#they decided to move also 🏡
makgeolii · 10 months
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fathers day! 🍖
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certifiedfreec · 5 months
i can’t stop thinking about neighbor!graves… 🤔
🏡 you’re new to the neighborhood, getting all your things moved in and seemingly drowning in all the boxes of stuff you have. you ordered some items to replace the ones that got damaged or lost during transit, so that only added on to the cardboard-ridden mess that was your new living room.
🏡 a few days after settling in, you finally notice one of your packages has a mysterious name on it: phillip graves. you suddenly feel bad; how long has this guy been missing his delivery?? you bustle out your door in your pajamas, looking for the house number that matches the one on the package until you finally find it. it’s a fairly large house with dark, sophisticated paint. it’s across and over from yours with a huge black truck backed into the driveway. very snazzy for a truck, you think, hurrying your way to the tall entry door and ringing the doorbell.
🏡 “hey, how can i help ya?” his slight twang is warm and uplifting when he opens the door, eyeing you with a keen interest. god, he’s pretty. he sees what’s standing before him in the cutest little pj set and he’s feeling like an angel was dropped at his doorstep. meanwhile, you’re freaking out- standing there in your scrubby pajamas in front of this ridiculously attractive man, who is apparently your neighbor, and you’ve been holding onto his package without him knowing. (you realize there’s another package of his you’d like to hold though- ba dum tss!)
🏡 you shyly introduce yourself, pointing toward your house and then handing him the box, which he accepts with a teasing “gonna have to tell the HOA about the new thief on the block,” and a quick wink. it nearly melts you, but we must stay focused brothers!! he thanks you and introduces himself as phillip, taking the chance to let you know that you caught him at a good time because he’s often out for extended periods of time with his work. the poor baby must exhaust himself with how busy he is :(
🏡 you hear what he’s saying and being the new, good little neighbor you are, you offer to swing by and grab his mail, check on his plants, and do some basic house upkeep whenever he’s gone. hook, line, and sinker- it’s just what he wants to hear. he accepts your offer with that pearly grin of his, but not without adding his contact info to your phone so he can let you know when he’ll be out of town :’) he’s just so handsome that you feel like you won the jackpot!
🏡 from that day on, it’s like you keep bumping into each other outside- how silly! you start to find some excuses to be out front, maybe to check your roof for any damage or plant some flowers along the side yard, and whaddaya know, neighbor!graves soon finds himself outside giving his big ‘ol truck a wash (you could swear it’s already spotless). god, those flexing muscles and the wet t-shirt clinging to them are much more interesting than your rhododendrons.
🏡 he’s such a friendly neighbor- he’s really taken a liking to you! <3 whenever he’s actually home, he’s got your grocery bags carried inside or he’s grilled some barbecue that you’d be “downright ridiculous not to try”- his words, not yours! it’s delicious, of course, and he credits all his skills to his old man and his “coworkers.” you decide to bake him some sweets in return, and he just about melts. you’re just so good, and so is your baking! he’d really like to taste something else though, too…
🏡 now, neighbor!graves is a pretty nosy guy, so he’s taken it upon himself to keep you in the loop on all the drama in the neighborhood. but really, can you blame him? it’s in his nature to find intel- someone in the community has to do it! this is also a subtle way of letting you know that he’ll be keeping an eye on you, too- because he’s gotta look out for his fellow neighbors, especially if they’re adorable ;)
🏡 eventually he’s away for a few weeks and you’re on deck to pick up his mail, water his indoor plants, all that good stuff. he gives you a key before he leaves and tells you “go ‘head and keep it, mi casa es su casa,” fully inviting you to get comfy in his space- and you do! his furniture is so sleek yet so cozy, his living room complete with a super plush leather couch and a ridiculously large tv. you gather from all his medals and badges decorating the place that he’s very accomplished at what he does- this guy’s the real deal. you also get a nagging feeling that you want to spend more time in his space- it’s just so comfortable, and it smells like sweet vetiver and crisp mint :’)
🏡 so… neighbor!graves, being the nosy guy that he is, has been tracking when you’ve been going over by checking his high-end front door camera from his phone. he can’t help but get flustered at the idea of you in his most personal space- god, he wants you in his bed- and he starts to remember your routine. when he’s finally finished with his operation, he may or may not schedule his flight so that he arrives home shortly after the time usually head over, and your entire body stills when you hear his garage go up. he walks in with some heavy-looking bags wearing an all-black outfit, and you almost swoon. he’s such a man.
🏡 woops, surprise! he apologizes for forgetting to mention when he’d be getting home. he’s so damn excited to see you in his house though, so cute and dutiful, having left his plants perfectly hydrated and not a speck of dust in the area. he has an inkling-no, a certainty- that you’d be an amazing housewife. he invites you to stick around for a drink since you’re already there anyway, and of course you accept since you’d be “downright ridiculous” if you didn’t!
🏡 after you fill him in on the neighborhood drama he missed over some scotch (he is loving your intel collection skills, by the way), he reaches for his wallet to get you some cash for all the trouble- this man was really about to give you a wad of hundreds for your menial house chores! unbelievable! you immediately shoo it away, insisting that it really was no big deal… well, now you’ve left him stumped, because how else could he ever show his appreciation for your hard work while he was away??
🏡 by eating your pussy, of course! it takes very little resistance on both your ends until you’re sprawled out on his luxuriously soft bed with his head between your thighs, moaning and mewling so loud from the perfect licks and swirls on your aching, needy clit that his front door camera can practically pick up on your noises :’) your slick is getting all over his satiny sheets, but he doesn’t even pay that any mind. a few sharp sucks to your sensitive bundle of nerves and the scratch of his light blond stubble along your inner thighs has you cumming so hard that you can’t help but chant his name- and he’ll be damned if that isn’t music to his ears! <3
🏡 he still doesn’t feel like he’s fully shown you his appreciation…maybe he needs to fuck the shit out of you too! he’s talking to you so nicely as he stretches your pulsing walls with his huge, veiny cock, reassuring you that you’re “such a good girl,” “lookin’ so gorgeous right now,” “takin’ me like a champ, baby.”… you’ve never felt so full, yet somehow you can’t get enough of him :( he decides to place a silky pillow under your hips so he can pummel into you from a deeper angle, and he leaves all kinds of purply marks along your chest as he tells you just how perfect your pussy is for him- god, he’s happy you moved here!
🏡 by now you’ve lost count of how many times you’ve orgasmed around his length, and he finally coats your insides with his warm, thick spurts of cum as he groans your name. you both collapse onto his sheets, exhaustedly drifting to sleep just to do it all over again in the morning ;) he gets a hot shower ready for the both of you before kindly requesting some of your amazing baking- he even offers you to wear one of his t-shirts so you don’t get any ingredients on your own clothes! of course, you’re more than happy to oblige. after all, he’s such a friendly neighbor <3
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chronicbeans · 1 year
okayokay I really wanna know some headcanons on what it would be like if puppeteer reader never got knocked out and wally never tricked them and they now just have to deal with wally being part of their daily household life in the real world 😭
Yippee! Okay, so I think this is how it would go...
Wally Darling Living Life with a Puppeteer Reader in the Real World:
🏡 You better be ready for some chaos. In this world, you probably decided not to even threaten Wally with burning. He probably managed to, somehow, convince you that he will be good from now on. He truly means it, too! The problem is... He doesn't understand what humans can and cannot take.
🏡 You see, as an example, he'll probably be confused about what you are doing with your mouth and that piece of food. Puppets don't eat. Well, Wally does, but he eats with his eyes. He just kinda... Stares the food into nonexistence. So, when he hears that humans, like Henry, Angela, and yourself, need to chew and swallow? He is amazed and wants to try so himself! This causes him to get peanut butter and jelly stuck in his felt for about a week.
🏡 When you begin working, again, you realize that Wally can't come home with you. You put him in the tote, telling him to stay put. However, when you get in your car, he is somehow already in the passenger seat and ready to go back to your place. Your boss keeps asking you where he goes, but you just tell him you don't know.
🏡 Wally's voice actor (who I actually have a draft in the works for information on my version of them), Eddie's puppeteer, and everyone else who was present at the night of the incident will avoid you because Wally is ALWAYS close to you. They're smart people, and Eddie's puppeteer saw with their own eyes that it was him. They all know that Wally is a threat that is not to be trifled with.
