#ib elite tutor
Online IB Courses for International Baccalaureate IB Programme A team of elite IB tutors conducting IB courses and IB Tuitions online for students pursuing
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amourion-bahrain23 · 5 months
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Join Amourion Training Centre's Elite Tutoring Program and unlock your full academic potential. Excelling in IB-IGCSE-MYP-AP Exams is within reach!
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temperatutoring · 9 months
Elite IB Support: Subject-Specific Review & High-Scoring Practice
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Unlock your potential with our specialized support for IB Internal Assessments (IAs) and Extended Essays (EE). Elevate your performance through targeted IB Subject-Specific Review sessions, meticulously crafted to address key concepts and challenges in various IB subjects. Our expert tutors guide you with precision, focusing on High-Scoring Questions tailored to enhance your understanding and boost your confidence.
Gain a competitive edge with our Mock IB Exam Practice, designed to simulate the exam environment and sharpen your exam-taking skills. Benefit from personalized feedback and strategic insights to refine your approach. Whether you're aiming for top scores or aiming to refine your understanding, our IA and EE specialized support is your pathway to excellence. Don't just prepare; prepare with precision for success in your IB journey.
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anilkhare · 2 years
About IBDP Assessment and Exams by Dr Anil Khare - Anil Khare
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znewstech · 2 years
Self-learning system in IB edu buckles under tuition industry - Times of India
Self-learning system in IB edu buckles under tuition industry – Times of India
Every Tuesday and Friday, after leaving the south Mumbai international school which costs her parents upwards of Rs 10 lakh annually, Ananya C attends another ‘school’. Here, a tutor from Santy Sir’s formidable stable of teachers helps her navigate math and physics problems — for another Rs 10 lakh per year. While elite International Baccalaureate (IB) World schools — there are about 40 in Mumbai…
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learnertrue-blog · 5 years
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eliteprepsat · 4 years
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Your freshman year of high school is an especially exciting time. You’ve made it past middle school or junior high to the big leagues! Yet, your freshman year can also feel like an especially peculiar time in your academic career. This is because, although middle school or junior high is in your rearview, graduation likely seems a long way off, and you can find yourself asking: Is it too early to start planning for college?
The answer to the above question is this: While you don’t yet need to have your college application letters written or your dorm room posters packed, there are some practical steps you can take at this stage to ensure your success in both the college applications process and in your eventual transition to college life. To start thinking about these processes, here are 7 tips for what you should be doing to prepare for college as a high school freshman.
1. Create an academic roadmap
You might not yet know what you want your college major to be. And that’s OK! In fact, many college freshmen don’t yet know what they want their majors to be, and they only make this decision a year or two years into college—once they’ve completed all required coursework.
However, even without knowing what you want your college major to be, it’s a good idea as a high school freshman to create an “academic roadmap.” This will guide you through your high school studies and help prepare you for your college career. To create your academic roadmap, just ask yourself a few basic questions:
What are your strongest subjects?
You might consider taking Honors or even AP courses in these areas, since AP courses can help boost your GPA and (at some schools) even count toward college credit.
In what subject might you need a bit of extra help?
It might be a good idea to seek a tutor in this area.
What do you most enjoy learning about?
Knowing the answer to this last question is perhaps the most important because it can give you an idea of the field you might be interested in pursuing as a major in college and an eventual career after college. Additionally, knowing this can help you to pursue extracurricular opportunities related to the subject. These extracurriculars will not only be fun, but they will also help your admissions prospects when it does come time to apply to college.
2. Seek expert advice
In general, asking the questions above will help you to create a basic academic roadmap that can assist you in planning for your academic future. However, remember that you’re never alone in this planning. There are many experts out there with whom you can collaborate when creating your roadmap.  
Most high schools have just such experts on hand to help you. Trusted teachers are, of course, a great place to start. But don’t forget to also seek the advice of guidance counselors, who are trained to discuss matters of the future with students. These counselors can help to ensure that you are taking the necessary classes required for admission to most colleges and universities. And, when the times comes, they will also be able to assist you with the college applications process. If you have any specific questions (such as if you should take the ACT or the SAT or what to expect when applying for college financial aid), just remember that your high school guidance counselor is your #1 resource for all matters of planning your academic career.
3. Familiarize yourself with the college experience
To be successful in college, it will do you well to know beforehand—to the extent that is possible—just what you’re getting yourself into. And, in part, you can familiarize yourself with the college experience by the courses you take in high school. Most high schools offer college prep courses, such as Honors classes, AP classes, and IB (International Baccalaureate) classes. While each of these class types differs somewhat, they are all similar in that they are more advanced than the average high school course; so, they can give you a good sense of the work load and level that will be expected of you in college.
Outside of your coursework, you can familiarize yourself with the college experience through good old fashioned word-of-mouth. If you have family or older friends who happen to be of college age, ask them about the transition from high school to college. What were their biggest difficulties? What were their happiest surprises? Having these conversations with trusted people who have recently gone through this experience can help you to anticipate and plan for your own college experience well in advance.
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4. Build effective study habits
Much of college is spent studying. And for better or worse, there isn’t the infrastructure in place for studying in college that there is in high school. Once you get to college, mandatory study halls and time left at the end of class to get started on your night’s homework will be a thing of the past. So, it’s a good idea to build effective study habits now that will benefit you for many years to come. To this point, it’s important to know that there isn’t a “one size fits all” style of studying. The study techniques that work for your friends or classmates might not work for you.
So, what is your studying style? Do you work best first thing in the morning? Or into the very late hours of the night? Alone in your room or with a group of friends at a coffee shop? In complete silence or listening to your favorite tunes? Figuring out your studying style and building effective study habits now will save you a lot of time (and possible heartache) once you get to college!
