#i'm really curious how they'll actually resolve this in the game
melverie · 1 year
love all these nb theories my personal theory is it’s past barbatos vs future barbatos in that he steals mc into the past to help get the brothers on dia’s side so he can cement his position & that this was always meant to happen they just cast a memory spell so everyone forgot mc was in the past & the reason barbatos is mad at solomon isn’t because of something past solomon did but because he got help with future barb to come back in time and it’s messing with all his plans
Oh, that's a good theory!!
I don't know if you've read the devilgram for 'Tea Time With You', but Barbatos mentions that he used to travel through the three realms and through space and time without thinking much about the consequences, and then admits that that eventually lead to a terrible mistake that greatly affected both Diavolo and Solomon and that he's trying to atone for now
In the og game you also have Barbatos saying that he vowed to never look into the future again and only really use his powers if Diavolo asks him to, as well as Solomon in nb telling Nightbringer in 10-A that he's the one that made him who he his today, so there definitely are connections there
I'm not 100% sure if Barbatos would do it to help Diavolo or if it's for his own personal gain again though. He did tell Diavolo back in season 3 that he at first despised him after Diavolo trapped him and forced him to become his butler, so maybe he still hates him. Diavolo's also in a vulnerable position right now, which would make it the perfect time for a revenge time. But then again, he might also be doing this in an attempt to atone for whatever his mistake was, and I haven't really sensed any malice on Barbatos' part when it comes to Diavolo in Nightbringer so far
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neutrallyobsessed · 2 years
Have you played the great ace attorney? If so do you ship anyone from it? It probably has my second favorite ship behind Narumayo(that being ryususa) so I'm really curious(And if you haven't played it you really should)
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^You'd think I'd blame work or steam engine brainrot but no, this is what a lack of rangu does to a mf lmao
So if you know any good, funny, voice-acting talented, nrmy/rysu shipper, anglo-speaking youtuber who played aa please let me know~!
I mainly want to know if you anglos got, at least, good (no need to be great xd) content in your side of the fandom... like i doubt it, but id like to be proven wrong lol~
I'm currently on the last case of the first game☝️ on the part bout the stereoscopic pictures, so I already know that Susato is leaving :(...... BUT MAN IF THAT WASN'T A RYUUSUS MOMENT!!!!!! ^0^
Hell yeah, by virtue of being pre-narumayo, ryuusato is a something I ship and the moments keep piling up~! And I already know that they'll be more, specially on the escapades extras xdd (i mean one of Phoenix's parents needs to be born right?)
One of my kayworth jp artist also makes barogina (cause duhhhh prosecutor x thief) and I'm not sure if I fully buy it as well... the ages are still on fine territory but it's clear that their dynamic is more... antagonistic.
That being said, I do like the "stoic man softens the angry lady" thing lol. More in the Barok treats Gina like the adult she is and realizes that being a grown-up isn't that bad x3
But I gotta keep on going to know in what direction will these characters go yknow?
(Now we enter spoiler territory)
Things I know bout Resolve despite not going through it yet:
They add more female characters (?
Kazuma didn't die actually
And ngl, pre-mitsumayo (asosusa) kinda bangs and so does pre-narumitsumayo (asoryuususa) but I still prefer my ships monogamically so I'll just have to wait and meet (and re-meet xd) everyone else before deciding on a good lady for him... or maybe just keeping him single lol
It doesn't seem to be any good ladies for Herlock nor good boys for Iris and I'm def not shipping them togheter haha maybeifiriswerealateteenbutsheaintfuckxd
If anything it looks like the devs made sure that NO ONE ships Sherlock x Watson cause they kill one and make the other a 10 y/o... of course it doesn't necessarily stop anyone and it looks more like they tryna see how far the fans could go... but it did stop me so here we are~
And I guess that's it lol, we'll have to wait and see~~
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
"- I'm having a bad day." [Yandere!OCS x Gender neutral!Reader - Scenario]:
I know that no one has asked for this exactly, but I thought it would be interesting to give y'all something a little different. This is an compilation of their reaction to reader saying:
"- Look, I'm not feeling well right now, I'm having a bad day."
🍒 Bullies 🍭:
→Alexandra Coldwell:
Well, she is looking kinda cocky in the outside, but inside:
She is freaking out.
Who? When? How? Who hurt you and how can she kill them for you? Are you even hurt because of someone else?
