lids encased his smirk in your eyes.
The sound of your front door slamming shut shocked you from your daze, and you released a wheezy breath of relief. He'd gone. You no longer had to bear the thought of him sitting in the other room, completely unattainable for the desires you found yourself desperate for. Almost as soon as Junkyu had left your mind, he was back again, thickening the arousal that was once more pooling between your legs. As if controlled by magic, your hand was lowering, body pressed against the kitchen counter as you slipped beneath your hoodie, eyes misting as soon as you felt your wet drip from your panties. You wanted to touch yourself, to cum right here, to release yourself from this despair he'd left you in.
But your hand immediately retracted, remembering where you were and what you were about to do. You couldn't.
     "It's okay, just do it, imagine your fingers are mine, princess." That low drawl sent your core into fiery mania, and you immediately spun around, shaky gaze falling on Junkyu's familiar smirk leaning against the kitchen doorway. You choked on your words, your breath scratching your throat.
     "What's up, y/n? Cat's got your tongue?" slowly, he began to approach, dark eyes watching you intently, "what have I done to you, hm? Touching yourself right here, I've really got you that desperate?"
Your heavy breath met his chest as his palms pressed into the kitchen side, trapping you in. He bowed down, soft lips hovering over yours as he forced you against the cold metal of drawer's handles.
     "Junkyu," you whispered.
     "That's my name," he tilted his head, watching you melt before him, "say it again if you want. In fact, why don't you scream it?"
You whimpered, and Junkyu laughed, reaching up to brush your hair behind one ear. His jaw cocked towards yours, his eyes trained on the lower half of your face, and you suddenly nodded, palms shooting up to hook behind his neck. He immediately satisfied your desire, moulding his mouth against yours while his hands firmly snatched up your waist. Feeling Junkyu's tongue slip between your lips, you met him with a soft moan, allowing him to guide you slowly from the counter. His tall body dominated you easily, silently ordering you to move with it, his heavy palms keeping you tight to his chest.
     "B-But Jihoon..." you mumbled.
     "He's gone to pick Jaehyuk up," Junkyu purred, beginning to guide you towards the staircase, "let's hope he's away long enough to finish what I started earlier."
You whined in agreement as he pushed his mouth once more to yours, deepening the kiss as you both staggered to the second floor. Eyes flickering around, Junkyu targeted your room immediately, roughly shoving you over the threshold and kicking the door shut behind him. He paused for a moment, taking in your awating body stood before him. He'd waited so long to see you submissive for him, completely overcome with lust, waiting for him to just fuck you.
      "You're always such a good little girl, aren't you?" Junkyu breathed, eyes darkening as he stepped towards you, his palm reaching out to push your hoodie into the curves of your body. Leaning down, he brushed his lips over the skin just below your ear, the tip of his tongue drawing slow, delicate circles. You moaned quietly, head tilting to the side as his teeth pricked you with a small bite. Mouth raising to your ear, his warm breath forcing them to twitch with anticipation, he chuckled.
      "I'm going to make you my own dirty fucking whore."
You weakened against him, legs threatening to give way, lust consuming your every limb. Thoughts and desires you'd never felt in your entire life were spilling from your brain, yearning for Junkyu to abuse his power over you.
      "Please," you whimpered, "I-I'll do anything for you..."
      "You want me that bad, huh?" Junkyu smirked, his fingers brushing through your hair before abruptly snatching it back, "you won't even remember what innocence felt like when I'm finished with you."
Your moans hitched, as his hand guided your firmly to your knees.
      "Yes sir..."
Through hooded lids, you breathlessly watched him unbuckle and unzip his jeans, before holding out one steady palm. Your fingers took his obediently, a soft gasp sounding between your lips while he slowly slid your hand from the toned muscles of his lower stomach, to beneath the black material of his boxers. Grazing his hard shaft with an eager touch, you met Junkyu's sparkling eyes, and his lips curled into a satisfied grin as you almost immediately freed his cock from the cloth.
     "Aren't you an eager little slut? Hm? Can't you wait to have my cock in your mouth? Open up for me, baby."
Your lips parted, gazing up with big eyes as he took a firm hold of his stiff cock, pressing it against your flattened tongue with a hiss. One palm rested against the back of your head, fingers lightly massaging your scalp, as his hips drove slowly forward, pushing his cock deep between your cheeks. Hollowing immediately, your tongue wrapped around it’s shaft, tracing the veins as it approached the back of your throat. Forcing your head down, he encouraged you to take every inch, a low groan releasing as you gagged, setting the pace to exactly how he liked. Your nails dug into your thighs, lids screwing shut as his girth locked your jaw open wide. Every few moments, Junkyu would force your head to the base, holding you down to watch the strings of spit roll down your chin as you choked. Your eyes watered with his growingly faster thrusts, hips now bucking against your mouth as he fucked your face. With each thrust, Junkyu grunted a soft “fuck”, his fingers wrapped in your locks, his head rolling onto his shoulder with satisfied smirk. Your lids were drooping, eyes rolling back, your lips reddening from the friction of his cock passing back and forth, back and forth. By the second he seemed to enlarge against your tongue, his cock beginning to twitch uncontrollably, and yet he didn’t weaken once, his grip remaining firm, his hips remaining rhythmic. As your ears filled with his breathy groan, your head was abruptly yanked back, allowing you to suck in a shaky breath of air. Chest heaving, Junkyu gazed down through hooded eyes at the spit staining your chin, at the mascara beginning to collect beneath your lashes, and he reached down to graze his thumb over your trembling lower lip.
     “What would your brother say if he knew how much of a desperate whore you are for me?” he said gruffly, sharply pinching your chin between thumb and forefinger, “stand up.”
Legs shaky, you stumbled to your feet, remaining still as Junkyu strode slowly around your pathetic figure. His eyes raked your every detail, before he lowered down on the edge of your mattress, lazily leaning back against his palms.
     “Take off your clothes,” he commanded.
Your fingers immediately snatched down, curling beneath the hem of your hoodie to fumble it over your head, revealing a lacy bra and panties for Junkyu’s stare to consume. Throat dry, he swallowed, a rush of dizzying arousal completely knocking him off guard, and his hand lowered to find his hard cock brushing against his lower abdomen. Stroking it slowly, he watched as you removed each item of lingerie, your body small and bare for him to easily ruin.
     “What’s up, baby?” Junkyu teased, meeting your pleading, needy eyes as they held the sight of his cock leaking with pre cum, “you want me to fuck you? Do you? Why don’t you get on your knees and beg me.”
Once more, you fell to the floor, fingers sinking into the carpet as you steadily crawled towards his spread thighs, yearning to touch him again.
     “Please,” you whimpered, “fuck me, please.”
     “Oh, that’s not good enough,” Junkyu purred, tilting his head, “try harder, angel.”
     “Junkyu please,” your voice cracked, “I need you so badly, I want you inside of me I...”
Patting his thigh, Junkyu nodded once, eyes sparkling as he spoke the demand.
     “Come for a test ride,” he murmured.
You climbed up, his legs shifting slightly to provide you with a more comfortable seat on his lap. His palms took hold of your waist, raising your torso to hover you momentarily of his erect cock. Meeting your eyes, one hand guided the tip deep beneath the dripping folds of your pussy, allowing your arousal to wrap eagerly around his shaft. Easily, he pressed your body a few inches down, and your fingers shot out to dig deep into your shoulders, gasping sharply.
     “W-Wait,” you stammered, “it hurts, i-it’s too big...”
Eyes flickering with a surge of pleasure, Junkyu nodded.
     “Do you want me to stop?” he whispered.
Your head immediately shook, tilting your hips a little to allow a few more inches in, the sting of his cock stretching your pussy forcing you to still.
     “I’m a virgin,” your voice was hushed, “is that...is that okay?”
     “I know,” Junkyu’s warm breath tickled your lips, “are you sure you want to carry on?”
     “Yes...a-ah...” your voice caught as you winced, Junkyu encouraging you to take the remainder of his length, “J-Junkyu...”
Your sweet voice singing his name filled his ears, overcome with lust as you struggled to contain his girth. He travelled his touch over the curves of your body, moulding your breaths in his fingers before returning to your stiff, anxious hips.
     “See how it feels, baby,” Junkyu breathed, beginning to securely lift your hips, watching your features contort as his cock slid once more deep into your pussy. Continuing the pace, he allowed you to adjust, before you began to relax into him, hips winding in coordination to his guidance.
     “Hm, you like that? Is my cock stretching your tight little pussy?” Junkyu’s lips misted over yours, grunting as you began to wind your hips needily against his cock, using his shoudlers to steady your balance and fuel your careful bounces. Your body curled into his chest, your breath heavy against his skin, as you grew more evidently desperate. The pleasurable pain of his cock hitting your guts was working up a thicker arousal deep within your core, and suddenly you were riding him faster, allowing him to drive deeper, your chest twisting with a gentle whine.
     “Riding my cock like the dirty slut that you are,” Junkyu grunted, readily tugging his shirt over his head, “you desperate fucking whore.”
And suddenly his strong arms were forcing you to stop, hooking beneath your thighs and hauling you up as he rose to his feet, causing a fragile whimper to leave your lips. Your heart palpitated at the new found power that was filling his gaze, sinful flashes decorating his brown orbs. His cock stilled inside of you, he paced a few steps to slam you hard against the nearest bedroom wall, a shock of pain dancing down your spine. Your arms wrapped magnetically around his neck, and without a moments rest Junkyu drove is hips up into your pussy, immediately setting a vigorous pace that left you unable to make a coherant sound. His cock snapped fast and deep inside of you, reaching between your guts, grazing your G-spot. Your heavy breath buried in his neck, whining against his warm skin as Junkyu’s gritted teeth allowed him to concentrate on keeping the rhythm of his hips pounding into your pussy. With each thrust, he brushed your clit now throbbing between your folds, sending new sensations rushing through your tensed up veins.
