#i'm sure this warrants some kind of trigger warning but i can't think of one off the top of my head
theokusgallery · 8 months
I bet you want to be bitten by nick you kinky bitch/nsrs/nm/j
Alright so I understand this is a joke, you made it very clear that it's a joke, and I know I get very gay on main at times, but please have the decency to... not call a stranger a "kinky bitch". I don't know who you are. You don't know who I am. This makes me very uncomfortable
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bangtansdoc · 5 years
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Into the light
Part 2.
Pairings:Park Jimin (BTS) x reader.
Genre: Fluff, horror, very confused Y/N, vampire!Au, CEO!Au
Warnings:Uh a really creepy scene with some disgusting stuff if you're easily triggered and easily scared, blood.
OST:Joy(red velvet)- OMG!(Ost of the Great seducer)
Synopsis:You need money. Park Jimin has money. You end up getting a job as a housekeeper in his gargantuan mansion. But what secrets might the handsome CEO be hiding under his flashy image?
A/N:Well, it's finally out. This update took a lot of prayer, meditation and formatting to get out. Like this is the third time I'm typing it to post. The forces of evil will not prevail. Anyway like I said this is going to be a long fic and I hope you all can follow through to the end. Enjoy!
Park Jimin.
He looked nothing like what you had seen of him. The pictures did him no justice at all. He was a hundred times more gorgeous in person.
You sat in your room after Park Jimin had told you to treat yourself to something warm and change your clothes.
You sat biting your fingernails and your thoughts wandered. You remembered his intense gaze on you while he wrapped his strong arms around you.
You remembered his soft eyes burning with curiosity as he had led you out of the pool.
You screamed in frustration.
How the hell were you supposed to focus on anything now?!
You needed air.
You stood up and made your way to the window, before opening it wide. You breathed in the clean air and tried to clear your head. You glanced downstairs and your eyes caught the CEO moving quickly into one of the cars in his driveway and zooming out of the estate. He was leaving already? But he just got here. You took a deep breath and ran out of your room, bumping into Taehyung. "Y/N! What's the rush?" He asked, puzzled. "Uh the CEO, he's leaving already?" Taehyung looked understandably confused.
"I see you've met him."
He studied you, a suspicious look on his face. "He had an emergency."
You blinked, embarrassed.
God you felt stupid. What exactly were you rushing out to do? Kiss him goodbye? 'Pull yourself together Y/N.' You whispered to yourself.
"Are you okay?"
You looked up and met Taehyung's eyes. He had this look in them. A look you didn't understand. "Did something happen?" He asked again slowly, carefully choosing his words. You thought of telling him about the Incident in the pool and bit your lip. "I,uh,fell in the pool. And he rescued me." Taehyung's brows creased in worry. "It's a shallow pool." "I know, I just... panicked." There was an uncomfortable silence. "Is that all?" You met his eyes again. "Yeah." He smiled. "Okay." You turned to go but stopped, curiosity getting the better of you.
"CEO Park..." You began and Taehyung turned to you.
"Are you close to him?"
There was no expression on his face.
"I'm his PA."
"Does he come home often?" You continued without thinking. "It depends."
Shut up Y/N.
"Why does he live alone? Where is his family? I mean the rumors are that he has no family but this house is big enough for ten families so there must be some kind of explanation right?" Your brain screamed at you to shut the hell up but your mouth kept moving. Taehyung's face hardened, then he broke into a disturbing smile.
"You ask too many questions Y/N."
Your breath caught in your throat and you suddenly felt uncomfortable, and very, very afraid. You scampered back to the pool. Maybe Joon was right. Maybe the CEO was hiding something dangerous. You drained the water quietly, feeling as though someone was watching you. But each time you turned around, no one was there. You became sure that you wouldn't stay long in this house.
He watched her from the trees. She was dressed in black, but she shone brighter than the sun. Her eyes were as fierce as the blade on her dagger. It wasn't the first time he had watched her and it wouldn't be the last. She smiled triumphantly as she pounced on her kill and his heart lurched. He wasn't allowed to love her, but he already did. All he ever did was watch, too afraid to approach, too entranced to stay away. He was torn, so all he could do was watch.
