#i'm not on the dash i'm still dead shhh
prismatales · 4 years
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Word count: 1.8k
Bingo slot: Fireflies
Pairings: None (Sibling bonding! Touya x Reader)
Tags/Warnings: Fluff, slight angst, slight mention of injuries.
Synopsis: Touya takes his little sister on an adventure to see the "fairies".
This is my first entry for @bnhabookclub's bingo event! Special thanks to @pixxiesdust, @honeytama and @samanthaa-leanne for beta reading this for me!
There are things Touya dislikes in the world. But if there's something he absolutely despises with a strength nearly as powerful as his flames, is when his father's actions end up hurting someone in his family.
Like right now, for example, as he holds his crying sister in his arms. Poor little Y/N can't seem to stop weeping after the constant mistreatment of their father. The man's harsh attitude eventually took a toll on the little girl. All because she turned out to be quirkless, or as he deems her, "Just another failure".
Touya's glaring at nothing in particular as he thinks about the old man. His self-restraint is challenged when he has to hold back the anger to evade lashing out at the man they have the misfortune of calling "father."
But right now, his main focus is calming down the little girl, crying in his arms while he's sitting on his futon at the same time he tries to console her.
"Shhh, It's okay y/n."
He may not admit it, but out of all his siblings, she has to be his favorite sister. After all, she's the only one out of their brothers and sister who shares the most traits with him. 
Growing up, Touya came to despise his appearance. Every time he looked at his reflection in the mirror, the sight of that crimson hair and those teal colored eyes always made him feel alienated from Natsuo and Fuyumi. 
After all, they only had some slight streaks of red hair, unlike Touya, who's whole head sported the same red locks of hair as him.
So, when his mother gave birth to a healthy pair of twins, and he saw the little boy who's left side of his head had the same hair color as him, as well as the little girl, who's hair was completely engulfed in the same shade of red as him. Touya almost wanted to cry in the spot, and that loneliness in his heart stopped soon after that.
He actually cried, but if you ask him, he'll always say otherwise.
His eyes wander around his room in search of a distraction, and something catches Touya's attention. The calendar at the top of his desk, with the current date circled down in a fine line of bright red marker. It gives the teenager a great idea, one, that would most likely calm down his little sister instantly.
"Hey, Y/N." She sniffs weakly, wiping away the teardrops rolling down her face with her tiny hand, before looking up at her big brother. "Did you know that there's a place nearby, where you can see fairies?" 
As soon as he mentions the magical creatures, her eyes instantly light up, wide open in wonder as she looks at him with pure innocence in her eyes. 
"Really?" she asks her brother, who smiles in relief upon seeing her reaction. Touya nods eagerly, playing along to distract her from the past events.
"Yes! But they only appear if you're a strong person! Are you strong, y/n?" He pokes her in the nose with his index finger, and she can't help closing her eyes in surprise. Squeals erupt from her throat by her brother's antics, and he struggles to fight back a chuckle.
"I am strong!" she shouts, still rubbing the small tears away from her puffy face.
"Strong enough to stop crying?" he asks her with vigor, and his attempts to cheer her up work when she sniffles one more time, before nodding at him with a fierce pout, the sight nearly makes Touya clutch his heart, amused by the little rascal pretending to be brave.
"Good! Then go get ready, 'cause I'm taking you to see the fairies!"
She gasps loudly, nodding rapidly at her brother before dashing out of his room with hurried steps, and once the sound of her footsteps disappear in the distance, Touya lets out a relieved sigh, before bursting into a wholehearted laugh at her enthusiasm.
He stands up from his futon in a hurry, and begins preparing everything he'll need for their small trip. 
"Are we there yet?" 
In one hand, Touya holds on to his sister's tiny hand as they walk together. In the other hand, he's holding the strap of a messenger bag hanging over his shoulder, careful not to graze the bandages wrapped all the way up from the wrist to the shoulder.
"Patience y/n, we're almost there." 
The sunset fills the surroundings in gorgeous hues of pinks and purples, and if it wasn't for his current motivation, Touya would have stopped in the middle of the bridge to stare at the bright, glimmering reflection in the water for hours. 
"Give me a minute, y/n." Rummaging through his bag, Touya pulls out a camera. He starts taking pictures of the sunset reflecting in the water below the bridge, capturing the aesthetically pleasing scenario before him. He takes a look at the final result, and after humming in approval, he puts the camera back into his bag, before taking his sister’s hand to continue walking.
