#i'm vorny and i'm not sorry
ianarovoices · 1 year
Just want to bring some unwilling prey home, & make it clear that food is all you are, all you'll ever be. That this is where it was meant to end for you, all your life ever meant, everything for nothing more than to be a meal for a hungry predator.
At first, you don't believe it, that this was all your existence was leading to. But, as you realize there is no escaping your end, you give in. You glance up with reluctant acceptance, with a gaze that makes it clear you're ready to give in to the fate I've decided for you, the fate of all my living meals.
Smirking, I lift you up, & begin to swallow you. At first, caught in the mental trap I laid for you, you don't protest. But about halfway down, it hits you that this is really happening, & you begin to thrash about, trying to escape my clutches. And yet, it's already too late; with 2 more powerful swallows, you're completely inside me, sliding down my throat with ease.
Soon, you're in my belly, & I feel you kick & squirm, trying to find a way out of my predatory clutches. But this is the end for you, & there's no escaping it now.
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lesbianoms · 6 months
You ARE a piece of meat, as far as the lady of the house is concerned. Whether you are a maid who failed to meet her standards, a regular tribute of your village, or a traveler merely passing through; you are stripped, oiled, bound, and gagged with an apple in your mouth, then put on a silver platter, cover and all. As you are conveyed from the kitchen to her dining room, your muffled sounds of protest go unheard. Soon you are set down and the cover is pulled, and you look up to a great woman, already begun to salivate. "This is a fine pig you have brought me. Worthy of a feast~" She begins to fondle you with her delicate hands, as if evaluating a hunk of meat at the butcher's. "Yes, it looks delicious." It, she says, in defiance of your personhood. With both hands, she picks you up and, without bothering to remove your bindings, she swallows you down~
Not a bad way to go honestly... not a bad way to go at all~
I hope she stuffs herself with a bunch of other dishes too, so that I have a mushy barrier of half-digested food to snuggle up in, further denying my inevitable, gurgly fate... and it's a toss-up honestly, of whether the rope would digest first and I'd be "free" to wiggle around a bit more, or whether I'd be gagged and restrained throughout the whole bubbly, overstimulating experience.
There's a bigbig comic where a large, rich woman eats some dog furry guy and then gorges herself on a large buffet to the point where her original prey gets shoved and squeezed into her intestines while her servants carry her to be bathed~ this reminds me of that, hehe~
So in conclusion, I'd love to stew inside that big belly of hers as the main course very much~ eventually, I mean, after I'm done protesting for my life.
I feel like the rumbles of a fat and happy gut filled to the brim with regular food is always more ominous for the prey struggling around inside... and I looove ominous tummy rumbles before I'm churned up into tummy pudge <3
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croc-girl-dick · 5 months
The Predator Conspiracy.
Just a vorny story explaining the predator conspiracy in my voresonas world ! Features some art too, putting everything under the cut ! Enjoy <3
CW: Oral Vore, kinda graphic digestion, bones, Hyper, gas, and a bit of disposal ! 
Hehe That's me ! Random fox for height ref their about 5"5' so as you can see. I'm Big !
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Penny had of course already eaten her usual two people for breakfast on her way to work at the tube station. They were already digested, used up and left filling up a bathroom stall with what was left of them. Overflowing emencly and topped with a skull.
Two office workers talk in hushed tones around the water cooler, a human man and a much shorter rabbit woman about half the humans height.
"I just can't believe it, I can't believe I didn't see it sooner, its so obvious now..."
"I know, its alot to take in, but its best not to talk of it now, their are predators in the office, it could be dangerous."
The water in the cooler bubbled and rippled with the vibrations of massively heavy footsteps, as the man continued to console the rabbit. The footsteps building until the water was practically sloshing around, As Penny suddenly rounded the corner and stood just a few metres away from the pair. The giant crocodile was easily twice the man's height and her hips were almost as wide as he was tall. They both had to look almost directly up to meet her scolding gaze.
"Uhhh Mi... Miss Barnham ! We were urrm.. we were just getting back to work" stammers the human, faking a smile and gently pushing his friend the rabbit who was frozen in fear
"Aww yeah I'm sorry hun, Keith and.. Beritrice was it ?"
Then Penny bends over at the waist, putting her long crocodilian maw and thick juicy pink lips at eye level with the man.
Her enormous tits each about the size of the smaller rabbit woman bouncing down hanging in the air and dripping with sweat soaked through her thin shirt barely containing them anyway. The man couldn't help but stare.
"Yeah I heard y'all talking and, you've gotta go, hehe." Licking her lips with saliva dripping in great arks to the floor.