The days passed by uneventfully, you hardly saw the CEO again, as he was barely ever around, and on the days you noticed his shoes at the doorway, you steered clear of him. Taehyung you saw everyday now, as he had made an annoying habit of getting in your way anytime you were working and watching you when he thought you weren't looking.
For Christ's sake.
You must have been really out of line that day to warrant this. Taehyung seemed kind enough, but then you didn't really know him. You were barely a month in an already fed up. School resumed(thankfully), a respite from your monotonous way of life. Namjoon brought life and light to your days but you always found yourself back in that mansion, bored and alone, with no one to relate to but Taehyung, who wasn't much company.
You sighed.
You would soon start naming your cleaning equipment.
You quickly finished your bagel and dusted your hands on your skirt. You stood up from the patio and walked into the living room. You plugged your iPod in , and put your earphones in your ears. You scrolled through your playlist and tapped on Somi's 'Birthday'. You fired up the vacuum cleaner and soon became lost in your own world.
"Oops, you're not invited!, yeah you're not invited!."
You sang along terribly, shaking your body to the tune and catchy beats. You turned the vacuum into your dance partner and imagined yourself on 'Dancing with the stars.' You breathed heavily, turned around and your soul almost left your body.
"Oh my God!!!" You yelled as you stumbled and fell backwards. You stared in shock at CEO Park, standing a few steps in front of you, who was also staring back.
What the hell?
How long had he been standing there?
He continued staring at you, this time however amusement mixed with the same curiosity that filled his eyes from your incident at the pool.
"Pre- president Park?" You stuttered, thoroughly confused as you stuggled to get back on your feet. He just stared at you silently, doing this for so long that you began to feel uncomfortable. Where was Taehyung when you needed him?
"Uh, I'm sor- sorry." You choked out again, unsure of what to say to the handsome man standing in front of you, who still hadn't said a word. He closed the gap between both of you, until his face was inches a way from your yours.
"Let me make something very clear miss Y/N." He said, his voice heavy in dialect. "This is not your house. It is a place of work. The next time you want to fool around, I suggest you take it outside." He said firmly and you gulped, unable to speak.
Where was the person that had rescued you in the pool? Surely it couldn't be the man standing in front of you.
"Do you understand?" He asked again.
"Y- yes sir."
He gave you one last stare, and you tried to read his expression. He didn't seem angry, just a little bit uncomfortable? He finally turned around and walked away. You let out a sigh you didn't know you had been holding. It felt as if someone had punched you in the gut. You didn't know what you had been expecting. A warm reception?
He was still the CEO after all, and you were his employee. Just because he had rescued you didn't mean that you two were close.
Then why were you feeling so disappointed?
You slowly tucked your earphones and iPod into your pocket, the air in the room feeling colder than the air outside.
"Hey there dork."
Joon smiled at your sleepy face from the phone screen, and you smiled back.
"Hi." You muttered drowsily. Namjoon's face twisted with worry. "Oh geez babe. You look awful."
"Thanks. I know."
You pulled your face with your palms.
"I'm exhausted."
Namjoon looked at you with pity. "You need to get out of that house." You laughed bitterly. "I don't really have a choice do I? I signed a contract." "Well they definitely knew what they were putting you up to." You scoffed and rubbed your left foot. "You know, living here would even be bearable if the CEO was.....I don't know....human? I mean he saved me alright, and.....I don't know. I wish he would give me something more,he's so stoic all the time,it's driving me crazy."
You sighed.
"I probably sound stupid don't I? Like I have no idea what I'm talking about." Namjoon raised an eyebrow in a smirk. "What? You can't expect me to flatter you right? You sound stupid all the time." You laughed. "God I love you so much, you idiot." "I love you too babe."
A sudden cry of anguish pierced through the air, forcing it's way into your room and into your ears. You dropped your phone in shock.
"Y/N? Y/N! What the hell was that?! Y/N!"
You picked up your phone shakily. "I -I-don't know."
The scream came again, a horrible shriek of agony similar to that of someone in unimaginable pain and torment.
