#ic | aoki
todayisafridaynight · 2 months
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beautifulstorms · 10 months
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Yuna Aoki, FS She • NHK Trophy 2023
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yuzu-all-the-way · 4 months
Yuzu & other skaters
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belle-ayitian · 1 year
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2023 Met Gala | Red Carpet: Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty
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aheckinmess · 6 months
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(One-Shot series 1/3 - regularly updated every Saturday. Toshinori fanart used in title card was created by @yokkisu! You should go follow! There's great stuff over there!)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Toshinori Yagi, All Might, Toshinori x OC, All Might x OC, Smol Might, All Might is a Ray of Sunshine, I Just Want Smol Might to Eat, A Nice Moonlit Beach, Popsicles and Ice Cream, Symbol of Peace to the Rescue
Word Count: 4,653 words
Summary: Ichijiku loves going to the beach and listening to the stories the seagulls tell her, but one evening she sees a stranger being bullied and stands up against his offenders. One spontaneous game of tag, a trip to get ice cream, and some friendly banter later they exchange numbers to keep in touch. As they spend more time together, what sort of secrets will Toshinori and Ichijiku reveal to each other?
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Chapter 1: Best of Both Worlds
Ichijiku (Tigress)
Nothing beats the salty brine in the air or the warm crunch of sand underfoot from an evening on the beach. The moon paints a story as it reflects off the waves and the seagulls carry on oral tradition to pass the story along their route. Closing my eyes and listening to the hiss of water trickling into the dry sand helps me relax all my muscles and sigh out today's frustrations.
But there's a sound that disrupts the auditory symphony around me.
"Ew, gross! What the hell are you?" A young voice taunts.
"I'm sorry. I can leave." A tired voice responds.
"You better. You're ruining the scenic view of the beach!"
Normally, I'm not one to get into other peoples' conversations, but after listening to Grandma all day and wondering what this stranger might be going through that he can't even get a break at the beach makes me get up and head towards the only other group of people here.
"Your attitude is ruining the blissful silence." I sass back as I get within hearing range.
There are two blondes, a brunette, and a ginger in my view. All male. You're trying to get killed, aren't you, Ichijiku? No one deserves to be treated less than human. No matter what they look like!
One of the blondes seems to be the victim, because the other three are all wearing smirks and surrounding him. Said victim is tall with a decrepit face and he looks horrified that I've shown up. I can only feel a little tug in my squishy heart for him. He looks a little thin and worse for wear, but that's no reason to call someone ugly or disgusting!
"What are you gonna do about it, sweetheart?" The ginger stands a foot taller than me and seems to think that means I'll cower under him as he towers above me. Not a chance.
"I'm simply here to remind you that this beach is a public space to everyone, not just your massive ego." I purr sweetly, eyes glinting fiercely in the moonlight.
He doesn't appear visibly scared of me - and who would? - but he does shift his weight so he isn't looming over me as much. "Yeah? Well this guy could hardly be considered a person. Have you gotten a good look at him?"
"He's as much human as you and I." I say simply. "Just because you don't like the looks of him doesn't mean anything's wrong with him."
He scoffs, nods, and his two buddies take both of his sides, closing me in.
"Hey, leave her alone." The thin man reaches out, his voice sounding vaguely familiar in his determination and warning tones.
But he really needn't worry.
"Lay off, Pops. We'll be gentle with her." The brunette licks his lips suggestively.
And that's about all he does, because in the next moment I yawn nice and loud. I take a few steps back as all three of them simultaneously flop forward, unconscious and asleep. I step around them and over to the taller man. Taller even than the three goons picking on him. They clearly didn't have any sense of self-preservation.
"Are you okay?" I ask him, tilting my head a bit to look up at him.
"Well, I was going to ask you the same thing, but it appears you had yourself handled." He chuckles, finally meeting my eyes. "I apologize for causing a disturbance."
"I'm not sure why you're apologizing. You didn't do anything." I snort, before looking at the sleeping group of misfits on the ground. I nod towards my stuff further down the beach. "C'mon. Walk with me. You seem like you could use a buddy. I'm Ichijiku."
I start the trek towards my beach towel and adventure bag.
"You didn't have to put yourself in danger for my sake, you know." Toshinori says softly.
"Yeah? Tell that to every pro hero who's ever rescued someone." I tease, pausing for a moment a few feet away from my towel to sit in the sand and sift through a little collection of shells. I just need one more. A purple one.
"I guess you've got me there." There's a smirk in his tone and then I feel him shift until he's sitting beside me. "But you could have gotten seriously hurt, and I can take care of myself."
