#s.m sun
tricerapor12 · 5 months
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S.M Sun is back with a little bit of redesign and a final form! :D
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yolexxx · 9 months
@tricerapor12 I made this as a new years gift I love ur Solar Maximum au and fic sm😭🫶🏽
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The paws are my favorite 🥹
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thatweirdocryptid · 4 months
Psst @tricerapor12
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I wonder what they are talking about hmm🤔
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tammyjackson50-blog · 11 days
Unspoken Attraction\\ S.M
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Summary: When your dance partner gets sick right before the biggest competition of the year, you're stuck in a nightmare. Your teacher’s solution? Pair you with the one person you can’t stand. Now you’re forced to rehearse every day with the guy you’ve spent years avoiding. The worst part? He's actually good, and he enjoys it.
The dance studio buzzed with excitement as the upcoming competition was getting close. It was a 2000's hip-hop couple dance, and everyone was eager to prove themselves. Y/n stood with her friends when her phone rang. Looking at the screen, she saw it was her dance partner, Jake.
"Hey, Jake! What's up, my guy?" she answered, "Y/n, just don't kill me, okay? I... I can't do it," Jake's voice was strained, tinged with guilt. "I've tested positive for COVID. I'm really sick and there's no way I'll be ready by next week." Y/n's heart sank "What? Where the hell did you get covid from?? No, Jake, this can't be happening omg, the competition is next week. We were so ready." "I know, I'm so sorry. You need to find someone else, Y/n. There's no other way."
" I hope that you'll get better, except me coming for you in your dreams." He laughs. " I'm glad to know that I have such a good friend like you." She ended the call, her mind racing "Guys, Jake's out. He somehow got COVID in 2024 and can't compete," she said, feeling stressed.
Nearby, Sam Monroe leaned against the wall, surrounded by his group. His eyes was on Y/n, he heard the conversation. They had always been rivals, their competitiveness simmering with unspoken attraction. He walked passed her, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Trouble in paradise, Y/n?" Sam's tone was teasing, but his eyes held a glint of something more. Y/n glared at him, not in the mood for his games "Oh ,not now, Sam." Their dance teacher, Mr. Bradley overheard the exchange and stepped in. "Sam, you know our policy. We help each other out. Y/n needs a partner, and you're one of our best." Sam crossed his arms, feigning indifference. "I don't do couple dances, Mr. Bradley. You know that. I prefer solo or group routines."
Mr. Bradley sighed, clearly frustrated. "Sam, you have the skills, and you know it. Y/n needs you. Step up." Sam looked at Y/n, who was biting her lip in worry. He could sense her desperation and the weight of the competition pressing down on her.
"Fine," he said rolling his eyes. "But only because I don't want our studio to look bad." Y/n looked up, surprised "Wait, really? You're going to partner with me?" Sam shrugged "Looks like it. Don't think this changes anything between us, I'm still going to outdance you." Her competitive spirit flared "Ha, We'll see about that, Monroe." He looked at you with no expression "we'll do it when we'll be alone" and turned around, leaving you annoyed yet somehow relaxed, knowing that you are not out of the competition.
Later that day, as the sun has set, the studio had emptied out, leaving just Y/n and Sam. Neither of them wanted to stay, but they know that they had to practice together. The silence was very awkward
Sam sighed, breaking the quiet "I can't believe that I need to do that... and with you." Y/n shot him a look, "Yeah, well, I didn't ask for this either, Monroe, but thanks, I guess."
They stood in the middle of the dance floor, the studio dimly lit around them. It was their first time being alone together like this...
"Okay, um, this is our song," Y/n said, her voice a bit softer. She walked over to the sound system and pressed play. The beat of a 2000s hip-hop track filled the room. Sam listened, his face unreadable "Classic choice. Guess you have some taste after all."
Y/n rolled her eyes. "Don't get too cocky. We still have to sync up, and that means actually working together." He smirked. “I hope you can catch up with the dance,” Y/n said, her tone dripping with sarcasm. Sam rolled his eyes, a smirk on his lips. “Just show me the moves, Y/n, I’ll manage.” Y/n sighed, stepping into the center of the studio. “Alright, let’s start with the basics. This is the routine Jake and I came up with.”