"Oh my God! Namjoon what is happening?!" "Get up. Lock the doors! Whatever you do don't leave your room!" Your already panicked thoughts somehow drifted to the CEO. "But what about the CEO? He could be in danger! I have to go make sure he's okay!" "1st rule of horror movies Y/N! Don't leave your room when you hear a suspicious noise! Please just stay where you are! Forget about the CEO! You could get hurt!" "But I can't just stay here! I...." Your battery suddenly died.
"Joon? Namjoon? Namjoon!"
You gulped, forcing back tears as the horrible scream rang through the air again.
"Okay Y/N. Calm down. I- I have to get help first, have to call the police. CEO Park. I - I have to check if he's okay."
Whatever you do don't leave your room.
Namjoon's warning rang through your head as you pulled open your bedroom door and dashed out in a mad frenzy, running blindly up the stairs until you got to the CEO's bedroom. You ran towards it in Joy but stopped short as the scream rippled through the air again. Your heart stopped in your ribcage as you traced the sound in dread.....it was coming from the room. His room. You stepped forward numbly, blood pounding your head so loudly you almost couldn't hear your brain screaming at you to run and not look back.
The door was slightly ajar. You peered in and saw him, crouched on his bed,his hands matted wildly in his hair.
He was shirtless and you could see veins criss crossed on his back, with several wounds that were opening up again, and you grimaced in disgust.
He was rocking back and forth, groaning in pain and you gasped, making him stop.
His head turned to you slowly and his eyes met yours.
That person didn't look like park Jimin. That person didn't look like him at all. His eyes were blood red with a hunger so fierce it knocked you off your feet. You stumbled and landed on your bottom, about to scream when a pair of arms grabbed you, lifting you up and covering your mouth to stifle your scream.
"Get back inside your room. NOW."
Taehyung was holding a vial with a dark red substance inside.
You stammered incoherently, fear numbing your brain and tears rolling down your cheeks. Taehyung gripped you firmly, jolting you back to your senses.
"Please Y/N you have to trust me. Go back to your room and lock the doors. Go! Now!" Taehyung pushed you towards the stairs. "Go!"
You turned and ran, running as fast as your legs could carry you, not stopping until you reached your bedroom, and then bolting the door, propping chairs up against it. The scream rang through again, and you covered your ears and curled on the bed, futiley trying to block it out,while shinning brightly in the sky, was a blood red moon.
You woke up the next day to a peaceful morning. The sun was shining brightly and the birds sang happily, as if nothing had happened the night before. You as well almost began to think that you had just had some crazy dream, until you saw the chairs propped up against your bedroom door and your heart sank.
You hadn't been dreaming.
You carefully opened your room door, stepping outside slowly. Everything looked so normal. You felt sick.
You ran down the stairs and towards the front door and saw Taehyung talking to someone behind the door. His gaze fell on you.
"Ah, here she is officer. Come here Y/N."
You shuffled your feet to his side and came face to face with a police officer. "Safe and sound. Just as I said."
The officer looked you over gently, his stare boring into you and you averted your eyes to his name tag. Min Yoongi.
"Are you really okay miss? You know that if there's something wrong you can tell me." You gulped, your throat suddenly dry and using every ounce of will power left in you to force the lies out of your mouth. "N- nothing's wrong officer. Everything's fine." He smiled at you. "Your friend sent us over. Sounded really freaked out on the phone. We were here last night and tried the door bell, but no one answered, so we decided to come back in the morning. I'll be sure to let him know that you're alright. Sir. Ma'am." He said as he tipped his cap and walked away. You turned and began to walk away too but Taehyung's voice stopped you.
"Y/N. We need to talk." He said as he made his way past you and into the parlour. You followed and sat opposite him.
You stared at your knees, avoiding Taehyung's eyes.
"Are you okay?"
You didn't reply.
"Well, I guess I deserve that."
He cleared his throat.
"About yesterday, you were really startled right? I'm sorry you had to see that. The CEO has a heart condition you see, and yesterday he forgot to take his meds so...."
Anger welled up in you. You had been scared senseless yester night and you were pretty sure that what you had seen was not normal, yet Taehyung had the guts to sit there and lie? Did they think you were a fool?
