#i'm in the enhanced zone and in enhanced i'll stay
radiojamming · 4 months
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Hey guys! We're looking at another severe weather outbreak tomorrow evening/night and it's shaping up to potentially get nasty. Like, bad enough that storm chasers I know are already either leaving for southern Kansas and northern Oklahoma, or backing out entirely because they're worried about what's going to happen. Last time, the post I made got a little bit of traction, so I thought I'd go for it again on the off chance that it's helpful at all.
Here are the following regions currently set to be impacted, according to today's (5/24) outlook from the Storm Prediction Center:
MODERATE (MDT): Oklahoma City, OK; Tulsa, OK; Wichita, KS; Norman, OK; Lawton, OK
ENHANCED (ENH): Kansas City, MO; Overland Park, KS; Kansas City, KS; Topeka, KS; Olathe, KS
SLIGHT (SLGT): Lincoln, NE; Springfield, MO; Abilene, TX; St. Joseph, MO; Fayetteville, AR
MARGINAL (MRGL): Dallas, TX; Columbus, OH; Fort Worth, TX; Cleveland, OH; Omaha, NE
The SPC will update this forecast tomorrow (5/25) morning and will monitor it throughout the day and make changes if need be.
Here are my tips (as well as @fruitsmother's great advice!) from the outbreak two weeks ago.
Another great resource for right-to-the-minute weather updates is Ryan Hall, who will more than likely livestream tomorrow and is great about providing watches and warnings as they come in and giving advice about what to do. He also runs a 501(c)(3) non-profit The Y'All Squad that provides assistance and relief in areas hit by severe weather events.
Just to hit some key points for this forecast and reiterate the biggest pieces of advice:
These storms are forecasted to produce damaging winds, large hail, and potentially strong or violent tornadoes. These storms may hit during the night, meaning there will be low visibility. Do not just rely on sight to monitor the weather; rotation may occur right above you and not all tornadoes are immediately visible. Listen to NOAA weather radio, news stations, or any other resource you may have.
If the weather gets bad, go to a basement or the lowest level of a building. If the building doesn't have a basement, go to the most interior room (usually a bathroom or closet) with no windows. If in a bathroom, consider bringing in couch cushions, pillows, or a mattress to cover yourself in case of falling debris.
Stay away from windows, especially with the potential for high winds and hail. Do not open your windows (see: common tornado myths).
DO NOT GO OUTSIDE TO WATCH. Even if there isn't a tornado, flying debris and huge pieces of hail falling at incredible speeds are a real issue! If you've never gotten clocked in the head with an ice chunk, now is not the time to find out how it feels!
If you haven't already done so, now is the best time to consider your severe weather plan and set up your safe place. Some items you might want to have on hand are things like flashlights or lanterns, extra batteries, phone chargers, food, water, clothing, blankets, several days' worth of medicine if needed, and a first aid kit. If you have pets, it might be best to put pet carriers, extra food, water, leashes, or anything else you may need in this area as well.
Review some basic first aid skills and tips.
If you're on the road, do not go up under an overpass. This is very '90s advice and has been proven either ineffective or outright dangerous. Go into a ditch and try to get yourself as low as possible.
In the worst case scenario of a tornado or other destructive event (microbursts, derechos, etc.), be a help, not a hindrance! Don't clog roadways; allow emergency personnel to get where they need to go!
Just as well, this is not a day for amateur storm chasers. Chaser convergence has been a real problem this year and as we've learned (unfortunately) in the past, tornadoes don't always follow their usual rules, which can put even the most seasoned chaser in danger. This is going to be a great day to watch Pecos Hank or Skip Talbot videos while being as safe as possible.
I'll keep you guys updated as the models from the SPC change or if anything else comes up. Mostly, stay safe!
