#i've been trying for two months now to be able to afford this stupid picture frame that costs $30
cheddar-baby · 3 months
im like dreading having a nice relaxed day where i get to cuddle with a guy i like and watch shows all day in bed because im so mentally and physically exhausted from work. This sucks man.
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Chapter Two of See You in the Morning Time
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The third in a Rafael Barba/Reader/Frederick Chilton threesome verse written in collaboration with @pascalispretty . Gif by @mrsrafaelbarba . Yep. We did this. Was it necessary? No. Did we enjoy it? Sometimes. Are you going to read it? I sure hope you do and that you like it! Cross posted to ao3!
Part Three of the series So Much Easier than You Realize
Chapter One: A Different Feeling Entirely Chapter Two: Show Me the New
Warnings: Frederick being an anxious (and sad. and repressed) little weenie, discussions of period typical homophobia, bi panic, completely invented backstory (you got on this ride folks lol), Rafael being surprisingly supportive, cuddling, and of course a little bit of teasing Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 2293 Summary: It's not often that Fred instigates anything with Rafael except an argument.
It’s late by the time Fred and Rafael finally make their way to bed. They shower and put pajamas on while waiting for the food to arrive and once they eat, they finish the bottle of wine that Fred had opened earlier and spend the rest of the evening chatting and watching some dumb movie on TV.
Lying in Fred’s bed in his borrowed clothes, Rafael can’t help but smile to himself. After weeks of skittishness from Fred he had finally made it past some of the walls that the doctor had put up. Fred curled close to Rafael while they watched the movie, dragging a blanket over the two of them and cozying up entirely unprompted.
When Fred comes out of the bathroom and flicks the lights off, he’s even more pleased that Fred doesn’t seem to hesitate to lie close to him in bed or reach out for his hand.
“Thank you for letting me stay,” Rafael murmurs, to break the silence more than anything. He hears Fred scoff.
“I was hardly going to kick you out as soon as we were done.” As best as he can, Rafael turns on his side trying to make Fred out in the darkness of the room.
“I know. I just wasn’t sure how you’d feel.” He’s not at his most eloquent or subtle, but he wants to acknowledge what happened between them. “You were… hesitant at first and I just want to make sure you didn’t feel like you had to do this. As of a few days ago you were still pretty clear that you were not comfortable with the two of us having sex.”
Rafael doesn’t want to force a confidence, but he feels like he has to make sure. He’s coming to care too deeply about the arrogant chronically awkward man next to him to just let this go with vague assurances. He hears Fred shift onto his back and wants nothing more than to drag him into his arms and kiss his stupid, conceited face, but he holds himself still and waits for Fred to answer him, giving him the space he clearly wants.
“This wasn’t as sudden as you think it was,” Fred assures him eventually, face still pointed at the ceiling. “I’ve been thinking about this since, you know, that first time.” Rafael can practically feel Fred’s blush from his side of the bed and grins. “And my reticence was never about you, you know that, yes?”
Rafael nods, realizes Fred probably can’t see him, and clears his throat.
“Yeah, I figured as much. I am, after all, a damn catch.”
Rafael yelps as Fred reaches out, faster than he thought was possible for a well-fed psychiatrist who sits behind a desk all day, and smacks him on the chest.
They’re quiet for a few minutes, together in the dark cocoon of Fred’s bedroom, before Rafael sighs. He can’t help but notice the similarities between the blank peacefulness of Fred’s minimalist design and the deliberately organized calm of a therapist’s office and wonders if he did that on purpose. Maybe it’s a natural inclination, he muses idly. It invites honesty. The sharing of secrets.
“I’m only eighteen months younger than Benn, you know,” Fred says eventually, and it’s so unexpected that Rafael finds himself frowning a little in confusion. “All the way through school, I was Bennett Chilton’s younger brother; just the little brother of the handsome quarterback that everyone adored.” Rafael has seen photos of Bennett, tall and painfully handsome. He can see that it might have been hard to grow up in that shadow.
“He came out when he was sixteen, and I was fourteen. And I’m sure you can imagine what that was like at an all-boys Catholic school in Virginia in the eighties.” Rafael winces in the dark. He remembers well enough the attitudes in his own high school, in marginally more liberal New York. He can’t imagine what it must have been like in a place without a visible community to look up to.
“People were mostly smart enough not to say anything to Benn’s face--he was a six foot two starter who never backed down from a fight, they would have had to have been stupid--and our parents were supportive. But the things people said about him behind his back--” Fred shudders, an involuntary shiver that makes Rafael want to wrap his arms around him and never let go.
