#i would rather DIE
timblrdrake · 2 months
Hey, Fuck, Marry, Kill with the vigilantes:
Nightwing, Red Hood, Batman
Obviously it’s a question that everyone in Gotham has been asked and answered a thousand times, but I’m still curious
i would quite honestly rather die than answer this question thank you.
i’d kill tim thanks.
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raccoon-smiles · 1 year
Amatonormativity hurts everyone. Yes I recognize it more frequently because I'm aromantic, but also some guy at the train station today asked me when the wedding was while looking between me and my BROTHER. He just assumed because we were a man and a "woman" that we were a couple. Amatonormativity has multiple times now made people think my brother was my boyfriend. Someone please help because I just want to be able to hold my big brother's hand without worrying if people will think we're a couple. You know what they say about assuming. It makes an ass out of u and me.
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garmaballs · 16 days
someone please please please draw harumi for me the last harumi art in her tag was 15 hours ago im having withdrawals please draw her and ummmmmmmmm idk it would mean so much to mee
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bookishswordfish · 21 days
I think I just experienced one of the worst moments of my life.
There I was, writing my fic, when I asked my roommate for her thoughts on using contractions during standard narration aND SHE THOUGHT I MEANT CONTRACTIONS AS IN CHILDBIRTH
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simplepotatofarmer · 10 months
nah, honestly, i will never ever ever side with people who doxx others. i will never ever ever side with people who think slurs and assault are funny. i'm done with these people. it's disgusting.
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dollypopup · 1 year
sometimes it's super sad going into the polin tag and seeing all the 'Pen is gonna be THE debutante next season' or 'Pen is gonna be the Diamond of S3' or 'Pen about to get ALLLLL the attention' and like
penelope was supposed to be for the wallflowers. the quiet girls. the ones who aren't the center of attention. penelope was never meant to be the heart of the party or the big draw or the one everyone drooled over. penelope was meant to be the character representing all the peeps who stood off to the side and, in many cases, preferred it that way.
give me Penelope going through all these lessons to be more 'appealing' and all the sparkly dresses and going 'actually? i kind of hate this'. give me Penelope dancing the night away with stranger after stranger and cringing about it the whole time. give me Penelope who just wants to go back to her hobbies and her friends and her comfy corner and is tired of pretending. give me Penelope who goes through the tedious introductions and the 'what's your name? number of siblings? favorite color? great. . .' first dates of it all and hating it. give me a Penelope who empathizes like hell with Eloise because she understands now how stressful it is to always be looked at and watched. give me a Penelope who has extra appreciation for Colin for looking to understand her when she was 'invisible' in ways no one else tried to. give me Penelope who gets a taste of being The Star and spits it right out
you don't have to be the sparkling gem of a party to be worth love and care. some of us don't want the Diamond moment. we deserve our flowers, too.
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nerevarswritingstuff · 4 months
In my organizing of chapters and deleting unnecessary ones (since I had combined them with others) I ended up deleting the most recent two chapters and now all the comments for them are gone
//lays down and sobs
But it's fine IT'S FINE
I'll give it about a week or two for everyone to read the edited chapters before I continue posting!
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a nap
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doll-0f-flesh · 4 months
I will actually kms if Tom Glynn get casted as young Haymitch, im not even jk, i will slice my guts open.
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we all want to be cody
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tigerplushh · 10 months
Everyone who’s written hundreds of paragraphs dedicated to the lore of an oc they’ll never share with anyone raise your hand
🙋 (I’m never telling anyone about her because nobody could understand her like I do)
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brienneoftarth1989 · 1 year
“So reader is the daughter of a blacksmith, so she’s pretty strong, and believes she can hold her own when making deliveries between two villages. However, on the way back home, a small group of outlaws decide to have a bit of ‘fun’. Deciding she would rather die than let anything happen to her, reader fights back. Just as they are going to kill her, Brienne comes in the scene and fights them off, tending to readers sounds and helping to comfort her” - requested by @reddragon30000
I Would Rather Die
Brienne of Tarth x fem reader
Summary: read request
Warnings: implied sexual assault / rape, graphic fighting
Requests open
Working with your father was one of the best experiences you have encountered in your life so far. I mean you were only 15 years old so it wasn’t like you have lived much yet. Other girls your age were preparing themselves for marriage and learning all this stuff that a woman should know. However none of that stuff ever interested you.
This may be because you grew up with your father raising you. Unfortunately your mother died in childbirth which left your father raising you on his own. You loved your father though and loved the path he has led you down. Instead of preparing you for marriage he is teaching you how to forge swords and armour.
You couldn’t wait until your father taught you more and more. At the moment you seemed to know the basics. You knew how to heat the metal and how to cool it. That was all your father was willing to teach you when you were younger. But now you are old enough he is starting to teach you how to shape the metal to its desired shape.
However when your father is not teaching you how to forge correctly he has you out making deliveries to the local villages. You didn’t mind this as it kept you busy plus you could go out and explore. It was until one day that everything changed.