"Really? A heart condition? That's what you're going with? I thought you'd be smarter than that Taehyung."
You stood up.
"Where the hell is the CEO? Shouldn't he at least be here to clarify or explain things to me? I guess even in this situation he still sends his lackey to cover up!" Taehyung remained quiet but you saw a pained expression flicker across his face.
"I know what I saw. There was someone.... something in the CEO's room. Something happened last night! Don't try to make me look crazy! And what about what you said Hun? You practically begged me to get back in my room and lock the doors. How do you explain that?!" "What do you think happened?" Taehyung asked quietly. "You tell me! And stop answering me like some God forsaken lawyer!" You yelled harshly.
"Y/N. You are understandably upset. I get it. But I assure you..." "Where the hell is he?!" You raved, stomping out of the room. Taehyung grabbed you roughly.
"Let me go! Let me go you son of a...." "Trust me Y/N. It will be much better for both of us if you just let this go." He said through gritted teeth, his voice coming out in a pained whisper. He let go of your hand.
"What the hell is going on here? What are you so afraid of?" You asked, your voice quivering.
"The CEO has a heart condition. He forgot to take his meds. That's what you saw yesterday. Nothing more." He said and walked out of the room.
You slumped into the couch, defeated. You glanced at the calendar. Just two more weeks till the month was up.
Fine. You'd play their game. Just two more weeks and you were out of there.
You lay sprawled on Namjoon's bed while he fumed beside you.
"I can't believe you're still going back to work there. You must be crazier than I thought." You sighed.
"I am. For the umpteenth time Joon, I signed a contract. I can't bail till the month is up." Namjoon scoffed. "But you could be in danger. You promised me you'd quit once something felt off. And what happened was off raised to the power of a hundred." You chuckled. "Hey can I borrow your laptop?" Namjoon handed it over to you. "Thanks." You said as you googled park Jimin.
"Trying to get to the root of things hun?" "I don't even know. I need some kind of explanation. Taehyung said to let it go. But I just can't." "Yeah well this Tae whatever character is making a lot of sense to me. Just do your job and shove your resignation letter up the CEO's butt crack once the month is up."
You scrolled through through the page. "Hmm. Nothing in here about him having a heart condition. Not that I believed that anyway."
You closed the laptop and fell back on the bed. "Let me just crash here till Monday morning." "Make yourself comfortable."
You slapped your forehead.
"Right. I still have to finish my project. And my laptop's in the house of horrors." "You can borrow mine." "Nope. I left my flash there too. Let me quickly run back to get it. Geez. Park Jimin is turning me into a scatterbrain."
You grabbed your coat and dashed out of the room. "Be back in a minute." "Be careful!" Namjoon shouted after you.
By the time you arrived at the mansion, it was already dark. You let yourself in, but stopped short when you came face to face with CEO Park. Your first instincts were to take off, but you held your ground. "I,uh, forgot something." You murmured quietly and began to walk past him.
You stopped abruptly, wondering where the sound had come from.
"I actually need you to uh, do something for me."
"Today's my day off."
"I know, I just.... forgot something at my office. It's not really that far from here. I need you to run down and get it. I have something really important to take care of now."
You stared at his face, completely confused at his change in attitude. However, you felt a part of your insides(the part no one ever wants to talk about and always pretends like it doesn't exist when in reality that part is the real controller of everything)warm at his new persona.
"Uh, sure,sure. Right."
The ghost of a smile formed on his face as he whipped out his phone and texted you the address. You sighed and made your way to the from door.
The person that had saved you at the pool had suddenly miraculously resurfaced after two weeks of torture on your part. His warm eyes and that soft and gentle way with which he had addressed you forced a blush to creep up your cheeks.
The image of the man with blood red eyes flashed through your mind, and you shuddered, suddenly wondering if you were going crazy.
You found the company quickly, with the files exactly where he had said they would be. Security had let you in pretty easily and you wondered why. You grabbed them and made your way to the main road when you spotted a group of drunk things standing along your path.
You groaned.
