#i'm still trying to figure out which one of my moots is sending out those questions but i feel like it's not just one person haha
pardonmydelays · 10 months
a lyric that's stuck in your mind today?
how did i live? was i kind enough and good enough? did i love enough? did i ever look up and see the moon and the stars and the sky? oh, why have i been sleeping?
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ronearoundblindly · 5 months
sending this w love but it's really hard to read ur comments if they're purple *and* tiny
First and foremost, thank you. That is good to know, that is a great example of constructive criticism, and I appreciate you helping me make what I write more user-friendly for readers.
Second, this has stirred something in me that I cannot tamp down, and so here goes a well-meaning rant. Sorry in advance (especially if this is one of my moots on anon).
There are several reasons I do the tiny, purple text; among them are personal esthetics, good conditioning, and bad conditioning.
I don't know why I've sorta chosen purple/lavender/etc as a theme for a while, but meh, I like it, and to have purple text show up works with the theme. Speaking of themes, Tumblr has various ways you can see your dash, called 'palettes' I think, and mine is set to idk 'goth rave' or something which has purple text on black as the default. It's easier on my eyes and makes the tiny, purple text stand out nicely in my draft posts. Because that's how I see them when formatting, I didn't notice it might be much harder on a white background or any of the other palettes. Thank you for pointing it out! I hadn't thought of that.
This might also be me as a distracted person, but the visual of a divider such as this:
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...doesn't seem like enough of an end-cap to the actual story portion of the post, so I change the way the A/N looks afterward to really separate the two. (Special shoutout to the fact that the divider's message seems utterly useless in encouraging/reminding readers to leave comments or reblog. You've all heard that tirade. Let's just say I know the reminder is ignored, so I gotta try something else as a transition.)
Writing/posting on this platform, as you may have heard, is a bit of a crapshoot mixed bag. Readers feel limited both in number and in time, so we creators tend to try various things to make our posts stand out, to make them appealing. Color or text variation is one of those ways. Now, I have no flippin' idea how to get rainbow or gradient text; I barely figured out how to put hyperlinks into my bio, bless my heart, so there's little chance of my blog looking super unique or fancy. Instead I vary the look between actual prose and my notes/warnings/summaries, which leads me to the sad bit.
I am conditioned by this site and others to understand that you are here to consume content. That content is the writing that I have curated and edited into a story which doesn't involve me, just the character of 'you' and other OCs or canon IP, so my thoughts and opinions are not and never have been the reason anyone follows me. Those are quite literally small compared to the actual work I generate.
I still think of comment reblogs as flooding your dash with stuff most of you have already seen. I think I'm being annoying--even though I know it's the only way to have my writing go farther on this site--and because I will do so very, very much IRL to *not* annoy anyone, I put opinion and random side comments and little thoughts in small text that is color-coded so you can ignore it as "not-story bits."
It is taking everything in me to NOT make this small text or purple. Honestly, my palms are sweating so badly, I've wiped my computer keyboard four times.
No, I don't want anything to be hard for you to see or read. Yes, I am really grateful you pointed this out. *Do* please remember that we are all doing the best we can to get the experience we want from Tumblr by customizing what we can.
The comment I posted in tiny, purple text immediately before this was sent to me has been changed to regular, default color. Hopefully that helps, and I will try to keep in mind how things will look in the future.
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I did purposefully choose to not put a readmore in this post fwiw.
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vixensbrainrotts · 3 years
Vixen’s brainrotts:: what you need to know
About me::
You can call me Vixen, I speak both German and English fluently. I’m 22, born on the 26 May 2002. I’m still trying to figure out a good structure for this page, and my aesthetic is still undefined so please be patient with me. Also, if I ever make a Masterlist (as soon as I figure out a system that works well) it’ll be linked separately. I also have a shitpost account if you’d like to check out what I'm screaming into the void (@vixensbusiness)
About my blog::
This page is an amalgamation of things. Every so often I’ll write a thing or two of my own, and reblog pieces that I think are exceptionally well written and deserve all the attention possible. Im currently looking for moots and anons to proofread my content and perhaps triangulate ideas with? Please message me if you’re interested!