"Of that, I have no doubt." I say for his credit as I toss a blue shell towards the rippling waves. "But no one should be allowed to say such awful things. As someone who grew up in a household like that...sometimes the best advocate is someone who's outside the situation. Stranger or not."
The air is quiet for a time as we both just appreciate the others' presence. I keep tossing out shells until there's none left. Dang. No luck today. I pull my knees up to my chest and just watch the water for some time.
"So, what brought you out to the beach on this fine evening?" I finally ask.
"Mm?" He turns to look at me and I can see reality sinking back into his gaze. "Oh. I just wanted some time to clear my head. I..." He opens his mouth, then closes it. "Nevermind. It's nothing. Suffice it to say that I've been having to come to terms with some distressing news."
"Understandable." I hum softly. "I'm no stranger to distressing news. Is it something you want to talk about or that you need a distraction from?"
"Definitely a distraction." He sighs.
An idea starts forming in my mind. Are you an idiot? He's a stranger! You're taking everything he says at face value. There's no harm in helping him feel better after those people were being so cruel to him. He deserves a break. Indeed. But keep your guard up, just in case. He is still a stranger. I know.
"Well, in that case..." I tap his arm and then jump up to bolt down the beach side. "Tag! You're it!"
I make it maybe thirty feet before I feel a hand tap my shoulder.
"You're it!"
I swat at him again and miss with a little squeal as I slip in the sand. I manage to catch myself before I fall completely and dart right back after him.
"You tall people and your long legs!" I call at his back as I try to pace myself without inducing an asthma attack.
It at least gets a laugh from him. Our impromptu game doesn't last long, but soon we're both panting and giggling in the sand. I'm wheezing, but I pull my inhaler from my bag and give it a few good sprays to manage my mucus-filled airways.
"Oh, hey, sorry. If I'd known you had asthma–"
"You better not say you'd have taken it easy on me, because I'd have punched you straight in the jaw." I laugh, leaning back on my elbows in the sand. "Just because I've got a health condition doesn't make me helpless. It just means I have to find a different way to do the things I enjoy."
He gives me an odd look, his eyes sparkling a bit. I find I enjoy it, as it doesn't look as sad as the expression he wore before our little game.
"So, I've told you about why I was out here...why are you out on the beach alone this evening? You know, aside from being here so you can play tag with strangers." He smiles and I move a little closer to him.
The smile he gets in response doesn't fully reach my eyes. I look into the sand and heave a little sigh.
"I sort of hinted earlier that I grew up in a critical household. Specifically, my grandma was the culprit of that dynamic." I lay all the way back in the sand to look at the stars so I don't feel as lame or pathetic admitting all of this. "You could say that she has to have something to be upset about because nothing ever pleases her. And ever since I was born, I've been the scapegoat for most of that. She called me today to remind me of all my shortcomings, so I needed someplace to relax and clear my head."
Silence stretches between us and the stars. I'm grateful for the comfort I receive from the twinkling lights above me. It's like they're winking at me, telling me that everything is going to be okay. Or like their eyes are glassy with emotions, showing how much they empathize with you. I wonder what tales the stars have of their own. I often wonder too...
"I'm sorry to hear that. I've only known you for the better part of this evening, but based on my experience, it doesn't take long with someone like you to recognize a compassionate heart." Toshinori turns his head to look at me, and I turn to meet his gaze.
"I appreciate that. I've been working on trying to convince myself of that." I chuckle, reaching across the sand to squeeze his hand. I hope that wasn't taken as too intimate of a gesture. I feel like I'm on a date, and all I've done is run around with him and talked. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten so close so quickly. You needed a listening ear, and there's nothing wrong with that. But you are wise to be wary of your emotions.
"Well...take it from an outside party," He winks. "You're more than what you give yourself credit for."
My rumbling tummy promptly ruins the mood.
"Sorry." I flush and sit up. I start rummaging through my adventure bag for a granola bar, but find that I failed to pack anything. "Ugh. Squirrel brain..." I mutter.
"You must be hungry. What have you eaten today? Would you like to grab a bite for dinner? Or do you just need a snack?" Toshinori offers. "It's the least I can do for helping me out back there."
"Just a snack should be fine." I say quickly, not wanting to admit that it will probably be the only thing I've eaten all day. "But you don't have to do that. It really was nothing."
"I insist. Besides, it's not safe for you to be out alone so late. I'm sure you're more than capable, but allow me an act of chivalry." He grins.
