Ever since i read I.C. i was a huge fan of Murtagh. He always struck me as one of the more relatable characters because he wasn't out for right or wrong just self preservation. He had a traumatic childhood and grew up with no friends and not even a mother, the only person he was ever truly loved by was Tornac who treated him like his own son and raised and nurtured him.
Something i'm really hoping to see in this new book is Murtagh getting what he deserves. I hope he finds someone who understands him and shows him what it's like to be loved. I don't necessarily mean romantic love just some good old platonic friendship that shows him how much he is loved.
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iceemoondemon · 2 years
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Redo of this
I decided that I.C is non binary :3
and i gave her jacket too ^^
(Use they/them pronouns if you want)
UPDATE: I made their necktie yellow : D
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hoopii-loopii · 8 months
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LVAtober days 1 and 2
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marzybarzyz · 8 months
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First day of LVAtober2023! Todays prompt is ORIGIN CUBE
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dynamicblithe · 2 months
“Is this seat taken?” Dotty asked to the person who is nearby her. “I was just wondering if you would be fine with me sitting next to you? If not, that’s totally understandable. Everywhere else is full. My name is Dotty. It’s great to meet you though!” Dotty looked at the other person who is still nearby her. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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heaven-said · 4 days
// hello! so sorry you have to meet Michael like this// The seraphim did not even want the humans to be created, but here they are. And some of them are good, some are bad... but to stage full scale war on hell and it's denizens? The thought filled Michael with no small amount of anguish, especially given that there were people there that he was personally invested in...his daughter among them, sent there for the 'crime' of having been born a nephilim. But his frustration is tempered by a sort of understanding..one that extends to both sides...such is the way of Justice. "There are other ways to fix this issue rather than warfare. And before you tell me that we are already at war, trust me...I know. I didn't get these scars card games." he crosses his arms "The real issue isn't hell's main populace...the real issue is a select few individuals and a plethora of religious nutjobs. And a human government in dire need of...." he wants to say 'termination' but settles on "Intervention. Perhaps rather than funneling our focus to the unaffiliated, we direct out ire at those truly responsible?" @snow-hart
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✞ " But you MUST try to see this from the human's perspective, brother... " The archangel shakes his head.
" These demons have killed over a hundred of their people, in seemingly a few days! How are they to know the demons are not monsters, and how are we to stop them from proceeding without severe divine intervention? Without hurting people who very well may be innocently misguided? Are we really justified in intervening for this and no other war they have ever had? You have decided NOW-- now, is when Heaven must take a side in humanity's wars? When the forces of Darkness of all things needs defending? No other? I just don't understand... what is everyone's urgency to kill living human beings trying to defend the Earth? When it is the demons who have tormented the living in secret for eons? "
He is pacing back and forth, back and forth as he tears his own mind apart.
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fatesforgottcn · 3 months
Sweetie Belle left Canterlot High School after the school day had ended. She started to walk towards the theme park, and the new water park, but she had started typing in a text message to their best friends Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo. They were not noticing that someone had been very nearby them, and they bumped right into that person, and the items that the other person had been holding onto had fallen down to the ground. Sweetie Belle sighed, and they felt badly of bumping into this person like this. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there.” Sweetie Belle said to the other person, as she bent down to help to pick up the other person’s items. “Can I take you somewhere to make up for bumping into you? We could go to the theme park, and the water park, or go see a film, or something like that? I’ll pay for everything, and I’m terribly sorry about this again.” Sweetie Belle said to the other person. “Are you okay?” Sweetie Belle asked them. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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fadingdreamsfm · 3 months
“Welcome to The Berry Bitty Café,” Sour Grapes responded dryly after she noticed that the other person had walked in. “I recommend my Curried Cucumber Canapé, and my Glinty Minty Sparkle. But what would you like to order? We’re going to continue to be open for two more hours, so just me know if you want something here. Thank you.” Sour Grapes said to that person, knowing that her twin sister, Sweet Grapes, would want her to say thank you to the potential customer. 
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angeliteonfridgeduty · 5 months
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something something cube content
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tricerapor12 · 54 minutes
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@thatweirdocryptid - Anthroztizia Sun
@hikkokoro - Star Sun
@thealphavoidofficial - I.C Sun, BoM Sun, TMIB Sun
S.M Sun - Me
And of course canon evil Sun in jail lmao
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Got a new friend :D
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multimuseblogfm · 10 months
Gabriella had been looking for some kind of restaurant that would sell burgers on Canterlot Island but she didn’t know where to go to find one. She walked towards a person who is nearby her at this moment. “Sorry to interrupt what you were doing over there, but do you happen to know if there are any fast-food restaurants around here? Like a Burger King or anything like that? My name is Gabriella Roberts and I just recently arrived here. If you could please help me out, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you!” Gabriella said to the other person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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hoopii-loopii · 8 months
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caramelmochacrow · 5 months
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merry christmas everybody to those who celebrate!!!!! :D
(second ver for the first one under the cut!)
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um. it looked a bit empty so. yeah. i did what i did but i felt bad to not show it without the little extra stuff so. yeah here.
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pugsitapow · 2 years
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ᨈ⠀⠀爱. 🐇 𝗼. ᵎᵎ ‹𝟹 ∿
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noprincessfm · 9 months
Tabby still couldn’t figure this mystery out, but someone had to know something, right? Tabby looked at the closest nearby person to her. She walked towards that person. “Is there a reason why we cannot leave this island? I mean, does anyone actually know what that reason is? Every single time that I tried to return back home, I’m sent back here, and this has never happened to me before.” Tabby said to the nearby person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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heaven-said · 3 months
@hymns-across-the-stars ⋰⋰ moved !
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✟ " For your sake, I suggest you get to class. Early. " He doesn't have to so much as raise a hand, simply step ever closer until his intimidating form looms over them, sending them staggering back and skittering off. His reputation proceeds him. Senseless degenerates. But he was patient with the new ones. He knows... they don't quite get how things work around here yet.
Grade A student, member of the student council, athlete, and evidently-- keeper of the peace. If he and the rest of the council didn't, he was convinced they'd be spectating violent and destructive battles in the school yard every day. High school could be a ruthless and blood thirsty place, after all. Metaphorically, of course. And, this is normal, that he is currently at a high school, where he attends.
" I apologize for their immaturity... The freshman are eternally eager to prove something. " Before the machine can even move to stand, this student punctuates his divine intervention flashing from place to place, rapidly acquiring all their paper in a neat pile before standing before them with an outstretched hand. But at their response the senior softly scoffs an awkward laugh, shrugging his hand in a twirl. " No. Well-- it's more of a... discipline than a complex. "
Now that he's right in front of them, they likely notice the giant golden cross emblemed on their face. Or what covers his face. He still offers to help them up. " Protecting oneself is merely getting in a fight... but protecting another is proof we are not alone. " If you don't like that proverb, he's always got more.
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