It wasn't safe to pass by them this late in the night, so you decided to wait for them to move along. You hid in an alley way and waited...and waited...but it seemed like they had no intention of leaving.
Oh no.
You couldn't sleep here.
You didn't know this area. You began to panic. What if they didn't leave? What if they found you hiding? You grabbed your phone, hesitating, before dialling CEO Park's number. The line trilled for a whole before he picked. You heard his soft voice on the other side.
"Pre - President Park? I - I'm stuck here! There's some thugs right on the path outside of your office and I'm too scared to pass by them! You have to come get me!" "Come get you? Just find some other way out of there or wait for them to leave. Why on Earth would I come get you?!" "Because one, you sent me out on my day off, two, I don't know any other way out of here, and three,if I get hurt it's your responsibility!!! I'll sue you for everything you're worth! I'm hiding in the back alley way. Come get me now!" You whispered furiously before hanging up and praying silently.
You waited in silence for what seemed like hours before your ears perked up at the sound of voices. The thugs were heading right in your direction. You heaved and gasped, grabbing a rusty bolt from the trash and arming yourself. You suddenly felt an arm grab your shoulder.
You screamed and swung, before twisting your ankle and falling backwards on your bottom.
"Are you trying to take my head off?!"
CEO Park stood above you, his eyes betraying his concern. So far most of your meetings with him involved you landing on your butt.
"You - you came. You actually came."
He shrugged, not meeting your eyes. "So you were bluffing the whole time on the phone?" "I had to say something, but I still didn't expect you to fall for it." You tried to stand to your feet, putting pressure on your left ankle and then yelping in pain.
"Can you walk?"
"M - maybe. Did you bring your car?" He stared at you, amused at how freely you were conversing with him. You'd be Happy to tell him you were as confused as he was.
"I did, but it's a long walk to the parking lot. Are you sure you can make it?" "Well what are you gonna do, carry me?" CEO Park looked... flustered? At your response. Your eyes must have been playing tricks on you.
"No that wouldn't be convenient I guess." He said after clearing his throat.
"Come with me."
You limped beside him as the two of you made your way to the parking lot. You took your time to study him closely. You had no idea what could have happened to have made Park Jimin seem a lot different than what you knew of him - at least what you thought you knew. You tried to picture the person you had seen that night, but the image had been replaced by that of the flustered Park Jimin, and the Park Jimin that had tried to hide his concern for you with irritation.
You are so weak Y/N!
You decided not to get your hopes, after all he had surprised you before. He turned and caught you staring at him. You averted your eyes quickly, biting back a blush.
You heard him sigh beside you and he crouched down. You stared at him, confused, although being confused was not a new thing anymore. You welcomed the feeling with nostalgia. "What are you doing....sir?" "Get on my back." What? "I don't under..." "We are still a few metres away from the parking lot, and you are already staring at me like you are probably going to blame me if your injury gets worse, so hop on." He looked up at you and for some reason you ran out of breath....and brain juice.
"Get on already."
You slowly obliged him and got on his back, awkwardly holding on to his shoulders. He stood and jerked you up suddenly, forcing you to wrap your arms around his chest.
"Are you comfortable?"
You barely choked out an answer.
You were very much not comfortable! Your boss was giving you a piggyback ride for heaven's sake, the same boss who had been cold to literally everyone not too long ago. The whole scenario was too strange and foreign to you.
But the most annoying and confusing part however, was how fast your heart was beating and the blush that had crept up your cheeks.
You unconsciously squeezed your arms around him tighter and you felt his shoulders tense. You then heard him scoff.
"I think you're enjoying this way too much Y/N." You didn't know if it was humanly possible to blush harder than you already had, and you couldn't help the smile that formed on your lips.
You both sat quietly in the car as CEO Park drove back to the mansion. The atmosphere was awkward and you chewed your lip, desperately looking for something to do. Namjoon had already blasted your phone with panicked calls and you had to reassure him that you were okay. The CEO cleared his throat and spoke up.
"Taehyung told me you were quite upset."
You turned to face him, alarmed, and he glanced at you.
"What's with that look on your face? I'm not about to fire you." You blinked, remaining quiet.