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asksurvivorch054 · 7 days
// this should be coming from a-lost-combine-soldier. if it isnt, something fuckled //
<:: Is this thing on? ..Oh, an unknown channel. Right. I'm 0314, an Enhanced Overwatch Soldier, but I go by tagline Reaper Four. I got isolated from my stabilization team, and I've since lost comms. Sector outbreak is not secure, local area has been designated a terminal restriction zone. I don't know if or how this will reach you, but... ::>
<:: Reaper Four suspend. Premature mission termination will result in permanent offworld service assignment. ::>
<:: ...Copy that. Anyways, I'll try to stay in touch. Serve. ::>
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istadris · 9 months
Can we please have a discussion of how crazy and sick it would be if Luigi not only had his Thunderhand and connection to the spiritual plane but also somehow managed to defeat the Chaos Heart while it was in him and control it while it stayed locked there so it could not be a threat anymore? Yes, it will be hard on him and his friends at first, scared it'll kill him or take control of him and cause the end of the world, but once his absolute control over it is established they all calm down and learn to adjust to it. I wanna think of how life may change due to that. Luigi might as well be as the same power level as a god at this point yet he's still such a sweetie pie!
I'm not gonna lie, this concept immediately brings to mind the amazing Dimigi verse of @lizadale in which Luigi has become a ticking Chaos bomb and is Not Freaked Out about it; or their post about Luigi's magic making zero sense in their system.
So now on one hand I want to gush about the concept !! But I'm worried I'll accidentally steal some ideas from them without realizing it!
I'll try to find another way by sharing my own theory about it : maybe the Chaos Heart did leave something in Luigi, especially after Dimentio's influence when they were fused as Super Dimentio :
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Negative Zone. A burst from the Void enhanced by the madness of a dimensional jester, contained in a mortal body.
While I love the concept of Luigi being ridiculously OP, I also like even more the idea that he can't control it consciously. You can't decide where lightning will strike, just lure it somewhere at best. Luigi would indeed cause a lot of worry because, well, he's Luigi. Clumsy, easily scared, it seems like it wouldn't take much for the Chaos Heart to overtake him and liberate the Void once again.
Yet Luigi might be being able to summon its power and control it, but only in such specific conditions it's all but irrelevant; to stay with the lightning analogy, he's constantly walking around with a lightning rod, but only in storms does it come useful.
I also like to think that it takes a very focused mind to call consciously upon the power of the Chaos Heart: Count Bleck and Dimentio had a very specific goal (end of the world), while Luigi wouldn't be able to focus for more than a couple of seconds. If the Chaos Heart was conscious, it would probably gets very frustrated.
In all cases : I can't decide if the Chaos Heart would be the cause of Luigi's weirdness (alternate power up forms, affinity with the spiritual, weird situations, magnet for dark powers...) or if it would be Luigi's weirdness that made it such a perfect host.
Anyway, leaving you with this classic :
Mario : hey bro, what do you want to eat ?
Chaos Heart : the souls of the innocents!!
Luigi : a bagel.
Chaos Heart : NOOOOO!!!!
Luigi : two bagels.
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d15gu571ng · 2 years
Ok so I think I'm gonna apply the design philosophy from the previous charger to another weapon cause idk I have a creative impulse or smth
A modified range blaster:
Slightly longer range for the center glob, a blast radius diameter equal to the wahoo world splat zone diameter, indirect hit damage going from 55 to 105 (so it can kill from an indirect if it's close to the center of the blast radius), direct hit damage is 165, time between shots is 2.5 seconds (this is also the time you have to wait before you start revocering ink after a shot), jump rng is the same as normal range blaster, consumes 24% of your ink tank per shot.
Sub weapon is a triple suction bomb: starts out as one capsule, splits open at 3/4 of the arch, placing the bombs in a triangle shape. If thrown to a wall or at the floor at point blank or close enough to it, the capsule will instead open on impact and the suction bombs will bounce to distance themselves from each other and still form the triangle shape.
Special is a throwable enhanced big bubbler: protection radius is enhanced to be the diameter of the wahoo world splat zone (total hp scales the same way as this, absolute depletion rate stays the same), throwing range is that of a suction bomb, pushes enemies to the edge of the force field when said force field gets generated.