The day started like most others, watching your father teach you how to forge correctly before sending you out to make your deliveries for the day. You were lucky that due to the amount of swords and armour you have to move around you managed to build up a lot of muscle which meant you could defend yourself if need be however your father did forge you a sword just in case you ever needed it.
“Ok so all the swords and armour you need to deliver are over in those crates. They need to be loaded up into the wagon and need to be delivered to these addresses in the local villages” your father said as he handed over a piece of paper that stated all the addresses you needed to deliver to that day.
“Ok father. Not a problem and I will be back at some point this afternoon” you said smiling at your father as you turned around and walked over to the crates that contained the weapons. You lifted one of the crates grunting as it took all your strength as you lifted it and walked out to the wagon sliding the crate onto the back of it.
You repeated the same task with the other three crates. You were a bit puffed out when you had finally moved all the crates so you headed into your little home to grab some water and a small something to eat to have on your journey.
Once you knew you had everything you needed for your journey and all the deliveries were secure on your wagon you jumped onto the seat at the front grabbing the reins of your horses, giving them a slight whip indicating you wanted them to move forward.
“See you later, father!” you shouted behind your shoulder so he could hear you. “See you later, y/n, stay safe!” he yelled back at you knowing that all he cared about was you getting back home safely. He had told you before he didn’t care about the deliveries as long as I got home in one piece. He couldn’t afford to lose me like he lost my mother.
Making deliveries was always a bit of a lonely task. You didn’t have anyone to talk to so normally you would spend half your time singing away to yourself and sometimes you would just talk away to yourself. You must look mad to people who see you talking away to yourself but it always seems to calm you down.
As you arrived at the first village you grabbed the paper your father gave you and checked the addresses that were written down. The first delivery was at a butchers and as you looked under that address you saw that you were delivering next door to the bakers. You pulled up to the shops bringing your horses to a halt.
You jumped off your wagon and headed to the back bringing two of the crates forward. You opened up the top of the crates making sure that what you were giving them was the correct order. You were indeed correct when you saw the crates were filled with a number of small and large knives. You father didn’t just forge large swords and armour, he made a collection of different sized knives that the local shops could use.
“Morning y/n, how are you this morning?” Mr Hogan asked you. Mr Hogan was the local Butcher in this village and you normally delivered to him every month when he sent off a number of his knives to be reforged or sharpened. “Morning Mr Hogan. I’m doing well this morning. Is there any chance you can get Mrs Connolly’s attention as I have an order for her too just while I grab both of your stuff” you said pulling each crate off the wagon one by one.
“Of course, no problem y/n” he said as he knocked on the door of the bakers. “Where do you want your order sir? '' you asked, carrying the crate in your arms. “Just on the counter in the shop my dear” he smiled back at you. With that you took the crate inside placing it where he had asked. When you came out both Mr Hogan and Mrs Connolly were standing by your wagon.
“Morning Mrs Connolly. I have you order right here” you smiled at the older woman. You picked up the other crate before following her inside and placing it where she wanted it. As you went back outside Mr Hogan was standing there with your payment and Mrs Connolly followed out after you with hers. You thanked them both and would most likely see them soon before continuing your journey to the next village.
It took a bit longer to get to the next village as it was further away but you didn’t mind and just continued to sing away to yourself. When you finally arrived at the next village you basically went through the whole ordeal again, this time however delivering to another blacksmith and a fletchers. The two men gave you your payment to which all your deliveries were now complete. Finally you could head back home to continue your lessons with your father.
As you were heading back home you decided you needed to stretch your legs. Jumping off the wagon you walked alongside your horses still holding their reins so they wouldn’t go too far. After about half an hour of walking alongside the horses you heard a few male voices from behind you. It didn’t worry you too much as many people used this road so you just assumed it was other people on their own journeys. However when the voices started to get a lot closer to you and didn’t pass by you started to get worried.
Were they following you? Why haven’t they gone around you yet? There was plenty of room for them to get around. You decided to encourage your horses to move to the side and bring them to a halt so the people could get around you. Plus it would make you feel safer with them not tailing you.
When you stopped you half expected to watch as they walked past but they didn’t. Instead the group of outlaws just surrounded you and your wagon. “Umm…can I help you?” You asked, trying to sound confident. “Yeah we want you” one of the men smirked at you, eyeing you up and down. “W..what do you mean” you asked genuinely confused as to what they could possibly want with you.
“Oh come on sweet girl. You’re telling me no one has ever paid the slightest attention to you” one of the men smirked at you. They’re not gonna do what you think they’re gonna do. You’re only a child. Why would they possibly want you?
“I’m only 15 years old. I’ve got nothing you could want” you said trying to sound innocent and like you don’t have a clue what they’re on about. “Oh but that’s where you’re wrong” another piped up. “You’ve got an innocent body which we want to use. So you’re coming with us” he said, grabbing your arm.
There is no way you are going to let this happen to you. You would rather die than let them use your body for their pleasure. When they grabbed you your body immediately reacted which caused you to startle the horses. You watched as your escape plan ran away. You were fucked.
You grabbed your sword from the sheaf drawing it in front of you. “Oh is that how we are playing this then little girl. It may be better to have you exhausted before we use you. Will be less of a struggle for us” he laughed as you watched him and his men draw their swords.