She began to demonstrate the steps, her movements fluid and precise. Sam watched intently, surprisingly focused. He mimicked her moves, catching on quickly. “Not bad, Monroe,” she admitted reluctantly. “But you’re still not hitting the beats right. Watch my feet.” Sam’s eyes followed her every move, his gaze intense. “Got it.” As they continued, Y/n couldn’t help but notice how effortlessly he picked up the dance. It irritated her that he was good at everything, even when he pretended not to care. He was Sam Monroe, after all, always cocky and insufferable.
Then came the part of the routine that made Y/n a bit uncomfy. It was a move that required them to get close. “Okay, this next part is... a bit different,” she said, “We have to be really in sync, just... follow my lead.”
She stepped closer to him, feeling his warmth. Their bodies moved together, the music guiding them. As their hips swayed and their chests brushed against each other, the air between them grew thick with unspoken tension. It was hard to focus on the steps when her heart was racing. Sam’s hands gripped her waist, pulling her slightly closer. His breath was hot against her ear. “Like this?” Y/n swallowed hard, trying to keep her composure. “Y-Yeah, just like that.”
The moment felt electric, a dance of challenge and desire. Their eyes met, and for a brief second, it was as if the rivalry had melted away, leaving only the raw attraction between them. Just then, the moment was interrupted by a knock on the door. her friend, Clara, poked her head in. “Hey, I forgot my water bottle.” Y/n stepped back quickly, her face flushed. “It’s over there on the bench.”
Clara grabbed her bottle, glancing curiously between them. “Thanks.. See you tomorrow.”
As the door closed behind her, Y/n and Sam stood there, the tension still lingering but now mixed with a hint of awkwardness. “We should call it a night,” Y/n said, avoiding his gaze. “We’ve covered enough for today.” Sam nodded, “Sure, same time tomorrow?” “Yeah,” she replied, already heading for the door. “Same time.”
As you hurried towards the bus station, your mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. "What the fuck was that?" You muttered under your breath, replaying the intense practice session with Sam over and over in your head. Why did Mr. Bradley have to pair us up? I could have found another partner......... I think.
Lost in thoughts, you didn't notice the car pulling up beside you until the window rolled down, revealing Sam's smirking face. "Need a ride?" he asked casually, as if the charged atmosphere from earlier hadn't existed at all. "No thanks, Sam," you replied firmly,as you walked towards the bus station He drove slowly beside you, "Are you sure? I can take you home," he offered. I couldn't help but laugh, though there was a hint of disbelief in it. "I'm good, Sam," I said, shaking my head slightly. He matched my laughter with a smirk, his gaze lingering on me for a moment longer before he drove away, leaving me with a mix of relief and a bit of confusion.
---- Later that night, as I lay in bed, I remembered that I had promised to show Sam a video of one of my recent practices with Jake. I found the video on my phone and sent it to him, along with a quick message.
-"Forgot to show you this earlier, this is what the dance is supposed to look like"
I was already ready to turn off my phone and go to sleep, but to my surprise, Sam replied almost immediately.
-"Watching it now. Let's see if you and Jake are really that good"
A moment later, another message popped up.
-"Okay, not bad. You two look pretty comfortable together"
-"Thanks, I guess? you know, Jake and I have been dancing for a long time now"
-"That part where you guys get really close... looks a bit too comfortable if you ask me"
-"'It's called chemistry, Monroe. Something you might want to work on"
-"Oh, I have chemistry, Y/n. Just not with everyone."
-"Maybe you should try being less cocky and more focused then."
-"Maybe I just need the right partner" ouch "Too bad you and Jake were so cozy. Wonder if you'll miss him during that part".
I rolled my eyes, feeling the irritation bubbling up again.
-"We’re just dancing, Sam. Not everything has to be a big deal"
-"Sure, sure. Just seemed like you were enjoying it a bit too much. Can you handle the same with me?"
His comment made my heart skip a beat, and I quickly typed back.
-"I can handle anything, Monroe,just try to keep up."
-"Challenge accepted, Goodnight, Y/n"
-"Goodnight, Sam."
You were really annoyed by him. As if dealing with Sam Monroe in person wasn't enough, now he was getting under your skin through text messages too. You couldn't deny there was something about his cocky attitude that got to you, but you refused to let it show. With a sigh, you turned off your phone and tried to focus on getting some sleep.
