#i'm trying out writing like... ig just casual posts about what i've been up to also. like a sort of diary
hailtothebubble · 9 months
i'm going to bed now but i played the elephant collection today too which was fun. i looooved those games as a kid and it's a lot of fun to revisit em
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snowdeong · 2 years
My opinion on what just happened (because I'm black and African and while antisemitism and anti-blackness aren't the same, they way that these issues show up in kpop are similar and I've wanted to rant about them for a while)
Also this is so messy but I'm one of those people that needs to write out my thoughts in longform to understand how I feel about something so if anyone actually reads this hwghwg sorry.
First things first, at the end of the day Chae's probs not an anti-semite. Ofc that's not for me to say like I said I'm black and ugandan, not Jewish, but simplifying the whole thing to just Chae as an individual won't solve the real problem at hand here. THAT BEING SAID wearing that shirt and posting a pic on her ig with a fuck tonne of followers from different places in the world is insensitive and anti-semetic plain and simple whether she's aware of that or not. She's not just posting this to certain fans who'd know all the context lmao. And again context or not, that symbol is harmful all the context in the world won't erase that. We as fans should be educating her not trying to hide that it happened wtf? The problem is bigger than just chae or the group or even the kpop industry yes but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't raise awareness about wtf happened and talk about it.
Idk why kpop stans boil serious issues down to "protecting their faves" or attacking an idol they dislike. This is serious and fucking hurtful in a real way wtf??? I really think our concern should be for all the Jewish folk and other affected groups randomly seeing someone they might stan wearing such a hateful symbol casually and then also having to see people defend her like??? Liking someone or something should also mean having the capability to criticise that person or thing. You can stan someone and call them out on bullshit.
Also something I think a lot of koop stans don't seem to understand is that all these companies don't actually give af about us beyond our money. So being a global group doesn't actually mean the company will do the work to teach their idols that being a global group means that there's some shit you should be aware of. And I say teach the idols not because I don't expect them to do individual work, but because we've seen how this cycle goes lmao. An idol says or wears something offensive, the fandom gets mad, they rush an apology and the loop continues. Companies that actually gave af about us would see this shit happening to other companies and go "okay here's shit you should and should not know" to their idols. But they don't and they won't ever probably and the sooner we learn that the sooner we'll stop being so "surprised" when this shit happens.
Now about Chae as an individual. I'm def dissapointed but again I'm also not surprised. And I don't mean that in a "oh obvs she's bigoted" way like Chae is such a loving person and I really admire and love her I wouldn't stan the group if I thought they were shitty people. If she said she said that she didn't know what that meant I'd really believe her because I know that if she did she's not the sort that'd be out here flaunting hate on her instagram of all things. I might be deluded from stanning and all but I genuinely believe that.
Pop culture is racist, pop culture is anti-semetic, pop culture is queerphobic, pop culture is bigoted. The way that a Ugandan would probably be confised if you asked them what that symbol is, I'm sure is the same way it is in SK because the western content that's transferred over is extremely whitewashed shit (that's the context I mentioned earlier). When I say whitewashed I don't mean just white people I mean that the majority of it is white approved tm, it fits within the white patriarchal cishetnormative framework that's been established and pepetuated for years and years and years. That's not to say we shouldn't do our individual research ofc like especially if you're going to be an idol ffs, we should always be mindful. But again, if all the stuff readily available to you is bigoted then you're not going to look at a shirt with a certain symbol on it and immediately get that wearing that is fucked up.
(We also need to take into account the fact that that symbol means something totally different within different Asian religions. Not an excuse for her, just a fact that a lot of people unfortunately don't know cause they don't know anything about Buddhism and the like. I personally only learnt this last year while reading Bleach)
I don't say any of this as a defense I just think that we as minorities need to understand that the world is designed in a way where our trauma is constantly downplayed and erased. And that fucking sucks but that's how oppression keeps perpetuating itself. As a black kpop stan I've had to see so much bullshit lmao so I know it's hard to accept that there's a possibility that none of this will change. I'm all for assuming the best of people but it's also important to keep this in mind about everyone.
