#like haytham wouldn’t react to it
teecupangel · 11 months
So I had this idea of Connor meeting adéwale who gets a sense of deja vu but can’t pinpoint from whereand the two of them teaming up to find the son of adewale’s friend and Connor’s father both not realizing that they are looking for the same person until they have a run in with haytham and adewale having a lot of things of Connor suddenly make sense with the reveal
So this would be a bit hard considering Shay killed Adéwalé while Ratonhnhaké:ton was just a kid but we can fudge it a bit. They did talk a bit after Shay struck him down so we can make this a case of “he almost died but he didn’t”.
Let’s say one of Adéwalé’s crewmembers survived and found him, dragging him out of danger and helping him survive.
During that time, Adéwalé dreams of Edward Kenway, of the past they shared, the letters they sent to one another…
When he wakes up, months have passed and he was still too weak that he could barely walk.
He had been transported to Port-au-Prince and being taken care of by his son, Babatunde Josèphe. His son tells him to rest and that they’re trying to get in contact with the Colonial Assassins but with no luck. Messengers either return empty handed, talking about the danger and the heightened Templar presence, or they do not return at all.
The Templars had the colonies under their control and it was becoming too dangerous to try and infiltrate the colonies while Shay Cormac, the Assassin Hunter, is on the hunt.
Adéwalé can’t do anything but try to heal his weak body, his mind dwelling deeper and deeper into the darkness the more news they hear about what had happened to the Assassins in the colonies.
The Assassins Adéwalé knew.
By the time he was strong enough, the damage had been done and the Brotherhood were too busy in France and Britain. Their letters asking Achilles if he needed help only being met with silence.
But Adéwalé knew he needed to go back there.
He needed to see Haytham Kenway.
And kill him.
Even if it was the last thing he did.
Haytham Kenway had destroyed what the Kenway stand for, what Edward had worked so hard to create.
As Edward’s friend…
As his only remaining friend…
It was Adéwalé’s duty to destroy the last remaining Kenway before more damage could be done.
His son tells him he was projecting his guilt and anger to someone else.
His grandson did not understand why he was leaving.
Adéwalé was part of the past and he was dragging Haytham Kenway with him if it was the last thing he would do.
So he returns to the colonies and meets up with Achilles.
That’s when he meets up with the young man learning under Achilles.
There was something about him that reminded Adéwalé of Edward Kenway…
So he took Ratonhnhaké:ton under his wings as well and Achilles didn’t say anything. Ratonhnhaké:ton never told Adéwalé about his father by name because Achilles had told him months before Adéwalé had returned that he should keep it a secret.
Being known as Haytham Kenway’s son would only put him in danger.
So Ratonhnhaké:ton kept quiet.
And they formed a bond with Adéwalé assisting him.
Where Achilles pushed for caution, Adéwalé supported any way he can.
Ratonhnhaké:ton was free, like Edward. It would only serve to push him away if they try to chain him down.
The best way to support Ratonhnhaké:ton was to help him.
And then…
That faithful winter day…
In an abandoned church…
Ratonhnhaké:ton and Adéwalé come face to face with the man they were both searching for.
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night-eagle-flight · 3 years
Hidden Gem Chapter 6
When you arrived at the homestead with Connor you were greeted with chores galore. Cooking, cleaning, and some nursing mixed in throughout the day. You learned a lot from Diana and she taught you even more the following days.
One night you hummed happily as you stirred the soup in the pot for dinner. 
“Something smells good.” Connor said as he leaned against the door frame.
You looked over your shoulder and smiled, “I hope you and Achilles like it.” You turned back to the pot, “It’s my first time making this recipe on my own.”
“Diana said you caught on to cooking quickly.” Connor continued the conversation.
“Well... I used to cook every now and again for Haytham and his special guests...” You said looking behind you.
Connor’s eye twitched slightly and a small frown appeared at the mention of his dad’s name, “I will help you set the table.”
He walked away leaving you a bit confused as to why the topic of Haytham would cause him to react in that way but you made a mental note and continued cooking. 
“I see you haven’t burned down the kitchen yet.” Achilles said with slight humor.
You turned around and smiled, “Diana made sure I wouldn’t.” you turned to the pot before you, “The food is ready. I’ll have the bowls served in a moment.”
The dinner went on with idle chats and you were glad that the conversations were never really about business. While talking with Achilles however you noticed that Connor had finished his bowl. You bit your lip for a second before asking,
“Would you like seconds Connor?”
Connor nodded but both of you stood up at the same time.
“I can get it for you.” You said as you reached for the bowl. 
“It is alright. I can get it myself.” He smiled.
“I insist.” You reached once more for his bowl but he side stepped you and made his way to the kitchen.
“He wants to give you a small break.” Achilles sipped his coffee, “Says you’ve been working nonstop all day.”
“Oh! Um.... T-thank you.” You stuttered as you nodded at Connor and sat back down.
When Connor came back you noticed he had served himself another full bowl of soup. You looked away when you realized you were staring. A small blush creeping on your face as you smiled and internally cheered, “He likes it.”
Achilles couldn’t help but roll his eyes slightly with a small grin when he noticed Connor glimpsing at you from time to time.
“Master Kenway,” Shay looked up from his drawn map, “This is the lay out of the homestead from what I remember it.”
Haytham looked at it but didn’t seem to pleased, “I’ve heard Connor has since done modifications to the homestead.”
“Shouldn’t be a problem. The homesteaders don’t know who I am so walking in when Connor or the others aren’t arou--” Shay was interrupted.
“No. I heard a few weeks ago that a group of red coats were chased away while trying to detain a man who refused to serve in their forces. They even lost a few of their comrades.” Haytham looked at Shay, “The homesteaders take care of their own and killing them would most likely cause a rise from the Assassins.”
“Do you believe she’ll fight back?” Shay asked quietly.
“There’s a good chance, yes.” Haytham sighed.
“Is it worth the trouble then?” 
Haytham glared, “I did not spend all that effort grooming her to have her run from what she is meant to do.”
Haytham stood up abruptly and began to pace. 
“Perhaps...” Shay sighed, “I can take a look around the Homestead. See how many villagers there are.”
Haytham hummed, “I will join you-”
“With all due respect sir,” Shay interrupted, “If you’re spotted the Assassins will be on you in a heart beat.”
“Which is why I will be staying at the port of the frontier with the ship until I’m needed. You need to head back to your business as soon as possible along with (y/n).” Haytham looked at Shay, “Understood?”
“Aye sir.” Shay said, “I must be headed off then. Gist has sailed all night so I best relieve him.”
When Shay left Haytham glared at the map of the Homestead, “It has already been a week... How are you (y/n)?” He mumbled, “Has Connor already shown you his ideals? Have you tasted freedom?” He sat down on the Captain’s chair, “If this is the case... then I will have no choice than to show you your place once more because this is the one thing I refuse to compromise.”
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celestialgaea · 4 years
hey I wanted to tell you that I love your works!! Is it possible to ask for a scenario with Haytham having a particularly salty and fearless assistant who often tends to argue with what Haytham says or questions his position as grandmaster? how will our kenway react?
Thank you so much, that makes me so happy! And I am so so so sorry for not uploading this story in a short period of time. I am scolding at myself for this as I had thought that this would’ve been published a long time ago, but school made me very demotivated and dried my well of inspiration. Forgive me if the story is short. Enjoy:)
Pairings: Haytham Kenway x Reader
Warnings: none
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It was a very uncommon view you saw yesterday evening. Very odd. Seeing two of the most opposite individuals, what seemed to you, negotiating in a very calm manner. Haytham’s mild expression had been the same every since you had perceived them and it caused you to feel slightly betrayed. As his assistant, his right hand it was a very important -and to you, even religious- principal to assist him with every quest and to get informed of even the slightest detail of every negotiation. Especially when it came to the assassin’s. A blurry uneasyness sauntered into your stomach seeing how the indigenous male was this precise carbon copy of his father, sharing the same facial features it was noticable how his face was frigid and distant from reality. Almost numb. Genuinly opposite from Hayhtam’s face; slight twitches of the eyebrows and nodding his head on every note of his own voice’s melody.
The sight of the two male’s have been haunting and sauntering through the empty and echoeing glass room of your mind, thousand versions of illusionative speech plastered onto them as to what you assumed they had been talking about during the crisp evening.
The muted voices and grumbling hums of Haytham and the assassin were circling around you in a trance as you had been observing Haytham’s behaviour and narrowed your eyes, awaiting the mentioning of the negotiation with the assassin. But alas. He kept his mouth shut and not even a single note nor vibration that exposed his affairs were emitted from his ivory throat. You had kept yourself seated, waiting for everyone’s departure so you were able to have a small talk with the Grandmaster, but that didn’t left you unnoticed as several templars have been gazing at your sitting form for a fraction of a second longer, slightly furrowing their eyebrows at the way your alert eyes were following Haytham’s movements.
‘Ey, (Y/N)!’ Hickey’s sharp and jocular voice made you avert your focusing eyes from Haytham towards Hickey’s smirking face. ‘Ye’ gonna come with us or are ye’ tryin’ to get a higher wage?’ A snorting laugh left his lip at the underlying inappropriation of the joke, leaving you embaressed. You softly cleared your throat. Almost slow-motion like you turned your head back towards the Grandmaster, sneaking a glimps of his motionless face from underneath the curtains of your eyelashes. That was one of the few positive -slightly positive- things about Haytham’s obsession over discipline - He didn’t let his nor the emotions of other’s affect himself, so you didn’t had to worry about receiving a raised eyebrow in regards of the sexual joke about the two of you.
‘Haven’t I dismissed all of you, miss (L/N)?’ His voice was intimidating such as his posture; straight and broadened back with his fingertips pressed against each other, it was resembling that of a ruler.
‘You have, master.’
‘Then why are you still here?’ Your eyebrows were raised in surprise as your head was tilted to the side.
You want to wank yourself, or something?
‘Why where you negotiating with that assassin without informing me?’  He didn’t flinch, not even a slight change of width in his eyes. As if he expected the queston to hit him. ‘I am the one in charge here, so why should I not? And besides; I cannot drag you into every matter of bussiness as it can be quite...nasty.’ And for God know’s how many times you raised your eyebrows again. ‘Practically you have to drag me along into this nasty bussiness because I am your assistant,’ You moved yourself from your seat and walked in a rapid speed towards Haytham. ‘I have pledged an oath, Haytham-’ ‘-That’s grandmaster for you.’
‘Oh sod it, Haytham.’ You cleared your throat before repeating your sentence again. ‘I have pledged an oath. I swore to you and those fuckers to be a true and loyal templar. I have pledged to sacrifice my whole damned life to this order, so why would it matter if I get involved in these nasty things, Haytham?’
‘Listen, Connor and I were negotiating about a matter which is private. He dare not hurt me, I am his biological father, he does not have the guts for it.’ Bullshit. Everything was bullshit. It sounded as if he were trying to convince himself his son wouldn’t kill him rather than trying to convince you.
‘Do you even believe yourself? He is brutal. Timid, but brutal. I’ve seen him  behead someone with only one blow of his axe. He is huge, Haytham. Besides, you may be his father but he sees you as his greatest enemy. You are the one to block his passage towards victory.’
He kept the room silent, only the fuming breath that made your chests rise and fall filled the empty space. Haytham leant back in his chair and caressed his closed eyelids with his fingers’ solid strokes. Even when he sat in silent dispair he was handsome and neat. It was a very rare sight to catch him looking slovenly, even when his day was not going well.
