#i'm probably gonna write a pt 2 whether you guys want one or not
bxngchxn · 4 years
Cupid’s Arrow || A Valentine’s Special
pairing: jisung x female!reader
wc: 2.85k 
genre: cupid!au, fluff, humor
warnings: none!
description: every cupid has one job: shoot the arrow at your assigned human. What happens when someone misses?
a/n: ok so I started writing this at 9pm and it’s currently 12:46 am on valentines day so obvs this won’t be perfect but this was a cute idea so I hope you guys like it! you’re all my valentines you don’t have a choice ok mwah love u 
(ps: pls don't be mad at me for how I ended this lmao if yall like it enough i’ll write a pt 2!)
taglist:  @dom--minnie @sparklemin @minholuvs @hanflix
the week leading up to Valentine’s Day is the busiest day of the year for angels like Jisung-- assignment after assignment of soulmates coming across his desk as the romantic holiday looms closer. don’t get him wrong, jisung loves his job. He loves getting to watch the moment two people, fated to each other finally meet-- the soft smiles, the faint blushes and shy introductions are something that makes his entire week. this time of year, though, all he really wants is to go home for the night. 
he turns off the multiple screens on his desk, videos of intended lovers fading to black as his day comes to an end. closing the door and making sure to turn the lock, jisung sighs in relief as he makes his way down the hallway to the elevators, a few fellow cupids waiting for him by the door. 
“hey jisung! we’re taking a trip down to earth to walk amongst the humans for awhile. do you wanna tag along?” Minho, the oldest of the bunch asks. next to him, jisung spots hyunjin, changbin and jeongin looking at him expectantly.
jisung met the group of angels five years ago, when he first started his job. inexperienced and ridiculously nervous, he clung to his coworkers throughout all of his training. although a sarcastic and rather rowdy bunch, jisung was quickly accepted for his bright smile and love for..well, love.
he had always found it interesting, the concept of love. it was merely a human emotion, but at the same time something so inhumanly complex. the idea that everyone has a person that they absolutely can’t live without, and some of them don’t even know it yet? crazy to him, but oh so fascinating. 
the early days are always his favorite to watch once he’s successfully struck two people. everything is new and fun, and so unpredictable. there’s the first dates, shy hand holding, stolen glances. you never know when someone is going to finally make the first move, shyly moving closer and closer to their lover to gauge their reaction. jisung had always wondered what love felt like-- the closest he could get was his job as a cupid. he figured that would have to suffice.
when he finally reaches the doors to the elevators, he flashes a smile at the boys in front of him. “last time we went down to earth, hyunjin literally caused a traffic jam because he smiled at a dog. are you guys sure this is a good idea?” he quips, and the boys laugh while hyunjin rolls his (absolutely gorgeous) eyes. 
“first of all that's not true,” he begins, and elbows jeongin in the side when he hears a sound of contradiction leave his mouth “and we aren’t going anywhere crowded, just to a café that I saw the other day when I was working.” he says, and jisung nods his head in contemplation. 
“sure, that sounds like fun. I haven’t had a good cup of coffee in awhile,” he agrees, and with that, the five make their way into the elevator.
stepping out onto the sidewalk, jisung took a moment to feel the sun on his skin. this was one of his favorite parts about earth, so warm and so bright. of course, it’s nothing compared to heaven, but sometimes the change of scenery made it easier for jisung to relax. 
the group is quite chatty as they make their way to the suggested café, commenting on the different humans they pass. everyone is so unique in their own ways, and it fascinates the five angels, who rarely get to walk among them. Lucky for them, they look like any other human being, meaning no one will be able to tell the difference.
the café that hyunjin brought everyone to had a light and airy atmosphere. the walls a bright white, flourishing greenery all around the restaurant complimented the white and yellow tables and matching chairs. It felt like they were in the middle of a field of wild flowers. jisung absolutely adored it, the smells of coffee and pastries filling his nose as they found a nice table next to a window.
looking around, the jisung watched as a girl made her way across the café and sat close to the entrance, with a laptop in front of her and headphones around her neck. She seemed content, sighing to herself with a small smile on her lips as she opened her laptop and took a bite of the muffin sitting in front of her.
“wait wait wait, that’s one of my humans! I’m supposed to shoot her once th- oh my god! there’s the soon-to-be soulmate too! I can’t miss this opportunity!” Minho exclaims quietly while he reaches into the backpack he had brought with him. The other cupids turn to look at him incredulously.