I really hope Jewish and other affected folks heal from this and recieve a genuine apology for the love of fuck. I do believe that Chae's not a hateful person truly but I hope that this teaches her, the girls and all other artists that it doesn't stop at just not being hateful. We have to put in work to be mindful, that's the best way to be loving to the people around you. I also hope jyp as a company takes this as an initiative to actually teach their idols shit about world issues if they're gonna be promoted globaly (but tbh I'm not holding my breath on this lmao like companies ain't shit)
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sadboysimps · 3 years
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Okay so I'm fkn scared to publish anything because I have no skin and will probs breakdown from small mean comment :)
So yeah I've been simping to these three and instead of being a big boy and opening my x mas presents, I'm avoiding it and wrote these. Obvi these are my thoughts and how I see the characters etc. sorry if there is any miss info or such :(
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Genre- Fluff, kind of smut
WARNINGS ! : mentioned probable drug use; weed - mention of depression - sexual acts - bondage/shibari - mention of fem receiving oral - hickies/bite marks - mentioned rough sex
All characters and reader are 18 or older!
Written w/ afab body in mind ig. You could read this as gn!reader if you ignore one mention of boobs and being eaten out. I do want to aim for gender neutral, but with set anatomy its easier to go in depth. Also, as a guy ftm eheh I do want to aim to write male!reader too. If I write that it is.
Minors pretty fkn please Do Not Interact with posts or blog ok? :D
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Choso is tired depressed 150+ years old man in young body who probs has worst case insomnia.
Probably smokes weed tbh.
Is not that talk active because he has no energy.
Loves to hear you talk, smiles lazily while you tell him about your day or interests.
Cuddles. I mean the whole man screams 'sit on my lap or lay on me plz'.
Look look, 80% of the time you are either riding him or he is slowly fucking you while laying on bed (you on top, spooning or cuddling).
I mean, tired™. if he has some energy burst, he will dick you down (if you up to. You probably are because its rare).
a f t e r  c a r e  k i n g !
Not too much into dirty talk or degrading on main, but if you ask, he will go Sukuna on you.
Tit man, his fave place to rest his head face and listen to your heartbeat and breathing while 'napping'.
Will gladly put his head on your ass too.
Fastfood 💯💯💯
Goofy, albeit in super tired way so...
I mean I can't empathize enough how sleepy ass fucker this man is. he literally looks like he hasn't slept in 150+ years 👀
Love him tho
Suguru is that bf who just shouts elegant to all your friends. The calm, collected personality and long hair... Ah...
If you aren't from Asia or have Asian culture in your life/around your friends, they will question how casually and often Suguru wore his Buddhist priest clothing.
He has gotten used to it and finds it comfy, no further explanation needed.
Although for date nights he will dress up hot affff... Obviously.
Everyone somehow waits for his voice to be low af (me included) and is shocked when they hear him speak for first time (and maybe after that too) (me included).
I mean he can def do some nice low growly whispers in to your ear...
Got a feeling he would smoke weed sometimes.
He knows what that body does and loves to work out without a shirt in front of you. Ahaha pants hanging lowww...
When dressing up in bit more casual wear he will put shirt on last, because he loves to teasingly sway those hips and flex his abdomen in front of you with jeans on.
His torso is screaming for shibari, he isn't. (Ugh thanks fanart with him tied up 🥵)
Eventually will let you tie him up for fun, not for sake of restraining, but because he actually was curious how he would look like with red rope wrapped around his bod.
Won't shut up about how he is still in control, and you better not try any tricks with his hands bound behind his back.
Loves how it looks, wants to see you both in matching shibari. Wants to call Gojo to do the honors and tie you both up but neither of you trust his damn ass with it 😂
Arm around waist when in public.
Softly grabbing the side of your jaw to pull you in for quick peck.
Such a fucking sweet man it's unbelievable.
Tho he does voice his gruesome thoughts to you randomly in public.
Freak in the sheets don't act surprised.
Nicknames like love, darling, sweetie, honey all the time.
Toge. I... He is so fucking cute and somehow the fact that he barely speaks makes him cuter.
When around your friends or family etc. he doesn't really say anything, not even onigiri :( Because it would propbs be weird for people who you can't explain cursed speech to...
So you often act as his voice, either he uses sign language to tell you something or writes on his phone and shows.
Somehow it comes off as if you're the more 'dominant' and 'stronger' one in the relationship, taking care of Toge and helping him.
Oh boy are people wrong jfkfkfkf...
The fact that he can't express himself through speech makes his actions more preeminent.
While he loves to rest his head on your lap and be the little spoon sometimes, he mostly takes that manly role very seriously (Absolutely NOT in toxic way!!!!)
Being a gentleman and the best caring boyfriend. Always opening doors for you, cooking for you and holding you.
He is basically your 'Couple/BF goals' Pinterest board.
Kinda obvious, but big sucker for kisses. Always, Anytime, Anywhere.
Will make your favorite food for you and master it.
If any of your friends saw how this innocent soft sweet boy (man) pounded you in the bedroom they would be shook.