Haytham’s gaze was focused on your face, feeling a slight arousal creep onto him as his orbs kept admiring you with a lingering intensity. Your saltyness and unrequired remarks towards Haytham surprisingly didn’t spoil the service of vast loyalty you provided him with, on the contrary even. He grew fond of your loyalty towards him, and at the pace of a saltened snail in agonizing pain he began growing fond of you. A bit too much fond of you. But in spite of the weak smiles and pained heart that made him recall past love that had been hidden inside a messy stitched heart he received after a futil discussion with you, it made him feel as though you were a married couple with aching love, he neglected all of those feelings. He could not let the burden of your death, which was an inevitable reality as a templar, weigh on his shoulder. You could die any day and any night. Life is not on your side and death is the inevitable repercussion of being handed the curse of life.
‘I am well aware of that, (Y/N). I am well aware.’ He sighed. he stood up and with his hands tied against his back he began strolling until he stood behind you. So close. So near.  ‘But after all,’ His breath hit the nape of your neck, patching the flesh with a humid warmth. ‘He is still my own bloody son.’
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ragingbookdragon · 4 years
You Can Take Off All My Clothes And Never See Me Naked PT. 2
A Haytham Kenway x Reader Story
Word Count: 2,200 Warnings: Explicit Language
Author’s Note: I keep wondering if I should just make this story one giant document but that’s just not my style, ya know? Enjoy! -Thorne
It hadn’t even taken the man a week to get her signed into the organization. Temporary employment, they’d called it, but she was sure if she kept her nose clean for a few weeks, maybe a month, they’d call it permanent. She briefly remembered the whole history lesson on their organization, The Templars, against their archenemy, The Assassins. Both didn’t seem too particularly great in her opinion, and without warning, she’d uttered that both groups should join force and work together. No doubt that her quiet opinion had shocked the Grandmaster—and while he offered his own opinion, it was clear that he wasn’t too fond of joining forces with the enemy.
           (Y/N) watched the scenery flash by in front of her through the window of the carriage as they traveled the countryside. The Grandmaster had wanted a personal appearance within the few days to record her name and such, but (Y/N) knew it was simply a fake. No, what he wanted was information—any he could pry from her fingers about her life and from anyone else who knew her. She couldn’t fight the smile that came across her lips, knowing that no matter how deep the man dug, there wasn’t going to be a scrap of evidence to find.
           Her eyes darted upwards when she heard the carriage driver click his tongue to slow the horse. The carriage came to a stop and she opened the door, stepping onto the gravel. (Y/N) stared at the mansion in front of her with a satisfied expression.
           “Rather fetching home is it not?” a voice murmured beside her.
           She jerked and turned, seeing him standing there with an amused look; she scowled. “I do believe it’s a sign of arrogance to float your own boat, Grandmaster.”
           Haytham chuckled and gestured for her to follow. “Perhaps. But you have to admit the mansion is nice.”
           (Y/N) grunted. “It’s fine.” He glanced over his shoulder and she fought to not roll her eyes. “Sir.”
           He narrowed his eyes, pleased at her and turned back around. “There are a couple Templars here at the moment.” Before she could say it, he added, “Thomas has been relocated back to Boston.” He stopped at the doorway, ignoring the servant who opened the door. “I wouldn’t go back on our deal, (Y/N).”
           She peered at him then tipped her head. “As you say.” Taking a moment to look around him, she asked, “Who is here?”
           Haytham spun around and entered the mansion, her shutting the door behind him. “Shay and another Templar who serves in his command—a man named Christopher Gist.” He shot a glance over his shoulder. “You’ve already met Shay and I think you’ll like Gist. He’s a rather good-natured man.”
           “If he’s not I’ll knock his teeth out.” (Y/N) retorted.
           “Why is knocking teeth out your go-to threat?”
           She scoffed and placed her hands on her hips. “Oh, should I instead threaten to cut their cocks off instead, Grandmaster?”
           Haytham inhaled deeply at her comment and let out a heavier sigh. “Well, you’re usually planning on killing them, so what’s the harm?”
           (Y/N) glared at him, but kept silent, following him into the study. The two Templars rose at his entrance and Shay smiled her way. “Ah, lass, good to see you again.” He held his hand out for her to shake, but she merely stared at it.
           Sensing her discomfort, he started to pull his hand back, but she grabbed it suddenly and gave it a firm squeeze and shake, smirking at his wince. “Good to see you again as well, Shay.” She let go of his hand and held it out to the other Templar. “You must be Gist.”
           He took her hand and shook it heartily. “I am! Shay talked about you, Miss (Y/N)! Said you made quite an impression at dinner the other night!”
           She huffed humorlessly. “Wasn’t trying to impress anyone.” He smiled awkwardly. “But thanks anyway.” A natural smile crossed his face once more and she turned to Haytham. “So, what are the three of us doing together?”
           “Patience.” He chastised lightly. “There’s a process to these things.”
           “Things?” she echoed. “I wasn’t aware of a process I was going through other than a temporary watch.”
           “I just wish to see if you’re in good health.” Haytham waved a hand and an older gentleman stepped into the room. “This is Alexander.” The man bowed lightly to her and she did the same, not wanting to be rude. “He is my personal doctor. I would like you to give him permission to do a checkup just to see how your health is doing.”
           “Permission denied.” She’d said it so suddenly that no one reacted at first.
           “Excuse me?” Haytham’s voice sounded rather shocked.
           (Y/N) crossed her arms over her chest. “You want my permission? Well you can’t have it. I’ll a see a female doctor only.”
           “There aren’t exactly many of those around, lass.” Shay muttered and she turned on him.
           “Then I guess I’m not being check out, am I?” She looked at Haytham. “Either you find me a woman who is skilled in physicals or you’ll take my word for how my health is. There are no alternatives that can be decided in this. Sir.”
           He regarded her a moment. “You’re sure I can’t change your mind?”
           (Y/N) narrowed her gaze. “There’s not a man alive who could make me.”
           They stared one another down and it seemed as though everyone was sweating from the fear until Haytham stood straight and looked at the doctor. “Alexander, I apologize, but I fear your services won’t be needed.”
           The man simply tipped his head then glanced at her. “Without a closer examination, she looks to be in perfect health as it is.” He smiled at (Y/N) before taking his leave.
           She let out a sigh of relief and Shay snorted. “So, it’s not that you don’t want to be examined, you don’t like doctors?” He nudged her. “Afraid of ‘em?”
           (Y/N) glared at him. “I’m not afraid of doctors. I just didn’t want to be examined like an experimental rat.”
           “Pfft, he’s a doctor not a scientist. I don’t think he was plannin’ on pokin’ and proddin’ ya lass.”
           She ignored him, taking a seat in one of the chairs. “Can’t be too careful.” She looked at Haytham. “What else is on your secret agenda for me?”
           Haytham chuckled and took a seat, watching the others take theirs as well. “(Y/N), my agenda is hardly a secret.” He ignored her quip of ‘liar’ and continued. “But since you’ve rejected a physical, there’s a tiny mess-up in our schedule now.”
           “And that is?”
           He met her gaze, serious as death. “I’d wanted Alexander’s approval to test your defensive skills. I didn’t want to try sparring and you pass out on me.”
           (Y/N) waved a hand. “I’m in perfect condition to fight.” He opened his mouth, but she cut him off. “Look, I get that part of your job is to make sure that everyone is in fighting shape but do yourself an early favor and stop worrying about me.” He cocked an eyebrow, a well-hidden surprise marking his features. “I don’t want nor need your worry.” She stood up. “So save it for someone who matters.” (Y/N) motioned to the door. “Shall we make way to the training room, then?” She didn’t wait for approval nor refusal, simply twisting on her heel to leave the study.
           The three men sat in a silence for a moment, then Gist said, “Well, I feel that Miss (Y/N) is going to be a splendid addition to the bunch!” He elbowed Shay. “Don’t you agree, Shay?”
           The Irishman snorted and rose from his seat. “Jesus, if she doesn’t somehow scald us all to death with her words first.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Shit, I got first degree just from her glare.” Gist chuckled, and Shay couldn’t help but look to the Grandmaster who was peering at the doorway she’d exited. “Master Haytham? Is everything alright?”
           The Grandmaster shifted his gaze and offered a smile, rising from his seat. “I’m fine, Shay. Simply thinking.”
           “Care to share?”
           “She’s trying to drive wedges between herself and everyone.”
           “What for?” Gist inquired aloud.
           Shay shrugged. “Maybe she just hates men?”
           Haytham hummed and shook his head. “No…I don’t think that’s it. If it were, she wouldn’t have agreed to work with us.”
           “Then what could it be?”
           Before either of the two Templars could answer, a voice called, “Familiarity breeds contempt.” Their eyes shifted sharply to the doorway and they winced at (Y/N)’s harsh glare. “I’m already more familiar with the three of you than I like to be with anyone. Don’t make friends and we’ll be fine.” She tipped her head to the living room. “Move your asses, please. I have other things to do today and spending my time in the ass-end of nowhere Virginia isn’t it.” Once again, (Y/N) disappeared.
           Shay huffed. “Jesus, she’s sneaky.” His face pinched much like a child’s after tasting a lemon. “And mean.” He looked at Haytham. “She’s mean.”
           Haytham sighed. “What are you, ten years old?”
           “Eleven, thank you very much.” Came Shay’s smart remark.
           “You do understand the rules of engagement, right lass?”
           She ignored Shay’s question and pulled a saber from the training case. Tossing the scabbard aside, she raised it defensively and simply waited for him.
           He sighed and pulled his own blade. “As you wish.”
           They circled one another like buzzards over a cadaver, eyes narrowed on any sudden movements either would take. (Y/N) stepped softly, right leg over her left, and Shay realized that as she made a half-circle, she stopped and went the other way, left over right. His brows furrowed and his lips mouthed, ‘What are you doing?’ but before he could even voice, she surged forward, sword coming down in a wide arc.
           He side-stepped, but she followed, twisting her wrist to send it outwards. Shay raised his sword by his arm, narrowly dodging her sweep before shoving her off. (Y/N) went back a few feet and returned to her stepping. This time, he voiced it. “What are you doing?” He’d never seen such a step pattern before, and she obviously didn’t want to say. She twirled the sword in her grip and held a hand out, motioning for him to come her way. Shay scoffed.
           He hurried forward and started with the same move she did, but she didn’t move, using the momentum of his sword to slide it off with hers. With his away, she aimed for his neck and in a brief moment, he thought he was done for when she gasped and dropped the blade like it’d burned her alive.
           Shay reacted like anyone would, throwing his sword to the side to immediately help her. “Are you alright, lass?! What hurts?! What—” His words were cut short when she suddenly grabbed the front of his harness and pulled him forward. Unsuspecting of it, Shay jerked forward, and he was met with a blade to his throat. His coffee eyes were wide with disbelief, jaw dropped from the shock, and yet (Y/N)’s face held a rigid calm.
           “Yield.” She commanded and even as he thought about grabbing for his dirk, she pressed the dagger into his skin. “Do it, I dare you.”
           They stared at each other, then he said, “I give.”
           (Y/N) shoved him away and stashed her dagger back into the flap inside her jacket. She silently picked up the sword and its scabbard, sheathing the blade before putting it on the rack once more.
           She turned and walked up to Haytham, not a sign of emotion on her face, least of all victory. “I suspect that was good enough for you?”
           Haytham would never claim to be an easily readable man—far from it in fact. He could count on two hands the number of times he’d been transparent to someone else. But the truth of the matter was that for the first time in a while, Haytham was stunned silent. Honest to God, stunned silent, and all it entailed. He blinked at her. “I—who taught you to fight?” he managed.
           She placed her hands on her hips. “Doesn’t matter, they’re dead. Was that good enough for your acceptance?” (Y/N) was more insistent this time, like she was itching to get away from guards she’d pickpocketed.
           He regained himself and pulled his lips in a satisfied smile. “It would appear so.”
           “It would appear that she cheated.” Shay grumbled behind her.
           (Y/N) tossed a glance over her shoulder. “I don’t fight to gain honor. I fight to win.” She spun around and headed for the door. “And you know who wins?” She stopped beside Shay, shoulder to shoulder with him and whispered, “The cheaters.” (Y/N) started her way again. “Take me back to The Ethereal Crew Tavern, Grandmaster. I’ve a shift to work at.”
