#i'm pretty sure i'm an animated husk of a man right now
ordinaryschmuck · 7 months
So, I finally watched Hazbin Hotel...
Weird, given how I talked about it a bunch. Heck, one of my top rated posts at the moment is my interpretation regarding the fear in Alastor's eyes during his breakdown. But despite having opinions on Hazbin Hotel, I've never really checked the show out, especially as it was coming out. I was kind of waiting for all episodes to get released so I could binge it all in one sitting, but I kept pushing that off until TODAY, and...I have thoughts.
Love the animation of the show. Every praise I could give animation is present, with each character being incredibly expressive, their movements fluid, and the animators know when to be stiff for comedic scenes and giving their all for the big musical numbers or action.
I also love the way these characters look. I hear people complain about how overdesigned everything is, and that's valid. I would NOT want to animate this show due to every detail that I'd have to keep track of. But...if we can still praise Spider-Verse despite the animators being under torturous conditions as they make every frame a work of art, we can give the animators the same pat on the back here for making this show look as good as it is. Besides, a few years ago we had people complaining how every western cartoon looks the same. Now we have a show that's the most visually distinct than a lot of animated series coming out today and now we're complaining about that? I'm a man who admires effort more than anything, and while I agree that simpler is better with televised animation, I'm still proud that the animators pulled through in this.
The songs are all great, with personal favorites being "Loser, Baby," "Hell's Greatest Dad," "Stayed Gone," "Hell is Forever," and "You Didn't Know." The weakest one is probably "Whatever it Takes," but it's not really BAD, not me. Just not as strong as the others. I dug this soundtrack and it was the main thing that suck me into this show.
Charlie, as a protagonist, is pretty strong. I love the irony of the daughter of Hell is the nicest person in existence and her frustrations in making the Hazbin Hotel a success a delight because you WANT her to succeed as much as everyone else does. Plus, where most adult comedies make their protagonists cynical a-holes, it's a nice change of pace to have a hopeful one that apologizes as she's fighting people. Love it.
Angel Dust is easy to root for. What he goes through with Valentino is...something that someone like me can't fully grasp and understand, let alone judge. But I personally feel like it does the job to show the tragedy that this character goes through and allows you to root for him to get better.
And I like that Husk is right there to support Angel Dust, being a sort of conscience to protect him despite how much Angel gets on Husk's nerves. I also dig that they grow closer together, treating each other with mutual respect and admiration. It's sweet and I hope things turn out well for these two. Plus, he's voiced by Kieth David. The man can't do wrong.
Nifty is the funniest character in the show, and I will hear no disagreements about it.
Sir Pentious is a lovable loser who's the second funniest character. He reminds me of Papyrus from Undertale, trying so hard to prove that he's strong and powerful only to hilariously fail at every turn. You really root for the guy to get better and feel grateful that he finds happiness in a way I'm not sure anyone could have expected.
Rosie only appeared in one episode, and she's already my favorite. The gal's chipper and supportive towards Charlie, to the point where I completely forgot that she was a cannibal overlord who killed her partner to take full control of the business. Again, I love the irony of characters like this.
Lucifer was more fun than expected. I thought he'd be Mr. Serious, but he's just as bombastic and fun-loving as Charlie and Jeremy Jordan sounds like he's having the time of his life being this character to the point where it's addicting.
Vox has the potential to be a great antagonist and it's a crime that he only has ONE episode with relevance. Hoping he gets more in the future.
And Alastor. I love the concept of a character always smiling with the only thing betraying him are his eyes. As someone who takes joy in facial expressions, I always have a great time trying to analyze a character's restrictions and seeing how they emote, especially when animators and artists utilize a character's eyes to do most of the talking. That's done here in spades, making Alastor more interesting of an evil character as he keeps people guessing with his devious smile, not even dropping it when he's having a mental breakdown.
All and all, I can see how this show can draw in an audience...BUT...
The comedy misses more than it hits. The funniest stuff comes from Nifty and Sir Pentious, but other than that, I don't really laugh much with this show. The dramatic moments work decently enough, so that's a pro, but when it's trying to make you laugh, it crumbles for the most part.
The constant swearing does get on one's nerves a bit. Dialogue, more than anything, depends on character. And to have EVERYONE swear almost consistently feels like a misstep. Because if everyone shares a similar level of lingo, then how can you differentiate a character's line on paper. Plus, I feel like it cheapens certain character. Saint Peter, the man who greets you at the pearly gates, shouldn't be another character that goes, "Oh, shit" when him going "Oh, shucks" speaks more about who is compared to everyone else and gives a glimpse into how different Heaven is from Hell.
The dialogue also hurts a character like Adam too. I want to buy that he's Earth's first man, but having him talk like a douchebag rockstar kind of takes me out of it a bit. Like, the way he talks doesn't sound like how the first human being should sound. He sounds like a guy who died in the late eighties, which SHOULD be funny but it's too distracting too much of the time when a character who talks like an old man who's ignorant to modern thinking could have had so much to say about what Heaven deems as worthy to be up above. They nailed the ignorance, but had him speak it in a way that doesn't fit humanity's first man. Maybe less "Call me Dickmaster" and more more "Call me Sir."