You can probably expect more weapons from me, if you don't like this I'll just keep them to myself
Actually I love getting these weapon asks! Comming up with stuff is just really hard so it sometimes takes me a while to think about it
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I couldnt choose between a bubblegum theme (bc of explosion) or an energy drink theme (modified blaster with cans) so i drew both
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meaghan-o · 1 year
Strengths and Weaknesses
Embarking on this entrepreneurial journey within the realm of Indigenous Sustainable Living and Gardening has prompted me to take a deep dive into self-reflection. Identifying my strengths and weaknesses not only forms the foundation of this venture but also offers a roadmap for personal growth.
A significant source of strength lies in my genuine passion for Indigenous culture and sustainable living. This intrinsic motivation fuels my desire to explore this niche, share knowledge, and connect with a community that shares my values. My profound interest in this field equips me with a unique perspective to contribute meaningful content.
Moreover, I've developed strong communication skills through public speaking engagements related to gardening and sustainability. These experiences have honed my ability to articulate complex ideas in a relatable manner, a valuable asset for content creation and community building.
My high aptitude for learning and adapting to new concepts and technologies also stands as a strength. It allows me to stay current in an ever-evolving field and provide my audience with up-to-date information.
However, every journey is peppered with challenges. I often find myself reluctant to take on leadership roles or manage people, areas where I need growth. Additionally, self-confidence has occasionally been a stumbling block, casting doubts on my abilities.
Steps for Improvement:
To address these weaknesses, I am committed to stepping out of my comfort zone. I'll actively seek opportunities to take on leadership roles, starting with small projects within my venture. I'll also invest time in self-development activities, such as workshops and self-confidence-building exercises, to bolster my belief in my capabilities.
Furthermore, I'll seek mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs who can provide guidance and insights on managing teams and fostering leadership skills. This mentorship will be invaluable in navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship.
This entrepreneurial journey is not just about building a business; it's also a quest for personal growth. By acknowledging my strengths and weaknesses and proactively working to enhance them, I'm determined to make this venture a profound experience for both myself and my community.
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DS9 3x22 Explorers thoughts (I'm re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!)
Leeta! She walks so confidently
That cough XD 
He's so gentle! 
Actually I'm in love with this, it's so cute. I think the first time I thought it was one of those random women Julian always flirts with - but he and Leeta are sweet and I appreciate seeing their meet-cute
Julian's annoyed "Hi." to Jadzia when she approaches XD 
"I'm Jadzia." "Leeta." On a second rewatch I'm totally reading this as he's worried Jadzia will now start flirting with Leeta :P
Haha, his "GO AWAY" Padd is hilarious XD
His realisation Jadzia had something he actually wanted to hear 😅 oh he's so awkward "Stay there", no, Juliannn
The amusement on Jadzia's face as he chased after her.
I love watching Jadzia tease Julian, this conversation is great
"I... would have been valedictorian." Oh, you
Nah, I'm not vibing with Sisko's moustache I'm afraid, it's still a strange change
I love how excited sisko is about history and artefacts <3 He's like me!!!
"That's why I'm going to build one." This is why I love you Sisko, you go and do that!
Jake's head shake, you can just tell he's thinking "That's mad but sure I'll never be able to talk you out of it."
M: "A sabre saw?" S: "Y'know, to cut wood?" Sisko's having so much fun
K: "Oh,you sound just like a Cardassian." M: "I beg your pardon?" The most offensive thing you could say to Miles XD
"Why? Because it will be fun." Yes, Sisko, you take a break to enjoy yourself! Kira's little smile at that too, she's a fan <3
Siskos disappointed voice when Jake turns him down. I'm so excited for Jake to change his mind and Sisko be over the moon (and not to bring along Nog and Quark this time!)
How long did it take for Sisko to make this boat??? 
The way Dax's face softens when she mentions Jennifer <3
Aw Jake, growing up.