5. Experiment with extracurricular activities
Again, it isn’t necessary to begin writing your college application materials as a high school freshman. However, you can make certain choices now that will help you to be a better applicant when you apply to college. And a big part of what makes you a better college applicant is your involvement in extracurricular activities.
The great part about being a freshman a few years out from college is that you still have a good amount of time to explore your interests and hobbies. But a helpful tip to consider is that you pursue both breadth and depth throughout this exploration. While it is definitely a good idea to try new things via a number of different extracurricular activities, it is also important to remember that your involvement in extracurriculars demonstrates your motivation and responsibility to college admissions committees. So, be sure to find at least one activity you especially enjoy that you can stick with consistently in order to showcase such commitment.
6. Complete a college scan
As a high school freshman, you don’t yet need to be going on college campus visits or scheduling interviews with admissions staff at your dream schools. These are steps you will likely want to consider taking in your junior year of high school. Rather than performing a formal college “search,” you might instead start thinking about what we could call a college “scan.” This, again, involves asking yourself some basic questions about what you’d like to get out of your college experience, scanning colleges for whether or not they fit your criteria, and narrowing down schools based on your preferences. Where would you like to study geographically? What size school would you prefer to attend? What specialized academic opportunities (such as study abroad programs or internships) would you like made available to you? As you complete high school and the college applications process nears, this initial scan will help you to have a more realistic view of where you’ll eventually apply.
7. Finally, don’t forget to enjoy high school!
It’s important to remember that a huge part of college is the experience outside of the classroom, meeting and socializing with your fellow students. Often, when one arrives at college, they are thrown into an environment where they know almost no one and are forced to live and make friends with new people rather quickly. And high school is a time to learn the skills necessary to effectively thrive in this scenario.
Of course, high school is also an important time to plan ahead by creating a foundation from which to be academically successful in college. But, there will be plenty of time for studying for exams and pulling all-nighters when college actually arrives. For now, remember that working 100% of the time is ultimately unhealthy for one’s mental and physical health.
According to an article from Forbes.com, working too much can lead to stress and—eventually—to burnout. “Burnout can cause fatigue, mood swings, irritability and a decrease in work performance.” And just as this can happen in the workplace, so too can this can happen in the study space. So, for now, remember to leave some time to have fun and enjoy high school. After all, maintaining this kind of work-life (or school-life) balance will help you to be more successful in your academic career in the long-run!
Stacy G. is a writer and teacher who has taught composition, literature, and creative writing courses at a number of public and private universities across the U.S. She has also taught SAT, AP English, and Literature SAT Subject Test courses at Elite Prep. She likes poetry, dogs, and poetry about dogs.
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r-ultrazul · 6 years
From BF to YASHA, Yoshida never changed.
[This article contains heavy spoilers of YASHA and Banana Fish]
[There're two bonuses at the end of the article. Please jump straight to the end if you only want to know some interesting facts (also with spoilers).]
[As I’m not a native English speaker, sorry to make you tolerate possible language problems.]
After reading YASHA, I realized how it inherits part of BF’s theme. Basically, it picks out the “mirrored” relationship between Ash and Yut-Lung, then elaborates it with the story of a new pair of characters: Sei and Rin. They are artificial genius twins (genetically modified) raised in very different conditions, which results in their different characteristics, like the two faces of the god Yasha. Other settings are very similar, such as conspiracy involving Japanese and US government, Chinese underworld forces, secret experiments, and beautiful but dangerous prodigies…
Here I try to explain the inner connections between the two series, and how YASHA further elaborates some of Yoshida’s main interests while creating stories and characters. It also talks a little bit about Eve’s Slumber, YASHA’s sequel. (There’s no full English translation of Eve yet so I haven’t read the full story.)
1  The objectified children
Many of YASHA’s core concepts can be found in one of BF’s extra stories, “The Private Opinion” (thanks for the translation here) which tells how Blanca met Ash for the first time and became his tutor. Published in 1996 (YASHA started in 1996), it serves as a bridge between BF and YASHA.
1.1 The objectification of a child. In the short story, the primary job of Blanca was not taking care of young Ash. It was a "project evaluation," to see if Ash was worth working on. If Ash failed Blanca's evaluation, Dino would send him back to his ill fate without hesitation. Here we understand that Dino didn’t train and educate Ash because of love (which was not clearly explained in the original story). It was out of utility as if he was treating a product.
It's also how Amamiya Kyoichiro treated Rin in YASHA as his adoptive father, who raised and Rin as a tool instead of a son.
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1.2 The artificial genius The short story reveals some of Blanca’s past. He was chosen as a child prodigy when he was young. After 15 years, only 18 out of 300 children survived, Blanca being one of them. Thus he tells Dino: “To artificially create an elite – that’s a saying of utter nonsense in the first place. Mankind isn’t strong to such an extent.”
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However, YASHA is precisely a story about the “artificial elites” and the problems they bring about. Sadly Blanca never appeared in the story, so we don’t get the chance to see his reactions about the matter…
2 The unqualified fathers
Although Yut-Lung and Rin are portrayed as opponents in the stories, they are not the real antagonists or villains. The “delinquent” fathers are the real villains in both stories.
Yoshida has a strong tendency to portray negative fatherhood. Even in her early work, “Kawa Yori mo Nagaku Yuruyaka ni (Longer and Softer Than River)” the absent father is the one who ruined the protagonist’s family and got him to where he is. In BF, we see at least 3 characters that claim to be the “father” of Ash: his biological father, Papa Dino and Max Lobo, and two of them are not doing a proper job. Eiji also comes from a family that the father is not functional (in "Fly Boy, in the Sky," his father has been sick for a long time so young Eiji was under a lot of stress, and Ibe was the one who helped him to get through.
In YASHA, things become even more apparent. We are presented with several unqualified fathers.
