#i'm with kiryu i think this is cool
tamayokny · 10 months
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scorched by an 8 year old </3
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ocrukoji · 4 months
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yakuzabrainrotlive · 2 months
Name your favorite characters and why in absurd detail (if you want, or just name them)
Well, you asked for DETAILS, so have a sort of chatacter analysis/hot mess of ramblings for #1. This has a good amount of personal headcanons that I've built up and it's not 100% based on canonical facts. Also I HAVE only played 0, Kiwami 1 and Kiwami 2 (Majima saga is in progress) so I don't have all the facts. I AM NOT GOOD AT CHARACTER ANALYSIS, be warned. Also ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE.
1) Majima Goro! I find his truly kind nature masked by his 'Mad Dog' persona very fascinating and sad at the same time. The way he incorporated elements of Nishitani and Sagawa into that persona is interesting and telling of how much of an impact those two had in him deciding his path.
I'm entranced by his use kansai-ben (my beloved) and his playful tone of voice contrasted with the, at times, more serious voice that sends me right back to 1988. The way he switches from an almost mockingly polite speech style to his Kansai dialect in his introduction scene in 0 instantly made me curious about his true nature and backstory.
I think his way of showing off his tattoos by not wearing a shirt so civilians don't get involved with him (that's how I interpret it) is tragic and it's obvious his past has left him with deep scars and a fear of the people he cares about being hurt. He'd rather be alone than build bonds and then potentially lose more people.
The way he still loves Makoto deeply in Kiwami 2 after all these years, and how he sings about truly not wanting her to forget him, but regardless "not minding" it if she forgets him as long as she's happy, hurts me in a whole new way. The way he sings/screams those "I DON'T MIND"s as though he's desperately trying to make himself believe what he's saying, rather than directing those phrases at Makoto in his mind, breaks my heart.
His pretty much absent fear of death sends chills down my spine and makes me wanna cry because he was already saying he's been ready to die for a long time in a flashback from BEFORE he events of Yakuza 0. I dread possibly finding out more about his past.
He's witty and charming and his confidence draws me in. He dresses how he does and meets Kiryu as Goromi and pole dances for him as well with no problems, and all in all just doesn't care what people think of him. I know it's probably because of something tragic like him having given up on life so "might as well go out with a bang", but I want to believe he feels at least somewhat liberated when he does all that.
I'm obsessed with how he wants to witness Kiryu's journey down the path he could never follow himself. And he seems to genuinely want to support Kiryu's decision to follow his own principles. Their first conversation in Kiwami tickled my brain because in that moment he seems to "lock it in" that he'll place his trust in Kiryu's unwavering will to make his own path and wants to witness it. He wants to see if it would have been possible for himself as well, had the circumstances been different. Is it truly possible to stick to such "soft" values in the cruel world of the Yakuza?
When he saw Kiryu coming back after his decade in prison, he whipped him right back into shape because he wanted to keep witnessing Kiryu's journey and also keep Kiryu's principles alive by keeping Kiryu himself alive. Because he himself wouldn't be able to live by those values, he's in way too deep, he has a reputation to uphold. So when his brother returns to kill him (if he will try to kill him, Majima himself seems to think so), it'll be an achievement worth letting Saejima back in the family. Killing a legend and all that.
Majima seems to feel like he can let Kiryu in a tad more than others. Even if it's just fighting against or beside him and openly enjoying those interactions. Probably because he knows Kiryu can handle himself in a fight and he's near indestructible physically and mentally. Kiryu is, in a way, his equal when it comes to dealing with it when shit hits the fan. He's definitely at least fond of Kiryu imo, with him giving in very easily when Kiryu asks him to help the Tojo clan survive in Kiwami 2. And also with how uncomfortable he got when Kiryu bowed his head when he was asking Majima for help.
Majima also highly values the promises he makes; he fought those invading Sengoku thugs until he was battered and bleeding and barely able to stand because he promised Kiryu he'd be there to help. Weird move from a man who seems hell-bent on pretending not to care about anyone or anything besides his own interests, hmmm? He gave his word and he KEPT it. Because he doesn't make empty promises.
I love watching him when he's "on a break" during the Majima Everywhere storyline. It truly solidified the fact that the 'Mad Dog' is a mask for me. He's all hyper and "crazy" when others are around and he really lays it on thick, but on break? He's contemplative. He looks almost sad at times. He lets the mask drop for a second. The fact that he lets Kiryu see that instead of immediately masking back up is a whole other can of worms. Point is, the Majima from before is still there, underneath it all.
The way he thinks back on his time in Sotenbori is interesting. There's definitely trauma and anger in there, but the way he wonders about how his team is doing nowadays almost wistfully makes me happy. He had SOME light to hold on to in those dark times. He truly did care for his team and was fond of them. Also... him saying it wasn't in his nature to make a living using women like that made my respect for him soar. He truly respected everyone in his team, including the hostesses.
