#ich stell mich zu kari in die ecke und schäm mich 😂
daughterofhecata · 2 years
3, 6, 7, 14? 🥰🧸 pls feel better soon 😘
[happy writer ask]
Thanks 😘 (tatsächlich bin ich heute Morgen aufgewacht und dachte "hey, mir gehts besser als die letzten Tage!" So much dazu.)
3. Have you received any bookmark notes? Which is your favorite and why?
Okay, so, I went back through three pages of my most recent works on ao3, and I found exactly one bookmark with notes, so I guess this is my favourite:
Tumblr media
😄😘 (It's on piercing) (but i also realized that like 90% of all bookmarks are by people who i've never seen leave a single comment, which is interesting in way, I guess)
6. Describe what you do and your feelings after posting a chapter. (For example: When do you usually post a fic/chapter update? How do you celebrate a posting? Are you the type to refresh constantly?, etc.)
I usually try to post in the afternoon, because I think that's when most people are online and theoretically have time to read, but with work and especially the amount of late shifts I work atm it doesn't always work out that way. And I do like posting just before going off to work (which is usually around 1 PM lately), because at work I can't obsessively refresh ao3 and ff.de xD
7. What do you love most about being a fic writer for your fandom?
The way we as different authors but also as fellow fans really feed on each other in this fandom. Like, the amount of stories I've read, that inspired me to write something new, a couple tags or a random post that gave me an idea, discussions with you or Tiargo, just, we're a small enough group that i can actually follow most of the fandom and that we can play off of each other.
14. Share a snippet.
Of course xD Maybe not the funniest/most heartfelt/most interesting snippet in the world, but I'm planning to post judge, jury and executioner some time over the weekend (considering I have more than enough time to finish the editing round now 🙈), so you're getting a teaser for that:
„Was willst du hier?“, empfängt Skinny ihn, sobald Jonas nah genug ist, dass er nicht die Stimme erheben muss. Für eine Sekunde denkt er, dass Jonas sie aufhalten will – ihn aufhalten will. Er kann den Satz schon hören: Peter würde das nicht wollen. Und er hat auch die passende Antwort schon auf der Zunge: Peter ist tot. Er kann uns nicht mehr sagen, was er wollen würde. Doch stattdessen sagt Jonas etwas ganz anderes. „Ich will mitkommen“, verlangt er, die Stimme völlig ruhig.
9 notes · View notes