#i'm so into this
baifengxis · 1 year
cannot believe jang uk wants to die because he misses his wife (who killed him in the first place without wanting to) and he WANTS HER TO KILL HIM without knowing it's her THE IRONY THE ANGST THE TRAGEDY I LOVE THIS STORYLINE
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c-is-for-circinate · 2 years
I love how fucking cinematic EXU Calamity is so far.
You know how much I love stories that fuck with genre. Stories that KNOW their genre, that are willing to lean into it, to pull bits and pieces from a wealth of fiction that's come before, that treat tropes and signals and allusions like a common language that enriches the conversation they're having with their audience. Stories who take those expectations, that language, and twist it.
Last night played like the opening to a movie, except not quite, because it played like the opening to six different movies, with six different genre-savvy protagonists already in their elements. Six main characters, all knowing that they're the main character, because of course they know (they're so sure they know) the shape of the story that's about to come their way.
They're genre-savvy! They know! Cerrit knows that this case is the start of a mystery-thriller. Laerryn knows she's about to embark on something huge. Nydas doesn't have time to notice that he's starting a new movie, but also, he's hip-deep in money troubles and now there's this new guy sniffing around his business. Loquatius is deeply aware that he's obviously the main character in his own life, at all times, always. (He's on TV every single morning.) Patia is already in the middle of the political intrigue TV show that's meant to see her rise to her ultimate and deserved seat of power.
They're genre-savvy. They know something's about to go wrong. They know that's how it works.
Every single one of them has spotted hints and portents of the end of the world, entering into their own spheres of power and attention. Every one of them knows that they're about to be In A Story, and maybe even the kind of story where someone dies (Loquatius would be very surprised and confused if someone died in his story, unless it was the darkly, irreverently funny death of a minor character that provided a great dramatic backdrop for other meaty scenes between the main characters.) Every one of them knows, or the narrative and the world around them knows, the way that stories work: there's an inciting incident, and things go sideways, and the characters have to keep up and make it through.
They know this. They know this, but they are all so, so sure that they know the genre they're in. They see the portents and they don't think about true fear, don't think about the end of the world. They mistake the symptom for the entire disease. They see the rising smoke and think, oh no, a house fire. They don't think it's the Great Fire of London. They don't think the entire horizon is about to be ablaze. They don't think it's Pompeii.
Zerxus does. Because that's the kind of movie he's in, the one he just started: a sci-fi thriller, where dreams have meaning and the world is about to change very irrevocably indeed. And he knows it too, but he still thinks that, maybe. Maybe this is a story where the heroes end the day beaten, bloody, covered in dirt and soot and ragged from head to toe, but triumphant as the sun comes up over the horizon. Maybe standing on a pile of rubble, child held on his hip, exhausted from the climactic fight scene, smiling because the worst was averted and now other people can rebuild, off-screen, something bright and shiny for the epilogue. Maybe he's even in the kind of movie that ends with his son reconciled back to him again, although of course he'd never ask to see his son in the sort of danger that always seems to spur such things on, in movies like this.
Everyone, every single one of them, believes deep in their bones that whatever happens next will ultimately turn out okay. Even Zerxus knows it can, if he talks to his friends, shares his concerns, musters all his strength to stave off the coming (one-off, avertable, if we prevent it then we can move on with our comfortable lives) disaster.
And it won't work, obviously, which is beautiful, glorious tragedy. It won't work because character is destiny and Laerryn is about to try to rewrite ley lines and planar geography. It won't work, because if Vespin Chloris hadn't, somebody else would have, sooner or later, you can't just spot-react to individual people. Because Aeor is already testing weapons of mass destruction, and wars happen for thousands of reasons woven into the fabric of cause and effect stretching back a hundred years, and they're not averted so easily. Because the gods are so vast. They're so vast, and the slights have been many, and they will not conveniently forget.
