#icon poppy blossom
mean-vampyre · 2 years
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Riverdale’s gay gene
Okay so, the riverdale gay gene theory goes something like this: just like the serial killer gene, sexuality is inherited in the riverdale universe, mainly from parents to children, but in some cases (like cheryl and toni) from the most prominent ancestor featured in the show so far (season 6). How does it work? idk, it’s riverdale but my theory is that 1bi/gay parent = 1bi child, and 2bi parents = 1gay or 1bi children.
The Cooper-Smith family: in season 6 Betty is confirmed bisexual and that implies that one of her prominent ancestors is gay, which could point to Bitsy Smith from 06x05. HOWEVER the storyline of Abigail-Poppy-Cheryl being immortal is not within the continuity of season 6, and Bitsy and Betty are not related (also confirmed by Madelaine Petsch). Therefore Betty gets her bisexuality from either her father or her mother, but most likely her mother Alice since she is also the one who gave the serial killer gene to her and Charles, who has the gay gene too. 
The Smith-Jones family: Charles gets either his gay gene from Alice or FP, but (see above) most likely is from Alice or both of them if we go by the theory that 2bi parents are needed to produce 1gay child.
The Jones family: by the 2bi=1gay formula theory, FP is bi (unconfirmed), which makes Jughead bi. Nevertheless, he would remain bi even if we don’t go with the gay formula and FP is not bi, since Gladys aka jugmom is most likely bi because if riverdale writers love something it is metatextuality and references to other media, and what is gina gershon (jugmom) known for? Bound (1996), where she plays a lesbian icon. By metatextuality rules Jugmom is, then, bisexual (also have you seen her? leather jacket and string choker? she is definitely fucking women).
The Andrews family: Mary is a bisexual icon that got straight and gay divorced, that makes Archie bisexual (+all the times he has kissed men??? and all that stuff that he has said that is straight out of the 2003 atlanta-based play archie's weird fantasy?? my boy is bisexual).
The Topaz-Fogarty family: now this confirmed the gay gene theory, since both Toni and Fangs are bisexuals who have a child, baby Anthony, who is confirmed queer (undisclosed whether he is gay or bisexual). And going back in time, Tony’s only on-screen relevant relative is Thomasina, who is also confirmed bisexual (or perhaps lesbian, it is never stated), creating a direct line of the gay gene inheritance from Thomasina to Baby Anthony.
The Blossom family: it’s not confirmed that queen of serving cunt and evil Penelope is queer, although it was implied, BUT it could also be Abigail, Cheryl’s most direct ancestor (aside from Nana Blossom), the one who gave her the witch gene and the lesbian gene.
The Keller family: is Tom bi? perhaps anything is possible in Riverdale, but most likely the evidence points to either his unnamed mom who never even lives with them (like Mary did with Archie’s dad, before she got a divorce to marry a woman). But it’s also possible that gay kevin is just spontaneously gay, which would explain the fact that his whole personality is being gay.
The Mason family: Marcus (Moose’s dad) is most likely gay, but got therapy conversion at the sister’s of quiet mercy, but he could be bisexual and only they only scared away the gay part, and passed on the gene to Moose, who is bisexual.
In conclusion, only in riverdale you get the serial killer gene and the gay gene.
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l1ttl3-l0tus-fl0w3r · 4 months
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~Scooby Doo~
-Hex Girls
~Strawberry Shortcake~
-Strawberry Shortcake
-Lemon Meringue
-Blueberry Muffin
-Orange Blossom
-Raspberry Torte
-Plum Pudding
-Cherry Jam
~My Little Pony~
-Sweetie Belle
-Mrs. Cup Cake (Chiffon Swirl)
~Blues Clues~
-Fem leaning board
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Paci PFPs/Icons
-Mane 9
~Poppy Playtime~
-Smiling Critters
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DNI Banners
~Scooby Doo~
-Hex Girls
~Strawberry Shortcake~
-Strawberry Shortcake
-Lemon Meringue
-Blueberry Muffin
-Orange Blossom
-Raspberry Torte
-Plum Pudding
-Cherry Jam
~My Little Pony~
-Sweetie Belle
-Mrs. Cup Cake (Chiffon Swirl)
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-Fell!Goth, Cupcake & Lotus
~Steven Universe~
-Negative & Positive Spinel
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ricardian-werewolf · 3 months
Chapter 3: Some Corner of Ravka
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Flashback chapter, baby! So much pain, but also sweetness!