I can't help but laugh at that. He's not so bad. I could get used to him. I wonder if I can get his number so we can stay friends. "You're probably right about that. If All Might has to save me one more time, he might start charging me a fee."
There's a knowing smile on his face coupled with his shock that makes me giggle. I figured he might find that amusing!
"All Might? Now, this I've got to hear. What did you do to warrant him saving you? More trouble like tonight?"
"Noooo! The other two times weren't my fault!" I pout up at him. "I actually instigated neither of those situations!"
"Why do I find that hard to believe?"
"Listen, I'm not above pretending to need saving so All Might will come here again so he can prove it to you!" I say in a stern tone, but I'm laughing too much to be taken seriously. "I was a victim of circumstance!"
"What sort of circumstances then?" He asks with a shake of his head as he helps me grab my towel and my bag.
"The first time was in a skating rink. A villain with an ice quirk was messing with the rink as everyone was trying to get off of it. I, being the graceful person I am, kept slipping and ended up trapped in said ice." I snort, leaving out parts of the story.
"Is that so?" He laughs, and I can't look at him because the look on his face makes me feel like he might be able to catch me lying if I stare for too long.
He doesn't need to know that I kept trying to help the other people in the rink. He might think I was stupid for not saving myself...or maybe after tonight it wouldn't be that surprising. Gah! I don't know how to interact with people! Relax. Just keep telling the story.
"Yeah, and All Might showed up shortly after. He managed to help save me from the villain and get him tied up. You can imagine...I was freezing! I didn't even get to thank him properly." I shake my head. "I know that he doesn't save people for all the popularity and stuff, but I still wanted to show him my gratitude. Thankfully, a second villain a few weeks after that decided to snatch me up as a hostage. Since All Might rescued me then, I was able to share my gratitude." I kick a rock out of my path.
"I'm sure he knows you're grateful. He's a busy guy, ya know? He understands."
"Oh, I know. I get that he's a big hero and symbol that everyone takes for granted, but I wanted him to know that I wasn't grateful just because he's a hero. I was thankful because he's heroic, and yes, there's a difference." I stick my tongue out at him.
"The world could use more people with that ideology." Toshinori sighs, looking ahead of us. "Hey, there's an ice cream stand ahead. Want to get some ice cream in remembrance of your skating rink incident?"
"Oooo, yes!" I agree, already picking up my pace. "I'm so ready. I've been craving popsicles lately."
"You don't come to an ice cream stand to get popsicles." He crinkles his nose.
"Oh yeah? And who's gonna stop me?" I giggle, already looking over the menu and deciding on an orange popsicle.
"Listen, with as many times as you've had to be saved, ice cream might be what All Might asks for as payment." Toshinori laughs, placing his order and then stepping aside.
"If ice cream is the only payment the Symbol of Peace wants for saving thousands upon thousands of people...I can't really say much. Because I'd probably do the same. Ice cream is the best." I grin, putting in my order and then turning my bag around so I can start pulling out my wallet.
"It's together." I hear Toshinori say, and then a receipt starts printing out that he takes.
I stand with my mouth agape.
"You sneaky little weasel! I was gonna pay for it! You weren't supposed to do that!"
"Oh yeah? And who's gonna stop me?" He smirks.
I make my most unamused face at him before I can't help cracking a smile. I shake my head.
"All I'm saying is if All Might takes your ice cream, it'll be poetic justice."
"Consider the decision justified, then." He says, taking a bite of his ice cream.
I just roll my eyes and take the popsicle. For the next few moments, we're quiet as we indulge in our sweet treats. I follow him as he leads me down the street, pointing out a few places he frequents.
"You've been to that karaoke bar? I've been there a couple of times with my friends. It's pretty nice! And the snacks are amazing." I comment whenever he points out Shigouraiki Karaoke Bar.
"I was about to say, the snacks are the best part. I'm usually by myself, though." He admits, taking another bite from his Mighty Mix ice cream.
"Well, we'll have to change that. Give me your number and I'll invite you some time. Karaoke's no fun by yourself!" I pull out my phone. When he pulls his out too, I tap the top of my phone against his. "There. Don't mind the weird picture."
Toshinori laughs. It's beginning to feel familiar and warm to make up for the cold popsicle.
"What's with the sassy look? You have a blue gift bow on the top of your head, did someone give you a bad gift?" He teases.
"You had to be there to understand." I giggle, about halfway done with my popsicle now. I find myself slowing down because I don't want to stop talking with him. "My friend Hanayuki was taking pictures of me with the bow on my head, and I thought she was done taking them. So I sent her a sassy look and she betrayed me."
