#i'm so overwhelmed 🥺 the simplest thing
wejustvibing · 5 months
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“But if we go back to L'Équipe from 2012 , we will find articles or comments from third parties who say that Lewis goes to Mercedes for the money... It is also one of the attributes of the driver to choose his team carefully. team, to imagine what the regulations will be." - Fred Vasseur
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waywardsummoner46 · 2 years
Hiya!! I just started watching peaky blinders like a month ago and I can’t get enough of the family vibe the Shelby clan has going on 🥺 could I please request (only if you’re comfortable) for yandere platonic tommy Shelby with Finn’s s/o? Like, he’s a bit too invested in their relationship and would do almost anything to see them as Finn’s wife?
Thank you so much and you’re a fantastic writer!
Unknown To You
Pairing: Platonic!Yandere!Tommy Shelby x Reader, Finn x Reader
Word Count: 1386
1926 was your year.
Independence was what you'd always dreamed of having been controlled and restricted by your parents even for the simplest of things like a lovely stroll around the neighbourhood once in a while. It got to a point that, once you'd turned eighteen earlier this year, you ran away and caught a train to somewhere new, somewhere magical.
There are many words to describe Birmingham... magical would never be one of them.
The industrial aspect was almost all of its aspects, along with bars and smoke; however, Birmingham was hiding something more dangerous you could ever imagine.
The Peaky Blinders.
Safe to say, if the rumours didn't caution you (they did that and beyond) the actual sight of them would have you shitting your pants. Something along those lines had happened to you - the lack of bowel control was, thankfully, absent.
Only a few weeks had passed since you ran away and you were thriving. You'd lied slightly about your age and had secured a job at The Garrison, despite knowing that the Peaky Blinders literally own it. The danger of the situation gave you a thrill and you genuinely don't know how you secured the job without it going past one of them first.
For you so far, it was an average day. The regulars came and wasted money on alcohol that would eventually render them completely incapacitated. Coin was spent, you enjoyed the odd drink and ignored the perverted stares of some of the older men. All in all, it was a pretty smooth day. Until...
Indistinguishable shouts came from just beyond the doors and you paused your cleaning of the bar. What was going on? People around you were tensing and pointedly not looking at the door. What was going on?
The doors crashed open and in came the most feared men in all of England: The Peaky Blinders. Seeing them was, simultaneously, overwhelming and underwhelming. They were just men but they had undoubtedly killed thousands of people - the leader especially, one Tommy Shelby. Cruel, cruel man that he was. And, oh God, you worked for him.
You literally worked for the Peaky Blinders. Were you a gang member? Do you have to kill someone? Would they kill you if you didn't? What would happen if-
A fist hitting the table broke you from your train of thought. You raised your head a bit too quickly to be natural and probably looked a bit frantic.
To your surprise, it was only a boy about your age. Quite a handsome one too. He looked happy, a residue joy of something. Your tension eased slightly. "How can I help?"
He didn't answer for a while, only gazing into your eyes. It took you a while to realise you were doing the same.
Both of you snapped out of whatever daze you were in at the same time and you cleared your throat out of nervousness.
"I haven't seen you before, are you new?" He asked, the Brummy accent catching you off guard even though you were evidently in Birmingham.
Smiling slightly, you looked back at him. "I moved here a few weeks ago. I'm (Y/N)." Sticking your hand out, he took it and heat flooded your cheeks when he pressed a light kiss to it.
"Finn. Finn Shelby."
  And thus, love was born.
  Whatever you were getting yourself into, you knew it was about to be one hell of a ride.
You both chatted away for seemingly hours after that; both oblivious to the icy blue eyes watching you both avidly from the corner booth.
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  Months had passed since you and Finn had first met. Now in a happy relationship, you felt like nothing could go wrong. Hell, you’d even ensured a half decent friendship with Tommy fucking Shelby! Something hardly anyone had ever managed to do.
  Although life was great and Finn’s family gradually became your own and vice versa, something about Tommy always made your brows furrow. There was a reason your friendship never ascended from half-decent. 
  He was so secretive, so observant and with such a glaringly obvious superiority complex.
  There was never a time when he didn’t look like he was plotting something.
  And it scared you.
  Especially after you’d caught wind that your parents were looking for you. Your family wasn’t necessarily a gang per se; they just had power and influence, a lot of it. It was this that motivated you to leave just as much as it was the suffocating rules. You’d gone from one lowly gang to England’s most dangerous, your luck was simply incredible.
  Finn made it better, though. He loved you unconditionally and you loved him to the same extent. His family was always so supportive, especially Tommy and you saw how Finn thrived off of their approval. Warm appreciation filled you when you heard their kind words.
  Together you’d all, you and The Shelby Clan, been off for a stroll, when a group of people rounded the far corner of the street. Initially, you thought nothing of it, passing them off as partaking in an activity similar to yours, but when you heard the shouts of your parents you knew now was the time to run.
  Grip tightening on Finn’s hand, you tried to pull him away without causing much of a spectacle but, of course, he and his entire family had noticed your distress and its cause. 