     “What’s my name?” Junkyu growled in your twitching ear, “let me hear you say my fucking name.”
His name dripped from your lips like candy, as your nails dug into the back of his neck, and his teeth pricked at the sensitive skin just below your ear. You could feel his cock beginning to twitch against your walls, throbbing harder and harder the faster his hips reduced the space between your bodies. His breath hitched, and he moulded his lips messily against yours, silencing the groans that threatened to escape. His rhythm faltered, momentum failing him as his chest contorted with the prospect of orgasm. Your moans croaked and cried against his mouth, your eyes rolling behind your lids, as he aggressively chased his high. His fingers tightened around your thighs, your body banging against the wall, and his teeth pulled at your tongue, just as he purred a groaned curse. Tensing, he hissed in pleasure, as he came buried deep within your walls. Soon, his hips gradually slowed to deep, steady thrusts, and your head fell against his shoulder, panting, as his cum dripped down the inside of your thighs. For a moment, his lips played breathlessly with your shouder, giving him the time to regain a little more energy, recovering from the intense orgasm. Allowing you back to the floor, Junkyu brushed your hair from your red cheeks, a smirk drawing across his features.
     “I’m not done with you yet, babygirl,” he whispered heavily, snatching up your waist, chuckling as you weakly allowed him to control your limbs like putty, spinning you around and shoving you down first first to the mattress. Your fingers curled into the sheets, as you felt him kneel behind you, the large surface of his palms attaching to your ass. A sharp gasp stammered against the mattress as he landed a hard smack against one cheek, followed by a 2nd, a 3rd, a 4th, a stinging pain engulfing the entire area.
     “Tsk, you’re nothing but a needy little slut, God you just gave into me so easily didn’t you, hm?” a 5th slap shocked your body, and you stifiled a melodic moan, “oh, you like that? You like being punished like the nasty whore you are?”
Junkyu’s deep voice was followed by his hands flipping you carelessly over, meeting your weak eyes with a deep, steady stare. Your hands fluttered down your stomach, pleadingly beginning to touch your sensitive pussy, crying for him. His eyebrow immediately cocked, snatching up your wrists with a low tut and bringing them high above your head.
     “Bad girl,” he sucked in a breath, “who gave you permission to touch yourself? If you’re not careful, I might not let you cum.”
Your back arched, his fingers trailing deep inside your pussy, wrapping his digits in the remainder of his thick cum. Pulling them up your body, he hovered them over your lips, groaning as you obediently curled your tongue hungrily around them, lapping up his cum. As you licked the remainder from his finger tips, your small hand curling into his palm, allowing his digits to slip deeper into your mouth, Junkyu began to pepper open mouthed kisses down your cool stomach, tracing his lips further and further down your body. With his free hand, he caressed your twitching inner thigh, allowing his tongue and teeth to play teasingly with it’s skin, glancing up to greedily watch you suck at his fingers. His mouth was now dangerously approaching your pussy, and your hips shifted slightly, begging for him to please you properly. Your eagerness made him shiver with joy, and he detached his fingers from your mouth, lowering them to spread the folds of your pussy wide. He met your low gaze, smirking as his tongue slowly slipped between your slit, trailing up the wet mess of your pussy to begin pulsating light, irregular shapes over your throbbing clit. Your hands snatching into the bed sheets, you moaned a loud, desperate whine. Fuck it felt too good. All you could think about was him, him and only him. His lips now wrapping around your clit, two digits joining your overwhelming pleasure as they pushed deep inside your pussy, you cried out his name, completely giving in to his flickering tongue. Your pussy fluttered against his lips, hips seizing against his mouth to catch your high that you so crazily craved. Your stomach felt like it was on fire, your thighs clenching, and your chest shot up in a sharp breathed choke. His tongue played mercilessly with your clit, shooting an acute, cutting pleasure up your core. Your hands stumbled to find his hair in your shaking shivers, following the bobs of his head as he began to messily lap at your dripping cunt. You were beginning to shudder with orgasm, as your core snatched up a sudden knot, the orgasm expanding in your stomach getting bigger, bigger, your head getting lighter, lighter. Your sight filled with stars, your lips slightly parted, as your hips suddenly twitched, a warmth beginning to spread through your pussy, reaching your core like a tsunami. Your muscles tensed, contracting abruptly, and your voice caught in your throat, before the product of an intense orgasm rushed out in a loud, breathy moan. You pulled at Junkyu’s hair, his tongue twirling your clit, riding out your high until the pain of overstimulation took over your limbs. Feeling you twitch and shudder beside his head, he gazed up, staring deep into your weak, teary eyes, and his smirk engulfed your clit. You writhed against the mattress, back arching further to control the sensations that were mechanically sending your muscles into overwhelmed mania.
     “J-Junkyu, please, I can’t take anymore,” you whined, breath wheezy.
He held your eyes, pushing further into your cunt, his lips and tongue providing your clit with intense attention. You were already beginning to feel the same crashing of orgasm, your moans turning into “yes, yes, yes, o-oh, Junkyu”, that provided his pride an immense, satisfying ego boost. Once more, knots were building like lego inside your core, hurriedly tensing to meet your orgasm with the same pleasurable friction as before. Soon, your head filled with mist, unable to think straight as you shook with the 2nd stinging orgasm. Fuck. Heat pooled your core, meeting the knots with a powerful contraction, as your muscles snatched up the insane pleasure now sending endorphins rushing through your veins. You mewled in agreement, as the rush of orgasm shot into core, Junkyu’s tongue holding you out to the end of your body shaking high.
As you collapsed against the mattress, Junkyu detached his lips from your stunned clit, rising to brush his hands softly up your chest. He smiled slightly, admiring your frail, fucked out figure lying beneath him, and slowly he pressed a delicate kiss to your feeble lips.
     “You did so well,” he mumbled.
Your limp arms snaked around his neck, as he lowered to keep your body safe with his broad chest. He could feel your wheezy panting against his cheek, and he offered you sweet, reassuring kisses along your shoulder, giving you a few moments to regain yourself. As soon as your breathing began to normalise, he rolled onto his back, tugging you into a loose, intimate embrace. You buried your face in his chest, using his smooth skin to relax you, and your fingers began to trace gentle circles over the muscles of his lower stomach.
     “Did you like it?” Junkyu asked, quietly, playing lightly with your hair.
Glancing up, your small smile between a pair of flushed cheeks glistened in his fond gaze.
     “I liked it a lot,” you giggled, your tired voice making his brow furrow in concern.
     “Was I too rough?” Junkyu murmured, “did I hurt you?”
Pulling your body a little further up, you fluttered a kiss on his cheek, features blissful as you allowed your head to cuddle into his neck.
     “It was perfect.”
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classysassy9791 · 3 years
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Fandom: Inuyasha Genre: Romance/Humor/Fluff Pairing: InuKag Rating: T
Originally written for @inukag-week on tumblr circa 2016, now officially being updated. Its been a hot minute, hasn't it?
For InuKag Week - Day 2: Warmth
Part 1 l
Part 2 Word Count: 2,600
Can also be found on FFN and AO3.
Kagome couldn't remember the last time she had laughed so hard.
Sometime between the moment she met the arrogant, rude man known as Inuyasha and the three shots she had consumed, they had fallen into a flirtatious banter that she rather enjoyed. Gone was the pompous jerk who had so rudely called her audacious names, replaced by a man who proved to actually be decent company.
No, she hadn't forgotten about their initial meeting, but as she downed another shot of whiskey, she realized she didn't much care. For the first time in months - maybe longer - Kagome found herself enjoying her evening. With her shackles removed and her inhibitions lowered, she relished in the sweet taste of freedom that had been sorely lacking from her life.
"You did not!" she squealed with absurdity in her tone, clamping a hand over her mouth.
Inuyasha chuckled, tilting his glass and giving a half-shrug. "I did," he confessed sheepishly, but not at all ashamed of his actions. "Miroku ran down the dorm hall, completely naked, screaming after me."
Kagome shook her head. "I can honestly say I have never stolen my roommates clothes while they were in the shower. Or pulled any pranks on them, really."
"To be fair," he continued, signaling the bartender for another round. "He actually met his girlfriend that way."
"By running naked down the hallway?"
He nodded. "Knocked her down and stopped to apologize."
"Still want to leave the tab open?" Kouga interrupted.
"Yeah, that's fine." Inuyasha finished off his beer. "Another round of whiskey shots while you're at it."
Flashing Kagome a smile, Kouga took their empty glasses. "You're going to dry me out."
"It's still early," Kagome barbed playfully. "Your bar will last until midnight at the very least."
He chuckled, filling up their shot glasses and handing them another drink. "Oh, thanks. I was afraid I'd have to close up soon."
Leaving with a, "flag me down if you need me," Kouga wandered to the other end of the bar where a busty blonde waved at him.
Typical, Kagome thought sourly. On the one hand, she didn't like the way her thoughts were turning, considering she didn't really know Kouga, and hated grouping him in with the rest of the spineless male population she had become accustomed to - especially since he was a bartender and it was literally his job to tend to the needs of his customers. But on the other hand, she couldn't help but feel bitter about his attention leaving her. Maybe it was because she had so blatantly been deprived of it for so long, that her longing for companionship had been exacerbated ten-fold.