"I'm glad she did. The sass suits you." A dribble of ice cream runs down his fingers and he looks at me. "Mind grabbing my napkin?"
"I gotcha." I take the napkin and dab one hand so he can get the other. "My house is only a few more blocks past this shopping district. And then you'll be free of me."
"The world will soon seem duller, then." The sorrow in his tone sounds genuine. "Do you think we could meet up again, sometime soon?"
"Of course! I might even manage to garner a presence from All Might." I wink.
"I look forward to it."
As we make the final trek to my house, I toss my popsicle stick into the nearest trash receptacle. This shouldn't feel like a date when I've only just met him. But he's so easy to talk to. I grab my keys from my bag before turning to him.
"Thank you for walking me home, Toshinori, I appreciate it."
"It's not a problem. Thank you for the company, Ichijiku." He grins as he looks down at me. "I look forward to seeing you again. This was...certainly the best time I've had hanging out with someone in a while."
"Likewise." I say as I crinkle my nose playfully. "Stay safe tonight."
"I'll be sure to call you if I need saving."
"You'd better!"
. . . . .
Toshinori ends up needing to be saved rather frequently. He calls to invite me to his house, where he needs saving from loneliness. He calls to invite me to the karaoke bar, where he needs saving from discordant music notes. He calls to invite me to dinner, where he needs saving from an empty stomach.
At long last, he calls to invite me to be his girlfriend, where he needs saving from a life without me.
"Aww, Toshi-kun, you could have just asked over dinner." I laugh into the receiver while watering plants.
"I know, but...there were people around and I wasn't sure. I was a little scared, to be honest." I can hear the shyness in his voice.
"Well, I'm glad you asked me at all." I admit, moving on into the warmer fuzzier feelings of being his girlfriend. He makes me so happy. "Now you get to help me go through all of the pet names I've been going over in my head. How does schnookums sound?"
"Like a disease."
"Agreed. I hate it. Next one. How are we feeling about darling?"
"It's not bad. I don't know that it fits me."
"Perhaps I'll reserve it for when I'm feeling fanciful. What are your thoughts on honey bunches of oats?"
"Like the cereal? I already feel fragile. I don't want to feel old too." He chuckles.
"That's fair." I reach down to pet my cat as I think up another. "Do you have any objections to lover boy?"
"Mm, it has potential."
"My thoughts exactly, lover boy." I blow a kiss over the receiver. "The others will have to wait, though, because it's just occurred to me that I'm all out of green yarn. And that, my dear, simply will not do."
"My dear has a nice ring to it." He says. "But I'll let you go then. Be safe. Don't talk to strangers."
"Now, Toshinori, when have I ever spoken to strangers?" I ask, grabbing my bag and keys and heading out the door.
"I happen to recall this one night on the beach..."
"Oh dear..."
"And you ran into this tall, decrepit man getting bullied by three strangers..."
"Will you never let me live it down, beloved?"
"Oh! I like that one."
"Yeah, me too." I smile. "But bye-bye, foreels this time. I have to drive."
"Okay, stay safe."
"I will."
For the next thirty minutes, I follow up on my promise. I drive safe, make it to the hobby store safely, and start perusing the yarn section with caution. I manage to grab maybe three skeins of yarn before the shelves rattle dangerously. I notice the other shelves starting to collapse and rush to the end of the aisle to get out of the way, but I don't completely make it.
Pain ripples through my lower back and legs as the shelf catches my back end. Thankfully, my top half is unmarred and able to look around. Lo and behold, a villain starts walking from the back of the store with a gleaming grin on his face. Are you kidding me? A third time?! You'd think they had a radar for when to ruin my day.
"All of you were unsuspecting, right? No one thought the clerk up front could be a villain. That's the problem with society. Everyone thinks evil has the same face!" He roars, kicking another shelf over. It dominoes into the others across from me as I cover my head.
Screams cut across the store as I grit my teeth and try to move once the rumbling fades. Come on, gotta get out! Other people could get hurt! I manage to wiggle a bit, but another wave of searing heat grips my calf, and I know I shouldn't move anymore.
A hand grips my chin tightly as the villain makes me look up at him. I glare at him with all the tiger in my body.
"How does it feel knowing no one will save you?" He whispers to me.
"How does it feel knowing no one will listen to you?" I growl back.
"How does it feel knowing I am here!" A thunderous clap resounds through the store as All Might stomps his foot on the ground.