           The door slammed behind her, and before any of them could speak, Shay glowered at Haytham and said, “You’re never going to get anything out of her.” He scowled. “God, she’s so mean!”
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How does Haytham, Connor, Edward, Arno and Evie react to their kid waking them up because they had a nightmare (I just found your blog and I love it!)
Aww thank you so much! (I’ve finally got around to opening my inbox again!!) Here we go, then (thanks for specifying!)...
Imagine the ages as you wish, by the way, I never really had set ages in my mind.
“Papa/Father/Mama/Mother, I can’t sleep...”
Haytham (GN!Reader)
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“What is bothering you, Y/C/N?”
“I had a bad dream...”
Haytham would rarely spend time in bed, choosing instead to sit at his desk and do some paperwork.
“Would you like to elaborate on that, young man/lady?”
“I was lost, and I couldn’t find you. I was really scared.”
They would be sitting in his lap in the dim candlelight, calmly resting their head on his rising and falling chest as he would tell them fantastical stories in a gentle hum, and would keep cradling them in his arms until long after they fall asleep, finishing the must finish paperwork first.
Connor (F!Reader)
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There was a sudden weight on his chest.
His eyes snapped open, momentarily alarmed.
“What’s the matter, Y/C/N?” 
He would rub their back soothingly as they climb onto him, tears staining his shirt.
“Don’t cry, darling.”
You would have stirred by this time, ears pricking at the sounds of distress.
“They found us, Papa; they hurt you and M-M...”
Connor sat up to properly hold Y/C/N as they broke down into more terrified sobs. 
“It’s alright, it’s alright...”
Kissing them upon their head, Connor wrapped an arm around you as they calmed down slowly.
“They aren’t real, Y/C/N; you’re alright now.”
“Konoronkwa, Y/C/N. We’re all safe here.”
“Konoronkwa, Papa, Mama.”
Edward (GN!Reader)
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Edward startled at the sound and bounded towards the source. 
Y/C/N sat up straight at the sound of the door flying open.
“You alright, lad/lass?”
Embarrassed, they nodded. “Just fine, Father.”
He furrowed his brows, tying his hair back.
“Is there anything you’d want to talk about?”
They’d smile dismissively, but Edward wouldn’t let it go.
“What were you dreaming about?”
“I can’t remember, Father. Goodnight.”
They wouldn’t want to stay on their own for long. 
Lantern in hand, they crept into your shared bedroom, slowly climbing between you and Edward.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Edward would mumble quietly (as to not wake you).
“In the morning, please.”
With an affirming kiss on the head, Edward left it at that.
Arno (F!Reader)
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Arno heard footsteps walking down the hall, and watched as light moved past his bedroom.
He checked over your sleeping form before grabbing his pistol out of the holster on his dresser, quietly pulling down the hammer.
As he stalked the noise, he quickly recognised the familiar sniffling of his daughter/son.
He hid the pistol behind his back instantly.
He caught them watching out of the window. 
“Y/C/N? Is everything alright?”
“I saw people die, Papa.”
Arno picked them up to sit them on his hip.
They pointed to their head, and Arno kissed them there.
“It wasn’t real. It was just a dream.”
“I was scared, because Mama was dead.”
Arno hid how his muscles seemed to tense.
“Mama’s upstairs, cheri.”
Arno walked to the kitchen.
“We’ll see her in a minute, but for now, how about a warm drink?”
Evie (GN!Reader)
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There were a few polite knocks on the bedroom door.
Y/C/N came into view, rubbing their bloodshot eyes.
“I don’t want to die, Mother.”
And with that, the waterworks started again.
Evie quickly opened her arms to allow them to release their emotions.
Cue a very long and deep conversation about religion, reality, and faith.
“Don’t be embarrassed; Uncle Jacob had that thought as a child-- Now it’s almost as if he’s asking for it.”
They slept with you and Evie that night, clinging as tightly as the day they were born.
“If you still worry, I have a few books on the matter that you might find comfort in reading.”
“If they’re murder mysteries...”
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Jealousy Edition
Request: How would react if there S/o had a male best friend who they talk to and about all day and half the night (Jealous edition)
Note: I don't know if it fits their character perfectly, gomene.
Here ya' go, hope ya' enjoy it, lass/lads!
Altaïr was happy at first, if something happens to him you had someone to rely on, but after a time he felt rather jealous since you won't stop talking. So now here you where, a hand on your mouth and pinned against the wall by Altaïr who watched you with an slight angry scrowl on his face. His eyes narrowed as he begins to speak in a low husky voice;
"I'm your men, aren't I? So stop talking about someone other than me.."
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When you started to talk endlessly about your friend, Connor was kind of hurt, so Everytime you look at him you saw those big round puppy eyes watching you. But God no, he forbid himself to disturb your ranting. But may have someone mercy on your friend, if not the stare Connor gives him, everytime they meet, could kill. After all, you were his wife!
"You can be happy that she likes you, personally I wish you the baddest luck anyone can have, fancy meeting you, sir."
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After two hours Edward couldn't take it anymore, he was quite angry, even those little kisses he gives you wouldn't shut you up! How he hates the name that keeps flowing out of your mouth and if little kisses won't help, then Edward might as well just make a heated session out of it. For his sailors pride, and his feelings, be sure he won't take it easy on you.
"I don't like sharing things, even thought it would be great sharing your voice screaming my name.."
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As soon as Ezio understood that you won't stop talking about a friend, a name he doesn't memorize duo the fact they were practically rivals, he wouldn't leave your side. Craving your attention with kisses and cuddles, maybe even being a bit more pervy as normal, there's no way Ezio would let an other men your attention without fighting for it, all in one you were his ragazza.
"Bella~? You're my *moglie, can you stop talking about some *Stronzo..?"
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Even if Evie doesn't likes it when you talk about an other men in front of her, she can't change it, so the only thing is to talk with you. Make here and there a sneaky comment and clearly show her dislike on that person. Glares at every male you both meet, even at her brother, and kisses you when you start to talk again. It isn't really hard for anyone to notice that she's jealous.
"Oh? Me and jealous, stop joking, as if I would be jealous of someone I barely know.."
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He wouldn't show it but he clearly wasn't happy that your attention was on an other men, so don't worry too much if said other men was a little scared when Haytham was near. Yeah, Haytham tries to be friendly to him, but still every glance he gives him was a warning, even shaking hands was like a compatition of strength -something Haytham is a master in.
"My, my.. What pleasure to meet you, don't you think?"
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Whining, all day long, louder Everytime you tried to talk again, he just wouldn't stop. He won't even let you hug him, it confused you, sometimes you even see him staring at other girls. He tried to make you jealous, with every method he knows, and God Jacob it damn good at it too. So you stopped talking and tried to get the attention of your husband, maybe a little unfair.
"That's your own medicine, darling."
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If you won't stop talking he would take it upon himself to make you forget what you were talking about, a simple way. Kisses to interrupt you, random compliments, hints and all that, it left you confused. One kiss longer than the other, in the end you don't even wanted to stop talking if you always got kisses for it. Still you shouldn't take it too far, would be bad if you couldn't walk for a few days.
"Ya' could just 'ave asked if ya' needed some tension between us~"
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Moglie => Wife
Stronzo => *censored*
Extra ending: (Edward/Shay)
"Maybe I should talk more about my friends.." smirked the [H/C] women as she hugged her husband from behind. "Stop thinking about it, lass. That was damn unfair from you." groaned said male and crossed his arms, not wanting to talk about it anymore. So the female, also known as [Y/N], looked curiously over his shoulder and looked at his face. A few second later her hand was on his cheek and squeezed it slightly, small giggles escaped her mouth. "Are you pouting? Come on, don't be such child!" "Am not!" "Surely, wait till your crew hears about that!" were the last words before the female pushed herself away from her husband and ran, as quickly as her legs could carry her, out of the shared room. "DON'T YOU DARE, [Y/N]!"
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reddeaddamnation · 6 years
How they would react to you getting a kiss from someone else: <preference>
Altair: Nothing but anger would overcome him. He would watch from afar with a vicious, malicious expression and think how that it should have been him to kiss you that way, no, in an even better way. 
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Malik: He was just about to talk to you when he saw you being kissed and disappointment would overcome him. He would back off and turn his head away because he just can’t take anymore of watching you in someone else’s arms.
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Ezio: He wouldn’t just leave things like that, because he had his eyes on you first. He would probably wait until the other man is gone so he can walk over to you and take you away to somewhere where he will kiss you passionately.
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Connor: He would be very hurt and just watch from afar with the bouquet of flowers he intended to give you after gaining enough courage to tell you his feelings. Would probably not talk to you again, because he doesn’t want to be reminded.
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Haytham: He would mock you about it the next time you two meet. He would mock you to such a point where it’s almost insulting, because he is just angry at you and himself. Mostly himself that he didn’t talk to you sooner.
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Edward: He would straight out confront the other man in front of you and probably get into a fight, blinded by anger. He would repeat over and over how you are his if he is drunk.
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Shay: He would feel defeated and without a place around you anymore, because you clearly want someone else and that makes him unnecessary in your life. Plus that he wouldn’t accept just being friends with you while you date someone else, given the fact that he likes you.
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Arno: He would be heartbroken, but there would still be a little hope left in him that the entire situation is just one big misunderstanding and that you actually have feelings for him...the same he has for you.
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Elise: She would be very hurt but would rather stay friends with you than not talk to you at all. That would probably make her feel worse. She would pretend to be cheery around you and that she didn’t see anything
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Pierre: He would enclose everything in himself and pretend nothing happened, though he would be very hurt deep inside. He would try his best to forget about his feelings for you and move on, afraid that if he stayed he will get hurt more.
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Jacob: He is ruthless and would basically just walk over to you two and act friendly around the other man, but his movements would hint that he wants him gone. If he doesn’t get the hint, Jacob isn’t afraid of kissing you in front of him.
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Evie: She would be hurt at first, but would later get used to the fact that it’s for the best for you to be happy with someone else and as much as it pains her, she has to let go.
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Desmond: He would act like nothing happened and would try his best to get your affection later and make you forget about the other man.
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Clay: He would brush it off and pretend he doesn’t care, even if he does deep down but would just act because he is afraid that he might break if he admits it to himself.
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Daniel: He would be very angry at himself because he would think he is weak for showing emotions especially ones like love. Even the little emotions he had would disappear after what he saw.
Shaun: He would mock you and even insult the other man, because he has his insecurities which came out when he felt like he was basically rejected. He is angry and doesn’t even hide it in front of you
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emzysimagines · 6 years
How They’d React to Muslim Master Assassin…
Summary - Reader is a Muslim master assassin and this is how the Altair, Ezio, Ratonhnhakè;ton, Haytham and Desmond react to her.
Warnings - Islamophobia, OOC to show different outside views of Islam.
A/N - Something new? I hope you like it! Also, let me know if you’d like a second part! This is not fully edited, guys.
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Altair would be puzzled, as to why you work with them. He had seen the cautious looks, that the Muslim residents of the Levant spare them and he wasn’t stupid, for he knew that Islam stood against killers. However, he didn’t know how you stood with the Assassins and that led to doubts, regarding you.
You were an extremely kind and generous person, always making time to stop during missions and give beggars some food and/or money. He half-expected that you wouldn’t be able to fight, until of course he witnessed you on the field.
He witnessed your kind eyes, as they sharpened like those of an eagle, and your gentle hands as they gripped your blades, firmly. He watched you as you struck your enemies with a battle cry, yelling “Ya Allah!” as you walked between them in agility.
He still didn’t understand, though. How could your religion have a stance against something and demand peace while you’d work with them.
“Why are you an assassin?” He asked you, standing in the doorway as you’d sit in a room, holding your Moshaf in your hands.
