#i'm only getting home at around 10pm!!! it is 8am!!!!!!!!!
airenyah · 9 months
sitting on my fave table in my faculty library trying to work on a paper but i am just so sleepytired
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gobletofmilk · 8 months
hours of the day ranked
1. 6pm 6pm is the best hour of every day because this is when you are eating dinner. sometimes it doesn't happen in this hour but when it does, this is why we are on earth. dinner. it's also good because you eat dinner then. 
2. 7pm i love this hour because if you have eaten dinner already you have a good 4-5 hours of true free time. you can literally do whatever, spend time with friends, read, write, watch a movie, or do what god herself placed us on this earth to do which is rot in bed and look at phone.
3. 12pm yummy lunch time 
4. 4am I'll fight all of you on this but 4am is here because of that sweet sweet rem. you know how good sleep feels at 4am? you kidding me? this is why i LIVE.
5. 12am there's just something special about midnight you know. it's just cool. if you're still awake the vibes are kinda crazy you know. if you're with friends then the vibes are even crazy er. i love it when it is midnight. 
6. 3pm i haven't been in school for years (like millions of years), but there is no denying the power of 3pm. home time. it's also the peak time in the afternoon. lots of shenanigans to be had at 3pm you know
7. 5pm this is like like school ending but for adults although i don't have a job that ends at 5 i just kind of work whenever and it is so bad for my work life balance because i end up working at the worst times and don't give myself enough time to relax but if i had a normal job this would be the best time
8. 10pm sleepy vibes you know
9. 8pm i really like this time because i'm usually right into a movie or something or playing a game or rotting in bed usually rotting 
10. 4pm it's interesting at this point we are starting to get to the hours i'm not too fond of. don't get me wrong i'm a fan of 4pm, but my brain just turns off around this time every day. i can't get anything done. it sucks. i'm not a morning person or an afternoon person or an evening person tbh.
11. 11pm hey that's a good placement
12. 5am such a risky hour. if you're getting good rem then it is the greatest hour in the world. but if you wake up at 5am and still want to have a little more sleep. god. kill me. it happened to me this morning and it has just ruined my day
13. 9pm it's kind of sad at 9pm because the night is coming to an end and it's like sad and stuff??
14. 1pm i ated all my lunch :(
15. 10am hey this is usually like a snack time so that is good. but you have a whole work day ahead of you and it's like ugh lame you know. if it is a day off though 10am can be pretty exciting. i'm usually rotting in bed around 10am
16. 2pm controversial maybe but this time isn't it. i want to go home you know i don't have three hours of work left in me.
17. 11am the most nothing hour ever created what even happens at 11am
18. 1am not for me
19. 2am like 1am but slightly worse 
20. 3am like 2am but slightly worse
21. 8am of all of the morning hours, this one is the least offensive. you're usually eating breakfast or just commuting and listening to music so hey, it gets a pass i suppose. morning sux.
22. 7am the only good thing about 7am is your bed is so comfortable, but like why can't we take that comfort and move it to other parts of the day. i gotta get up at 7am, don't do that to me.
23. 6am kill me now it's so over
24. 9am imagine being henry time, inventor of time, and thinking you know what is a good idea? 9am? what a fool. i'm so upset this time should not exist. so sick and twisted.
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cantstayawaycani · 1 year
Oh you work at the movie industry, this is so cool! Can u tell us a lil about what you have been doing? Like, your routine? I don't wanna intrude I'm just really curious about ppl 🐱 u can answer privately or don't answer too, it's okay 💖 I understand 💖💖
Hi there!
My routine? For coffee, work, or just in general?
Hmm, well usually I get up around 6am, make my first cup of coffee and start work. I don't have to be up so early, people usually start around 8am, but I like to get my stuff out of the way early so I have time to enjoy my morning. That's why I mostly work from home.
My job is not glamorous, I don't really have any credits on IMDB. I have been fortunate to work for some large media companies, including Netflix and Disney, and I currently work at Paramount (ViacomCBS) but this is all post production, digital production, content management, asset management, marketing, localization, etc.
So I "touch" a lot of TV and film projects, but usually after everything is in the can, and the project is gearing up for marketing and sales to foreign markets.
Boring, but I like my job.
It's so trippy because I see people giffing trailers and promos for shows and films I approve, get localized and send to clients all the time. I know when a show will be announced, I know about top secret casting, I know when shows will be canceled, etc. That's my only advantage to working in the industry thus far.