Before the man can react pennys jaw snaps swiftly around him, instantly engulfing him head first down to his torso, her left hand casually tucking a lose hair behind her ear, her right hand clasping onto the petrified rabbit. She elegantlty stands up suddenly straight and points her maw upwards letting the man swiftly fall into her couldren of a stomach *ulk* *UrrRrrPPpp* without closing her mouth still wide and upward she raises the rabbit and quickly drops her in, a fleeting taste of her as she plummets past pennys toung and straight down her wide open gullet *ulk*. Then penny relaxes and let's out a little contented sigh "ahhh there we are, problem solved hehehe."
Penny moves on, not at all slowed or hinderd by her new passengers last screams or melting flesh as they quickly suffocated.
She sees a few more of her colleagues, foxes, haveing a chat and saunters over. Farting long and loud as she walks as the pair get to digesting in her sloshing stomach. Barely aware of the gas escaping her ass with each step and yet receiving great pleasure from it.
Needless to say, these coworkers were aware of her noisy approach and greeted her warmly, not knowing she had just killed two people, and politely ignoring her constant flatulence and her obviously hard cock leaking pre down her leg.
"Oh the new girl Beritrice? I haven't seen her hehehehe, she must not have been comfortable here at the office hehehe"
Penny grabs her fat stomach jiggling it enjoy the two people churning and melting into one big boney slop in her stomach *UrrRrrPPpp* and as quick as that with the release of gas and splattering her colliges with siliva, she's not full anymore and feels a twang of hunger shoot from her stomach. "Oops parden me hehe, I'm just soooo hungry hehe its past my lunch !"
So cemented in their brians the idea that predators are just normal people and pose no threat at all, through a lifetime of indoctrination that they can't see the obvious shapes of bodies and bones literally right infront of them, subconsiously refusing to believe it. But that only goes so far...
They chat about work for a little while longer when penny suddenly interrupts.
*BuUrRrrPp* so loud and powerful it sends nearby papers flying. "Ooh, that was another big one hehehe !" She jokes before she realises thier stunned silence, the three foxes are all staring at pile of siliva drenched bones, complete with a freshly bleached rabbit skull, obviously Beatrice.
"Y..you ate her ??!" Stammers one of them.
Penny licked her lips greedily in response
"Mmmm and now I have to eat you three aswell !" *Mwaahh* springing forwards jaw wide in a flash siliva splattering about !
*Gu-Gulp* "oh Penny five people just for lunch you spoil yourself ! But i had to ! Hehe I'm gonna get so fat with all you guys hanging off my body hehe !" She happily swings her buldgeing stomach with the three fresher people above and the well stewed bones below *Uurrp* hehe.
"but I really shouldn't miss actual lunch that's unhealthy, Ill just grab something small from the cafetiera." *GROOWWWLL* ... okay okay ! Ill have alot hehe. She almost skips over to the lifts, but being so huge and extra heavy she barly leaves the floor and shakes the whole office.
Leving the bones and acouple of the foxes clothes in a siliva drenched mess. No prey is smart enough to put together what happened, and an office janitor will be along to tiny up in no time.
The blindness of prey society allows even a clutzy bimbo like Penny to maintain the conspiracy. Helped of course by anyone in any position of power being a pred too.
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dzamie · 2 years
please stop being vorny on random people's posts. we can see that.
Wait, what? You can see what I'm posting? I'm so sorry, Anon, I thought anything I added to a reblog would be completely invisible to everyone except me and a few of my mutuals! Golly gee willikers, it never occurred to me that other people could see my dumb jokes!
Wowzers, uh, gosh. Well, until tumblr manages to fix this horrible bug, I suppose I can only offer a humble suggestion to you:
cry about it lmao
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qhazomb · 4 years
if i was for real ever to get ‘cancelled’ for anything, i bet it’d be for liking vore sorry for being vorny y’all 😔
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xavierknightsbridge · 3 years
This isnt really vore related but, hope the COVIDs not too bad! Get well soon :) !
I'm a big fan of how you write, like description wise of just characters and the actual vore itself, and was wondering if you have any thought process with it or if it's all just natural (sorry if you've answered this before too), the shit you write is so good I just gotta know
i basically come up with scenarios, often while looking at belly pics and once i've got the ideas settled i start writing - ideally start to finish! have to make sure i'm in the right vorny state of mind to really focus on the descriptions and the size and fullness of the bellies in the story as that's generally the most important bit, so often i do all of the set up in one sitting and then when i'm really in the mood go to town on the bellymaking part of the story
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vorethoughtsandtwd · 4 years
I'm sorry for what I said when I was vorny 😔✌️
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ianarovoices · 2 years
I'm in a mood so have some unwilling prey vore talk.
Can you imagine going home, Friday night, ready for a long weekend, & going out for a drink to relax...only to run into a pred on the way to the bar?
As it happens, that pred's had a long week too...& you'd be the perfect meal to comfort them after such an exhausting week. Whether you want to be food, or not.~
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