The ‘soon-to-be soulmate’, as Minho put it, seemed rather dull compared to his supposed counterpart. He wasn’t bad looking, but there was something about him that just didn’t seem right to Jisung. this girl seemed to match the vibes of the café-- like a warm summer day, not a cloud in the sky. the kind of day that lasts in your memories for years to come, and this man...he just was not it. Hair disheveled, seemingly in a rush as he was tapping his foot impatiently at the counter. Jisung knew that opposites could attract, but he just didn’t see it in the cards for this one.
“is this why you wanted to come down here?” jeongin asked with wide eyes, knowing that they shouldn’t be meddling unless they’re on the clock. The others turn to Minho who has now gotten two arrows and his bow out from his bag. 
“Uhm….no?” he says sheepishly once he sees the stares that are being thrown at him. He takes one of the arrows and lines it up on his bow, pulling his arm back and aiming at the girl peacefully enjoying her day.
“Minho do you really think this is the best time?” jisung asks apprehensively. almost too focused on getting a good shot, Minho didn’t answer him.
He lets go of the arrow and it zips through the air, hitting the girl in the shoulder as she starts to work on her laptop. Humans can’t physically feel the arrow when they get shot-- that almost defeats the belief in soulmates. She continues on as if nothing happened, and jisung almost rolls his eyes as he watches Minho line up his second shot.
“Look,” Minho begins, “they’re supposed to meet tomorrow anyway! why not speed up the process?” he says as he draws his arm back. 
Out of nowhere, a customer in the store drops a coffee cup. The sound of the glass shattering startles pretty much everyone in the café, including the group of angels. In fact, it startles them enough that the unbelievable happens.
Minho’s arm slips, and the arrow is released...straight into Jisung’s shoulder.
The two look at each other in absolute disbelief, and Jisung wants to strangle the older cupid. A very quiet “oops” leaves Minho’s mouth.  
“Are you kidding me?!?” Jisung says a little too loudly. Everyone is looking at the two of them, including the girl that Minho just struck. 
When the two make eye contact, Jisung feels something...strange. He knows it’s a reaction from the love arrow, but is this what love is supposed to feel like? He feels like he wants to throw up, butterflies flying in his stomach as he notices the faint blush on the cheeks of the girl across the room. That’s when he really sees her for the first time, like, really sees her.
He isn’t sure how he didn't see it before. Her hair falls perfectly over her shoulders, and her eyes that are staring at him in slight confusion still shine brighter than any star he’d ever seen..and he’s seen a lot of stars.
He’s silent for a few moments, and the other boys start looking at each other with concern. “Wait, no, what the hell? Cupid’s can’t get struck! What is going on?” Changbin says as he watches the way the two are staring at each other. 
This isn’t allowed. Cupids don’t have many rules, but one of the biggest rules for any angel is: Do not associate with humans. It’s the reason why they can’t-- or shouldn't, really-- feel love in the first place. Messing with the rules of the universe could have big consequences. It’s never happened before, but there have always been enough myths that get spread around that would deter any angel from even thinking about it. Yet, here jisung is, absolutely head over heels for a human, even if it is all Minho’s fault.
“I don't know, this hasn't happened before. Oh my god, what did I do,” Minho starts spiraling. Its at that moment that the others know they need to get the hell out of there. Scooping up Jisung, who is currently still staring at the girl who has now focused on her work instead, they rush out of the café. Once Jisung is out of eyesight of the girl, he shakes his head in confusion and comes back down to earth (pun intended). 
“Ohhhh no, no no no. This is bad,” Jisung says, running his hands through his hair exasperated. “Minho what the fuck happened?!” he asks. 
Putting his hands up, Minho tries to defend himself. “I don’t know! That person dropped their cup and it threw me off!” he says quickly, and it makes Jisung want to roll his eyes.
“You dumbass, that’s why we shouldn’t even be down here in the first place! If Chan finds out, we’re dead! That’s it! We’re gonna be out of jobs and not able to pay our bills and-- oh my god there she is,” Jisung exclaims once he sees the girl exit the café, looking around confused. Turning around, she spots Jisung and starts to make her way towards him. 
“Oh no, nope. Not now, this is a bad time,” Hyunjin says while they try to drag Jisung away from the girl. He shimmies out of their grip as she approaches him.
“Uh, hi. I think one of you left this in the café?” she says. Looking down, Jisung sees his cellphone in her hand. “I saw it sitting at the table you guys walked away from, I’m glad I was able to find you when I came outsi-- Oh, wow, hi..” she cuts herself off, awestruck when she makes eye contact with Jisung. Hyunjin rolls his eyes as he watches the two of them. Jisung doesn’t know what to say. 