Brennan made a joke in an interview about how Matt said, if the players got four nat 20s in a row, they could avert the Calamity. It's possible to picture a world, in an alternate timeline, if we didn't know what was coming, if Avalir's fate wasn't inevitable, where they do. A bit. Avalir lands safely and takes off again. No gods claim it; no gods fall. Vespin Chloris is contained. The Betrayer Gods are chained again. The Calamity as we know it is stopped.
It's possible. It's possible, and it still wouldn't save the Age of Arcanum, because this one city, this one battle, this one choice, isn't why the Calamity happened. It's not why the entire world fell to apocalypse. Laerryn is not about to single-handedly end the world.
Somewhere in Aeor, the Somnovum are plotting in the Cognouza Ward. Somewhere in the Shadowfell, Vecna is already a lich craving godhood. Ruidis already hangs in the sky, and someone, somewhere, is already inventing dunamantic Beacons and all of this, all of it was going to fall sooner or later. Soaring cities are built to crash. The inevitability doesn't come from knowing the future, it comes from knowing what the world actually is right now.
Man this is going to be good.
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purplerose244 · 11 months
Watched the fourth episode of LEGO DreamZzz: LOVE IT!
The Youtube LEGO channel waited a couple of days before putting the third episodes, while this one came out right on the next day! Why though?... does it sound like I'm complaining? BECAUSE I'M NOT!!! 😍
Heeeeeyyy, the thumbnail is showing Zoey! Are we finally getting a visual on her?
When I heard of the concept for this show I was kinda scared that for being a dream world it wasn't going to show much creativity... but the turtle burrito truck is making me change my mind 😅😅
Welp, Logan is still pretty much a jerk to Mateo 🤷🏻‍♀️ Honestly I prefer this over not talking about how they were super at odds at the very beginning
If you give me a Clay and Lance from Nexo Knights situation I'll be happy 🤍💙🤍💙
Still calm down sweetie 😅
Logan the barbarian, okay buddy 🤣 Considering his "ancestor" was a ninja master of fire, it seems appropriate 🔥
Okay, you can't give a griffin like creature with an owl face and expect me to be normal about it, that's my favourite mythical creature and my favourite animal mixed together LOOK AT THEM GO SO GORGEOUS 😍😍😍😍
Oh yeah Zoey got that rewind clock thing, I saw that before... that looks super OP, are we gonna talk about it?
I did not expect Izzie to be the first to confront Zoey and honestly? SO HAPPY. I don't know if Zoey will actually end up being Mateo's love interest, but presenting her on a separate stance makes me see her as her own character first
"Who says I'm pretending?" Okay I love her
Logan I really like you, you got plenty of potential and you're voiced by Vince which is a plus... BUT STOP BERATING MATEO HE ALREADY GOT LOW SELF ESTEEM AND HE'S DOING AN AMAZING JOB STOP GETTING IN BETWEEN 😭😭😭
Yeah Mateo is also being against him, but at least he realizes that they have to stop fighting each other, so that's good
Sorry if I'm biased from now on I'm just really rooting for Mat
I really wonder how Cooper and Logan became friends in the first place...
So the Night Hunter got Zoey's song? That's kinda interesting, it makes me wonder how much their power can extent. They can take creativity and using what someone's like against them... AAAAAAA THE ANGST POTENTIAL IN THIS
It's nice to see Izzie calling her out, like girl you can do your solo thing if you want but if you really wanna help then move it!
Pff Izzie just wants to be her friend and Zoey is not having it 😂 Come oooon, drop the lone wolf act, join the gang!
Also interesting that the Night Hunter got a crossbow, while Zoey got a bow. I don't know if it's simply a parallel, or Zoey got pissed and used it to mock him 🤣🤣
Challenge in the forge GO
I actually just had a recent conversation with my boyfriend about fears, over how suffocation is something everyone fears apparently. Given this, having then go down the sand... SCARY ENOUGH I'D SAY
Nooooo Logan dang it, you're making it hard to cheer for you 😅
Maybe I'm just that easy to please, but this show is ticking all boxes for me
FINALLY SOME LIGHT ON COOPER! I was waiting to see something more about his character and MAN I'm not disappointed! He's a much more stressed person than I thought, he wants to be up to expectations but there's so much on his plate!