After I do my general daily tasks early in the morning, I make myself another cup of coffee and I feed my cat, give her her medicine (for high blood pressure, poor thing), if I feel like getting dressed I will, but mostly I stay in my PJs and take meetings with my camera off.
If I decide to go into the office, I try to leave my apartment no later than 8am. When I get to the office, I stop at the Coffee Bean on the lot and get a Cookie Butter Latte.
Sometimes I get sleepy in the afternoon and I want to take a nap. If I'm in the office, I grab another coffee. Usually I just make it in the Keurig in the our office kitchen. If I'm at home, I just take a nap. My job is self-sustained. A lot of people depend on the outcome of what I do, but I am the one firmly in charge of my own workflow and schedule. So ifI feel like a nap when I'm at home, I take one.
That's pretty much my day to day. I sometimes watch YouTube or work on my writing or scroll around on Tumblr during the day. But I end my day early, because I start it early. I stop working no later than 4pm.
I usually have my third cup of coffee around 2pm. I'm trying to stop having that third cup. Because it's starting to interfere with my sleep schedule. I am still wired, whether I realize it or not, when it's time for me to go to bed at 10pm. So when you see me liking posts past 11pm it's because I've had so much caffeine, I can't properly go to sleep. I try to set a sleep schedule on my phone where my apps are inactive and my do not disturb is on, and sleep with it across the room from my bed.
But the coffee keeps me up and I end up going over to my desk and picking my phone up anyway.
I am currently on my second cup of coffee. LOL.
Ah, did I answer your question? Or talk too much?
Thanks for the ask!
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okwonyo · 3 months
i'm sorry i scared, but still what you tell is correct. i did not want to sound rude tho- i mean your themes look good and whenever i enter your blog to read something, i find a new theme and it's mesmerising ^^ i want to know how you manage your time during school days and holidays + how do you manage to write so much and post so much.
and also what is the best time to post tumblr, you get a pretty good notes :) i might look like a stalker asking you everything on how you do it, i just want to know your tips since we are same age 🥲
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it’s okay ~ i’ll try to resume my routines for you !
during school days, i wake up at 5:40 am, to stretch and shower. then, i take my breakfast and during that time, since i am often eating on my own, i revise and reread the classes that i have on that day. on my ride to school, which used to take thirty minutes, i write a quick work — that is why is used to post on a daily basis. however, now i have a place in paris and closer to my school, i cannot do this anymore. now, since i come back quicker from school, i can take a two hours break and write a post. i revise around 6PM during approximately two hours or less if i revise during my breaks. during school, i can only do a seven minutes work out before studying and i take my languages lesson on my way back home and quickly after studying. i am also lucky to write a lot and have a lot of ideas .. i mainly just go with the flow. my classes ended at 1pm on wednesday and friday ; so i revised the guitar here, and at 4PM i had to give tutoring lessons.
— i also write for a hour during my two to four hours breaks ^^
during holidays, i wake up at 8AM (because i sleep at 10PM) and exercise (stretching and working out). then, i go take a shower and do my skincare routine. i eat breakfast while responding to some asks and messages. i take a huge care in reading for at least one and half hour, then i take my lunch while watching youtube or a tv show i really like. then, i rest and all (writing, taking a nap, talking / hanging out with my friends, taking a walk). now, my routine will not always look like this as i love to go out and try new things!
🐇⠀⠀⠀。⠀ well, i cannot tell you what the best time you can post. you have to do some tests first, you know? my audience and yours will maybe not be the same. but, i post around 12AM or 2PM .. however, i sometimes go with the flow ><
i hope i phrased everything right and that it will help you at least a little bit ! ♥︎
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theraspberryjournal · 3 years
Dear Amber,
This is the story of how you came into this world.
On 25 Oct 2021, I thought the waterbag was leaking at 7am. I stayed at home until 4 pm n checked again and it seems that I was still getting quite a wet panty. So i called the hospital and they told me to be admitted that night. You were originally scheduled to be induced on 26 Oct 2021 at 9am.
After being admitted to the hospital around 8pm, doctor checked and say that it was not amniotic fluid that was leaking. So they asked if I would like to be induced earlier since I was already scheduled for the following day. I thought why not since we're already at the hospital. I was already dilated at 1cm.
