dragonshost · 7 years
poker face + ichielf
Lady Luck was definitely not on Elfman’s side tonight.  Truth be told, he could count one hand thenumber of times she had been, buttonight was not looking to be one of those rare occasions.  He’d at least thought that the constantpractice against Cana would prepare him for one poker match in good fun, butthat, too, was a mistake on his part.
Right now, the “friendly” poker tournament between FairyTail and Blue Pegasus was anything but. Cana was cleaning out the competition for the most part, and on theother side Hibiki wasn’t about to be outdone. General consensus was that the pair were cheating – Cana through tricksand Hibiki through card counting – but as no one had been able to prove it justyet, they were still going strong in their respective guilds’ honor.
Elfman was one of the few players not out already, but thatwas largely due to the fact that his opponent was as equally horrible at pokerand just as ill-fated as himself.  Infact, they were still the other’s first opponent of the evening.  Some would have called that good luck, butElfman would have to disagree.  It washorribly embarrassing, to see everyone else either out of the running or movingonto other opponents.
“I’m bored!” Cana shrieked into the tense atmosphere,causing Elfman to wince horribly at the volume. “Let’s make this more fun, and up the stakes a little!”
Her opponent, Jenny Realight, eyed her warily.  “I’m not against making it more interestingor upping the stakes, but what exactly did you have in mind?”
A devious grin crossed the brunette’s face, causing most ofher guildmates to shudder, even before the words had fully left her mouth.  “StripPoker.”
The rest of the Fairy Tail participants groaned.  The number of times Cana had managed to turna game of regular poker into strip poker was truly astronomical.  And so was the number of times she had comeout on top with all of her clothes still on her (her unfortunate match againstBacchus aside).
However, the Blue Pegasus mages didn’t know better.  Or perhaps didn’t care.  More likely the second than the first.
A wicked grin spread across Jenny’s face.  “Oh, that sounds like fun!” she declared.  “You’re after my own heart!”
“She’s after your clothes!” Freed warned her with a shake ofhis head.
Jenny seemed intent on repeating her mistake with Mira allover again.  “I accept!  What about the rest of you?”
There was no dissent among the Blue Pegasus mages, so theremaining Fairy Tail members had to accept the new condition and comply.
Elfman’s next hand immediately came up bad.  Sweat started pouring down his face, whichhis opponent picked up on with ease.
“I’d say you just got something very unfortunate,” Ichiyainformed him, the man’s smooth voice sending ripples of further uneasethroughout Elfman’s entire body.  “I’mgoing to increase my bet.”
When Elfman’s hand was revealed at the end, he was forced toremove his jacket.  Then, on the nextround, he had to discard his shirt as well.
This new condition was completely wreaking his alreadylackluster poker face!
And then, suddenly he noticed something.  His opponent was no longer drawing anddiscarding with confidence.  In fact, hishand was downright shaking.  Elfmanraised his gaze to Ichiya’s, who then immediately looked away and blushedfuriously.
“Y-you’re completely indecent, maaaaan.”
It seemed that Elfman’s poker face wasn’t the only onedestroyed by this.
“A real man strips without fear!” Elfman declared, his ownconfidence suddenly resored.
The proclamation was like an arrow straight through Ichiya’sheart.  “I cannot back down from achallenge with such a wonderful parfume!”the man responded, focusing intently on his cards once more.
(A shriek resounded through the guild as Jenny’s mistakecame to its inevitable conclusion, but neither man took notice of it.)
Given how horrible the pair were at the game, it wasn’t toomany rounds before both were stark naked, and still locked in stalemate.  So intent on their game, they failed tonotice that everyone else had finished up and gone home.
The next morning, Mirajane came in to prepare for the nextday, only to discover the two naked men curled up on the floor together, wherethey had fallen asleep in the midst of their contest.
She immediately passed out.