About my original content::
3 rules> Don’t steal. Don’t plagiarize. Give credit where its due. If you cant follow those simple ideas, i dont think the two of us will get along very well. I pride myself on creativity and originality, try being a part of that mindset too. Most of my works will contain a female or gender neutral reader, which is what im most comfortable with but f you would like to see a male reader, just let me know by requesting or messaging me! I may not own characters, tropes, cliches or prompts, i do own the things i write, so please just respect that, thanks.
About requesting::
My ask box is always open for requests, especially for ideas, prompts or discussion topics you have. I enjoy being challenged in terms of writing, so please don’t hesitate to send me even your wildest requests! However, I do not write things like incest or rape, or anything degenerate of such nature. Please just be a decent being in the ask box. Please mention whether or not you’d like to remain anonymous too, it just makes a lot of stuff easier, thanks!
About fandoms::
- Stray Kids
- Tokyo Revengers
- Jujutsu Kaisen
- DevilMan CryBaby
- One Piece
- Obey Me! Shall we date?
- Attack on Titan
I believe that’s all you have to know. Upon further questions please don’t hesitate to contact me, I promise that I’m happy to hear you.
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I'm feeling so embarrassed, sad and angry at the same time! I'm 22 and have never had a proper boyfriend and actually get quite embarrassed about the fact. I know my mum has suspected I am gay for a while now but at a family meal earlier with all my grandparents and extended family people started asking me if I had a boyfriend. When I said I didn't they then laughed and asked when I was going to tell them I had a girlfriend as I clearly couldn't still be single at my age! (Going to send another)
(Sorry I couldn't get it all to fit). It just angers me because 1) why does it matter if I am straight or gay 2) why should I have to justify myself and 3) why did my family think it was acceptable to embarrass me like that! I just feel really let down and now feel like there is something wrong with me :( sorry for such a long message Geena, I just wanted to tell someone! Hope you have a lovely day xxx
Baby, I want you to know that you’re not alone. I know it’s easy to feel like you’re the only one at your age who has never had ‘proper’ relationships, but I can promise you that you are not alone in the slightest. There are PLENTY of people well into their 20s and beyond who have had little if any experiences with having partners. You feel the way you do largely because society glorifies and pushes this idea of it being normal and expected for teenagers (and even younger) to have partners. Which, it’s fine if they do have partners, but unfortunately because this has pretty much always been an ingrained norm, and anything that exists outside of that decided norm is ‘weird’ or means that you are somehow broken or that you must be hiding your sexuality. That’s why I hate the phrase ‘late bloomer’ because what the hell does that even mean? We don’t all progress through life the same way or have experiences in the same ways. So to me, the phrase ‘late bloomer’ is so moot. 
Sure, there are always going to be things that are common amongst groups, patterns that we see. But that does not mean that anything that exists outside of those patterns make it abnormal or wrong. Humans are way, way, too complex to assume that yeah, everyone’s going to have had a romantic and/or sexual relationship by the time they’re through their teenage years. That would be some wild percentages. Everything exists along a spectrum. 
You know, extended family sucks sometimes. They say things that are really hurtful when they think they’re just trying to be funny (and in some backwards way encouraging??? Like, ‘Oh, if I make you feel weird enough maybe you’ll go and do the thing I’m razzing you about?’ That’s some messed up logic to me).  and it sucks a lot. I’m so sorry you had to go through that, petal. 
I think you have to just gradually get to the point where you stop caring about whatever comes flying out of their mouths. I know that’s easier said than done, because family carries this certain weight, but in the grand scheme of things, their opinions don’t matter. You’re not living your life for them, you’re living your life for you. You know you’re own truths. And only you can know all of the little details about what makes you, you. There’s always going to be people who think they have you all figured out and know how you should be living your life, but they don’t. They don’t get a say, you do. You never have to explain yourself to anyone. Just keep being you. I hope this helps, lovey. I’m sorry that’s been happening. I love you lots. xx.
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