Amamiya Kyoichiro, the adoptive father of Rin, is basically a milder version of Dino. He is not a pervert, but a “control freak” who treated Rin as a good product. He isolated Rin from all others since childhood to prevent him from “wasting his talent” and uses him for his own goals. Once he found out that Sei was “better”, he would dump Rin without hesitation, which left Rin in utter desperation.
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However, what makes the character even more interesting is his cowardice, not his power and wealth. Kyoichiro suffered from the violence of his own father - a tyrannical patriarch - for many years. The bravest thing he ever did was trying to get married with Hisako (Sei’s adoptive mother) without his father’s permission. For him, such “rebellion” or “sacrifice” gave him the right to control Hisako as if she owed him a debt, making the woman run away and steal baby Sei from the laboratory. Later, when Rin was abused by his father, Kyoichiro didn't dare to intervene. Because of his cowardice, Kyoichiro turned from a victim to a perpetrator, causing Hisako’s death and Rin’s twisted personality.
But, being the initiator of many tragedies, Kyoichiro kept doing what he believes to mean love. He tried to clone Hisako because she was “the perfect woman”. He was willing to offer Sei anything only if the kid went with his plan. And, like Dino, he finally gave his life to protect Sei (Rin), making him another complicated, mixed character. Love or possessiveness, who knows.
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The fathers of the main supporting characters are no good either.
The father of Takeru (Rin’s partner) impregnated his mistress as his wife was infertile. Then he brought little Takeru back and let his wife raise him, causing the break-down of two women and the abused childhood of Takeru.
Ken’s stepfather was responsible for the suicide of his little sister.
The father of Raymond Goldberg was a violent pedophilia, and Raymond grew up to be exactly like him.
Among them, Takeru’s father was the only one who realized that they must stop passing on the tragedy to the next generation, which somehow helped Takeru escape from destruction.
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Personally, I feel that all these things make the ending of YASHA even harsher than BF. When Ash fell in the eternal dreams in the library, his soul was saved and filled with happiness. But Rin was staring at something that never belonged to him till the very last moment of his life, paying for somebody else’s mistake that had twisted his fate even before he was born.
3  The unconditional love
Love is another theme that Yoshida portrays in both BF and YASHA. What she keeps emphasizing is that the highest love is always “unconditional”. It’s something very close to “godly love”. It’s the way Eiji loves Ash, and the way Hisako loves Sei. Sei’s uncle Dr. Arisue, and his childhood friend Toshi also love him that way. “Love you whatever you do.” “Trust you under any circumstances.” – It’s a bit different from romantic love. In my personal opinion, that’s perhaps why Yoshida tends to deny the category of “BL” for BF, even stressed that Ash and Eiji’s relationship was “non-sexual” in “The Garden of Light”.
What would happen if people can’t love unconditionally? Perhaps the answer lies in Takeru’s question: “Why do people so easily become demons?”
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They just shouldn’t ask for anything in return.
Bonus 1:
It’s definitely not a good idea to be the protagonists in Yoshida’s works. Because they leave us, somehow, in some way, even in the next story.
As a main supporting character, Sing Soo-Ling is the luckiest guy. He lives through all three stories and even has a son (named Lie, with Ibe Akira).
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Bonus 2:
According to the interview in the Official Guidebook of Banana Fish, Yoshida said that Blanca was initially designed to be a woman. She wanted to draw an affair between female Blanca and Ash, but the idea was stopped by the editor. (Thanks for the translation here.)
This is her illustration of female Blanca (photo by me):
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In YASHA, she finally got things done. What a persistent author… And that scene between Sei and Ru-Mei leads to the story of another sequel, “Eve’s Slumber” .
R 2019-2
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changarroo · 6 years
Incheon University // part 1
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*note the pictures are not ours, the edit is*
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Moving to University is scary, let alone being five hours away from the ones you love. But it was time for venture off into the. real world and continue your study. But tutoring the Deans playboy son how will that turn out? Is everything going to be all sunshine and rainbows? Or will your world come tumbling down?
What a Warm Welcome... // masterlist
word count: 4.7k
Genre: Fluff, Angst // College AU Series
Pairing: Jisung x Reader
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Welcome to Incheon Private University, where boys and girls fight to have the top spot in the most well known private elite school. Though for you it was a bit different. You did not come from a wealthy family which put you in a position to fight for your way into Incheon High School. You took extreme classes and test, along with studying hard just so you can get it. You waited at the dinner table with your mother and sister waiting for the mail to be delivered. Exactly two minutes from the last time you checked your phone the door rang. Your head shot up and you stumbled your way to the door. You quickly opened it, which of course scared the mailman as he looked at you with such fear and horror in his eyes. He hands you the envelope and you thank him. You make your way (DOWNTOWN WALKING FAST jkjk) back to the table with shaking hands. Your mom rubs your back as you unclasped the silver clips and pull the pristine white paper out. 
You looked at your mom and give a half smile. Your mom has encouraged you throughout all of your grade school years, leading up to this point. Your father has walked out on the three of you after your sister y/s/n was born, and of course, that was a huge finical change for you. Your mom worked three two for jobs just to be able to pay for all the fees and the tests that needed to be taken for Incheon Private University. You pull the letter out more “You know if I don’t get in I just want to thank you for everything you have done for me mom” You tear up, you would have never believed what the letter said if your mom did not scream that you got a full ride scholarship to Incheon. You drop the letter and scream with your mom and sister holding them tightly. “Thank you Thank you Thank you”
You currently lived in Busan which means Incheon is three hours and nine minutes away. You were very worried about leaving your mom and sister
“As soon as I get a job mom I will help you out,” You say as you back your last boxes and bags
Your mom smiles “Babygirl I am so proud of you. The only thing you can do is get good passing grades and meet a man who will treat you like his world” She kisses your forehead
“I love you mom” Your voice cracked as the tears begin to spill. Your little sister comes in and hands you her pink stuffed elephant “Here take this! He will protect you!” She says happily and gives you a hug as you whisper in her ear “No matter what happens you take care of mom okay. I’m counting on you”
She does her little soldier pose “Yes ma’am”
“You ready to go Y/N” You take one last look at your room since you won’t see it in four years and you nod “Yeah I’m ready” Once everything is loaded into the car, you start your journey to Incheon, for a new life and a brand new perspective
A few short hours you pull up to the large glass building filled campus that is surrounded by large fountains, and blossoming trees. You step out and are greeted by the headmaster. You bow to show your respect, not expecting him to come
“H-Hello sir, thank you so much for this opportunity. I promise I will keep my academics my top priority while I am here.