"Maybe a bit small for two people but I think I could get used to it. That is, if you still want me along." What a great way to say you do want to come after all. And the way Sisko pauses and looks before laughing and hugging Jake 
Hah! Jadzia looking her head round the corner then positively sneaking up on Julian xD
"Including you?" "No? This is the assignment I wanted." He looks so serious, and completely puzzled how Jadzia could say that when she knows he wanted to be here
"No matter what I accomplish while I'm here, somehow that'll always make me feel... second best." Especially if you feel you had to be second best to hide yourself. Or that your accomplishments aren't as good as anyone else's because you're "cheating" with your enhancements. 
For all that it's bad CGI, the sails are very pretty.
"Is this the bathroom?" "Yes. It was designed for a zero-gravity environment." "How am I suppose to? How are you supposed to, er?" XD Jake's so awkward
"Imagine how the ancient Bajorans must have felt-" This is really where Sisko changes from caring for to being excited about Bajor isn't it? (Edit: no, but it's a step in the journey.)
Jake's so vulnerable <3 Talking to parents is hard, even when they're as loving as Sisko, when it's about feelings and who you are.
Oh, Julian's so precious, moving everything around so they're all in an exact precise position :3
He's so worried, as much as he's trying to play it cool. Oh, bless him. 
You can see Quark and Morn betting on this upstairs!
"I'm betting that your charm will take you further." The scowl Julian gives Quark!
Okay without the context that she doesn't know him from Adam, that did seem cold XD But also the fact he's assuming she'd recognise him when it's been three years!
"I liked it." "You're not just saying that?" It is hard when you feel your dad might feel they had to say that.
"I don't think that he'd confront him with it, not right away." "Yeah, I guess he could wait until he gets back from the Demilitarised zone." I love how Jake is able take Sisko's feedback on board, he is getting up and maturing <3
"Unless you've joined the Maquis without telling me." "I can't talk about it. (pause) I had you going there!" I love love love these twoooo.
"I think you should keep writing." Oh, he is planning to, Sisko!
A writing fellowship? Does that have a different meaning to what I know? I thought Fellows at uni were senior members of staff!
"I don't think we'll be able to get to the Denorias Belt like this." "The ancient Bajorans probably ran into these kinds of problems." "I suppose they did." "Well, did they give up and go home?" I love Jake, and this turnaround of him being the optimistic one.
After their drunken 'Jerusalem' - "That was really beautiful chief." XD 
Miles finding "unless she really ignored you because she can't stand you" so funny is great XD
It's the love you or hate you conversation!
Julian's lil head peeping over the cushions. "And now?"
"Well... now I don't." Because you can't say "I love you". 
"I really do... Not hate you anymore!" Oh, Miles.
Miles and Julian's friendship makes me so happy 
Jake immediately falling off the hammock XD
"I can always eat dinner with Dax, or Doctor Bashir, or even Quark." Dinner with Dax is very believable - Julian and Quark far less so!
"I cannot believe that I'm getting advice about women from my son." "Don't think of me as your son right now. Just think of me as... another guy." Jake's so young, aww, he has no idea how funny he sounds. Bless <3
"Excuse me. We were at medical school together." Your social skills sure are something, my love <3
"I thought you were Andorian!" Well that's a good twist!
"With my friend, Erit." That's why that name crops up so much in fanfic!
"If it hasn't been for that preganglionic fibre..." Surely they'd have been neck and neck without that mistake? I don't get how one question was such a big deal.
"Phew - a freighter captain." Love how he already sounds impressed.
"I've already decided to wait at least a year." "Why?" "Well, I've heard that you can only write about what you've experienced." Hah, quoting his dad back at him, excellent!
Dukat's distaste at reading the Cardassian Government's message. xD
I was so certain the first time round the Cardassians were just gonna shoot them out the sky at this point. But no! Fireworks!
This might just be my favourite episode so far: I love Sisko and Jake, I love Julian being this stupid anxious bean, I love Dax and Leeta and Miles and how Elizabeth turns out to be so nice too, and how Dukat is miserable and everything is just so wholesome in this episode. Truly lovely.
