#i'm not tagging shay since he only appear in the beginning
teecupangel · 11 months
So I had this idea of Connor meeting adéwale who gets a sense of deja vu but can’t pinpoint from whereand the two of them teaming up to find the son of adewale’s friend and Connor’s father both not realizing that they are looking for the same person until they have a run in with haytham and adewale having a lot of things of Connor suddenly make sense with the reveal
So this would be a bit hard considering Shay killed Adéwalé while Ratonhnhaké:ton was just a kid but we can fudge it a bit. They did talk a bit after Shay struck him down so we can make this a case of “he almost died but he didn’t”.
Let’s say one of Adéwalé’s crewmembers survived and found him, dragging him out of danger and helping him survive.
During that time, Adéwalé dreams of Edward Kenway, of the past they shared, the letters they sent to one another…
When he wakes up, months have passed and he was still too weak that he could barely walk.
He had been transported to Port-au-Prince and being taken care of by his son, Babatunde Josèphe. His son tells him to rest and that they’re trying to get in contact with the Colonial Assassins but with no luck. Messengers either return empty handed, talking about the danger and the heightened Templar presence, or they do not return at all.
The Templars had the colonies under their control and it was becoming too dangerous to try and infiltrate the colonies while Shay Cormac, the Assassin Hunter, is on the hunt.
Adéwalé can’t do anything but try to heal his weak body, his mind dwelling deeper and deeper into the darkness the more news they hear about what had happened to the Assassins in the colonies.
The Assassins Adéwalé knew.
By the time he was strong enough, the damage had been done and the Brotherhood were too busy in France and Britain. Their letters asking Achilles if he needed help only being met with silence.
But Adéwalé knew he needed to go back there.
He needed to see Haytham Kenway.
And kill him.
Even if it was the last thing he did.
Haytham Kenway had destroyed what the Kenway stand for, what Edward had worked so hard to create.
As Edward’s friend…
As his only remaining friend…
It was Adéwalé’s duty to destroy the last remaining Kenway before more damage could be done.
His son tells him he was projecting his guilt and anger to someone else.
His grandson did not understand why he was leaving.
Adéwalé was part of the past and he was dragging Haytham Kenway with him if it was the last thing he would do.
So he returns to the colonies and meets up with Achilles.
That’s when he meets up with the young man learning under Achilles.
There was something about him that reminded Adéwalé of Edward Kenway…
So he took Ratonhnhaké:ton under his wings as well and Achilles didn’t say anything. Ratonhnhaké:ton never told Adéwalé about his father by name because Achilles had told him months before Adéwalé had returned that he should keep it a secret.
Being known as Haytham Kenway’s son would only put him in danger.
So Ratonhnhaké:ton kept quiet.
And they formed a bond with Adéwalé assisting him.
Where Achilles pushed for caution, Adéwalé supported any way he can.
Ratonhnhaké:ton was free, like Edward. It would only serve to push him away if they try to chain him down.
The best way to support Ratonhnhaké:ton was to help him.
And then…
That faithful winter day…
In an abandoned church…
Ratonhnhaké:ton and Adéwalé come face to face with the man they were both searching for.
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cleanlittlesecret · 7 years
I'm sending you a ship and a character because I can :>c so Heith and Lance!
Thanks for basically sending me Klunk.
001 | Heith
when I started shipping it if I did: "By the way, Hunk, you really came through in the clutch back there. Without you, the mission would have been a failure.“ The entire thing around Keith making a joke opened my eyes to how cute they can be together, but this is moment that sealed my fate, and I’m spiritually obligated to reference it whenever possible.
What makes me happy about them: Other people have articulated this way better than I ever could, but basically Hunk and Keith are different in so many ways and complement each other well!! And even in s1 they had moments of really getting along (their dialogue during the Klunk hug, their dynamic in the Castle party scene, “Hunk. Calm down. And yes, blasting.” etc bc my memory is shit rn), and that was before they had what was pretty much their Bonding Episode, haha. Also, speaking of That, Keith appreciates how smart Hunk is! He gives Hunk emotional support and makes sure he knows his work is appreciated! And although Keith was probably annoyed by it at the time, I love how Hunk just point-blank asks questions and says goofy things about him being Galra instead of tiptoeing around it like someone with an actual filter would have done. This entire paragraph probably reads like an overexcited dog wagging its tail, but I’m love Heith! They’ve made me a happier person in general!
