#i'm too lazy to draw his armor today
needlesandnilbogs · 3 months
I guess art is going on tumblr instead of on blogspot today lolll cause I’m lazy. half the high school au crowd goes to see a movie. that is all. (If I successfully did this then there will be a read more bc I put the fic here and it got long)
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Image ID: two digital drawings. One is of high school versions of murderbot characters dressed in costumes and standing in front of a movie poster: from left to right, Rin (high school au murderbot), Bharadwaj, Overse, Gurathin, Pin-Lee, and Indah. Rin has dark curly hair and dark brown skin. It is not dressed in a costume, just a blue hoodie and gray pants, and is standing behind and apart from the group. Bharadwaj has dark brown skin and her hair is under a light purple hijab which extends into a cape behind her; she also wears a long dark blue dress belted at the waist and a silver circlet. Overse has light skin, shoulder-length dirty blonde hair, and glasses; she wears a light blue dress with pink trim and sleeves, pink shoes laced up her calves, a Magen David necklace, and a small pink crown. Gurathin has the lightest skin, brown hair cut unflatteringly, and big round wire glasses; he is wearing a red shirt and leggings with gold armor over it, and he has a silver flute hung over his shoulder. Pin-Lee has lightish skin, black hair in a bun, and wears a green bodysuit half covered in green and pink feathers. Indah is the tallest except for Rin and has medium skin and light brown hair; she is wearing a turquoise shirt, purple leggings, a skirt in a different shade of purple with gold trim, and yellow shoes.
the other image is the poster that is behind them. It is for a made up movie called “Sunshine Warriors: Day of the Second Sun” and features an orange and yellow stylized sun on a blue background. On the sun there are images of a pink crown, a red eighth note, a green bird, and a purple butterfly. Under the movie title, at the bottom, it says “Ten Years Later…”. End ID.
anyways this is for chatfic I am deciding whether to post to ao3 or not, I wrote the fic last year and it’s part of the hsau’s summer between Mensah and mb’s senior year of high school and going to college. The relevant bit of the fic itself is as follows:
DM: Lee (Pin-Lee), bhara (Bharadwaj)
[10:01] bhara: Hey, wanna go to the river w me this afternoon?? I need out of the house and my aunt won't let me take the car
[10:03] Lee: I'm down, want me to pick you up?
[10:03] bhara: That'd be great \o/ I have no agenda lol I just really need a break
[10:04] Lee: Also, want to come to the movies tonight with Indah and me, too? We're making plans to see the Sunshine Warriors film in full costume tonight, possibly with Gurathin and Overse and Rin too.
[10:05] Lee: I was actually about to ask if you wanted to come when you texted me!
[10:07] bhara: I CAN GO \o/ \o/ \o/
[10:07] Lee: Great. Pick you up in ten for river time, at 4 for the movie?
[10:07] bhara: o7 but also changed my mind, let's go see how much of a costume we can put together in the time between now and 4?
[10:08] Lee: I'll make a group chat so we can coordinate costumes!
New Chat: Pin-Lee (Pin-Lee), Bharadwaj (Bharadwaj), gurathin (gurathin), indah (indah), Overse (Overse), Rin (Rin)
[10:10] Pin-Lee (Pin-Lee) started chat
[10:10] Pin-Lee (Pin-Lee) changed chat name to Sunshine Warriors Assemble
[10:11] Pin-Lee: So. We are doing this, okay? I call dibs on being Feather, he was always my favorite.
[10:11] indah: I'd forgotten how much I loved this show
[10:12] indah: I want to be Color, if possible, I have the most clothing I could use for her.
[10:15] Overse: Arada isn't interested in going but she says she'll lend me her floofy skirt so I wanted to be color
[10:15] indah: I'll duel you for it. Swords at 2 am on the 29th?
[10:16] Overse: wow rude
[10:16] Overse: whatever happened to reasonable sleep schedules? [10:17] gurathin: Not to interrupt but I want to stake a claim on flute, the least terrible warrior
[10:18] Overse: omg Gurathin just be sun lord, you're already that pompous <3
[10:18] Bharadwaj: So we have Flute, Feather, and two people who want to be Color, who wants Princess and what do the rest of you want to do?
[10:20] Overse: well, I can be princess instead, i do have good high heels for it, but what do you wanna do?
[10:20] Rin: I'm not coming in costume.
[10:20] Bharadwaj: I was thinking Queen Midnight but only if everyone else is down for going with the villain?
[10:21] Pin-Lee: I am *always* down for going with villains. I'll be over in 5 minutes and we can hit your closet and the thrift store, okay?
[10:22] indah: The plan is meet at Pin-Lee's house at 4, carpool to the movie theater, see the 4:45 showing, get dinner, see the 9:50 showing, go home, unless anyone can't stay out till midnight.
[10:30] Bharadwaj: I just checked and my aunt says that's fine
[10:30] Bharadwaj: She also says if we want to come over after and watch the documentary that came out a couple years ago about the making of the show we are welcome to do so and then sleep over!