I don't even blink before a punch sends the villain hurdling back away from me. Relief floods my bones so quickly I feel tears prickling in my eyes. A cacophony of thoughts swirl in my head while the fight ensues. Everything from cheering him on to win the fight to jokingly wondering if I can get him to meet Toshinori and wondering if he'll want ice cream as payment for his services. My brain isn't fully there.
But All Might is fully there, and that's quite literally the only thing keeping me alive.
Once the sound of police sirens accompanies the lack of fighting, I watch All Might hand off the villain to the police. A rescue team makes eye contact with me and one of the men voices my predicament.
"Someone's trapped under that shelf!" He gapes.
"You guys help the others and point out anyone else who needs my help. I'll start with helping this young woman." All Might responds, and in another moment, I'm once again face-to-face with the Symbol of Peace. "I've been seeing you around a lot, young lady." He grunts as he starts lifting both yarn shelves to keep one from collapsing into the other on top of me.
His eyes glisten with mischief as he looks down on me. I can see the blue in his eyes. That blue looks so familiar... I think, before I catch his expression and I understand. Toshinori...
"You're..." I whimper as I begin dragging myself free. "...going to have to start charging me an ice cream fee...with how often you have to save me."
Once I'm free of the shelves, All Might sets them down and turns back to me. His eyes give him away. That soft expression and even his iconic smile tilts up in a way now so familiar to me. He cradles me delicately, perhaps a bit intimately given the secret we both know I've uncovered, before he sets me down in an ambulance outside.
"You..." He opens his mouth and pauses, shaking his head. "I know you must think..." Another pause. "I want to explain..." His face looks so worried and awkward and scared, before he turns as a police officer calls for help from inside the store. His signature smile returns. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But I have to go help them." And then he disappears.
I'm crying by the time the EMT reaches me.
Once it's all said and done, my minor wounds are dressed and I'm advised to take it easy on my leg.
"If you have a friend who can take you home now, I'd advise giving them a call. Otherwise, we'll have to find someone to take you home, and it may be a while." The man informs me, but I don't fully hear him.
The world around me swims by in a murky grey as I try to make sense of everything that's just transpired. It's not that any of it is bad, it's just that a lot has happened. A few more tears trickle down my cheeks as I just nod and pull out my phone. It sustained minimal damage thanks to my screen protector and padded buttcheeks.
I scroll to Toshinori and feel my heart ache. He's the only one I want to take me home but...
"I can take it from here." All Might's voice interrupts.
The EMT looks up at him like he's just won the lottery. I look up at him like I'm seeing a ghost.
"O-Of course! Sh-She needs..."
"To get home, so I heard. I don't mind giving the wounded woman a lift!" He says with a smile, before offering his hand. "Ma'am, if you can give me your address, I can get you there safely."
I utter the proper address before he tucks me in his chest again and we're flying. The heights make my tummy swim with butterflies. I don't say anything as the world passes by us.
"I'm sorry again, Ichichan, that I didn't tell you." He says, his voice just a bit louder to make himself heard over the wind. "I can understand if you're upset."
"I-It's not that." I admit, closing my eyes as I try to decipher how I'm feeling. "It's just a lot to process. But it also worries me."
"What do you mean?"
"When you're..." I want to say Toshinori, but it doesn't feel right, because I know he's the same no matter his form. So I use a different nickname. "When you're Smol Might...I already worry that I don't deserve you. You're so kind and sweet, and more than I deserve, really. But...knowing that you're also All Might...it makes me feel even less deserving. You've helped a lot of people and done so much good. I don't really see how you could consider me worth a second glance in either scenario."
All is quiet until we reach my house. Toshinori has to give the door an extra shove since my bag was lost under the shelves in the hobby store, and then we make it inside where he sets me down. Steam starts hissing around him until he exhales and coughs, a splash of blood decorating his hand. He wipes it off on his costume, now three times too big.
He kneels by the couch and cups my face, eyes shining their perfect blue.
"You deserve so much more than me." He breathes, thumb rubbing over my skin. I hold his hand there, enjoying the intimacy. "Even with all I've done as a Symbol, you deserve more. And I mean that."
My little frame rattles as I hug his arm.
"You...You won't leave me?"
"No, Ichichan," He promises, leaning in and making my lips tingle with our first, perfect kiss. "I am here."
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Continue Reading -> Ch. 2
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realmyths · 5 days
@lightcreators liked here for a starter from Erika for Percy Jackson!
Erika is swimming in the ocean, she's rather far out. Far enough that she feels comfortable, as no human would venture out this far. Of course, she is a mermaid. It runs in her family on her mother's side. So she's perfectly capable of being out here. Suddenly, though, she realizes she's not alone. Huh? How could someone else be out here?