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jeamaica-blog1 · 7 months
W1 - Intro to Technopreneurship and Test Results
Technopreneurship helps me think creatively by figuring out new and useful projects for people. With numerous interviews and presentations ahead, I'll need to interact with strangers and speak in front of a crowd, challenging me to enhance my communication skills and step out of my comfort zone.
Observing the presentations my classmates delivered in our last meeting, and considering the feedback our instructor provided, I gained valuable insights. In presentations, it's crucial to dive directly into the main topic. This is because, in future encounters with inventors, their time may be limited, requiring us to efficiently use our allotted time. It's essential to practice delivering information concisely while ensuring the details are well-presented. I also learned that maintaining composure during presentations is key.
Staying calm during presentations is important. Avoiding pressure and staying relaxed is crucial for good communication. Speaking confidently is a big part of it. These ideas guide me as I get ready to represent our group in future presentations. That's why I'm practicing a lot to make sure I can speak confidently.
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mia-zer0 · 3 years
OOC Intro~
Hello hello lovelies! I'm so excited this is all finally open!! 😊 I'm Ali (she/her) and this is my boy Zer0! :) While I'm kinda new to this kind of roleplay, I've got a lot of experience writing and play a lot of d&d (where zero got his start!) 
I may take a little time to reply as I'm a socially anxious little beaver, but know I'm on it and have most likely seen any messages sent my way that day. If you ever wanna get in contact with me, shoot me a dm or find me on my contact page. I encourage you to read it as it’s got the blog disclaimer \(●~▽~●)
Speaking of pages, I've got the blog pretty much fully organized. You can find zero's backstory here as well as his entry medical report that gives some insight into his character as well. I'll also have some art up in the future. :)
As for the tldr; Zer0 is brand spanking new to the agency. He was taken in by Sol from the west ward and stayed in the medical unit for a week before emerging as a new agent. Personality-wise, he's standoffish and seems to just want to be left alone. He’s very ‘yes sir, no ma’am’ to his superiors.
Plots, a doodle, and general rp info under the cut! 👀
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Plots ideas:
The new guy
Well, someone has to show him around. Lucky you. (0/1)
A good night's rest
Want the new kid as your roommate? Or did you not? Any idea how much living your whole life in a war zone fucks with your ability to sleep or be a decent roomie? The new kid is up all the time, jolting awake at the slightest noises. He's even woken you up with screaming from night terrors. You'd feel sorry for the guy if he wasn't so standoffish and a dick about it. Not to mention he smokes in the room! It's like he was raised by wolves or something. What do you do? (0/1 or 2 depending on room chosen)
Take a punch
"I only have to hit you once, dex nerd." The new agent is a showoff in training due to his enhanced agility. Teach him a lesson and maybe he'll listen up during strength and durability training. (1/1)
Dude, you okay?
You saw the new guy, pale as a sheet, get brought into the building a week ago by Sol in really bad shape. He's only just emerged and seems to be actively against socializing (and still pale af?). He's kinda weird in the cafeteria, too. Like, he sits by himself and looks confused, like he doesn't know what to do with a plate of food. Is this dude lost? (0/1)
 A teensy bit of a grudge
Zero really hates demons since, like, one killed his dad a few weeks ago. Can you relate? Or maybe you just want to pick an easy fight. (1/2)
The better shot
A little friendly competition doesn't hurt, and the new guy is good with a rifle. But is this kid better with guns than you? (0/1)
(Open to medics) Introductions
Zer0 stayed in the medical wing his first week in MEIA due to nearly starving out in the West Ward. He has to stay there as he doesnt have clearance for anything, (not an agent yet) and hes sooooo bored. Did you meet each other there? What did you talk about? (0/2)
One thing I've liked to do in the past is post open rps. I'm not sure if that's normally done in this community, but anything I tag with "#open rp zer0" is open for anyone in the group to reply to. These are mostly just little character moments like running into someone in the hall or cafeteria, rather than large roleplays. Just a fun way to meet everyone! 😊
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lochsides · 4 years
evermore: Track-by-Track review
I didn't think I'd be writing another review for a Taylor Swift album so soon after folklore but here we are. Truthfully though, evermore feels more like a figment of my imagination than a real album, and as a result this album has been a grower for me. When Taylor said evemore would be the sister record to folklore, I was curious as to the distinguishable differences between the two, because Taylor wouldn't simply give us the same album twice. evermore is, strangely, both the wild younger sister that's more experimental and the wise older sister with a mature outlook on life. Where folklore was a product of isolation, evermore is a product of creativity and that can be felt in the music.
