#i'm never ever giffing chewing gum again
leejenos-archive · 4 years
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jeno's birthday countdown [d-7]
nct dream debut stages ✦ chewing gum
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❃ PAIRING tom holland x fem!reader
❃ DISCLAIMER i do not own the artists (and the reader) that are going to portray the characters, but i do own some of the their names. the plot of the story is inspired to the book and movie 'to all the boys i've loved before' but with changes. the gifs and photos used in this series are edited by me but i get credits to the originals. also, this series is first posted in wattpad by me. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST IT SOMEWHERE ELSE !
❃ WORD COUNT 2.2k words
WANNA BE ON THE TAGLIST? feel free to comment on this post if you wanna be added to this series' taglist to get notified for updates !
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"Life doesn't have to be so planned. Just roll with it and let it happen." — Jenny Han, To All the Boys I've Loved Before
[ late october of 2015 . . . ]
HIGH SCHOOL was not the life that Y/N imagined it to be.
She always thought high school would be the best years of her life rather than studying for upcoming exams and instead of going to parties with a bunch of people she would go along with.
But that was the opposite of what she thought.
High school was more demanding than it was when she was in middle school. When it comes to school, projects are piling up making her mind going crazy. When it comes to relationships with people, they wouldn't get along with her.
Especially when her long-time enemy came into the picture.
"You really had the guts to walk past by my locker, Y/L/N." Camille started and crossed her arms as she saw Y/N walking in the hallway. Y/N would just roll her eyes and shrug off what she said.
"It's not just me who walks near your locker, Camille. I hope you put that in mind." Y/N said and gave her a fake smile.
Camille clenched her hands and she wanted to pull Y/N's hair but was stopped when her boyfriend hugged her from behind. Camille's face suddenly softened and gave a smile to him.
"What are you up to, babe?" He asked and let go of Camille and stood beside her.
"I was just telling Y/N how her boots go with her outfit today, babe," Camille said and looked at Y/N who just chuckled at what she said.
"And I think she has the best outfit of the day than you, Camille." Erika showed up and said that to her cousin while chewing on her gum and grinned.
Camille became furious again until her boyfriend placed an arm around her shoulders before anything happens and he spoke.
"We should go before it starts to bell." He said and gave a smile to her and Camille nodded in agreement and gave Y/N and Erika one last glare before walking away. Tom looked back at Y/N for a while and turned back to walk away. Y/N swore she saw this but shrugged it off.
Y/N looked at Erika who was still chewing on her gum and smiled. "You always show up when Camille would talk to me. Such a best friend." Y/N said and that made Erika chuckle. "I can't believe you would say things like that to your cousin."
"She isn't the best cousin, you know. Besides, she fights you so might as well fight her back." Erika said.
Erika was always the one who would stand by Y/N ever since Camille started fighting her. But before Erika, Camille and Y/N were actually best friends until a spin-the-bottle game would ruin it.
Y/N knew how Camille had a crush on the one and only Tom Holland, who is now her current boyfriend. She invited her friends and including Y/N and Tom and they played the game, spin the bottle.
Camille would always wish that it would land on Tom so that she would get a kiss from him and it so happened that when it was Y/N's turn, it landed on him. They had no choice since it was the rule of the game and when Y/N's and Tom's lips touched, Camille became so angry and that was the start of them being enemies.
After that incident, Camille fought Y/N and Erika saw this and eventually rescued Y/N from her evil cousin. From that day on, Y/N and Erika became best friends until now. Y/N didn't even know how and why Camille and Tom got together.
"Do you want to watch movies tonight? I've got Marvel ones." Y/N heard Erika spoke while they were walking.
"I think I should just stay at home tonight. My dad is cooking for us tonight." Y/N said and she saw Erika pouted. "Come on, we had a movie marathon last night and you slept, Erika." Y/N continued and that made Erika chuckle.
"Forget about the movie. Just look at who's in front of us." Erika elbowed her and Y/N looked in the direction where she was looking and stopped walking. You felt everything was in stop motion.
He sat there with a guitar pressed to his chest and his veins popping from his neck as he was singing. He was your current crush and at the same time one of your friends in school. In fact, he was also your neighbor. Every time you would be around him, butterflies inside your stomach would flatter and your heart would beat fast.
Y/N felt herself blush and she wanted to get away from him. She grabbed Erika's hand and quickly ran the opposite way.
"Hey!" Erika squealed as she pulled her and ran.
They didn't know that Aiden noticed Y/N's actions and just chuckled and smiled. He continued to pluck his fingers on the strings and sang again.
Y/N stopped running when she reached the hallway where there were fewer people around and tried to catch her breath.
"You act so weirdly when Aiden is around. You're giving him signs, girl." Erika said, who tried to catch her breath.