Instead, he just squeezes Fred’s hand reassuringly and waits for him to continue. For someone who has trouble shutting up at the very best of times--staying silent isn’t Rafael’s forte--he is doing an admirable job tonight. His desire to prove he’s worthy of this unexpected vulnerability from Fred is more than enough to keep him quiet. Rafael is desperate to know more, to know everything about Fred; about what makes him tick, about why he was so reticent, so reserved, when clearly this is something that he enjoys.
“It was awful. The kind of things you never want to hear about somebody you love. And I was hardly in any position to be giving out bloody noses or black eyes whenever someone called him a fag, or made some crack about AIDS.” Rafael shifts slightly nearer, still not saying anything. He smiles to himself when he feels one of Fred’s hands reach up to rest on Rafael’s hip.
“I was a short, scrawny child--I spent a lot of time in the hospital and home sick--and I couldn’t afford to give the other boys in my school one more reason to pick on me so I just… didn’t say anything. I’m not proud of it, but it’s not like Benn had any trouble sticking up for himself. I doubt he would have appreciated anyone stealing his opportunity to get into one more fight anyways.”
Rafael covers the hand Fred has on his hip with his own, deciding now is not the time to joke that he can’t ever imagine Fred as scrawny. Fred clears his throat again and continues in the same calm, rehearsed manner. Like this is something that he witnessed happening to someone else.
“It wasn’t long after that that I had my own month of absolute pure terror and confusion. It was one of Bennett’s teammates from the swim team that actually sent me over the edge. His name was Bobby and he was gorgeous. He had never made any jokes about Bennett, never joked about changing somewhere else in the locker room. He was a little stupid, I can admit that now, but back then I thought he was perfect. I worshipped my brother and this pretty boy clearly did the same.
“Well, I was horrified. Up until then I had been fully and completely in love with a girl I had known practically since infancy. Was all of that a lie? Was being gay genetic? Was Billy going to go through the same thing? It took me a whole month before I had the guts to ask Bennett and I nearly stabbed him with our father’s letter opener when he laughed at me.”
Rafael winces again, knowing how touchy Fred is now, a grown adult well-respected in his professional field and still a little obsessed with slights, perceived and real. Fred huffs, forcing any trace of bitterness out of his voice.
“He told me that you can like girls and boys at the same time and that I should go see if I still liked jerking off to pictures of Jennifer Connolly.” Rafael isn’t able to suppress his snort.
“I always liked Carrie Fisher,” he tells Fred, smiling over at him.
“You would, you pervert,” Fred shoots back. “Probably loved that bikini, didn’t you?”
“I think I’ll plead the Fifth on that one.”
Fred shakes his head and sighs deeply.
“Well, naturally, that was enough humiliation for me for one afternoon and so I threw a throw pillow at him and bolted for my room.”
“Did you jerk off to Jennifer Connolly?”
“Rafael, I can still kick you out of this apartment.”
“Sorry.” Rafael is silent for all of twelve seconds before he asks again, “Come on Fred, I’ve got to know; did you?”
“...Maybe,” Fred reluctantly admits. Rafael laughs and squeezes his hand.
“Moving on from your prurient obsession with my teenaged masturbatory life,” Fred says pointedly, managing to sound arch, offended, and haughty all at the same time. “I contemplated for a while what Benn had told me. A long time actually--that percolated in my brain all throughout the rest of high school. I only ever dated girls, I ignored it completely every time I was even remotely attracted to another boy, but I kept thinking about that. Not only did I have a lifelong conviction that if Bennett said it it must be so, but it just sort of felt right, you know?”
Rafael nods, remembering a similar feeling he had when he was younger. Despite what the other boys in his neighborhood said about “queers”, despite what the Church said, and despite what he knew his father would do to him if he heard Rafael’s thoughts, he was what he was and that was that. Fuck anyone who said different, he remembered thinking. It’s not like he could change it, even if he wanted to.
“Yeah, I know what you mean,” he answers when it’s clear that Fred requires some encouragement to continue. Fred twines his fingers with Rafael’s before carrying on.
“I lived with Benn in college. Our father bought him an apartment in Cambridge the day he got his acceptance letter from Harvard, and it only seemed logical that I’d move in once I got accepted too. And, I don’t know. It was a little easier there.” Rafael thinks he grimaces, but it’s hard to tell in the dark.