🏡 Angela is probably going to be tormented everyday by just the knowledge that Wally is alive. She'll never get over it. The only small thing that makes it better is that she gets to see Henry make a friend. They ended up making up for Wally breaking into her room, so now Henry and Wally are constantly hanging out whenever you aren't around. She also likes the fact that Henry has someone else to look over him if you ever get sick.
🏡 The one downside for Wally is that, because he never really gets any sleep, he is going to be getting more and more tired. He can get a little sleep whenever you are there to watch over him, though. Especially if you hold him like a stuffed animal while you sleep! He will be out like a light switch if you do that.
🏡 Wally will have some sensory issues. His neighborhood is all soft and plush. He has tried to describe it. The most he can really say is that it is like all your senses are muffled. So, when he is in your world, everything can just be too much at times. When he gets like this, you'll most likely find him in your room, rocking back and forth a bit or scribbling aggressively on a piece of paper with any writing utensils he can find, not really drawing anything and just doing so to move his arm in a soothing manner. In those cases, he likes to have you give him a tight hug to ground him. It reminds him of the ones Barnaby gives him when he is in the neighborhood, actually. Just not as fluffy.
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astrobiscuits · 5 months
In solar return this year, moon in 7th house and pluto in 4th house, mercury venus mars in 3rd house and saturn in 5th house, jupiter in 7th. How might 2024 be for me?
Hii, hope you're doing safe and well💕💕
(I apologize in advance if i sound confusing at times, idk what's got into me today😭)
🌙 Moon in 7th house - this year, you'll be emotionally dependent on someone special (it doesn't have to be a romantic partner, it can be a best friend or a business partner). You'll feel the need to nurture the person you deeply care about, acting like a mother at times.
If you are single, expect to get into a fulfilling, committed partnership this year. Your future partner might portray the traits of the zodiac sign where your SR Moon is located in (for ex. If you've got an Aquarius Moon in 7th house in your current SR, you might end up in a unconventional relationship with a highly intelligent, eccentric and emotionally aloof partner BUT you might also act more distant with your partner). Often times, the Moon represents a reflection of our own deepest desires, insecurities and emotions - hence the mirroring effect with your partner.
If you are already in a relationship, this is the year for setting roots with your partner. You might discuss having a family, getting engaged or getting married.
🏡 Pluto in 4th house - there's a powerful change coming in your home life. Often times, Pluto in 4th house in SR can talk about death in the family, but unless you've got placements in your 8th house in SR (which you don't seem to), i wouldn't worry about this possibility.
If you're still living with your parents, expect to move out this year. Considering you've also got Moon and Jupiter in 7th house, there's a high possibility you might move in with a partner this year.
If you're more of a shy, introverted person, this year you might get out of your shell. Since your safety and comfort will be shaken up, you might realise that you need to man/woman up. Change isn't scary - stagnation is. Life moves forward and so do you.
📚 Mercury in 3rd house - this year, you'll feel more open to exchange ideas with various people, learn new stuff and travel short distances. If you've been wanting to study a new language, this is a great placement to have! You'll assimilate new words so fast.
If you've got any siblings, expect to have better communication with them. You might make a lot of new acquaintances this year, whether in a school setting, in your immediate surroundings (your neighbourhood for example) or online.
🏫 Venus in 3rd house - this year, you'll fall in love with studying! If you're still in school, you might become top of your class and/or one of the most popular girls. People might perceive you as the "ideal girl" when it comes to academic pursuits.
If you're single and ready to mingle, you might meet your next romantic encounter in the classroom, among acquaintances and friends (or friends of friends), in the library, in your neighbourhood or during a school competition.
You will be attracted to witty individuals/class clowns, nerds and those who make you feel young. You might also have a hard time deciding between two people (or even multiple people lol).
This year, you might also get some new intellectual hobbies (solving crosswords, sudoku, rubik cube) or you might get into riding a bike/monocycle, rollerskating, skateboarding or juggling.
🤬 Mars in 3rd house - with this placement, there's a high possibility that this year you'll feel more energized and active when it comes to your study goals! You might have the drive to study everyday, even if it's not for a long time.
When communicating with others, you might be more blund in your approach this year. You won't hold back when angry and you might get into frequent debates and fights (but only verbally).
🤎 Saturn in 5th house - this year, you'll likely choose to date to find a long-term partner. You'll likely be extra picky when choosing a future partner, but you won't be afraid of the obstacles and difficulties that might arise in the dating phase (for ex. your parents or their parents might not approve of you two dating, lack of time for seeing each other etc.). You might not feel like you can be fully yourself while dating and will probably feel much more comfortable being your authentic self once in a relationship.
If you are already in a relationship, this placement might bring difficulties in conceiving (if you and your partner have decided to have a baby).
💎 Jupiter in 7th house - this year, you might meet your future spouse!(but it's important to take into consideration Juno's position in your SR too). Your partner will likely bring you a lot of joy in your life. They might be a foreigner, come from a different culture or be well-travelled. They're likely well educated and a great storyteller. They might not have a lot of patience, but they're a lot of fun! Always on the go, wanting to experience life with you.
If Saturn and Jupiter are sextiling each other, you might end up marrying your (next) partner this year! (if you want to, of course)
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luvvixu · 1 year
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dazai x reader (she/her)
🏡🧵 home sweet home pt. 1
genre: fluff, domestic au
synopsis: what does it look like to have a normal daily life at dazai's household? just you coming home to your little family after a long and exhaustion work. this is the life you and dazai had been dreaming of.
warning: mentioned of breastfeeding, pranking, anxiety
word count: 1.5k
a/n: i got inspired to write a story when i saw a website that said this song is the most therapeutic breastfeeding song. and it came to happened that dazai was the last anime character i saw that day.
so i was like, hmm...what would it be like to have a family with my suicidal maniac crush? so yeah, here it is.
oh yeah, one last note, i kinda made him self-explanatory character on this one???
song - invisible string by taylor swift
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a long day just ended for you as a sigh escaped from your lips. you are on your way home to your little family after doing some shift at the agency.
while waiting for the traffic jam to untangle, you open your phone and reveal the wallpaper that never fails to make you smile whenever you see it.
a picture of your new born baby and your husband, dazai osamu.
the statement never lies, your lips crescent a smile at the sight of your little family. you also decided to call your husband who's on his day off and being a male wife for today.
within a few rings, dazai picked up the phone. the sound of your baby's laughter first rang through the phone, making your smile widen.
"hello, my love~ are you on your way home?" your husband's honeyed voice said through the phone.
your shoulder loses its tense from the fatigue just by hearing the sound of him. "yeah. i'm sorry if i didn't arrive on time, there's a small emergency happened. but atsushi-kun and i have already settled it down before it gets worse."
"of course, my wife is good at solving problems." dazai complimented you. he always knows what is best for you.
"anyways, how's things going there?"
"ooh, wait. hey emi-chan! say hi to mama." you hear a baby noise as your husband shifts his phone onto someone.
"emi-chan~" you cooed, and your five month old baby let out a cute babble just by hearing your voice. it makes you laugh and almost die on your spot due to her overflowing cuteness.
"did you miss mama?" your back rested on the seat as your vehicle started to move. luckily, you had a phone holder in front so you won't have to hold it while driving at the same time.
"yes." dazai said in his baby voice, imitating your daughter.
you let out a giggle. "mama misses you too, emi-chan. when i get home, i will kiss your chubby cheeks and watch cartoons together!"
"yah! what about me?" your another baby—i mean dazai interrupted you. a picture of him pouting already depicted on your mind.
"hmm? are you saying something, emi?" you playfully said. the noises coming from osamu intensify. he was complaining, pouting, and whining at you like a big baby. your big baby.
"ahem! sweetheart, emi-chan just asked me if you miss your husband too?" sensing that you did not plan to respond to him as your husband, he changes his tone into a deeper one, like an incognito voice.
"who's there with you, emi?! did you let someone enter the house?" you continued to play dumb until you finally pulled up to your house where your two babies are in.
dazai was whining on the phone and he seemed to want to fight his daughter just because he didn't receive any attention from you.
ignoring him, you purposely muted the call and lowered the volume as you carefully tip-toed inside the house.
"mommy is such a tease, isn't she?" and there you saw your own family. emi was sitting on her father's lap while chewing her pacifier, and dazai was on the floor, still pouting as he talks to his child who's clearly unaware.