Taking a sip of beer - which she had switched to once they started doing shots - Kagome heard her phone buzz in her purse again; it had already gone off several times during her conversation with Inuyasha. She finally pulled it out and unlocked it, frowning at the array of messages popping up on her screen.
Inuyasha raised a brow at the irritable look that overcame her expression before Kagome sighed and locked her phone. She quickly downed her shot of whiskey, not even bothering to 'cheers' him.
"Everything okay?" Inuyasha questioned, against his better judgement. There was a reason people showed up by themselves at a bar on Friday nights - either to drown their sorrows in whiskey or to find company for a few fleeting, midnight hours.
Kagome pressed her lips together. She didn't come to the bar to talk about her problems. She wasn't some sad case that needed a therapist to pour her drinks. If anything, she wanted to forget about the emotional damage that had been inflicted earlier that day. Her heart had been broken, her ego bruised, and no matter how many times her friends had told her he wasn't worth it, their sympathies didn't make her feel any better.
But, alcohol had a funny habit of turning into truth serum, and she found herself spilling her guts before she could stop herself. "Just my ex-boyfriend - er, fiance - blowing up my phone."
Inuyasha chuckled. "Can't take a hint, huh?"
Kagome shrugged with a bitter smile. "I mean, he broke off the engagement. Not sure why he can't follow through with his decision."
She had expected sympathy, perhaps even empathy. That's what most people offered in a situation like this, when they didn't know what to say or how to react. But Kagome was caught off-guard by Inuyasha's next question.
"How long were you together?"
Kagome eyed him curiously, his honey gaze hiding a wealth of understanding. "Five years," she answered him, twirling a strand of her dark hair around her finger. "Planned our life together, put a ring on it, and even booked the venue. But… I suppose he got cold feet a long time ago."
"His loss. What kind of bastard would put someone through that?"
She hummed thoughtfully, but didn't answer. It wasn't in her best interest to start talking about the past now, and she would rather take the spotlight off of herself all together. "What about you?" she asked her barstool companion as she took another sip of beer. "Any lucky ladies in your life?"
Inuyasha chuckled mirthlessly. "Nah, not anymore."
Kagome arched a brow. "Dare I ask?"
"Not much to tell. Her career and ambitions drove a wedge between us, and she decided they were more important than me. Simple as that."
"Sounds high maintenance."
He grinned. "Something like that. I mean, she knew what she wanted and didn't care what stood in her way. Even me."
Kagome felt an ache beneath her breast for the man beside her. She knew the pain of rejection very well. "Put out in the rain just like a dog. Doesn't that bother you?" she asked, tilting her head.
He frowned at her choice of words, and Kagome knew she may have touched a nerve then, but the alcohol had stripped her of her filter apparently.
"Well, I guess we're all damaged somehow," he replied with a shrug.
She scrunched her nose. "That's a bit thoughtless."
"What can I say? Shit happens. Get over it."
And then Kagome suddenly remembered the arrogant, rude, condescending jerk she had met when she had sat down at the bar earlier in the night. She narrowed her eyes. "Why are you such an ass?"
Inuyasha smirked while bringing his beer to his lips. "You are what you eat?"
Kagome let loose a growl of frustration. She had only known him for a short time, but she had quickly learned that Inuyasha was the most infuriating human being on the planet! "Your immaturity is revolting," she stated matter-of-factly, waving down Kouga for another shot of whiskey. She was definitely not drunk enough to deal with the way the conversation had turned.
"I'm not known for my friendly disposition."
Kagome glared at the man sitting next to her. "Is it fun being a jerk to me? Does it satisfy you?"
Inuyasha chuckled. "Actually, it is pretty entertaining."
She rolled her eyes. "You know, Inuyasha. You can hide behind that fake bravado all you want, but I know you're just a big softie underneath."
"Keh," he grumbled, finishing off his beer.
Kagome threw him a glare. "What? No witty repartee?"
He set down his empty glass with a little more force than usual, grabbing Kagome's attention. "I know your type, wench," he snapped, his amber eyes boring into hers. "I know exactly the kind of person you are; all high and mighty, acting as if you're better than everyone else. You think you can show someone how great life can be and how fantastic it is if I would just try. Well, sorry to break it to you, sweetheart, but not everyone is worth saving, all right?"
His words left Kagome stunned into silence for a brief moment. How did their witty banter only a few minutes ago turn into this? This… This denied anger and unadulterated cynicism had Kagome reeling, her thoughts turning to what exactly had penetrated Inuyasha's life so completely that he had such a negative outlook on such.
She pursed her lips. "How much do you think you're worth?"
Inuyasha shrugged. "Like twenty bucks. Or two twinkies." He grinned at his own comment, but Kagome didn't find it very funny.
If anything, Kagome felt pity for him. No matter how bleak her life became, she always managed to find the good in it. If a person couldn't do that… Well, that was a pretty sad way to live. "As much as I would love to hear you divulge all of your secrets, this is a great song and I feel like dancing."
"Look, wench," Inuyasha barked out, his anger palpable. "I'm not looking for your validation. I'm pretty fucking happy with my life of dirty pennies and whiskey bottles. We don't all need to be Barbie."
She looked over at him, the low dim of the bar lights shining off his silver hair, and found she could only nurse one wounded heart at a time. "I just wanted you to leave tonight and think the world is a little less horrible than you thought."
"Hey, pretty lady," Kouga greeted as he appeared at the perfect time with another shot of whiskey for her and a full beer, stealing her full attention away from Inuyasha.
Kagome immediately downed the shot and chased it with her beer, ready to forget half of the night and lose herself in the music pounding through the speakers. As the evening wore on, the bar became busier, and the DJ had started up a round of tunes that had half the customers on the dance floor.
Kouga watched her curiously, arching a brow. "You alright there?"
"Dance with me?" she called over the bass pounding through the speakers. Oh yes, it was now the time of the night in which she had no qualms for asking for what she wanted.
He chuckled and glanced over at the other bartenders who appeared to have things under control. "You can steal me for a few minutes."
Kagome grinned and giggled like a school girl, leaving Inuyasha behind without delay. Kouga met her at the end of the bar and took her hand in his as she pulled him out onto the dance floor.
Some upbeat dance music blasted through the speakers. Kagome moved and swayed through the bodies crowding near the DJ, the vibrations of the music becoming part of her energy, raising her up several levels at once. Gone were her heartbroken wallows and the biting arrogance of her barstool companion. Her mind buzzed with pure joy. She moved in her dress like her hips were made to sway, the black sequins catching the disco ball that twirled above, causing her to glitter on the dance floor.
Kouga pulled her close, his strong hand pressed against the small of her back, his chiseled chest pressed against hers. She ran her fingers through her messy hair and pulled it to the side, feeling the beat of the music pound with each beat of her heart. Bodies pressed in tighter all around them. Kagome felt the part of her that was really her come out to play, to feel the vibe of the music and let her body go free.
"You're beautiful," Kouga's voice whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.
His lips looked soft and very kissable, and Kagome knew her decision-making skills were indeed hindered by the alcohol that buzzed through her veins. And then his attention was caught by something else, his royal blue eyes pulling from hers to the outskirts of the dance floor. He said something to her, attempting to shout above the music, but his words were swallowed up by the electric beat that kept her entranced.
Kagome felt his hands slip from around her waist and he disappeared into the crowd. She didn't bother to follow, her hands playing with her hair, her hips moving to the music as she lost herself within it. This was what her heartbroken soul had fiercely needed; a night to forget all the troubles of the day.
Large, meaty hands found her waist, but they were unfamiliar and too warm to the touch. Kagome felt a warm flush find her cheeks as she gazed up to meet a stranger's hazy stare. He pulled her in close - too close - and even in her alcohol-ridden mind, she felt mild panic begin like sparks in her abdomen.
She tried to push him away, first gently and then forcefully, pretending to laugh at his behavior. "Thanks for the dance, but I need some fresh air."
"C'me on, baby," he slurred, pulling her tighter to his sweaty frame, his hot breath rolling over her skin. "We just met. Let's dance s'me more."
Kagome frowned. "I said no." Before she could stomp on his foot and fight her way out of the throng of dancers, the man was forcefully pulled away from her. They became separated by another man, one with very familiar silver hair who had his back to her. She didn't hear the words exchanged, but whatever was said was enough to send the man scampering off to the other side of the bar.
Inuyasha turned around, his piercing honey eyes studying her expression, before his hand gently wrapped around her waist. His grip on her wasn't strong like Kouga's, or possessive like the stranger. Inuyasha's hand was warm against the small of her back, and the anxiety she felt moments ago melted away.
"You okay?" he asked, swaying his hips in tune with hers as they continued to dance to the beat of the music.
She grinned up at him. "Were you worried about me, jerk?"
"Keh," he grumbled, his lips pulling into a smirk. "I despise you more than any other human I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. You're loud and wild and apparently have no sense of self-preservation. You also act like you have the mental capacity of a five year old."
"Are you flirting with me?" she barbed in return.
His hand found the back of her neck, his fingers finding purchase in her hair, his hips grinding against hers. Warmth pooled into the pit of her stomach, his breath caressing her skin, and she moved her lips to find his.
Kagome barely had a moment to react before he pressed his tongue to the seam of her lips and delved inside her mouth. It was a very sloppy kiss with the strong scent of beer being exchanged between their billowing breaths. Her arm reached up and tangled around his strong neck. She pulled away and arched up into his broad chest, letting a moan escape in the contact of body heat against her own, before she drew back into his lips.