The next day, you arrived at the studio and sat down with your friends, glancing around the room. Sam was nowhere to be seen.
"Is he serious?" you muttered under your breath, pulling out your phone. You quickly typed a message to him.
-"Where are you? We're supposed to be practicing."
You tapped your foot impatiently, waiting for a response. A few minutes later, your phone buzzed.
-"Relax, I'm on my way. Traffic."
You rolled your eyes, not buying his excuse.
-"Traffic, huh? Sure you're not just trying to avoid practice?"
~"Why would I do that? I enjoy our little sessions."
-"Well, hurry up. We don’t have all day."
~"Don't worry, I won't leave you hanging."
You put your phone away, still irritated but trying to focus on the routine. Your friends were doing their thing, but your mind was elsewhere, finally, the studio door opened, and Sam walked in, looking as relaxed as ever.
"Morning," he greeted casually, his eyes meeting yours with a familiar glint of mischief. "You're late," you shot back, crossing your arms. "Traffic, remember?" he said with a smirk. "Let's get to work."
It going to be another interesting day.
You played the music and started practicing, diving straight into the routine. The energy of the hip-hop beat drove your movements, pushing you both to sync up despite the tension. You approached the part of the dance you hadn’t practiced yesterday a challenging sequence that required trust and coordination.
“Alright, this is the part where I run and jump into your arms,” you said, already anticipating Sam’s cocky response. “Then I slide under you, between your legs, and get up smoothly. After that, you need to hold my leg around your thigh.”
Sam raised an eyebrow, his signature smirk appearing. “Sounds easy enough. Ready when you are.”
You rolled your eyes, taking a deep breath. “I know it's very tempting for you not to catch me when I jump, but please, for the sake of the dance, just do it right.”
He chuckled. “I got you, Y/n. Don’t worry.”
The music built up, and you took off, running towards him. With a leap, you trusted Sam to catch you, and to your surprise, he did. You slid under him, moving smoothly between his legs, and then rose gracefully, positioning your leg for him to hold. His hands found their place around your thigh, holding you firmly. The last moment of the dance, your bodies locked in a pose that was both intense and intimate. You could feel his breath, steady and controlled, as he held you in place.
“Not bad, Monroe,” you said, slightly breathless. “Thanks,” he replied, his voice low “You’re not too shabby yourself.” You both stayed in that position for a beat longer than necessary, the music fading out. The air between you was charged, the dance pushing you closer both physically and emotionally.
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Finally, you stepped back.
“Let’s run it again,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady. “Okay” Sam replied, his smirk back in place. “Just don’t expect me to always be this nice.” "That's the last thing I expected from you, Monroe" I quipped, feeling a mix of surprise and amusement as we ran through the jump sequence again. This time, when I tried to move away at the end of the routine, Sam didn't release my leg,his grip was firm, teasingly defiant. As his smirk widened, clearly enjoying the moment, I decided to play along. In response to his playful teasing and to assert a bit of control, I lightly tapped his stomach with my knee. It was enough to catch him off guard, making him release his hold with a surprised laugh.
"Touché," Sam chuckled, rubbing his stomach lightly where I had nudged him. "Didn't know you had it in you." I shrugged nonchalantly, masking the flicker of satisfaction at having caught him off balance. "You should know better than annoy me, Monroe."
He grinned, the tension between us easing into a more playful banter. "Noted. But admit it, Y/n, you enjoyed that."
I rolled my eyes, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a direct answer. "Let's just focus on getting this routine right, okay?"
Sam nodded, the competitive glint returning to his eyes. "Deal. But just so you know, I'm not going easy on you." "Good," I replied, a challenge in my tone.
"I wouldn't want it any other way."
A few hours later, you and Sam were both exhausted and drenched in sweat. Your shirt clung to your body, and though you didn't notice, Sam's gaze lingered a bit longer, an unfamiliar feeling stirring within him.
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"Officer, can I go home already? I'm sick," Sam joked, his voice dripping with mock desperation. You laughed, rolling your eyes. "Just one more time, Monroe. We need to nail this."
He groaned playfully, but there was a hint of admiration in his eyes. "Alright, one more time. But after this, I'm taking a break."
You both took your positions, the music starting up again. Despite the fatigue, you moved through the routine with a renewed sense of purpose. When you reached the jump, Sam caught you effortlessly, and you slid under him smoothly.