The closer they get to their destination, the sky begins to change colors again, until nothing but blue shades fill the sky.
"Here we are!" Touya stopped in front of a small, empty playground, and y/n quickly began looking around, waiting for the "fairies" to come out any moment now. This time, her brother couldn't hold back his laughter.
"This is only the gateway, come on. The fairies are waiting."
At the other side of the playground, there's a small trail leading into a forest. Touya takes her sister along with him along the rows of trees, and the deeper they go, the darker it seems to get around them. 
Until Touya finds the place he was looking for, a small lake deep inside the forest, surrounded by bushes and lilies all around it.
"Isn't it pretty y/n?" he asks his little sister, who won't stop looking at her surroundings, admiring the scenario before her. Right as she's about to question her brother, the teenager crouches down in front of her, and points at a spot in front of them.
That's when she sees the small dots of light start to appear all around the forest, illuminating everything around them with their gentle light.
"Look, the fairies are here!"
But the little girl becomes awfully quiet, and for a minute Touya begins to worry. Until she turns to look at him with the most awestruck look he's ever seen on her tiny face, and starts pointing at the shining creatures flying cheerfully all around them.
"F-Fairies are real! Touya, they're real!"
She's already running off to look at a spot in the grass, where these fairies seem to be having a good time.
While y/n is distracted by the fairies, Touya sits down on the grass, watching the lake's surface where the lights seem to dance happily.
"Touya look!" She quickly approaches her brother, and in her tiny hands, there's a small light in her palm,  without a single worry in their miniature soul.
"I guess the fairies like you. Do you know what that means?" 
She tilts her head in curiosity, before shaking it softly.
"It means you're one of them now!" Touya yells excitedly, and that brings a bright smile to the face of the little girl standing in front of him.
"I'm a fairy?!" She bounces on her spot, careful not to hurt her little friend resting in the palms of her hands.
"Even better than a fairy." He ruffles her hair reassuringly, turning her hair into a wild mess of red locks. "You're a firefly!"
"Firefly?" She looks back at the little bug, sitting nonchalantly in its place, before looking back at her brother, smiling at him one more time. "I'm a firefly!"
She happily runs back to the bushes, where she releases her friend back in place. More lights begin surrounding the lake. And Touya smiles at the child's antics before he starts looking through his bag again, and pulls out his camera before taking pictures all over the place. 
y/n is too distracted by another handful of fireflies, to notice her brother taking a picture of her. As he looks at the final result, the small screen displays the current hour, and Touya can't help wincing once he realizes they've been in the lake for a longer time than he thought.
A small, contagious yawn catches his attention, and he watches as y/n it's starting to doze off. 
"Come on firefly, it's time to go back home." Touya puts the camera back in his bag, before helping his sister crawl on his back. Her tired eyes look back at the lake, and the small dots of light still dancing around eagerly.
"Hey, Touya?" She's struggling to fight back her drowsiness, and manages to ask her brother a question before her eyes begin to close, and she slowly falls asleep on his shoulder.
"Can we...Can we bring Shouto along next time?" 
Touya can't help but grimace, knowing that with their father around, it would be impossible to take their little brother along, but he doesn't have the courage to tell y/n the truth, and with a deep breath, he answers.
"...Of course we can."
As Touya passes by the same bridge from before, he can feel his sister's body go limp on his back, sleep overtaking her tiny body. But even with the slight pain coursing through his bandaged arm, he can't bring himself to move her from the place. At least, not until they're finally back home.
The house is dead silent once he comes inside, and with a careful pace, he takes y/n to her room. Tucking her into the futon before walking back to his own room, where he pulls the camera out of his bag and on top of a shelf, and lets himself faceplant on his own bed with a slight bounce.
"Come on Shouto, this way!" Shouto tries to keep up with his sister, but she just keeps walking with an excited spring on her step as she guides him through the forest, eager to take him to this place she's been talking about for weeks now.
"Are you sure we should be out here this late?" He can't help being amused by her enthusiasm. This is the first time he's seen her this excited after they started spending more time with each other.
"It's fine, trust me!" She stops in her steps before turning to both sides of the forest, and with a triumphant "aha!" she starts walking to the right side of the forest.
"I used to come here with Touya, and I've always wanted to show you this place! You're going to love it, trust me!" 