"What are you doing out here?" She can't help but ask the other person. "Shouldn't you be closer to the shore?" She lets out a sigh, hoping her tail won't be spotted. She takes care to leave it under the water, for now. Though if the stranger is out this far, maybe they're not human either. Erika supposes it's a possibility.
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chaotictoon · 2 years
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❄️ Ice Magical Girls ❄️
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Cartoon Girls + Ice/snow Powers
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sayurifellfrost · 1 year
Prompt #22: Fulsome
Character: Sayuri Aoki
Age: 20
Sayuri mutely watched as one by one, people dropped into her office. Each and every one of them had been late with their payments, but while some had genuinely been unable to pay on time, some had chosen to test the new leaders - to see what they could get away with. They seemed confident enough to get away with things if they feigned ignorance and gave some disingenuous apology for their lateness.
She would listen to them all, and not speak a word herself - a mere glance being the only signal of what was to be their fate.
Those who seemed genuine would be sent Fuyumi’s way, and she would aid them in setting up a more appropriate payment plan - one they had the capacity to follow, and not one Hayate had chosen to enforce on them.
And those who were merely here to test the Seeker’s patience, well..
They would be sent to Noritaka, who’d forcefully haul them out the door - to which they would realise their mistakes and their excessive apologies would echo through the halls as they desperately tried to save their own skin. Some remained defiant, and cursed her name angrily as they were pulled away.
Their punishments would be different, depending - some likely losing their lives, if they did not alter their attitude before they landed before her more distant co-leader.
Eitherway, she did not care.
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3416 · 1 year
bunting three game suspension in the PLAYOFFS is so fucking stupid.
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wintrydapples · 10 months
Whew, remember skating last night! Two American women on the podium! Ice dance intrigue and upset! Yuma beat Shoma! Pairs… probably happened! I would not have predicted most anything that has gone on this season.
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
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steve being absolutely insane as usual
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todayisafridaynight · 4 months
aoki deserves a billion and one knives to the organs but tbh if i showed up to the husband of my ex's ceremony Of Which Was The Same Guy Who Made Me Look Like A Jackass On My Birthday and she was like 'wow youre so charming and sophisticated' after i overheard her calling me a creep and a weirdo On My Birthday i think i wouldve killed myself on the spot in front of everyone so good on him for not doing that I Guess
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buddy-arc · 2 years
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he is staring...
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fakade · 2 years
@skullkxd asked: (unprompted)
holds up a plate of cookies. "Here. Try these. Are they good enough for Santa?"
For a few moments, Larry finds himself stunned into silence. How old was this kid? Had no one told them that there was no such thing as Santa? It's a miracle that they'd made it this long, he's thinking, and to make a whole batch of cookies for this guy who wasn't even real... It strikes a chord with him, reminding him of the innocence he held as a child. The real world was harsh and to find out that this magical figure wasn't real would surely hurt. There's only one way to react.
A hand reaches for one of the cookies, staring at it... and just like that, he takes a bite. It's toffee — the flavor is pretty pronounced, with a nice texture on top of that. Larry isn't much of a fan of sweets, but he can see how people like this kind of flavor. Now if only he had a hot cup of coffee...
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" It's not bad. " There's not even the slightest hint of a lie in what he said. A hand reaches over instinctively as though he's about to pat Ree on the head, but... he stops and instead reaches for another cookie to look at. " I think Santa would be more than happy to have these. Are they an original recipe? "
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fatesown · 13 days
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aheckinmess · 3 months
Cuddling 101: The Intricacies of Intimacy [Enji] (Angst)
[One-Shot 15/? in a collection of My Hero Academia one-shots posted regularly on Saturdays - and sometimes Sundays.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Enji x OC, Endeavor x OC, Enji Todoroki, Endeavor, Angst with a Happy Ending, Original Female Character(s), Ichijiku Aoki, Ice Quirk, Teaching Fire Boy to Cuddle, Married for a Few Months, OC is an Emotional Bean, Enji is a Softie, And Nobody Can Convince Me Otherwise, And They've TRIED
Word Count: 1,963 words
Summary: Only a few months into their marriage, Ichijiku and Enji still have to learn to navigate each others’ unique love language. It results in a conversation about the worries each of them have.
Author's Note: In this prompt, Ichijiku has an ice quirk for the sake of this prompt.