The 1st induction tablet was inserted around 10pm. Supposedly releases prostaglandin to soften the cervix. They had to monitor me for 2 hrs at the ward before sending me up to the antenatal ward for another 4 hrs for the tablet to taks effect. So the next day at 6am they got me up for a 2nd tablet to be inserted if no progress back at the ward where i was first checked. After checking, I was still at 1cm dilated and our gynae Dr. Chua recommended a different tablet to be used a 2nd time instead. It was then inserted at 8am on 26 Oct 2021. After about an hour or so I started to feel some contractions which was quite mild and tolerable about 4 mins apart. It took about 5 to 6 breaths to get through each contraction. The pain was still bearable at a 6 to 7 points.
We were sent back to the antenatal ward to wait for the effects of the 2nd tablet to take effect. I was so tired i fell asleep after a late breakfast around 11am. And around 12pm i was woken by a pop that i felt in the uterus. It was the mucous plug that popped. I went to the toilet and there was a bloody show. Not too bloody but bloody nonetheless. I also felt a sudden need to poop so I did and had a bit of loose stool as well. Think the relaxin hormone helped to get that out the way before your birth.
The contractions started coming almost 1 min apart and was getting stronger that i had to really concentrate on just breathing in and out for at least 10 counts to get through it. At this stage it was a 8 to 9 point for the pain of the contraction which basically got worst by the seconds. I knew there and then that I'm definitely getting the epidural.
I called the nurse around 1pm and said that I think I need the epidural. By the time they came was around 1.30pm with the wheelchair to bring me to the delivery ward. The breathing was in counts of 15 to 20 at about 30 seconds intervals. The pain was at 10 points already. Breathing barely helps to manage and I was moaning in agony.
By the time we reached the delivery ward, I was already 3cm dilated and can get the epidural, but they said they had to monitor if you are ok before I can get an epidural cuz ur heartbeat was not getting captured on the fetal monitor properly. Your daddy was quick to ask for other pain relief for me at that stage and I got some laughing gas go help me through the contractions for quite a long while. The pain was super intense.
The next time they checked I was already 5 to 6cm dilated and I kept having the intense feeling to push already. Still no epidural but whenever the contractions come, I could feel a gush of fluid being push out by me when I moan. The anaestheist finally came and said that I can get the epidural around 3.30pm or so. By the time it was finally administered was about 3.50pm and i guess the effects kicked in only about 10 to 15 mins later. My lower body was completely numb, but i could still feel the contractions and the need to push.
Doctor say not to push yet cuz i was only 6 to 7cm. N they needed to monitor you. Apparently you were starting to be in distress each time during the contractions as you were tied up by the umbilical cord around your body and it gets tighten further, lowering your heartbeat each time the contractions come and I tried to push.
I guess it was around 4.15pm when the doctors say that you were in distress and needed to be taken out via c-sect since I was apparently only 5cm dilated. I just wanted you to be safe so I agreed. I just prayed to God that you will be alright and safe and He will be with us throughout. I was briefed on the procedures and signed all the forms already. The operating theatre was booked and the nurse was about to shave off my pubic hair when the doctor did a last minute check on my cervix and was surprised to find that I was fully dilated already at 10cm. She asked if I would like to try pushing you out instead. Of course, I said yes. Vaginal birth babies are supposedly healthier after going through the birth canal. Thank God for answering my prayers.
So now each time the contractiom came and I felt the need to bear down and push, I did. The doctors had to ask me to hold my breathe and push for 10 counts, about 3 times each contraction. It was exhausting. The nurses were helping to push the stomach which I try to push internally. I was so worried you were not able to come out quickly and not get enough oxygen, so I really use all my might and strength to push you out as quickly as I could. Sometimes it felt as though I needed to poop, but I think it was just the muscles in my rectum getting activated as well. I had to hold my thighs up as I push and push until you finally slide out of me like a huge piece of slimy goop at 16:49.
Daddy was there to see your head crowning. He was there to cut the umbilical cord. He saw how my wound got stitched up. I got 2nd degree tear on the inside of my vagina, and Dr. Chua apparently does not NOT do episiotomy for 1st time moms. So I got a cut by her to facilitate you coming out. But other than that you didn't cause me to tear much.