“It has been a while though, since I’ve indulged. And I've never participated frequently.” Every word seems like it’s forced out of Fred’s mouth.
“All this to say, Rafael,” Fred murmurs, inching closer across the sheets, “Is that the problem was never you.”
Rafael gathers him into his arms this time. Fred goes willingly, releasing a heavy, shaky breath and clearly relieved to not be talking about this anymore.
“I know,” Rafael reassures him. “I know it wasn’t me. I was just… I don’t know. I was worried.” He smiles, giving Fred another squeeze. “You’re a delicate little flower Freddie, I want to make sure I don’t trample all over you.”
“Get out of this bed this instant.”
Rafael laughs and they settle down to sleep.
The three of them celebrate in Rafael’s tiny Brooklyn apartment when Fred returns from Baltimore. He insists that he wants to cook and, though he had his doubts about his equally minuscule kitchen, manages to turn out an incredible ropa vieja. His mother would be proud.
When the empty plates are discarded on his coffee table, stacked haphazardly and waiting to eventually be washed by whoever loses the inevitable game of ‘who had the harder day’, Rafael sinks back into the couch and smiles benignly basking in the praise of the two of them and their company. Four days is starting to become too long to go between times when they’re all together and though he wants to frown at the unpleasant feeling of missing the both of them when they aren’t around he loves it a little bit as well. Every other wandering thought was of the two of them and he can’t deny that it's nice to feel these first desperate stirrings of a relationship again.
“I don’t know how you made all of that, Rafael. I’m pretty sure my cousin Caroline had a bigger kitchen in her dollhouse.” Fred surprises him when he leans closer to Rafael, snuggling contentedly against him. Rafael had told the third of their little trio that he and Fred had finally slept together--hiding things in a threesome was the quickest way to hurt feelings. Everyone was going to eventually do things without everyone involved and it’s best to just let that out in the open--but he hadn’t expected Fred to offer such casual affection so freely.
Rafael catches her looking at the two of them with a soft smile on her face and returns it with one of his own. She hid it well but she was a little disappointed during their FaceTime when he had warned her that Fred might not be overly demonstrative yet. Rafael knew she felt a little--guilty wasn’t the word she would use, he knew, if he could ever get her to talk about it--uncomfortable about how much more open Fred was with her than he was with Rafael. He loves how hard she tries to remind him that Fred is just anxious, cautious, a little scared. Rafael is a grown man and doesn’t need his hand held, but the fact that she tries to anyways makes his heart feel like it’s growing through his ribcage sometimes.
When Rafael looks back down at Fred he looks like he’s about to fall asleep with his head nuzzled against Rafael’s shoulder. He would describe it as endearing until Fred moves one of his hands high onto Rafael’s thigh. Rafael smirks.
“All it took was one night and he’s already falling for me,” he says to her in a stage whisper. Fred is unfortunately still awake enough to jab Rafael in the ribs, settling down only after the air is knocked out of Rafael’s lungs with an “oof”.
“As long as you remember to invite me to the wedding,” she teases. Rafael watches her duck admirably as Fred throws a cushion at her head.
“You’re supposed to throw a bouquet at me, not a pillow!”