Pins you down and covers your body in hickies. In places where you're ok with them. He won't force you to walk around with bitten neck if you're not comfortable with that.
Is he using cursed energy to slam those hips on you or is it just love? Who knows?
Toge has nice rough broken moans 💯👌.
Eating you out? More likely than you think. (And you probably think it's very likely).
Rose petal heart on kitchen counter with takeout after you both had long day.
Bathtub with rose petals spelling 'I Love You'. Toge spends too much time and precision to get them stay on their place and will be frustrated when they have slightly scattered when you get there.
You'll just chuckle and tell him you get the message very clearly and give him a kiss.
Loooong kiss, oh right the warm bath.
He sits behind you and massages you.
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Do not re-post, copy or translate on any site. Re-blogging (or sharing link to) this post is allowed and appreciated tho.
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I haven't written anything in over a year (I used to write a lot), but yeah while avoiding things this inspiration hit me. I'm quite new to anime fandom and anime. The changes of this blogs lifespan being max 2 months are very high.
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cold-riot · 2 years
Some gayish questions: 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 37, 39, 55, 66, 67, 70, 71, 75, 80, 95, 96, 98, 99
lmao sorry im just the kinda person who asks a lot its ok if you dont answer some
thank u for asking my love!! no question is off limits for me :)
4 - is your current hair color your natural hair color? - yes it is!! I dyed my hair for AGES but I'm finally at the "i need to wear my natural hair color before it falls out" stage 😂
5- are you more outgoing or more shy? - sometimes I feel shy but when I'm around people, my natural personality is very outgoing!
6 - are you more femme or butch? - def more femme!
7 - are you tol or smol? - oh I am very smol (5'4" hehe)
9 - weird habit? - I don't think I have any like weird habits?? but I definitely have anxiety-influenced habits like consistent foot tapping and skin-picking and shit, like to the point where other people notice 😅
11 - do you sing in the shower? - more like I put on my own fucking CONCERT in the shower omg
37 - something you fantasize about. - being in a band. that would be so fucking dope.
39 - what was the last thing that made you laugh? - I think some TikTok or IG reel
55 - did you hang out with the person you like recently? - heck yeah!! he's my bf and I live with him 😎
66 - who was your celebrity/fictional gay awakening? - oh God this is such a good question. ngl I think it was Velma in that fucking Scooby-Doo movie when she walks down the stairs in that orange leather jumpsuit like 😍 ok mommy sheeeeesh
67 - intimidating girls or kind girls? - I personally vibe most with kind girls. intimidating can sometimes be hot but usually its a turn-off for me and makes you unapproachable.
70 - are you good at flirting? - ummm to an extent HAHA I feel like I can get awkward about it sometimes, but maybe after like 3 glasses of wine I'll be feeling pretty confident 😂
71 - who was the first person you came out to? - so I haven't really fully, truly "come out" in the sense of like making a post about it and telling people and stuff like that. I think all the people in my life know because it's been casually brought up in conversation or were there to see me go through various relationships with women so like they knew. but I never actually ever "came out." some people in my life don't know, and that's fine. I think me not entirely coming out has to do with a deep-rooted scared feeling of feeling rejected or abandoned because my family is very much conservative and I know they wouldn't be cool with it, so I've just always kept it as a topic of conversation more than a sit-down let-me-get-this-off-my-chest kind of thing. family still doesn't know, but I've come to terms with the fact that it's also none of their business (especially as a 26-year-old woman)!
75 - write a short love poem to your crush/self? - omg this is hard but i love poetry writing ok lemme try
free spirit baby
i envy the carefree light in your eyes
a soul that serves for the weak, unknown
and though you lack the strength to see
i’ll burden your last breath
((i can't help but make any love poem also sound sad sorry LOL))
80 - what is your “type?” - ummm for men definitely facial hair, i def like a guy with a beard, usually heavier set. for women I usually like more femme, also heavier set. look I'm just about the BBW okay 😂
95 - do you have a favorite lesbian ship? is it canon? - I actually don't have a fave lesbian ship at all! I usually read a lot of male x male ships
96 - what is the most aggravating thing someone has said to you about your sexuality? - honestly no one has really said anything that aggravates me, but I've definitely had some people in the past make the comment that I must "get a lot of butch pussy" because I'm so femme and it just bothers me when people say that :/ just comes off as insensitive.
98 - what is love to you? - love is eternal, love is everything. love is what feels like home to you. you look at that person and you feel home.
99 - ask me anything - I wanna know your gay awakening! I LOVE hearing these stories, they always make my day haha.
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