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sassyhazelowl · 7 years
91- Shocked for Elfman (because nothing really seems to surprise him)
When you cried a lot and got picked on as a kid, you tended to find ways to protect yourself, you tended to think certain things about yourself and you tended to wish, as an adult, your creative ten year old brain hadn’t come up with his particular coping mechanism.
Because it was embarrassing.
Even more than sobbing at the drop of a hat.
Now was one of those times. Eyes popping comically, mouth open but speechless and fists locked in front of him with anxiety, he knew it was coming. Stiffening, clenching his jaw, he told his mind to calm down this was nothing, he would act in a befitting manly manner.
Coming around the a pair of blue eyes that were just the wrong shade to belong to one of his sisters, he let his head fall back and uttered a vitriol and uncharacteristic oath under his breath.
“Do you require assistance?”
His eyes flew open then at the sincerity of the tone, a rapidly darkening blush dusting his tanned cheeks. It was tempting to leap up yelling and acting foolish to distract from the fact he just fainted dead away walking in on his sister and... and... thunk, his head fell back again, brain hurting and ignoring Freed’s outstretched offer up.
“It was quite the shock for me as well, although I suspected...” Freed trailed off thoughtfully, still not taking the opportunity to tease Elfman like the other guys would have. His eyes twinkled with a bit of mischief though, “Quite the show. Most men would not be able to look away. You are very much a gentleman.”
“That’s my sister,” Elfman huffed finally, instinctive need rising to protect her, even now flat on his back. “Also I... never mind. Spying is not manly.”
This time Elfman accepted the hand up, thoughts a million miles away from Mira and his embarrassing habit both, wondering if he’d gone too far this time as the familiar and dreaded warmth prickled through him at the contact.
After all, Elfman was still a scared little crybaby at heart. Now as no exception.
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thestrongestmage · 7 years
gsut replied to your post: gsut replied to your post: ...
i’m…i’m probably going to look into it lmao i’ve read ichielf i can handle anything
Bahaha!!! I uh.... I read them as well. That was an experience.
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unashamed-shipper · 8 years
What's the... thing?
Oh... It was ichielf smutIt was kind of terrifying lolI don't know why I read it and I just woke up and was really confused what I was reading and then I was like "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH" And then the end wasn't terrible so...
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evilkitten3 · 8 years
Ichielf? :P
ok i think you’re done for today
OTP to end all OTP’s | OTP | Love It | Like It | Okay | Don’t Really Have Any Strong Opinions on It | Nah | Dislike | Hate | NOTP | Burn It with Fire
not a notp but......... (it’s funny as a joke ship, but i don’t ship it)
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mageofsabertooth · 8 years
Ichielf for the ship ask
I was wondering if i’d get this one! xD
The ship is my: I’m trying to find a word for it!
I consider this ship’s feelings: Mixed
I’d consider the relationship: Healthy but probably pretty awkward to start
Children: No
General Opinion: Definitely not a ship I ever considered until you came along, lol! But I think if Elfman could start to develop feelings for Ichiya it could be very maaaanly!
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dragonshost · 4 years
HMMMM for the ship ask: Kinayama, Ichielf, Laxcojeel
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sassyhazelowl · 8 years
came for the writing, stayed for the writing/ichielf/humor/salt :) (you've given me so many ships
Ahahaha... there are so many more ships to infect with give too. it’s like the fandom version of STIs.
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sassyhazelowl · 7 years
Ichielf please!
Love of my life
Well, obviously, the biggest issue with this is lack of interaction in canon. However, they have met a few times and talked, so I think that’s a great start. How can you not love this ship? Big pure softie Elfman and gallant self-sacrificing Ichiya. Aside from the incredible visual appeal filled with square chins and rippling muscles and spiky hair, their personalities are nearly on soulmate level. Like, how could they not go together?
A ship too good for this world.