As you rose and positioned your leg for him to hold, there was a brief moment where your eyes met. The intensity in his gaze caught you off guard, but you quickly refocused on the dance. His grip on your thigh was firm yet gentle, and you could feel the heat radiating between you two.
When the music faded out, you both stood there, catching your breath. "See? That wasn't so bad," you said, trying to keep your tone light. Sam nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, you did alright." You rolled your eyes, but couldn't suppress a grin. "Get some rest, Monroe. We'll pick this up tomorrow."
"Sure thing, Y/n," he replied, his eyes lingering on you for a moment longer before he turned to grab his stuff.
-Yo yo, I think that I stared writing this 3 months ago, what do you think?
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thealphavoidofficial · 10 months
⚠️Tw: following picture and info contains ‘oil, self harm, mentions of torture and death’⚠️
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So yeah here’s that Lore info I was talking about :D
Basic timeframe: some time after the events of Bloodmoons return
Lore: in this universe Bloodmoon actually managed to injure Sun quite a bit (the chipped rays and cracked faceplate), which left him in a bit of an unstable mental state when Moon managed to chase them off.
Sun would slowly distance himself from the others, however one day a STAFF bot had barged into his room unannounced, causing Sun to decapitate it out of reflex, Sun was horrified at what he had done, but found he had somewhat…….enjoyed it.
Sun, of course kept this secret however, and had tried to hold in any more urges like that. It begun to get to the point where he would injure himself just to satisfy that urge, even if it was little by little, but it never did, but what hurt him the most was the fact that the others didn’t seem to notice anything wrong with him. He started to wear bandages on his arms to hide his cuts.
And soon, after Bloodmoon had broken Lunars arm, he had SNAPPED.
He did not care for Self control anymore, and would do everything in his power to kill EVERYONE who wronged him, even if it meant he got hurt in the process.
Sun personality in this Au is more insane and sadistic, and some may even describe him as a masochist who cares not for his own pain. He is prone to having violent outbursts at times and is willing to kill anyone who hurts his family or him. However he is also severely depressed, despite his energetic personality, and being described as ‘having to much energy’.
Moon, his younger twin brother, he does care deeply for him, even if he doesn’t always show it
Earth, his younger sister, he will do ANYTHING to protect her, he refuses to loose anymore family
Lunar, his adopted younger brother, he already lost him once, he’s not willing to loose him again
Solar, his adopted brother, he was prone to attacking him because he looks like Eclipse, but no longer when Solar manages to convince him he’s not Eclipse
Bloodmoon, Enemy, Kill on sight
Ruin, enemy and adopted brother, in past when he’s not cured he would have taken great pleasure in torturing him till death, but now that he is cured he no longer bothers.
Creator, disowned Father, he is no Father of his and would kill him if given the opportunity
Eclipse, disowned brother, if he was still alive he would gladly pry him out of whatever contraption he had buried himself into.
The Evil Sun Squad:
Star (@hikkokoro ‘s Sun), They have a bit of a best-friend kind of relationship
S.M ( @tricerapor12 ‘s Sun), more of a ‘restraining them so they don’t do something stupid’ kind of thing
Claw ( @abyssguardian ‘s Sun), basically their therapist
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hikkokoro · 10 months
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The evil sun gang
S.M Sun - @tricerapor12
Insanity Crosses-@thealphavoidofficial
Star/evil sun - me
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abyssguardian · 10 months
A little ask! :D
What dose Bom Sun think of the other evil Suns? Who is the one he get along well?
in all honesty it would most likely be S.M do to him being the only one with actually sanity :)
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 7 months
May I request a 'reading' for the Conchomancy event? I'd like to request one in regards to Kaeya Alberich :]
[My initials: S.M] [Natal Chart: Libra Sun, Scorpio Moon]
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A relationship that has its difficulties but if you persist through these troubling times, you'll find there is something beautiful underneath.
The bulk of these problems?
They stem from secrets that coil around someone's heart like a vice. For the one whom these secrets linger, open up to your partner. You'll find them more understanding than you may initially be expecting. This is a relationship you can trust in ー simply let down your walls.