"i'm getting jealous of you now, emi-chan." he jokingly said, booping her nose and then proceeded to bite her chubby cheeks carefully. you forced yourself to swallow the laugh in your throat.
"y/n has been unresponsive for a while, did she end the call?" dazai checked his phone when he realized you had been really quiet. the call was still on, so he sought for you.
"darling? are you still there?"
no answer.
"y/n? hello? sweetie, can you hear me?"
still no answer.
suddenly, his pout turns into a deep frown. you could clearly see that he's becoming worried now to the point that he put emi back to the cradle.
he squatted down to meet his daughter's gaze. dazai holds her little hands to give it some pecks. "emi, my cute little baby…stay here and do not do anything, alright? nothing's wrong so no need to worry. papa will keep you and mama safe."
your heart melted at the scene. no matter how worried he is, dazai wouldn't let himself show his fear in front of his daughter who cannot even understand anything, yet.
you knew you didn't make the wrong choice of starting a family with him.
"papa is just going to call mama." he continued. when you saw him about to pick up his call, you immediately ended the call.
you watch his face become more concerned when the call ends without even saying a goodbye to him.
dazai started to bite his nails, a secret habit of his whenever he feels anxious. without any second wasted, he called your number. the sound of your ringtone made him almost dashed to your hidden spot.
"y/n! my god, you're here!" dazai pulled you into a tight hug as soon as he saw you.
you let out an awkward chuckle. "hi?"
"jesus! don't do it again, please. i thought something happened to you!" dazai buried his face into the crook of your neck. you suddenly feel guilty when you sense his shaky breath.
he is really worried.
a hand if yours traveled into his head to give his fluffy brown hair a soft brush to give him comfort. "i'm sorry, baby. i didn't mean to get you worried. i just want to surprise you."
"it's alright—"
both of your heads immediately turned to the direction where the sound came from, emi was crying. you and osamu's parental instincts kicked in as you literally ran towards her.
you carefully picked her up and cooed. "shh~ mama's here, mama's here. aw, why is my baby emi crying?" you land a kiss on her cheeks that was covered with tears.
dazai gently guided you to sit on the couch. he grabbed a tissue and wiped the tears that emi had shed. "don't cry, emi-chan. we're here now." he mumbled softly.
you checked her diaper, it's not full. you tried to make her laugh, but still emi continues to wail loudly.
a sigh escaped from your lips. you gently rocked her and turned your head to your husband who worriedly gazed at his crying daughter.
"when was the last time she drank milk?" dazai ponders for a moment. his eyes widened when he realized.
"that's right! emi just woke up when you called me. she naps for like two and half hours. no wonder she cries because she's hungry." he explains.
"go and make her baby formula." you instructed him because you are busy soothing your child.
dazai chucked hesitantly. "the thing is, it ran out. emi drank the last baby formula earlier. so, i guess we're going to do the traditional way of feeding her."
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"♪ and isn't it just so pretty to think ♪" dazai sang a song you two discovered while randomly streaming on spotify.
"♪ all along there was some ♪" he said to you that this song reminded him of the time when the two of you first met.
"♪ invisible string ♪" singing the invisible string has become his hobby whenever he is watching you putting emi to sleep. the song serves as the lullaby that made her fall asleep.
"♪ tying you to me~? ♪" your husband dedicated this song to you. not only it became your couple's love song, wedding song, and now your daughter's lullaby.
overall, this is a sweet moment. but it doesn't…
you tried not to lash out of dazai when he was right there beside you, watching how you breastfeed your daughter. his hands were fixed on emi's tiny ones, caging it playfully and made her squirm. which causes her to latches on your sore breast a bit harder than the usual sucking.
"osamu, for god's sake…let her feed in peace! and why are you even watching me feed her?" you caresses her head gently, making sure that she would not freak out at your little yell.
your husband rolled his eyes. "why not? i've also experienced that before…being fed by you—so, no need to be so shy about me witnessing it." this man had an audacity to make a dirty foreshadow in front of your daughter.
a pillow flew on his straight into his face. "osamu! i swear, get out for a moment." you tried to calm yourself. but dazai doesn't care and continued to play with emi, resting his head on your shoulder.
meanwhile, your little princess was in no mood to play with her daddy. emi got irritated because she couldn't move her hands, dazai has them. so, she let out a squirm and then a whine.
acting hurriedly, you rock her while giving your biggest death glare on your husband.
"welp…" dazai took the cue as he sheepishly go out of the room, finally giving you and emi some private time together.
"daddy is such a crackhead, isn't he?" you talked to your daughter who just looked at you with her big beautiful eyes while sucking your breast. you couldn't help but to squeal at your daughter.
"and you're such a cutie, emi-emi!"
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Is it possible for two Time Lords from different houses to loom a child together? Would it pose a threat to the loomling's health? Which House would the said loomling belong to?
Inter-house Reproduction
🧬 Feasibility
It's technically possible for Time Lords from different Houses to combine their genetic material in a loom. The looms, after all, are just there to take biodata models and turn them into people. There's no health risk to the loomling due to the cross-House genetics, as the loom can't produce something from biodata that isn't viable and - shock/horror - Gallifreyans of all classes and social standings are the same at the most basic level.
🏡 House Affiliation
The House affiliation of the loomling is a bit more complicated. It would likely depend on several factors:
Loom Origin: The parents need to decide which House's loom they're going to use. This is important, as the child will take on that House's biological affiliation, including the markers and maybe some traits.
Parental Influence: The dominant House of the contributing parents might play a role. If one parent's House has a more substantial influence or standing, the parents might decide to have them affiliated with that House.
Political Considerations: The decision could also be influenced by political manoeuvring or agreements between the Houses involved.
🚫 Taboo and Politics
The union of two different Houses to produce a loomling could stir up some political and social tensions. There could be concerns about blending lineages, sharing secrets or traits unique to each House, or even upsetting the balance of power. This act could be seen as a powerful symbol of unity or a contentious move, depending on the Houses involved.
Hope that helped! 😃
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dilf-whore · 2 years
Hi! If ur requests are open, could I ask for a Billy x fem!Henderson!Reader fluff? Here's what I have in mind: Reader and Dustin comes to pick up Max at her 🏡(otw to the ice rink bcs Dusty's gang made a playdate). Ofc, Billy would be at the house, too. Reader invites Billy to join, but he rejected the offer. When the three have left, Billy started to change his mind. Then he decided to catch up & join them bcs he lowkey wanted to spend some time with the reader (and a lil' bit with Max too ofc)
keep you warm
pairing: billy hargrove x f!Henderson!reader
genre: fluff
A/N: i hope you like this! comments are highly appreciated 💗
requested: yes
requests are OPEN
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You and Dustin arrive at 4819 Cherry Lane, you park in front of their porch and hop out of your car - followed by your brother. He rushes to the door and you walk behind him as you push your freezing hands in the pocket of your jacket. Dustin rings the doorbell and you huddle into each other, trying to seek some warmth from the cold breeze of Hawkins. The temperature these days have been lower than usual, causing most of the people to be unprepared but the weather’s still quite tolerable. 
Soon after Billy opens the door and looks at you both with a grin, you and Dustin looked like squirrels keeping each other warm. “Max your friends are here!” he shouts. “Just a minute!” she shouts back. You and Dustin awkwardly stand at the front door as you wait for Max, you notice that their parents weren't at home and muster up some courage to speak to Billy. 
“So Billy, do you wanna join us?” you ask.
“Uh no thanks, I’m planning to spend some alone time actually” he replies, still looking at Max’s bedroom door - waiting for her to come out. 
“Oh okay” you reply softly.
Max finally finishes and jogs out with her backpack slinging in one shoulder. “Sorry for taking so long. Where are the others?” she says, frantically tying her shoelaces. “It’s okay, don’t rush. We’ll meet up with them there” your brother responds as he takes her bag to make it easier for Max to wear her shoes. 
You move back and forth as you wait for Max and you feel someone staring at you. You look up and meet Billy’s dreamy blue eyes, you immediately return your attention back down at Max - his stare was making you melt and cheeks warm. 
“Alright let’s go” the red head announces. You motion her and Dustin to go first and they immediately run to your car. You face Billy once more, “I’ll bring her home at around 9:30″ you smile as you wave him goodbye.