“Please the honor is mine to have such an extraordinary student attend my university” He turns to your mother “And as expected you are the mother, I assume?” Your mother gleams proudly and shakes his hand
“That I am sir”
He speaks once again “Well follow me please, there is much paperwork to be signed. Y/N my men will take your backs to your room and you will follow”
You nod and follow the men to the large dorm rooms. Each dorm had a nicely sized kitchen, in which an island was placed in the middle, two separate bedrooms, the living and dining room, and of course the bathroom. When your bags were finally placed in your new living space for the next four years, a head pops out from behind the wall. You turned around not noticing the female until a scream appears and your soul nearly leaves your body as you scream back at the female.
Once the screaming is over you both laugh and she introduces herself “Hey I’m Jeongyeon. I am a second-year student so I can help you at all times” She starts to giggle more and you look at her like she is crazy “You are all everyone at this campus is talking about. You beat Kim Woojin, which is like the smartest kid ever” You looked shocked
You knew your scores were high but not the high. Woojin and yourself were in competition since you could remember. Although he got more shine due to his status. Woojin’s family owned one of the most well-known car companies in the world today. He has practically had a golden spoon in his mouth since birth. Although you admit you used to have the biggest crush on him towards the end of middle school and little into high school. The two of you talk for the rest of the time before your mom comes up and knocks on the door. You let her and your sister in and show them around before you knew it they had to leave and your heart sank. It did not hit you until you realized that you wouldn’t be woken up by your little sister, or singing in the kitchen with your mom, but you also knew that she wanted this for you. You walk them back to the car and hug them one last time “I love you” You say to the both of them as they say it back and enter the car, before driving away.
As you head back to the dorm you tie your up in a high ponytail you hear a familiar voice call your name
“Y/N” You slowly turn around to reveal a much more handsome, much taller, Kim Woojin. Your cheeks instantly heat up, thank goodness it was dark
“Hey Woojin” You play it off like you totally did not kill his testing scores and that your heart was beating fast
He scoffs “Just because we were friends does not make us friends”
You smirk “Same old cranky Woojin I see” He cracks a smile and hugs you
“Want to grab coffee with me?” He asks
You nod and shiver a little forgetting your jacket
Woojin instantly takes his off and hands it to you “Still a gentleman I see”
He rolls his eyes “You know that gentleman act works well with the ladies”
You groan and push his hand in which was holding the jacket away
“I’m only kidding Y/N” He places the jacket around your shoulder as you begin to walk.
You look up at Woojin “How’s life been treating you, Woo?” He looks down
“Life is good. I couldn’t ask for more? What about you, you know since the whole incident” You smile “Everything is better, don’t worry I promise”
Woojin raises an eyebrow but nods “This conversation isn’t over”
You roll you're as at him as he opens the door for you.
You follow Woojin to the line and look at the menu
“I think I want peppermint hot chocolate” You excitedly but Woojin begins to laugh at you
“You are such a child” You scoff “There is nothing wrong with liking hot chocolate”
Woojin turns his focus to the cashier who was blushing at the sight of Wojin and you smile, looking at him to see if he notices but he seemed to not care. He ordered and paid for the items before you had a chance to. He thanked the girl and took the cup and walked away. You saw the disappointment in the girl's eyes and you smiled “Don’t be discouraged just keep trying”
She looked and smiled “Thank you. I’m Na Naeun by the way” She shakes your hand
“Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N. I should get going bye” You walked away towards Woojin
“You know you could have paid her attention a bit more, she was practically dying to speak to you but she was scared” You took a seat looking at him
“I don’t have time to interest myself with females,” He said sternly
“Stop sounding like your father” You drink your hot chocolate and look out the window
He kicks your leg softly under the table “On the fourteenth, my friend is having a big party at his house for this birthday you should come”
You look at him “Woojin how long have you known me?”
He thinks “Maybe fifteen to sixteen years, why?”
“Has there ever been a time where you’ve seen me go to a party?” He hesitates to answer
“U-Uh no”
You begin to speak again “So what in the entire world would make you think I would go to a damn party now!?”