It was true. Ever since Y/N and Aiden became friends, she had started to have feelings for him and you never knew why. Maybe it was the way he sings? Maybe it was the way he is when he's with her? It just came to her.
"Just go tell him, Y/N," Erika said and that made Y/N jolt her head up.
"No way. I don't want our friendship to get ruined because of this feeling I have for him. Plus, it's just a crush. Nothing else." Y/N said.
Erika shook her head. "Whatever you say, Y/N." That was all she can say.
The rest of the day was pretty much the same. Going to different kinds of classrooms for each subject every hour. Y/N had no one to talk to since Erika would be indifferent to classes too. There was also one class where she had to be classmates with Camille. She would glare at her every time she looked back and she wouldn't mind it.
Y/N walked in the hallway with people scattered all over the place. She walked towards her locker and hoping that Camille appears and have another talk again.
A vibrate came from her phone and she got her phone from the pocket and saw a message from Erika:
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Y/N rolled her eyes after she read the message and turned off her phone and placed it back in her pocket. She was about to walk away when someone stood in front of her and leaned on her locker. She looked up to see who it is and suddenly her heart started beating fast.
"Aiden." She mumbled and he just smiled at her.
"I'll take you home, Y/N." He said.
"So you're telling me, that you saw Erika with Harrison Osterfield. Harrison as in Tom Holland's best friend?" You asked Aiden as you were walking on the sidewalk.
"Yep, definitely him," Aiden answered and you were still in shock.
"That girl really has some explaining to do." You said and Aiden can only laugh at you.
Then silence came in but you still walked together.
"It's been a month since we last talked. How was your summer, by the way?" Aiden suddenly spoke up and that made you jump a little.
"It's alright. I had to be stuck with dad in a road trip camp while Aria was away. But at least we had s' mores there." You said.
"Well, Aria just came back actually—" Aiden said, but realized what he said and stopped talking. You looked at him in confusion when you heard what he said.
"Aria is here?" You asked then suddenly someone familiar called you from afar.
"Y/N!" You looked at the side and saw your sister running towards you. A big smile appeared on your lips and you ran towards her.
You gave each other a hug then both of you fell to the ground but you were still laughing.
"It's been a month!" Aria said while clinging on to Y/N.
"I know!" Y/N answered.
"Okay, you kids. Don't do that outside. Go in now." They heard their dad's voice from the door and walked down towards them.
Y/N and her sister stood up and dusted off the grass from her clothes.
When Y/N looked back, she saw her sister hugging Aiden and she also saw the action that would make her heart drop. It was her sister and Aiden kissing.
They let go of each other and saw Y/N just standing there in front of them.
"I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner, Y/N," Aria said. Y/N never told her sister about her feelings for Aiden or any crush she has.
Y/N could still feel the pain that she was feeling right now but she didn't want to show her sister.
"I-I don't mind." She let out a small smile and asked. "Since when?"
Aria and Aiden looked at each other then looked at Y/N again.
"Since I was out. We were calling and talking with each other throughout the summer." Aria said and Aiden could only nod in agreement.
You were too late. A voice in Y/N's head said but that didn't stop you from giving both of them hugs to let her sister see that she was okay with it.
"I'm happy for you, guys."
"Your sister came and then did what with Aiden?!"
Y/N held the phone away from her ear when Erika shouted through the call. She placed it back to her ear and sighed.
"They are together, Erika. There's nothing I could do about it." Y/N answered.
"Well, you did have the chance to tell him. They kept this a secret for like a month and you never knew about it." Erika said.
"Still hurts but I'll be fine. I'll just have to get used to seeing them together as a couple." Y/N's voice broke and felt a small tear in her eyes.
Erika wanted to go to Y/N's house and give her a hug. She didn't want her best friend to be heartbroken. "You'll find someone better, babe." That was all she can say to Y/N.
"Thank, I guess," Y/N said. She knew she should just stop crying and accept the fact that they could never be together. She stopped her tears and asked Erika something out of her curiosity.
"How was the date with Osterfield, Erika?"
Y/N heard a thing dropped from the call before Erika could answer.
"How did you know it was him?" Erika asked nervously.
"Aiden told me. Apparently, he saw you guys together going out of the campus. You can't hide this from me, Erika." Y/N chuckled after she said this and did a fake gasp. "Are you two also secretly dating each other and didn't tell me?"
"What? No! Of course not. He just asked me out today and we went to dinner together. There was really nothing between us. I didn't wanna say no. Plus, it was burgers and fries!" Erika defended herself and that just made Y/N laugh.
"Alright, alright, babe. I won't bother you with your love life." Y/N said.
"Y/N? Pasta is ready!" Y/N heard her dad say from downstairs.