Thank you to @lordbettany for mentioning I should write a Nikolai/Dominik one shot. This turned into quite something.
Ao3 link
A flashback chapter to Nikolai and Dominik at Halmhend, and how the First Army became so devoted to their fox prince. Trigger warnings for ww1 style violence, blood, gore, and other horrors.
Chapter below the cut
Halmhend, 3 years earlier.
Halmhend was a massacre. Blood and smoke, its poisoned stench, filled Nikolai’s lungs as he walked across the field. His respirator, fogged up with his breaths, made him look like a nightmare. In the skirmish with Fjerda’s troops and their new machinery, they’d deployed shells filled with gas that blinded and corroded lungs.
Somewhere in this hell, Dominik lay. Nikolai found his fingers sliding to the prayer beads at his waist, knotted tight to his undershirt’s button loops. He fished for the one he’d added himself - Sankt Nikolai’s icon - reindeer antlers with a borough of food. Wordlessly, he prayed.
Not to any god or Saint, for those fiends had long since fled these men’s minds. But no, he prayed to some higher, older power. It was in this mindset, as his feet slid on the muddied duckboards and the roar of the guns pounding over his head, that he implored the fates to spare Dominik.
Bodies fell over living or dead, friend or foe alike. Dimly, he could hear a Fjerdan soldier crying out for water. But he didn’t start towards that man. Mercy had fled Nikolai’s mind alongside his sanity and hope. As he walked, rifle clutched in his muddy hands, his mind was devoid of all conscious and active thought.
The generals would have their aides write up after-action reports, lists of the dead would be shipped home in rattling, worn horse-drawn carts. Another sheet of names would be pasted in city and village squares. More homes would take up the black armbands and mourning wear, with the clocks inside stopped. The windows would be draped over with black fabric and the house shut up tight. All to ward off malevolent spirits.
Nikolai wondered numbly if the palace would do much the same when he fell. Would Ravka mourn their second son, or would the mummeries be merely a day and then let normality creep in like a late evening fog? He hoped someone would remember to keep his grave clean, to plant flowers from the hothouses he’d tended to in the fertile earth. Maybe some of the servants would leave stones or offerings of food in thanks for his kindness and service.
Then again, mayhaps not. He was surely beloved, but he deserved a soldier’s death. Dominik-
No. Do not think of Dominik dead. It’ll only make that come to pass.
Nikolai’s feet quickened, and he felt the mud grip tighter to his boots and puttees as he strode once more into the murk. The air was clearer now, so his fingers yanked up his respirator and he breathed in a gulp of dirty, filthy air. The mask made his face glisten with sweat, and the feeling of it was awful.
”Dominik?” He croaked weakly. Nikolai turned to searching blindly amongst the mud and khaki for those familiar deep brown curls he’d so often fisted his fingers into. Amongst a crowd of dead Fjerdans, Nikolai spotted Dominik.
Lying halfway down a slit trench filled with the dead of both sides, Dominik’s face was sickly pale. Yet, his mouth blossomed red with blood, like poppies in a snowy field. A flash in the dark, then gone.
“Dominik.” Nikolai croaked, stuffing his respirator away. He struggled through the mud towards him, then slipped down into the slit trench. Dominik stirred at the sound of his name and looked up.
His eyes, those dark, doe-like eyes, widened. “Nikolai.” He wheezed, reaching for Nikolai’s hands. Nikolai’s legs buckled under him and he fell hard on Dominik’s left side, mud splattering his face and chest.