Also, just... ugh. The Doll Girl substory. The DAMN DOLL GIRL SUB STORY. I- THAT- 😭😭😭😭 O UG H
TL;DR: Majima because he's everything to me and he makes me experience thought spirals beyond anything I've went through before. He's tragic, he's fun, he's silly, he's hot, he's confident, he's strong, he's interesting he's kind and he's just... Majima.
2) Kiryu because he's sweet and wonderful and makes me weep and I wish he'd take better care of himself and I wanna hug him and give him soup and bring all his loved ones back to life. Please let this man catch a break.
3) Nishitani because he makes me feral and I want him carnally
4) Dojima Yayoi because... I mean... DAMN. She's fierce and extremely loyal, she handled herself extremely well in an environment that was probably rife with people who questioned her ability to lead. I'd bet my left boob she faced a lot of misogyny (direct and/or indirect) during her time as a chairwoman. But she kept going, head held high, with conviction and pride. Simply incredible.
5) Haruka is a sweet angel and I wanna protect her and I hope she will be happy forever. She stayed strong and still has faith in people even after seeing all the horrors of Kiwami 1. She's so resilient and brilliant.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
i may not show it like. Ever but i do love majima from yakuza 0 a lot like he really is peak there for me
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megvmins · 2 months
the best kisser awards (wind breaker edition)
warnings: spicy, mention of boobs but it's not specified, making out, hickeys
a/n: i'm probably going to write kissing/intimacy headcanons for all wind breaker characters but this is a little something that's been bouncing around in my head for days now. enjoy and lemme know what you think about it! 
notable mentions: 
KAJI: aggressive kisser. kisses like he won't see you for months as if you aren't joined at the hip. usually he crowds you against a wall and the few times your teeth knock together but kaji doesn't even register it as he licks into your mouth and bites your lover lip. somewhere in the middle of this intense make-out session the realization hits him and to hide his embarrassment his lips move down to your jaw and then neck where he sucks love bites with his ears burning bright red but he can't stop because the satisfaction of stepping away to see your absolutely dazed expression and purple-red marks down your neck to your collarbone is so worth it. 
UMEMIYA: he gives the most over-the-top big smack smooches ever and you can't change my mind. like hiragi can be minding his own business on top of the rooftop and you and ume are on the other side and he can hear when ume gives into his inner demons to just smother you with kisses. he's a big silly goof and he attempted few times to pull a cool move on you like holding your head up with two fingers because he read it in a book and he couldn't hold in his giggles at all. on the other side of the spectrum – eskimo kisses when he hugs you and hoists you higher so you're forced to look down at him and he ends up nuzzling his nose into yours. 
the big three under the cut!
#3 KIRYU: look me in the eyes and tell me this guys isn't the wolf in sheep's clothing. pulls you in for some cute and sweet kisses and suddenly his hand is on your chest just squeezing a boob. his only response to your surprise is a shrug of his shoulders and teasing smirk playing on his lips before he reconnects them with yours. just a big tease disguised as a cute little angel. just like kaji he ends up giving you hickeys – in the most conspicuous places and he has the audacity to smile at you innocently when you glare at him through a mirror while you attempt to cover them up.
#2 SUO: gentleman in the streets but a beast in the sheets. i believe he can be really intense once he gets more comfortable so he doesn't have to be so in control of his feelings but can let loose a bit. i can see a scenario of him being worn out from solving a lot of issues around the town and just coming to you with “can i kiss you?” like the gentleman he is but when you would naively think sure lemme give you a peck, instead he just puts his hands either side of your face and pulls you in for a deep and messy kiss that has you holding on to his shoulders for a dear life. afterwards he leaves you with a smile and kiss on the cheek like he didn't just make your legs feel like jello from a simple kiss.
#1 TOGAME: i am biased but hear me out. togame is such a teddy bear on the inside, truly a softie and when he's whipped he gets even more so. he'll just be staring at your face and constantly be thinking about giving you a smooch on your cheeks, nose, lips and forehead honestly anywhere. a lot of the times he doesn't mean for the innocent kisses to go into a heavy breathing make-out session but your lips are tempting him to keep coming for more and his mind goes blank and you have to literally pull on his hair for him to break away so you can breath as if your lips aren't sore from the onslaught. he only looks at you with half-lidded eyes and pulls you closer with a hand on the back of your neck.
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his-saiko · 11 days
Wind Breaker Boys when they accidentally hit you
Nirei Akihiko
No, he didn't hit you. He thought he did. You just said "ow" and his world crumbled. Knees, hands, forehead on the floor apologizing profusely.
When really—
"Ow... My eye." You try to blink out the pain. Tears start to pool in one of your eyes as they attempt to get rid of whatever's in there.
"Oh, a-are you okay? Let me get that for you." He carefully cups your face and blows on your eye. He also manage to get the stray lash out. "There. I really thought I hurt you there." He chuckles. "I should... probably be careful next time."
You stare at him confused. Why should he be careful?
Suo Hayato
"Oh—" You both say in unison when Suo's hand bumps against your cheek.
"Are you okay?" Suo's eyes are wide. He patiently waits for your response.
