#i've been doxxed stalked and assault
simplepotatofarmer · 10 months
nah, honestly, i will never ever ever side with people who doxx others. i will never ever ever side with people who think slurs and assault are funny. i'm done with these people. it's disgusting.
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vividaway · 3 years
So if you’re this Alyssa person that everyone keeps bringing up on twitter in regards to Gabbie, why did you falsely accuse someone of sexual assault? Why were you and other stans going to worse lengths than any commentary/drama channel has for the sake of Gabbie Hanna? I can understand defending a creator you like because I have too but I would never work so hard to ruin someone’s life based on nothing. It seems unhealthy.
what people dont realize is i never accused anyone. anyone who knows me knows that i will advocate for any assault victim, which is why our fandom, including me, went out of our way to contact the person making the claim. when they refused to reply with any proof, we completely halted spreading that information (literally two days later) because we realized that if this person were telling the truth, the wouldnt feel the need to drop off the face of the earth. i'm not one to tell someone their trauma did NOT happen to them, especially when it was someone we didn't know saying it. we had no way to prove or disprove it, and if this were a genuine victim, it can be SO traumatizing to have your assault denied just because of who did it.
the other side loves to scream 'YOU did this' but i didn't. the FANDOM spread the claim, and i was NOT one of them to scream that it was real, and that we NEEDED to spread this information. i retweeted it saying that i was sorry for the victim. people can be upset, but when someone says they've been r**ed, we arent going to instantly say 'YOU'RE LYING!!'. we're going to give them some time to process what they've just announced publicly, and THEN ask them for information. when we werent given any, i realized it was inappropriate and wrong to keep spreading it. so i didnt.
you continue to group all the stans together but what you need to realize is we are all individual people who have different goals in life. my goal in life is to have my hyper-obsession not take over my entire brain, so i make fan accounts. people can scream 'why are you doing this for gabbie'!! but i promise you, i've been doing it for thomas for twice as long. i'm not "going after commentary channels for the sake of gabbie". i responded to them in may-june last year, and they havent quit since. we've made it beyond clear we want nothing to do with them, and they just so happen to wrap themselves up in OUR fandom.
we dont seek them out, but they seek us out. they actively admit to stalking our pages because OTHER stans stalk THEIRS. they questioned a fans relapse and eventual hospitalization which triggered them again, though you could argue "they spread the r**e accusation" so that is truly not a black and white situation.
and to say 'going to worse lengths than any commentary/drama channel has' makes no sense seeing as multiple people in our fandom have been doxxed by them. had their parents contacted by them. they supported this.
essentially? we dont do this because of gabbie hanna. we dont do this because of ANY "idol" or whatever a stan would follow. we do this because we feel personally attacked, personally targeted, and personally harassed when we go silent for months on end, and they randomly pipe up with "btw go block this account teehee!" and tagging us out of no where. they bring up past situations asking if they should talk about it on a different platform. my reputation and mental health has nothing to do with gabbie hanna, and i dont get how people are blinded to the fact that this has NOTHING to do with gabbie.
it started with gabbie, but that fight ended a LONG TIME AGO. this has turned personal for MANY people, and to say that that group of people are a GENUINE trigger to peoples mental health's to the point of threatening multiple people lives by constantly interacting with them wouldnt be an understatement, i've seen it happen time and time again.
they can say last year traumatized them, but it traumatized US just as much. we didnt have the platform to fall back on. we didnt have the comfort of our own stans to defend us. we are TWITTER ACCOUNTS.
and to say its unhealthy would be an understatement. we realize this, and for months we've been trying to get them to stop hate-watching our accounts. they "call us out" anytime we make a vent post about our trauma, when in reality they could move on. make their OWN vent posts, and talk about gabbie all you want.
they think we're watching their accounts, but the truth is-- we're only seeing their posts when others send them to us. we arent sitting here with a million accounts JUST to see what theyre saying about their breakfast that morning, or their opinion on the youtube news. we're literally on twitter for ONE THING. gabbie hanna stans. to make friends with a community and feel safe.
we've made it clear that we want NOTHING to do with them.
THEY'VE made it clear that they want to repeat last summer.
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