”Bullet to the lung..” Dominik coughed.
Nikolai looked up wildly out to the battlefield. Lines of trenches they were supposed to take lay empty as the Fjerdans retreated in victory, having smashed the 22nd to matchstick shards. Accounting for the wounded alone, the total fatality rate was somewhere around eighty percent.
But his call came unheard. Too many dead to tag, too many wounded to treat. Nikolai turned back to Dominik. Whipping off his helmet, Nikolai pulled out his canteen and handkerchief. Filling the bowl with tepid water, he dipped the handkerchief into the water and wiped off Dominik’s face.
”There, that's better?”
”Thanks, Kolya.” Dominik wheezed. The wound was oozing too much blood. Nikolai’s fingers twitched instinctively, and he leaned forward. Pulling off his black calfskin-leather gloves, he pressed both hands over the wounds.
”Nikolai, what’re you doing?” Dominik breathed, gasping faster as Nikolai closed his eyes. Something within him was changing, something dark and powerful was surging through Nikolai. A darkness that shouldn’t be possible to any Grisha who practiced the small science.
”No, Nikolai!” Dominik cried, grabbing Nikolai’s sleeve. “Y-you can’t do this!”
“I can!” Nikolai snapped, his eyes opening to show his dilated pupils. Dominik could feel Nikolai’s hands shaking as he applied more pressure.
“This goes against everything we’ve been taught! Please, love, please…”
“There is a price that some men pay in blood, Dominik. I am not letting you pay that. You have a family. I-“ Nikolai broke off to weep, cursing under his breath as the bullet refused to budge. “What in the fucking hell did the Fjerdans put in these bullets?”
“Grisha steel.” Dominik hissed. “I tried to alter the chemical compounds but…”
“They’re using Grisha. Of course.” Nikolai’s low growl turned into a feral snarl. The balance of power tipped inside him and he felt the merzost he needed desperately, finally breaking out. Dominik’s eyes widened in further horror as he recognized that darkness flowing out of Nikolai and into him.
However, that darkness was benevolent, soothing. It melted the bullet, reformed the veins in his ruined body and did something to them. Something that made him more than human. He wasn’t entirely certain what Nikolai did, but the merzost’s toll was certainly there.
For as Nikolai finally finished pouring all of that energy into him, he curled in on himself and sobbed. The fox-bone amplifier he wore at his wrist cracked in two, and fell into the mud. Dominik went to reach for it, but Nikolai held him back.
Looking down, Dominik gasped. Black talons covered Nikolai’s perfectly manicured fingernails, and where Nikolai’s powers had once been warmth, now only cold darkness remained.
”The curse…” Dominik breathed, touching his fingers to Nikolai’s cheeks. Nikolai nodded mutely, falling against Dominik in exhaustion. The power of bringing Dominik back from the dead had brought him to the brink of collapse. Now, the two of them were stranded in No-man’s land, miles from the Ravkan lines.
“We need to get out of here, Kolya.”
”Too tired.” Nikolai whined, burrowing into Dominik’s chest. Tears poured down his face and he fisted his fingers into Dominik’s tunic. Beginning to weep, he cupped Dominik’s face in his hands and kissed him repeatedly till Dominik’s lips were swollen and Nikolai was breathless.
”I want to go home.” He murmured, sounding so childlike that Dominik’s heart broke in two. “With you, to that grotto we found in the palace gardens no one goes to.”
“Where we had our first kiss.” Dominik grinned. “After your name day party, when everyone else was wildly drunk on kvas and we were… 16?”
”Fourteen.” Nikolai corrected, a smile cracking his grayed and muddied face. “It was so warm that summer… remember?”
”Of course.” Dominik smiled, touching Nikolai’s cheek again. Blood leaked from a wound in Nikoliai’s temple, a mere scratch compared to the tissues healing under Dominik’s tunic. He sighed, shifted his weight up. Pain flared up, and he fell back.