She could nearly taste the slight bitterness of the beer as it rolled off her tongue and seeped down her throat with every push of his tongue against hers. The kiss coupled with the beer and whiskey humming through her system obliterated every thought. For the first time that day, her mind was locked into the present. Her usual concerns for her life were suspended, and she had no wish for the kiss to end.
But as the music changed, they pulled apart. Inuyasha's skin shimmered with sweat and his amber eyes flecked with gold held her gaze. The beat of the music consumed them under the crazy neon lights, and Kagome felt alive during a night that was still so young.
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fruitcoops · 4 years
I don't know if you did this already (I'm sorry if you did) or somebody asked but could you do one where they supportive teammates reacts to homophobic teammates
Hello anon! This is a super interesting idea and I’ve been thinking about it for a couple days so I could get the vibe right--none of our boys would be homophobic, but new rookies on the other hand...
Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove, but this features a character who does not appear in SW (I’m not claiming him as an OC because he’s a dick)
TW for homophobic statements, no slurs
James caught sight of the new guy just as he was leaving the locker room, towel draped over his neck. “Rookie! Wait up, man!”
The other man paused, looking rather surprised as he jogged over. “Hey, you’re James, right?”
“Call me Pots.” He held his hand out and they shook. “Didn’t catch your name earlier, sorry.”
“Tanner Chase, nice to meet you.”
“Welcome to the team, Tanner.” James grinned. “You’re on my line, yeah?”
“Yeah, I’m a winger,” Tanner said with a good bit of pride. Oh, to be twenty again, James thought. “Giving you a run for your money.”
“Sure, kid,” James laughed. “You do that. You’d have better luck with me than Loops, though.”
Tanner’s smile turned a little sharp. “Nah, he’d be too easy, am I right?”
James paused. “What?”
“Y’know, since he’s…” Talker gave him a significant look and a stone sank in James’ gut.
“I think you lost me.” I hope this isn’t what I think it is. “Because he’s a rookie? ‘cause I hate to break it to you, but—”
“No, dude, because he’s a fairy,” he snorted, as if they were still joking around.
“Shut the fuck up.”
Tanner blinked and reeled back. “Excuse me?”
“You don’t get to talk about my friends like that. Don’t talk about anyone like that. It’s not tolerated on this team and I won’t hesitate to kick your ass if I hear it again.” James made sure his voice was as even as possible, but he could tell it shook at the edges. “You just used up your one free pass, Chase.”
“Drive safe, Loops!” Talker called as Remus headed for the hall with his bag under his arm.
Sirius opened the door just as he reached it and his face broke into a smile. “Bonjour, mon amour, I was just looking for you. Ready to go?”
“Hiya, handsome.” He leaned up to peck him on the lips. “Yeah, I think I left my phone on the bench, though.”
Their conversation faded out as they wandered off together and Talker returned to his stretch, closing his eyes at the familiar burn in his hamstring. “Yikes,” the new rookie muttered under his breath. Tanner…something, Talker remembered.
“What’s up? You okay?”
Tanner glanced over at him. “Doesn’t it bother you?”
“Stretching? Not really, no. That’s why I do it.”
“No, not stretching. That.” He waved a hand at the slightly-open door.
“I can close it if you—”
“Dude.” Talker crossed his legs and faced him fully. “I mean Black and Lupin.”
Talker narrowed his eyes. “No. Does it bother you?”
“I mean, yeah, how am I supposed to respect a guy like that?” he scoffed.
Talker made direct eye contact with him; he wanted zero miscommunication about this. “You respect him because he’s your captain, which is a title he earned that has nothing to do with who he loves. And you respect Loops, too, or we’re going to have an issue. I don’t know what the fuck you’re thinking bringing that attitude to this team, but you better drop it right now.”
Tanner turned back to his stretch. With a shake of his head, Talker collected his stuff and left him alone on the mats.
“Hey, Harzy.” Tanner sat down next to Finn on the bench and passed him a waterbottle. There was a shout from the ice as Remus stole the puck from Sirius’ stick and raced toward the goal, laughing loudly.
“Tan-man, what’s up?”
“What’s the deal with them?” he asked, lowering his voice.
“Cap and Loops? They’re engaged, didn’t you know?”
“Yeah, I know.” There was a slight tone shift that made Finn’s skin crawl. “But what do you think about it? Isn’t it, like, a little weird being on the same team as them?”
“Uh, no.”
Tanner’s eyebrows rose. “You aren’t afraid they’re looking at you or something?”
“What part of ‘engaged’ don’t you understand?” Finn’s jaw tightened. What a little shit. “If this is some homophobic fuckery, I’d like to take this time to remind you I have two boyfriends before you say something that gets you punched.”
Tanner’s eyes went wide and he scooted away without a word.
“Alright, everyone, Sid’s tonight?” Kasey shouted over the noise. The whole locker room cheered in agreement and he smiled as the buzz of victory filled his chest. “Knutty, since my team kicked your ass, I believe you owe me a pizza!”
“I still say Cap is a cheater!” Leo called back; within a few seconds, Sirius had him in a loose headlock as he ruffled his hair. “Alright, alright, I give!”
The volume level did not die down as they all flooded into the hallway—Kasey spotted a flash of mousy brown hair out of the corner or his eye and frustration lodged in his throat. In a smooth movement, he reached out and blocked Tanner from following the rest of the group out. “Not you.”
“But it’s a team dinner—”
“And you’re not part of the team until you get your head out of your ass,” he said coolly. The jumble of voices echoed around the corner. That was his team. “Don’t think I missed those looks you were shooting Cap and Loops. You’re not invited. Go home and think about what actually matters.”
They won the next game by a landslide. Arthur Weasley was furious. Every time an opponent came to check Tanner Chase, not a single Lion moved to help him. At one point, Pots had taken the puck right off his stick and skated down the ice for a goal, leaving him in the dust. Whenever Chase was on the bench, he was pointedly ignored by the rest and left to sit alone; Logan literally sat on Talker’s lap to avoid being within five feet of the rookie.
“Team meeting, everyone sit your asses down!” he barked as he entered the locker room. Immediately, the celebratory whoops quieted. “Anyone want to tell me what the hell is going on?”
Sirius looked up at him in confusion. “I thought we played pretty well, Coach.”
“You played fine, but Chase over here got the cold shoulder like I’ve never seen before. Even the fucking commentators noticed!”
“Good,” Finn muttered under his breath.
“Shut it, O’Hara, this is not good.” He took a deep breath to try and calm himself. “Once again, does anyone want to enlighten me on this sudden attitude toward rookies? Since when are we like this?”
“It’s not toward rookies, it’s toward him,” Kasey said, glaring at Tanner from his stall. “He’s a homophobic douchebag. You want to tell Coach what you said?”
Tanner stared at the floor.
Arthur’s fury vanished. “What? Chase, is that true?” The rookie stayed silent. “Hey, kid, I’m talking to you.”
“Yes, Coach.” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Remus’ jaw tick and Sirius’ face grow stormy.
“How long has this been going on?”
“It started the first day of practice,” Pots said, crossing his arms. “Our first conversation, in fact.”
“Eyes on me, rookie.” Tanner winced as he looked up. “I know the organization has told you in the past that this kind of behavior is okay, but right here and right now, I’m telling you it’s not. If you’re going to continue with that, you can leave.”
“I just get uncomfortable when—”
“When what?” Remus asked, standing up and leaning on his stall. He looked overall unthreatening, but there was a stony look in his eyes. “Tanner, what did Sirius and I do to make you uncomfortable?”
Tanner floundered for a moment. “It’s just—the kissing, the cuddling, the nicknames, all that.”
“You didn’t seem to have a problem when Lily came to visit,” Remus continued. “Or Natalie, or Noelle, or Celeste. Is that correct?”
“But it bothers you when I call my fiancé ‘baby’, or he calls me ‘sweetheart’?”
“It does.”
“Tanner, I hope you know I’m not going to apologize,” he finally said. “If this had nothing to do with us being gay, we would tone down the PDA, but that’s clearly not the case.”
Sirius sighed. “None of us want to alienate you, but you’re making judgements before taking the time to know us. That’s a shitty thing to do.”
“You’ve never met an openly gay person before, have you?” Remus asked. Tanner shook his head. “Hi, I’m Remus Lupin. I play a wing position on the hockey team that you were just signed to and my favorite color is green. I have a dog named Hattie and I’m engaged to a man. Nice to meet you.”
Sirius walked across the room; Arthur tensed for a moment, but he stopped in front of Tanner and held his hand out. “Sirius Black, team captain. I play center and I hate pineapple pizza. Also, I’m gay. Congrats on being signed to the Lions.”
Tanner’s eyes flickered up, and after a moment’s hesitation, he shook Sirius’ hand. “Nice to meet you.” He swallowed thickly. “Cap.”
“Nice to meet you, too. Are we done with the bullshit?”
“It—it might take me a bit to get used to it.”
“Make it quick. We’ve got games to win and nobody here has time to hold your hand through it.” Sirius turned to look at everyone else, his Captain Face in full effect. “That goes for everyone, got it? No more cold shoulders, we talk this through like adults as soon as it happens.”
“You got it, Cap,” Pots said.
“Black, Lupin, can we talk?” Coach beckoned them toward the door; just before it closed, he saw Talker walk over to Tanner’s stall.
“That’s why you respect Cap and Loops,” Talker said quietly. “Not because of threats or some shit—because of that right there.”