"I have to go now, Erika," Y/N said.
"Don't cry anymore, okay? It's not worth it." Erika said and Y/N smiled.
"I know." She said and ended the phone. Y/N placed her phone down and gave a heavy sigh.
This was just another long day.
Another day, another school day. Y/N achieved to not cry so much after dinner last night. Now, she was just walking in the same hallway.
As she was walking with her things pressed to her chest, she suddenly bumped into a person and her things dropped to the ground and herself as well.
"Hey!" Y/N shouted and looked up to see who she bumped to. Her eyes widen to see who it was.
It was the one and only, Tom Holland.
"You really should watch where you're going, Y/L/N." Y/N heard him say and his face was stern.
"You should watch where you're going, Holland," Y/N said and got all the things that fell to the ground. Y/N could hear murmuring from the people but she didn't mind them.
Y/N gave a glare to Tom and walked away from him. She had a feeling that he was going through something right now but that didn't stop her from being mad at him.
Can this day get any better?
❃ TAGLIST @allthisfortommy @kait4073 @lovebittenbyevans @l0ve-0f-my-life @spiitfiires
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wonkasmissstarshine · 4 years
The Chocolatier’s Rose {Willy Wonka x OC} Ch. 6
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GIFs not mine. Credit go to owners.
Summary: It’s the day of the tour. Rose Bucket and Willy Wonka meet for the first time.
Tagging: @holdmeicant​ @willymywonkers​
Here they were, Rose and Charlie Bucket, standing at the front gates of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, waiting to be let in. Rose had dressed extra special for the occasion. Under her jacket, she was wearing a black dress with a white collar. There were red roses outlined on the black of her dress. She wore a pair of flats to match. "Aren't you excited, Rosie?" Charlie asked, looking up at his sister.
Rose smiled down at him. "More than you can imagine, Charlie" She looked back the at the crowd, seeing Mr and Mrs Bucket, and Grandpa Joe, smiling at them. Mrs Mason even showed up. She  stood with the Buckets and gave a grin.
Rose looked forwards again. She then began to wonder what exactly Mr. Wonka looked like. Would he be as handsome as she pictured him to be? Would he smell as good as his chocolate?
"Daddy!" Veruca Salt whined. "I want to go in!"
Rose sighed and rolled her eyes. Mr. Salt replied to his daughter, "It's nine fifty nine, sweetheart"
"Make time go faster!" Veruca demanded. Rose had to fight the urge to scream at the child she was stuck standing next to.
"Eyes on the prize, Violet" Rose overheard Mrs Beauregard tell her daughter. Of course, they were wearing matching outfits. "Eyes on the prize"
The gates opened and a voice came from the speakers. "Please, enter!" While everyone else was in a rush to be first, Rose and Charlie took their time. "Come forward!" Everyone moved forward until they were at the factory's entrance. "Close the gates!" The gates closed. "Dear visitors, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to my humble factory. And who am I? Well.."
The doors opened revealing a red curtain. Music began playing as the curtain was pulled back to reveal singing puppets. Rose smiled and began dancing to the song. The Gloops also danced along to it while everyone just stared.
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka
The Amazing Chocolatier
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka
Everybody give a cheer!
He's modest, clever, and so smart,
He barely can restrain it.
With so much generosity,
There is no way to contain it
To contain it, to contain, to contain, to contain.
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka
He's the one that you're about to meet.
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka
He's a genius who just can't be beat.
The magician and the chocolate 'wiz
The best darn guy who ever lived
Willy Wonka here he is!
A chair rose out of the floor, but it was empty. The pyrotechnics from the musical number caused the puppets to start melting. Everyone just stood in complete silence until someone started clapping and laughing. Everyone looked at the man who was now standing by Mr. Salt.
"Wasn't that just magnificent?" the man asked. Rose couldn't help but smile. She knew that this had to be Willy Wonka. "I was worried it was getting a little dodgy in the middle part, but then that finale. Wow!"
The man walked up the steps and turned to stare at everyone. "Who are you?" Violet asked.
"He's Willy Wonka" Rose said, in an almost dreamy tone. Sure, she pictured him to be handsome, but he was more beautiful than she could have imagined. And she already loved his quirky personality.
"Really?" Charlie asked, a smile on his face.
"Good morning, starshine! The earth says hello!" Willy greeted. Everyone stared at him like he was nuts, but Rose giggled, obviously amused by the man. Willy looked at her, and smiled a little bit. He was glad someone liked his greeting. He reached into his jacket and pulled out some cards. "Dear guests, greetings! Welcome to the factory. I shake you warmly by the hand" He extended his hand out for someone to shake it, but no one was stepping forward. That is, until Rose did. She could tell that he wasn't used to social interaction, so she wanted to be polite and try to make the situation a bit more comfortable for him.