"I'm fine. But why are you asking as if you hit me that hard?" You rub your cheek but you can feel the heat on your face.
"Because I didn't mean to touch you like that."
"I actually meant to do this." Suo reaches for your cheek again. You feel the warmth of his palm brush against you. His fingers reach the strands of your hair and he pulls off a stray leaf that got caught. "See? It was stuck in your hair."
You kept walking trying to hide the fact that you're blushing but he knows it already. You little cutie.
Kiryu Mitsuki
You bumped into Kiryu while walking. You were looking at everything, everywhere all at once.
"Oh, sorry." Kiryu pulls your hand and moves it to hold your waist instead. "I wasn't looking where I was going."
"Huh? But we're just going straight, right?"
"Huh? Yeah, but I was looking at you actually. Then I accidentally put my foot in front of yours."
You narrow your eyes at Kiryu and try your best not to smile but Kiryu gives you that smile that charmed you countless times, causing you to fail and blush.
Sakura Haruka
It was the first time Sakura didn't think about his presence around you. He had his guard down and why wouldn't he? He's supposed to relax with you and he was around his friends that he trusts.
"Ow..." You say. It didn't sting. The hit wasn't too heavy but the contact did surprise you. This is the first time that you guys are close to each other.
You look at Sakura and everyone else around you looks at you as well. You blink and Sakura just blinks back, frozen like a deer in headlights.
Aren't cool boyfriends suppose to comfort you when you're hurt? Why isn't he moving?
Your expression changes and you whimper — a moment too late maybe but it's a reaction nonetheless.
Nirei springs into action. "Y/N! It's just an accident. He didn't mean that."
Suo just chuckles to himself reading the room. Sakura was blushing profusely, embarrassed and not sure what to say.
"C'mon, Sakura. Say something!" Nirei tells Sakura.
"I'm sorry..." Sakura says with pursed lips.
"I think we can find something to treat Y/N's 'injury' somewhere around here." Suo prompts with a knowing smile on his face. "Is there a particular one you need, Y/N?"
"Just ice is fine." You answer. You can't help but feel a bit embarrassed. You only meant to tease Sakura but this is fine too. Better actually.
"I'll go get some." Nirei moves and comes back shortly after with an ice pack from one of the shop owners.
Sakura immediately grabs the ice pack then carefully places it on your 'injury'. He still has his lips pursed and cheeks pink. "I'm really sorry..." He mutters, looking disappointed at himself.
You put you hand over his and smile. "Thank you."
Sakura blushes even more and turns his head away. He should probably get used to being close to you moving forward.
a/n. I needed this out after reading half of the manga. 😅
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witch--btch · 3 months
Character Introductions
Bofurin First Years › Bofurin Upperclassmen & Shishitoren
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Sakura Haruka - Furin High School 1st Year, Class 1
Character voice: Yuma Uchida
"I like the strong, I'm not interested in the weak"
He came to Furin High School from "outside" town in order to "be at the top" through fighting.
Because of his appearance, it was natural for him to be rejected by others and to be "alone."
He describes himself as "a hated person at the very bottom whose only redeeming quality is fighting," and believes that he can feel his own worth by winning. (t/n: THAT IS SO SAD STOP)
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Suo Hayato - Furin High School 1st Year, Class 1
Character Voice: Nobunaga Shimazaki
"Would you like to climb the stairs to adulthood with me?"
He always has a cool smile on his face and is kind to everyone, but he can also confuse those around him with his outlandish jokes.
On the other hand, he also has a cold-hearted side and is merciless towards people who lack courtesy.
He is a mysterious character who rarely shows his emotional side or true feelings.
He has a unique fighting style reminiscent of kung fu and aikido.
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Nirei Akihito - Furin High School 1st Year, Class 1
Character Voice: Shōya Chiba
"I'll guide you to the top!"
Although he's not good at fighting, he’s always the honest and cheerful mood-maker in the class.
His desire to "protect the town" is stronger than anyone else's, and has always admired the Furin students.
He's an information-enthusiast whose hobby is collecting and analyzing data on people he thinks are cool, and always carries a notebook and pen in his breast pocket.
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Sugishita Kyotaro - Furin High School 1st Year, Class 1
Character Voice: Kōki Uchiyama
He is the only person who has been allowed to call himself "Bofurin" since middle school, and a mad dog.
The driving force behind everything is his excessive loyalty to Umemiya, and his worshipper's word is absolute.
He is silent, and walks with a distinctive swaying manner. He’s the most unpredictable when he’s angry.
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Kiryu Mitsuki - Furin High School 1st Year, Class 1
Character Voice: Toshiyuki Toyonaga
"If you have power, let's use it for good from now on."
He's gentle and considerate towards girls, which makes him popular with them, still his fighting skills are the real deal.
He loves games, and plays them whenever he has free time.
Collecting login bonuses is a daily routine.
He calls his friends by nicknames, adding "chan" to their names.
