#i'm too much of a multishipper when involving bruce to know for certain
just-an-enby-lemon · 4 months
7. White Mask (David Franco)
Reason for joining: foolishly thinks he can get her back
Power: stealing shit
Fun Fact: faked his death
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6. Spark (???)
Reason for joining: ????
Power: enby swag and eletric metagene
Fun Fact: is a mystery dated her
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5.Samuel Bradley
Reason for joining: wants to be remembered
Powers: cop (ew), basic bitch energy
Fun Fact: dresses like the 50's
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4.Eiko Hasigawa
Reason for joining: had an unrelated fight with Selina and is (rightfully) pissed/ bad break up
Powers: yakusa, second catwoman skills, is just so freaking cool
Fun Fact: It's really fun to talk to/ the americanisation of her surname is not actually the real kanji translation
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3. Riddler (Edward Nygma)
Reason for joining: thinks he can seduce Oswald by doing it
Powers: cane fight, twink powers, being annoying as hell, puzzles, nerd shit
Fun Fact: should really move on from Oswald (Clock King is interested)/will die if he tries to correct my speling here IDC (won't die if he hires me tho)/ does not have unpaid interns
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2. Harley Quinn (Harleen Quinzel)
Reasons for joining: though it was a suport group/ just likes fighting/ it's a fun thing to do on the weekends
Powers: perfect fighting skills, clown swag, endless energy, psychology knowledge, friendly and fun
Fun Fact: is dating Ivvy/ was the one to come up with the fun fact category
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1. Poison Ivvy (Pamela Isley)
Reasons for joining: Oswald is paying her/ it makes Harls happy
Powers: Controls plant, poison, planty mind control, cringe fall woman apeal, sexy appel, doctorade, is really really cool, activism
Fun Fact: makes great tea/ buys me coffee because she knows unpaid intership is evil
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Penguin (Oswald Cooblepot)
Reasons for joining: thinks his ploy is going to make her want to date him
Powers: mafia boss, capitalism, a shit ton of money, umbrella, trains birds
Fun Fact: Never actually dated Selina/ has unpaid interns : (
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Batman (Buce Wayne)
• Treat Level: High
• Reason for target: went to a real date with Selina
• Adicional info: Might have his own evil exes and they might have had a similar idea (look further into it)/ Riddler thinks he is hot / Single dad swag/ might be hiring(?)
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made by Nico, the intern
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