She grabbed his hand and shook it, flashing him a smile. "It's very nice to meet you!" She whispered to him, before stepping back to stand beside Charlie again.
Willy just simply stared at her. He was already taken away with her. Not only was she the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen before, but she was kind and there was this warmth he felt when his gloved hand touched hers. He glanced back down at his cards when he felt he had been staring too long. "My name is Willy Wonka!"
Veruca pointed at the chair. "Then shouldn't you be up there?"
"Well, I couldn't very well watch the show from up there, now could I little girl?" This made Rose giggle yet again. Her angelic laugh was like music to Willy's ears. He couldn't help but smile at her again.
Charlie was quick to notice the silent interaction between his sister and the chocolatier. He may have been young, but he wasn't blind to notice when two people were already in love.
"Let's get a move on, kids!" Willy urged. Everyone followed him into the factory.
"Don't you want to know our names?" Augustus asked.
"Can't imagine how it would matter" Willy replied. "Come quickly. Far too much to see" He led everyone to a long room with a long red carpet, pale grey walls and bright lights. "Just drop your coats anywhere" Willy shed his coat, dropping it on the ground, and he took off his sunglasses as well, dropping them on top of his coat.
Rose gasped quietly when she saw his eyes. She had never seen violet eyes before. She had a better look at him now that they were under some light. His skin was so pale, due to the lack of sunlight from living in the factory for so long, and not one strand of his chocolate brown hair was out of place.
Everyone else opted to hang their coats on the posts of the velvet rope that was in the room. Rose glanced over at Willy to see him staring at her again. She blushed and looked down at the ground.
"Mr. Wonka, sure is toasty in here" Mr. Teavee commented.
"What?" Willy said, breaking out of his stare. "Oh, yeah. I have to keep it warm in here because my workers are used to an extremely hot climate. They just can't stand the cold" He explained.
"Who are the workers?" Charlie asked curiously.
"All in good time" Willy told him. He began leading the way down the hall. "Now..." Suddenly, Violet hugged him causing Willy to gasp.
"Mr. Wonka, I'm Violet Beauregard!" The girl smiled at him as she obnoxiously chewed on her gum. Rose rolled her eyes. It was going to be a long day with Violet's gum smacking.
"Oh" Willy glanced down at the girl and then muttered, "I don't care"
"Well, you should care, because I'm the girl that's gonna win the special prize at the end" Violet said with overconfident grin on her face.
"Well, you do seem confident and confidence is key" Willy said. Violet grinned up at her mother. Mrs. Beauregard gave an approving nod.
Willy gasped yet again when Veruca stepped in front of him. She had a big smile on her face. "I'm Veruca Salt. It's very nice to meet you, sir" She then curtsied.
"I always thought a verruca was a type of wart you got on the bottom of your foot. Haha!" Veruca glared at Willy, but Rose giggled again. Willy smiled at the sound. But that smile was quickly gone when Augustus stepped between him and Veruca.
"I'm Augustus Gloop" The gluttonous boy introduced himself, before taking a bite of the chocolate bar he had with him. "I love your chocolate!"
Willy eyed the boy up and down. "I can see that! So do I. I never expected to have so much in common" Before he took another step forward, he turned around and looked at Mike. "You. You're Mike Teavee. You're the little devil who broke the system" Then he looked at Charlie, but a genuine smile seemed to appear on Willy's face. "And you, you're just lucky to be here, aren't you?" He looked up at everyone else. "And the rest of you must be their p...p..."
Willy was struggling to say the word. To Rose, it looked like he was going to vomit trying to say it. "Parents" Mr. Salt finished for him.
"Yeah! Moms and dads!" Willy smiled but it quickly dropped when he looked off into space and muttered, "Dad? Papa?"
"Actually," Rose's voice pulled Willy back into reality. "I'm Charlie's older sister, Rose"
"Rose" Willy quietly repeated her name, a smile forming as the word left his lips. "Like the flower"
"Exactly" Rose nodded.
The two of them stared at each other for a moment. Everyone stared awkwardly at them, except for Charlie and Mrs. Beauregard. Charlie smiled at them, looking between the two. Mrs. Beauregard kept a jealous glare on Rose.
"Shall we?" Willy said, addressing everyone though his eyes were kept on Rose. He finally peeled his eyes away from her to lead everyone down the hall.
"Is it just me or does Wonka seem a few quarters short of a buck?" Mr Teavee had asked Mr. Salt.
"I'm sorry, I don't speak American" Mr. Salt replied.