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Tsugeura Taiga - Furin High School 1st Year, Class 1
Character Voice: Kengo Kawanishi
"What's your virtue?"
He never misses out on his muscle training and protein, and is cheerful and honest, which makes him well-liked by his peers.
On the other hand, his hot-headed personality can make him a bit of a nuisance.
He values ​​a life based on "virtues," and always asks about them when he meets someone for the first time.
His favorite restaurant is "Massurupawa," and his recommended dish is the protein okonomiyaki.
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hoejosatoru · 3 months
Hii i just read the post about suo teasing reader under the table and i was like FJEKRKDDK AGHHH!!! please!! Wha about Suo hayato with teaser reader?!? Please need to see how he would flustered (nsfw preferred hihi🤭)
Ooh, I like the way you think. NSWF teasing Suo under the table under the cut.
You had one thing on your mind as your sat down for coffee with your boyfriend and his friends: revenge. Suo had made you cum under the table a few weeks back and while you can't say you didn't enjoy it, you also felt he needed a taste of his own medicine.
"Did you invite Sakura?" Suo asked.
"I tried, but I don't think he knows how to use his phone," Kiryu replied, causing the table to snicker. He and Tsugeura slipped into conversation about their latest patrols, giving you a chance to start your plan.
Your hand was on his thigh, tracing the inner seam of his pants up to the apex of his thighs. You ran your hand over his bulge, resting it lightly over him as you gauged his reaction. Unsurprisingly, Suo didn't bat an eye. You'd have to keep going, then.
"Did you hear about the attempted robbery?" Tsugeura asked as you rested your head on Suo. The closeness concealed your hand sliding into his pants. You ran your finger along the length of him, pressing your thumb over his tip. Suo shifted his hips slightly and the feeling, his tip had always been very sensitive.
"No I- ahem," Suo faked a cough as you squeezed his shift. You kept your face as neutral as possible, but felt giddy as you knew you were getting to him. "I didn't."
"You sick or something Suo?" Kiryu asked as he thumbed through his phone.
You squeezed him again, but he was better prepared this time. His voice was even as he spoke. "I'm fine. Tell me what happened with the robbery?" Suo's eyes flickered to you ever so briefly, but enough to know you were gonna get it for this. You gave him your sweetest, most innocent smile as work your hand up and down the length of him.
Despite his cool exterior, nothing could hide his body's response to you. Suo's cock was getting harder by the second and each time you swept your thumb over his tip, the wet spot on his boxers grew. You were moving as much as you could without giving away the compromising position you were in.
"Suo you didn't answer my question?" Tsugeura huffed. "Are you even paying attention?" Truthfully, he wasn't. Suo was trying so hard not to cum in his pants, he wasn't listening to a damn thing Tsugeura was saying.
"Seems like you're having a hard time paying attention, Suo," you commented, your suggestive tone only caught by him. You squeezed him again and he squirmed, gripping the table. You thumbed over his leaking tip with more pressure. A little blush crept up Suo's neck.
"Just zoned out is all," he replied, his voice slightly strained.
"Well, while you zone back in, I'm gonna grab another coffee. Will you come with Tsugeura?" Kiryu asked.
The second the two men walked away, Suo's composure waned. He let out a low groan, painting his boxer with hot, sticky cum. He caught his breath, leaning into you. His lips brushed your ears, his voice a low growl. "We are going home and you are in trouble."
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thinkingotherwise · 2 months
Requested by: @chubypotato Heyy ! I hope you are doing okay! Sooo I saw you were doing some x talkative how do u think about doing the same for kiryu +the S/O being an absolute gamer. I'm dying for more kiryu since we didn't see him that much on the anime I can't wait for him to be popular cause he is such a cutie 😭
Ah yes, I'm always up to write for characters that need more recognition. I focused more on the gamer part, hope it's okay 🤞😉
Ps. I just want to say, chapter 146 left me in tears - what the heck was that friendship is magic moment.
Also, Hiiragi looks pretty cool in the last few chapters - I just had to acknowledge it. 🤩
Mitsuki Kiryu x Talkative! Gamer! reader
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You were a talkative gamer, a helpful talkative gamer, who was well-known across the whole server in the MMO game you played. You loved the game and spent a lot of time reading about it, getting to know the mechanics, item drop rates, and side missions that were the most useful. With all the knowledge you might as well be referred to as an encyclopedia.
Honestly, it was all because of Mitsuki. It was he who introduced you to the title and the one who spent his free time going through some tactics and game designs with you. His enthusiastic self made you invested in his favourite game, at first, wanting to spend more time with him, until you installed it, and in the next few hours, it became your favourite as well.
During your low-level playtime, Mitsuki made it his mission to guide you in his own special way. You would talk with him on Discord about the plot and missions you had to do and this man, being higher level than you, knew exactly what you were supposed to do but gave it his best to mislead you. Stealing your kills, leading you who knew where. Whenever he did deceive you, he giggled playfully and you heard it all on your headphones. In retaliation, you talked his ears off about how he could do something like that to you.