“You need to step out of your shell Y/N”
You shake your head “I strongly disagree. I am perfectly fine in my shell. Leave me be”
He rolls his eyes”Whatever”
After getting coffee you guys bid your goodbyes and you head back to your dorm room. The following morning you are called into the head dean office to discuss your schedule
“I see you are taking IB Calculus. My son is also taking that class but he is not doing too well, so I was wondering if you could tutor him and I will pay you weekly” He officers
You instantly shut down the payment “Sir I can easily do it without charge”
“Nonsense I will pay you 300 dollars a week to tutor my son” He practically begs and of course you could not say no. After the meeting, you head to the enormous classroom that was filled with chatter and many unfamiliar faces. You quickly find an open seat towards the middle. You set everything down and now to those who spoke to you. A few minutes later after getting ready girls began to giggle and get rowdy as some Cheeto looking boy enters the classroom. Your eyes couldn’t help but follow the vibrant hair as he took a seat behind you, showing interest in you. You quickly turned around with your cheeks tonite with blush
“I’ve never seen you before” He tugs at your hair as you pull your head forward taking your hair back “And you will continue to not see me” You scoot your chair in more and scoff
What a little prick
The professor entered the classroom and everyone greets him
“Today class we are very honored to have the highest scoring of both male and females in our class today”
You instantly look down as people began to whisper
“Will you please stand up?” He asks looking at you. You were very hesitant but finally stood up and many people clapped, while others just scoffed. After that embarrassment, the day went on pretty smooth and school ended. You hurried and rushed back to the door to get the major assignments you had to get done. Jeongyeon came home with ramen and your guys at and talked today
“Hey, there was this weird guy with orange. Who is he?” You ask and Jeongyeon spits her food out
“You don’t know who he is?” She asked
“Why should I. He’s just a person with a strange personality. He almost looks like a squirrel”
She laughs “That squirrel is the Dean's son”
You instantly dropped your chopstick “That orange bucket is his son. I have to tutor that idiot. Literally, pray for me”
That following weekend you were asked to attend the Dean’s residence to tutor the Cheeto. You packed all of your books into your bag and took an Uber to his house. You were confused as you saw girls with tight dresses leave the premises. You frowned to yourself and entered the house. You were not dressed up, only in a simple blue skirt with your white tee shirt and a black jean jacket. Your hair was up in a high ponytail, nothing compared to the females running around. “Hello miss,” a butler said to you “how can we be a service to you today?”. “Um hi, I’m supposed to be tutoring the Dean’s son today. Where would the session be located?” you asked shifting your backpack a bit. “Ah yes the tutor, Mr. Han would be located in his room at the moment. Upstairs and it’s the third door on the left” he pointed to the proper directions and soon you were on your way. Once you were at the proper location you lifted your hand to knock on the door. To your surprise, the door opened before you revealing a girl in front of you leaving the room. “What did I get myself into,” you asked yourself looking at the girl and then looking forward into the room.
Once you entered the room you see the orange head placing his shirt back on and you walked back out knocking hard on the door
“Come in” was the response on the other side
You pushed open the door, happy to see him dressed as you set the books down
“I’m aware your father told you about tutoring session today” you crossed your arms eyeing him
“I heard I just don’t care” He turned and looked at you
You begin to mumble “What a stupid little-”
“A little what I dare you to finish the sentence kitten” He walked closer to you and lifted your chin with his finger, as his other traced the thigh, looking you up and down
“You are such a pig” You push and slap him as you grab your belongings walking out. As you headed out you ran into the Woojin
“I didn’t expect to see you here” He smiles happily
“You weren’t supposed too” You continued walking out of the house and walking back to the dorm. After about twenty minutes of walking, you finally arrived at the dorm.
You threw your books down and kicked your shoes off, flopping on the bed
“Why are boys so stupid” You laugh at his reaction that played in your head when you slapped him
The weekend passed slowly and you attended the Deans office
“Sir I want to-”
He stops you “I’m aware of the events my son pulled this weekend” There was a knock on the door and your attention looked towards it. An orange head popped through
“Have a seat Jisung” He sighs as he watched his son
You cross your legs in your white shirt, shaking your black doc martens
“You owe Ms.Y/N an apology for you disrespectful actions. He smirked and turned to you
“I’m sorry that an innocent little girl-”
His father slams his fist “Get your act together Jisung. You won’t graduate if you keep it up. I don’t care if you are my son or not”
Jisung instantly shut up “I apologize for Y/N for my actions”
You just looked at him and noticed that he needs discipline. He doesn’t do well with being yelled at or losing something important to him
“It’s fine” You stand up and grab your bag
“If you will excuse me I need to meet with someone”
You bowed and gave Jisung one last look before walking out
Walking out you notice that you were getting a phone call from your house phone.
“Hello?” you answer not knowing who was calling you.
“Y/N! How college? I missed you so much!” the voice of your sister on the other line may be a smile grew on your face.
Being away from home suck but both her and your mother were proud of what you were doing.
“College is hard but I’m pushing, missing you and mom every day. How is she?”.
“She doing good, you know working hard for the two of us, she still brags about you getting into Incheon, oh I got an A on my lecture paper and I’m in the top five percent of my school.”.
“See I know you could do you” you walked up to a tree I the school field and slowly fell and sat on the ground.
Jisung walked out of the building and show you laughing at your phone call.
He notices the way you how you fall a little bit when you laugh and how your hair falls into your eyes.
He wanted to walk over to you and give a true apology, but seeing you laugh made him feel uncomfortable like you were talking to a boyfriend of some sorts. He didn’t understand why he was so drawn to you now.
Waking up to a new day you weren’t excited for your morning class knowing that the “wonderful” Jisung would be sitting in front of you. But there was no reason to let one person bother you so much.
So you put on your favorite oversized hoodie, that feel over your knees and your Adidas superstars and you were on your way.
You arrived at your class about ten minutes early and took a seat in your usual spot and grabbed your phone. You started to text your younger sister, telling her to enjoy her day, as send began to send memes. You smile and laugh quietly to yourself when you see a black shadow block part of the light. You slowly look up and see Jisung.
“What exactly are you doing here” You look up unamused
“I want to apologize for my behavior the following day” He took a seat and looked at you, examining your face. You felt uncomfortable “Yeah I already said it was fine”.
He pouts softly “Are you sure” He teased sighting as he wanted your attention.
“Yes now go away”.
He grabbed all of his stuff and hopped over the row of chairs in front of you and took a seat in the next to you.
“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m sitting down. Jeez Y/N and I thought you were smart.”
“I am smart? Wait you think I’m smart? Like really smart or are you just saying that to get to me?”.
“One never exposes there secrets Y/N”.
You roll your eyes at him as the teacher walks in, throughout the lecture you keep trying to slide your paper that had little notes
“Are you still going to tutor me still?”