Augustus walked up to Charlie. Rose watched the two of them carefully. Maybe the Gloop boy wouldn't be as bad as she thought. Maybe Charlie would make a friend with him. "Would you like some chocolate?" Augustus asked Charlie.
"Sure" Charlie nodded.
"Then you should have brought some!" Augustus teased before taking a bite out of the chocolate. Rose glared daggers at the boy.
Violet and Veruca looked at each other. "Let's be friends!" Veruca suggested, with an obviously fake smile.
"Best friends!" Violet said, the same smile plastered on her face. The two girls linked arms and their smiles quickly dropped.
Charlie grabbed Rose's hand and gently pulled on it. "Yes, Charlie?" She asked her curious brother.
"I think Mr. Wonka likes you" Charlie concluded.
A deep blush appeared on Rose's cheeks. "Charlie, he just met me. He couldn't possibly like me already"
"But he keeps staring at you and smiling at you" The next words that came out of Charlie's words surprised Rose to say the least. "Do you believe at love at first sight?"
"Of course I do, Charlie, but I also believe you should get to know the person before you decide to spend the rest of your life with them. That way you're sure that you absolutely do love them" When Rose said that last part, a train of guilt passed right through her. She stopped walking and stared off into space, much like Willy had done moments earlier.
"Rosie, what's wrong?"
"It's nothing, Charlie" Rose assured him when she was back into reality. "Let's just enjoy our day, alright?" She ran a hand through his hair. They finally reached the end of the hallway.
"An important room this," Willy explained. Rose noted something odd about the door. It was so small that a mouse was the only thing that could get through it. "After all, it is a chocolate factory"
"Then why is the door so small?" Mike questioned.
"It's to keep all the great big chocolatey flavour inside!" Willy answered him, and then laughed. He crouched down to unlock the door with his key. He then stood back up and pushed the bigger door open with the palm of his hand.
The view that appeared before Rose was only the kind of thing you'd see in your dreams. But here it was in front of her.
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Uh hey so i had a question?? Maybe you could help idk but I'm having trouble finding a stim that works right now?? I don't have any stim toys but i normally find other things that work for me and i keep flapping my hands but it's not really helping?? Idk it's very frustrating and i feel like im trapped in my skin
Hey! Sorry i didn’t respond sooner but i totally get this. I definitely have times where i super need to stim but nothing feels right or works and it’s so so frustrating. I didn’t have any stim toys either till a couple years ago and even now i just have some fidget spinners, a fidget cube, and a chew necklace. i’m gonna list some stims i do or stim with besides those and hand flapping (which i do a lot too) and hopefully it’s helpful for you. warning: this is wayyyyy too long and has way more information then you asked for but finally got those adhd meds again so i’m like oh can’t stop typing (typing stim right there).
(p.s. if you or anyone ever wants to talk or ask about neurodivergent stuff feel free to i’m always happy to talk about or help and my inbox and dms are always open)
chewing: i chew on stuff a lot to stim (even though it’s like the worst stim for my tmj) and sometimes find myself eating stuff just to move my mouth. but mostly i chew on my shirt collar a lot or just have it in my mouth a lot of the time, i also love gum and hard candies but tic tacs are my favorite but i end up eating a whole container of them when i have them because i just love chewing them. also uncooked pasta is a favorite to chew on. i also sometimes chew on pens
listening: i listen to songs, tv episodes, and podcasts on repeat a lot like a lot a lot. i don’t like quiet most of the time or not really quiet because i can hear everything around me all the time but like i don’t really like that either so. i listen to my brother my brother and me like 24/7 i’ve listened to all the podcast episodes? like way too many times, i also listen to bojack or bob’s burgers a lot because i’ve also seen the episodes so many times i know exactly what’s happening in every scene, the music i listen to on repeat is either a single song or an album, so show yourself, rewrite the stars, words fail, etc or frozen ii, jatp, dear evan hansen albums. i also cover and uncover my ears a lot because i like the noise.
touching: i love feeling stuff mostly soft stuff so petting my cats or rabbit, feeling blankets, holding and rubbing stuffed animals
smell: i’m super sensitive to like 95% of smells but the smells i do like i can smell for hours and are big stim i’ve been doing for a long time specifically laundry detergent so i put my shirt over my nose a lot also my haunted mansion themed body wash is my favorite scent ever and so i just smell that and it really calms me
vocal: i don’t talk a lot i’m a fairly quiet person and could and have gone days without speaking but i can be loud and talkative when hyper or infodumping and have always stimmed a lot vocally. i hum a lot or just make noises or beats, i have a kind of odd vocal stim where i just kind of sing old mcdonald randomly (i don’t know why but i’ve done it for a while) and also echolalia, a lot of them are just weird and everyone around me is like please stop saying, “it’s not just food, it’s fourth meal” but i love echolalia i think it’s a super cool thing autistics do!