@bnha-ra @bnhabookclub @gallickingun @godtieruwu @hanniejji @mysticalite @savagetrickster @shoobirino @songsforbnha @sugacookiies @t-amajiki @unbreakableeiji @undead0relived @wesparklebitchu
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ibuki-loves-you · 3 years
Ajdjdjde if this ends up being a miniature story I-
This'll answer to Taiyo's relationship with spiders, and who said the thingy.
"When I grow up, I KNOW you'll be my queen! Alright Spider!? You're making my declaration of love not romantic anymore..." Taiyo whined, crossing him arms with a huff. He quickly swiveled around, ready to walk away. Taiyo wouldn't though, but if he did he'd go quite slow...
"T-Taiyoo! Taiyo wait!! I'm sooorrryy..." The girl standing next to him, Yamanashi Kai, or Spider, barreled straight into him.
At first glance, you'd never guess she'd practically mastered Taekgyeon and Wushu already. Yamanashi was quite small; frail-looking. Yet, that allowed her to easily trick her opponents into letting their guard down. She'd never let her small defect(Yamanashi actually only has 8 fingers! That and some other things are why Taiyo calls her Spider.) lead her life.
Taiyo, on the other hand, didn't quite bother with self defense. He, one, found it useless(no one would EVER hurt their prince!!), and two, would never accomplish anything with it.
The two were an unexpected duo, but an inseparable one at that. Taiyo was warm-hearted, naive, and generally a very nice person(if you counted out his many pranks). Yamanashi was quite a cold, sarcastic, rude person. At least she respected her elders?
"Taiyo... You believe in me, right? Because that belief in me is needed right now. I need you to stay right here, and don't move for quite a while." Yamanashi whispered, giving Taiyo's hand a small squeeze, then dashing off.
Taiyo waited. Waited some more. He waited what felt like an eternity, until his gut feeling got too strong for him to handle.
So, being the impulsive kid he was, Taiyo dashed in the direction he last saw "Spider" go.
"Sp-Spider? Hello?..." Taiyo glanced around frantically, his eyes eventually landing on a half-dead body. Soaked in blood, no one else but Taiyo would recognize the person.
"...Spider? Spider? Spider respond to me!!" He sobbed, dashing towards Yamanashi with unbelievable speed.
Taiyo clutched onto her martial arts uniform, sniffling quite loudly. "Y-You- you aren't allowed to die, alright!? I-I won't let my future queen die!! We- we have to- to- rule together! S-So get it together stupid-head!! Cmon, respond to me!" Taiyo squinted, hoping to see even the slightest movement. He knew she was still alive, her heart was beating... Even though it was slower than it should be.
All Taiyo got from the one person who understood him, and loved him nearly as much as he loved them, was a weak "Shhh... You've done great, you survived. Yay! I'm going to be gone soon, so you need to accept there's no saving me...", as she smiled ever so slightly and lifted her arm up to drape it over his back.
She let him cry. Didn't attempt to stop it at all. Yamanashi knew of what she did, sacrifice herself. A "stupid-head thing to do", if you asked Taiyo. Yamanashi knew how Taiyo would respond, how he wouldn't wait like she told him to, how he'd run after her. She understood the reasoning behind his breakdown. She was the only person he really loved, and still did...even after her eyesight blurred, darkened, her heart slowed more. The last thing she heard was "Yama-Yamanashi Kai!! Y-You better not die on me just yet-", and the last thing she said was "Enjoy life for me, Prince Hinode...Your princess will watch over you forever."
And all went blank.
WoO, I think we can all agree that s u c k e d.
Ye 👌 🕺✨
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So here's young Taiyo and Yamanashi trying to remember how to ball dance lmao-
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firephoenix39 · 4 years
Chapter 11
The New Adventure
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It's been nearly two weeks since Adrian's return from the dead, he's been laying in bed recovering from his injury, his family has been keeping an eye on him but Jingfei has been with him the most by sleeping next to him due to his near death.