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lovebegins · 4 years
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*janice ian from mean girls voice* 2020... how do I even being to explain 2020? quite a shit year but besties, y'all made it bearable! here's a lil thing I wanted to make to express my gratitude! i love you 💘💘💘
pick someone supportive gc
@larryiswhatilivefor if i start explaining how much love you and how thankful i am to you, we’re gonna be here for the rest of eternity. but i’m gonna try summing it up in a couple sentences. im so lucky to have you in my life??? u make my life so bright and light!!! i am always thinking about you, always wondering what you’re doing and if you’re smiling. i’m so fucking lucky to call u my soulmate, my louis to my harry, my jimin to my taehyung 🥺 i love you so so so much 💘 hopefully i can come visit you in 2021 and know what being in your arms feels like 💖 i love u
@chupahojadee hi mortal enemy 👅 wanna meet in the parking lot of McD, fight and make out afterwards? deeeeeee, I love you so much. you’re such a huge inspiration to me. you’re incredibly strong and you love people with such intensity, it makes me feel so safe. i never have to worry about any kind of judgement when talking to you. never afraid to make mistakes because i know i’ll always be loved. i love you so so much and so thankful to you. 💗💗💗
@sapphichalo helloooo baby!!!!! i miss you so much!! i miss ft’ing with you and chas soooo much. ugh i wish we weren’t so busy 😩 can’t wait to move to our island and be sapphic as hell and live happily ever after 💕💕 i love you so much!! hope you’re doing well and happy new year!!!!!!
@hotgirlhannibal hiiii (gayly) sab 🌸🌸🌸 i love seeing you on my dash so much! you’re so cool and funny ? iconic, me thinks 😎 it’s always comforting to see you on my dash! i hope you’re doing well and happy new year!!!! 💖💖💖
chas, olivia and tris!! ilysm you’re the loveliest angels 🍒 this gc is the best thing that ever happened to me. you’re my comfort, you’re my happiness, you’re my home. you’ve given me everything i’ve ever wanted. you made me realise how pure love can be. how loving can make one strong. you make me strong. i miss you all so so so much. you are the greatest loves of my life.
desi gays gc
@finelinedwalls oshiiiiiii we're besties bc of zayn and my stalking tendencies and I think it's beautiful!!!! the fact that we have so many shared interests between us!!!!! AHHHH!!!!! ultimate stan-brain-rot-besites <3 if not you, who would listen to me yell about hq!!!! about bts!!!! i love you so much and I'm manifesting a year of decolonization for both of us ✨✨✨ happy new year!!!! 💓💓💓
@alwayysyou hello aditi !!! ahh I'm so glad I hunted down your blog and sent you that text! you're so cool and fun and ahhh such a great person. it was really fun making that discord server with you even if none of us use it! we share a mutual love for organization and I stan you so hard for that!!! here's to hoping a fun filled 2021 where we make more memories together 💘 happy new year!!!! 💗💗💗
@amateurd18 amiiiiii hello!!!! ahhh I'm so glad you were able to join the mess that is desi gays! I'm so glad that we know each other!!!! you're so cool and so patient, ahh so much to learn from you 💓 I hope we can get to know each other better in 2021 and make more memories!!!! happy new year! 🥰🥰
bts friends
@everythingoes - taylor 🥺 my first supporter ever !!!! i was so shook when you rb'd my gifset and been constantly in awe of you since then! you're so cool and talented and so kind! i love your gifs so much and I miss you immensely!!! i hope you're doing great and that you have a lovely new year 💘💘💘 thank you for all the love !!!
@magicjin - al 😭😭😭 I can't even begin this without wanting to sob!!!! i love you SO much????? you're THE coolest person I've ever known! the artistry!!!! the kindness!!!! the person that you are????? I'm in awe and also a little bit (a lot, actually) in love with you. your edits... your gifs... the talent? unmatched. your love???? your kindness??? UNMATCHED. thank you jungkook bwl lover shirt 🙏🏼 I found one of my favourite people ever bc of that shirt !!!!! i absolutely love how bwl is our song. i love you so so so much 💗hope you have the nicest new year ✨✨✨
@bimbojoon - saraaaaa my fav desimyyyy <333 it's an honour to match urls and love joon with you!!!! i always try to find desi people on here and ahhh im so glad I found you!!! i love how easy it was to talk to you!!!! i love you so much!!! and I hope you have the bestest new year, a new year to make the love you have for joon bloom even brighter 💗💗💗💗
@userjiminie rafa!!!!!! bestie <3333 love you so much? i love that I found you and started talking you so quick! you're so fun to talk to! i love how we just ranted to each other about a dumb thing? that honestly bought me so much comfort! I'm so so so glad that I met you!!!! also your edits????? your gifs????? THEYRE SO STUNNING!!!! you're SO SO talented omg !!!!!! and so so cool !!! i have so much love for you!!! 💗💗💗 I wish you a lovely new year's ✨
@sugacutie - andy 🥺 how !!!! can !!! i !!! even !!! being !!! to !!! explain !!! how !!! fond !!! my !!! heart !!! gets !!! when !!! i !!! think !!! about !!! you!!! you're the sweetest person ever omg. thank you so much for hosting secret santa! it was so fun sending messages to my secret receiver (?) and ahhhh the fact that we just started talking about bts!!!!! ahhh you're so lovely and easy to talk to! thank you so much for the playlist! I'm gonna treasure it forever 💗 I hope you're doing well and hope you have a great new year's day!
fav bestie
@citrusgal - saaaaammm!!!!! my fav citrus gal <33 we have no interests in common except for social justice and loving pretty things and yet we work!!!!! you're so cool and you're always doing something really sick! i love you 💕💕💕 I hope you have the bestest new year!!!!
treasured mutuals 💗
@jinglebellrock @larryissocute @himbojin @atomicqueer @anjalibutch @dnpbants @svpportive @harrysau @ignaciovarga @wolfmanmp3 @jhumkalesbian @vocaline @transberries @sleepwalk-living @namjooniex3 @jintae @soft-lou @h-isforhome @fightofthestars @dionysuswearsanorangetracksuit @haikyuuprettysettersquad @dnpbants
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lov3nerdstuff · 5 years
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*Loki x reader*
Parts: Drabble/Oneshot
Words: 1.7k
Summary: Loki witnesses an incident in the library that makes it all the harder for him to keep his feelings for you a secret. Until he can't any longer...
A.N.: This was part of Someone to you! I cut it out because it didn't fit the story anymore, then planned on using it in Being Human, but that also didn't really fit... So here it goes as a drabble! Enjoy 💗
One late autumn night, it was still a few hours too early for your usual visit to Loki's room for your daily conversations about just everything, he was looking through the library in search of a new read that wouldn't bore his mind into oblivion. Sauntering through the aisles had become somewhat of a habit of his, the darkness of the room and the presence of so many impeccable pieces of literature had a calming effect on his constantly troubled mind. And it distracted him from the very strong and very irritating feelings he'd started to develop for you over the course of your friendship. Every night you came to visit, it would lead the god into a spiral of excitement, joy and irritation, for he just did not know what to make of these new and dangerously strong emotions for you.
He picked up a book with sixteenth century French poetry, flipping through the pages without actually looking at the words (he'd read them before anyway), when he heard the large doors being pushed open rather forcefully.
"Look, I know it's none of my business, but… it is my fucking business." Tony snapped, but Loki could see neither him nor the person he was talking to from behind the many aisles of books.
"It's really none of your business." You replied coldly, making Loki rise his eyebrows to himself in surprise. Maybe it wasn't the nicest thing to snoop on your conversation… but he was still the god of mischief after all.
"It is my business if it happens in my house!" Stark protested loudly and Loki inevitably rolled his eyes.
"This isn't your house, Tony. It's the Avengers base, and if you like it or not, he is one of you." Your voice sounded so harsh, so determined… unlike anything Loki had ever heard from you. To him, you were always so heartmeltingly kind, so fragile inside out that he didn't even know if you possessed what it took to be of serious assistance in battle.
"He is here because we need Thor, and that was the absolutely only reason I agreed to let him stay." Tony sighed. So this was about Loki himself, after all… "If it wasn't for Thor, Loki would be locked up in a cell in the basement. And he will be, the moment he lays a hand on you."
"You have absolutely no right to decide that… Don't forget who you are talking to, and be careful who you talk about." You hissed back at the man of iron, and Loki's heart did a strange and overwhelming fluttering thing that it hadn't ever done before. Was it odd that he found this harsher side of you irresistibly attractive?
"But you do? Is that why you're sneaking into his room every night? To hook up with him because no one else is available and…" Tony didn't get to talk on, his words disrupted by a muted, strangled noise that made Loki frown. Now he simply couldn't resist the temptation to see what was going on anymore, and he peaked around the corner of the bookshelf. What he saw indeed caused his lips to part and his eyes to widen inevitably.
"Don't EVER dare speaking to me like that again." Your voice echoed through the entire room as Stark floated motionlessly mid-air in between the bookshelves, unable to move or even speak. Yet, you hadn't even lifted a finger, nor spoken a word. You merely stood still, relaxed as ever, watching the man in front of you hanging in the open space. "You are one of the very few people in this world who know exactly who I am and what I am capable of and I expect you to behave accordingly. When I ask you to leave Loki alone, you will do it. When I ask you to stop mocking him, you will do it and when I ask you to trust my judgement, you will do it AT ONCE. Understood?"
With a loud thud, Stark dropped to the floor, breathing heavily.
"Yeah yeah, I got it. Reindeer Games is all yours." He replied, out of breath, and Loki's immediate thought was that he would give anything to be yours indeed.
"Don't call him that. He doesn't like it and thus I do not like it." You said calmly, moving further along the shelves, making Loki hide further back behind his own. What by all the gods had just happened?! You'd been introduced to him as an assistant for the team, someone to deal with all the PR and the sorts… someone mortal and without powers. Loki got the impression that he'd been lied to, very boldly and very WELL indeed. Otherwise he'd been able to tell something was off weeks ago… Lying to the god of lies was such a bold move that it made him smirk as his adoration for you grew infinitesimally.
