#i'm sure sirius would have struggled to accept help especially at first
myprongsfootera · 1 year
(When Sirius still had access to money) I bet Sirius and James killed it at getting gifts for each other. Not only did they know each other inside and out, but they were both so rich they could buy anything at any price. I bet they would be super over the top about it too, trying to one up each other with the best things. Those rich pureblood boys knew luxury.
And then when Sirius lost access to his own money, you just know Effie and Monty were super generous with him and I bet James got even more generous with him. Sirius may have lost the Black inheritance, but he was never going to want for anything. James never ever ever would have let him.
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axelsagewrites · 6 years
Please could I have a HP match up with both eras.Im a Slytherin.I'm 165cm tall and a Capricorn.I have naturally curly black hair.I have green eyes and I'm Caucasian. I love singing , dancing and all genres of music,I'm straight. I love playing video games and watching anime and sports.When I first meet People I'm shy but crazy when you get to know me and I care for others before myself, I have a huge fear of clowns, I'm also a clean freak and I'm a very cuddly and motherly person :) thank you :)
I ship you with…
James Potter
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James Potter is a strange person, to say the least. Well to you at least. As a shy Slytherin, there was no way your path would cross with a loud-mouth Gryffindor who had more pride than any other member if his house. But alas your paths crossed one day when you were both in detention.You are being in detention was a very very very rare occasion but when friends are in need a friends in need. You took the fall, by accident at first, for a friend and didn’t back down. He probably did some stupid prank and didn’t get away fast enough. It was Binn’s in charge of detention and he was loopier than a fruit loop. Because of how bored James got after a second of silence he ended up pestering you every second in detention. Plus, neither of you had to wear a school uniform so he had no prejudices. Having no idea why he’d try talking to you, your responses weren’t great. Unknown to you James had noticed you before and liked what he saw. He knew Slytherins had a reputation, but James always put his heart before his head. His friends were not the…happiest with his new crush being a Slytherin but Sirius was still gonna be his wingman, no matter what.Maybe it was the less than enthusiastic response but something about you made James determined. He’d find any way to talk to you after detention and one day you snapped and asked him why. “Because I like you, you idiot,” and so you decided to go to Hogsmeade.James absolutely loves your hair and eyes and was able to help with your shyness. Sure, you were never outgoing but you were more comfortable around people with him. You were even able to handle the marauders which even the Marauders struggled with. Your clean and motherly nature whipped James into shape and he actually started to make his bed. He’d also make sure the boys cleaned up the dorm room whenever he knew you’d be over. Somehow the Marauders began to shower, use deodorant, pick up their trash, and be less teenage boy.You taught James the way of the muggles as you called it, introducing him to video games, anime, and muggle sports. He never accepted muggle sports but ended up loving video games, anime, and even your music taste. However, he never understood your fear of clowns but never complained when you squealed and curled into him if one came up on the tv.
Seamus Finnigan
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Seamus is the wizard equivalent to a muggle gamer/weeb. He was introduced to muggle anime by Dean and made fun of it. but Seamus was lying and became obsessed. It was his opening into the muggle world. You being a muggle-born meant you were already aware and fascinated with muggle technology and arts. Seamus never knew that when he got the biggest crush on you ever. It went against every Gryffindor bone in his body, but damn are black curly hair and green eyes hot. Plus, from what he’d heard you were really kind but shy.He wasn’t a shy person but a teenage boy and horrible around girls. So, when Seamus approached you it was a stuttering mess in the library. He managed to save the situation and ask if you knew were some random book was. You told him and when he eventually went and got it he came back and asked if he could sit. You nodded but said nothing, your shyness coming out.Eventually, Seamus noticed your library schedule and ended up sitting with you at the library each time. The gentle introduction of conversation plus the fact that he wasn’t horrible looking led to a crush on Seamus your friends teased you about.When you didn’t go to the library one day Seamus got a little worried. Okay, a lot worried but still. Dean was positive he’d seen you at breakfast, but Seamus wasn’t convinced. When Seamus saw one of your friends during a break he’d asked if they’d seen you. Your friend had decided enough was enough and told him to go to the astronomy tower at 8 o’clock sharp.Your friend did the same with you and you both arrived, confused, at the astronomy tower at 8. There was a basket of snacks and drinks from the Hogwarts kitchens and a note from your friends. ‘Your pining getting out of hand. Have a happy date – Dean and (Y/F/N)’.Despite having a great time, you both ended up yelling at your friends after. But still, a beautiful relationship was born. You introduced Seamus to even more animies’ but also videogames. During the summer he’d come over to your house just to play video games with you. And it was a blast.Putting on some muggle music in the background, busting out a games console, and getting some delicious snacks, you’d settle down together to be ‘lame’ together. Seamus wasn’t fully prepared for your crazy side but loved all your weird antics. However, you had a hard time with his messiness but eventually managed to deal with it. Cuddling was a regular occurrence, especially while watching an anime or listening to music. But also, with being introduced with music, Seamus was introduced to dance. Sure, wizards danced but he didn’t see how muggles danced, especially since they liked to put their children in clubs from as young as possible. He was amazed at how you could move and would brag about his girlfriend all the time.
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