“I don’t understand what you mean, I’m afraid.” You gently, spoke.
“Your religion has a stance against violence, yet you joined us and you still continue to practice your religion.” He explained himself.
“Why did you?” You responded.
“To fight for a cause..” He answered, hesitantly.
“Exactly. My religion has a clear stance against violence and murder, yet peace isn’t always… Logical or right. My religion demands to let peace be, yet it also demands to fight tyranny - if fighting it with words would not do then, we fight it with strength. It demands to fight those who fight us in our religion or fight the innocents and the weak, who can’t defend themselves. And so, I joined you. I’m against stealing and some of the other things assassins do but, I am not against ridding the world of vile enslavers.” You finished.
“But other Muslims here-”
“Don’t understand our cause.” You smiled, gently.
And he, finally understood.
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Ezio would probably not know a lot about Islam. He would probably ask Yusuf about it so much that Yusuf would get bored and tell him to shove off and to actually go and do some research himself. That would lead to Ezio stomping like a child towards Sofia’s store to borrow some of her books. He would find himself a quiet corner with only scholars and philosophers sitting there to try and get himself in the mood. He would start reading and-
“WHAT?! No drinking?!! No… NO SEX??!! WHAT?! HOW?!”
He would probably get a lot of strange looks and glares as he sat there, reading - not that he would care, anyway. He would storm you with questions about how you manage to do or not to do certain things.
“How come you don’t eat pork? Do you have any idea what you’re missing out on?”
You would have to explain to him how you have lots of different types and nationalities of food to eat, given how big the Ottoman Empire was at that time, and that you actually find pork gross. You’d also tell him that you think he’s the one, who’s missing out on a lot.
“Okay but, how come you can’t have sex ‘till marriage? How in the world do you fast? Isn’t it hard?! How come you can’t drink wine?”
He’d follow you around all day and accompany you on missions because, he’d have certain questions.
“Are you sure you’re not a nun?”
Giving him blank “seriously?” faces would be part of your daily life.
“Mentor, with all due respect… What do you want?!”
“I want to learn!” He’d look at you with a desperate expression on your face. “You seem to have so much knowledge about the world and about everything and you belong to a religion, that I never knew anything about. I wish to learn if you’d be my teacher.”
Your eyes would soften at his request.
And so, the puppy-following continued.
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Haytham would not know what to do. You’d be a lady in Boston. People would know all about you, the woman who fights for freedom and doesn’t actually have any slaves of her own and also, the filthy rich lady who does everything for herself and let’s not forget the thirty something lady, who has never been married before. You’d also, be Achilles’ first student ever, as the man raised you after your parents, whom he worked with, were killed by Templars.
Haytham would come, looking for you. He had heard slash gathered information about a woman, who was trying to reunite the Assassins, pull them back to strength and actually rise with them, again so, that was partly why he came to Boston. First time, he saw you, you were defending a slave from the cruelty of his seller.
You had heard the sound of cries and a whipping noise before you saw the leather rope going down on the skin of the young boy. Immediately, you rushed to see a grown brute with a cruel expression, beating him. You had known the man was a Templar, too.
“Ay! Stop!” You rushed to stand in front of the little boy. The man gave you an angry expression, that mirrored yours.
“What do ye want?!!” He growled.
You paused for a moment before growling back, “That is a human, not an animal!”
“Maybe you should tell him that! Then, maybe he’d learn not to steal food!”
You looked back at the cowering boy. Your eyes softened as you saw his scared boney form before they’d harshen, again as you turned back to the man.
“Maybe he’d learn not to if you actually gave him shelter and food and showed him kindness!”
“Oh, do you hear this muzzy, fellas?! Oh, the soft heart of women.” He laughed, mockingly.
Haytham saw the steam coming out of your covered ears before he saw you getting into the face of the brute, “I am a lady. And I’m a Muslim. You’d do well to remember that.” You lowered your voice, dangerously.
“Ye little-” The man seethed, raising his whip to strike you with it. Haytham started to move towards him but, you grabbed the landing hand of the man, twisting it around. You made him kneel on the ground as you’d sprain his arm, making him scream.
“How much for the boy?!” You yelled at the man.
“What?!” The man cried, tears of agony running down his face.
“How much?!!”
“Twenty pounds! Twenty! Please!” He begged. You grabbed the whip from his hand before letting him go. You took the money out, throwing it in front of him. Haytham watched you take the scared boy back inside your house, impressed at what you did. None of the nearby men bothered to do anything while you, courageously stood up to the great monster.
The next day, Haytham saw the boy dressed fancily and walking around town. The day after, he saw you walking with your arm around the fancily dressed boy.
He followed the two of you into a diner and when the boy went to order your food, he approached you.
“Grand Master.” You greeted, not looking at him.
“You have heard of me.” He raised his eyebrow in surprise.
“Who hasn’t?”
“Then, I guess we’d better get into business. It has reached my ears that you are moving against us, again.” He leaned closer to whisper to you.
“We’re Assassins. Why, yes, we’re moving against you.”
“I would love to say a little threat but, I’m enjoying this lovely conversation. Therefore, I’m ending this with a warning… Stop or things might end how they did, last time.” He warned, seriously.
“Templars killed my parents, Mr.Kenway.”
“Assassins killed mine.”
Haytham would look at you with so much respect. You, the modestly dressed Muslim Assassin. Both of you were so alike, yet so different. And he was a moth drawn to a flame.
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Connor would be confused as to what that beautiful young woman, who was wearing a long loose tunic that ended beneath her knees held at the arms by gauntlets, matching loose pants covering her legs before they were tucked in her ankle boots, the bottom of chest armour showing as her headscarf hid the chest part of it, along with a long cloak that covered her armoured parts and covered the ends of her headscarf, which rested on her shoulders. He’d be confused as to what the modestly dressed fighter would be doing, simply walking in Achilles’ house like that.
“Who are you?” He’d ask, only to be surprised by beautiful innocent eyes looking at him as a kind smile was drawn onto your face.
“A friend of Achilles’.” You spoke, an accent clear in your voice.
“You’re British.”
“And you’re not.” She smiled back at him.
Connor looked back at you in wonder. He had known of Islam, as Islam had reached them long before Columbus and some tribes were already Muslims before the Spanish found them. He had seen those tribes and had connections with people in them. That was mainly the reason why he was surprised that you were an assassin, as those tribes refused to fight, stating that it was against their ethics.
Achilles would greet you, warmly - as warmly as Achilles could greet a friend of his - before introducing you. He would explain that you came to help, not mentioning with what. Connor would think that you were there to help train him in fighting but, you actually weren’t.
You and Achilles would be extremely discrete about why you were actually here. Until one day, you’d be praying and Connor would be standing in the shadows, waiting for you to finish so that, he could talk to you.
“Why are you really here?”
“I was told that you’re hesitant about your faith and your loyalties.”
“What does that have to do with you?!”
“I came to be your advisor - to remind you what we fight for-”
“Don’t lie to me!”
You would turn to look at him with a blank face and glaring eyes,“I do not lie.”
“So, you’re here to knock some sense into me if I don’t cooperate?”
“No. I’m here to advise you and let you choose. I cannot force you to choose something because, it is against my ethics. And besides that, no one can force belief. So, Ratonhnhakè;ton, it is your choice to accept or reject when you’re ready if you truly want to learn.” You’d give him a kind look with a respecting nod before leaving him, standing there.
Members of the brotherhood in Boston will be surprised about how you were British, yet also a Muslim then, you’d be surprised when Connor would explain that Islam isn’t a race and is a choice. Haytham would have mixed feelings about you, though. He would try to wind you up, as you’d be the most collected person in the world but, would end up irritating Connor, as he felt this urge to defend you because, the more he understood you, the more innocent you appeared.
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Desmond would be a media-believer, at first. He met you when Shaun needed certain data to reach something and so, he’d call a friend to ask them to collect it for him. That friend would turn out to be you - a Muslim girl, who wears maxi skirts and long sleeved tops and still manages to dress, casually.
“Who are you?” He’d ask.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N). I’m a friend of Shaun’s.” You’d smile, politely at him.
He’d start whisper-yelling at Shaun, asking him how he could trust you. He’d call him out for asking for your help and telling you about their hideout.
“Usually, I’m the one with the stick up my arse so, what is wrong with you, Miles?!”
“Don’t you see all the bombing that her people do?! Don’t you, I don’t know, CHECK THE NEWS EVERYDAY?!”
“Which would you like me to check, the templarised news on the telly or the biased ones on social media?” That would leave Desmond speechless.
He wouldn’t trust you, until he’d see you helping him fight off Templars. Someone would try to shoot him so, you’d take the bullet instead.
After they nurse you to health, he’d sit at your side and apologise for all of his doubts and his rudeness. You’d be understanding, saying that it was not his fault that Templars were taking over the world.
And that would be the start of your friendship.
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ladye11e · 6 years
Deception pt 31
The conflict between the Assassins and the Templars is getting out of hand. Lies, deceit and subterfuge, now you must pick a side...
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Tagging @geekgoddess813​ @sweet-flash​ @ermergerd517​ @i-wontgivein​ @imakemyownblog​
If anyone else would like a tag, please ask 😊
Link to the full fic so far is Here.
Rubbing at your face to get rid of the last remnants of the wretched latex glue as you sat down on the rooftop, you looked up and grinned when Shay came through the door carrying a small black holdall.
"You get everything that we need?"
"Aye love. All we've gotta do is plug this in and transfer the files, then a virus will kick in to delete whatever we take and wipe our footsteps."
Dragging yourself back up and taking the USB off him, you fiddled with it for a moment before slipping it into your pocket, then leant over the rail with a huff when you saw that Kenways office light was still on.
"Do you really think he would use those videos against us? I know he can be a bit underhanded sometimes, but surely he can't be that despicable."
"I dunno. Either way, I'd rather not have a leash around my neck."
"Good point." You mumbled, glancing at your watch for the umpteenth time tonight. "What the hell is he doing? It's gone one, and I know there was no work for him to do, I checked."
Shay dropped the bag on the floor and rummaged through it until he came across the tablet he was looking for; his eyes widening as soon as it turned on, switching it off just as fast before you even had a chance to see the screen.
"He's got, um, company with him lass."
"What, Charles?" You snickered, full-blown laughing when Shays' eyebrows shot through the roof. "Oh come on, surely you've seen the way he follows him around like a little lap dog, and Haytham's mentioned once or twice that he's, dabbled."
"Is that right? Well, it's definitely a woman in there with him, unless Lee's grown himself a pair of tits."
Covering your mouth to muffle your maniacal giggling at the thought of Charles adorning a fake set of boobs, you quickly calmed down when you saw Haythams light finally switch off, letting you know he was, at last, going home for the night.
"That's our cue. Can you see the guards from here?"
Opening the grate to the air ducting and holding it while Shay stared intently over the rooftop and down to the floor below, you grimaced and pulled up your hood when he let out a heavy sigh and shook his head.
"Can hardly see anything this side of the building love. Damned reinforced walls. Two, no, three maybe? Safe to assume that there's at least double that. One more I think on the floor below. Why the hell has he got so much security??"
"Paranoia probably. The old-fashioned way it is then." You giggled, mock bowing and gesturing for Shay to go first so he could take the lead.
Sliding quietly through the ducting until you came to a vent and you could see into the office that you were in earlier, you waited for Shay to undo the screws and give you a signal to go, following him down noiselessly and landing by the side of the security console.
Peering over Shays' shoulder when he looked about and saw the coast was clear, you crept silently behind him on tiptoes when the first guard still had his back to you, allowing you to sneak behind him and hide behind the first desk. Closing your eyes for a moment when you heard a faint ringing in your ears, you grabbed hold of his arm when he went to continue around the room; cocking your head as you concentrated, and could now hear five distinct heartbeats scattered around the floor. Gesturing that there were two to the left, one to the right and another two at the far end, you split up, with you taking the right-hand side of the room.