"C'mon Y/n, I'm not stupid… You keep defending and protecting him, and you're the only one he talks to at all. He even keeps protecting you too, in his own, weird, Loki way. You two clearly are more alike than either of you cares to admit. I just don't get what draws you to him. He's evil, and very much dangerous and…" Stark rambled and you turned around to glare at him in a mere second, making him jump and apologize immediately. "Sorry! Sorry… please don't try to kill me again."
"I am dangerous as well, Tony. You better don't forget that." You replied easily, and a wave of pure power radiated off of you so intensely that even Loki could feel it. It made him shiver and his heart race like mad, while his entire being longed to be close to you. To make you his. Not because of your only now obvious mightiness, even though that was definitely hotter than should be allowed, but because of YOU. He'd been bewitched by you a long time ago, in a way he hadn't understood until now. But now, he saw that behind all the power, it was indeed you he craved. You that had gotten him addicted. Not power, not might… He'd fallen for you.
For another few minutes he kept hiding behind the bookshelf, listening in on the conversation, but found nothing to be remotely interesting about it anymore. Only once Stark excused himself and made his way out of the library, Loki paid more attention to his surroundings again… were you still here? He couldn't hear a thing and thus peaked around the corner of the aisle of shelves once more… nobody there.
"Snooping isn't very polite, now, is it?" Your calm voice spoke up from right behind him, making Loki jump horribly.
"Damn Y/n…" The words slipped past his lips before he could stop them as he spun around to face you. "I tend to stab people who scare me like this! Do you want to risk that?"
"I'm fairly sure you couldn't stab me even if you tried." You grinned at him smugly, standing way too close for Loki's heart to calm down even remotely. "Though I wish you didn't have to find out like this… Find out that I'm…"
"Absolutely incredible?" He finished your sentence with a smirk of his own.
"I meant to say a terrifying freak, but thanks for the flattery." You chuckled bitterly, averting your beautiful eyes from his.
"Why would you say that?" Loki's smirk vanished the second he saw the doubt, the disgust in your eyes, the same expression he had seen so many times in the mirror. "Why didn't you tell me before?"
"Because it's true. I'm a monster... I can hurt people without blinking an eye, kill them with a single thought. Toy with their minds, hell, with all of reality like handful of fucking clay." You spat in utter disgust and Loki's heart clenched painfully. How could you, the most enchanting creature in creation say something so cruel about herself?
"I think that's amazing." He blurted out before he could stop himself. "You… You're amazing."
Your eyes shot up to meet his in an instant, filled with a new emotion Loki couldn't quite put his finger to. "You're not repelled by it? By me?"
"Never." He offered you a small smile, taking an involuntary step closer to you. "You've not seen true monsters, darling. But I have, and I can assure you that you're very far from that."
"So you're not at all scared by the fact that I could kill you right on the spot?" You rose an eyebrow at him, while your gaze stayed fixed on his so intensely that Loki felt a pleasant shiver run down his spine as every nerve within his body was on high alert.
"I've always been one to play with fire." He smirked down at you as he stood towering right in front of you now. Gods, you had long ago captured his mind and soul with your enchanting self, and obviously the rest of him was to follow now.
"Aren't you afraid to get burned?" You asked in a breath, a single finger reluctantly brushing against his hand.
"I'm a frost giant, darling. It takes one hell of a lot for me to burn." He chuckled deeply, capturing your hand in his before you could pull your fingers back. A small gasp escaped your lips as they parted at the contact, your eyes wide as they dug deep into his soul. For a second both of you remained silent, faces only inches apart as the tension threatened to suffocate Loki.
Finally your lips parted yet again to reveal the softest of words into the minimal distance between you. "Burn with me, Loki…"
In half of a heartbeat every doubt vanished from his body. He needed you to be his and his alone, and he needed to be yours in return. Half a heartbeat later he had you pinned against the large bookshelf behind your back, relishing the small gasp you let escape before his lips met yours in a kiss filled with the passion and the desire of multiple hundred sleepless nights. Filled with the promise of a shared eternity yet to come.
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Hi! So I'm trying to convince a friend who isn't really a fan of Abby that she's a precious cinnamon roll. What evidence/arguments/gentle nudging would help to show them the light? :)
You know what? I started writing out a whole long essay of feels about Abby Griffin and why I love her so much, but I realised anything like that was gonna be WAY too long! So here it is condensed into handy bullet pointed list form!
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧  DISCLAIMER
Someone not liking Abby as a character is fine! I don’t expect my fave to be everyone’s fave, and sometimes you get a character who just rubs you the wrong way and you might not even be able to explain why. But, since I was asked, these are some of the reasons *I* love Abby Griffin, and some responses to common criticisms of her (many of which I genuinely think are deeply unfair and based on ridiculously inaccurate interpretations of her character)
she’s a talented Doctor and Scientist
she designed the wristbands! the whole ‘sending the 100 to the ground’ thing was LITERALLY HER IDEA IN THE FIRST PLACE THERE WOULD BE NO SHOW without Abby Griffin
“the most respected person in this camp" 
when Clarke destroys Mount Weather she immediately wants to use all that tech not for killing Grounders like Pike does, but for opening a hospital and healing Grounders and Sky people alike god whatever happened to THAT storyline btw??
saves Nyko’s life
saves Raven’s life
saves Lincoln’s life with an amazing smart, brave moment of sheer shocklashing badassery, and by doing so…
becomes the first person EVER to bring back a Reaper!!! Thus enabling Clarke to win an alliance with the Grounders and presumably becoming a legend with them because she LITERALLY BROUGHT A DUDE BACK FROM THE DEAD YO INDRA DID YOU SEE THAT SHIT
saves Finn’s life long-distance over the radio (look we all have our faults but Clarke, Raven and Octavia are equally to blame for this one so no foul to Abby)
saves Marcus’ life under the rubble of Tondc
saves Roan’s life when he’s shot
…literally are you getting my point half the people in the show would be dead if it it weren’t for her
keeps Ontari alive (and thus helps Clarke save the world) by CRACKING OPEN HER CHEST AND MANUALLY PUMPING HER HEART look even Murphy was impressed by that
she’s super badass and incredibly brave even without resorting to violence and killing like other characters
willing to go to jail and the airlock (!!!) multiple times to try and save the people due to die in the Culling
willing to fire herself at the Earth in an ancient rocket cobbled together by Raven just for the chance that she can prove the kids are alive
goes to meet Indra, a heavily armed enemy warrior leader, alone and unarmed, and doesn’t back down even with a knife held to her throat
climbs into the rubble of Tondc to save people even though she herself was safely out of it
saves Raven’s life (again!) by taking the chip when ALIE makes her cut her wrists
saves Jackson and Miller’s lives on Science Island by distracting a drone
she’s a devoted, loving and good mother (FUCK YOU I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL)
kind of a surrogate mom to Jackson who lost his mom at a young age
clearly wants to adopt both Raven and Murphy too
willing to move heaven and earth to find Clarke and protect her
stands up to Jaha to back Clarke in season two even as he tries to have her deposed and thrown into the stockade because…
“I have faith too. In my daughter.”
also in season two, defers to Clarke and gives up any chance of finding survivors from the other Ark stations to focus on rescuing the kids in Mount Weather
understands why Clarke left post-season two and even though it’s clearly hurting her she doesn’t try and drag her back before ‘she wants to be found’
look I don’t want to go too far on this because some of the time Abby DOES show poor judgement and go overboard in trying to protect Clarke?? I can’t deny that but honestly if the worst u can say about Abby Griffin is that she loves her daughter too much then you’re reaching pretty badly tbh, considering other characters have list of faults that literally include ‘torture’ and ‘genocide’
she’s a woman of extraordinary integrity and deeply held ethics, but also pragmatic and not stupid about it
“You don’t have to justify yourself.I broke the rules and I accept the consequences”
she ALWAYS does what she thinks is right…but she also NEVER shies away from the consequences
horrified by what Clarke does in letting Tondc be bombed…but keeps the secret anyway because she knows it’s necessary
deeply hurt by Clarke’s coup in S2 and shocked at the change in her daughter…but steps aside for her anyway to avoid more bloodshed from an actual fight
haunted and grief stricken by her beloved husband’s death…but was the one to turn him in, because she believed that risking the life of one person she loved couldn’t outweigh the risk of many more lives being lost by his actions
she’s the kindest, sweetest darling
befriends Raven, sees potential in her and treats her as an equal and an ally
besties with Purest Cinnamon Roll Jackson
sees the potential in John Murphy
respects and trusts Lincoln as an advisor when she’s Chancellor
constantly torn between worry and pride for her wayward daughter but would do anything to keep her safe 
forgives Marcus Kane for all the bullshit he put her through and ends up being his biggest supporter and ally and helping him to become a better man
constantly trying to heal everyone and save everyone even though she knows she can’t
constantly trying to find solutions that don’t involve violence and death
wracked with guilt for things she couldn’t have forseen and couldn’t change, worries that she isn’t a good person and doesn’t deserve to survive
led Arkadia in three months of real peace, turning a ramshackle camp into a growing, flourishing home even while dealing with her own personal grief over Clarke being missing
doesn’t get enough sleep
her smile is like the sun coming out from behind the clouds
Abby Griffin in conclusion
she’s incredibly smart
she’s extraordinarily courageous
she’s self-sacrificing
she’s kind and compassionate
she’s passionately driven and principled
she’s willing to get her own hands dirty
she takes care of everyone even though no-one ever takes care of her
she has to try and be a leader AND a doctor AND a mother all at once and even though it means she’s constantly overworked and has to make impossible choices, she willingly bears the burden of those responsibilities
BONUS ROUND UNDER THE CUT!!! Common reasons people give for disliking Abby, and my response to them! :D
Again, this is all just my opinion, and I don’t want to start an argument with anyone who disagrees. The ask here was ‘what evidence/arguments would I use’ so I thought a useful thing would be to lay out why the common arguments of those who don’t like Abby as a character do not sway me personally. My intention is to counter these criticisms with my own thoughts on the subject, not invalidate them.