body stims/stuff with my hands: i rub my hands together, crack my knuckles, clap, drum with my hands on anything and everything (i was a percussionist in middle school band and have always loved the drums so) i also use pencils/chopsticks/paint brushes or anything and drum on tables or just air drum with imaginary drumsticks. i twirl my hair a lot and now that it’s longer i do little braids braiding is such a nice stim. i also do body stims that aren’t good for my joint hypermobility but like i just need to do them sometimes, such as doing circles with my wrist or ankle or hyperextending my elbow. one of my favorite stims i do and one i do mostly in public because i need room (and since covid and like barely ever leaving my house when i do go out i do it a lot) is i kind of jump up and lift one leg in the air and clap under my leg. that probably sounds weird and like it kind of is but whatever stims can be weird and that’s great! i also rock back and forth on my heals a lot.
visual: i’m not a person that gets into a lot of like stimboards and stuff because a lot of stim gifs aren’t stuff i like but my favorite stim gifs or videos are calligraphy writing ones, cooking/cake decorating, nail painting, and just food recipe videos. sometimes i’ll just end up in a wormhole on pinterest of food recipe vids, like they are never foods i could actually eat or ever need the recipe for but i just love watching them (except meat heavy ones i just don’t like looking at meat). also i love watching fandom video edits on instagram i have like a bajillion saved and watch them all the time. i also love love watching gifs of characters stimming and sometimes just go through my autistic collection to watch these gifs for hours.
random stims: one of biggest stims is playing with toy cars and toy skateboards. i just kind of roll them on my arms/hands/legs or tables. i actually take a mcdonald’s clone wars anakin skateboard toy like everywhere with me, and i love it i found it at my gramma’s house years ago and it’s become like a comfort item at this point and of course because of adhd i lose everything i touch so before i leave the house i’m always like where is my anakin skywalker skateboard. i also have a lightning mcqueen car that was my comfort stim toy before anakin and i still take him a lot of places too. i also love wear rings to stim with, i don’t have any like spinning rings or anything yet but i just like twisting them on my finger a lot, my favorite to do that with is my great grandmother’s spoon ring it’s the perfect thing to twist and i love it. i also like pressure stims sometimes if my body can handle it like putting couch cushions on me or my weighted blanket. i also just play with my pop socket a lot and use it so much i broke the top of it off but i don’t know what i would do without it.
sorry that was way too long and way too much information and i don’t even know if any of that was helpful at all but i really hope something was or it gave you an idea for a different stim. like i said before you can literally ask me about anything especially neurodivergent stuff.
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wonkasmissstarshine · 4 years
The Chocolatier’s Rose {Willy Wonka x OC} Ch. 9
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GIFs not mine. Credit go to owners.
Summary: Willy shows his guests the Inventing Room. And Violet’s gum chewing comes back to bite her in the butt.
A/N: This is where it starts getting really fluffy between Rose and Willy.
Tagging: @holdmeicant​ @willymywonkers​
Willy got out of the boat first so he could usher everyone out of it. Rose was the last one to step off, and being the clumsy girl she was, she managed to trip over her feet. Luckily, she was caught by a pair of arms.
"It's alright, starshine" Willy whispered to Rose.  "I've got you"
"Thanks" She muttered softly to him, looking up at the face of her saviour. Her heart began to beat faster when she realized how close their faces were. The tips of their noses were touching.
It felt like it was only them in their own little world until the sound of someone clearing their throat reeled them back into reality. Rose and Willy turned their heads to see everyone staring weirdly at them. Well, everyone except for Charlie who had a wide grin on his face.
The two lovebirds stepped away from each other. Rose walked over to Charlie. She could feel a set of eyes glaring into the back of her head. She turned her head to see Mrs Beauregarde's eyes flared with jealousy. Rose just decided to ignore the woman for now. The door to the Inventing Room opened, and Willy led everyone inside.
Rose's eyes lit up in fascination when she saw all the machines and flasks, the smoke and colourful liquids. "Now this is the most important room in the entire factory!" Willy explained and then he cautioned. "Now, everyone enjoy yourselves, but just don't touch anything. Okay? Go on!"
Every child was quick to run off, except for Charlie. He looked up at Rose, and she gave him a nod with a smile. Charlie then walked off. He was definitely the most behaved child here, well, the only behaved child. Rose went off to do some exploring of her own. She felt the presence of someone come to stand next to her. She turned her head to see Willy.
"Does anything in particular catch your eye?" He asked her curiously, playfully bumping his shoulder against hers.