July 19th 6:00 am Adrian wakes up and sees Jingfei next to him holding his arm and laying on his shoulder, he stroked her hair and glided his fingers on her cheek a few seconds later she woke up and gave him a smile. Jingfei: " Good morning my brave wolf warrior." Adrian: morning Jingfei how you doing today? As Adrian was about to go to the bathroom he paused and faces Jingfei, Adrian: wait can you repeat what you called me? Jingfei: I called you wolf warrior. She said in a friendly tone. Adrian: ok I'm not mad at you but how did you know that I'm the wolf warrior? Jingfei: Adam told me and also showed the mask. She said in a calming tone, Adrian was a bit relieved that Adam told her than an idea came into his head that he should get to know his girlfriend more. Adrian: since we're awake do you want to go explore the ranch there's acres that we haven't touched and I think it can be amazing.
Jingfei: yes I would like to do that I haven't done anything with you and I want to do it. They both leaned in and started to kiss, but little did they know that Martin, Chris, Jimmy, and Adam were listening in on the conversation and wanted to see the youngest member hook her in or swim away. When the four members were making thoughts they heard footsteps and they all ran into Martin and Chris's room. In Adrian's room the teen was headed to the bathroom to freshen up and shower. Adrian: I'll see you at the barn in a bit ok. Jingfei nodded and blew a kiss at Adrian as she left. When she left Adrian's room and went into her's Martin Chris jimmy and Adam were planing on how to follow them but then Aviva and koki confronted them and gave them a shame on them look. Aviva: we heard your plan and we disappointed. Koki: Shame on you boys. The four boys felt bad until the girls change their faces to a grin as they want to help the boys follow the young couple. Aviva: were ashamed of you because your were not thinking on using our help, koki and I we'll help you with your little mission. Koki: all the way. the boys were shocked and also glad that the girls are helping them and decided to head for the Tortuga as soon as the young couple leaves the house. In his room Adrian got out of the shower, In the shower he peeled his bandages off leaving marks on his body,eye and face as he got out and was getting clothes from his closet he saw an instrument case and wondered what it was as he pulled it out with his clothes he opens it and it was discovered to be a violin in the case there was a small paper that says "always play from the heart" as he closes the case he puts on his cowboy shirt, jeans, boots, hat, holsters with pistols he puts on his satchel still holding the shock gauntlet, his creature power suit, translator device, creature pod and some cash. As he heads out he sees a glare making him squint as he heads towards it he sees that it's a knife that sharp enough to cut anything, he grabs it put the sheath on and puts it in another pocket in the satchel, he then grabbed the violin and left his room to go to the barn. In the barn he heads to gold's stable as the horse see the boy he neighs in joy happy to see him but as the teen gets closer to him he puts his head down as a way of saying sorry about hurting his friend. Adrian: it's ok boy I forgive you. The teen hugs and pats the horse's head and body,as he was putting the violin on one side of the saddle with a rifle and a double barrel shotgun in the other  Jingfei enters the barn calling Adrian's attention as Adrian faces his lover he blushes as she was wearing a yellow T-shirt with a pair of jeans and cowgirl boots she even had her hair braided. He goes to her and hugs her like he hasn't seen her in years he then tears up as that he doesn't want to lose her. As the both mounted on there horses Adrian noticed that Jingfei has the all white pelt horse. Adrian: that's a beautiful horse what did you name him or her? Jingfei: her name is liberous but I call her Libby for short. Adrian: that's a beautiful name. The young couple blushes and they both left the barn going around to the back of the house adventuring to the unexplored parts of the ranch. While they left Adam signals the crew that the coast is clear and dashed to the Tortuga, while there Adam was amazed when he stepped inside as he remembers seeing it on tv with his little brother but he was stunned that he is inside seeing Aviva's inventions and was speechless. Chris: welcome to the Tortuga Adam!
Adam jumped up surprised, Adam: Chris!! what the heck don't scare me like that. Chris: oh sorry I didn't know. Adam: it's alright man just don't try to surprise people from behind alright. As Adam looked around the HQ he was stunned to see all of Aviva's inventions like the miniatureizer, creterra, and etc. as soon as Martin, Aviva,koki, and jimmy caught up koki managed to activate Adrian's creature pod camera and at first there wasn't much light and Adam and the crew were wondering why it was dark till Adam realized  that the device was in his satchel. With the young couple they stop at the sight of a pond, it gave the horses a chance to drink and rest. Adrian: huh I never knew there was a pond out here one day want to swim or fish?
Jingfei: that would be nice yes especially fishing to be honest I never fished in my life.
Adrian made a shocked face he couldn't believe that the girl he loves had never learned how to fish. Adrian: I'm gonna have to school you on fishing. Jingfei laughed at his remark and stared at him lovingly .