“Oh, yeah this is..mine..thank you,” he says as he holds out his hand. He swears he can feel electricity run through him when her hand makes contact with his. He has never experienced a feeling so strong like this before. He knew that love was dramatic but he didn’t think it was like this.
Reminding himself that this isn’t supposed to be happening, he clears his throat. “Okay well we have to go. Thank you for my phone, goodbye!” he says quickly, leaving the girl and his friends in complete confusion has he turns on his heel and starts to almost sprint in the opposite direction. The boys quickly follow him after offering a small wave to the girl, who returns it as she turns to walk away. 
“Jisung, you cannot possibly see her again” Hyunjin says once they finally catch up to him. And even though Jisung knows that, there’s something that is inevitably pulling him towards her.
When they finally make it back to heaven and Jisung gets home, he pulls his phone out to check his messages. To his shock, he finds a new contact added into his phone, with a photo of a girl who’s eyes remind him of galaxies.
Y/N, aka Café Girl
As you walk down the street, you smile feeling the warm sunshine on your shoulders. It may be the middle of February, but you seemed to be blessed with a particularly warm day. This day had been nothing out of the ordinary, but for some reason you felt lighter, walking with a bounce in your step that you haven’t had in a long time.
Your mind wanders back to the boy you saw at the café not too long ago. His honey coloured hair shined under the artificial lights in the room, and his brown eyes reminding you of the warmest hot chocolate on a cold winter day. He hadn’t left your mind since the two of you made eye contact for the first time.
It’s been awhile since you’ve found someone that caught your interest so quickly. You never believed in love at first sight, but after today you just might be changing your mind. It seemed like fate that he left his cellphone on the table in the café, and it was definitely a risk that you had put your phone number in his contacts. You’ve never done something like that before, but something was telling you that you just needed to take the chance and make the first move. 
Eventually, days and then weeks pass, and you haven’t even received a text message from him. You feel a little disappointed every time you check your phone, hoping that you’ll see his number come up on your screen. You didn’t even know his name, nor when (or if) you’d ever get to see him again. You should’ve been prepared for the sinking feeling in your chest, but you had still been hopeful.
You still frequented the café, mainly because it was a calm and quiet place to work, but also because you were secretly hoping you’d run into him again-- you at least needed to learn his name. That’s all you could think about while you try to focus on your work, but to no avail. You decided to give yourself a break, letting your thoughts swirl with chocolate colored eyes.
 As your eyesight wanders the café, you hear the front door bell ring and you’re forced to meet eyes with the man that has lived in your head rent free for the past two weeks. You almost can’t believe it. He seems like he’s searching for something, or someone.
 As he looks around the room, you get nervous. You wonder if he’ll remember who you are, or maybe he’s already deleted your number and rejected you without even telling you? Maybe he already has a girlfriend? Maybe even a boyfriend? 
The thoughts running through your head completely distract your from the fact that he’s sat down in front of you. “Uhm..excuse me?” He says quietly, and your breath gets caught in your throat when you hear his voice. 
“Oh, i’m sorry, I didn’t scare you did I?” he asks, and you shake your head quickly. “No! No not at all. I, uh..hi,” you say with a light blush on your cheeks, and it makes Jisung’s heart soar to the sky. 
He’s definitely not used to feeling like this. He’s been trying to avoid it for the past few weeks, hoping that if he had ignored it these weird feelings would go away. He searched for hours and hours for a loophole in getting struck with a cupid’s arrow, but even hyunjin couldn’t find anything. 
After nights of tossing and turning while images of you danced through his head, he knew he needed to see you. He got lucky that you were at the café, this was the only place he had ever seen you so he was hoping he’d get to catch you here. 
“You never texted me, you know. Did you delete my number?” you asked him, feigning hurt. You saw his eyes go bigger as he tried to defend himself. “N-no! I definitely did not delete it. I was just so shocked that I didn’t know what to say...how did you even know the phone was mine?” He asked, laughing quietly. Jisung won’t lie, that was a pretty bold move. He was actually impressed once the initial shock had passed.
“Oh, I definitely wasn’t not staring at you across the room or anything and saw you on your phone. Definitely not,” you say with a flirty laugh, and it immediately sparks intrigue in Jisung.