“She’s an overbearing mother who doesn’t believe in Clarke’s leadership and competency even though it’s been proven again and again. She constantly tries to protect her when Clarke can clearly take care of herself and is trying to Get Shit Done without her mom’s interference.”
This is probably the most common one, and honestly I’m afraid I’m gonna have to repeat myself from my point above - if the worst thing you can say about Abby Griffin is that she loves her daughter too much…assuming that most people who make this argument love Clarke too, it seems like a bizarre reason to dislike Abby?
It also strikes me as oddly lacking in context. Overbearing parents can suck, sure, but…Abby Griffin isn’t getting mad about her daughter staying out late partying with friends or getting poor exam results. Abby Griffin is a mother desperately trying to prevent her only child from being brutally killed, or turning into a cold, ruthless killing machine herself, or else just ending up so broken and emotionally scarred that she loses her forever in another way.
These are not unreasonable concerns. These are things that happen to characters on this show!
Abby doesn’t want to lose her daughter. She doesn’t want her daughter to be hurt. She doesn’t want her daughter to have to make the terrible choices and unbearable sacrifices that a leader in Clarke’s position is so often called upon to do. And you know what? In her position I wouldn’t want that for MY daughter either! Is Abby selfish to want to spare her daughter these burdens? Maybe. Is she naive to think she can continue to protect Clarke under these circumstances? Almost certainly. But I can’t find it in my heart to blame her for trying.
Another thing I would really like to point out here that I think is often shamefully overlooked is that this is a flaw of Abby’s that improves with time. Yes, Abby does often question Clarke’s authority in season two and she is stubborn and open in her dismay at the change in her daughter that the Ground has wrought. But as time goes by Abby consistently backs Clarke and defers to her time and time again - standing up for her against Jaha, prioritizing her friends in Mount Weather above finding other Ark survivors, keeping the secret of the Tondc bombing…by the time season two ends Abby has come to terms with the person Clarke has become, and throughout season three and four she is nothing but a supportive and staunch ally to Clarke’s plans.
When they disagree on something Abby will always speak her mind, and when Clarke is in danger Abby will always try to protect her…just as any mother would, and as any of Clarke’s friends would. But if there’s one thing Abby Griffin has, it’s unwavering love and faith in her daughter. Clarke is clearly the person Abby cares most for in the world, and their relationship is one of the most important in the show - whether they’re at odds or working together, that relationship always makes both Clarke and Abby more interesting and more sympathetic to me. It feels like a genuine shame to me that some people find it a cause for resentment towards either of these characters instead.
“She’s reckless and doesn’t think through the consequences of her actions. She gave Finn a gun and he slaughtered a Grounder village! She smashed that machine in season four just to save Clarke when the entire human race was at stake!”
Actually I somewhat agree with this one! One of Abby’s faults throughout the show is that she often acts impulsively and makes unilateral decisions to do what she believes is right. Sometimes she turns out to be right…sometimes not. Either way this is something that makes me like Abby more as a character - she’s fallible and human! She makes mistakes! She’s so single minded about protecting her daughter that it can blind her to other concerns!
It makes her a much more interesting character, in my opinion, than an Abby Griffin who is unequivocally Right All The Time. As something of a moral compass for the show, it would be very easy for her to be boring, and having that stubborn, reckless streak makes her far more fun to watch. Give me morphine-stealing, black-market-dealing, do-whatever-it-takes-and-lie-through-your-teeth-to-get-what-you-want Slytherin Abby Griffin any day!
Because…at the end of the day, everything Abby does, good and bad, is done out of love for her daughter, and responsibility to her people. She’s not always right, but she is always - to paraphrase Jake Griffin - ‘doing the best she can.’ And I can’t help but love her for that, and root for her to succeed.
“She slapped Raven that one time.”
Yeah, that was a dick move. What, you expected something different? Just because I love Abby doesn’t mean I have to blindly agree with everything she does! As it happens, I share the opinion of a lot of people who think the writing for the show was at fault in this instance - I don’t think that slap was AT ALL in character for Abby to do, but that’s a discussion for another time. Assuming it IS taken as canon…yeah it was a total dick move. I hope (and genuinely believe) that Abby apologised to Raven afterwards. 
But again, I can’t help but think…if the worst charge you can level against Abby Griffin is ‘she slapped someone who didn’t deserve it one time’ then in the context of THIS show that speaks pretty well of Abby, to be honest. Of course it’s absurd to argue that any bad thing Abby does is just fine because other people have done worse things but…just…it’s not unreasonable to get a little perspective here, maybe? This one instance of Abby doing something admittedly unpleasant and unjustified to Raven in a moment of stress is nowhere near enough to cancel out the genuine and loving friendship the two share for the rest of the show, and seems like a pretty thin reason to Hate Abby Forever, especially considering all the awful things literally every other character in the show has done at one point or another except for my precious son Jackson
So although I agree in principle, a lot of the time when people trot out this particular argument it feels a lot to me like playing on everyone’s love of Raven to try and get them to hate Abby…which leaves a nasty ‘pitting women against each other’ taste in my mouth, to be honest.
So yeah, I don’t like this scene. I don’t like what Abby does in this scene. I won’t make apologies for her behavior here. But what I like least of all is anyone who tries to use this scene as some kind of unforgivable indictment of Abby’s character, when it is quite clearly exceptional and uncharacteristic behavior for her; something never seen before or since.
It was a dick move though.
“She killed her husband!”
I don’t hear this one a lot these days, but I really don’t know why it ever comes up at all as a reason to hate Abby? I mean, I can’t believe I have to spell this out for people because it is all explicitly laid out for you on screen in the show, but here in handy list form:
Abby clearly and demonstrably loved Jake Griffin, was terrified that he might be killed for exposing secret information and begged him not to do it
when he refused to back down, Abby confided in Jaha about his plans, because she genuinely believed that Jake was going to doom everyone on the Ark by going public, including Clarke
Abby and Jake were both personal friends with Jaha, and Abby believed that he would not execute Jake - a reasonable thing to think, as Jake had not yet committed a crime and Jaha HAD the power of pardon and was more than willing to use it on Abby when she later broke the law to save HIS life (hey fuck you Thelonius by the way)
when this did not happen and Jake was executed anyway, Abby was clearly and demonstrably horrified and grief stricken
even though Jake Griffin’s death was neither her intention nor her fault, she still obviously bears terrible guilt for her role in it and will have to live with the pain of losing the man she loved every day for the rest of her life
…seriously, this is all there on screen. Why some people persist in portraying Abby as some kind of cackling murderess who happily shoved her husband out of an airlock is beyond me. She trusted the wrong person and made a terrible mistake; an attempt to save lives that ended up losing the life of someone she loved deeply. It was a tragedy for everyone involved, born of the choices made by several different people all acting out of the best of intentions. Abby never came across as anything but deeply sympathetic to me when I watched this storyline play out on screen, and I’m just baffled that anyone feels otherwise? What show were you watching?
“She’s old and boring.”
Hey: fuck you!
Ok so not a lot of people straight up come out and say this, but a lot of the hate towards Abby Griffin really does seem to be because she has the audacity to be a woman over forty on TV. If you hate Abby because she displays characteristics or acts in a way that you would be swooning over if given to a sexy young man in his 20s, then the problem is a whole lot of socially ingrained ageism and misogyny, and there’s not a lot I can do to persuade people out of that.
A lot of people have different reasons for not liking Abby Griffin as a character, just as is the case for any character in any work of fiction. Some of them I can understand, even if I don’t personally agree with them. Some of them I think are both unfair and unreasonable. However, at the end of the day, all I can do is try and explain my own reasons for Abby being my favourite character, which I have done at…uh…some length. WOOPS.
I love Abby.  I think she’s an interesting character,a  sympathetic character, a vibrant and complicated and vital character. She’s someone I look up to, the kind of person I would like to be. And it bums me out to think that there are fans who just don’t like her, or simply don’t care about her, and that I will probably never be able to change their minds on that.
But there are plenty of people who feel the same way I do too. So Anon, if you are still reading this - and frankly I wouldn’t blame you if you had given up some time ago - my advice for you is this:
Agree to disagree. Talk to your friend about characters you both love in the show. Ask them to keep an open mind about Abby, and try to find out why they just haven’t warmed to her in the way you presumably have. And if you ever want to flail over our smol cinnamon roll science babe queen…there are plenty of us ready and waiting to join you :)
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cytaoplasm · 8 years
i'm sorry to hear you're having a hard time right now :( and don't worry about ranting on tumblr it's your blog and we're always here to listen. things maybe shitty right now but i promise they'll get better you always have us to rely on :)
You’re supposed to pay for everything you list on the form.Hello anon. Thank you for taking your time sending me this message. I’m just afraid that people might take a screenshot of my rant and send it to the person I am upset about. I don’t like starting beef with people (even if they’re shitty) but yeah thanks for that. I hope it will be better soon because I feel really upset right now and I’m trying very hard to be positive. I will rant below so keep reading. Please do not attack the person or trying to find them. I’m not trying to start beef with this person. I just want to get this off my chest not starting a drama. If you cared for my mental being please do not DO NOT screenshot this and send this to other people.