You look at him and write
“Can you focus so you don’t fail as your father stated”
He frowns at the coldness
Once class ends you quickly pack your items and fly down the small number of stairs
Jisung trailed behind you
“W-Wait slow down” He whines and started to slow down as he sees Woojin appear. You hug him tightly and he wrapped his arms around your shoulder
“Oh hey, Jisung!” He called the younger over
“Y/N this is-”
You cut him off “Han Jisung. I’m aware”
You look at Woojin “I’m hungry” You poke your lower lip out
“Don’t even try that with me” He rolls his eyes
“Jisung want to join us for lunch?” Woojin offers and you punched his side
“No, I’m sure he needs to study CONSIDERING HE IS FAIL-”
“I’d love to join” He smirks and looks at the two
“I’ll pay it will be my treat”
The car ride there was silent and filled with an angry you, smiling on the outside but planning a route of exit in case something happens.
Woojin pulls into a small café and you quickly hop out of the car “that was the most painful ride of my life” Jisung got out after you and waited with you while Woojin parked the car.
“Umm do you want to go inside and get a table or something?” Jisung asked pointing to the door behind you guys.
“Sure it’s kinda cold out here” you bundled yourself in your jacket to keep warm and walked up towards the door.
Once inside the two of you found your way to a table near the huge window that overlooks the city.
“So how do you know Woojin” Jisung randomly said looking at the menu.
“Oh, he and I are childhood friends, our mothers are friends so I would spend time at his house whenever my mom was at work”.
“What about your dad? Couldn’t he also watch you?”.
“He wasn’t really around much” you lowered your head.
“Oh, I…”
“Its okay, you didn’t know really I’m fine, I’m quite grateful for my mother and all the help from Woojin’s family. They shaped me into who I am today”.
“Hey, guys what did I miss?” Woojin asked pullin’ up a chair and taken a sit between the two of you.
“Nothing really,” you answer “are you gives ready to order?” you looked behind at the counter trying to get the attention of a worker.
“Yeah, I’m I need food in my stomach ASAP” Woojin chuckled putting his hands on his stomach.
For the rest of the night, Jisung couldn’t take his eyes off of you. He didn’t understand why he found himself somewhat drawn to you. Knowing you and how you acted there was no way that you would fall for his classic player moves, but that was okay. You were different from every other girl he been around. He felt like he can be himself around you.
“Okay guys I think it's getting late we should get going” you looked at your phone and notice the time.
“Yeah, Jisung looks like he going pass out any minute,” Woojin said pushing Jisung out of his daydream.
“Nah if anything he would sleep in class tomorrow”.
“I would so not be sleeping in class tomorrow Y/N, have a little faith in me.” he held the car door open the car door for you.
“Eh, I’ll see about that tomorrow,” as you smile patted his hand and then slipped into the car.
The ride back the dorms were quiet as everyone was sorta sleeping.
You could feel your eyes slowly getting heavy as you looked outside of the car window. You then started to wonder how you got so lucky to be here in the city, experiencing life as it was. Soon you were officially out as you leaned your head on the window.
Waking up the next morning wasn’t fun as you remember your class in the morning, but you also had no memory of getting back in your room.
As soon as you were about to walk out for your first class you notice a note on your desk.
“Hey Y/N, Jisung and I notice that you fell asleep on the ride home, so we helped you up to your dorm which is oddly clean for a college student. Anyways text me when you wake up”
Quickly you pulled out your phone really quick and texted Woojin thanking him for bring you up to your dorm and then you were out to class.
“Hmm coffee sound really good right now,” you said to yourself as you passed the coffee cart near your building.
“Hey can I get you anything?” the coffee art boy asked.
“Yes, morning can I just get a small coffee with a bit of milk in it,”.
“Sure anything else?”
“Make that two small coffees and make a blueberry muffin,” a familiar voice said from behind you.
“Wow looks like you’re not going to be falling asleep in class today,” you said to Jisung who was now standing next to you.
“How did you sleep last night Y/N?” he asked paying the coffee cart guy.
“Really well surprisingly, and you no you don’t have to pay for my coffee, I could have gotten it myself,” you grabbed your cup of coffee and then proceeded to take a sip.
“I know I just wanted to do something nice I guess”.
“Come on we're going to be late for class”.
Throughout the class, you had a hard time focusing on the topic which was a first for you. You started to notice the little things that Jisung did that you never noticed before. This can’t be the same guy you ran into when you walked into him half dressed. What is heaven's name is going on?
“So I'm guessing you’re coming over later to tutor me right,” Jisung asked setting his laptop back into his bag.
“Oh yeah right, I should be, what time is good? I don’t want to walk in on whatever I walked into like last time”.
“Yeah,” Jisung lowered his hand and rubbed the back of his neck “I’m sorry about that by the way, I was mad at my father and took it out by doing that”.
“By doing girls?”.
“Just are you coming today? Yes or no?”.
“Yeah I should be there after my 14:00 class”.
“Okay cool, I’ll see you there then”.
“Bye Jisung”.
Walking up to Jisung house you didn't know what to expect since last time wasn’t the best meeting.
You lifted your hand towards the door and gave a simple knock or two.
“Ah, Miss. Y/N, Mr. Jisung has been expecting you” the butler said as he opened the door “he is in his room, I expect you to know where it is located”.
“I do, I’ll find my way up”.
Walking up the staircase you were wondering if Jisung was going to pull the same stunt like last time. He is mature he should learn by now,,, right?
“Y/N your here,” Jisung opened the door with a smile on his face.
“Yeah, is it only you or is there someone hiding in your closet,” you asked holding onto your books tightly.
“It’s just me I promise, where do you want to study?”
“In here is fine,” you walked towards his bed and set your bag down following by sitting down on the bed.
“I never really got a good view of your room last time I came, it’s not what I expected”.
“I don’t know whether I should take that as a compliment or not,” Jisung said with a confused looked in his face.
“It’s good, I show who you are, I like it. Now let's start with math”.
A few hours later the two of you were surrounded by multiple textbooks, an empty bottle of waters, and paperwork everywhere.