What makes me sad about them: They’re a fricking rare pair, oh my god.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: I haven’t really read that much fic for this fandom?? And like, almost everything I have read has come from the Heith tag on AO3, but I’m still super picky to begin with, so I don’t think I’ve noticed any fic trends with them that annoy me. I guess my only complaint is the sheer number of fics which have them be the background couple for ships that make me uncomfortable (seriously, the works number on their tag nose-dives as soon as I start filtering out stuff), but I recognize that’s a personal issue.
things I look for in fanfic: Again, same issue as above with me not having read that much?? But I guess I look for like, G-rated fic since nsfw stuff for this fandom in general makes me want to peel my skin off, woops. I would love to see a good plotty thing with them which explores and tests their relationship and isn’t afraid to show them working together and disagreeing with each other in turn, but like, I don’t think such a thing exists rn.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Lance for either one, and also would be happy if Hunk ends up with Shay. It wouldn’t bother me at all for that ship to become canon because they’re adorable together.
My happily ever after for them: GOD…Like, my headcanon for how they would get together in a canonverse setting has always been Keith catches feelings first, starts hanging around Hunk all the time like a clingy cat, and Hunk ends up liking him back thanks to getting to know him better from spending so much time together, so then I guess the continuation for it would be they get together, don’t die in this literal space war, eventually go home to Earth, and get to have a peaceful rest of their lives together. I’m a simple woman with simple needs, and I just want them to be happy, oh my god.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: I don’t care?? I’ve never cared about cuddling as much as fandoms apparently do.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Sharing their interests and hobbies with each other. It probably starts with Hunk info-dumping to Keith about stuff like engineering and cooking, but over time Keith becomes comfortable enough to start talking about his interests too, and their conversations start to balance out better.
002 | Lance
How I feel about this character: He’s good…tries his best…loves his friends and family…I love him…I mean, yeah, he’s not perfect, and he’s done stuff in canon I didn’t like, but his heart’s in a good place. (tbh I’ve basically spent the last few weeks getting emo over Lance while writing notes for that AU I told you about. Like, literally tearing up from how much love I have for him while plotting a fic. I’m ridiculous.)
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Hunk, Keith
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Him and Allura! I love the idea of a friendship between them where Lance finally Takes A Hint about her not being interested and simmers his flirting down into a running joke between them where he just gives her random compliments because she sure as hell deserves them. I think they could be good friends if he would just chill already. (Also, you know how much I love the dynamic he had with Coran in the homesick scene and pod-cleaning scene.)
My unpopular opinion about this character: Don’t really know if it would count as ~unpopular~ since I’ve seen other people criticize this as well, but I dislike the fandom’s fixation on Langst or Lance being tortured or whatever. I know he’s not like, 100% happy and confident all the time, but it feels like some fans go too far with how they interpret his issues, and it can get kinda…fetishy, I guess. Also, it annoys me when people criticize Shiro for getting onto Lance for his more inappropriate behavior, like the pilot scene where he cuts Lance off before Lance can finish that "particle barrier” line. Would those people prefer Lance actually be allowed to say what sounds like a thinly veiled dick joke to a girl he’d basically just met?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I have hope in s3 giving us some good Lance development (I Want To Believe), but as it stands now, I’m still a bit annoyed by how s2e10 handled his insecurity about feeling like he doesn’t serve a purpose for the team. Yes, I Know I just complained about fandom focusing too much on angsty stuff for him, but the way the show introduced that issue and then appeared to resolve it in the same episode felt like a cop-out me. Also, despite the odds of it happening being excruciatingly low, I love the thought of Lance being confirmed bi in canon.
my OTP: Klance
my cross over ship: what the fuck
a headcanon fact: Lance actually does know how to sew. His mother taught him when he was little so he could help her repair the little tears and other damage constantly being inflicted on clothes and blankets and stuff around their house.
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