Adrian: hold on I'm gonna show you something.
Adrian walked to the horse's saddle and grabbed the violin case and showed to Jingfei.
Adrian: I found it when I was getting ready do you like it? Jingfei tears up as she stared at the violin she than ran away and got on her horse and took off. Adrian: wait where you going??
He got on his horse and followed after her, meanwhile Adam and the Wild Kratts crew heard everything and got concerned and worried koki quickly went to her computer and got their location but there was bad news. Koki: uh oh their riding to a dangerous path where there is dangerous animals that can kill them!!!!
Martin: don't worry we'll stop them . Chris, Martin, Aviva and koki ran out of the Tortuga wearing their vest and gloves, as Adam followed them out but was confused why they were wearing them. Adam: why are you wearing those vest and gloves? Chris: you'll see Adam. the four pulled out a falcon power disc and found a feather and all touched it when they touched the middle of the paw print on the vest then shouted "ACTIVATE FALCON POWERS" Adam was blinded by the glow of the colors but once his vision was back to normal he saw that Martin Chris Aviva and Koki were in a form of a falcon all the time he thought his little brother was messing with him but now that he saw that he wasn't messing with him he believed him. Martin Chris Aviva and Koki flew up into the sky and headed to Adrian and Jingfei's location while Adam and jimmy ran into the barn and got on their horses to follow. Now with Adrian and Jingfei not knowing the danger they're riding in we're going fast to the dangerous path until Jingfei's horse got tired, Adrian: what's wrong are you alright??? Jingfei: GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME !!!! She started to burst into tears and also was angry but not at him.
Adrian: Jingfei I want to help you just tell me what's wrong.
Jingfei wanted to tell her lover but she couldn't she just kept on weeping, than an idea came into Adrian's head and he went back to his saddle grabbed and opened the violin case and he rosin up the bow and started to play a calming tune.
The music was so loud that from the air Martin, Chris, Aviva, and koki heard it and followed the sound while Adam and jimmy riding on horse back started to hear it and followed.
When Adrian finished he saw that Jingfei dried her tears and came up to him, Adrian: shhh there there now please tell me what's troubling you.
Jingfei: when I was younger I always wanted a violin but my parents and grandma couldn't get one it was too expensive back in China, and one day before my parents and grandma died they scrambled enough money to get a violin but when I was playing it during school this group of mean girls who hated me for some reason grabbed both of my arms restraining me while another gave the violin to the main girl who ran the group, she got it out of the case and smashed it on the wall and stomped on it to little pieces than she got the bow and broke it in half with her leg they all laughed as she was doing it. What's worse is that her family is one of the elite rich people of fujian and if someone was bullied by her and they report it she would always get away with it just because her family is a elite and rich that the bullied person would always lose when it comes to her. Adrian: my god I'm so sorry Jingfei you should have told me something sweetie you don't have to keep things bottled up deep down look you can always tell me anything I will always understand. As Jingfei and Adrian were about to kiss a pack of wolves approached them with a evil stare in their eyes, Adrian closed his eyes and when he opened them up they turn into wolf eyes and tries to tame them but the pack didn't back down they wanted to attack, Adrian: ok that didn't work. The pack started getting closer to the couple and were starting to corner them, meanwhile Martin, Chris, Aviva, and Koki landed and deactivated from the falcon power suit and ran to where Adrian and Jingfei were at but they saw the pack of wolves cornering the young couple as Adam and jimmy rode up Adam saw his little brother and his girlfriend cornered. Adrian got the feeling that this was the end and grabbed Jingfei's hand but he then he looked at the pack's eyes again and saw that they were filled consumed with anger hate and rage so he got the idea to play the tune he used to calm Jingfei again to calm the wolves, as he started to play his chest started to glow with yellow and everyone was looking at Adrian as if he was some sort of angel or spirit he began to play.
As Adrian finished playing the wolves then calmed down and their eyes started to change to their normal pupils he walked up to the alpha and the alpha wolf did the same, Adrian kneels down and looks at the alpha straight in the eyes Adrian lets the alpha touch his forehead with his snout and they both felt a spiritual connection strengthen, the teen got up and said good bye to his friend and the pack of wolves left back into the forest. Everyone around him were mesmerized about what happened and had so many questions to ask
Adrian: I think it's time we all head home.
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