Keeping crouched down and shuffling forwards when you came to the first guard, you quickly stood up and clapped your hand over his mouth when he went to turn to you, kicking his feet from underneath him and ramming your knee against his throat after quietly lowering him to the floor. When he stopped thrashing around and clawing at your leg, you carefully wheeled the chair out of the way and rolled him under the desk so he wouldn't be spotted, peeking over and smirking when you saw that Shay had already incapacitated the patrol on his side, leaving just the ones near Haythams office to deal with.
Unfortunately, they were both lent up against E's desk and facing in your general direction, engrossed in conversation and not looking like they were going to move anytime soon. Catching Shay's eye as you contemplated what to do, you huffed under your breath when he shrugged his shoulders and dragged his finger along his neck, knowing that that was probably your best option as you didn't have anything to sedate them with. Keeping him in the corner of your eye when he held up three fingers, you leant forward and got ready to go, lifting up on the balls of your feet when he closed his middle finger. Holding your breath when he got to one, you lunged out the second his fist closed completely, flicking out your hidden blade and sinking it straight into the side of the guard's throat, in perfect harmony with Shays attack on the other remaining guard.
Neither of them made a sound as you hadn't given them a chance to react, not yet retracting your weapon and carefully dragging their limp bodies over to the closet; so their blood didn't spill on the floor, and stuffing them inside so they wouldn't be found straight away.
"Daft question, but you did put the cameras on a loop before we left, didn't you?"
Winking at him when he feigned offence and used his blade to pry open Kenways office door, you slunk in and closed it behind you, clicking on a small torch so you could remotely see without having to flick on the main lights. Thankfully, the computer was still switched on, so you tugged the USB out of your pocket and pushed it into the open port on the side of the monitor; quickly bringing up the video files after the password entered automatically, plus the Warehouse folder and relaying everything to the stick.
"Well, that's not goin' as fast as I thought it would," Shay grumbled when he leant over your shoulder and saw the transfer bar was at 12 per cent, moving at a snail's pace.
"Mmm, guessing it's because of the virus uploading too?"
"Waiting game it is then. Your visions gettin' better, no more pain?"
"Nope. It's a lot easier to control now, and once I've heard somebody, I can usually recognise them again. Plus, it's coming with a few, perks? I'll tell you later." You giggled, wagging your finger when you knew he was about to ask for more details.
Slumping down in the chair and spinning it around, so you were facing the window, a warm smile crept up your face when Shay peeked through the blinds and the moonlight danced over his features, highlighting them in such a way that it made your chest flutter wildly. As soon as he caught you looking, he marched right over and grabbed your hands, pulling you up to standing and giving you a long and tender kiss, before holding you in his embrace and resting his head on yours with a soft sigh.
"Ya gotta stop doing that you know, you'll get me into trouble one of these days." He chuckled, curling his finger under your chin and tilting your head up when you shook with a silent laugh.
"If you insist. This better?"
He rolled his eyes and tickled down your side when you attempted to scowl, but failed miserably and adorned a face-splitting grin instead. But that soon dropped and you tensed up in his arms, your brows knitting together when you heard a faint drumming coming from the other side of the wall.
"What is it, love?!"
"There's someone else here..."
Quickly moving out of his arms and stepping towards the door, you blocked everything else out and focused on the muffled sound, clenching your fists when you made out two distinct beats that were slowly moving about on the far side of the floor. Very carefully inching one of the strips of blind out of the way so you could try and see into the central office, you cursed under your breath when you caught a glimmer of a white hood behind one of the now lit up monitors, jumping back to Haythams computer to see how long you had left.
"Fuck, shit, arse. Assassins." You whispered, ducking down next to Shay behind the desk.
"Well, that's just grand. What the hell are they doing here?! There's no way out of here other than that door, an the download's not finished."
Gritting your teeth when you looked back up and saw it was still only at sixty-seven percent, you quickly shrugged off your coat and balled it up, stuffing it into the holdall as Shay cocked his head in confusion.
"My turn to not let you get caught," You snickered. "I'll distract them and lead them away, you get that finished."
"Lass, no..."
Cutting him off by pressing your lips against his firmly, you nudged his nose with yours and squeezed his hand before crawling back to the door, winking as you opened it silently and slipped out unnoticed. Sneaking down the side of the first desk and poking your head just a fraction around it, a sly smile crept up your face when you actually saw who it was breaking into the computer, making what you were about to do a hell of a lot easier. Inching yourself forward on your tiptoes as you hugged the wall, you flicked out your hidden blade when you were just over a foot away from the person; who still had their back to you, pressing the tip against their neck firmly.
"Tut tut Desmond. Sitting at a desk all day has put you way out of practice."
Chuckling when he slowly turned around to you wide-eyed, you retracted your blade and pulled down your hood, taking the opportunity to glance at whatever he was doing on the computer.
"(Name)?! What are you doing here??"
Keeping your face as neutral as possible when you saw he was trying to hack into Haythams files from this terminal, you got up to standing when you spotted a figure emerge from the shadows, breathing a sigh of relief when it was also someone you knew.
"The same thing as you I'm guessing, trying to get info on the traitor Achilles told me about. Altaïr, it's been a while."
"It has. I admire your commitment (name), but I didn't clear for a mission. Why have you come?"
Leaning over Desmond's shoulder when he stuck a thumb drive into the port, you knew you had to quickly find a way of distracting him somehow, as he had managed to break into the main server and was attempting to copy over whatever he could get his hands on, including the exact same video files that you had come here to steal.
"I wasn't gonna just sit on my ass when there's someone out there betraying us?! Figured this would be the best place to come for any evidence of who it could be. Desmond, move them in bulk, it'll be quicker."
The corner of your mouth twitched when he shrugged his shoulder and did as you suggested, knowing that as there was already a transfer going on, doing it that way would take twice as long.
"Very well, but do not do this again. Everything goes through me from now on, understood?"
Giving him a mock salute and dismissing his somewhat arrogant tone as he was usually like this whenever he was out in the field, you swallowed hard when you saw that their theft was going a damn sight quicker than yours was, with it being almost complete after only a minute. Your only hope was that Gists virus had finished uploading before they had gotten what they were after, but at this moment in time, it wasn't looking likely as it was now ninety-one percent complete, and not showing any signs of slowing.
"Would you care to tell me where the guards are? There was a lack of them when we came up."
"Hmm? Oh, they're under the desks. We need to hurry, I only knocked them out."
"And the cameras? That was your doing as well?"
Dragging your eyes from the screen for a moment when you realised he was waiting for an answer instead of just a nod, you flashed him a beaming grin while still keeping the computer in the corner of your vision, only just resisting the urge to look over towards Kenways office.
"Yep, was a breeze after what you had me doing at the manor. Thanks for that by the way."
"I would have happily traded places with you, trying to locate a mysterious artefact in the middle of the desert wasn't exactly enjoyable."
Internally screaming when the second the bar hit ninety eight percent, the screen flickered several times before going black, the virus apparently having done its magic in the nick of time.
"What the hell?!" Desmond blurted, banging the side of the monitor harshly.
Spinning around on the spot when all of the lights came on and an obscure beeping rang through the air, you quickly pulled your hood up when you saw the little red lights on the security cameras flash, hoping that you had managed to conceal your face in time.
"You tit Desmond, you must have tripped a defence protocol!" You hissed, watching him intently as he pulled out the USB and stuffed it into his pocket.
"No chance, this has gotta be something else. We've gotta go. Now."
Following Altaïrs lead quickly to the side stairwell; wondering how they got in this way as Gist had said they were all electronically locked after eight pm, you were more than slightly impressed when he pulled out a blank keycard and swiped it through the mechanism, the door buzzing which allowed him to push it open. Glancing behind you quickly after letting Desmond go ahead of you, you breathed a sigh of relief when you saw Shay slip out of Haythams office, giving you a quick thumbs up just as the door slammed shut behind you.
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koszmar-zycie · 6 years
22: How does your OC usually show affection? Are they openly romantic or more restricted with their affectionate emotions? 26: What is the most intense thing your OC has been battling with? 1: What’s your OC’s biggest insecurity and how would they react if someone pointed it out to them?
Hmm. For these I’ll answer a couple for each. Let’s run Xiuying, Tirithon, and Haytham this time!
22: How does your OC usually show affection? Are they openly romantic or more restricted with their affectionate emotions? - 
Xiuying: Xiuying is easy to read. She’s very Taurean (astrology), in that she is very earthy and natural with her caring. She’ll prefer to share her interests, give gifts - but usually hand made and with sentimental value put before monetary cost - and she has no qualms with sharing her feelings when she believes them to be true. Unless she feels confident in her feelings, she won’t express them, as a way to protect both herself and the other person.
Haytham: Haytham is a bit different, since he’s a very solitary kind of guy. He’s been around people a lot in his career and life, but his move to a ‘ranger’ like position in the Alliance reflects the slight change from his days in the Gilnean Navy. So with Haytham, he doesn’t really know how to handle such things, though they almost never come up. He’d probably show affection in a similar way as Xiuying, but faaaar more toned down, and possibly a little shyly or uncertain. 
Tirithon: Tirithon would be openly affectionate and romantic, though it’s not high on his priorities. He’s a very cosmic guy, and has simple expression of fondness in the way of spending time and activity together, and little displays to make the other feel cared for. 
26: What is the most intense thing your OC has been battling with? - 
Xiuying: For Xiuying, she’s actually a surprisingly uneventful character! She lives, relative to the rest of Azeroth’s many heroes, a notably pleasant life. The most significant thing for her is her family, as they are simple farmers. She often worries about them and their safety, especially when the demonic invasion struck.
Haytham: Haytham’s most notable and intense thing is ironically working with his own people. He loves them, he likes them, and he’s loyal as can be. There are certain decisions in the highest echelons of Gilnean leadership that he has questioned - such as killing many Worgen men and women in the pointless pursuit of Windrunner on the Broken Isles, wasting lives and resources when the bigger threat needed co-operative attention. He sympathizes, but saw Greyman’s decision to do this as a massive sign of a lost interest in his own people regardless of his words. He fears Greymane is slipping into madness from his grief-fueled rage, and Light knows that the world has seen too many monsters rise against their own as a result of such things.
Tirithon: Triton’s current battles are not so much personal, as worldly. He is focusing on rehabilitating the many, many parts of Azeroth’s nature that has been ruined, tainted, and destroyed by both the Legion, as well as previous catastrophes that are still pock-marked across the map. There is, however, a mental and emotional side to it, as Tirithon finds sympathy and empathy immediate with nature’s plants and animals. So every mark of pain on the planet cuts into him as well.
1: What’s your OC’s biggest insecurity and how would they react if someone pointed it out to them? - 
Xiuying: Xiuying’s biggest insecurity is probably familial security. Which includes close friends and romantic interests. While her mind and spirit are deeply rooted in serenity and balance, she does fear and feel concern for those she loves. While strong willed, she does worry about whether or not she would be strong enough to protect any of them. This actually works with the earlier question, as her parents in particular are not true fighters by any means, even if they are capable of fighting against basic threats (animals, bandits, etc). She would possibly be flustered, or maybe get bummed if spoken about, but she’d be the kind to speak about it and try to get it worked out, even if only for a little bit.
Haytham: Haytham’s insecurity would come at his service to Gilneas. His questioning Greyman’s growing irrationality and blind sacrifice of his own in order to fuel an act of revenge seems logical to him, but he knows how zealous so many in every faction can be. He fears that his loyalty to his people, and his love of the Gilnean royalty, as they once were, will be misinterpreted by his countrymen and allies. For Haytham, it’s not the fear of punishment or death, but the loss of respect and credit. Haytham would die a thousand times for Gilneas and her remnants, which is part of why he abandoned his Naval officership in exchange for a more solitary, yet still useful, pursuit. If pointed out, Haytham may either close up, or possibly get defensive. He wouldn’t take it legitimately as an insult, unless he genuinely believed the person meant harm by it, but such a mention might make him panic a bit.