"I just want you to know that whatever it is you might not understand now is for your own good. If you feel like Taehyung or I are keeping secrets from you, you are absolutely right."
Well, at least he was being honest.
"Don't expect any of these secrets to be revealed to you. Trust me when I say that I'm not about to make the same mistake twice.
Trust me. Those words have been going around a lot lately. Ah. So that's what it was. He was being nice because he wanted to pacify you.
You had never understood when people said that their hearts shattered into a million pieces, but the feeling was clear now. You had told yourself not to get your hopes up hadn't you? But how do you not get your hopes up when you have a crush on someone? It's impossible.
"With all due respect President Park, I think keeping me in the dark is a very silly move. You say it's for my own good, but knowledge is power. I can take better care of myself if I know what I'm up against."
CEO Park glanced at you again, an amused look on his face. "Well I can't force you to understand. You have the right to your own opinion." He was totally stonewalling you.
You folded your arms stubbornly.
"I can't work in an environment where I'm probably not safe. Mind you I haven't forgotten about that night. And frankly I don't feel safe in that house anymore."
There was an unreadable expression on the CEO's face. "You're free to resign then. I won't stop you. I believe you were paid a months wages in advance right? When the month is up I'll release you from your contract. Then you can leave." His words hit you like bolts of lightning. He literally just told you that he wasn't going to stop you if you tried to leave.
He pulled up in the driveway and moved to open the door for you put you pushed it open rudely, desperately forcing tears back into your tear ducts. "I can do it myself." You stood to your feet, careful not to put any pressure on your strained ankle.
"You have every right to be angry Y/N. But you're better off letting your curiosity go. There are some things that aren't meant to be discovered." You huffed angrily.
"So what happens now? You really are some kind of diplomat Mr CEO. Acting all warm and kind when you want something. You'll probably go right back to behaving like I don't exist by tomorrow morning."
He just stared at you, his expression softened. "I'm sorry if you feel that way." You scoffed again as you limped your way into the mansion, letting the tears flow freely. You would take him up on his offer.
The minute the month was up, you were kissing this job, this house, and this CEO goodbye.
Part 3 will be out soon! Hopefully!
Comments would be appreciated!!!
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clacing · 2 years
Hi 👋 OP! I'm back on campus and have been going through your recommendations while in class (because they're like 3 hour long studio classes 😭) And I always heard about Madoka Magica but never watched it (anime and I have our own tragic history)
But um 🧍‍♀️ wat was all that then?? Because I went into it like "Oh probably going to be a little spooky. A little macabre." 👁Why did I Just Watch these girls speed run life altering trauma?? Sayaka is my bias because blue and she ofc had to go out in the saddest way imo 😭 I haven't watched the movie yet but this is making me extra worried about whatever the heck is going to go down in Utena because that came with like three massive trigger warnings from five different people
lmao my reaction on first watch was literally "am I on drugs???" and I'm delighted to see that so far everyone I've recommended it to has had the same reaction. It's the first anime I really fell for 'cause I can't focus on the screen for too long and need to be able to follow along even I'm not looking, but I obviously can't do that with Japanese 'cause I wouldn't understand a thing without subtitles. But boy was that not a problem here, I was hooked from the first second
Sayaka is my favorite too (closely followed by Homura) I see so much of myself in her so yeah.... that shit hurted 😔
I highly recommend watching Rebellion next for two reasons:
1. I know the fandom is split on this one, but I think it's the highest point of the series. The original anime was insane already but the movie broke my fucking brain I stared at a wall for thirty minutes thinking "what the FUCK did i just watch"
2. It sets up the kind of trippy imagery you can expect from Utena. Now mind you, Rebellion is stock full of symbolism and Easter eggs and literary references and it still doesn't even come close to Utena (Utena was honestly incomprehensible to me on first watch and it only got better after watching a bunch of video essays) but. It's a start 😭
And yeah do Not watch Utena without checking out the trigger warning list! I think anyone can watch Madoka blind without any issues 'cause while it's dark, there's nothing in it warranting an actual trigger warning, but Utena deals with some pretty heavy stuff so yeah, make sure you're fine with that first
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