Once these issues have been dealt with, the both of you will find a peaceful and grounding relationship. Pearls by nature are protective casings against an intruder. But this intrusion of love and vulnerability isn't a threat. Let what's birthed from it be something beautiful.
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 months
What are your favorite accidental pregnancy (oops baby) books?
These aren't all the books I love with oops babies, but they're all books I love wherein the oops baby is a big plot trigger versus an additive, if that makes sense?
Deep by Kylie Scott is a contemporary rockstar romance where the oops is the whole plot. The heroine is the new sister in law of one of the hero's bandmates (so basically, this is a best friend's brother angle) and she's been flirting hard and trying to seduce the bass player for a whiiile, but he's decently older (she's early 20s, he's late 20s, he's lives a lot of life and she's a coed) and trying to honor the bro code so he resists... until they have a one night stand. It ends badly (hurt feelings) so it's radio silence. uNTIL LOL. One of my favorite pregnancy reveals in a romance novel EVER, it's RIDICULOUSLY dramatic and comical and the entire plot is him having to learn how to show the fuck up for her.
Never Seduce a Duke by Vivienne Lorret. This one has a super nerdy but also stern glasses-wearing duke end up in this cat and mouse situation, chasing the heroine across Europe because he THINKS she stole something from him... Anyway, they sleep together, it's amazing, then they get separated and he thinks she ditched him.... And a couple years later, they run into each other and she has a souvenir from the adventure, as it were. So it's like. Part oops baby, part secret baby. So fun, so hot, so great.
The Recruit by Monica McCarty. My favorite Highland Guard book (thus far). They hook up while she's pretending to be a servant girl, and he says something that really pisses her off. So when her true identity (the woman Robert the Bruce wanted him to marry) is revealed, she's like "yeah it's a no on the marriage" and they part ways. But like, four or five months later they see each other again and he realizes she's pregnant and is like "OH HELL NO" and forces her to marry him lmao
Jane Goes Wild by Farah Heron is like, the aftermath of the oops? The hero and heroine have this amazing flign at the beginning of the book, they're head over heels for each other... and she finds out he's married. And then she finds out she's pregnant. Five years later, they've made it work, he's divorced, they're co-parenting and it's civil but they only see each other when they absolutely must. Until... they both end up at the same destination wedding, and they're both in the wedding party. Feelings ensue!
A Holly Jolly Ever after by Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone. The heroine is a former child star who's recently divorced and starring in a sexy Hallmark Christmas type movie with a former boy bander. She actually has never gotten there~, and she ends up enlisting him to teach her a thing or two. It ends up becoming a hook up situationship, and.... OOPS happens. This one is so hot, so funny, and so authentically emotional (with smart critiques of purity culture).
Out on a Limb by Hannah Bonam-Young. Two strangers meet at a Halloween party, hook up in her friend's guest bedroom, and oops, now there's a baby. This one is really heartfelt and character-centric, and one thing that makes it extra special is that both leads have limb differences! (As does the author.)
The Music of Love by S.M. LaViolette. A mysterious woman gets hired by an arguably more mysterious rich man to be his piano teacher. Issue is, they're stupid attracted to each other, which leads to them hooking up almost immediately... and now she's pregnant. But he's actually pretty honorable and feels bad about knocking his employee up, so ARRANGE THE MARRIAGE! This is so Gothic and OTT in the best way, I adore it. The hero also has albinism (hence him not leaving his house often, he's treated horribly by society and he does genuinely need to stay out of the sun) which I haven't read in any other romance novel. Also. His name is Eustace. But he's called STACY. And that's the kind of historical romance hero name I find stupid hot.
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zzencat · 2 months
Literally forgot to add: emoji 🧙‍♀️ sun sign Leo, initial: S.M
Questions (organized, I wrote them in a big long paragraph earlier)
Is the business venture I want to pursue the right one right now? And will I be okay (financially and stuff)
Will that creep leave me and my family alone?
What's my future spouse like?
Bye now!
