#i've been meaning to ramble about wips but now i have a valid excuse >:D
itsevanffs · 4 years
WIP Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Tagged by: @goldenzingy46 @duplicitywrites and @ellionne at the time of posting this
Amanda, darling, you thought you had many? oh, my dear, you have seen nothing. But alas, I’ll limit myself to the ones I’ve been working on that still interest me so I won’t have to cut it off so I don’t clutter your page, dearests. Or will I? We’ll see.
In The Dark (hamlet fic)
The Mark Upon My Heart
Cam and Get Me, Won’t You Honey
Rage, Rage
abo incest luv (temp)
Dark Livestream fic-of-fic
Grave robbing lads
Oedipus Complex fic (temp)
Storm&Silence Tomarry crossover
Doll fic (temp)
Romeo and Juliet fic (temp)
The Darker The Weather (The Better The Man)
Vespertine 6-10
Tom is a chav (temp)
incest fic 20 (temp)
untitled document
untitled document
monastery fic 1 (temp)
monastery fic 2 (temp)
You Cried Below My Windowpane
I think I’ll leave it off here. The (temp) behind some titles means that the title is temporary and will be replaced with something coherent once I find something I like that suits the story. Feel free to inquire after literally anything, I’m open-minded as you can maybe tell.
Tagging: @alfiisha @wulcanbiology @neurowriter14 @thong-tom @moonlight-modoki @tomarryherewewhoaagain @skitter-kitteruwu @upside-down-circles
(trying to tag you who have not tagged me and who i am sort of confident have yet to be tagged)
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