After yet another time you were so over it, you started reading whatever info on the internet you could find, just so you knew if he was teasing you or not. Through your frustrations and time-consuming playthrough, you started helping out others, knowing how much time you spent on some missions. If they didn't know something and asked you were usually the first one to answer, sometimes right after Mitsuki who kept being mischievous little shit and leading everyone astray.
You became a really well-known pair, as you almost always played together and grouped together for missions. Mitsuki was the mischievous one who you couldn't be sure if he wanted to help you or get you killed by monsters, while you were the "guardian angel", the true helper. Needless to say, your friend slots were quickly full and everyone added you on discord, you felt almost like a star on the server.
Your chatty attitude and random conversations usually didn't stray away from the topic of games and Mitsuki was one of the few people that let you endlessly rant. Of course, you had a lot of playful arguments about your, self-proclaimed, best classes and build of characters, but otherwise, Mitsuki carefully listened to you talking, sharing your likes and dislikes about the characters, missions, and even game series.
There were some times those arguments were a little more heated, and other times they were led on the discord group call with other people from the server, who quietly listened to your passionate arguments on why you preferred to skill up these certain attributes for your character.
Mitsuki heard you talking, listening in on the little guiding session you gave some of the users on the discord call, while you were getting ready to kill one of the bosses. He was sitting in the same room playing on his phone, and waiting for you to finish.
Mitsuki was so proud of you, of the little crowd you gathered around yourself to listen to you talk, of the happy smiles that appeared on your face whenever someone thanked you, of the possibility of sharing the same passion as you. He was very supportive in your search for knowledge and sharing it with others, even if it didn't show once in a time.
He didn't mind when you showed off your relationship in front of the server and other players, rather he liked it.
You heard a familiar ding letting you know another person joined the call while you were in the middle of telling the rest of your party about the boss' attacks and skills.
"Well hello there." The voice said as soon as you took a short breather asking if the guys understood what you said.
"Hi there, are you joining us for a boss battle?" You asked joyfully.
It was always better to get more people even if the loot might not be that great.
"Why don't we go for a little private session?" They continued in this false seductive voice that made your head tilt and eyebrows furrow.
"No thank you, we can talk here if you want."
"I'd prefer a date, babe." They replied right after you and everyone could hear the big sight you let out when you understood why they joined.
"Ugh.. please stop, it's embarrassing." One of your party members commented followed by others.
"Second-hand embarrassment."
You thanked them all in your mind for saying out loud what you thought.
"Before you say anything else, be aware I've got a boyfriend." Your voice echoed in the call but they were not getting the hint.
"Yeah sure, you do."
At that moment, you were almost sure he was new on the game serve, and certainly new on the discord server, because the fact that you dated Mitsuki, known under his nickname, was a fact everyone knew.
"Mistuki, can you come here for a moment." You said turning to your boyfriend lying on your bed. When he came close enough you went to the discord call and turned on your camera. Giving it a knowing look you looked at Mitsuki and your hand moved to his neck bringing him closer to you.
He smirked knowing well enough what you were doing and before your lips touched he grinned joyfully.
You kissed him straight on the lips, a firm and casual kiss. Your headphones fell to your lap but before that, you still heard the gasps of everyone else.
When you pulled away a smile appeared on your and Mitsuki's faces. You grabbed your headphones placing them around your neck.
Mitsuki knew you had a way with words and your chatty personality could bring attention to you. He was also aware that you knew how to get yourself out of every situation and he would readily help you if you wanted to use him in your shenanigans.
"Now, do you-" You started but when your eyes scanned the call, you didn't see the newcomer anymore. "Oh, he left."
"What a shame." Mitsuki said placing a quick peck on your lips before going back to his place on your bed.
You laughed at his words before turning the cam off.
"Well, let's quickly kill the boss." You said and continued to guide your party to the boss.