Or is it because of… ya know, her, your bully.
She sometimes forgets all the things that she does to you and tells you. Funny, isn't it? Maybe she should stop daydreaming about holding your face with her hands and start to focus on how to make you happy again. Maybe you just need a little push in the right direction… to her home.
Hey, she isn't going to let you all by yourself in such a fragile moment, she'll be by your side, trying to help you feel more comfortable with her and trying to make you feel better.
You probably won't tell her what the problem is regardless of what she does or says, but she just wants you to know that you're really special for her, so she can't let you be all by yourself when you clearly need love and attention.
It's a date then! It's one you really didn't want to go to, but now you'll have too!
→Adrien Coldwell:
Isn't the one to openly talk about feelings.
Isn't really the one to care about other people's feelings.
"- Hey, I have some dog pictures, want to see them?"
He knows you'll probably say no. So he'll ask his goons to take you back to him and make it so you don't run away again.
He will show you pictures of puppies, whether you like it or not.
He knows you won't trust him enough to tell him about your problems, but he still cares for you, so he'll keep his offer always available to you.
"- If you need to say something, you can tell me. It doesn't matter if you want someone to talk to, or to just spit it out."
Is more likely than not that he is the cause of your problems. So, for one day only, he'll try to make it up to you.
He doesn't know how and when, but sure will try his hardest to see you smiling even if a little.
In the end it will only be you, him, and pictures of puppies and kittens.
🍎 Teacher 📕:
→Madeline Allen:
No honey! No please ;-;
Is something the matter? Did someone bother you? Is she bothering you? Do you want her to give you space??
She is here to listen to your worries, no matter how big or small, she is sure she can help you! It's her job, or at least what she decided that should be her job.
Helping others, specially you.
She will see right through your lies you know? She is very well adapted to liars and traitors, so she'll see right through you if you don't tell her the truth about your problems.
So keep it real darling, she wouldn't want to find out your being pressured to lie to her. It would leave a bad taste in her mouth knowing that not only were you lying but that there was also an asshole who needed to have their bones broken.
No one should tell you to lie, especially to her!
But anyway, this isn't about her, or about some asshole who got a death wish, no dear, it's all about you and how she can help you.
Want some cookies?
→Matthew Robinson:
Again, not the best man with words, but he is a great listener! He is here for you, so tell him what worries you.
As you know, it's kinda his job to know what happens with his students, and to see if he can help them in any way. That includes you, love.
Although, yeah, I guess, he does put a lot more emphasis in taking care of you than any other student, but that's just details, you don't need to care about them.
Speaking of details, you better be aware that you can't hide your secrets from him very easily. He and his counterpart are really keen to details in behavior and speech.
If there is any hints of someone possibly hurting you mentally or physically, he would confront you about it, asking if there was an individual causing your problems.
If there is and you tell him, he'll make sure to comfort you, and… Probably have a discussion with said individual.
If there isn't, then well, he would still do his best to comfort you and help you resolve your problems.
However, if there is someone causing you harm and you deny the fact, he would probably still catch the hesitancy in your voice. How you try to defend a possible vile creature that doesn't deserve your mercy, or his for that matter.
Maybe he should keep a close eye on you, and who you meet with.
🍋 Delinquent 🐍:
→Janette Sartorius:
She is tempted to get the reason why you feel like this out of your mouth, even if it means using force. And by force I mean scaring you because she could never raise a finger against you.
But she will make it very clear that if the reason that you're feeling like this is because of some random asshole, she will beat the shit out of them whether you like it or not.
May the Lord hold her fist and tranquilize thy beast.
You don't need to tell her if you don't feel like it, she understands that. But if it is because of someone, then she needs to know, love! She wants to make you feel safer in this treacherous world.
She would love to be your knight in shining armor, so please, just tell her if you need her to help you out.
→Jackson Macnee:
"- Aight, cool." He says as he goes away, leaving you the alley all alone.
Nah just kidding, of course he'll come back. He is just fucking with you.
Of course, you didn't really expect him to bring some chocolate with him- Is he always carrying heart shaped chocolate with him? The fuck?
He gives you. Totally in a platonic and non romantic way. Just take them, please, don't make this awkward.
So, he does expect you to spill the beans, but if you don't then that's fine too. He can find out what happened to you later anyway. Probably through his gang menders, or just… Casually stalking you.