After you came out and started crying, I was so relieved that you are alive and well. Just that they needed to monitor your breathing so you were put inside an oxygen box to help you with your breathing so I couldn't do skin to skin immediately with you. Your crying stopped very quickly and you were pretty happy in the oxygen box for an hour. Your limbs were a little blue and cold, but that went away after they heated you up a little. Daddy was so proud of you for being so brave. You barely cried like 2 to 3 times when they injected the vitamin K to help with blood clotting.
You weigh 2.73kg at birth and is 49cm long. Mummy was in active labour for about 6.5 hrs and pushed you for less than 30 mins and you were out. You were officially born on 26 Oct 2021 at 4.49pm.
It was quite the experience for mummy and I know that it must have been scary for you as well to go through all that in the womb and to come out into this world. I couldn't be more proud of you for making it through all that.
You look super like daddy when you are born but I'm sure your features will keep changing as you grow older. You already has mummy's lazy eye habit of peeping through one eye. You were born with a head full of hair which you keep wearing as a mohawk hairstyle and a tiny dimple on your left ear. Your brows are beautiful, eyes are small like daddy, nose quite flat like both of us, and a beautiful set of lips which opens like daddy when you sleep. Your forehead is high like mummy, face is round like mummy, but chin is sharp like daddy. And you have really long and sharp nails when you were born. Mummy know you're gonna be a beauty when you grow up and already loves you so much right now.
You have been latching really well and mummy just hopes to be able to give you enough milk to fatten you up. Praying you will be completely healthy and grow up to be an amazing women.
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medcury · 6 years
Hi, I'm brazilian too but I'll ask you in English so more people can read it ! How is your study routine right now? How many hours per day, and how many days per week, how much time you dedicate to theory and to doing exercises... Things like that. I just started studying for next year's enem and I'll be trying to get into either nursing or medicine, but I love to check on other students' routines to see if I can improve mine in any way. Oh, and is it your first enem this year?
Hello, that’s very nice of you! One thing you need to know beforehand is that I was actually in college during the first semester (majoring in chemical engineering) and that’s the reason why I did not sign up for enem, and also why I am currently going to nocturnal classes: it was the only time with available spots in prep courses. That being said, I will try my best to explain how I’ve been studying, so let’s go.
I often wake up at 7:30am, make my breakfast, plan what I’m going to study that day, and then I start studying around 8am. I don’t pause until lunchtime, which around 12:30 (I can focus for long periods of time after I actually start working). 
After that, I have lunch, take a break, and come back to my studies around 1:30pm. I keep going until 3:30pm, have a 20 min break, then I start again.I study until 5:20pm or so. 
I have to stop so I can get ready, and catch the bus to my prep course — often, I arrive there around 6pm, and my classes start at 6:30pm, going straight until 10:50pm. I solve a few more questions in that 30 min window I have. 
I come back home around 11pm, take a shower, have a quick dinner, and go straight to bed. Next day, I’m up at 7:30, and the cycle begins once anew.
Aspects to consider:
Twice a week, I go to the gym, and stay there for an hour. 
Usually I go during the mornings, and I often listen to subject-related podcasts so I can remember some forgotten concepts
This schedule is not followed to strict levels, but I try my best to reach the goals I’ve placed for the day. 
In case some subjects were not studied in a certain date, I either reschedule it for the next day, or I put it to be reviewed during the weekend. 
I tend to study around eight hours at home, plus the four or so hours of prep courses, so, adding everything that make about 12 hours a day: sometimes less, sometimes more. Depends on my focus and energy.
I don’t get too caught up in hours, though, it’s less relevant than being productive. There are days that I learn more in thirty minutes than in ten hours. It’s all relative. 
My type of memory is almost strictly visual (you can see from my overabundance of mindmaps) so I tend to give theory a lot more weight during my sessions.
I would say that it takes me around 20 minutes to make a simple mindmap; around an hour to make the complex ones (usually, these are for humanities). My material provides 20 questions for each class, so solving those often takes me between 30 minutes and an hour. 
I’ll be honest, sometimes I lack time to study everything I have piled up for the week, so I tend to compensate by using my Saturdays wisely. Saturday I wake up at 9am, and basically lock myself in my room until 9pm or 10pm. 
It’s what works for me, though, so don’t force yourself to do it if your organism would rather have a different approach. I personally cannot work during disperse/short sessions, that’s all. (i.g: I am more productive during six hours straight than 30 minutes with intervals.) 