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bluntloyalist · 3 months
didn't want to come across as passive aggressive putting this in the reblogs so here's a separate post about my thinky thoughts on she/her tsubaki. mainly because i do what i want forever but if canon happens to make a convincing argument for it thats nice too since i am incapable of shutting the hell up
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people love tsubaki's whole thing of accepting herself for who she is regardless of what others think. this is something i've seen repeated a lot in comments re: the official translation's he/him pronouns, and when fighting through the generally hypermasculine trenches of shounen anime/manga it's understandable want more male characters who stay true to themselves by rejecting social norms and openly embracing their femininity...however i fear we are forgetting our history 😔 the femboy diversity hire has been here all along yall our quota is full !! really tho kiryu was MADE for the girls and the gays even without getting into his personality just look at him. the pink hair. the piercings. the accessories. the off the shoulder drip. like come on COME ONNNN give him his genderqueer props
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i don't know japanese so i can't actually get too deep into how she speaks and is referred to BUT what little i can say is this. she used to use the personal pronoun ボク (boku) [katakana] as a child, and this is a common way for young boys to address themselves, but at some point she switches to ワタシ / あたし / 私 (atashi) [katakana/hiragana/kanji] in order to present and be percieved as female/feminine. this is a form of gender expression unavailable in english due to our limited number of first person pronouns and it's extremely important to her character due to how deliberate and intentional of a decision it is (though for the sake of interpretive fairness i feel like i have to say i'm not culturally knowledgeable enough to discern if it's used in a 女性語 vs オネえ言葉 context or how/if her speech patterns fit into those categories). shizuka also specifically thinks of her as an older sister 姉 (ane) [kanji]
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tsubaki's childhood feelings of alienation, displacement, and deception are way too extreme to come from someone who only wears women's clothes because he likes the fashion (imo). this doesn't read as a young boy who's into girly hobbies and is scared people will make fun of him for it; this reads as a young trans girl who is tormented by the act of constantly lying about who she is, but who knows that living truthfully will get her utterly rejected by the majority of the people she knows. she just doesn't have the language to explain herself beyond liking pretty things and not being like "other" boys. tumblr won't let me add another photo but the shot of her looking at her reflection in the window and calling herself a liar at the beginning of the chapter...there is something so incredibly and incommunicably transgender about those few panels
IN CONCLUSION: i don't necessarily hate the official he/him decision because it will be very very cool if nii satoru actually is playing 4d gender chess with tsubaki like that but i simply do not know or trust the editorial team enough to take their word on her english pronouns (<- is hypervigilant about microaggressions against trans women)
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kcdrawns · 12 days
Incorrect WB quotes Part 2!
Part1 here
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
Kaji cracking the lollipop in his mouth due to being pissed at something random
Hiragi staring him down: One of these days he will break one of the teeth and the fault will be mine. *Stomach rumbles in pain due to annoyance and anxiety*
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
Kiryu: I'm thinking about getting another piercing
Nirei: Cool, why and where if I may ask? *gets his notebook out
Kiryu: My family is too quiet it's time to be a problem again
Sakura: how do you even get their approval to get them if they are traditional
Kiryu: who said I have their approval?
Sakura: Kiryu you don't do them at home right?
*Kiryu in silence*
Sakura: Right??
*Kiryu looking at his phone*
Kiryu: no, probably luck?
*Sakura fuming out of worry*
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sakurology · 3 months
wbk x karaoke nite 🎤🍻
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feat. Furin + Shishitoren + Endo&Takiishi
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: lol none really just my brilliance, but minors still fuck off and dni
daisy says: I haven't stopped thinking about the karaoke chapter of chainsaw man and I'm making it y'all's problem by assigning our little fight club signature songs. Links included incase you haven't heard them! Tagging @interstellar-inn for network giggles and @suosteacup bc my beloved 🩷
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Sakura: tries singing I Write Sins Not Tragedies, only to realize he only knows the chorus -its just a lot of mumbling and then I “CHIME IN WITH A-" (baby please learn the words)
Suo: everyone is actually surprised he volunteers to sing… only to queue up Tequila bc it’s just one word. 
Nirei: Mr. Brightside by The Killers
Kiryu: Girls by the 1975 (yeah… 🤤)
Tsugeura: Tokyo Drift by Teriyaki Boyz, but he actually doesn’t sing/rap and just does the pec flexing thing to the beat… but that's cool too I guess
Ume: I Believe in a Thing Called Love by the Darkness (VERY off key but fun!) followed up by Jay Sean’s Down
Hiragi: Love Bites by Def Leppard
(Drunken)Kaji: Gee by Girls’ Generation (everyone is shocked and a little scared but he slays- even does the dance) 
Tsubaki: What Makes You Beautiful (my 1D af friend I know it for a fact)
Togame: Do I Wanna Know? (bold move- hot, actually sounds like Alex Turner)
Choji: Boy’s a Liar (he REALLY likes pinkpanthress? Also just as off-key as Ume) , wants to do the Ice Spice remix, but Togame refuses to back him up
Sako: does a SOLID, very haunting rendition of Creep by Radiohead (everyone cried a little it briefly fucked up the vibe)
Endo: Chop Suey! by System of a Down, followed by Insane Clown Posse’s ENTIRE discography (juggalo coded, derogatory)
Takiishi: Never sings, but keeps saying he’s up next (he is lying) 
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peemanne · 5 months
INFINITE WEALTH SPOILERS IN MINI RAMBLE AHEAD!!!!!!! YEAH!!!! LIKE FINAL CHAPTER SHENANIGANS!!!!! REALLY BAD!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!! (and also touching on y2 and y6 and gaiden i guess but come on)
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Been mulling over IW's story since I beat it, and while there are still aspects I'm very much still mixed on, one thing I've surprisingly found to actually only be better after thinking about it even more was the final boss in Ebina. And yeah yeah he could have used a tad bit more screentime, but I think the stuff he does have and all the stuff he symbolizes are really well written. In Gaiden, we dealt with the manifestation of the yakuza itself, and now we face off against the manifestation of all the wrong the yakuza's done. Despite Kiryu's best efforts, there's so many lives he's endangered. So much death that follows him and those around him, and he's completely aware of this. Kiryu shows a lot of self-destructiveness throughout the series, like in Y2 where he gives himself up in a practically suicidal draw with Ryuji, or in Y6 where he so readily throws himself away at the first chance he gets. I still remember Haruka's line in that game: "Don't look so satisfied about this!". And especially in IW, knowing that cancer's got him that much closer to death's door, he's still so ready to throw himself away. But now that's he's forced to rely on his allies, now that he gets to really reflect on all the friends that he's made throughout the years, now that he has Ichiban telling him to really LIVE, he's done running. Kiryu sees a lot of himself in Ebina, because he knows the look of a man who's hellbent on throwing himself away.