You were nearly about to pass out when you heard a book drop in front of you.
“I’m up, I’m awake” you lifted your head from the table.
“Come on,” Jisung said standing up with his hand out “I’ll walk you home”.
Walking out of his house you notice that it was already dark. Why was Jisung being so nice you thought to yourself. I mean he was a real ass to you the first day of classes and also when you came by the first day. What change? “Hey Jisung, why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?”.
“Honestly there something about you I just can’t shake off, like your different from all the over girls that I been with”.
“Like dated or…”.
“I never really dated anyone before, I never thought that dating was for me”.
“No reason I’m just wondering”
“Hey  Y/N,” Jisung stopped at the steps of your dorm. You turned around to face him. He was stretching the back of his neck as if he was scared. “There this special event coming up and only people who are invited can come. I was wondering if you wanted to go you know to go with me”.
“When, where and what time?”
“Now Ace I can’t tell you, then everyone around us will here. I’ll pick you up here on Friday at 17:00.”
“Okay okay, fine surprise me. I’ll see you on Friday”.
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Our IB classes in Biology connect you with the elite IB biology tutors, IB moderators, and IB examiners who succeed in helping you…
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ibelitetutor · 2 years
IB Elite tutor is a premier institute and have aim to provide the best quality teaching to its students. It provides the best IGCSE economics tutors in the world. teachers in IB elite tutors follow a practical approach so learning can become easy and relatable. Don't just believe in words and book free demo classes now to know the reality.
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go-education-love · 5 years
IB Economics Tutor in Dubai
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 Our IB Economics Tutor in Dubai can analyze your current level of economics awareness and help to recognize weak areas or holes in your understanding. This may be impossible to achieve on your own when administering with so much stuff; however, our IB Economics Tutor in Dubai has a thorough knowledge of the course and exam. The IB Economics Tutor in Dubai can create a customized training plan for your tutoring concourses that addresses just the IB Economics notions that you have recognized as the most challenging. In this way, training focuses on supporting you learn the element that is most valuable to your resolution.
 All of our IB Economics Tutors in Dubai are qualified teachers with a merest five years of online and offline training experience. They are qualified from Elite Universities across the globe, makes all the distinction in sparking true knowledge. With our IB Economics tutor in Dubai, parents feel reliable that their child is taking the best in learning from those who love to train. Our tutors are also mentors, motivators, and confidence developers. Our tutors understand how to stimulate and inspire the students, by stepping taking them from lower stage to upper stage – converting strugglers into achievers.
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anilkhare · 2 years
Best IB Physics Tutor in Abu Dhabi- Dr Anil Khare
A top IB Physics Tutor in Dubai, Dr Anil Khare, is an international name in the field of education. He has worked with students from different backgrounds and helped them get into top IB schools. In addition to his vast experience, Dr Anil Khare is a doctorate in mathematics and has spent two decades teaching in the UAE. He specializes in training students to develop critical thinking skills and logical reasoning.
As an IB Physics Tutor in Dubai, Dr Anil offers a variety of IB subjects including Chemistry and Biology. His methods include focusing on global education, fostering a global mindset, and teaching students how to work independently. IB Physics Tutors in Dubai have an extensive background in all subjects, including science and math. The Amourion Training Institute’s facilities include an IB-certified laboratory and a fully-equipped library.
If you’re interested in IB Physicist or IB Math Tutor in Abu Dhabi, the Amourion Training Institute is a good place to start. Located close to the Emirates Tower metro station, the institute is one of the leading institutions in Dubai for IB curriculum. The management of the institute, led by Dr Anil Khare, is highly regarded, and has dealt with many curriculum boards. You’ll be able to meet your tutor at any time of the day, and he’ll work with you to develop your own timetable and schedule to complete your studies.
An IB Physics Tutor in Dubai can make all the difference between success and failure. An IB expert will help you to develop a global mindset, develop your confidence, and succeed in your exams. With a team of highly-trained instructors, you’ll feel confident in your choice of IB Physicist. When it comes to your education, the Amourion Institute is an excellent choice. The IBO curriculum requires students to have a globally-minded mindset. With an IB Tutor in Dubai, you won’t regret it.
With an IB Maths Tutor in AbuDhabi, you’ll feel confident in your ability to succeed in the IB program. Not only will you be able to gain admission to your dream school, you’ll also learn how to study independently. If you’re serious about pursuing an IB career, an IB physics tutor is an excellent choice for you.
Whether you need IB physics tutor in Dubai or a Maths Tutor in Dubai, Dr Anil Khare’s institute is an elite choice. His IB Maths & Physics Educators in AbuDhabi are experienced in dealing with the various curriculum boards. A PhD in Maths and IB Physicist has extensive experience dealing with different curriculum boards.
In addition to providing IB maths and science tutoring in AbuDhabi, Dr Anil Khare also provides IB science and maths tutoring in Dubai. His IB Maths Tutor in AbuDhabi has a global mindset that is essential for success in IB. He helps his students understand the IB curriculum, and develop a global mindset.
Amourion Training Institute in Dubai is a premium institution offering the IB curriculum. It is led by Dr Anil Khare, who is a PhD in Math. He has dealt with various curriculum boards, including the prestigious IB. As an IB Tutor, Dr Anil is a top choice for his students in Dubai. With the help of a global mindset, he is the right choice for IB Maths & Science Tutors.
In AbuDhabi, Dr Anil Khare is a top IB Maths & Science Tutor. He is a PhD in Math and an IB Expert. He has worked with several curriculum boards to ensure the best results for his students. His high standard of teaching allows him to help his students reach their full potential. A strong academic record is essential in IB, and a strong IB Tutor is a top choice for any student.