”No way in the saints are you getting up, Captain.” Nikolai rose to his feet and glared back down the slit trench at the bodies of the Fjerdans lying there. He had a sudden, wild urge to grab his bayonet and entrenching tool and drive them into anyone still daring to live, but the rage passed. What followed was a surge of white-hot sickness and Nikolai soon found himself on his hands and knees, expelling his empty stomach into a shell hole. The reeking stench of dead bodies and shell-fumes made his stomach further unsettled.
“Don’t leave me here alone,” He found himself murmuring to Dominik as he picked up the boy he’d loved from when they were nine. A mishap in the schoolroom and several bruises across Dominik’s hand had cemented a friendship. Carrying the weight of his lover now, Nikolai found himself wondering what there was to life beyond this. The war between Fjerda and Ravka was eons old. Men just like him and Dominik had loved and died together, and yet… so little changed. Vasily had never tasted mud like this. It had never filled his brother’s nostrils, covered his flesh like some, reeking and putrid second skin. The sun over their heads broke through the cloud cover, casting the battlefield in a sickly yellow. Vasily would be drinking kvas in a command tent behind the lines, a cavalry officer who was never put into the line of fire. He’d never have to carry a comrade off the battlefield. While Nikolai fought for Ravka, Vasily fought for himself.
Nikolai spat out a wad of bloodied spit and flexed his fingers inside his gloves. He’d need to hide his new nails better. Dominik understood the curse that Nikolai had been born with, yet no others would. All around them, the sounds of post-battle chaos filled their ears. The men who’d been left to die in no man’s land were the first thing that Nikolai heard, and he stopped.
“I’m going to leave you with the mediks and get back out here.” He murmured, kissing the crown of Dominik’s head. “If it gets hairy, have a runner come and fetch me.”
”Alright.” Dominik murmured, touching Nikolai’s cheek with a sense of adoration. The pain of nearly dying had made his body ache, and he could barely focus on Nikolai’s face. Nikolai stroked Dominik’s cheek again, and smiled faintly.
“Rest, love.” He whispered as the hands of his fellow men thrust up from the depths of their trench to help Nikolai back to shelter. Nikolai passed Dominik onto the stretcher bearers waiting, and whistled sharply for Isaak.
Since Isaak was his batman, he came charging out from the officer’s dugout, mud in his hair and his face smeared with soot.
”I need bandages, a few stretcher bearers and anything else the mediks can spare.”
Isaak nodded, looking nervously at his commander. “W-what are you intending to do, sir?”
”The wounded out there… need my assistance.” Nikolai looked out to the expanse of no man’s land. His boots were caked in mud and blood; his hands were clawed monstrosities, and yet. He still willed himself forward, to help those who couldn’t help themselves. He willed himself towards the ladder of the parapet, and scaled it effortlessly. Looking out from the long-glass in his hand, he spotted no enemy positions as active.
The merzost and darkness within him stirred, pulsating and purring. It hungered for blood. Nikolai peeled off his gloves. Let the Fjerdan come with their tanks and Drüskelle. He’d be waiting.
Halmhend was a disaster in the official reports. The 22nd reported an 80% loss rate. Over half of its officers were killed in one surprise attack from the Fjerdan regular forces with combined tank units. Yet, what came after was remembered with far more fondness in the minds of the First Army Soldiers. Where before Halmhend, Nikolai’s respect had only been curated amongst his men of his company, now the entire First Army was ready to put their lives down for him. Vasily received no such honors. When the Crown Prince met his brother at Chernast that winter, Nikolai wore bandages on both arms and his hands were once more covered by scars. Vasily was clad in a fur cape and his only new scar was from an accidental knife wound. Nikolai had been shot in the lung, and torn the bullet from his own lung while still giving orders to his men. The differences between the two were at their starkest, and yet… if Vasily ever became king, his standing army would abandon him.