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sassyhazelowl · 7 years
Laxus x Gajeel & ichielf please :)
Laxeel? Gaxus? I know this is a ship but idk the name
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunterGajeel/Laxus (except werepanther)
who’s the mermaid and who’s the fishermanLaxus/Gajeel
who’s the witch and who’s the familiarGajeel/Laxus
who’s the barista and who’s the coffee addictLaxus/Gajeel
who’s the professor and who’s the TALaxus/Gajeel
who’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss)Gajeel/Laxus
who’s the teacher and who’s the single parentLaxus/Gajeel (*beats down story idea*)
who’s the writer and who’s the editorGajeel/Laxus (Gajeel’s a mess but an irreplaceable one)
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunterichiya/elfman
who’s the mermaid and who’s the fishermanelfman/ichiya (elfman would be fetching elephant seal imo)
who’s the witch and who’s the familiarichiya/elfman
who’s the barista and who’s the coffee addictelfman/ichiya
who’s the professor and who’s the TAichiya/elfman
who’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss)elfman/’ichiya
who’s the teacher and who’s the single parenti... why not both of them as teachers
who’s the writer and who’s the editorI don’t see this AU working
Send Me a Ship
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sassyhazelowl · 7 years
D, E and K
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
I’d be nice if I could unblock 3 of the 4 big ones in Fairy Tail. Hmm, actually there are a lot of pairings people are gaga over that I’d love to soak up the excess content but they’re just not my ships. I’ll forever languish in moderate to no content land forever :(
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
Ichielf nope nothing at all. I’m woefully bad about memes.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
For Fairy Tail, I like Laxus’ development a lot, even though most of it was shown off screen. For bnha, I really like the way both Iida and Todoroki have been handled so far! 
ABC Fandom Ask Meme
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sassyhazelowl · 7 years
ichielf or lyredy, maybe, if you're still accepting? i'm kind of curious to see what your response will be lmao
I just snorted my coffee... I’m counting this as an attempt on my life.
Ichielf is my Manly Men OTP, I mean how much more pure can you get (unless you’re dragon)? But lyredy is my organically grown, complete free-range pairing that decided to hook themselves up with the agency I allowed them in my fic (beware giving agency; those fuckers will run with it). AHHH. Well, lyredy is my OTPs of OTPs in Fairy Tail, so I suppose I’ll have to pick it on principle XD
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sassyhazelowl · 7 years
gsut replied to your post “D, E and K”
Honestly ichielf changed my life. Pure, wholesome ship.
OTP Manly Men <3
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sassyhazelowl · 7 years
raijindork replied to your post: raijindork replied to your post: ...
i legitimately have no idea what your OTPs are. (mine, on the other hand, are quite obvious i think lol. i’m the opposite in some sense.)
This should be the new game. What are boogeys OTPs? Haha the last time I reblogged the ‘what ships do you associate me with’ I got grayza, ichielf and jeltear...
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dragonshost · 8 years
How about 10, 20 and 30 for the writer's ask/fandom ask
10. Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?Several. Inuyasha and Trigun come immediately to mind..20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?.......so, so many. Ichielf, definitely. Orlaki. I'm still surprised that I like CoLu and Mestlu. (Don't even get me started on my very first ships in various fandoms holy shit the ships middle school me was into. Why did I ship Meryl x Knives??? Why???).30. What inspires you to write?Good music, more often than not. Rewatching shows and reading fanfics helps for inspiration as well. Half the time though it's a random lightning bolt from nowhere.
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dragonshost · 8 years
For the character thing: Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki, or Cana
OTP: Ichielf
BrOTP: The Trimens, Nichiya
NOTP: Ichiya x Erza
OTP: Lucana
OTHER PAIRINGS: Juvia, Freed, Erza, Mirajane, Hibiki, Sho, Meredy, Bickslow, Lahar, Mest, Gray
BrOTP: Lucy, Juvia, Mirajane, Freed, Bickslow, Hibiki, Laxus, Gray
OT3: Cana x Lucy x Juvia
NOTP: Cana x Gildarts (I hate it when I leave safe search off)
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