[10:31] Bharadwaj: It's SUCH a good documentary, it's a beautiful letter of love to the way the show was made and the choices the writers had to make to make it socially acceptable
[10:31] Bharadwaj: I know I just like documentaries in general but I really love this one and not just because it's about fiction I enjoy
[10:35] Overse: omg perf
[10:35] Overse: I have to be princess then bc I loved her voice actor in the show
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elveneye · 2 years
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``I know now fragility.``
You would think for a character that has basically become my profile mascot, I would draw him a lot - but alas art block is constantly swinging a bat at my head. 👍
This is my version of Dagri'Lon from Interesting NPCs! Despite being a super follower there's not a lot of content on him (I understand. He's a pain in the ass.) so here's some recognition for this edgelord.
[More info under "Keep Reading"!]
Sorry if I say anything that makes no sense up ahead my english is running low on fuel today …⁠ᘛ⁠⁐̤⁠ᕐ⁠ᐷ
You could say this version of him is an AU, because I changed aspects of him that just wouldn't be anything like the real Dagri'Lon you get me? Dagri is supposed to be a serious character but I sort of picked him up like "You're my friend now, we're having soft tacos later :)"
It's very funny having this ancient dude who's body is in a vortex of slowed time and is no doubt tormented by that tag along with the Dragonborn that is only alive by sheer luck. Oh and also Inigo. And they're brother and sister. I don't know how one survives hanging out with siblings who start throwing shit at each other when bored (as siblings do).
Anyways about his design!!! I knew I could improve his original outfit somehow, so I took a couple of mods, jumbled them up together aaand created something, I guess! So it's not really my design I just sort of played dress up with him LMFAOA
I do feel like I could've given him armour that's more... the best I could describe is, grim reaper-y? Like some kickass black robe - but I couldn't find anything at the time, so I just stuck with Contractor armor. It does improve stealth, though!
But no matter what I absolutely HAD to have a hood to highlight the fact he's got no head. I mean that's like the focal point of his design, his non existent head. I'm too lazy to write the entire story of how he lost it but the way I remember it (and this I couldn't find on the internet I had to listen to him repeat it in the game) was he had these 3 servants that had to guard his body during the transfer which I assume was him trying to become immortal. One of them, never specified which, was like ay fuck you guys and sort of nuked the entire transfer, killing everyone in the process except for Dagri'Lon, who's soul was now in the void and his body in slo-mo. He also says there was a dagger in his neck which he just throws in randomly? And it took him about 300 years or more to even conjure up movement. TWO ENTIRE CENTURIES LATER his body is just, still in slow motion. And his fate has lead him to be the side kick of a Khajiit woman who jumps head first into traps and cries whenever she has to count.
Oh and the horns are purely accessories. Just thought they looked cool.
"If he's headless, why the eyes and teeth?" Well here comes the part where I intervene! If I'm being honest I was like "Yeah this just looks cool lol" but I made up a reason so now I have an excuse to draw him like this.
The eyes and teeth aren't real, they're purely just an illusion spell. If you tried sticking your hand under his hood (good luck) it would just phase through. But it's not a permanent spell, so if he forgets to recast it, well you can see in the drawing what happens. It doesn't hurt him or anything, it's like some sort of ectoplasm breaking down, which now makes this drawing funny because it would be the equivalent of not blowing your nose in a while and snot shooting out when you sneeze. If this doesn't make sense in the Elder Scrolls world I can't think of a better reason sorry 💔
There's more little details that I changed about him... Like he doesn't hate absolutely EVERYTHING that isn't decay (he likes hares. really likes hares), not as Gary Stu as he is ( I like to think that whenever he makes some sort of egocentric comment some Looney Tunes type of shit happens like he immediately gets sent flying by a trap) and most important of all HE'S NOT BAREFOOT !!!
I only now remembered to mention this but he's a mage who, If I had friendly fire on, would end up vaporising me every other fight. I've never seen worse aiming in my life.
If you've made it this far, thank you very much for reading. This is like the first time I've publicly just info dumped about an interest lol.
If you've got any questions about him send em my way in the asks!
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rockstarthedragon · 4 years
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I'm planning out a new plushie project, this one being for almighty tallest Red. I was at hobby lobby the other day and got a good deal on some fleece, and I like to have lots of colors on hand so I can start a little project when I'm bored. So today I had to pick up some medicine and got other materials that I'll need like black fleece and some felt for the details like the pink for the shine in his eyes. Here I have a basic drawing of what I want the plush to look like and how big I want it to be. He is going to be a big boi! I'll be using my monster clay to make duct tape patterns for the more complex shapes like his shoulder armor and PAK.
Oh, and if you want to know how big he's going to he. This white and blue plushie below is my soul plush, which I made as a personal plush, and it's like a medium sized plushie.
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But yeah, this is my next project. I do have green fleece, it's just for another project and I was too lazy to get it :p
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