They followed Nikolai with a devotion bordering on saintly, and even the commanding officers - General Pensky and Vladislav, had to admit that this was unseen. Yet, the tide couldn’t be stopped. Victory after Victory fell under the 22nd, and when men fell in the fight, Nikolai moved to have their bodies brought home and buried with full honors. No matter if they were a private or a commissioned officer. The war had nearly killed the man he’d loved, and now, he swore up and down the line that he’d do better.
He vowed it with the blood of his own body, his tears and the soot of his bullets. That whispered vow to Dominik that he’d not leave him alone became a prayer in of itself by his men. For where hellfire reined and shells burst, Nikolai Lantsov was there to be the steadying hand that the chaplains couldn’t even replicate. Even after he became Sturmhond, the rumors and reverence persisted. The fox in rampart - his royal seal, became a rallying cry. A sign of honor and respect, Nikolai vowed to his men that once he was king, he’d make decisive changes for an army so often overlooked.
As the years passed, that reverence and honor brought the First Army fully under his banner. Not even his father would be able to sway them back. That honor, too, would rot like a cancer as the years passed, and with the Sun Summoner becoming part of Nikolai’s household - it seemed that Nikolai was thrice blessed.
It would be up to the Saints to see if that blessing held with what would come to pass.
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dropletsofmuses · 1 year
(Okay wait, I need to list off who I want to icon now cause this list is getting bigger)
Muses That Have Icons Being Worked On
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Love Momozono / Cure Peach (Fresh Pretty Cure)
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Hailey Anne Thomas (Yo-kai Watch)
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Kalinka (Mega Man (Classic))
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Servbots (Mega Man Legends)
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Kirara Amanogawa / Cure Twinkle (Go! Princess PreCure)
Planned Muses
Poppi (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
Pyra (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
Nana Ebina (Himouto! Umaru-Chan)
Kat (WarioWare)
Ana (WarioWare)
Tsubomi Hanasaki / Cure Blossom (Heartcatch PreCure)
Reika Aoki / Cure Beauty (Smile PreCure)
Yui Nagomi / Cure Precious (Delicious Party PreCure)
Ran Hanamichi / Cure Yum-Yum (Delicious Party PreCure)
Katie Forester (Yo-kai Watch)
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parkerbombshell · 3 months
Addictions and Other Vices 936 – Colour Me Friday
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Addictions and Other Vices Fridays 3pm-6pm EST Repeats Saturday 3pm EST and Sunday 8am EST  bombshellradio.com #NowPlaying #indie #rock #alternative #Synthpop #indierock #community #radio #BombshellRadio #DJ #AddictionsPodcast #NewMusic #ColourMeFriday #Radio247 New Indie finds, previews of Just Another Menace Sunday artists coming up this weekend into next week ala Dennis The Menace, and Alex Green of Stereo Embers The Podcast and Sandy Kaye of A Breath of Fresh Air. Discoveries from our social media followers and a few more surprises. Thanks to all the artists, labels and PR companies that submitted tracks this week. Fix Mix 936 - 1. Didn't (feat. Cavetown) - illuminati hotties 2. Gary - Blossoms 3. Bus - Travis 4. I Can't Wait For Summer - sparkle*jets 5. First Day of My Life - Bright Eyes 6. Put Some Sugar on It - Half Japanese 7. Chopping Them Down - The Sea At Midnight 8. Adios MF - They 9. Baby Blue Movie - Cigarettes After Sex 10. Twist and Turn - Cardinals 11. Left My Keys - Cults 12. Look At All the Things - Neil Young, Crazy Horse 13. Tooth Fairy - Hippo Campus 14. You Don't Know Love - The Deep Drags 15. We Made It Look Easy - Bon Jovi 16. Springsteen - Marlin Beach 17. walk with you - The Sweet Pomelos 18. Walking in Between Raindrops - Daryl Hall 19. Other Side - MisterWives, Charlotte Sands 20. Just So You Know - Virtual Nobodies 21. Take Me Away - Jay Sprouse 22. You're So Impatient - Pixies 23. Brown Eyed Baby - Alexander 23 24. Mind Palace - The Speed of Sound 25. New Way Out - Poppy 26. Boom! - Kat Koan 27. Cold Treatment - Lime Cordiale 28. Sorry - Twin Atlantic 29. On My Own - Benton 30. Perfume - Pale Waves 31. Muse - Piper Connolly 32. 