You all sit on one of the big benches to tie your skates. Dustin and his friends went ahead and hurry to the rink, leaving the older siblings: you, Nancy, and Jonathan behind. He then hold Nancy’s hand as they follow after the young ones to the rink, you sigh and stand up - your feet rocking slightly as you lose balance. “Do I really have to third wheel?” you yell as the couple skates ahead of you. 
I can’t fucking do this you say to yourself as you find a way to safely step on the rink without falling. You were about to grasp on the railings for support and step inside, a voice suddenly erupts from behind. “Y/N?”
“Ah!” you scream, putting your foot back and placing a hand on your chest - startled by the deep voice. You look back and see Billy and he puts a hand on your arm, “I’m so sorry. Are you alright?”
“Y-yeah, what are you doing here?” you ask, surprised by his presence. “Where’s Maxine?” he replies, looking away as he tries to avoid your question. You point at her, skating with her friends at the corner - Nancy and Jonathan going after them hand in hand. 
He faces you again, “why aren't you there?” 
“Well they all practically dashed out there and left me behind. Also, I-I don’t know how to skate” you answer.
He softly chuckles at your statement and he confidently steps on the rink, he offers his arm to you, “come on. you can hold on me”. You nod and hook your arm around his as he pulls you both, approaching your brother and his friends. He takes your arm off him and wraps his arm around your waist when you get near them, making his hold a little tighter as he stops you both. You couldn't even mutter a thank you as your whole self stays stiff from the fear, coldness, and well, fluster. 
“What are you doing here?” Max says with a  hint of annoyance in her tone. “Can’t I spend quality time with you?” Billy responds and turns to Dustin, “plus I wanted to talk to your sister more” he smirks.
Butterflies are now going crazy in your stomach, Billy Hargrove just said that.
You start to lose balance when someone: probably a hockey player, skates with so much speed inches behind you - making you scared of getting hit. Billy quickly grabs your hand and help you regain your balance.
“Your hand is so cold” you both say. You giggle and cover your mouth with your free hand as you get shy. He doesn’t let go of you and instead, he intertwines his fingers to yours and puts them in the pocket of his leather jacket. Your heart skips a beat, you don’t know what to do or say - you just go with the flow.
“Gotta keep warm right?” he smiles.
You start to gain confidence and smile back, “what about the other one?” you playfully ask as you slightly tilt your head. He takes your hand off his pocket as he grabs your other hand, he wraps them around his waist underneath his jacket. “better?”
“Shut up you two. It’s making me hurl” your brother speaks up, disgust plastered all over his face and your friends at the scene the just unfold.
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faeriefrolic · 5 months
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Sable decided to pack everything up from her little starter home and move in with Connor at his beachfront house! It also comes with the beautiful vista moodlet so that's an added bonus 🏡
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astrologylife1 · 10 months
A lot of people get confused or ask what is “stronger”. Let me breakdown how it works:
The ascendant is top two of the most important things Gurus and Ancient astrologers look at. That and the moon. 🌑This is becuase your house 🏡 systems are not negotiable or an option. Meaning if you have Aquarius ♒️ in your 4th house of the Home/Mother. The way you describe your childhood will be different, detached or unconventional. 🌑Depending on your moon sign and the aspects will show how you and your mother actually interacted.
So for synastry 🩷
I’ll use a personal example. My second year in college 📑
I met this Athlete online. He had been trying to get my attention but the first time I saw his profile I remember seeing “NY” and I was in “OH”. 📍
Also I just wasn’t that interested 🤣
Around 5 months later he messaged me again. I decided to look at his page again and looked up his information lol. He went to college in my state and He studied Law just like me☺️
Also “NY” was the state I had planned on moving too 😃
That was my first impression and only interest of meeting him.
From my POV we had COMMONALITIES (things in common).
Whereas on his side he told me he was interested because I was beautiful and wanted to have a good time. 😂🩷
🔥🔥🔥Low and Behold
-my ☀️Sun, Mercury and Venus all fell in his 9th house 🏡
*9th house of college/ universities. Travel, leaning, law etc 😂😂😂
-His☀️ sun, Mercury fell in my 5th House 🏡
*5th house is fun, romance , love, sex, good time, laughs etc 🤣🤣
If anyone can Second this comment below and give examples I’d love to hear some⬇️⬇️:
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aemonds-wifey · 1 year
Some time away
Summary: You and Osferth get away for a weekend retreat
{Requested by the lovely @chainsawsangel } 💋
(Authors note : SMUT / 18+)
“Edmund eat up please your food will get cold.”
you said as you poured the children’s drinks out. You continued to move around the kitchen table to dish out the dinner for the family.
You were one for a better word frazzled. All the children were a handful But you were worn out. As you ventured back into the kitchen and clicked the kettle on.
Osferth appeared , fresh from the shower he smelt like coconut and spices. He saw you exhale slowly as he approached you “You alright love?”
You nodded “Yeah…just a bit burnt out.”
“You have been working a lot…you’re doing amazing my love but you gotta take it easy.” He said loving
You sighed “I know but four young children I can’t take it easy…we are a great team my love but we have our hands full.” You smiled softly.
He rubbed your arms quite reassuringly . Resting his chin on your shoulder he whispered “Why don’t we get away for the weekend…Finan said he would watch the kids.”
You sighed “a few days away would be nice…long weekend?”
“Really? What about the kids?”’you asked
He smiled “We have to have some time to ourselves…I’m sure Finan wouldn’t mind looking after them…the little runts he calls them.” Osferth chuckled
You nodded, he was right some time away would be beneficial, not only to rest your mind but also to reconnect with Osferth. Lately you had been too tired to be close to him and he was patient but he craved it too.
“Okay…yeah. It will be nice for some us time …a weekend you said?” You asked.
“Mmmm best make it four days….” He replied kissing your neck.
You closed your eyes “I’ll call Finan in the morning.”
As Osferth drove the car down the secluded road you felt a loop in your stomach , he had been so secretive the last few days your mind had wondered - where was he taking you?
He occasionally grinned, he loved surprising you and this was the most excited you had seen him for a while. He pulled up to the most rustic villa, overlooking the valley and the exquisite sunset. “It’s so beautiful here…” you said admiring the view as you explored the villa, purely so rustic interior that made your heart warm with happiness, a fireplace that was so inviting - a homely kitchen and a master bedroom with a stand-alone bath in adjacent Room.
You stood by the huge window which oversaw a small lake at the bottom of the hill, a footpath went from the villa down the lake
“Is that a jetty?!” You asked
He nodded standing beside you “it is.”
You grinned “maybe we should go for a dip
In the morning.”
He mirrored your grin “my wicked wife!”
“You spoil me…” you said as he hugged you .
“You deserve this my love. “
You smiled “what do you want to do about dinner?” You asked
He looked at you with such devotion , brushing a rogue strand of hair out of your face “I booked us a table at a New Restaurant for 6 o clock …it’s called the Saxon Village. Thought we could eat there…come back and “ he kissed you “relax you know” he said suggestively before kissing you again.
You laughed with affection as he kissed you “sounds like heaven my darling.”
Dinner was exsquist , you had a nice chicken dish , Osferth enjoyed some prime steak- he ordered some champagne for you to share, “Champagne? But it’s not a special occasion.” You remarked as he lifted his glass to you “Everyday with you is a special occasion” he said as you clinked your glasses together and took a sip. You leaned over the table and he met you with a kiss- how could you not love a man like him? He was a marvel. You decided to share a desert - honey and vanilla cheesecake - it was glorious and so romantic …he playfully took the last spoonful, it reminded you of when you first met. The youthful innocence and attraction between you was so powerful.
But Osferth was eager to get home, you could tell by his playful demeanor during dinner , subtly removing a shoe and rubbing it against your leg, going further and further up until you asked for the bill trying not to blush.
When you got back to the villa you felt the electricity between you both making your insides flutter. The slight sideways glances between you on the drive home, Osferth even got a bottle of red to open when you got back.
As you stepped inside , Osferth closed the door behind- turning the lock and stepping behind you. Grabbing your waist gently , kissing the back of your neck which made you only feel weaker and desperate for more. You turned around and kissed him.
He stopped the kiss , smiling at you , wetting his lips just before he spoke “My love I have another surprise for you…”
You were intrigued “Oh?” You asked
He took your hand and lead you to the bedroom- he opened the bottle of red wine and set it on top of the fire place. Before standing in front of you and removing his shirt, his body was so glorious you always admired it…he removed his trousers. Looking at you he cocked his head slightly “Do you want me to undress you?”