I’ve written my thoughts and theories on each song, and bolded my favourites, below the cut, if you’re interested. I also included my current ranking at the bottom.
Taylor has been very good at picking leading singles for the folklore/evermore era. willow is brilliantly catchy while maintaining the alternative folk sound that she established in folklore. Her vocals suit the song so well, especially on ‘follow’/“hollow” in the chorus. They pair so beautifully with the mesmerising production. The reason this song is one my favourites is purely because of the rhythm and the guitar. The lyrics are, for once, a bonus. As an entry point to evermore, willow does not ease the listener in, the song instead throws the listener in the deep end — which I feel was intentional, as Taylor said evermore was the product of wandering further into the folklorian woods.
champagne problems is easily my favourite song on this album. Storytelling is Taylor's biggest strength as a songwriter and I think this song is a achingly beautiful example of what an emotive storyteller Taylor is. It would be so difficult for me to pick a favourite lyric from this song but I love how she sets in train in the opening line, "you booked the night train for a reason, so you could sit there in this hurt / bustling crowds or silent sleepers, you're not sure which is worse." The accompaniment is gorgeous and the composition of the bridge is breathtaking. Every time the bridge plays I get chills.
gold rush was a grower for me. I'm still not a fan of the intro/outro but I enjoy the production in the rest of the song once the beat kicks in. I think it's one of the more experimental sounds on evermore but it's very catchy. I won't even talk about how the chorus called me out with "I don't like slow-motion, double vision in a rose blush, I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush."
'tis the damn season is the non-holiday-holiday song that still has a classic sound and production. I know this song is Dorothea's perspective but I get a lot of illicit affairs parallels with this one as well: "don't call me baby" / "you could call me babe for the weekend", "what started in beautiful rooms ends with meetings in parking lots" / "the road not taken looks real good now, time flies, messy as the mud on your truck tires".
tolerate it is a hard song for me to review because I literally zone out every time I listen to it. I think it's my brain's way of protecting me from toxic relationship trauma 🙃 but it's another gut-punch track five, what else is new? I mean she literally said "now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life, drawing hearts in the byline, always taking up too much space or time," and broke my nervous system.
no body, no crime is the best country song Taylor has ever written, period. The sirens at the start, the storytelling, the way it sounds like an old-school murder-mystery movie. HAIM on the backing vocals were great, though I do wish they had at least a verse of their own. That's literally my only critique of this song. It's that good.
There's so much maturity in Taylor's outlook on happiness. I connect this song to her tarnished relationship Sc*tt/BMG and how she's happy after leaving but she was also happy during the time she was with them. I really enjoyed the simple addition of the piano and the way it built up to add depth to the production. Taylor's delivery of the line "no one teaches what to do when a good man hurts you and you know you hurt him too" really hits me.
dorothea is a really nostalgic, retro school-dance-vibe, kinda playful song with a personality, which I adore. The production is absolutely timeless. I woke up today with the chorus stuck in my head. I think "if you're ever tired of being known for who you know, you know, you'll always know me" is fun word play and I'm a nerd of that type of thing. (Side note: to me, this song feels very reminiscent of her friendship with Karlie Kloss, right down to the "selling makeup in magazines.")
coney island gives me desolate, abandoned theme park vibes. The simplicity of the production only enhances it. It's everything I could've hoped for in a song titled "coney island" and featuring The National. Matt Berninger's vocals are absolutely astounding. What does it say about me that my favourite aspect of this song is the feeling of despair laced into its bloodstream.