 The line rolled off your lips so easily, and Jisung is convinced that it’s an effect from the arrow. “Oh, were you now? How did I not notice someone as pretty as you looking my way?” He asks, and his eyes go wide when he hears himself speak. 
What was that? All of this is so foreign to him, but when the blush on your cheeks gets a little darker he decides that maybe, just maybe, this will be worth the consequences he might face if Chan ever finds out about this.
“Listen,” he begins cautiously. “I have...a lot of things that I need to tell you. But let me start with this: How about I take you out on a date?”
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leonardhoee · 4 years
Ikemen Vampire Hogwarts Houses
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(Ayy Slytherin gang!! Thats my house)
Faust: Self explanatory. This man is the epitome of Slytherin. Evil mad scientist who doesn't care what methods he uses to achieve his goal? Y e s. I’m proud to have this absolute full course meal of a man in my house. (Honestly I think I'm very similar to him but THATS a discussion for my therapist.)
Vlad: Again, self explanatory. He has big ambitions (wanting to turn humans into purebloods) and will do whatever it takes to get there.
Theo: Originally I was thinking of putting him in Gryffindor but after reading his route and seeing how he’s actually very cunning and willing to sacrifice everything, including hsi humanity, for the sake his goals, i think he's definitely Slytherin. Also have you SEEN that man sell stuff to people? Thats pure Slytherin.
Mozart: Another one I was on the fence about. I see Ravenclaw tendencies in him but ultimately I think he’s a Slytherin. His amazing passion for music and his ambitions led him to becoming a vampire. His ability to change his whole personality in order to charm the people he would need as patrons is peak Slytherin. And I did his route a while ago but I remember him saying he came back to life to basically make the most amazing, emotional musical composition ever. That’s very Slytherin of him. 
Shakespeare: I don't know too much about him but his yonder tendenices + manipulating people for the sake of his plays gives me major Slytherin vibes. If anyone thinks he should be in a different house tho let me know why!
Comte: Another one thats debatable I think. However, he keeps a lot of secrets, revives famous historical figures for an unknown (at least to me right now) reason. I think it is safe to say he’s a Slytherin.
(Whew thats a lot of Slytherins) 
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Napoleon: This man SCREAMS Gryffindor. Gryffindor poster boy. He literally reminds me of Harry Potter. He reprsents almost every trait of this house (Chivalry, Courage, Loyalty...) 
Leonardo: Okay he’s a special one because I’ve thought about it and absolutely can't decide between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw for him (like 50/50). You guys need to help me decide. I’m gonna talk about his Gryffindor side here. He’s another one that represents so of the traits of this house. He’s extremely loyal and so protective of those that he loves (to a point where its self sarificing but thats a discusion for HIS therapist). He also sometimes does stupid things for the sake of his own curiosity (and because its fun. Source: 12 Flavors of Love event. I stg this man would never turn down a dare.) And he uses his talents to help others rather than for his own ambitions because helping others and making others feel comfortable and happy is what gives him a sense of purpose/satisfaction (Now I’m gonna go cry I love him so much). His general attitude about life is very Gryffindor to me (Similar to Masamune from Ikesen). 
Jean: Another one just like Napoleon. Based on what I know about him, he’s always there to help whenever you need him (Mozart and Theo’s route). He is overflowing with Chivalry (literally one of the sweetest guys in that mansion ily baby). He’s just a socially awkward Gryffindor. Please give him a hug.
Arthur: I was debating whether he’d be Gryffindor or Hufflepuff but ultimately I think he’s Gryffindor. The fact that he started writing books to make the children in the hospitals happy because he couldn't save them by being a doctor is just so Hufflepuff (my HEART omfg. Someone give him a hug pt. 2), but he also isn't afraid of putting himself in danger to save others (the nun kidnapping thing). Hero behavior. He deserves the world.
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Isaac: He’s very inquisitive about how the world works and values those who can show him a new perspective to what he's thinking (probably the reason he gets along with Leo so well). He’s socially awkward but if he’s comfortable with someone he’d love to teach them various scientific subjects.
Leonardo: Okay so this is the other side of Leo that tbh his route didn't display that much, but its still a huge part of who he is. His room is FULL of just books and other material about every subject imaginable He just has this unstoppable thirst for knowledge. Inquisitivity is in his nature, and it doesn't matter if that subject will be “useful” in the sense of like, making money, he’s curious about it regardless. He has this amazing love for learning, no matter what subject it is. He’s a genius polymath for a REASON (Cybird I will forever be mad that his route barely showcased this side of him. Let. me. be. a. nerd. with. him.) But i mean, thats the most ravenclaw thing ever. So I guess his attitude is very much Gryffindor but his personality (ENTP) traits are Ravenclaw. He’s a Gryffinclaw. 
