#i'm not one of y'all ca weirdos...
clemthecustestmonster · 5 months
ACOTAR characters respond to cute aggression biting
Recently I have been thinking a lot about when I told my friends in high school that sometimes I just think people are so adorable I want to bite them. They didn't hesitate in being like, "weird, but you do you." and just letting me bite them on the shoulder randomly. I get this urge with people I'm close with (it can be friends or romantic).
Sorry for the explanation, but I felt it needed one. Without further adu, here are the ACOTAR characters responding to cute aggression.
ca= cute aggression
The Valkaries is friend ca, and the rest are mates/ s/o
The Valkaries
I think Gwyn and Emerie would be like my friends in high school and just accept that this is something you do.
Nesta would think its strange. Any time she would see you do that to Gwyn or Emerie, she would just be like "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
I feel like Gwyn would quickly start biting as well. She would be more like a puppy, doing it when feeling extra silly as well as normal ca.
Definitly would bite you back harder
"So you want to play games, do you?"
It would quickly escalate to sex
You would be covered in bite marks
Sometimes he may just leave it as a cute, goofy moment, but overall I feel it would lead to sex most of the time.
The first time you bite him would be during a cozy moment. Y'all are cuddled up, joking around and it just happens.
He would be confused, looking at you skeptically. "Did you just bite me?" "Well, you just looked so cute, I couldn't help it." "Do you often have the urge to do that?" "Well, kinda. This time I just kinda acted on it I guess..." He would laugh, hugging you close and gently biting you back.
I think there are times this would lead to more, but overall I think he would accept it. He'd be so happy to know that you think he's cute (he's just your sweet little mate, aw).
He would honestly think it was adorable. You're just his cute little weirdo!
He would initially be confused and joke about you needing a chew toy.
He would tease you for it but secretly love when you did it because he knew it was because you were happy and comfortable with him.
Would get concerned if you hadn't bit him in a while so he would try being extra cute to trigger the response. If it doesn't work he would ask when you're trying to go to sleep. "Why don't you bite me anymore? Do you not think I'm adorable anymore?" While giving you puppy eyes and batting his eyelashes.
"Aw, my little puppy" and pets your head.
He would think it is adorably strange. If you are lucky you may get a giggle out of him.
If it catches him by surprise, he would quickly bite you back but a bit harder.
I think, like Lucien, this could also lead to sexy time. It would get intense... we all heard sjm call him a freak.
The first time you do this I could see him just biting the shit out of you with no hesitation (not enough to break skin, but hard).
You bat him away laughing, "What the hell? I gave you a happy bite!". He would be confused but once you explain it he would be like "Ooooo, happy bite, okay." and then give you a little baby bite.
I think her initial response would be, "What the hell was that" *stunned blinking*, but once she understands I think she would love it and think it's hilarious.
She would start biting you too, but only because she thinks it's so funny. She would do it out of nowhere and just run away laughing.
Jurian and Vassa
They see Lucien and his mate do this once, ask for no explanation and just begin using it as a form of warfare.
They would be arguing and one of them would just bite the other and storm off.
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valleynix · 2 years
Pls make the scenario real, it's time for Bela's revenge.
All those nasty fics I stumbled across while scrolling on ao3, my goddess I'm traumatised just by the tags🥴
I just want 3k words of them cuddling and doing silly little fly things together 😭😭😭 is it too much to ask for 😭
I do hope despite the fear you'll include more of their interactions in the following chapters, they always make me smile <\3 😔 your content keeps me fed.
Literally every time I read:
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Miranda's character is also so very tragic, the poor woman is lost in the madness and all she ever wanted and wants is just to get her kid back :(
Basically everyone has their own reasoning behind their actions (like Dimis' have theirs for all the killing too, they just want to survive like anyone else) and I love that.
Oh, I like the theory with the mould. It has a logical explanation to why the blood would taste different and it's on a physical not spiritual level (like a tainted soul would). That makes sense. Thank you (and Cas!) for all the explaining!
WORKING ON IT (maybe next chapter >:3)
yeah the amount of times i've wanted to leave this fandom purely because of those weird fucks is astonishing. never once have i been so torn between staying because the good ones bring me so much joy and leaving because of what people do to these characters
i'm pretty sure a lot of y'all know me from tiktok and such or found out along the way, but i have called these weirdos out on several occasions and it's always WILD to have at least one person defending the SA, incest, etc. by being like "ummm acksually 🤓" like y'all disgust me
i'm not planning to leave until i at least finish TPtM, but for the moment i literally just don't interact with anyone 💀 i don't scroll on any of the Dimitrescu tags anymore, i don't go on ao3 anymore, and that kinda hurts because i do love this fandom but the amount of degenerates.....
but onto happier things, at least on tiktok my comments are mostly normal <3 i'm hardly even on tumblr unless it's to answer asks or browse before bed because seeing some of y'all say Alcina is abusive or that Bela and Cass are hot together infuriates me
truly believe western culture has ruined how affectionate people can be with their family 😭 like if i wasn't socially awkward i'd be kissin my friends on the cheek or forehead because it's so cute to me <3 people who take everything as something romantic/sexual regardless of who the relationship is between are WACK
but i will try my best to continue, at least for the, like. two handfuls of people i can name off the top of my head that keep me going <33
listen i both love and hate Miranda. i feel so bad for her and she's such a great villain in canon, but at the same time... 😭 miss girl PLEASE get some therapy, oh my god
i'll make sure Cas sees the gratitude, but i do hope the explanation helped a bit! i try to make the fic as "canon" as possible in terms of abilities and what the megamycete does/can do, which leads to... lots of studying :') <33
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prettyymafia · 2 years
lmk when someone asks ‘why is hunter white with locs ?’ !! i will drag them around the curb and call them a slur (clorox wipe) <3
LMAO WE IN HEAAA!!!! [these bozos must've forgot i'm a black ass girl who makes black ass sims]
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