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hi sm!!! if you haven’t read a novel recently, get ready for a bit of reading 😅 other than that, thank you for participating! (ive also seen your other ask so dw)
ok so i have wild news my friend. i don’t recommend you going down this path, even though you’d have a lot of pride in your work here. if you want to be financially ok, this is not it. you’re being asked to have a lot of strength if you do. you’ll be in financial stress and overwhelmed. furthermore, you’ll be faced with a bit of oppression and competitiveness- overall, just people treating you badly. you could be faced with a lot of power imbalance as well and your communication efforts aren’t gonna pay off enough. future relationships or potential collaborations will have a slim chance of succeeding as well. it’s looking like a bad ending for…pretty much every aspect. it’s a shame that you can’t exactly capitalize off of this and maintain an ounce of good mental health. chances are things will start to break apart, and you’re having doubts even now. i suggest making this a side hustle or hobby, but not as the main career choice. you’ll be treated very unfairly going down this road.
the best outcome for you at the moment that brings you comfort, confidence, and stable income, is to come to either leave home and move somewhere else, OR resolve conflict that’s currently going on (esp w/ family members) and pursue something more practical and although the environment isn’t as creative or fun as you’d want it to be, you’ll be a lot happier. cards also suggest better planning skills and looking at this logically. you should also act on a well-thought out plan asap. you might think it’s sad that you can’t pursue whatever it is you wanted (creative and emotional attachment) but you’ll be a lot better off financially and with more confidence too, trust. things will play out from there :)
this is also the 2nd time i’ve seen a suggestion for you to get out of your environment. you or with your family as well. there’s been a big stagnancy going on for a while. i also suggest not making any bad moves against this creep and it will resolve on its own. it might take a while and it’s kinda pissing me off too even now, but despite everything weird or terrible that might happen (like a huge loss of something), you guys will have a happy ending. also, don’t let anyone screw with you or destroy your light! keep your head up and you should be pretty good!!
some qualities of your future spouse!! :
*note: cards came out SO easy damn
- your fs is not ready yet but this person is on the way. slowly though. they’re very careful with love but very easy going as well
- i get that they’re confident and chill and make all the right moves! i have a feeling they’re also pretty experienced with life and will lead you too! this person is going to be a mentor for you in many ways and will teach you tons
- it seems you’re not ready at the moment either, but they ABSOLUTELY will be in your life
- this person could be traveling rn btw
- they move fast too. they’re efficient in work and thinking
- this person could be from a different culture as well, but im getting the most on them teaching you something
- i think you’ll also live in prosperity in the future with this person! either that, or this person grew up in a family that’s well off
- they’re working at the moment and not resting. they’ve either got one main job or they can make decisions with ease
- this person might show up in your life when you need help or are at one of your weakest moments
- stable and ready to take it on
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esoteriamaya · 9 months
can we participate twice? i just love ur readings sm😩🩷
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sun in pisces/ 10th house - your beauty glows when you allow the world to see you at your fullest potential. you have a gift in being a star and shining in spaces that you have a passion for. intuitively, i hear astrology, artistic ability is something that can become a skill in the near future. but please focus on being well known is what i here. you have talents people are needed in the world and your compassionate nature makes it all the better.
venus in aries in 11th - bold, confident, sexy, natural and mature. you should focus on friend groups as your beauty grows when being around the right people. with mercury (10th house) sextile to venus, your charm extends itself through the art of being a living canvas. photography would be a nice space to grow in your beauty. modeling shoots and what not. it could carry your essence to a knew height and can gift you rewards in the long run.
venus sextile lilith in the the 10th - omg. run!!!! passionate, intense and could suck the soul out of some body. you might be the devil boo lmao. but no serious, its a real special placement. your beauty shines through expressing your sensuality full bloom. wearing the most daring, lusty, sexy clothing can put you in the spotlight in a way you never saw before. be open to being yourself as this highlights your potential of being a well-known star light.
with venus sextile to the mc as well, you enjoy being the center of attention and should put more effort in beauty/fashion related spaces. dressing in more odd, unusual, out of the box clothing could make you a fashionista in some way or form.
venus trine pluto (8th house) shows an intensive aura. you're raw power is what shows and this ability to express your sexuality makes you a heart throb to others. being mysterious makes your beauty extend beyond new measures because people will try their hardest to figure you out.
and last but not least, taurus rising. the ruler of this house (venus) in the 11th shows that your sensual energy, grace and charismatic ability shows in groups, the way you go after goals and in most cases social media (11th house = aquarius = tech = s.m)
people see you as someone who has a soft, stern, caring, peaceful and relaxing persona. your beauty shows up as sweet and caring . your romantic qualities show deeply when in the right space (11th house) and should be explored more openly. hope this helps!