"It's hard to say" Rose said, smiling up at him. "Everything here is so fascinating" A smile danced across Willy's lips. He was glad the girl was enjoying herself. He looked down to see that their hands were nearly touching. Rose didn't seem to notice yet though. He was about to make a bold move, and lace their fingers together, but the moment was ruined.
"Hey, Mr Wonka! What's this?" Violet called loudly from a pool with windows which she and Mike were looking at. Oompa-Loompas were swimming inside it.
Willy pursed his lips in annoyance, glancing in the child's direction. He just wanted one uninterrupted moment with Rose. "Oh! Let me show you!" Willy's annoyance was replaced with excitement when he saw what Violet and Mike were standing by. He walked over, and an Oompa-Loompa emerged from the water. He handed Willy a red ball. "Thank you!" He said the Oompa-Loompa. Everyone gathered around Willy to hear what he had to say. "These are Everlasting Gobstoppers. They're for children who are given very little allowance money. You can suck on it all year, and it'll never get any smaller. Isn't that neat?"
"It's like gum" Violet compared.
"No" Willy disagreed. "Gum is for chewing. And if you tried chewing one of these Gobstoppers, you'd break all your little teeth off" He admired the piece of candy wearing a proud smile. "They sure do taste terrific"
He walked off to the next machine and everybody followed after him. "And this is Hair Toffee" He picked up a piece of candy that looked similar to chewy caramel. "You suck down one of these little boogers, and in exactly half an hour, a brand new crop of hair will start growing out all over the top of your little noggin. And a moustache. And a beard"
"Who wants a beard?" Mike asked, clearly not impressed.
"Well," Willy paused a moment as he thought of an answer. "Beatniks for one. Folk singers and motorbike riders. You know, all those hip, jazzy, super cool, neat, keen, and groovy cats. It's in the fridge daddy-o. Are you hep to the jive? Can you dig what I'm laying down? I knew that you could. Slide me some skin, soul brother!" Willy stretched his hand out to Mike, waiting for the boy to give him five. Mike didn't, he just glanced weirdly at the man. Willy pulled his hand back when he realized Mike wasn't going to do anything.
"Unfortunately, the mixture isn't quite right yet because an Oompa-Loompa tried some yesterday, and well, he...." As if on cue, an Oompa-Loompa resembling Cousin Itt walked over. He had hair all over, it was a wonder he could even see where he was going. "How are you today?" Willy asked the Oompa-Loompa. It held up two thumbs. "You look great!"
Then finally, Willy led everyone over to a machine where an Oompa-Loompa had dumped various foods into it. "Watch this!" Willy said excitedly and then pulled on a lever.
The machine whirred and buzzed, bubbled and smoked, until it was finished and dispensed the finishing product. A stick of gum. Violet took it and examined it.
"You mean that's it?" Mike said, unimpressed yet again.
"Do you even know what it is?" Willy mocked Mike's tone.
"It's gum" Violet stated.
"Yeah! It's a stick of the most amazing and sensational gum in the whole universe! Know why? Know why?"
Rose could tell how excited Willy was about the gum so she decided to play along with him. "Why is it the most amazing and sensational gum?" She asked, tilting her head curiously.
"This gum is a full three course dinner all by itself!"
"Why would anyone want that?" Mr Salt asked.
Willy reached into his coat pockets and grabbed the flash cards. He flipped through them until he found the right one, and began to read from it. "It'll be the end of all kitchens and all cooking. Just a little strip of Wonka's magic chewing gum and that is all you will ever need at breakfast, lunch and dinner. This piece of gum happens to be tomato soup, roast beef and blueberry pie"
"It sounds great!" Rose said.
"It sounds weird" Veruca judged.
"It sounds like my kind of gum" Violet decided. She took out the piece of gum she was currently chewing, and stuck it behind her ear. Rose cringed at the little blonde girl. That was utterly disgusting, and she was surprised that Violet didn't get the stuff stuck in her hair.
"I'd rather you didn't" Willy warned. "There's still one or two things that are—"
Violet interrupted him. "I'm the world record holder in chewing gum. I'm not afraid of anything!" She shoved the fresh stick of gum in her mouth, all while Mrs Beauregarde was smiling pridefully at her daughter.
Violet began chewing and Mrs Beauregarde asked her, "How is it, honey?"
"It's amazing! Tomato soup! I can feel it running down my throat!"
"Yeah!" Willy nodded and smiled nervously. "Spit it out!"
Rose even tried getting Violet to stop. "Young lady, I think you'd better—"
She was rudely interrupted by Violet as the gum changed tastes. "It's changing! Roast beef with baked potato! Crispy skin and butter!"
"Keep chewing, kiddo!" Mrs Beauregarde encouraged her daughter. Rose rolled her eyes. She was just as bad as her daughter. "My little girls gonna be the first person in the world to have a chewing gum meal!"