Tirithon: Tirithon’s insecurities are more simple to know. Tirithon’s greatest love of the wilds, and their protection. The world seems to continually get worse and worse, with bigger and bigger threats appearing. He fears that he doesn’t have any real use as a Druid, and that he isn’t actually helping to repair or protect the world. If you were to point it out, it would be difficult to predict the response. Like several others, his cosmic and zen nature means that he’s often a very calm and relaxed individual, but this would be like being stuck in a very mild version of the Nightmare. The doubt and emotional/spiritual fear and pain would hit him, and he may give any number of responses. He could get snappy and withdraw, or he might simply go silent and fly away, or perhaps enter Orca form and swim far and deep. Ironically, arguably the most chill of my OCs may be the most unpredictable if confronted with accusations of, or the possibility of, such horrible circumstances/flaws.
Thank you so much @fel-light! I wanted to explore these kids a little more, so hope having three of my kiddos for the answers was okay! 
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mavrisfanfics · 7 years
Connor X Reader X Haytham - Sugar Daddy [Request]
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Fandom: Assassin’s Creed III (Modern!AU)
Pairing: Connor Kenway x Reader
Words: 1466
Warnings: Mentions to sexual content, but nothing too explicit.  Tell me if you think this needs to be tagged as nsfw, but since there's nothing explicit, I think it's not necessary. Also, OOC af.
Notes:(I took the freedom to change it slightly and step it up a notch 😉)
Forgive me father for I have sinned. I made this a bit more dirty than usual and I'm willing to make a continuation ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), which is strange.
I apologize my lack of activity, but I’ve spent the last week fangirling over Pyre. That game is so husbando/waifu material. Plus it has the cutest canon pairings ever. I’ll replay it again a few more times until I can explore the various options for the endings. Seriously, I’m considering making a reader-insert for Pyre, which could be fucking canon since the player’s character is treated as Reader. The whole damn game is a Reader-insert with basketball-like rituals in between represented by beautiful art and music, and with amazing characters to meet throughout the journey... I just rambled didn’t I?...
Well, I did my best.
Anyway, enjoy!
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(sry not sry 4 the gif)
Her fingers wrapped nervously around the edge of her dress, nervously twisting and stretching the fabric. Her boyfriend was driving, hand occasionally settling over hers to grip them reassuringly. She appreciated the gesture, but couldn't help but feel nervous. Meeting your beloved's parents was never easy.
"I have an ex that lived here in the area." She blurted, trying to distract herself with conversation. Connor simply hummed in acknowledgement, not knowing what to reply. "I would still be with him if I hadn't met you."
"Was he jealous you spent time with me?" He jokingly asked.
"No, I just love you more than I ever liked him." She gave him an adoring look that made him blush. "It was more a casual thing, you know...".
As they progressed further into the neighborhood, she started noticing that it was the same way her ex used to take to his house, on those day they had it for themselves and could have some /fun/ without being interrupted. She had college roommates at the time, and her "ex", was actually an older man with a son of his own, a couple years older than her, so they took whatever time they could to spend some /pleasurable/ time together.
She drove away the thoughts of those times, feeling as if she was cheating on Connor just from remembering. Connor was the best man she ever met and no one could make her change her mind. Although the escapes were fun...
She scolded herself and remembered why she was there and her hands returned to the hem of the dress, eyes cast down while worries of what could happen ran through her head. She'd never been in a serious relationship, so meeting Connor's father was a nerve-wrecking experience.
Next thing she knew, her thoughts were pieced by Connor's voice.
"We're here."
She got out of the car quickly, fixing her dress before following Connor towards the house. Only then did she recognize the house and she froze in horror.
No, it couldn't be!
Connor took her hand and led her to the front door, which he unlocked with a key of his own after ringing the bell for a moment just to signal his presence. He led her inside the house, still holding her hand.
"Father, I'm here."
A head popped up from the door she /knew/ was the kitchen door and she just wished to jump inside a hole, curl up and die.
Her boyfriend's father was her sugar daddy.
"Connor, good to see you again." Haytham hugged his son tightly before he motioned for his girlfriend, frozen behind him and inwardly dead.
Haytham looked in surprise at her shocked figure. Just like her, he didn't expect to meet /each other/.
"Father, this is my girlfriend, (F/n). (F/n), my father." She realized she had to act quickly. She had never told Connor her ex was actually a sugar daddy, and she definitely wouldn't tell him now that she knew his father and her sugar daddy were /one and the same/.
She stretched out her hand for him to shake and smiled politely.
"Mr. Kenway, it's a pleasure to meet you." She said in the politest way possible. Haytham smiled, after recovering from the meeting, and took her hand. Instead of shaking it, he drew it to his lips and lightly kissed it, making her blush while she used all her willpower to keep old memories buried. Her boyfriend was next to her, for god's sake!
"Please, call me Haytham." The way he looked at her was mocking, and she tried to hide a glare. He was toying with her, and it made her embarrassment turn to anger.
The three then settled in the dining room for dinner. Haytham spent the dinner questioning the couple about how they met and questioning the young woman about her life, all information he already knew but pretended not to, much to her delight. When the conversation allowed, Haytham would slip in an innuendo that would fluster the other two and anger the woman at the same time. He would also constantly send her knowing looks, clearly amused with the situation.
After dinner, the three moved on to the living room, still talking. Although the meeting didn't go as planned, (F/n) found herself thinking of it a success when Connor finally advised they should leave and he remained oblivious to the tension between his father and his girlfriend.
Of course, karma decided to ruin everything when Connor decided to go to the bathroom right before leaving, which left the other two alone. At first the room was silent, but as soon as Connor climbed into the second floor, Haytham broke the silence.
"Well, my son has good taste, that I must admit."
"Shut up. Not a word. Connor doesn't know what kind of relationship I had before him, and knowing I had it with his father would only make things worse." She glared at him.
"Was it because of him that you ended our... relationship?" Haytham asked, analyzing her reaction.
"Yes." She looked him in the eye while answering, and then her eyes moved away and her expression turned dreamy. "He's so nice. I love him, and although things with you were fun, with him everything has a deeper meaning... And it's still fun."
"He makes you feel like a princess?" She chuckled before replying, still looking into the distance.
"Yes... Yes, he- … Hey, wait a sec!" Haytham laughed while she seethed, finally understanding the tone he had used to ask the question. She jumped from her seat and started putting her coat on.
"Here's the thing Haytham: I love Connor and neither you or anyone else can change that. So, let's do ourselves a favor and forget anything happened between us before this day. Yes, those times were fun, the thrill of the thing was nice, but Connor is the one who makes me feel loved, /alive/, and I wouldn’t change that for the world."
Haytham lips curled into a proud smile, but still with a hint of mischief underneath.
"Of course, I agree, /baby girl/." She almost screamed in frustration.
"Don't call me that!"
"Call you what?"
Her head whipped back to the door so fast it seemed she snapped her neck. Connor was standing behind her, towering over her with arms crossed and a brow raised in a questioning manner. She tried to find words, but her mouth just opened and close like a fish.
Connor suddenly raised a hand to stop her.
"No need to explain, I know what happened between you two." She exchanged questioning looks with the oldest Kenway, who simply shrugged. "C'mon, did you two really think I never came home while you were here?"
"Wait, so, you knew about us?" She asked her boyfriend, shocked.
"I did ask you if 'we hadn't met before' when we met for a reason." Connor smirked lightly, while her jaw dropped to the floor.
"So, us bumping into each other was /not/ a coincidence?!" Connor shook his head. "...Unbelievable."
"At first I just wanted to know why you were sleeping with my father." He pulled her close to him, while looking at Haytham, still sitting on the couch. "And I quickly realized why. I was just so happy when I knew you had chosen me over him, and most of all I was happy you felt for me the same way I did for you." Her heart skipped a beat, and she timidly asked, looking at him shyly:
"So... no hard feelings?" Connor shook his head, hugging her towards him.
"No hard feelings."
"Well, now that that's settled..." Haytham suddenly said, getting up from the couch. "I just want to say I'm glad everything's well, and I'll make sure to stay out of your way."
"You better." Connor said, glaring at his father. Suddenly the woman found his hands slowly drift towards her hips, making her look questioningly at her boyfriend. His expression then turned mischievous before continuing "...Unless you'd like to share, once in a while."
The confused woman looked between the two men, both with a glint in their eyes.
"Wait, what?" The two looked at her, and she realized she was screwed. They had a predatory look in their eyes.
"You think I didn't notice the way you were fidgeting at dinner?" Connor's breath in her ear made her shiver. It was true. Although she wanted to be mad at Haytham, once in a while a comment would make a dirty memory resurface and her body inevitably reacted to such. "What do you say, father?"
"Well, if she's up to it..."
The two looked at her intensely, awaiting an answer. She didn't need to think, her lips curled into a smirk.
"Do you really need to ask?"
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Random 2,000 word Short story
Soul mates, a term that was known to Desmond Miles, but it wasn't one that was a real thing. At least in the world that he had originally come from. Originally, now- that sounds odd, Desmond had placed his hand on the pedestal- knowing that it would kill him, but would save the world from the extinction level event of the massive solar flare. He had fully expected nothingness, after the agony had ended, but he woke up, very confused and hurt- dear God did his arm and shoulder. He was almost frozen from the pain, but he needed to get up and get out of here before the Templars found him. It would be a very bad thing if he was found by them in his weakened state. Plus he needed to find his father and his friends and get treatment for his arm.
He staggered out of the cave that hid the entrance to the Temple of Time. Over the next few months- after going to an emergency clinic and the nurse on staff fix him up with magic, honest to goodness magic to fix him up he... realized as he looked around with careful eyes that the world he was now in- and no it wasn't a hallucination- or a series of them had magical beings. Oh good- as a human in a world where there were creatures far stronger and dangerous than he. Fun- hopefully he could find a Library and read up on etiquette so he didn't offend someone so much that he got munched on. Or worse, and he didn't know what could be worse, but knowing his kind of luck, something much, much worse. So he was able to get to a Library and get a card and slowly read through world history books and all the other books he needed to in order to survive in a new world. It was equal parts boring, scary and interesting.
He was also able to forge documents that he needed in order to be deemed a person and got a Bartender's license and was able to get a job a one of the few jobs that he had really liked in his previous life. Desmond kept his head down and did his job, reveling in the mundaness of this new life, happy that he wouldn't have to worry about Templars or Assassins, at least so far he hadn't needed to worry about it. Juno- she was so angry. In this world she hadn't been able to escape because he survived. Minerva had warned him that if anyone found out that it was He that saved the world with the Aurora Arboreal Shield that his life would be misery. He didn't trust any of the Isu- but he also knew that they had a point. Besides, who would believe him if he told them the truth anyways?
So- finding out this world had legitimate soul mates had been... shocking to say the least. There was a name on the inside of left wrist- he had touched the pedestal with his right hand. He had read the name, then scoffed bitterly. It was someone, at least in his world, that had already died. Of course, he had shitty luck with this. Of course he did- fate just loved to screw him over as much as it could. The name was Connor Ratonhake:ton Kenway. His other arm- the one that had been burnt he covered. At first to help it recover, then later, once it was fully he found out that he had scars on that arm, which made sense that he would have them with burns as bad as he had. Starting at his finger tips and moving up his arm and ending curled around his shoulder joint was a series geometric matters that, when he used magic- which was another whole nasty surprise that he'd gotten- that arm would glow and the patterns on that arm reminded him of the Apple and other pieces of Eden with the markings that covered them.