So yesterday, I saw one of the group order person opened a korean good form. so I decided to buy a pair of contact lense that i cant get in the US along with a SM COEX exo keychain for my friend who is moving away soon. Since this is my first time group ordering with this person and I don’t know the expectation that well so I got worried about item and thought about how OP’s sister who is traveling to Korea for vacation  (which is why they opened a GO) might not be able to find it so I put down an etude house palette as an alternative option and said that in case if it’s a disconveinet for them to find the lense they can just get this palette for me which can easily find in korean road shop
My order:
Lensme Cocktail Hologram Kalua Milk 1+2 event (Please get Peach Crush + Blue Hawaii if they allow you to choose)
Power: L- 4.5 R - 4.00
20,000 ($17.69 USD)
but if the lenseme shop is kinda far away from you and there’s an olense store nearby or something:
Olense Russian Velvet Gray http://www.o-lens.com/product/search.html?banner_action=&keyword=%EB%9F%AC%EC%8B%9C%EC%95%88%EB%B2%A8%EB%B2%B3
Power: 0
20,000 ($17.69 USD)
If you can’t find the lense please get me this instead:
Etude House Personal Color Palette Warm Tone http://www.etude.co.kr/product.do?method=view&prdCd=101001241 Etude House
35,000 ($30.95 USD)
Other orders beside the lense:
EXO Lightstick White Chanyeol Key Chain https://detail.tmall.hk/hk/item.htm?spm=a1z10.15-b.w4011-14804704346.51.q16QAx&id=544589047475&rn=05a7455bb212062bbc9c6b5c4678b91b
94.00 Yuan ($13.68)
Please note that I am trying to make both side: myself and them happy. I don’t want to cause a hassle for them but I also want to get stuff from Korea myself which is why I put down an alternative option. She doesn’t have to get it. If she can find the lense, that’s great If she can’t find it, she can stop by an Etude House road shop which is all over the place in Korea and get the palette for me.
However, the problem is that the palette is $30.95, so I was wondering if I have to pay for that too so I send her an Ask:
“Hey so I just send u the payment and stuff immediately right after the order. On the form I ordered a pair of contact lense & a keychain from Coex but I put an alternative option in case they can’t find it. Do I also have to pay for that option before or can I do it after they confirm they cant ?“
and this is why she told me ( I copied and paste the reply)
“You’re supposed to pay for everything you list on the form.”
The way she replied was very cold and it didn’t answer my question. The palette is not my primary choice. She can chose not to buy it. So I asked her again.
“Ok so I’m gonna send you the payment for the alternative option. I just want to confirm this again (sorry for being annoying) but you will refund me back that money after your sister’s back right? Thank you for your patience I really appreciate it”
and her replies:
“If she can’t find the goods, your payment will be refunded.”
She still didn’t answer my question clearly. Maybe I guess I’m just slow. IDk you make the judgement.
The thing is  I want to get some goods from korea and i dont want them to go through the process of refunding my money u know so I thought it would better to just keep it and spend it on the alternative option which can easily be found in road shop. That way both side will be happy.
I was actually thinking about sending them an extra $13.26 so that even if she cant find the lense she still have $17 smth (money that i gave her for the lense) and she can use that extra money + the money for the lense to buy it so I messaged a friend of mine who is in the NA EXO G.O who I thought might have her line ID but it turned out to be the wrong person. So yeah then, I found out she refunded my order and send me this email:
“I cancelled your order and refunded you your payment. My sister isn’t a personal shopper to be on the lookout for alternatives for you as the point of her getting items for people are if you are 100% sure you want that good. If you list the item in your form, you pay for it and if she can’t find it, your payment is refunded. There are no alternatives as she doesn’t have time to be catering to just your order. She’s going on vacation and will not be spending her whole time for just you.You also asked if there will be a fee for domestic, then said you live in Dallas, Texas? I only do meet-ups in Houston, so of course there will be a fee for me to send you your goods.Also, my orders don’t have anything to do with Chen USA Union. I run both, but they are separate entities. Different rules apply.”
Also I forgot to mention, since her form didn’t said anything about paying domestic fee so I asked. I didn’t know if I have to pay for domestic shipping fee since we’re in the same state. I did shopping on eBay and a lot of sellers who is in the same state do free shipping so I was just curious.
Secondly she said  "They will also take special requests yet do not guarantee that they will be able to find them.“ She did not said we’re not your personal shopper and we do not have time to take special request. She said on the form, she said they WILL ALSO TAKE SPECIAL REQUEST.
BUt out of courtesy I send her an apology email. Even though I personally think I did nothing wrong.
“I apologize for my actions. I did not know that what I was doing was wrong. This is my first group order so I just wanted to clarify and follow the rules correctly and send in my payment, so everything would work out and not becoming a huge mess. I don’t have the knowledge about the obvious reason of paying domestic fee since again, this is my first time doing something like this. I have looked at all of the information and read everything closely in the form. I did not know that putting in an alternative option would offend you. I was simply trying to be specific like what you said on the form so you didn’t have to email me about different concerns. So I apologize for that along with my foolishness and lack of thought when ordering from you. It was my inexperience with group ordering and group order expectations from you that caused you and your sister some inconveniences.  I am not sure  if I am in your blacklist or not but if your sister is willing to take my order to buy the lenses from Lensme and an EXO COEX good that please let me know. I will resend my payment to you. I am very willing to pay for the domestic fee as well. But if you and your sister are not willing to, I understand and I wish you the best and I also wish your sister to enjoy her vacation. If she has the time, I would definitely recommend her to go to this cute sheep cafe called Thanks Nature Cafe. I don’t remember the address but I think it’s in Hongdae. You can go search it up! My cousin went there during her vacation early this year and said it was really nice. Thank you and have a nice day.”
*took a deep breath* I put the options as a good gesture. I honestly don’t know why is she getting triggered by my actions. Can she just inform me in a nice way? Instead of criticizing me and make me look like a shitty person? I have never missed my payment nor back out an order. I was just simply trying to follow directions and trying to clarify some information because it’s my responsibility to know what I’m getting into and not causing trouble for other people. I do not understand why this person is mad.
So yeah. Don’t do group order, guys. They take a long time and group order master always sounds like they’re moody 24/7. If you tripped up once, they will kill you. I get that their job is stressful but do they feel the need to take it on an innocent person who just simply trying to abide by the rule ?
DM if you want screenshot and links and actual proof. I didn’t make up any of this. I have never lied once in my life. If I’m upset there’s a reason why. I don’t get upset by things easily but when I do it’s serious.
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Just to be clear, I've never dated or had a girlfriend. Hell, I'm almost a 30 year old virgin...so this is all new territory for me.To start, I'm ashamed of how out of shape I am due to my lack of free time to work out. High school was a while ago, and I don't have a weight lifting class or MJROTC to help keep my body in check anymore. I'm a pale chubby dude underneath these generic clothes, but not morbidly obese or anything. I look like I never get any sun or sleep, because I really don't due to working indoors so much in Florida and the long commute to and from my job.I'm also not very fashionable. Nor do I even own a car or have a nice apartment full of fancy and expensive things, because I live frugally as fuck in a not-so-great part of the neighborhood. And I don't feel I need all the extra junk in my life that I'll never really use. I basically live like a monk, surrounding myself with very little unless it has sentimental or practical value.Anyway, I love to talk to new people online and form lasting friendships if possible, just...that never extends into the real world, because I'm afraid of what people would think about me. Especially when the app in which we met classifies me with words I'd never use to describe myself. Though I have stated so in my profile.So I've been talking to this girl, who initially approached me, for the last couple weeks. We get along really well and have had some great conversations online that last all night and/or day about very deep and personal subjects, but she's just given me her phone number and would like for me to text her so we can arrange to meet up some time.She's suggested we go on a jog by the beach (if I jog I'll make it about 2 or 300 feet before I'm huffing and puffing and gotta stop due to a leg cramp), go out to lunch, do some yoga, see a movie, explore little shops downtown, and some other fairly adult activities involving some pretty kinky stuff. Not that I care too much about that last part. I've lived a sexless life for years and could continue to do so with ease.She's a couple years older than myself, very intelligent and creative, seems compassionate and open-minded, and is absolutely gorgeous...but she's also the kind of girl that looks like she enjoys living in style, is in really good shape, and really cares about her outward appearance. Which I have no problem with.But that makes me fearful that she might be overly judgemental with my personal lifestyle choices without giving me the opportunity to show her there's more to me than meets the eye. I feel like I'm more of a 6 out of 10. And she's an easy 12 out of 10. I do plan to talk to her about these issues as well so she has fair warning. But should I even bring up my insecurities? Or leave them be and put on a face of false confidence and see how that works out?I'd really like to make a good first impression since this would be the first time I've ever gone on a date where I wasn't the 3rd wheel. I just don't know what to do with myself.So I guess I'm asking for advice on options that are fairly inexpensive here in Tampa. Where can a guy like me find nice clothes? How do I go about getting a rental car so I'm not riding the bus across town? What kind of haircut would look nice on me? I can provide a face pic if needed. (I have uniformly shoulder length black hair...and a beard that she's admitted to really liking)And what are some options for activities in case we aren't able to do some of the things she's suggested? Things that I can do without making me sweat a whole lot under the Florida sun, making me look like I just crawled out of a swimming pool. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated. And thanks in advance. via /r/dating_advice
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