ivy is another favourite but what did I expect from a song filled to the brim with longing and mentioning the crescent moon? The instrumentation and her vocal styling is similar to willow. There are also lyrical parallels of "... your freezing hand, taking mine" / "I'm begging for you to take my hand" and "how's one to know I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bone" / "I never would've known from the look on your face" and she echoes both those sentiments in a different way after the respective bridges and I wonder if that's intentional. Knowing Taylor Swift, probably.
cowboy like me belongs in the center of a country/folk/slow blues Venn diagram. It's the perfect blend of the three genres. Marcus Mumford's back vocals sound so good with Taylor's. "We could be the way forward, and I know I'll pay for it" and "the skeletons in both our closets plotted hard to fuck this up" are great lyrics.
I'm not all about the way long story short stars but the song quickly settles into its skin. This is easily the most pop-sounding song on evermore but it's still somewhat experimental in comparison to Taylor's existing discography and I think it's cool that she can find space to experiment within a musical space that she has all but mastered. Say what you will but Taylor Swift knows how to make hits no matter the genre. The lyrics "he's passing by, rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky and he feels like home" reminds me so much of Call It What You Want.
marjorie gave me chills on the very first listen when Taylor sings about how her grandmother left her backlogged dreams to her. I love that they used her grandmother's actual vocals in the background, that's a really heartwarming detail. This song comes with some really solid advice too. It just feels very personal. I love the way production builds on "what does didn't stay dead" right to the bridge, which is my favourite part of the song.
closure is easily the most experimental song on the album with that the scratch tape sound and those drums. I love the sheer pettiness in her tone and the lyric "don't treat me like some situation that needs to be handled" is brilliant. That said, this is probably my least favourite. I think it's a cool song but just not for me.
evermore has some of the most beautiful lyrics on the album. "I replay my footsteps on each stepping stone, trying to find the one where I went wrong" and "barefoot in the wildest winter" are some of my favourites. I'm not a big fan of the sudden shift in tempo on either end of the bridge but Justin Vernon's falsetto makes up for it. The production is otherwise beautiful.
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Note that the bonus tracks are currently at the bottom because they have not been released yet.
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all-these-yearss · 7 years
Message to Au Fam
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The temperature is starting to rise, meaning it's nearly summer. So by means of summer means another school year will have to end.
My junior high school years are coming to an end. Tomorrow, I'll have my final exam. The next day is the start of the practice of the moving up. The next next day is our parent's night. It's true that time flies when you're having fun. But before we go on our separate ways, I would like to give my, maybe, last messages to all of you, guys.
Joshua Andal, you're always my seatmate and my partner in science. Continue being a great dancer, a responsible and down-to-earth person as ever.
Charlemagne Andrade, continue being witty but lessen being the hot-tempered kind of guy.
Andrew Antonio, continue being humble, generous, wise, and a model to everyone.
Kenneth Bacud, stay witty and resourceful as always. You're one of my favorites in the classroom because of your personality.
Ronnie Ballad, continue being funny as you are and don't ever lose your confidence.
Laurence Castillo, despite your strong personality, I still find you as a kind and confident person.
Freidrich Cusipag, you're one of the humble persons I know. Stay being kind, humble, and a good companion as ever.
Karlos Dayrit, stay kind and humble and maybe start getting out of your comfort zone.
Aaron dela Cuesta, I always see you drawing, sketching and talking about anime. Be humble and maybe socialize more, too.
Daryll Diaz , continue being a cool dancer and a funny one, too.
Harvey Herbert, continue having a humorous personality.
Ryan Maguddayao, continue being kind and always stay as who you are.
Emil Malana, stay being a funny and sweet guy. You're one of the best companions I ever had.
Jonard Mallillin, be more sensitive next time and stop being so talkative but stay being a happy person as you are.
John Roe Matammu, you're one of the people who helped me boost or enhance my faith in God so continue being a God-fearing person as always.
Whesley Pelagio, don't be too sensitive and superior but despite that, I know that deep inside, you have a good heart, too. Continue being a gentleman, especially to your squad.