Sebastian: Self Explanatory. He literally gave up his whole time period just to study famous historical figures. He gets nothing material in return but the knowledge is reward enough to him.
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Vincent: POSTER BOY. SWEET ANGEL BOY. He is so caring and considerate of everyone around him. He literally got killed by Gaugin but instead of holding a grudge like most people would, he’s more worried about Theo and how that will impact him. He is such a hard worker and never gave up on his art even if it wasn't successful in his time period. Best Boy.
Dazai: I don't know much about him but again, based off what I’ve seen he tries his best to make other people happy. and it works. He does the weirdest things and they WORK. He tries to make people laugh and hes always kind (probably because life wasnt too kind to him and he doesn't want people to feel as hopeless as he does sometimes).
Charles: I know the least about him so this might change once I find out more. He reminds me a lot of Loki from Ikerev, like chaotic yandere hufflepuff energy (it exists. I said so.) Also his relationship with Faust literally mirrors a typical Slytherin/Hufflepuff friendship. (I know because I have those friendships)
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viperbranium · 6 years
I'm screaming oh my God please I need a sequel to that shronkyclonks Bucky being an absolute sub just wrecked me ❤️❤️❤️❤️
akjghslkhjlaksglhk thANK YOU SO MUCH
with these kinda weird things I never know whether people are going to actually like what i write or if it’s gonna end up being yet another thing no one but me cares about lmao! I’m so happy to hear you guys do want some more!
I totally do plan to write a part 2, and I want to do it somewhat soon, but I can’t really say when I’ll be able to (uni is cray, and I still owe some people fic), so I’m thinking I’ll probably put it up on ao3 one of these days, so y’all can be notified more easily when pt 2 gets posted? that way no one will miss out :D
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honeylikewords · 7 years
PT.1 Eddie is so enamored with his s/o that he probably wouldn't even notice he's in love until months after the fact. Kinda like how you don't notice you're hungry until your stomach starts growling. As such, he can't pin point the moment he fell in love; just the moment he realized he had, if that makes sense. And it's not even in a sense of, "Oh my god, I'm in love with you" so much as it is, "... Oh... So THAT'S what this is. ... Oh, wait--!!"
PT.2 There's a literal myriad of ways he could confess but the one that currently comes to mind is that you guys were on a date to yet another museum. You'd driven out to Chicago to see the art museum and you were holding his hand throughout the entire thing. It was when you came upon Fuseli's "Macbeth, Act 4, Scene 1" that you attempt to crack a joke:
PT.3 "That moment when your friends send you to kill a spider but then you see how big that sucker is," you smirk, referring to the look of horror and disgust upon Macbeth's face as he regards the head at his feet. Jokes between the two of you are not unusual, even when in such an institute. And yet, there's something about this one joke of yours that makes Eddie's heart...flutter. Flutter differently than how it normally does in accordance to you. But he decides to pay it no mind...
After the museum date, he takes you to a comic book shop just down the street. He giddily begins plucking issue after volume of items on his wishlist, stopping only when he hears you gleefully go, "Holy crap! Eddie, look at this!!" When Eddie turns, he sees it. You're holding a DVD omnibus of the second season of Batman: The Animated Series, priced quite decently for what it was.
PT.5 You eagerly purchase it, saying that the two of you could watch it tonight at your hotel room. In your excitement, you don't think for a moment that the "it" Eddie first saw was your radiant smile, and not the DVD. Eddie isn't as talkative that evening. THAT was the first sign something was amiss. You ask him what's wrong but he insists nothing is wrong. "Just tired," he says, offering a smile.
PT.6 Too tired to go on about the paintings you saw that day? Too tired to give you the history on all the graphic novels he'd purchased today? Too tired to say more than seven fun facts about Batman: TAS? You weren't buying it. But no matter how much you asked, Eddie insisted nothing was wrong. He wasn't lying: He was only thinking. Thinking about why your joke today seemed so different. Why the smile you gave him so many times before suddenly felt brighter.