Vaggie...is FINE, I guess? But her character faces the same problems as Millie in Helluva Boss, where most of her personality and character is dependent on the relationship she has with another.
I'm also not a fan of Chaggie. I'm sorry. I'm in love with the ship dynamic of the stern, responsible one paired with the bubbly optimist. Heck, I'm a Lumity shipper because of it. But Chaggie just...WHELMS me. I don't hate them together but I'm not foaming at the mouth with each cute scene they share either. Honestly, I ship Charlie more with Emily than I do Vaggie, which...sucks for Vaggie, I guess. But Emily deserves love in her life too, dammit.
And the pacing for this season really is bad. I don't think the problem with this show is that it had eight episodes. Less is more is a phrase for a reason and we don't need twenty episode long seasons for EVERY show. I prefer it, don't get me wrong. Allows characters the a chance to breath and allows the story to take its time more. But what kills Hazbin Hotel's first season is that it feels like a three-season long story just got wrapped up into ONE. I'm sure there's more plans with Heaven, the Vees, and especially Lilith, but to have the season end with the next extermination feels like Avatar ending its first season with Souzin's Comet. There's so much the characters need to do and prepare for in so little time, ending a status quo shaking event, that I feel like a smarter idea would have been splitting this season's story line up into three parts. I mean, unless the cast and crew didn't know ahead of time that they'd only get eight episodes a season, why not have a little faith that they could have split the story up better? Because otherwise, it makes the show feel like it went by way too quickly. Eight episodes isn't a problem, but how they use those eight episodes DO.
So, while I can absolutely see why Hazbin Hotel could have its fans, I can also see how it can put people off. The style and characters work well enough, but the dialogue, jokes, and story need much more polish. It's not the worst, but not the best either. I hope things improve in Season Two and that the show itself can redeem ITSELF in the future.
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strawberryonfire · 1 year
Hazbin Hotel Sin Headcanons
This is basically what I think the sins of the Hazbin characters were (for now) and what made them go to Hell
TW: Mentions of murder drugs, s**ual assault, and homiphobic people (Katie Killjoy)
Before this starts, (you can skip this if you want) in s1 ep4 of Helluva Boss, it was estaished that the Cherubs couldn't go back to Heavan because their mission ended up with the death of a human, even if they didn't actually kill him. So, like many other people theorize, it's probably much harder to get into Heavan than hell, and if you kill someone, directly, indirectly, or by acident, you might go to Hell or just have to prove yourself to be worthy of going to hevan. I think some of the characters probably killed someone and that's part of the reason they were dammed.
Vaggie: I have two theories for her. The first one is that she went to Hell for her anger; maybe she killed someone in a rage? My second theory, and the one I like the most, is that she accidentally killed someone, most likely a man, while defending herself. Vaggie was walking alone at night and some man tried to have his way with her, and she fought back. She probably stabbed him or something and ran away, and accidentally killed him. I like the idea of Vaggie losing her eye after she came into Hell.
Angel Dust: I do think lust and drugs were a reason he went to Hell, but not the main reasons. He was an Italian mobster when alive, and probably killed quite a few people in his time. So I think his actions in the mob is a large reason why he's in Hell.
Alastor: I'm pretty sure it's canon that Alastor was a cannibal and still is, and I also think he was a serial killer who ate his victim's.
Niffty: I feel like Niffty was a bit boy-obsessed when she was a human, and probably got her heart broken by one. Maybe she was dumped or a guy she liked had a girlfriend, so she killed him. I also kind of like the idea of her being a bit of a pyromaniac.
Husk: He was probably an alcoholic and most definitely a gambler, so that's two factors. A lot of people think Husk was a soldier in the Vietnam War, but I'm pretty sure he was an old ass man when he died, so he would have been a bit too old to serve in that war. If he was a soldier at one point in his life, I think he would have served in WW2, and he probably did kill people while serving. Husk probably got PTSD from the war, and to cope, he turned to alcohol and became an alcoholic.
Sir Pentious: I don’t have too many thoughts about what landed Pentious in Hell, but I have a feeling child labor was involved.
Baxter: I also don't have too many thought on Baxter either, but I feel like he was a mad scientist or something like that, and one of his experiments ended the life of someone, or he did messed up experiments on people or maybe animals.
Cherri Bomb: I feel like Cherri probably made/sold bombs or fireworks, or anything illigal like that, for money, or she was a protester of some kind. She was probably a violent one too, in my mind.
Valentino: I think Val was a pimp who mistreated his workers and possibly s**ually abused them in some way. Soft of like what he does with Angel.
Vox: I feel like Vox was a greedy and unfair T.V salesman, but that's all I have for him right now.
Velvette: She was probably a social media influencer and did some illegal stuff on the side.