Felmar Portillo, continue having a deep knowledge on Filipino and stay humble and kind as you are.
Timios Santias, being a president is hard but you always maintain the good image of being one. Stay responsible and a leader as always.
Yran Villanueva, keep on pursuing your dreams and stay as who you are being a good companion.
Kryssha Andres, you've been one of my seatmates and I'm thankful for that because you've been kind to me especially a good companion, too.
Judee Articulo, you have an amazing personality. I know that because we're kind of the best of friends in our 7th grade.
Janae Bassig, continue being witty and kind as always. Smile a lot as you always do.
Buena Beños, you have a wonderful personality. Continue being great at singing and dancing.
Angelica Binarao, you're one of the best companion I had. Continue being humble, kind, beautiful and generous as always.
Julia Calbario, we kind of got close to each other because of research because we were both on the same group and being with you in those times, I started to know you a bit more and I would say that you're kind, humble, generous, and a good companion.
Angelica Calvo, stay good at dancing and continue being funny and kind as you are.
Salve Cardenes, we have known each other since elementary even if we're not that close back when but when we became sophomores, we developed our friendship towards each other and I've known you a lot better because of that. Start trusting people and share your problems with them and always remember that God is with you.
Christelle Castro, continue being great in journalism and always stay kind and humble as ever.
Kristel Doctolero, we've been classmates since day 1 of our 7th grade 'til this year. Stay being a funny person.
Samantha Durian, I sometimes hear you sing in class and I must say, your voice is amazing. Stay kind and funny as always.
Naiza Gañac, you're the one who always smiles, laughs and cracks jokes everytime. Stay cute, kind and funny as ever.
Jeanelle Genoveza, continue being kind, humble and generous as ever.
Editha Guiyab, stay being a fighter; a brave, strong and cute girl.
Grace Guzman, continue being a witty and kind person.
Micah Maggay, you're a true friend. Stay witty and a good companion as always.
Karissa Manalo, you've been one of my best friends in Grade 7 and I had known you as a quiet one but now, you've change a lot. You always make people smile and laugh now.
Niña Matammu, continue being funny, good in singing and in dancing.
ABCD Narag, you're a very talented person. You can sing, play an instrument, draw and there are a lot more than that.
Kathrina Raralio, stay as intelligent, humble, and kind as ever.
Shany Salva, stay pretty, kind, friendly and witty as you are.
Ayra Tamaray, continue being a kind and witty person.
Kezia Tan, you are fun to be with. Remember when we're practicing steps for mob dance, we played 'Nanay, Tatay' and then we kind of have applied the steps on the game. That was really fun and I thank you for that because you made me happy.
Jemarie Tapiru, you're so good at memorizing, so keep that up. Besides that, continue being kind and responsible.
Katreena Tattao, continue being kind, responsible, and a leader. Although some of your jokes are corny, always remember that you've been a good friend and a good companion to everyone.
Joanna Tuliao, you've been a good friend and I thank you for that. Stay kind, humble, funny and responsible as ever.
I would also want to leave a message for my best friends. I want to thank you for always being there for me. You made my JHS years complete.
Precious Tabbu, you're the youngest but I feel like you act more mature than me (which is really true). Thank you for always being there for me even if we annoy each other everytime. Stay as who you are and, uhm, I don't really say these a lot but... I love you and I will always be there for you.
Karen Bitanga, you're like my Ate because I never really had one. Thank you for always supporting me even in my crazy doings and even if I'm like a turtle, as you say. I love you and always remember that I will always be right by your side whenever you need a friend.
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I will really miss you, Au fam. Even if almost all of us will stay, it's just so different if we're complete. We've been through thick and thins together. I will miss our Friday games, especially the game called 'Bahay, Baboy, Bagyo'. I started to realize that my JHS years will eventually come to end when we started reminiscing our past high school years. Our jejemon days and all the fun memories we had. I will miss you, Gold Fam.
P.S. I'm a little bit emotional while writing this blog.
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