#i've been playing this household for 10 hours straight
makgeolii · 10 months
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fathers day! 🍖
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multi-lefaiye · 8 months
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(content warnings: discussion of child abuse and infidelity)
In the spring of 1960, Clarence O'Malley came to visit the Burke household. By this time, Jesse had long since moved out, but Beth, Martin, and Leslie were still there. Clarence was curt with his sister's children and mostly ignored them, instead going straight to speak with Anna. After several hours of discussion, Clarence stepped out and approached Leslie. He told her that she was going to live with him and his wife for a few months. Leslie responded by telling him that she didn't want to, and he replied in no uncertain terms that she didn't have a choice in the matter. Just get your shit, kid, he said as he walked away. And so Leslie was taken to live with Clarence and Daisy, her life uprooted without any care from the adults around her. She was upset, but one firm slap upside the head from Clarence dissuaded her from saying anything more about it. A few weeks later, Clarence introduced Leslie to his associates as Seamus O'Neal, the illegitimate bastard child of his wife Daisy and a former business partner of his named Cassidy O'Neal. As much as it pained him to know his wife had been so unfaithful, he was doing the right thing by raising the boy as his own following Cassidy's unfortunate death in a shooting two months prior. More than that, though, Clarence was giving the boy an opportunity to make something of himself by working with said associates. He wouldn't be directly involved with the finer workings of the gang, but he would play a significant role in the years to come. And so Leslie Burke gave way to Seamus O'Neal, the scrappy young boy from nothing, working with murderers and crooks as Clarence saw fit.
WHEW here we go, another inktober in the bag a day late fjasldk;fj i've accepted that i probably won't catch up like i was hoping, at least not for a bit. and that's okay! i'm trying not to stress myself out too much or strain myself.
so this part's blurb might be a bit confusing, so to be clear: clarence took baby sal (leslie at the time) in and raised him, in the process dressing him up as a boy and having him work with the mob. all of this was done to earn money so anna could finally relax, as well as give her one less child to worry about.
yeah sal's egg got cracked by his uncle signing him up to deal drugs and dressing him as a boy for it. anyway.
art taglist (ask to be + or - ): @skitzo-kero @anexor @lesbian-apple-yogurt @jezifster @chaieyestea @albatris @transmasc-wizard @lychniscitrus @abysslll @rosesandartss @approximately20eggs @presidentquinn @invaderskoodge @kingkendrick7 @midnight-and-his-melodiverse @astral-runic
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taanoir · 1 year
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Challenge update time!
It's been a long time since I gave an update on where the challenge goals are. Here is Saori being done with Albert Lafoy, while I was testing out that have people stay the weekend feature.
Generation 6: The Industrial Revolution:
This ended up being the longest generation I think I've ever played in a challenge. Five kids is a lot to wrangle and the age gap was a bit brutal (The oldest was an adult long before the youngest was a teen). After the shock of jumping from Rococo/Colonial straight to early Victorian, I tried to show a bit of progression in the wardrobe and surroundings. We ended up covering from Victorian (1840 - 1900) through Edwardian (1901 - 1910) and picking up Gen 7 in the interwar era (1920). I had to rush it a bit and time was wonky because sim life state times are strange to begin with, plus infants were added in the middle of things. Elvira was born in 1839, the twins in 1843, Alex in 1855 and Maggie in 1871.
Maggie was originally planned to be the heir. Unfortunately she hates everything and would just quit doing whatever she was supposed to be doing to go sleep even if she wasn't tired. So, Alex who I kept at home as a "spare" got a promotion. I'm pretty sure he has a hidden child like or family trait because he is obsessed with taking care of kids.
Elvira maxed motor, mental and social as a child and had logic maxed before she graduated High School. She also made all the potions on the potions table. She was the first Varda to actually attend University and earn an in game degree. She maxed lots of skills Research and Debate, Handiness, Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, Gardening, Painting, Athletics, Writing and I'm sure I'm missing some.
Luis was supposed to be the villain, hindsight being 20/20 it should have been Clara. Luis was really just too nice for the job. He did max mischief, completed "Chief of Mischief" and won his 10 fights after much prodding.
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Once he had completed his tasks I gave him a wife, who he had a giant crush from the time he was a teen and they had a lovely family. He's still one of my favorite sims. Thanks to his career as an athlete and completing the bodybuilder aspiration he'll be in my game for a long while:
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All items were upgraded by various family members, Elvira, Luis, Alex and Maggie all maxed handiness. The hardest part was keeping Hana from fixing things before I could assign a household member.
Generation 7: The Roaring 20's:
The game play for the 20''s is way ahead of the posts. For now I will say we have exceeded the "Net worth of $1,000,000", at the time of Bernard's birth the net worth was over $3,000,000.
Also, without spoilers.
I've been fighting with dispatching non-family sims on my home lot. Apparently, to send them to the great plumbob in the sky they have to be added to the family first. Cowplants are nerfed, exhaustion of an elder won't work, and I haven't found a way to make a hot-headed, non-family member mad enough to expire even with hours of insults and mean interactions. If you add them to your family most of those things work. However, they still get the fear of cowplants trait and won't take the 2nd cake. If you have some advice or if something is working (that is not a violence mod) let me know.
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leafbatraccoon · 1 year
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
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right now i'm playing a lot of moonwood mill - these two are the focus of my *bar crew* household - they are barely edited gallery sims that i put in world to populate but couldn't help falling in love
⋆ Antoine is the father of Starr a young joyful and excitable werewolf whose mother was lost to a vampire attack. Previously unbiased towards any occults, he now harbors some resentment towards vamps for taking his loving partner from him and their daughter
⋆ He moved to moonwood mill when they inherited her family estate; anywhere else this would be a dump, but in this neighbourhood it's a family-operated bar running out of an old warehouse that provides for the community with it's profits by creating other hobby based spaces in the property. Nobody cares about the trash laying around, most of it is "donations" they haven't found a use for anyway
⋆ Despite his humanity, Antoine is considered a pilar of the moonwood mill community and very respected around here; he caries a lot of influence and has been known to resolve disputes among werefolk. He isn't particularly wise, just a groovy guy who is known to keep his cool and in the absence of elders locals turn to him to get some outside perspective
⋆ Losing her mom young, Starr grew scared of her abilities. To avoid the guilt she faces after turning, she monitors her mood & habits closely as to not become overwhelmed by rage. It can be hard since she is a naturally playful gal who loves the movies and the home cinema her dad installed but she found an alternative for her love for film in photography which she started exploring in her morning runs
⋆ Lactose-intolerant and a disaster in the kitchen, Starr relies on her dad for nutrition most of the time but they keep very different schedules since he's a big night owl and operates the bar at well... night life hours. They recently took in a helper, Connor, who she hoped would help out with more than dishes but the only food he seems to contribute with comes straight from the trash and I'm hoping nobody eats that
is this too much?? it's more 5 paragraphs than five facts but yea here goes a lil introduction to supposed-to-be-townies-but-once-again-i-get-too-invested-in-my-sims-lives ⋆⋆⋆ this is what i've been doing instead of playing my legacies ever since i've lost my edit settings, and like 5 or 6 other households on rotation 😶 i might edit this post later to include credits to the original sims and the (now edited) lot that inspired this storyline edit: lot linked eheh
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