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rewerenda · 6 years
College admissions scandal: Elite education is for sale in Delaware, says education advocate
Atnre Alleyne (Photo: Submitted photo)
Atnre Alleyne is the founder and executive director of an education advocacy organization, DelawareCAN: The Delaware Campaign for Achievement Now.
There’s no need for us to be astonished about the recent college admissions scandal. Elite education is for sale in Delaware too.
No bribery or consultants needed. In this country, and in this state, we have created and condoned a school system that gives those with the most privilege greater access to a high-quality education.
Many who can afford the $20,000-$30,000 annual tuition choose to send their children to one of Delaware’s private schools. This means access to individualized attention, abundant resources, campuses that resemble elite colleges, rigorous curriculum, prominent guest speakers, and the type of free-flowing social capital that perpetuates advantage.
There’s nothing surreptitious about it. All parents want their children to flourish.
More from this author:
If you really care about schools, you should care who runs them
There are others — whether or not they can afford private school tuition — who believe the public education system can provide the type of quality their children deserve.
Some think private school education is not as great as many assume. Some would rather save the tuition dollars and use it on tutors, travel, and other extracurricular opportunities that give their children an edge. Others have a moral commitment to diversity and public education and wear it proudly like a badge.
But they are rarely talking about the same kind of public education. They are usually talking about schools with a tolerable amount of racial and socio-economic diversity, with a generous amount of instructional and technological resources, with a stable teacher and leader workforce, and with parent groups that raise money for all manner of accouterments.
They most certainly are not referring to the schools with high teacher turnover, out-of-field teachers, low proficiency rates, aging facilities, subpar curriculum, safety concerns, and a lack of counselors.
The public schools that parents with means desire for their children are for sale and it is completely legal.
For example, if you want to attend North Star Elementary school in Hockessin, you only need to be willing and able to pay the area’s $434,000 median home listing price. It is no surprise then that only 4 percent of the school’s students are low-income, 5 percent of students are Hispanic, and 3 percent are black students.
Like the cost of tuition prevents certain families from accessing private schools, the housing market prices less-resourced families out of “premium” public education.
Fortunately, in Delaware, we have a system of school choice and charter public schools designed to create options beyond what the housing market and one’s zip code dictate. And a third of Delaware public school students rely on it to move beyond their assigned school.
But the process is also not without costs that create barriers and advantages.
For example, if you want to get your child into Newark Charter School — with its 3,000-student waiting list — you need to live within a five-mile radius of the school to give yourself a slight chance. Like North Star Elementary school, this effectively creates a barrier through the housing market.
Outside of these potential housing costs, there are “browsing costs” — costs associated with searching for and applying to various schools options — that are challenging for low-income families. If one wants to apply for other charter public schools, magnet schools, and magnet programs (e.g. Cambridge Program at Newark High School and the IB program at Dickinson) they will encounter application requirements that may include auditions, additional assessments, in-person interviews, essays, and teacher recommendations.
Regarding the process, one parent shared the following with me:
“This was very hard, even for me. I have a reliable computer and reliable internet access. I have reliable transportation to take [my child] to the three extra assessments she has had to complete. I have easy access to all of the available documentation. I think for anyone without all of these components, these tasks would be nearly impossible.
"They are more than daunting or discouraging. The procedures create barriers to access. This whole process has been very stressful, especially for my 8th grader. A 14-year-old girl has had to contend with a level of competition reserved for high-level athletes and college admissions.”
But we can inject more fairness into this frenzy. We can learn from places like Washington, D.C. and Denver that have unified enrollment systems — including one application and a centralized matching system— for nearly 100,000 and 80,000 students, respectively. This would build upon the progress made in 2013 when the state standardized the school choice application forms and deadlines across traditional and charter schools.
We can minimize the number of enrollment preferences that give certain students an increased chance of admission during the school choice process. We can also expand efforts to provide high-quality information — translated in different languages like the MiEscuelaDE.com website my organization created — and support navigating the process.
We just have to want more than an education system where some students are sold short while others are long on options.
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The post College admissions scandal: Elite education is for sale in Delaware, says education advocate appeared first on Rewerenda.
Learn More: http://www.rewerenda.com/college-admissions-scandal-elite-education-is-for-sale-in-delaware-says-education-advocate/
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learnertrue-blog · 5 years
Online tutoring is better than classroom teaching.
Every day, everywhere and every time you see a change in everything because changes are beneficial for our success and development. So, we all know that the traditional method of teaching is not at that vast that it conquers our needs. Consequently, online tutoring is the best way of learning.
A few points I give that tell you, Why online tutoring is a trending method nowadays?
1. The flexibility of time: Through online tutoring, you have your own pace that when and where you want to learn. Also, study from the comfort of time and in a customized manner.
2. Reduced traveling time: It offers that you can learn from anywhere by not wasting time in traveling. Besides this, it conducts classes from across multiple time zones.
3. Access to resources: Find study material pdfs, ppts, etc at any time and anywhere according to your study demand. Also, it reduces time in searching for books, previous papers, and study material.
4. Interact with highly expert tutors: You can directly interact with subject matter experts and also clear your query or doubt anytime. Covering all your missing topics by asking or seeing the recorded video again and again.
5. Reduced cost: Grab learning opportunities at a reasonable fee and also by saving money in traveling.
As a result, you can see that online tutoring has efficiency and flexibility as well. So, most of the students, as well as parents, go through it.
Tutoring solution for IB
In this technology-based era, it is essential for your learning that it will be found everywhere. Apart from this IB self more practical based rather than theoretical. In addition, students also demand expert tutors but in every institute or coaching center, it is not possible. So for this, you need IB Elite tutors.
IB Elite tutors provide tutors for both SL and HL levels that clear all the doubts of the students according to their IBDP subject requirement. The methodology of this institute is different from others. Simultaneously, you can also find the teaching pattern is not so complicated. Apart from this, our online IB tutoring provides the best tutors for IB IA, IB TOK, and IB E.E
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