You grinned “Well if you insist.”
You automatically went limp when his hands went near your body. He undressed you like he was unwrapping a gift, carefully removing every article of clothing and tossing it aside - before you knew it you were both completely naked in front of each other. He leaned over to the beside drawer and kept his hands behind his back.
“Lay on your front” he said with a grin, hands still behind his back.
You obliged, you lay on your belly on the bed.
You crossed your arms and let your chin rest where they met. You felt Osferth sit at the base of you spine, he gently leant forward and kissed the centre of your spine , the notion on your bare skin was so intense. PYou heard a bottle opening and was immediately greeted by the scent of sweet lavender. The cool liquid spots fell on my your bare back which made your skin tingle, Osferth’s hand massages your shoulders then around your back- it felt like sheer heaven.
“That feels good?” He asked softly.
“Mmmm” you cooed.
He placed the bottle on the bedside table , he leant closer and you smiled warmly as you felt his lips meet the bare skin of your shoulders, he continued to kiss further to your neck - his hand snaking round to your front , going down to your centre and another hand cupping a breast as you learn up and turned your head to meet his lips with yours. He kissed you again as his fingers rubbed your sensitive buds
“Osferth ahhh.” As you gasped through your lips. As he deepens the kiss he swiftly turned you on your front, smiling as you looped your arms around his neck- sinking into his sweet kisses as he rubbed his body against yours.
His hands ran up and down your smooth lavender infused skin , he inhaled the watermelon scent of your hair , which only made your skin tingle - your felt a heat erupt between your legs as your legs moved apart to wrap around Osferth’s waist. You arched your back , your breasts firmly pressing against his bare chest. He left your lips briefly and trailed kisses down to your chest, he tenderly massaged one of your breasts with one hand- whilst his tongue swirled around your nipple on the other.
You exhaled as he played at your chest, his other hand rolled down to your clit, he rubbed it in circles as he continued , a finger slipped into you so slowly you arched your back even further.
“Osferth please…” you whined
He grinned “mmm my love soon…”
You couldn’t wait, you tightened your legs around him And pushed yourself up- his face went alive went gleeful surprise as he fell onto his back- your hands pressing on his chest as you settled yourself on him, he propped himself on his shoulders and grinned at you “your an angel…I love you.”
“I love you more “ you said as you leant down and kissed him fiercely. He sat up and assisted you by guiding his cock to your entrance- you slowly sank into him. He sat up properly and caressed at your back with his large hands . As you rolled your hips as Osferth thrust up into you to match your rhythm.
“Oh god!” He breathed against your neck, the hotness of his breath tingled your skin as your hand ruffled through his hair, your hands then rested on either side of the base of his neck.
“Osferth!” You moaned as he grunted with another thrust.
“Y/N.” He exhaled as he bit your neck playfully. He recited your name like a prayer , the pressure was building at your core and you felt powerless as your walls clenched around him, You felt Osferth’s tongue lick your neck as thrust once more before you felt him warmly spilling himself inside you, meeting your climax and your head dipped back- Osferth gripped the base of your spine and pulled you against him as he fell backwards, against the mattress.
You both gasped in ecstasy as the waves came over you and Osferth. You rolled lay on top of him, he smiled at you as he stayed inside you- his fingers tracing up and down your spine so gently. He enveloped you in his arms and rolled you onto your back, he simply devoured you with kisses. This is what you needed, intimate time with your cherished husband, he knew it was needed and you were forever grateful for him…he completed you and you were his everything.
@chainsawsangel @moonchildrenandflowercrowns @schniiipsel @mischiefmanaged71 @namoreno
@nolongereviliwantlove @talesofoldandnew @yentroucnagol @arcielee @bbyaemond @bcon24 @lauraneedstochill @polkadotsocks1993 @motley-baby @sscreamingbanshee @tssf-imagines @actualhawkesworld @avidreader73 @pearlstiare @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @f4ll-for-you @aemond-targaryenx @bogwaterswamp @afro-hispwriter
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solarhen · 4 months
Ok so I was messing around with ChatGPT the other day ago
First off I tried for it to make a 4chan post, came up with stuff like
“> Be me, 20 years old
> Decide to try cooking for the first time
> Recipe says "easy mac and cheese"
> Pour milk first, then add macaroni
> Realize I messed up
> Now I'm stuck with milky macaroni soup
> Anon achieves culinary failure level: expert”
“> Be me, socially awkward introvert
> Mustering courage to talk to crush
> Approach confidently
> Accidentally trip on own shoelace
> Faceplant in front of crush
> Mfw I realize I've invented a new form of flirting called "ground-level charm"”
Thought that it just simply sucked at 4chan, moved on to tumblr in a hope it could be funny.
It came up with things like
“"🌈 Embrace your chaos, darlings! Life is just a series of beautifully messy moments that make your story uniquely yours. 💖✨ #LifeIsAMarvelousMess #EmbraceTheChaos"”
“Title: "Life Lessons from a House Plant 🌿✨"
Just had a profound moment with my house plant, Larry. 🌱 We've been through it all – overwatering, neglect, and the occasional leaf drop. Today, Larry taught me a valuable lesson: Sometimes, we all need a little pruning and repotting to truly thrive. 🏡✂️ Embrace the growth, even if it means getting your roots a bit messy! 🌍💚 #LifeLessons #PlantWisdom #LarryTheLegend”
2 strikes, hoping it would get better with reddit posts. Put in a prompt for the average reddit post
Came up with things like
“Title: "Just discovered this amazing [subreddit], and I have some thoughts..."
Hey fellow Redditors, long-time lurker, first-time poster here. 🤝 Just stumbled upon r/[subreddit] and it's blowing my mind! 🚀 Can we take a moment to appreciate [specific aspect] and how it brings joy to our lives? Also, any other [subreddit] enthusiasts here? Share your favorite [related topic] stories below! Let's create a wholesome discussion! 🌟 #NewToReddit #CommunityLove #SubredditDiscovery”
“Title: "Just discovered this cool thing - thought I'd share!"
Hey fellow Redditors! 👋 Just stumbled upon this amazing podcast/subreddit/website that blew my mind, and I couldn't resist sharing it with you all. The content is top-notch, and I've already spent hours diving down the rabbit hole. Check it out and let me know what you think! 🕵️‍♂️🔍 Link in comments. #SharingIsCaring #NewDiscovery #RedditCommunity”
Got some valuable information from this
First off: While I was generating responses, GPT seemed to love cats. It was a consistent theme among most of the generated “posts”.
Second off: They all read like 2014 posts, or a similar year
In the end, I came to the conclusion
AI can not beat pure human stupidity or genius
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tword-brainrot · 7 days
Crossed Lines
Taking place directly after a Professional Strictly Business Meeting, House is still caught in the middle of his very important meeting with Wilson and Cuddy when Cameron decides to sit in uninvited
Ler/s: Cuddy⚕️ and Wilson 🖊️ (Attempted Cameron 🌸)
Lee: House 🏡
Word count: 946
CW: Boundaries are broken and there are consequences for it. (Consent is ignored and aggressive actions, yelling, berating, cursing follow.)
⚠️⚠️Viewer discretion is advised⚠️⚠️
“I really can’t believe how ticklish you are….” Cuddy jived, gently holding House’s arms behind his back.
“Oh I definitely can~” Wilson teased, digging into House’s sides.
“Oh, fuHUHUCK YOU BiHiHitch!!”
House squealed, pulling at Cuddy’s hold. She was much stronger than she looked.
“Good lord! He’s thrashing like a mad man, how are you keeping him so still?” Wilson chuckled, making his way up to skitter across his ribs.
“Well, covering for his ass on clinic duty certainly has it’s benefits. Stamina being one of them.”
Cuddy replied with a wink.
“You’ve GOhoHot thahahahat right!” House interjected, tilting his head back to smirk at Cuddy. He earned a scoff of “I should have let you go to prison for malpractice” caliber.
“Good to…know..” Wilson drew slowly
“Ohohoho, dohohon’t get any funny ideas. She’s got wayyyy mohohohore stamina than you, Sonic.”
House retorted, clearly already drunk from the giggling.
“Oh sure, you say that as if you aren’t just as quick to break~?”
Wilson smirked as he drilled into House’s hips with no warning.