Ebina knows he's fighting a losing battle. He leaves Sawashiro alive and he repeatedly begs for Kiryu to kill him at the end of the fight. Look at the demon on his back: he knows he's falling into hell, and he's intent on dragging the reason why he's falling down with him. And that's why it's so cathartic seeing Kiryu beg to him at the end. He's breaks down, seeing the personification of all of the sins the yakuza, and he cries out apologies. Because that's what this fight is about. Atonement, against a vengeful spirit. A breaking of the cycle, further hammered in by the choice to name Ebina's moves after chakra points ("Pierce the Muladhara, Cripple the Manipura, Wheel of Samsara"). The theme The End of Denial is such an amazing choice for this too, a much more sorrowful, reflective track than most of the other final boss themes. It's not just a cheeky bit of "look how far we've come" that they've included the original Yakuza's intro guitar in here, it's Kiryu directly reflecting on running away. Running away from the Fourth Chairman spot. Running away from Daigo and the clan. Running away from his family. Running away from all the wrongs he's done throughout the years. And now that Kiryu finally finds himself ready to confront it all, even if it's in his twilight years, there's not a chance in hell he's gonna let it slip past him, as he takes Ebina head-on. I couldn't disagree more with the notion that Ichiban should have been the one to fight him. Despite it being his half-brother, this just isn't his fight to take.
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It's why this line means so much. Teary-eyed, he begs the man he just punched down for forgiveness for everything the yakuza has done, and he begs for him to LIVE, to not throw himself away the very same way Kiryu has. And this is how he breaks the cycle.
This is how Kazuma Kiryu finally gets to live again.
~ ~ ~
ok thing over! i've been thinking about a write-up on this game's finale ever since i beat it last march 30th and ebina's an aspect i really had to stew over, and i finally got to it in the same way i did with my gaiden mini ramble. by making a long text wall in a discord server and figuring that it'd fit well enough to be put here
i'd really like to shoutout @.FormerSoulKing on twitter and their post on IW's religious symbolism for inspiring this post. it's also just like, a really cool read.
additionally i'd also ramble about the ending scene with ichi carrying eiji out at the end and how it's like him "setting things right" and not letting what he watched happen to masato happen to another friend of his but honestly i just love that scene so much i don't think i could ever properly put it into words
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smol-tired-binch-blog · 5 months
Reading 'x reader' fic whilst picturing my proxy OC is so funny. "He towered over you" no he didn't
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averageartistamber · 5 months
They make a lot of those robot Godzillas, here's one of them.
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Okay, so robots aren't really my strong suit (and anything that does get made tends to have FNAF's fingerprints all over it), but here's the first MechaGodzilla that got voted in. All of the Big Five are done now.
I haven't got a lot to say about this dude. He's cool though.
I don't have much lore in mind for the mechs...I'm thinking its a Rulers of Earth situation where a few of the different MechaGodzillas show up, being built by different people. Like, Showa one was made by aliens then after it's destruction the remains were studied to help build the other.
I think Heisei MG is the more "common" robot, multiple models exist, where as Kiryu is a one-of-kind super prototype with the whole Godzilla skeleton thing.
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verdantcrimson · 6 months
Gourmand Fragrance / Wagashi Revolution - 7
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[A few days after show filming]
Nazuna: Phew… I’ve been so busy all morning, but I can finally take a breather now.
Nazuna: I was thinking of making some tea for myself. Would you like some too, Keito-chin?
Keito: I’ll have some. I’m quite parched as well, as one would expect.
Nazuna: Making sweets first thing in the morning really made me appreciate the folks that wake up and make Valentine’s chocolate every year.
Keito: Yes, I’ve recently become quite aware of this myself. Those that can cook are deserving of respect, naturally.
Keito: This isn’t just limited to Valentine’s day either. Kiryu and Kanzaki cook quite regularly.
Keito: Anyone that cooks for another person deserves respect.
Nazuna: Yup! Though I wish Kuro-chin didn’t have work today. He would’ve loved to see Souma-chin’s happy face……
Keito: There’s nothing that can be done if he has work to do. Besides, I’m certain Kanzaki will express his gratitude to Kiryu the moment he returns.
Nazuna: Haha, right ♪ I can practically imagine Kuro-chin recoiling from the overload of compliments Souma-chin will give him.
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Souma: —Hasumi-dono! Is Hasumi-dono here~?