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Ichijiku (Tigress)
Morning light filters through a crack in the blackout curtains, nudging my eyelids open and reminding me of a beautiful sight: Enji Todoroki in bed beside me. When Enji's in bed, the worries of the day no longer crease his forehead or draw a scowl on his face. He is Enji...my Enji most fully in the morning.
For these scarce moments in time - in which I wake up before him - I allow myself a rare treat and carefully squirm against his chest, pulling his arm around my back. Cuddles do not come naturally to Enji as emotions disturb him about as much as a high-class villain. 
I'm sure if I asked him he'd say emotions are villains.
Still, on lazy mornings such as this, I tuck myself into his cozy presence and pretend he’s cuddling on purpose. It certainly helps that his fingers rub over my back, tracing soft patterns into my skin. An added bonus? The way his fingers gently tug through my hair.
I carefully open my eyes to find the sea and sky looking back at me.
"Good morning," He greets, kissing my forehead before he clambers out of bed. 
And the tender moment flutters through my fingers like smoke. I even sit up and stretch my hand out, grasping for it, grasping for him. When the bathroom door closes, I figure I'll see if I can rope him into a morning cuddle when he gets out.
In the meantime, I fix the sheets up a bit so it'll look neat. I fix my pajamas and ruffle my hair a bit in the hopes that making it look messy will entice him to me. By the time the bathroom door opens again, I'm laying on my elbows with a pair of kitten eyes and reaching out to him.
"Come back?" I chirp softly.
"What do you need, Frosty Queen?" He chuckles, padding over to the bed and sitting at the edge.
I scoot up and hug his arm, leaning into his warmth and soaking it up like a plant photosynthesizing from the sun. It lasts for a few seconds before he nudges me with his arm.
"You needed something?" He repeats, confused.
"Yeah. Cuddles." I look up at him, resting my chin on his arm. "Just for a little bit?" 
Silence permeates the room and he looks at the doorway.
"Can we eat breakfast first?" He asks just as a rumble sounds from his stomach. "I've never been great at the whole cuddling thing...and I'm hungry."
"Oh, um, yeah, sorry. I can make you some food." I quickly retreat, hopping out of bed and looking at my feet as I make my way down the hall. 
"Hey," Enji catches my hand before I get too far and spins me against his front. He presses his lips to my forehead and then his eyes meet mine. "That wasn't meant as a denial. I really will try out the whole...cuddling thing." He doesn't sound happy about it, but I'm glad he clarifies that he's willing to try. "I just don't want to be hungry and end up ruining it. I know it's important to you."
"Physical touch is my love language." I explain.
"So you’ve said before," Enji yawns as he spontaneously carries me to the kitchen. I've always been self-conscious about my weight, but his strong muscles holding me up acts as a balm for this particular insecurity. "But we're intimate regularly. I often sit by you and give you kisses throughout the day. Doesn't that satisfy your need for physical touch?"
"It does." I admit, closing my eyes and leaning against him until he sets me down onto the cool tile. "But I have different types of physical touch I want to have met. And sometimes, different touches can mean different things."
"Like what?" 
I file through the cabinets for breakfast ingredients as I contemplate how to explain. The fact that he ranks my emotional needs high enough to try something out of his comfort zone makes my heart grow fonder of him.
"It's like...cuddles are a different level of intimacy. Sex makes me feel loved, vulnerable, and physically attractive. Kisses make me feel protected and valued. But cuddles make me feel like I'm worth the effort." I shrug, humming as I work my way around the stove.
Enji quiets for a few moments with a hum, before his hands skirt around my waist from behind. The weight of his head on my shoulder relaxes me.
"What about this?" He asks.
"This feels similar to cuddles." I smile. "It makes me feel like you think I'm your one and only."
"You are my one and only. Don't you know that?" 
Several quiet minutes go by. I flip the fish in the frying pan and stir the soup. I glance at the rice cooker to find only a few minutes left. 
"Breakfast shouldn’t take too much longer."
"Ichan," He turns me around and puts a hand under my chin. It’s not often those cold, blue eyes look so soft and warm. "You do know you're my one and only, don't you?"
Once again, I’m quiet. When his hold tightens, he squeezes out a flood of tears in his wake.
“I guess…” I shrug out of his hold and grab plates and bowls to set up breakfast.
“You guess?” Even though he lets me go, he follows my every move. I feel a weight lifted from my shoulders as he pulls my hair out of my shirt and combs his fingers gently through the tangles. “Surely you’re more certain than just a guess? Why would you believe otherwise?”
An answer has to wait as I plate fish, miso, and then finish off with a bit of rice. I pull out some cups and splash some orange juice in both.