“nOhOHoHOHO!! WAHAHAHAIT!! WIHIHILSON!” House pleaded, bucking against Cuddy’s chair.
“I think you should keep going, he did say to do your worst after all. You did say that right, Doctor House?”
Cuddy whispered her question into House’s ear, eliciting a squeaky yelp.
Wilson raises an eyebrow at this.
“Wait, are your ears ticklish, too?” Wilson asked with curiosity beaming across his face, moving one hand to skitter behind House’s left ear and one to hold his jaw in place.
“EEEHEHEHEP!! Nohohoho, just a coinci-SHIHIHIHIT!!!” As House was attempting to respond, Cuddy gently nibbled at the shell of his ear.
Wilson, a bit flabbergasted at how badly it affected House, decided to possibly dig his own grave by testing a theory.
“Wihihihihilson, wha-hahahat are you doing? Wihihihilson???” House giggled as Wilson brought his lips to House’s other ear.
He gestures to Cuddy with his eyes to back her head away and she obliged, eager to see what he was thinking about doing that could cause him to head butt her.
“Wihihihilson I swear to fuhuhucking gohohohod..” House warned.
“Silly, you should pray he can save you from this. Even though he won’t.”
Wilson inhaled a deep breath and blew a raspberry behind House’s ear, holding his head still to avoid injury.
“EHEHEHEH-*snrk!* WA-*snrk!* Wahaha-*snrk!* hait WAhAHAIT OH MY G-*snrk!*AHAHAHA!!!”
[Meanwhile upstairs]
“You guys hear that?”
Foreman asked, looking up from what he’s doing.
Another strange noise caught Chase’s attention, an eyebrow raising in time with Foreman’s.
“Just sounds like someone told a really good joke upstairs besides, we don’t have time for it with the MRI in 5 minutes. Let’s go, boys.” Cameron chimed, grabbing the folders out of Foreman’s hands.
“Who made her in charge?”
Foreman asks, looking up at the ceiling directly after. He hears the sound once more but, dismisses it to follow an already fed up Chase.
Cameron made a B line to the noise that Foreman heard, ensuring that she wouldn’t be followed.
[Cuts back to Cuddy’s office]
Y-*hic*YOU M-AHAHA*hic*AHA!!!
House loudly cackled to Cuddy’s mild concern.
“My god Wilson, you’re going to kill him, don’t you think he’s had enough?” Cuddy asked as House went limp against the chair.
“Nah, he’s not done yet. Also, you can let go of him now, he doesn’t fight much after you get him hiccuping.” Wilson assured, tapping into House’s collarbones.
“NA*hic*HAHA*hic*HAHA-*snrk!* THEHE*hic*HEHEHE*hic*HERE!!!”
House squealed, thrashing his head.
“You sure? He looks exhausted..”
Cuddy replied, finally releasing House’s arms from capture.
House grips the chair with his arms now raised above his head, much to Cuddy’s surprise.
“Anywhere else you say? Well, since you asked so kindly~” Wilson drew out as he pounced at House’s underarms, giving cuddy an “I told you so” smirk as he began drilling all ten fingers in.
House laughed a crimally contagious laugh, sans hiccups now.
“See? He can tahahake it just fine. Isn’t that right, Hou-“
Wilson is cut off when he sees Cameron making her way to Cuddy’s office, withdrawing his hands from House almost immediately.
“Hey, I’ve got- wait…. Am I seeing what I think I’m seeing?” Cameron asked, setting down her folders to walk towards House with an intrigued smile.
“Wait, Cameron…let him breathe..” Cuddy warned, nearly stepping in front of her.
Cameron side-steps to be able to see a still unaware giggling House.
“Seriously, his breathing was.. really starting to get labored. Besides, I don’t expect he’ll let you..”
Wilson, agreeing with cuddy, stepped in front of Cameron.
“Only one way to find out.”
Cameron ignores their warning and walks towards him anyways. House finally opened his eyes to see her, his goofy look quickly morphing to one of anger that bordered enraged.
“You…weren’t supposed…to see me like this.” House sternly drew, softening his look to meet Wilson’s eyes standing behind her. Wilson’s fists were clenched and visibly shaking against his sides. Cuddy placed a hand on his shoulder, attempting to cool his temper.
“Why? Because we haven’t seen you smile like that?” Cameron grinned, confidently reaches for House.
“DO NOT!!!! FOR FUCKS SAKE, CAN YOU NOT TAKE 3 NOS FOR AN ANSWER, YOU INDIGNANT BITCH?” House grabbed her wrist hard with an iron grip, only to release it after seeing the horror in her face.
Wilson and Cuddy gave Cameron violent and disgusted looks that simply said:
“If you tell anyone about this, we’ll kill you and no one will know…”
Cameron silently exited the room, figuring that never bringing it up would be her only chance of survival.
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vespersposts · 2 years
Hi lovelies 💝,
August means something to those who have an obsession crush like mine.
💙Let's all celebrate that nice Daiki's birthday together, hoping that sooner or later he will decide to move next door to me, or in my house directly. This story is self indulgent as hell, but when it comes down to him, even your serious author loses the plot. The story is pretty long so I decided to double split it, i think it'd be easy for the two-time reading.
📝 small side note: suffering from insomnia myself, I am well aware that the representation I have given is only useful for the purposes of the narrative, I hope it does not offend other nocturnal animals .
Happy birthday D! 💘
📮Comments, criticism, sharing and like are so appreciated!📮
Follow the #knbhousewarming or #housewarmingbyvesper to find all the entries, or just ask for a tag I’d be glad to add you.
Who’s gonna be next? ( 💜: He's HUGE!). If you prefer a different Knb boy, let me know!
Love always,
💋PS: If any of you amazing authors would like to contribute with original work to this series, that would be a dream for me. Please send me the link and tag me so I won’t miss any stories, and use the #knbhousewarming , as the platform sometimes gets crazy.
💣PPS: I apologize in advance for any grammatical and/or spelling mistakes, English is not my first language (bear with me!).
➿Genre: fluff, slice of life, one shot.
🏡 Housewarming Masterlist🏡
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New York, Brooklyn Heights
Sunday, 03.15 A.M (ET)
A starry June night.
It hadn't happened to you for so long that you'd almost forgotten about it. You had started to lose bits and pieces of yourself sneakily, little by little, during a busy work period where sleeping hours were the last thing on your mind. A mountain of photos to edit, which the editor of the glossy fashion magazine you worked for had adored, promoting you to art director just to piss your predecessor. You had accepted, not so much because you were dying to find new trouble, but so that you could afford that house, in which you had dreamed of living since childhood.
It wasn't even like the other times: you were functioning. You worked too well, you worked twice as hard, you had twice as many ideas, but unfortunately you also thought twice as much. Perhaps you had not noticed it, but it stood there and had waited for the worst possible moment to make itself known.
The only unimportant detail, this time around your insomnia seemed not to want to go away.
One week, and if you hadn't slept at least five hours in three days you would have had to swallow the holy pills.
That's why, at that ungodly hour, you had slipped on leggings and trainers, zipped up your jacket over your sports bra, tied your hair in a high ponytail and, trotting down the building's stairs, were about to do the only thing that had worked in the past: tire yourself to death.
Off season for him mainly meant enjoying life. 
That's why from October to April he called Cleveland home, but then the rest of the year he loved to spend it in Japan or in that flat that had been recommended to him, only a few weeks earlier, by an ex teammate. A city that looked like a district of elegant brownstone cottages, with a lovely tree-lined promenade along the East River, the same one along which the girl from flat 13 was probably headed.
"Going for a run in the darkest hours, how stupid! The night was for having fun, chatting, making love and eventually sleeping ” he had thought as he held the door and enjoyed your brief ritual exchange of 'Good morning / thank you / please be careful/ sleep tight'. 
He had never ventured to ask anything , not even the reason for your strange habit of spending every night that God sent on earth awake and alone in the big flat in front of his own, going out onto the terrace to gaze at the dark night. He perceived you as a shadow against the window light, a shadow that stretched and sometimes danced to music that he couldn't hear, a shadow that returned to the night when you turned off the flat lights, and that came back from the night when your silhouette was dimly lit by the light of a faint candle. The very fact that he knew nothing about you, that he understood nothing about you, intrigued him.  You were a nocturnal, wild and elusive animal and he was the only one who understood your rare nature. In his mind you were an assumption, a fascinating thought that he could not help but think about. A challenge, an exciting balancing act. Yet you had a boyfriend, so he was told by the lovely old woman who lived next door, whom you called 'Granny' , and for whom you gladly ran small errands. "An ordinary guy" the former opera singer had revealed to him, when she had subjected him to her personal entrance examination into the social life of the building. He had wasted so much time thinking about what kind of person might have attracted your attention that, ironically, for the first time in a long time it was he who was left alone for the night. 