  “Finn, we need to go.”
  It was Tommy who answered, to your surprise. “We’re not leaving until they understand you aren’t going back. You’re a Shelby, (Y/N). We don’t abandon our own.”
  Stunned, you gaped and eventually gave him a shaky smile. He didn’t return it.
  Tommy and Arthur met your parents halfway. The four of them spoke quietly amongst themselves, to anyone who was passing by it looked like a friendly conversation. You were on edge at how smoothly it seemed to be going. Your parents were stubborn and would not tolerate any resistance, even from the feared Peaky Blinders.
  The oldest of the Shelby Family returned to your group, looking deceptively calm. Polly asked them what was said quietly and you noted how she tensed and glanced back at you and Finn.
  “What’s going on, Tommy?” Finn asked, breaking the tense silence.
  He looked at Finn with something akin to regret or... pity? Why was he so difficult to read? “Finn... (Y/N)’s parents won’t leave until they have her. Without starting a fight that we’re outnumbered in, there’s only one option I can think of to get them to leave.”
  Once it became clear he wasn’t going to elaborate without further demand, you spoke desperately. “Well? What is it? I’ll do anything.”
  He looked between you both and heaved a heavy sigh. 
  “The only option, then, would be... marriage.” Your jaw dropped but he continued, nonetheless. “You would be an official member of the Peaky Blinders and with that, if they attacked you or harmed you in any way, they’d have also attacked the Peaky Blinders and then it would be us against them.”
  His point was valid enough and you weren’t completely against it by any means. In fact... “I’ll do it. I’ve been thinking about it for weeks now.” You turned to Finn and took both of his hands. “Finn, I love you with all my heart and I’d be honoured to be your wife if you’ll have me.”
  He chuckled and you were momentarily offended, thinking you’d jumped to the wrong conclusion. When he got down onto one knee, however, did you realise he’d been wanting this just as much as you.
  “(Y/N) (Y/L/N), my love, would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?” Teary-eyed, you could do nothing apart from hug him tightly and kiss him hardly on the lips.
  “Yes, yes, a million times yes!”
  Unknown to you, your family had been tipped off to know you would be walking on that street that day. They didn’t know by who, no one did. 
  Unknown to you, the same man who had tipped them off had also given Finn the idea to propose today. 
  Unknown to you, Tommy Shelby now watched you two with a twisted sense of satisfaction and finally let the tension ease from his shoulders.
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Wow, haven't been here for so long, but i just checked my drafts, and may mga sinulat pala 'ko rito??? Written around 2019 to 2020. In one of my drafts, i described those years as the hardest season of my life; 2020 - sino ba naman ang hindi? Pero 2019 ko sinulat yun 🙃
I'm here again just because I want to put this video here hehe. But i guess i'm gonna write na rin something to remind myself in the future 😆 as this video is not just nice to look at, but also gives me so much peace and unspeakable joy, specially now that i've read my drafts from 2019 & 2020.
Last year, on our VG's Christmas party, we wrote one word each to describe our 2021, and what we're looking forward to in the year 2022. I can't remember exactly how i described my 2021 - maybe overwhelming, or something synonymous to suffocating loljk. But my word for 2022: BREATHE.
And seeing this shot from my recent trip at Las Casas 🥺🥺 i'm overwhelmed on how God has been so good to me, and how favored I am all this time.
In 2019 and 2020, i have been crying out to God, telling Him how i feel like sinking most of the time. In one of my drafts, i wrote, "My heart is sinking. This season of my life... has been the hardest one for me. I've always chosen to see the beauty and positivity around me, but now, even the simplest thing became so complicated for me. I cry most of the time, out of frustration and exasperation." And reading this now, grabe, i can still remember how i was and how challenging life has been for me. But also reading my drafts now, made me see all the more how God carried me through it all 😭 Yes, kinarga lang talaga ko ni Lord, all the while being patient with me amidst all my complaints.
God has reminded me that this is not my home, and all these are temporary. The lack of problems and challenges in my life is not the reason i was able to "breathe" this year. But I realized now, the moment I surrendered to God all my cares and burdens (yung ginawa talaga, hindi lang sinasabi 🤣), is the reason why I'm able to run freely (refer to video hahaha di man 'yun run tho??). I still have the same big problems, (hayyy God knows 😩), i still worry and get nervous, but... i do not doubt God. At the end of each day, I am assured of His love and promises.
Like a fragile clay jar, i have this great treasure. Everything I have is from Him. I am pressed on every side by troubles, but not crushed; Perplexed, but not driven to despair; Hunted down, but never abandoned by God; Knocked down, but not destroyed. (2 Corinthians 4:5-10)
Remembering that this life is temporary made me just want to accomplish the good works God has prepared for me to do in His perfect time. I realized that the years I was really having a hard time, were the years I was trying to accomplish things according to my own plans and timeline - I was really frustrated that the things i wanted to happen, didn't happen. I was in doubt, full of questions and disappointments. But thank God my mind was renewed.
Just like my prayer on my last birthday, "In the coming days, there would be no disappointments, because I will put my hope only in You." 🧡
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