Best to cover himself- than gain unwanted attention, he did not know how the two orders were different, if much or a lot with this different world. He had regular customers and those that did not come in again. When he served Altair ah la bin ahad, he had made sure not to react- as there were other people that reacted to his presence, so it was that he was actually there and not a hallucination. Which- okay was fucking weird. Then a few months later he gave Ezio Auditore a drink and a small platter of food. Okay- so a couple of his ancestors - were not so in this world, at least... not at this point in time. Well, he had dealt with the weirdest of things in his life before, and he could deal with it now.
What he did not expect, a few nights later- was to be attacked and kidnapped, by Templars. Again. Oh by the randomness of the universe why? Why him? Why again? I this world he was a nobody - a... a nobody that looked a lot like a pair of Master Assassins. Not again, oh HELL no. He did not want to be tortured by Templars, again, because of who is related to- well probably not, but because of who he resembled. He was roughly shoved into what sounded like a cell with the bag on his head pulled off, he looked around, miserable and frustrated. Luckily for him Cesare Borgia was informed of the fact that "Ezio Auditore" was in the special cell that made his type of beings powers null and void. Borgia swaggered in and stared at him.
"Who the Hell are you- Damn it those idiots grabbed the wrong person." Cesare sighed in annoyance and he scolded his people, but he couldn't just let this person go- as they could and probably would go to the police and tell them what had happened to him, not that they'd believe that a nobody like this poor sod that happened to resemble an Auditore had been kidnapped by the Borgia- but it would cause a fracas and he'd get into trouble with his superiors. "what's the name on your wrist?"
"... Why should I tell you mysterious kidnapper person?" Desmond retorted, snapping the question out.
"Because I can release them into your care if you tell me- so long as you don't tell anyone about this little... misunderstanding." Cesare replied.
Desmond stared at the arrogant Templar. "... I cann't pronounce part of the name."
"Just tell me as much of as you can." Cesare replied getting annoyed.
"Fine. Connor. Ra-raton-hake:ton Kenway. I double you know this person." Desmond replied.
Except, in this world he had been found by his Father sooner and is a loyal and powerful Templar Knight. Desmond did not know that though, not yet at least.
"..." Cesare was quiet, "I will get your soul mate shortly."
No one lied about the name on their wrist, this could cause some minor problems, but it was also fortuitous. This random soul had the name of a fellow Templar, hopefully the annoyance that the other Templar would have when he heard of the capture of a civilian would be lessened once he found out that it was his soul mate.
An hour or so later Desmond blinked as he saw the tall and physically impressive form of his soul mate. "... Hello? The weirdo that captured me said he'd bring me my soul mate... is that you?"
"Yes, Hello Desmond, I'm Connor."
"it's nice to meet you- can you get me out of here please? I don't know why I was kidnapped to meet you... seems rather... extreme?" he replied, the question at the end of the sentence wasn't something that he meant to have happen.
"I.. did not have this happen. Cesare... was looking for someone else. I apologize, will you come with me to get out of here?"
"Yes please!" Desmond replied as he followed the other out of the cell and to where to other men- both older and taller than him.
Connor's father and- ... why was Cormac, of all of the members of Kenway's Inner circle with the pair of Kenways.
He spoke with them politely, as much as he could when anxious- and when he got anxious he turned into a smart ass. It made Cormac crack a grin, while Kenway seemed mildly disapproving of this nervous chatter. He found out why- Cormac is the older Kenway's soul mate. Huh- well isn't that something? He shrugged, it wasn't his problem.
He got to know his soul mate and father's in law over the next few months. One day he tugged Connor to the side and showed him one of his secrets. His hands glowed and he showed him a small portion of a shield- the colors of the rainbow. Connor's eyes widened as he tired told the other that he had been the one to protect the world from the Solar Maxima- which he had known for a certain which would have cause extinction level events across the whole world if he hadn't... nearly died. He quietly informed the other that he had thought he would die, and had accepted, at least as much as one could accept such a horrid thing to happen to one's self. And... one of the reasons why he hadn't tried to search for his soul mate earlier- because he knew he was going to die, or at least he thought he was going to on that cold December day. Connor had reached out and held him tight, as Desmond quietly told him of being talked at by the Isu- or Ancient Ones, as this world knew them by. As the three specters of a once wretched and powerful society had told him bits and pieces of information over the years and had let him make the choice. And what kind of choice was it? Allow the world to burn and be assured of survival, or die (or almost) and save everyone else... So he made the only choice he thought was the right one. Needs of the few, outweigh the needs of the many and all that.
Neither were aware that Shay and Haytham had just so happened be nearby to hear Desmond speak of this. It was... a surprise to hear him tell Connor of this. Instead of showing the world, and having the proof of having everyone in the world owe him a life debt- even though with the humans it didn't effect them as much, it did more for all of the magical beings. He wanted to live a quiet life, in peace and content with his sacrifice being known to as few people as possible. They would keep quiet, despite the fact that everyone wanted to know who it was that had saved them- who was strong enough to cover the world in a shield and redirect the energy of the sun harmlessly and why they hadn't known about such a person before and why now of all times. Now, they knew, as did Connor. Who agreed to keep this secret from others.
They looked at each other and nodded before heading off and speaking to each other quietly. "So- that's what the lad has been hiding from us and Connor. I am glad that the lad isn't an Assassin- I'm sorry for worrying you about that but- it... he just seemed to move like one."
"It's alright Shay, I am glad as well to know the young man's story, his true story and not the falsified one on a faked paper trail. Hm... I will do my best to have this legitimized as much as possible."
Shay nodded and the two of them headed off to work. Why Connor and Desmond snuggled and watched a movie after a lot of heavy feelings and emotional talk and secrets came out from both of them.
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shoottheflyingdemon · 7 years
Could I request how the assassins would react to their S/O meeting their parents (if their parents are dead just.. resurrect them..?? Or modern au)
Ok sorry this took so long; these all ended up being very long and it took me a long time to get the motivation to do it. I also made the pronouns female because it was just too confusing for me to make it gender neutral, but feel free to change the pronouns as you see fit. I hope you enjoy!
Altair: Altair was never close with him parents, but thatdidn’t mean he was opposed to them meeting his newly-engaged SO. He may nothave been close, but he would not dishonor them by not telling them of themother of their future grandchildren. He would invite his parents to a dinnerat Masyaf. His SO would be hard at work cleaning their quarters and preparingthe dinner, while Altair would stand there sullenly. “You are making a fuss,”he would tell his SO, who would shoot him a glare in response. Eventually,there was a knock at the door and Altair’s parents, Umar and Maud, walked intothe home. Altair greeted them and his mother gave him a tight hug. Altair’s SOentered the room from the kitchen, quickly straightening her dress andadjusting her head coverings. When Altair’s parents saw her, his fatherregarded her with a cool composure (wonder where Altair got it from) and hismother smiled. “Mother, father, this is Y/N, my betrothed,” Altair would say.Both of the parents eyebrows would raise but his mother would soon wrap them ina hug like she did with her son. “It is so nice to meet you,” she would say. “Icannot believe such a beautiful girl would agree to marry my stubborn boy!” shejoked, causing Altair to roll his eyes. “Come,” his SO would say, gesturing tothe dining area, “I have prepared dinner for us.”
Ezio: Ezio’s family was used to him bringing girls oversince the young Italian was so popular with the ladies. But for months he hadbeen with only one young woman and seemed to be quite smitten. He told hisfamily of the wonderful dates they go on and, finally, his mother suggested shecome over for dinner. Ezio was excited, to say the least, but his SO was theopposite. The Auditore family was famous around Firenze. She still couldn’tbelieve she was dating Ezio! Still, she accepted the invitation and joined themfor dinner on a cool fall evening. She arrived dressed in the most beautifuldress she owned, which was still average compared to the Auditores. When she entered the room, Claudia was the first one she saw. “Oh, ciao! It is so nice to finally meet you. I am Claudia,” she introduced. His SO hugged her and smiled. Ezio then put a hand on his SO’s back and led her through the villa to the main room, where Ezio’s mother and father were sitting. They stood up when the couple entered. Ezio’s SO slightly curtsied. “Buonasera,” his SO introduced. Ezio’s mother came and they exchanged cheek kisses. His mother led his SO out of the room to show her the villa and Ezio’s father clasped a hand on his shoulder. “She is beautiful, my son,” he said. “Don’t mess it up.”
Connor: Connor had always been at odds with his father, but his SO insisted that she be introduced to them. She was a fellow assassin with them and has seen his parents before, but always falling in line with the other assassins. She had never met them officially before. So she spent the entire day cleaning her home and preparing it for the lunch they planned. Connor came over at around noon and was surprised to see how clean it was. “What do you think?” his SO asked. Connor simply kissed her forehead, lingering for a moment. It made his SO relax. Connor then helped her work on lunch for the family. It wasn’t long until there was a knock on the door. His SO went to open it, with Connor right behind her. “(Y/N) right?” Connor’s mother said. It was just his mother. Connor figured they wouldn’t arrive together since they weren’t ‘together’ anymore. “Yes ma’am, it is very nice to meet you,” she said, opening the door wide so Kaniehti:io could come inside. The older woman came in and hugged her son. She noticed he was smiling and seemed more happy than he usually was, which made her spirit soar. She talked with the two, wanting to know how they met and how they made it official. Soon there was another knock at the door, which made Connor’s SO’s heart jump into her throat. He told her about his Templar father and how they tried to kill each other once, but that they reconciled because of the insistence of his mother. Since then, they’ve had a rocky relationship. When she opened the door, she was stunned to see him. He had the same face shape and eyes as Connor, but had the air of a Templar. “Hello, Mr. Kenway. I am (Y/N),” she introduced. “Haytham, please,” he said with a smile. She opened the door and allowed him to enter the home. The lunch went well, with his mother being very kind and his father being as kind as he could be. After it was over, they left and happily thanked the couple for lunch. “Well, that went well,” Connor’s SO said, leaning into him and kissing his cheek.
Arno: Arno and his SO planned a meeting with his parents soon after they began dating. Arno was close to both of his parents, especially since he joined the Assassins and followed in his father’s footsteps. So when he started dating her after months of flirtations, he was happy to introduce her to his parents. They were at a restaurant in Paris, waiting for them to arrive. “I’m so nervous,” his SO said. Arno grabbed her hand. “Relax, amour, they’ll love you,” he assured. Arno’s parents then appeared and introduced themselves to the woman. “Bonjour,” she introduced to his father. She then turned to his mother. “Hallo frau,” she introduced to his mother. Arno’s Austrian mother was shocked. “You speak German?” she asked. “A bit; my grandfather was german,” she explained. His parents sat down to the dinner and began to talk about anything and everything. Arno’s SO was very knowledgeable about things, which impressed his parents. When the dinner was over, his parents told Arno how impressed they were by her.
Jacob: Jacob was always the troublemaker of the family, especially with Evie being the star assassin. But he was so happy to show off his new girlfriend to his parents. For once, he felt, he did something right. She was smart, kind and witty. Everything about her was perfect to him. So when they officially started dating, he wanted to arrange a meeting between her and his parents as soon as possible. He used the money he earned from the fights to make reservations at one of the fanciest restaurants in London and to buy his girlfriend a beautiful blue gown. When they got to the restaurant, Jacob was standing by the table, worrying about what would happen. “Jacob, love, you must calm down. I’m the one who should be worried,” his SO assured, wrapped her arms around his waist. “I’ll make it my mission to make sure they love me by the end of the night,” she promised. Jacob wrapped his arms around her and smiled. “Thank you,” he muttered and leaned down to kiss her deeply. Then there was a sound of a throat clearing. Jacob and his SO pulled away from each other to see Jacob’s parents in the doorway, his father looking annoyed. “Oh!” his SO said, facing them and straightening her dress. “Mr. and Mrs. Frye! It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m (Y/N),” she introduced. “Nice to meet you as well,” his father said, slightly cold. Jacob always said he wasn’t one for public affection. They all sat down at the table and his father began to question her on many things, including her education and status. His mother was more quiet. Finally, after a long time, his mother set a hand on her husbands. “Ethan, please, allow the girl some rest. It is clear that she is a very nice woman and Jacob is so obviously in love with her,” she said. Her husband nodded and backed down. Jacob felt relief but his SO relaxed. She was never stressed, because she knew no one could judge her love for her Jacob.