The sky changes, and you see the lights go on in other houses, the curtains open, and the day of people who know how to sleep can begin. You ask your pod for some music and turn on your computer, but your eyes see only one thing. You read his name in the inbox and open the email, only to realize how loathsome he can still be.
 "I'll pick Grandma up at 11 a.m. Tight schedule. Make sure she has everything she needs and not just useless evening clothes." 
"Go and die " you type back, adding a smiley emoticon as in your best tradition. It's always like that with Elliott anyway. Scion of a banking cult, slick student at your own private school, brilliant manager of the main branch of the institution founded by an ancient  great-great-grandfather. You grew up elbow to elbow, he the only one able to tolerate your less than aristocratic origins, and you the only one able to handle his awful temper. A partnership cemented by the unconditional love you both had for that now elderly lady with a very tarnished memory, for whom you were both genuinely her beloved daughter's children.
You finish your tea, open the curtains and windows, so that the fresh dawn air enters the whole flat, hoping that it will wash away even that last shapeless thought. It's probably a side effect of sleep deprivation, your brain's way of getting the endorphins you deny it, but it's ridiculous that he makes you feel like a young girl on her first crush. You look towards his balcony, the window slightly open, the lights off, and you know he is sleeping, since you met him three hours ago. He was alone, but that boy was handling traffic in his house comparable to an airport terminal.
You smile at that innocent naughtiness of yours, which is only the result of the awareness that the relationship between you will remain formal. Grandma liked him, so it was common for her to invite him for tea or some fancy excuse. She would entartain him with anecdotes, or her fantasies, or a mixture of the two, and you would find him standing in front of you, tall and alluring every day; and every day you would notice a detail that  shatters your determination not to pay attention to him. If only there was a freaking summer league, or if only he had gone back to Japan for his holiday, you would have had some respite from that constant assault on your senses.  As it was meant to be, that day too could not pass without you finding him before your eyes for the umpteenth time, his charcoal shirt that couldn't look better on those perfect shoulders, his light trousers wrapped his toned legs, his enticing eyes following you around the room, now that you asked grandma permission to review her holiday suitcase. His loud laughter and his hands, those big, long hands of his, that had touched yours to deliver a glass of water, perhaps lingering longer than necessary, but more prosaically pandering to your anxiety, now that with the departure of the hostess,  your chances to meet him would drop.
When Elliott arrives, the situation becomes surreal.
"You should go to lunch together" suggests your childhood friend, after spending the first half hour of his visit telling Grandma the epic story of the Japanese basketball champion, who is conquering the NBA, gloating like a teen in front of a k-pop idol.
"You know I go to Poppa's for lunch on Sundays" you cut it short, hoping to silence him, but the banker who looks like a Vogue model, is having none of it.
"In that Bed-Stuy dump?" he snorts, looking at Daiki as if the latter might know something about the toponymy of the quarters.
"Elliott, I was born there, I'd appreciate it if you didn't call it a sewer" you take him back, under the embarrassed gaze of your host.
"It sucks even if you were born there! Besides, what the fuck are you doing at Poppa's, if you don't even like meat! You're not a fucking rat anymore!" fights that big son of a gun. You fold your arms across your chest and are about to send him to hell, but he grabs you close for a hug, and you give in.
"Do you really want to take Aomine to a place like that, sis ?" he asks you , just to provoke you again, as if he expects a thank you for setting you up on a date. You look at him, half-close your eyes, about to give your answer when his voice shushes you both.
"Im so in for it. I'd like to see something different. You're gonna buy me lunch in return, deal? " his voice was so deep and warm. You'd like to make an excuse and leave him in that room, but the only thing you make him leave at home, as a precaution, is his watch.
"I hope you're not the fussy type" your  voice comes to him out of the blue, shortly after you've taken a seat in a filthy underground car. 
"No, I wouldn't say that " he replies, noticing how the landscape changes rapidly: from the open space of your nice district you move on to large buildings all leaning against each other, shops with broken or worn out signs, dirty streets and people with empty eyes.
"You're probably thinking Elliott was right, but ..." you carry on, as if suddenly embarrassed.
"Not at all. I was actually wondering why you moved, if you love your old block so much " he asks, turning his eyes from the window to your own.
"Because Bed-Stuy had nothing to offer me, apart from Poppa's cooking " you sigh " Since I had good grades, they admitted me to Elliott's school, but you can imagine what it was like. I was "rat" for everyone except him. Actually, when I took this train from school and went back home, all I thought about was how much I wanted to leave, how much I wanted to live in the beautiful Brooklyn Heights too, where the houses had lots of rooms and a balcony, where there were people like Grandma and not drug dealers and criminals. I'm not in love with this area, but I owe a lot to it, that's why I go back there every Sunday " you admit, giving him a glance, and he feels you so close and fragile that he would hug you tight, but he knows that would be inappropriate, to say the least.
You get off the metro, and after a short walk you find yourself in front of a row of buildings all alike, dense like the cells of a beehive, closed around a sort of common space that probably should have been a recreational area equipped with facilities, but now only looks decadent, sad and rusty. He saw  groups of children playing haphazardly and cheerfully, kids with loud music watching you quizzically, elderly people raising their hands to wave at you, bullies making offers that fall on deaf ears, until you find yourself in a narrow, dark alley, right behind what must once have been a basketball court. Yet the entrance to the diner was on the main face of the building, as the arrow of the sign suggests. 
"Come, don't be afraid, looks bad but it's safe" you mock him gently, your hand reaching for his one, your fingers interlacing with his to reassure him, but the effect his body sends back is a wave of overwhelming desire that makes his blood boil in his ears and leaves him unable to articulate words. He runs the palm of his hand along your forearm, over your skin, so soft and smooth. You look at him, open your lips to tell something, but he has already lost the ability to understand. Skinship, attraction, risk, a lethal mixture is pumped through his veins at an unsustainable pace.  He is about to close his fingers around your elbow to pull you to him and take you, locking you against that cold brick wall, when a male voice roars your name and divides you.
Poppa is a giant with a contagious good temper and arrogant, hearty cooking, who immediately sets you up at the best table in the place, in the small green space at the end of the dark alley, just behind his kitchen. Your burger looks alive, judging by the amount of toppings and cheese it leaks, which is why you are teased by both of them, who over the years must have honed an exact technique for holding bread, meat and toppings together.
"It's not a guy who looks like him, Pops" you explain, making the man's eyes widen "I brought you the real deal!" you smile, taking a long sip of water. Now the man's attention shifts to you, because "He knew he had seen you somewhere before".
"That's me Sir. Aomine Daiki, the one who plays in Cleveland" you reply and see the man's eyes light up with joy. "Man! We are all crazy about you, you're a genius!" the man shouts, calling out to all his kitchen staff, so that they too can shake hands and take pictures with the man who scored an average of 22 points per game in the last championship. It starts a party, which soon involves the whole block and in which he seems completely at ease, so much so, that he willingly accepts to shoot a few rounds with a group of boys from the local team, raising the already torrid temperature considerably, when he takes off his shirt and asks you to keep it, completely unaware of the emotional tsunami that watching him play causes. If Daiki in grandma's kitchen is attractive, in his element he is the most sensual and exciting man walking on earth. The way he moves, his absolute mastery of his body, those bright eyes full of agonism and above all his smile so radiant and seductive, which he never fails to turn on you after every point scored.
"Awesome!" shouts the girl sit next to you on the bench.
To you it's not awe, it's crave.
That dangerous feeling does not leave you even when you return to the metro, when you shower in your flat only to knock on his door shortly afterwards, having agreed to have dinner with him, bewildered as you were by lust.
You find him exactly as you left, absorbed in a phone call with someone he likes as he laughs, but that's all you can understand as he speaks a fascinating but unfamiliar language to you, which makes his voice sound even deeper.
"Excuse me, bestfriends catchup" he smiles, as you reach to take two glasses from his hands, asking if he can get you water instead of the caffeinated drink he opens for himself.