Katie Kljoy: Katie is obviously homiphobic, but I have another thought in mind for her. In the pilot, after Charlie calls her a bitch, she turns into a more demonic form, which reminds me of a prey mantis. If you don't know, female prey mantisis eat the male (after mating I think) so this got me thinking that Katie might have killed her husband (if she had one).
Katie: Looks like they're fighting tooth and nail for that Hotspot!
Tom Trench: I've said this in my hazbin hotel death headcanons that Tom Trench probably died in the trenches In WW1, so he most likely killed others if he was a soldier. Also, based on some things he said during the pilot, I feel like he was a bit of a pervert when he was alive. ( an example down below if you wanna know)
Tom: And I'd sure Luke to nail her Hotspot! (referring to Cherri Bomb)
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lifmera · 7 months
Heya, I was wondering if I could have a matchup for Hazbin Hotel? Male please x
My pronouns are she her, I'm fairly average height for a girl and my favourite animals at the moment are either cats or goats!!
I have black hair, dark eyes and pale skin, my hair goes just above my breasts and is layered. I wear a lot of black and hardly own any clothes that aren't!! (It’s just so flattering) I have a few large tattoos as well and am definitely getting more. I also have a lot of ear piercings, a nose stud and 🍒 piercings. I’m also English (northern, not southern) so I do have an accent
In terms of personality, l'd say l'm rather outgoing, witty and a bit nerdy. I wear a lot of studs and chains but I think they look badass, however I wear them causally so I guess you could also say I’m pretty bold? I've often been told l intimidate people, however I like to think they don't know me well enough to judge. Ive been told I can be quite loud, and I have some blunt, dry sense of humour which my friends seem to like. I'm an ENTP through and through and am currently in law school, stereotypical as fuck ik. I can sometimes struggle to trust people due to past experiences, however I think I’ve got the hang of reading people now to know when they’re my kind of cunt or not.
I can have a short temper and struggle with my emotions sometimes, (diagnosed bpd/adhd, looooove to see it) but am in the process of learning to manage them quite well.
Hobby wise, I enjoy drawing, painting and going out with my friends to concerts and festivals. I Love music, specifically Goth, Metal (Death, Goth metal, Nü metal, all sorts) and a little bit of rock obviously. I'm tempted to start learning how to play the drums or guitar but am not sure where to start, plus school takes up so much of my time.
There's of course no rush to reply, I adore your work I think your matches are always spot-on and I'm really curious !!
HEY 🕷️🕸️!!!
Honestly I was so TORN between these two. So i decided lol… why not both?
Its okay hun!! I major Pre-Law right now 🩷
I’ve decided to pair you with… VOX & HUSK
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Vox first though. Cus i read this and i was like.. VOX but then when i showered i was like .. wait husk… and then i was like FUCK… anyways
He’d definitely talk to you more because you reminded him of Velvette. And what probably went thru his head was “ooh new model :)”
But he LOVES ur personality. If you intimidated VOX? He would literally purr at ur feet and BEG you to join the Vee’s.
Even if you are dry, its okay, cus everything else makes up for it to him.
He definitely isn’t surprised if you don’t trust him at first, but he’s think that “nothing a little hypnotizing cant fix ! ;)” (take that as you wish.)
Vox is kinda pretty shitty himself- and probably doesnt really care much about you unless you blow a fuse on him. But honestly he’d like that.
Though he’d also be glad that you are managing your emotions! He HATES tantrums . (Cough cough Val)
He would probably make you draw you guys together lets me honest. He’d think it’d be funny. Till he actually enjoys it.
He would make fun of ur music taste. Then he would love it. Cus hes such a LOSER like that……
Honestly he’d love it sm he’d have them as theme songs D:
If you learned any instruments it’d probably cause him to want to as-well….
Ok Husker time…
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Not gonna lie. You guys give off the same vibe, and he’d probably like you the most out of everyone at the hotel.
Especially at first glance?? Like finally… someone normal
Says him anyways.
Husk HATES cats, and obviously… i think he would also let you pet him or brush his fur… after becoming in a relationship. Otherwise he’d literally bite you.
I think he would talk to you first at the bar, and man is he good at finding shit out???
I think you guys would become close friends within a finger snap-
And honestly become inseparable. Totally have backhanded shit to say and it would be so funny. (Great duo)
He definitely would be super proud of you for seeking help! He would say that not much people have enough balls to do that.
Honestly i also think Husk would enjoy painting too. He seems like a gambler but i think in his free time, something like painting would relax him?? Or atleast looking at paintings and analyzing them.
Your music taste? Probably same as his. He’d love to listen with you, and Everytime you are at the bar he’d ask if you wanted to play a song you both enjoyed.
If you learned the guitar he’d be SO IMPRESSED. Like “okay dayum… ❤️”
I HOPE THIS WAS OKAY HUN!! And AWUGHS THANK YOU SO MUCH?? i always try to make the characters accurate because i feel like if they are ooc .. its just.. weird ?
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corrines-bells · 8 years
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i will be here soon...
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