Nazuna: Woah, I’m getting some serious déjà vu¹. Welcome back, Souma-chin and Mitsuru-chin.
Nazuna: We’ve been waiting for both of y— Uwah!?
Mitsuru: Nii-chan~! I knew you were amazing, Nii-chan~! You’re so cool for making such cute wagashi!
Nazuna: Mitsuru-chin, don’t jump on me without warning! You might knock me over!
Tomoya: Huff… Puff… Kanzaki-senpai and Mitsuru run so fast…
Hajime: Ahaha.. Both of them got so excited after Anzu-san showed them the show…
Keito: Show…? Did you guys happen to see ‘Gourmand Fragrance’ already?
Souma: Indeed! Anzu-dono informed us of it! A culinary programme that featured wagashi planned out by Hasumi-dono was to be broadcasted.
Souma: It is just what one would expect of Hasumi-dono! I, too, was entranced by the charm of ‘Barentainsu’ wagashi.
Souma: The ‘haato’-shaped nerikiri was extremely cute. The sight of Hasumi-dono struggling to shape the paste into a ‘haato’ was adorable too. ♪
Keito: Don’t fixate on that bit, Kanzaki. What I was doing doesn’t matter.
Souma: Really? I found that portion of the program to be particularly delightful…
Souma: However, why did you not summon me, Hasumi-dono!?
Souma: The program was fascinating, but I could not help but feel excluded.
Keito: I’m sorry about that. However, you were so downtrodden, that I wanted to prove to you that wagashi could be the main attraction before you ate these.
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Souma: Hm? Might these be the wagashi that you and the others made during the program, Hasumi-dono?
Keito: Yes. Kiryu and I are always indebted to you, Kanzaki. We made these Valentine’s wagashi to express our gratitude to you.
Keito: Kiryu is away for work at the moment, but he helped prepare these, so his feelings have been properly included.
Souma: Hasumi-dono, Kiryu-dono…! Words cannot express how happy I am!
Souma: I shall pass these wagashi down to my descendants as a family heirloom…!
Keito: No, eat them. They'll go bad.
Souma: Ah, you are indeed correct. However, it truly feels like such a shame to eat them. ..
Hajime: Fufu, I'm happy for you, Kanzaki-senpai. The wagashi that your senpai made look quite delicious. ♪
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Mitsuru: Right~... I wanna eat em too……
Tomoya: Hey now, Mitsuru. Saying that will just make it harder for Kanzaki-senpai to eat them, right?
Nazuna: Why are you guys acting like this has nothing to do with you? There's something for everyone in Ra*bits too, of course!
Nazuna: I was on the show too. Here, have as muuuch as you want.
Mitsuru: Really!? Yippee! I love you, Nii-chan~♪!
Tomoya: Thank you very much Nii-chan. Are you sure it's okay for us to have this?
Nazuna: Why wouldn't it be? If you don't eat it, we'll end up with a bunch left over and that'll be a real pain.
Nazuna: Go on, eat up! I was thinking of how happy you all would be as I made them, after all~♪.
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Souma: … Everyone from ‘rabbitsu’ seems to be quite happy as well.
Souma: Though such jubilance is to be expected. There is no reason to feel otherwise. ♪
Keito: …… Kanzaki. Were the wagashi to your liking?
Souma: Hm? I said it earlier, did I not? I am most content with these wagashi, filled with your and Kiryu-dono's feelings!
Keito: I see. I'm quite happy to hear that Kanzaki, however…
Keito: Honestly, I'm far from content myself.
Souma: What!? Why could that be?
Keito: I heard you say you “wanted wagashi to be the star of Valentine’s day.”
Keito: We've been able to draw attention to wagashi on Valentine’s day with this show.
Keito: However, there has been no visible impact on the public. The most we could do was draw attention on Valentine's day for this year.
Keito: I have no doubt that wagashi will be forgotten yet again on Valentine's day next year. 
Keito: Therefore, it would be unfair to conclude that wagashi have become the star of Valentine's day.
Souma: Hasumi-dono……
Keito: I'm not satisfied with this outcome. If I have to do something, I'll aim for an absolute victory.
Keito: Chocolate has become integral to Valentine's day due to the marketing strategy of an old confectionery.
Keito: The industry devised tactics to attract mass attention and turn chocolate synonymous with Valentine's day.
Keito: …… If you think about it, it's quite similar to how idols are marketed. Then, this ought to be our area of expertise.
Keito: We could create an Era where wagashi dominate the Valentine's day market.
Keito: That's what I'd like to accomplish using AKATSUKI.
Keito: —Those are my thoughts. What do you think, Kanzaki?
Souma: I apologize for underestimating you, Hasumi-dono! It is as I thought, you are truly worthy of my loyalty!
Souma: It would most certainly be my pleasure to assist you in this. After all, this tale originated from my own desire……
Souma: And above all else, I wish to see the world Hasumi-dono envisions by his side! ♪
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Keito: Yes. I'll be counting on you then, Kanzaki.
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