I wonder if he got friends with Logan because he's way more carefree...
Awwww Izzie is not over Mr. Sharkyjaw 😢 I might've glossed over that scene but in retrospect, given how much she cares about her plushies, it must've hurt her
Interesting how their nightmares are in some very specific places
I think that Mateo lives school in a very negative way as we saw in other episodes so it makes sense to see him there. Cooper seems to be a bit too pressured by his parents, therefore he's in his house. As for Izzie I think she's very comfortable in a lot of places, so this is the most unreal one
It would be very cool analyzing Izzie's dream, losing someone like that... MORE FICS IDEA HERE I COME
Look at them overcoming fears 🥹
Pff Oz doesn't care if Zoey joins or not, he just really needs backup 🤣🤣
This was a very cute scene, although I hope we'll still see Mateo using the weapon pencil because it's so silly and quirky and I actually kinda love it 👌
Since we're putting so much focus on Lunia, I wonder if she's an important character for any of them. Like personally
Is it Mat and Izzie's mom? Zoey's mom?... Zoey's herself? ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE THIS FAR IN THE SHOW I'D SAY
So... what now, Logan? Any chance you'll get to be a bit nicer? I really wanna like you so please, PLEASE, do something nice next time I see you 😅
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dragon-kazansky · 1 year
Rachael: *sees Bruce Wayne on a magazine cover*
Rachael: Gotham's Golden Boy
Rachael: He hasn't met me yet~
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rongzhi · 4 months
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English added by me :)
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taffywabbit · 5 months
they should invent a new type of "staying in bed for 2-3 hours after you wake up repeatedly opening and closing apps on your phone" where it makes you feel awesome and energized and emotionally fulfilled
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anxiousangerball · 9 months
I don't know who needs to hear this, but
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justphilia · 17 days
Marcille x Male Reader headcanons!
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She leaves you for a woman.
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akajustmerry · 3 months
Anastasia 1997 is such a funny movie in that it's opening sequence is like, "the Romanovs died because rasputin put a curse on them AND NO OTHER REASON DON'T WORRY ABOUT WHY THE ROMANOVS ARE DEAD OKAY IT WAS RASPUTIN"
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shoomlah · 7 months
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I have a feeling that beneath the little halo on your noble head There lies a thought or two the devil might be interested to know You're like the finish of a novel that I'll finally have to take to bed You fascinate me so
You Fascinate Me So, Blossom Dearie
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pocket-size-cthulhu · 1 month
I'm a cryptid in Stardew valley. I live on the outskirts of town. I disappear for days on end, purchasing daily one-way tickets to the calico desert. Nobody knows where I go while I'm there. Can occasionally be found fishing at random spots throughout town. I am never not running on at least one triple shot espresso. I take the abandoned minecarts to get around and am frequently seen disappearing into the sewers. I carry a sword for some reason. Once every week or two I will stride into your bedroom to deliver you your favorite meal. I'm a self-made millionaire. I attend all the town events and will go to your concert in the next town over. I have donated approximately 2583 items to the local museum and singlehandedly revitalized the town community center. There are rumors I can talk to junimos. I'm friends with the local wizard
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nouverx · 2 months
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"I want to eat you" is their love language and you can't change my mind
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mylittleredgirl · 6 months
my new thing whenever an embarrassing memory jumps up out of some backwater neuron to t-bone my present-day thought process is to declare a statute of limitations. like i can burn down an entire building in the state where i live and the law deems it both unfair and illegal to prosecute me after six years have passed, i think that thing i said in high school can be expunged from my record.
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venpyr · 8 months
"don't mass reblog/like :/" coward. fool. somebody just went through and liked and reblogged 64 things from my blog in the span of half an hour at most. and i've never felt more alive in my life
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vivi266 · 7 months
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xiaq · 5 months
So my bike was stolen from our garage last night. My beloved, custom, carbon fiber, most-expensive-thing-I-own-aside-from-my-car bike. I just found it listed on FB marketplace. Shit is about to go down.
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