You prepared yourself for a battle. If it came to it you would kill yourself in order to not be used as their little fuck toy. You swing your sword over and over, managing to kill one of the men and disarm the other. You were proud that you managed to do that.
However you didn’t expect one of the men to come from behind you causing you to quickly trip over your feet. Your sword now out of reach you stared at the men who now had blades pointed at your neck. “That’s it you little bitch. You’re in for it now” they said, throwing their swords on the ground.
The leader picked you up by the neck pinning you to a tree. You couldn’t breathe. You then watched his arm draw back and then collide with your face over and over again. Eventually dropping you to the ground another man came over kicking you in the stomach before grabbing his dagger and carving lines into your face and arms.
Everything hurts. Maybe they would just let you die. You hoped they would but then you heard one of them start talking again. “You really thought you could defend yourself. Look at what you’ve got yourself into now. You killed one of our own so maybe we should just kill you. Nah you don’t deserve that. We are gonna keep you as ours and tort….”
You were horrified to find he had stopped talking when his head rolled next to your feet. You let out this deafening scream, scared that this person was here for you too. However it wasn’t until they started killing the other men around you did you realise that they were defending you.
You didn’t know what to do. So you did the one thing you did know, you curled up into a ball trying to protect yourself from anymore harm letting out the occasional sob due to the amount of pain coursing through your body. Then there was silence and you heard footsteps getting closer to you.
“Hey sweet girl are you ok?” you heard a female voice ask you. Looking up you came face to face with a blonde haired woman. All you could do was shake your head no and start sobbing again. “Oh darling it's going to be ok. What did they do to you” she said, sitting down next to you wrapping her arms around your body.
“Th..they tri..tired t.to..r.ra..rape me! I tried to fi..fight them o..off but th..they were too st..strong” you cried into the woman’s armour. “Oh sweetheart. Don’t worry they are gone now. My name is Ser Brienne of Tarth but you can just call me Brienne. Now do you have any family that we can get you too?” she asked.
“Yes, my father and I live in the next village along. I just hope my horses and wagon managed to get back there. The fight startled them which caused them to bolt” you said in between little whimpers. “Ok well I’m going to get you cleaned up and then we are going to get you back to your father” she said moving aside to go and grab some supplies from her horse.
She came back with a small bag which you could only assume contained her first aid supplies. “Now let's fix you up” she said smiling down at you. Watching Brienne was like watching an artist work. Brienne damped a bit of cloth with salt water before whipping away the blood that surrounded your cuts. This way it meant it would be clean and disinfected. Your body tensed as the salt water caused a sting all over.
“I’m sorry darling. It will be over soon” Brienne whispered, trying to be gentle with you. Brienne then used clean fabric to cover up any massive cuts to stop any dirt and bugs getting into them. “Here open your mouth,” she said, grabbing a small bottle out of the bag. “What is that?” you asked curious as to what it could be. “It’s milk of the poppy. A painkiller to help with the pain. Now open up” she said to you.
You did as you were told, opening your mouth slightly as you felt a single drop hit your tongue. “That should be enough for your little body. Now come on let's get you home” Brienne said picking you up bridal style walking over to her horse. She placed you gently on her horse and she jumped on after. “Hold on young one” she smiled leaning over her shoulder.
She instructed her horse to run, taking you both to your village quickly. When you arrived you saw your father standing by the wagon looking terrified about where you could have gotten too. “Y/N! There you are. Oh my what happened to you” he asked panicking as he took you off the horse and carried you inside with Brienne tailing behind.
“She was attacked by a group of outlaws. By the sound of it they wanted to take her and use her but I managed to intervene before they managed to take her anywhere. Unfortunately they were already beating her when I arrived. I have treated her wounds and given her milk of the poppy to help with the pain” Brienne said calmly looking at you with concern.
“Thank you so much for bringing her home to me. I couldn’t afford to lose her as well. I didn’t catch your name” your father said to Brienne. “It’s ok sir. My name is Ser Brienne of Tarth. Her wounds will need to be checked daily and cleaned regularly.” Brienne said, smiling at you. “Of course Ser Brienne, thank you again. If you are ever in the area again you will always have a place in our home. Y/n owes you her life” your father said cradling your frail body.
“I appreciate that sir. Now y/n stay safe out there for me. I will be back to make sure you pulled through. Also keep up that sword fighting. You have great skills, young one. If you ever want to learn just send a Raven to Winterfell. That is where I reside” Brienne said, giving you a small hug goodbye.
“Thank you so much Brienne for everything you have done. Once I have gained my strength I may have to take you up on that offer” you smiled at the knight before sleep finally overtook your body. Brienne left soon after and you could only dream of her.
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just found out my mum's aunt maruja is actually named maría blasa ?????
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Them: Oh you write? Can I read it??
Me: Abso-fucking-lutely not! Do I know you in real life? Yes? Then you will never read my stuff. It's reserved for strangers on the internet, thanks!
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beargyufairy · 9 months
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But everything means nothing If I ain't got you…
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angiesser · 1 year
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No amount of money could make me go back to Appalachia
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