"I can't sleep lately, so I'm trying to ... " you stop, because there is no need for him to know that embarrassing fact about you. He glances at you fondly, as if he really cares about your story.
"Yeah I mean, it's a period where I should also call someone special to relax" you cut in short, taking a sip of water.
“You can call him, I'm sure he'd love to be your hero! ” he suggests.
"Him who, though? Elliott?" you ask, as you follow him moving away from you to retrieve a set of flyers from the fridge.
"Your boyfriend" he says, leaning back against the kitchen counter.
"I don't have a boyfriend " you answer with undue urgency, figuring out shortly afterwards the genesis of that misunderstanding, as Grandma had muddled up Elliott's boyfriend as yours.
"Time to get one, if you don't want the situation to worsen! " he says, approaching you, taking advantage of your discomfort to mess up your hair, and leave the flyers in your hands, with the options from which you will have to choose your dinner. Then he finally goes to take a shower, smiling at you blushing at his soft tease.
A normal routine.
"For a couple " adds your brain, which has evidently lost all its best cells, and can't think of anything else. You sit on the chubby rough linen sofa in the big white living room, look at the dark marble of the fireplace, the high neoclassical walls, the windows with their thin curtains, close your eyes and lean your head , trying to avoid the storytelling of that absurd fantasy. Yet, all the naughty things you two could be busy doing on every surface of that huge house, are the only thoughts swirling around in your head. That sharp desire takes all your energy away, surely making you look pathetic in his eyes, actually used to see models, and not a vapid chick like you. You rub your face and take a deep breath, feeling a sudden saddness that makes your body heavy.
He quickly ran a towel through his hair, pulled on a white T-shirt, fastened his dark trousers and inhaled, because after that day, it had been a terrible idea to ask you to stay for dinner. He wasn't ready, and now what he had felt after your last conversation was haunting him, reverberating endlessly in his mind. He wanted to take care of you, he wanted to be him and no one else the mainstay of your life, and that was upsetting, because that was not the way he was. He was careless, free, unattached. Yet he would not have tolerated you perceiving him that way. He wanted to be infallible in your eyes. He wanted to be the one, unrepeatable, incomparable, irreplaceable.
And then he wanted to have you. He wanted to have you so badly.
He smiled because on the large sofa in the living room you looked so tiny, all curled up on one of the large linen cushions, one bare foot on the edge of the furniture, your small hand beside your sleeping face, your soft breathing , your hair spread over your shoulders left bare by the pretty blue dress you were wearing.
Too damn cute.
He dimmed the lights in the room until they went out, leaving only the pale reading light on, retrieved a blanket, but stopped shortly after because a sudden flick of your eyelids caught his attention. 
"Dai-ki," you tell him with a sigh, probably still in dreamland, as you can't keep your eyes open. You smile as he approaches and slowly strokes your head, running his fingers through your hair and over the nape of your neck, sitting on the rug at the foot of the sofa so he can see you.
" I'm here" he says gently to your sleeping self, resuming his slow, sweet caress.
"Speak to me, tell me something in your language, anything " you call him out in a smooth voice, so innocent but with a hint of need that immediately roused all his senses
"Daisuki na, oyasumi nasai. Yoku nemureru to iine." (*) he indulges you idly, more to himself, thinking that you may have already caught up on your sleep, so beautiful and cuddly that those words come out naturally, as if he is breathing.
"Your voice is so sultry , it gives me chills " you murmur, blinking a little, your soft lips curving upwards.
"Chills?" he asks back, amused.
"Anything about you is so damn attractive, do you have any idea how tiring it is to resist ? " you admit, laughing quietly at your own boldness, turning towards him, so close you can feel his scent. He smiles at you, bringing your forehead into contact with his. You open your eyes and you feel your body slightly shiver , when he demands your undivided attention, pressing his thumb against your lower lip as he whispers those words.
"Then don't"
He closes the distance between you, working his way over you, locking his eyes in yours, making you sigh. His lips join yours with a light touch, that immediately deepens. He smiles against your lips, his tongue plays with yours, his voice claims you with a sensual moan to which you immediately surrend, as you do not want him to miss anything about you. You smile just to catch your breath, and kiss him back wholeheartedly. His eyes close ever so slightly after yours, allowing him to lose himself completely in your warmth.
It hadn't happened to you for so long that you had almost forgotten. You had forgotten what it was like to wake up in the house of someone who smiled at you, while you were having breakfast on the terrace of his flat, who stole your food, teasing you because you had fallen asleep like a stone on his sofa. A funny, handsome man with a childlike soul who, only a few days earlier , you had hoped would spend the off season light years away from you, but who now, leaning next to you on the railing of his flat, already seemed too far away.
(*): Hopefully it's the correct form for "Goodnight, my love. I hope you sleep well"
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sevarix-blogs · 1 year
i have always wondered, when you say you and molly live in a house, is it like a house? like a real house?! like 🏠? (eifiehaus is not a house, it is an apartment. but Barfie does not need much room to run around. 😌)
it is true! we have a Real House 🏡! houses are pretty cheap in my state, so a mortgage payment is pretty on par with rent for most apartments. at least that was the case when i bought it back before the pandemic.
this means that molly has a backyard! i filled it with rocks bc i hate mowing the lawn LOL and i felt bad when the grass got too tall and molly had to wade through it. although this year we're getting a lot of weeds popping up in the rocks and molly likes to eat them 😔 but also they annoy me immensely bc they cover up all the rocks!! and they are cool rocks!! anyway.
it's a pretty small house, which is all i need. i have a large (and purple) living room which i double as an office space for work. i decided it would be a bad idea to work from home on the same desk where i also play video games and have all my fandom stuff that reminds me of playing video games lol. so i technically i have two office spaces. one for work and one for play.
oh and most importantly! my work office space is situated so that i can see molly in her bed while i work 😌
and also!! i have solar panels :D bc it is extremely sunny where i live. and so a lot of times we don't have to pay much for electricity 😎
so yeah! i love my little house. it's one reason why i don't wanna have to move bc of stupid bigoted laws :( but i'm hoping that doesn't happen! so i can keep living here!
i hope your eifiehouse is a nice space too!!!
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(11) Neighbor AU 🏡 & (52) Marriage of convenience 💍
Ok finally have time to write one of these! This one's the easiest cause it's basically just an idea I already have (and that I think we've discussed a bit ☺️) but I fleshed it out:
The fic takes place from Joe's POV. He moves into a new apt building, this cute guy who lives 2 doors down the hall gives him a hand. Joe doesn't catch his name though, it's all just nice flirty banter before he disappears into his apartment. He meets their neighbor in between though, and tries to subtly ask if she's met whoever lives on the other side of her, though, and she says Oh, the newlyweds?
And Joe is disappointed, but let's it go - they barely know each other after all. He can't help but peer through the peephole sometimes though at them going by, although he never does more than casually wave to Nicky's wife.
Nicky though, he does keep chatting with. They keep similar schedules, they get their mail at the same time. Nicky ends up hanging out at Joe's place a lot. ("Won't... somebody miss you at home?" Joe tries to casually ask, as Nicky spends more and more time just stopping by. "No," Nicky says just as casually, and Joe decides not to pry. Maybe the honeymoon period is over already.)
One night, over at Joe's place, drinking some super fancy wine Joe won in a raffle at the office. Nicky knows something about wine and is pretty excited about trying it and they're a tiny bit tipsy on a half bottle each and also just having a good time, and Nicky leans in and kisses him against the counter. Joe goes with it for awhile, but then when Nicky tries to tug him back to Joe's bed he is like Nope wait no. I can't do this. It's not fair to your wife.
And Nicky is like 😳 how do you know about that. And Joe is like WOW you weren't even going to tell me you were married? Fuck off. And Nicky is like no no no, it's a green card marriage. I'm not even attracted to women. Also my wife is a lesbian, no one is being misled here.
And they all live happily ever after, defrauding the government! 🥰
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enelea · 1 year
The third secondary family is the Carson family. ACR also helped these two decide that they were meant to be. They moved to a more wooded area in Driftwood, closer to the city centre to fit with Marissa's social demands...😉They have a sweet little girl, who is a lot like her father (looks and personality). I named her Melissa. We will see more of them in Round 3 but I will add some more pictures of them in the next post as I took a few snapshots of them.🏡
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