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tricerapor12 · 5 months
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Sleepy Trio :D
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Insanity Crosses / I.C Sun, Brother of Mine Sun / BoM Sun- @thealphavoidofficial
Star Sun - @hikkokoro
Solar Maximum Sun / S.M Sun - me
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Today, I stood at the edge of the world. I leaned against the chipped and discolored paint, bathed in the light of the setting sun and I dug my toes into the soft grass before the cliff. The waves lapped at the shore below me and I inhaled as the wind whipped my hair about my face.
There, beside a lighthouse before the sea, I decided I could stay for all eternity. I could be alone on that cliffs edge in the twilight of the setting sun forever, frozen in my quiet solitude, and I would be happy.
I-was-happy, because for one moment I did stand on that cliff for eternity, hidden from the world but saturated by it. It was all I knew for those couple minutes as my present stretched to infinity.
I was a lone goddess on my solitary and ever setting shore, and I was happy.
-Other, July 2023
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hoeforalbedo · 2 years
Hello there! May I request Kaeya (or Dainsleif depending on your mood) for the event?
Zodiac: Libra Sun, Scorpio Moon, Capricorn Rising.
Initials: S.M
Deck: Aphrodite
Personality: You could say, I’m fairly observant. It's not a challenge to figure out what someone’s feeling or thinking, their motives ect.
● I tend to be forthright with my emotions
● I like to share knowledge and fun anecdotes
● Can be overly enthusiastic when socializing
● I’ve also gotten insecure, and assumed others don't like/distrust me without basis, proceeding to form an image in mind that's not true to who they really are.
● From the outside, I’ve been described as being like Zhongli (Serious, goes on tangents and socially awkward)
Hopefully the information provided is adequate! I hope you enjoy running your blog and that it doesn't become a pain. Writing is freedom of expression and shouldn't be inhibited by expectations
A/N: Hi thank you for the patience and I just want to say that I understand how it's like to be insecure about yourself and immediately jump into conclusions on how someone perceives you. I'm like that myself but honestly the key to it is to not give a fuck. I'm being serious. Just stay true to yourself and it won't matter if they don't like you or not. If they don't like how you are then it's a them problem. Anyways, based on what you got, I chose Dainsleif if that's okay.
"I will choose you and only you."
"You're the moon and I'm your stars."
"I'd sacrifice the world just to have you."
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Dainsleif is living in a dark world. I mean that metaphorically. He has his inner struggles and yet there’s way more external problems for him to be able to handle. 
The best thing that ever happened was you. You are worth more than his life and he treasures you over anything in the world. You are one of the few survivors of Khaenri’ah. Knowing what happened to his people, his greatest fear is losing you to the monster you can be. Even then, he’d still be foolishly in love with you. He chose you and he’ll only choose you. You complete him. You’re like the moon that shines light for everyone and he’d do anything to support your light. 
If anything happened to you, he won’t hesitate to destroy all of Celestia. He’d even destroy all of Teyvat just so that you are safe in his arms. Still that fear only grows and if it really comes to that, he’d sacrifice many lives just for you.
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hauntmetosleep · 2 years
Hidden in a False Sun
I collect each ripple from the river, The echoes that emanate from crypts The voices that waver in dark waters, Thalassic and thanatic
In a patient trance, I seek all music So that when I am finally executed On a whim for my innocence alone, Someone else might hear what I heard
Secretions glisten on the leaves On fading evenings with no fireworks - I hear the roses of June softly wilting As larvae struggle against a silk web
The passion of sound is my final dream - I will evaporate into the corals of Neptune, Into the parhelia of a hidden sun - No one else will know what I find there
I bottle acres of sentient oaks' laughter, The feeble limp of a body in a bear's jaw - There is a biome of precious sounds here. When I am killed for a madman's fantasy, Someone else should know what to live for.
[Poem from upcoming collection The Gates of Paranoia] Copyright (c) 2016-2022 S.M. | Samael's Tuesday
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thealphavoidofficial · 9 months
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Draw you squad memes of the Evil Sun Squad + a lil canon Evil Sun Bonus!
Star Sun belongs to @hikkokoro
S.M belongs to @tricerapor12
B.o.M (Claw) and IC (Insanity) belongs to me
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