"Yeah," Willy said, still feeling anxious. "I'm just a little concerned about the—"
"Blueberry pie and ice cream!" Violet said.
"That part"
Veruca noticed something odd. "What's happening to her nose?" Everyone looked at Violet to see what Veruca was talking about. A little speck of blue appeared on the tip of Violet's nose and very quickly began to spread.
"It's turning blue!" Mr Salt exclaimed.
Violet looked up at her mother. "Your whole nose has gone purple!" Mrs Beauregarde said.
"What do you mean?" Violet asked as she touched her nose.
"Violet, you're turning violet!" Violet's eyes widened in fright as she looked at Willy. Mrs Beauregarde looked at him as well and asked, "What's happening?"
"Well, I told you I hadn't quite got it right 'cause it goes a little funny when it gets to the dessert" Willy explained. "It's the blueberry pie that does it. I'm terribly sorry" He ducked down and hid behind the machine.
Violet's whole face had gone blue, and now her hands and hair were turning blue as well. The colour change was even affecting her clothes. "Mother, what's happening to me?" Violet asked, feeling horrified as she looked at her hand. Everyone backed away from her. If the colour change wasn't bad enough, Violet also started to engorge.
"She's swelling up!" Rose noted.
"Like a blueberry!" Charlie added.
Once Violet was completely blown up, Willy appeared from behind Mrs Beauregarde. He spooked her as he told her. "I've tried it on like twenty Oompa-Loompas, and each one ended up as a blueberry. It's just weird!"
"But I can't have a blueberry as a daughter!" Mrs Beauregarde shook her head at him. "How is she supposed to compete?"
"That's what you're concerned about?" Rose asked the woman, completely appalled. "Honestly, your daughter is blue and as a big as a hot air balloon, and the thing you're worried about is competitions? Maybe if you had been a better parent, then--"
"Don't you tell me how to parent my child!" Mrs Beauregarde snapped at Rose. Rose flinched a her tone, but she decided against arguing with her any further.
"You could put her in a county fair!" Veruca chirped, a little too happy about the situation.
Suddenly, the machines in the room began making a rhythm. Rose knew that the Oompa-Loompas were going to start singing again, and she was excited to hear them. Some Oompa-Loompas emerged from the smoke and they began to sing. Willy started dancing to the song, and Rose couldn't help but dance too.
Listen close, and listen hard,
The tale of Violet Beauregarde
This dreadful girl she sees no wrong
Chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing all day long
Chewing, chewing all day long.chewing,
Chewing all day long.
Chewing, chewing all day long.
She goes on chewing till at last
Her chewing muscles go so fast.
And from her face her giant chin
Sticks out just like a violin
Chewing, chewing all day long. chewing,
Chewing all day long.
Chewing, chewing all day long
For years and years she chews away
Her jaw gets stronger every day.
And with one great tremendous chew
They bite the poor girls tongue in two
And that is why we try so hard
To save miss Violet Beauregarde
Chewing, chewing all day long chewing,
Chewing all day long
Chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing all day long
As the song ended, Willy kept dancing, and an angry Mrs Beauregarde approached him. The look she had on her face was one of pure anger. When he noticed Mrs Beauregarde, he stopped dancing and looked at the Oompa-Loompa that approached. "I want you to roll Miss Beauregarde into the boat and take her along to the Juicing Room at once, okay?"
The Oompa-Loompa crossed its arms over its chest. "The Juicing Room?" Mrs Beauregarde repeated. "What are they gonna do to her there?"
"They're gonna squeeze her!" Willy answered with a wild grin. "Like a little pimple!" Mrs Beauregarde's eyes widened and her mouth opened in horror. "We gotta squeeze all that juice out of her immediately"
Without another word, Mrs Beauregarde ran over to help the Oompa-Loompas push Violet out of the room. Willy faced everyone. "Come on, let's boogie!" He beckoned. Everyone began moving along, but Rose was stopped when she felt Willy gently grab her arm. She looked at him to see him smiling wildly at her. "Close your eyes and hold out your hands!"
"Okay" She said. Rose closed her eyes, cupped her hands together and held them out. She could feel something being dropped in her hand. Her hands closed together around whatever had been put in her palms. Then she could feel a pair of hands wrap around her own. Her hands were being guided until she felt something soft brush against the back of one of her hands.
That's when she opened her eyes to see Willy pressing a gentle kiss to her hand. Rose's lips parted slightly, and her eyes locked with his. The two of them shared an intense stare. Willy released her hands and he smirked at her. "Come along, starshine"
Willy walked off. That's when Rose looked down at her hands to see what he had given her. It was the Everlasting Gobstopper. She grinned at the candy and started walking again.
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