#i'm full of myself when it comes to my fanfics i stg
angelanimedesaray · 4 months
Why the hell does my writing always ramp up in pace and the ideas and words flow when it's freaking TWO THIRTY IN THE MORNING WHY CAN'T THIS HAPPEN IN THE FIVE HOURS IVE SPENT IN FRONT OF THE COMPUTER PREVIOUSLY I SHOULD BE IN BED--
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mccoys-killer-queen · 3 years
I just realized I’ve been writing fanfic for so long that I can fucking timeline the eras of my writing based on my hyperfixations slgnvaeprngerpogm
Ancient Era: 2013-2014
fandom- Fun. (the band)
I was 12 when I first started writing. None of these stories exist anymore. I deleted them all at LEAST 6 or 7 years ago from my Wattpad. Cringe as can possibly be. Stories about myself out the ass. Didn’t know what p*dophilia was. Mixed perspectives. (A/N Just go with it!). Only wrote bc I wanted to be cool. Only wrote to include my favorite songs in any way I could (sound familiar omg). Truly a horrible time to be alive. I was the youngest in this fandom. Everyone else was like 14. It was pretty bad, but not “sold to One Direction” bad, considering that’s what everyone else was doing at the time.
Renaissance Era: 2014-2016
fandom: Doctor Who
This was when I started taking writing seriously at the age of 12. All of these stories still exist on my Wattpad, but there are some things I’ve never posted. This was also when I started writing to cope/writing for only myself. I still love my ideas for these, and Doctor Who really helped itty bitty teenager me in ways you can’t imagine. I could go on for days on how it changed my life completely and made me who I am today. I was truly in another universe in this era. Made stories about OCs (and OCs in general) for the first time. Amazing ideas out the ass all the time. I am still in love with a lot of things I came up with in this time. Oddly mature but still blatantly teenage. Tried to be extremely historically accurate (which I still try to be).
Bronze Era: 2016
fandom: Supernatural
I had a lot of ideas with potential, but never executed them completely due to lack of motivation. I still think about my only Supernatural OC often. I wasn’t interested in the show for long, which is another reason why there aren’t many stories from this time. Things were more in my head than in writing in this era. Call this the “thinking practice” era. I got better at developing ideas. These stories still exist on my Wattpad. Some things I wrote may have been lost in the Great Tumblr Purge of 2018. May they rest in peace.
Silver Era: 2016-2018
fandom: Star Trek
A sad era. Very few stories, several lost in the Great Tumblr Purge of 2018. What I lacked in content in this era I made up for in practice. I improved a lot in this era as far as descriptions and omniscience goes. Creating an atmosphere began to come naturally during this time; it was basically an exercise era; a ‘maturity in typing’ era. There wasn’t much posting, but drafts helped me improve and spend more time thinking about the worlds and versions of characters I created. One of the greatest things I thought I ever wrote was lost in the Great Tumblr Purge of 2018 just days after I finished it. I still have about 55% of it that was backed up, but I haven’t been able to try and recreate it ever since. May it rest in peace. I made an AO3 in this era. Stories are on there. I stopped posting on Wattpad in this era.
Golden Era- 2018-present
fandom: Def Leppard
Fuck yeah. It all started with a dumb cracky fic. Yearning to be in the past and be in love continues to constantly fuel ideas for stories. And surprise surprise, I still try to shove my fav songs wherever I can- because that’s the other thing that continues to constantly fuel ideas for stories. I started doing palette cleansers and drabbles and illustrations and just- I can’t put into words how much I love writing what I write now. I’ve written more than 100k words in Def Leppard fanfic and that continues to go up by the day. I’ve finally mastered how to effectively project the exact emotion I want readers to feel into words, and I truly think my style became one of a kind in this time. I guess you can say I turned into a romantic writer rather than just a dramatic/emotional writer. It was in this era that people actually started paying attention to my stories and appreciating my writing/giving me a real amount of feedback for the first time. All stories are available on Tumblr, some on AO3. The “colorful” era.
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