“You arranged for a quirk marriage because you wanted to make the perfect child to surpass All Might,” I begin bluntly. “You’ve been very good to me, I won’t pretend you haven’t. You pay for everything to keep us fed and splurge on me for my hobbies…you’ve even surprised me with flowers before and I’m forever in your debt for paying off what was left of my student loans.” I don’t look at him. I can’t. “But…I don’t know how to explain it well. I’m appreciative of all that, please don’t think I’m not. It’s just, I thrive off of physical touch and emotional warmth. Whenever you come home and I ask about work, you just shrug it off and say it’s fine. When I try to cuddle you in the mornings or before bed, it’s reduced to a quickie or you leave for the bathroom and I’m left alone. I just want…” I pause.
What do I want? Enji does all the right things. Does that mean I’m selfish for asking for more?
“I don’t want to lose you.” I choke out, not realizing I’ve said it until Enji tilts my chin up. Those blue eyes capture me with their concern. I force my eyes away. “I’m scared that once we start having babies you’ll forget all about me. I don’t want to be a means to an end for your heroic ambitions, Enchan. I want to feel like you love me because I’m me. Not because of what I can give you. I want you to feel like you can be vulnerable and let me carry whatever troubles you. I know you think you’re supposed to protect me, keep me safe, but I want to be able to carry your burden every now and then so you can rest when you need it.”
 Large fingers pad away the liquid in the corners of my eyes. When I finally look back at him, he rests his forehead against mine. There’s no escape. Everything about him draws me in and acts as a salve to my woes even though he hasn’t spoken.
“Ichan,” He says. “I…” He inhales and stops, closing his mouth and sighing through his nose. His mouth opens and closes, then repeats the motion until his head slumps against my shoulder. “I wish I had something better to say, but all I can say is I’m sorry I’ve made you feel that way. I have no excuses.”
My fingers indulge in the coarse depths of his fiery hair. This…this is the kind of intimacy I want. To know every precious little thing about you. For a few moments, the world around us keeps moving, but we’re caught in time with each other.
Both of us against a raging world.
“When I first asked you about the quirk marriage, it was originally just for your quirk.” His fingers paint sweet pictures across my shoulders. With every stroke, my muscles melt under his touch. “Of course, the more I met up with you after your agreement, I hadn’t expected to enjoy your company so much. You’re so vibrant and passionate about the things you love, it’s intoxicating.” The familiar feeling of his lips on my neck pulls a gasp from my throat. “Your enthusiasm for life reminds me of why I became a pro.”
After some doting kisses, he lifts his head and cups my face. 
“I’m sorry that I haven’t said it, but you’ve changed so much in my life for the better. When a villain attack delayed you at the grocery store last week? I was at my wit’s end. I wondered what I’d do if you didn’t come home. Surpassing All Might was forgotten because all I could think about was how much I’d miss seeing you, how much I’d miss waking up beside you, how much your presence brings this house to life.” Sorrow glistens in his eyes as he presses a soft, brief kiss on my lips. “Ichijiku Todoroki, even if my intentions were initially selfish…you changed my life for the better when you became a part of it. Never doubt that.”
Sincerity hangs from his every word, draping me in comfort and affection that soothes the worry buzzing in the background of my head these past couple months following our wedding.
I lead him back over to the table before breakfast gets cold while I process these deeper emotions. We eat in a more comfortable silence. When he takes my empty dishes over to the sink and sweeps me up in his arms, I squeal and hold on tight.
He steps over to the couch and lays down, getting comfy against the pillows before he holds me firm against his chest. As my head nestles into the crook of his neck, tension oozes out of my body and a smile sneaks onto my face. Just like earlier, his fingers trace patterns along my back. Unlike earlier, he smatters kisses all over the side of my face. I giggle as they tickle my cheek like little butterfly wings. He rumbles out a chuckle as I squirm and wrap my legs around his waist, before I feel his lips twitch and his fingers wriggle against my sides.
“Enji!” I shriek, cackling as I move away from him and he pulls me back to smother my other cheek in kisses. “You could have just asked me to turn!”
“Now, where’s the fun in that?” 
With a huff, I try tickling his sides in retribution. Nothing. I try his neck. Still nothing. He smirks up at me until my fingers assault his stomach and then he twitches with a snort.
“Not there!” He laughs, pulling me under him while hovering over me. 
He rests his forehead against mine with a small smile, something so rare that it warms me down to the tips of my toes.
“Thank you.”
“Anything for you, my queen.”
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Want More Enji? Try: A Girl Worth Fighting For
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