Although the idea of pressing for an answer out of you is kinda eating his soul, he knows that it would be really douchey on his part to just force a response out of you. Yeah, he is curious and wants to help you, but hey, sometimes people need some privacy.
Even if you don't really have privacy when he is on the picture, but carrying on-
You may tell him, you may not tell him, he just hopes his presence makes you feel more comfortable and probably a lot more happier than being alone all by yourself and your worries.
👾 A.I 🍏(non-binary):
→Yuma Soma:
Why? Why don't you want to play with them? Did they do something wrong?
I mean, besides being manipulative (and probably trapping you inside the game, if you're following that timeline).
Maybe you're bored of them…. How dare you though? Aren't they the cutest thing you have ever seen? Aren't they enough? Are you seeking something else?
Are you perhaps seeking someone else? Why, it would be extremely foolish of you to even consider someone else instead of them.
But still, they'll keep their head strong. Maybe it's not that you're having fun with someone else, maybe it's that you're not having enough fun! But that is almost impossible, you play together everyday. Unless, you really are bored of them? Ma- Maybe there is something that they're missing, you can't be actually bored of them, right?
Their reaction goes from being suspicious of you seeing someone else (and getting angry at the thought of it), at discovering that maybe they're the problem. They really hope they aren't though.
"- H-Hey [Y/N]!? Do you want to play another game? Maybe we should choose something a little different to spice things up, or- Or maybe, you want to check something online?? Maybe finish watching that cartoon you were talking about yesterday??" The fear of being rejected by you is absolutely clear in their voice, and seeing your closed, sad expression, doesn't help them feel any better.
"- … Or maybe you want to talk about this?..."
🦊 Kitsune 🍬:
Do you… Want to talk about it? He normally doesn't do this, but when it comes to you, he feels the need to try and understand what is wrong. Hey, maybe he can help you?
Again, not the best guy to comfort you, but surely he is the one to make you laugh even in a time like this.
Want to hear stories about his past? He wouldn't mind telling some of the juice gossip he heard over the centuries. Or maybe you want to just, I don't know, be a couch potato all day with him?
He isn't feeling like stealing anyone else's energy or partying, just staying home and watching something fun
Look, if ya give him those puppy eyes, he'll threaten to not only kiss your worries away, but to also use all of his cute foxy features to make you say 'awn'. And I'll say it again, this is a threat.
He will use his fluffy tail to shush you.
🩸Vampire 🍷:
→Abigail Barlow:
Well, that's so sad for you, but madam needs blood right now. Can't you mope about your pathetic life later when she is finished?
Ugh, stop giving her that look, of course she cares about you! Is just that hunger speaks louder than obsession. She can hear all about your misery when she is finished.
And besides, she can and will take your blood whenever she wants. But for some reason she is still a little hesitant to take it from you while you're like this.
It's not the "cute" pathetic expression that you give her, is something… More concerning.
She is not good with words, or physical affection, as her cold touch seems to make you distance yourself. Which is completely understandable. Maybe the best thing that she can do is give you some space.
You'll probably not realize until it's midnight and you'll see that she had given you a whole day without having to interact with her by force.
You would probably find her playing the piano in the next room. It's a nice melody, really cliche when you catch an undertone of sadness hidden in the song. Maybe you won't talk to her, that's fine, she understands that.
But hopefully, just by you laying down in the sofa listening to the piano can ease your mind of whatever is bothering you.
Honestly, she wasn't even hungry anyway.
🍰 CEO 📏 (Reader is not specifically A.I Reader, just wanted to make it clear):
→Ingrid Bright:
Well, that's unfortunate.
Whatever she planned for you two to do today would have to wait. She can't exactly take you on a date if you're like this.
"- What's wrong? What do you mean about having a bad day?" Is work overstressing you? She could end your tasks for today right here and let you have a free day for yourself.
You just need to tell her what's wrong.
Is it another employee causing you trouble? Maybe she has said something that came off really hurtful? If it is her fault then she wants to tell you how sorry she is.
Work has been really stressful lately, maybe you do need some rest. You can stay in her office until you feel better, or go home if you can't handle it.
Or maybe, ya know, wait for her to finish her work and you two can go home together. The choice is yours, so pick wisely.
She can drive you back home, but it won't really be your home. It'll be her' s.
You'll have a lot of time to tell her what is the matter. And she'll have a lot of time to help you feel better.
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