PT.7About your eyes, about how you'd look in the morning, about how you'd want him to get up early to grab you a donut from the continental breakfast so that you could sleep in, how you'd do the same thing if you were married and in your own hou-- Eddie's eyes widen, and not because of whatever new scheme Joker was planning. He glances at you. Your eyes are trained o the TV, it's glow flashing on your features. You were making that face you made whenever you were intrigued. That face he loved --
PT.8Eddie's heart ricocheted about his ribcage. "Gotta go pee," he mutters, getting up a little too quickly for someone who'd claimed to be tired. He uncharacteristically disregards your "hey!" from losing the body you'd been propped up against. In the bathroom, he leans over the sink, face burning beneath the droplets of water he'd splashed into his face.
PT9So. This was it: He loved you. Like, he loved you before but now, he LOVED you. How geeky you were, how you humored him, how everything just fit right. He wasn't scared; Eddie never knew fright. But he definitely wasn't out to march out there and -- *knock knock* "Eddie?" he hears you call from behind the door. "Is everything okay?"
PT10"Uh... Yeah," he responds, still not quite lying. Everything was okay. Everything was gonna be okay, he told himself as he dried his face. Flushing the toilet and washing his hands to throw you off, he then inhaled deeply before exhaling. Everything was gonna be just fine. He opened the door to see you standing there, worry inked into your features. "That was the most active I've seen you all evening," you say. "Yeah, well..." Eddie says, making his way back to the couch.
PT11"You can only be so active at a museum," he offers, a smile accompanying his reason. You give in, seeing no point in pushing it. "True," you admit, joining him on the couch. "And I can't say that a comic shop is a gym either..." The two of you are quiet for a moment. "God, we're geeks," you suddenly say. This causes Eddie to chuckle. "What? It's true!" you say. "Who drives out to Chicago just for the art and comics!?" "Art students." "We aren't art students, Eddie! We do this for FUN!!"
PT12"True..." Eddie admits. "But at least I'm a geek for you," he says. And damn, it sounded so much cooler in his head! "Yeah," you scoff. "You take six months out of the year to perfect your (Y/N) cosplay to go to (Y/N)-Con in the living room," you continue sarcastically. "Well, no..." Eddie begins. "But I do love learning things about you." He bites his lip, uncertain as whether or not he should go on. His heart kicks his brain out of the way, making him do exactly that.
PT13"I know how you like your tea; I know that you call babies 'baberts' and cry when one waves at you; I also know what songs you like on your playlist and which playlists signify what you're feeling. I know a lot of other things, too, and I love them all. But... Well, it's not enough for me, I guess." "... Eddie?" Is he breaking up with you!?
PT14"I'm a geek for you because...you're an endless trove of things to learn. You're interesting, funny, smart, kind, all around wonderful... Plus, you're a huge geek, too. I know that normally I would be waxing poetic but sometimes simpler words can be just as powerful so... So here it goes!" You blink frantically, trying to figure out what the heck this man is saying. "(Y/N)!" Eddie says, his regularly loud voice returning for the first time in hours.
PT15"(Y/N), I -- I --" Everything is gonna be fine. Everything is gonna be fine. Everything is gonna -- "I'm your biggest fan!!" ... Smooth, Edward. Mrs. Collins from AP English and Mr. Craig from college creative writing would be so proud. It is as he considers hiding his face in the pillows that Eddie feels your hands pressing against his cheeks, forcing him to look up at you. "Yeah..." you whisper 
PT.16"I'm your biggest fan, too, you knucklehead." Batman: The Animated Series plays on, forgotten as your lips meet with a confirming kiss, followed by many, many more, passionate ones against your lips, cheeks, neck, and shoulders. It is about ten minutes later, as your back is pressed against the sofa cushions with Eddie hovering over you that your beloved suddenly notes, "You know, couches in hotels are often left uncleaned by the staff." "Dammit, Eddie! Read the mood!!" THE END
“so i’m not getting-” “you are not getting any tonight.” “god damn it.” “at least, not on this couch. that much i assure you of.”
can you just imagine his smile when he wakes up? she’s curled into his neck, hand on his chest, and he lays there for a while, playing with her hair and beaming brighter than the sun because... he loves her. he loves her, and she’s in his arms, and there’s nothing that could be better.
except, perhaps, to say it and hear it said back in return.
so while she’s sleeping, he moves his lips over her cheeks, her brow, her ears, her jaw, murmuring “i love you” softer than morning breezes. nearly silent. little kisses here and there that tickle her awake, bringing her into the waking world with a smile on her face.
“good morning, most adored darling of mine.” “and a good morning to you, most handsome one.”
and his heart is so full of joy that he can’t help but kiss her, firm and fast and true, to somehow convey how much love her feels for her. how much infinite, unnameable, unbelieveable love he feels.
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