Desmond: When Desmond ran away from the farm, it wasn’t long before he found a girlfriend. They dated for years before Desmond was captured by the Templars. After months of not hearing from him, she finally heard that he was back with the Assassins. Instead of being mad, she was beyond relieved that he was alive. She immediately arranged a time to reunite with him and they met up. When they saw each other, Desmond gladly got down to his knee and proposed to her. She immediately said yes, of course. He had to leave her again to train more, but after New Years 2012, he planned a meeting between his parents and his fiance. He was going to bring her to the farm where he grew up. Hand in hand, they walked through the assassin complex. Eventually, they met up with his parents, both older people with gray hair. They were very warm and welcoming to his fiance, his mother hugging her close. “It’s so great to meet you!” his mother said. His father gave her a nice handshake. “Welcome to the family,” he greeted.
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sleepyfan-blog · 7 years
Situation: 3, Sentence: 29, Character: Haytham on the receiving end of 29
3 - The aftermath of a bad fight
29 - “You’re not nearly as smart as you think you are.”
fandom: Assassin’s creed
Characters: Haytham Kenway, Reginald Birch
warnings: Modern AU, blood mention, Birch Being an Asshole
word count:1,124
summary: After getting into a bad fight, a teenage Haytham sneaks into the infirmary to patch himself up, and gets caught doing so.
Haytham slunk into the infirmary, while keeping pressure on the makeshift bandage that he was using to keep himself from bleeding too much. He stuck to the shadows, as the teenage Templar recruit had no desire to be caught in such a state by the medical staff… As while he would be treated, the young man had absolutely no desire whatsoever to be scolded for fighting. It wasn’t his fault that the fight had started, anyways. All he, Charles, William, Thomas and John had been trying to do was to practice their defense techniques, since they had all finished their study early, and wanted to get out some extra energy.
The five of them had been practicing in one of the work out rooms, in the area that that was designated for defensive training, when eight other recruits suddenly came in and started trying to throw their weight around. Each of those eight were in their early twenties and were about to leave the training camp and become full fledged Templars - if they successfully completed their first mission. The eight older recruits had ordered the five of them to leave the training room, despite the fact that the five of them had been there longer.
The eight of them didn’t even want to use the fighting mats, as they had headed to the weights area and started exercising. The other four had been kind of nervous - given that all eight of them were at least a foot taller than the group of fifteen year olds, and were quite obviously stronger.  Haytham on the other hand, didn’t see why the five of them had to leave - to bow to their smug wishes just because they wanted the five of them to leave and told the eight of them so.
The eight of them sneered at that and their thuggish, moronic leader threw the first punch, directly at Haytham’s face. He easily dodged the blows and tried to talk the bastards down, but one of them pulled a pocket knife from somewhere and threw it at Charles - and Haytham just reacted instinctively to protect his friend. Besides - he healed much faster than Charles did. the knife caught him in the side and the eight howled with laughter at what had happened, mocking him for getting hit. Haytham pulled the pocket knife from his side and growled lowly, chasing after each of them and threw them around the room, dodging most of their reciprocating blows and doing his best to keep his friends safe. Unfortunately the eight thugs yelled for help and more large morons filled the room.
Things would have escalated from there, but as the newcomers weren’t entirely sure who was fighting who, they were just punching everybody and Haytham and his friends had taken that as a sign to leave. He had promised them that he’d get his side looked at, but he didn’t want the medical staff to write to… Him and telling the… His strict guardian what he had gotten himself into this time. He made it all the way over to the cabinet where they kept the medical supplies needed for stitching someone up, having just washed his hands and sterilized a needle, when a distressingly familiar voice admonished “You’re not nearly as smart as you think you are.”
Haytham startled, suppressing the urge to curse as he realized that Birch was leaning against the wall, twenty feet from where he was currently standing. “L-Lord Birch!” He stuttered, bright blue eyes widening in nervousness. “I… W-when… H-how long…?”
“I’ve been in the camp for the better part of the day, and I have been observing how my recruits have been doing. I have to say that you handled the situation with those eight older recruits badly.” Birch admonished, voice strict and eyes hard as he stalked closer to the distinctly nervous teenager “And you’ve even managed to get yourself bloody. Then again, patching yourself up like that is a punishment in and of itself… although whether or not it’s enough is another matter.”
Haytham couldn’t help but flinch, despite desperately trying not to, unable to look his guardian in the eyes. “I… If you must punish me, sir, then do so. The others wanted to leave and it was my actions that caused us to get into that fight.”
Birch hummed a little, looking as if he was thinking on his words “Oh, but it’s become quite clear to me that you won’t listen if I just punish you. You still get into trouble. Perhaps if I punished your friends as well, I might get it through that thick, stubborn head of yours to behave, Haytham.”
The teenager’s eyes widened in fear and concern at that. He really didn’t want his friends to suffer because of his own stupidity, and threw himself forwards, landing with a painful thump in front of the other’s feet, and begged quietly “Mater Birch… P-Please! D-don’t hurt my friends. I-I mean punish.” He hated calling the other master, but it was one way to get the harsh grandmaster to consider his words.
Birch hummed again, looking down at the trembling young man, and Haytham could hear the smirk in the other’s voice “Very well - since you ask so nicely, I will spare your friends - on the condition that you will not get into, cause or instigate any trouble for the next six months. Is this understood?”
“Y-Yes sir.” Haytham stuttered anxiously, relief starting to flood through him.
“And stop trying to hide your true abilities, Haytham. I expect you to be the head of your class by the end of the month, and you will maintain the best possible score in all of your classes. Thick as you are, you are the most intelligent of the group of recruits in your classes. I want you to act like it.” Birch hissed, reprimanding and unamused.
“Y-Yes sir.” the teenage Templar recruit responded, quietly but clearly.
“Good, now patch yourself up and clean the blood off of the floor. They do try to keep it tidy in here and you’re making a mess.” The Templar grandmaster remarked before heading off, accidentally stepping on one of Haytham’s hands as he did so.
The teenager got up only after Birch had completely left the room, swiftly patching himself up and cleaning the floor thoroughly - checking for any blood spots from where he had come in. He was feeling a little dizzy - but nothing that a good night’s sleep (after nibbling on some of the food that he had stashed away in his bunk) wouldn’t cure. One day he and his friends would get out of this hellhole and things would change.
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Can I have a request of the assassins, (can you include haytham) reacting to their kid being a leader of some kid group, like they used to bully their kids but their kids eventually scared them and earned their trust so they follow their kid around doing tasks for their kid
+ [For the kid leading group can you do Haytham, Jacob, Arno, Altair, Connor and Ezio if that's alright]
(Let’s get this rollin’!)
How the Assassins React to Their Child Becoming a Leader Of a Gang (essentially)
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“What are you doing, Y/C/N?”
So he’d be confused at first.
Kids bullying his child?!
But he’d be impressed at how they handled it.
“Y/C/N, you cannot go around Masyaf striking other children.”
“You don’t understand, father!
“They struck me first!”
Of course he was satisfied at his child’s competence.
He just had to act like a parent.
Before your wrath comes to berate him.
Believe me, it’s happened once already.
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He was very happy.
And extremely proud.
“You’d be wise to show those Di Pazzis where they belong. Well done, Tesoro.”
A pat on the back for your child.
A smack around the head for him.
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Connor would really be questioning morality.
“Y/C/N, is this really the right thing to do?”
“It’s not like I’m making them jump off a cliff, papa.”
“Isn’t collecting firewood a bit… unnecessary?”
“We split it.”
“Depends on what you mean by ‘even’.”
Shocked, Connor would walk away.
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“Now, Y/C/N, that’s not how young boys/girls behave,” he’d say with you by his side, sending a disapproving glance your child’s way.
“Sorry, father.”
“Keep up the good work,” he’d whisper as you’re distracted.
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He’d be more worried for your child’s safety and well-being.
“Are you alright?”
“What were they saying?”
Your child would brush off his concerns.
“It’s alright, papa. I’m in charge now.”
Did he hear that right?
He’d definitely raise an eyebrow, but wouldn’t say anything more.
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Straight to the nearest pub.
“Raise your glasses, lads! We’ve got ourselves a confident heir to the leader of the Rooks!”
Your child, already being well known amongst the Rooks (much to your discomfort), would be congratulated, and Jacob would even propose a toast.
“To my beloved son/daughter, may your gang leading days never end!”
Cue more cheering.
Also cue a box to the ear when no one was looking.
“Stop encouraging it!”
“Well, he/she’s going to have to take my place someday.”
“Don’t even start…”
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how would the assassins/templars react if there S/O was playing a game of hide and seek just to tease them?
Info: 3 people missing, I know, but I just can't think 'bout anythin' for them. Also it kind of escalated in the actual game of hide 'n seek, I'm sorry.
Altaïr: Challenged seeker
Altaïr is good at hiding, but seeking is an other question since he mostly uses his Eagle-vision to see his targets.
Nothing seems like you were forced to go, he knew for sure you would be long time home at this point so it was clear you hid, but where?
He had a few problems in finding you, but since you left a note requesting that he won't use his Eagle-vision, (I think you get what I mean)
Ya' love to tease him about it, he finds it kind of unfair, still he tries to get better. (Eagle-vision here and there without you knowing won't be much of a problem, would it?)
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Connor: Worried seeker
Good at seeking, especially outside, (ya' can't climb? Don't even stand a chance.) Inside is a little more problematic, but it isn't that hard since he knows you.
God, half of an heart attack ya' have him there! What if somethin' happened to you? Were you scared? Was someone here? Are you injured?
You needed to explain the game to him, at first Connor didn't understand what's so fun about the game or why you wanted to 'play' it, but after a few round he understands that it could actually keep boredom away.
As for that, he's possible the only one of the Assassin's that actually give you a chance of hiding/finding from him/him.
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Ezio: Lovable seeker
Would find you anywhere, I mean, you're his ragazza, what if something happened?
Actually a tiny bit worried that you left him. Finds you real quickly, like, just give him the kisses he want, - puppy eyes.
Knows you're place like his own, well he kind of lives in your place. But knows it like he owns it, you search something? He knows where it is. He searches you? He knows all the place you could hide in.
(You want to know how? You'll never know.)
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Haytham: Sassy seeker
He never played the game, but know how it works, apparently he's better at hiding.
A tad bit confused, Haytham knew you were mischievous sometimes but hiding from him was clearly new.
Your place looked like always and his son wouldn't kidnap people. Would totally comment your hiding place and speak during searching for you.
"Ah, splendid, there you are hiding!" These tiny 'games' often happen after you had to sleep alone, or Haytham was gone without you knowing, to show your disappointment.
("How did you even fit in there..?")
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Jacob: Dorkish seeker
Hide and seek wasn't always a game he liked, actually, Evie always seemed better in finding and hiding, so he lost interest in it as Child.
He wasn't worried, in fact you could say more curious, calling out for you, looking in places were you clearly couldn't hide, all that. The Blighters didn't knew about you, so you had to be anywhere.
So when he finds you it's like;
"Oh? Since when are you here?"
It's like he completely forgot he searched for you, but it's worth, a lot of cheek kisses after that and cuddles, lots of cuddles and laughters.
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Shay: Playful seeker
Do you really want to do that? He's a pro at the game, his childhood was practically hide and seek.
The first time you did this he panicked, what if something happened to you? Were you kidnapped? But after using the Eagle-vision and finding you he calmed down.
Tables clearly turned after that, you didn't hide to tease him but to kind of flee because he would always sneak up on you. Maybe to get you flustered or scared, who knows?
(looking over your shoulder without you knowing, leaning in a bit and breathing against your ear)
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