There is no right or wrong, there is simply what works for you and what doesn’t. Don’t get caught up in the details, just follow what has been inducing improvement. 
For Sundays, I just write an essay (about one hour of work during the morning) and then rest & sleep for the rest of the day. 
I believe a day off is important to recharge, and I always recommend it to people who think they have to be on top of their game 24/7 — it’s imperative to clear your head, and it will help with assimilating more information as well.
I believe that’s it. In final notes, I’d like to say two things. Firstly, answering your question, it is not my first enem — I actually took one when I graduated High School, back in 2015. I was never fond of the exam, I don’t think I would take it even if I had been out of college by the time it came out. The second point is that, as much as I have absolutely nothing to do with your life, I’d like to give you a final advice based off my personal experience: if you are torn between medicine and another course, don’t rush into a decision. I explained my experience in further detail HERE, but, in short, my fear held me back. I can only ask you to avoid the same mistake as me, and follow what will fulfill you the most, regardless of how hard it will be. If that’s not medicine, and you would be a lot happier in nursing, then that’s perfect! Seek your own satisfaction — regardless of what others (or your insecurities) say. 
I’m sorry this got so big, but I wanted to give as much information as I could. In case you desire to, you can ask me more things, or message me on DM. I hope this helped. Best wishes! 
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allthingslea · 2 years
Backyard Camping
Hey friends, how are y'all? A lot of things have happened the past couple of weeks so I'm just going to to put bullet points on what happened on those dates. On August 18-20, we did a mock camping trip at the Ferrer's old house. They have a massive backyard! On Thursday and Friday, I still worked whilst "camping". Here are some highlights.
-Lea stayed at the Guildford house that night. I was supposed to pick uer up at 8am but did at 7am.
-chill at Tsawwassen Mills parking lot, had some ice cream, finish. She had her period, so we didn't do too much.
-After chilling, we went to the Ferrer House, where I worked for the day.
-After work, went to old house, set up tents, ate food steal looks as usual. Nothing suspicious here.
-Whenever we needed to use the washroom, we are together, we steal kisses whenever no one can see us.
-Night time, I shared a tent with Lea and Yanna.
-I worked for the whole day of Friday (outdoors, at the canopy or just sitting at a lawn chair)
-still stole kisses here and there, whenever no one is looking
-after work, they had some friends over. Specifically Ate Chiristine and Ate Tet's families.
-While we were eating, the titas were talking amongst themselves. Lea joined them for a bit to get some salsa, and Ate Malou asked when Lea will "sagot" me, and she said April. I overheard this, and for some reason, I felt uneasy. Lea saw this and got worried, so we discussed and assured that she just said that, but in reality, she wants to make us public in December or January. To me it doesn't really matter, because we are together now. I guess I just got carried away with my emotions that I lost appetite and for some reason I wasn't in the best mood. Lea comforted me through it though.
-A few hours later, got dark, we played Exploding Kittens indoors. She owned me the first round but got karma'd by me on the second round- i stole many cards from her
-Around 10PM, we had a campfire going, and we had some smores. Later, she got cold so I got her a blanket. I was partially covered, holding hands underneath infront of everyone, while sharing stories.
-The adults went to bed, Yanna and the rest went to use the washroom. I guess we both were feeling adventurous. She gave me a quick handjob while there was no one around.
-Yanna went to bed, as Edmar and Cherrie were showering, we went inside the house, she sang karaoke, dry humped too
-Finally, we brushed our teeth and went to bed.
-woke up, adults have left, only the kids stayed. Had breakfast then talked for hours with Edmar and Cherry- she held my arm infront of them
-prepared, and went back home to drop off some stuff and took a quick shower. Had a heart to heart talk with Edmar. When everyone was ready, we went to Mario's for lunch
-she held my legs underneath the table
-back to the house, talked at the swing, then went to old house to clean up
-dry hump upstairs, went back downstairs, sitting down karaoke where she's nealt in front of me. Dry hump too, with me bare. Finished in her mouth, got overwhelmed, stopped. Continued with hand- best orgasm ever. Twice!!!
-cleaned up, packed up, went back to new house.
-Watched insidious went home
As you can tell, things kind of... got really adventurous. I was hoping to share this blog post to the world, but with the things I say and mention, I think I will just share this to Lea alone. I didn't realize that Lea is just as naughty as I am, in fact maybe more. Just wait until the next post, when we actually go camping.
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