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
We have some things happening and it's good there's a huge group of people that would like you to have something including Max these people are treated like a prisoner your whole life and they're not right and your family was helping you the whole time and he knows it there's a giant following to do it because they want to have a second chance at life because we know you need funding other than social security and a huge group wants to take the government down and they can't afford to have you on social security they're two different groups and be working against each other and it's actually a known Factor that that doesn't really work a lot of people want to make a new America and a lot of people don't so that's the division that we needed and we also need to get stuff and both parties when you have money any kind of money so looking at this t-shirt deal and I see that it's Uber and they tried to figure out who it is and turns out there might be Brian so companies are going after it to try and take it over because he's just sitting there frowning this is too stupid to know what to do with it Jenna would know what to do but she's not listening to it all anymore he's an idiot I've been making like a few$1,000 a month even if that and you'd be making trillions and trillions of dollars a month and I'm going to be real cuz it'll be my company shirt or whatever emblem not my company he goes like this well I can't understand it well then don't make any money cuz no one's going to buy a t-shirt if it's not ours I mean from hard not kicker 5150 it's just some t-shirt that says it and I'm not licensing you to sell it and you won't make any money maybe you make a million dollars because you're buying it yourself I mean come on why is it hard decision now everyone's going to get on top of you and you won't be able to do it so it's starting to understand something he passes up tons of stuff like that it's only a few bucks and he used to do all sorts of things that are making a few bucks so he's actually starting to think about it no he wants to just start pumping them out so he's not going to do what you suggested and sharpen it so he won't sell any again so we've got the design and we're going to pump out the shirts herself and he says that's great I'm going to get you a stipend and if he doesn't allow it to go through we're going to break them all
Not only that but everyone's tired of these idiots just holding you here with nothing the government started them because they have to fight them they're just sit here doing nothing and Max part of the problem it's kind of like this we're willing to let him do that and have a company with you making hard not kick her 5150 and you'd be like the major investor so he making pennies and he probably be the president and you probably make shitloads of money and make tons of sales and you be trying to take over the other one but you're just sitting there with the front on your face not doing anything it doesn't make any sense what's the problem you're not going to do it and you'll never have that opportunity again so his smiles and says I swear to get something I'm trying that and I'm going to try this and a lot of people don't want me to do either one so that's not right A lot of people don't trust you and you're doing it and they wouldn't get in trouble they say oh same as always so I figured out some how would you make a motorcycle company it's not very tough you'd be like one of the founders supposedly and me like a silent partner just like a couple pictures or something I forgot something my name would be like on a paper somewhere and people would figure it out if it's an obscure paper it's kind of true like code designer with Bob Jr and all of a sudden I figured out something my phone is lit up on fire I'd have tons of business you have ideas for other businesses too but this comes from China you don't really have to do anything until you start switching over and making parts you know which would be natural I figured out something else they don't want to do anything this is different you know it's true it is different hit the rev trike too
So I might try doing that and the t-shirt company cuz it has just not going to do it he's just saying is going to pump those out he didn't do it right in the first place I just started laughing at him he did it to try and fool people and he owns the company and you're a weirdo everyone knows what the status is and they keep telling you and you can't figure it out maybe you're stupid you're so stupid I'm going to have to take the business cuz he used to do this so I made tons of businesses and money
Mac says
So BJ is sitting there squinting and blinking doesn't really understand what's going on it's not going that fast it's been over the years and her son says you're stupid as hell there's no other deal and you're not and it's not a bad deal in any way f*** you you loser so really just taking stuff and it's not true so we're going to take him for a ride and drop them off the middle of nowhere what kind of sick of that guy Max is going to take over the shirt company and he might send a letter and say I'm going to solve at this and I'll say that's good I'd like to sign the copyright agreement and you can put my copyright insignia on there and it'll sound like wildfire and you'll probably fudge the numbers I said but you can send what you got but you send what you can and you'll know what that means says you can't say that but I do agree with what you're saying all right and really I mean the first day you would be sending me like $10 million dollars so it wouldn't be appropriate true too we both get pushed out please send a few hundred and then you send a few thousand for a while and then maybe gets into a little bit more than a few thousand because you're going to be selling so many t-shirts you think your founder of America and then you'd end up starting the bike company in America which is ironic because it was like a British America company now the American company that's kind of funny too cuz it can still be British American it's not without Bob well your Bob Brown senior and it makes sense that you would be able to start it but you weren't involved in it no but I knew about it and you know who Bob Brown seniors so now I'm starting to work for me cuz Bob Brown senior can do it yes he can and I knew you were involved in it that's right and I have nothing so anything helps $100 a month helps so at first it would have to be something like that but I have so many ideas you feel guilty bars and like a saloon style thing I already have that idea and they're probably it's out there I thought but it wouldn't be this one no and you guys make him different and people like the way you do it they like a little sleazy those girls from route 66 I'm starting to think of something these girls are everywhere bothering us that would be their job and you can have uniforms I got to go ahead with it I love doing it for some reason I only could have you can have this like managers too and have a district manager look like the manager we did that a lot and they're good at it they feed people so a living and make the quality a little bit better after a while you might have to make it like you make it McDonald's Mass produce it but still be better quality it's a huge idea I think I got to go ahead and start doing this t-shirt that's not laughing about it cuz that's what people do in Florida they never succeed this one's going to succeed right away what kind of revolting against the government with them
Some exit all that and I'm going to approve the idea
Bitol and Goddess Wife
We're going to prove it too and send it in for mother's Day is trying he says
Thor Freya
We accept that and it's a terrific gift you've been trying this stuff for a long time and setting it up and finally it makes sense it could work and Trump offered us nothing but hatred of him it's so sick of that guy he's got to go
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