45 Degrees - LAUREL 33. Just A Dance - Alfie Templeman, Nile Rivers 34. Breaking Ice - Lyon Tide 35. Step Into Your Power - Ray Lamontagne 36. Meneke - Nilipek 37. Delight - Anacy 38. Water the Flowers, Pray for a Garden - Valley 39. Never See Me Down - Bess 40. Fading Embers - Ezra Veda 41. wish i was a robot - LØLØ 42. Everything's Gonna Be Alright - Church Of Trees 43. Exercise Class - Rodney Cromwell 44. No Fear - Ted Ahead 45. A Tear in Space (Airlock) - Glass Animals 46. missed Connection - Jessa V 47. Blow The Blue Away - Diya 48. Coming Home - beabadoobee 49. Lost - Soccer Mommy   INTERVIEWS THIS WEEK Friday June 14 Rainbow Country  w HR 1 My conversation with Sergeant #RobertChevalier The 2S-LGBTQ Liason Officer for #TorontoPoliceServices continues. On this episode we get his thoughts on the removal of #Toronto Police from Toronto's Pride Parade & MORE! Just Another Menace Sunday w/ Bright Eyes A Breath of Fresh Air  w / American singer-songwriter Bruce Sudano has a storied history in music. His unique journey began with a songwriting mentorship from Tommy James, co-founding Alive ‘N Kickin’ and Brooklyn Dreams, and seeing his work recorded by iconic artists like Dolly Parton, Reba McEntire, Michael & Jermaine Jackson. Sunday June 16 Stereo Embers The Podcast w /  Stereo Embers The Podcast: Jad Fair (Half Japanese) Just Another Menace Sunday w/ TBA Tuesday  June  18 A Breath of Fresh Air  w / TBA Wednesday June 19 Just Another Menace Sunday w/  TBA Thursday June 20 Stereo Embers The Podcast w /  TBA Read the full article
0 notes
poppiesandamber · 3 months
Poppies and Amber-Poppies: A Blossoming Tale of Beauty and Symbolism
Flowers have always been a source of fascination and inspiration. Among them, poppies and amber-poppies flowers stand out for their vibrant colors and rich symbolism. In this blog post, we delve into the world of these stunning flowers, exploring their origins, characteristics, and cultural significance.
The Allure of Poppies Origins and Varieties Poppies belong to the Papaveraceae family and are native to temperate regions across the globe. They are particularly abundant in Europe, Asia, and North America. The most well-known species is the Papaver somniferum, or the opium poppy, which has been cultivated for centuries for its seeds and medicinal properties.
Poppies come in various colors, including red, orange, yellow, white, and pink. The red poppy (Papaver rhoeas) is perhaps the most iconic, symbolizing remembrance and sacrifice, particularly in relation to World War I.
Characteristics Poppies are herbaceous plants with delicate, papery petals that can add a splash of color to any garden. They thrive in well-drained soil and prefer full sunlight. Poppies are also known for their hardy nature, often flourishing in fields and along roadsides.
The flowers typically bloom in late spring to early summer, creating stunning displays of color that attract bees and other pollinators. Their seeds, encased in distinctive round pods, are often used in baking and cooking.
Cultural Significance Poppies hold deep symbolic meaning in various cultures. The red poppy is a powerful emblem of remembrance for fallen soldiers, particularly in the UK, Canada, and the USA. This tradition began after World War I, inspired by the poem "In Flanders Fields" by John McCrae.
In ancient Greek and Roman mythology, poppies were associated with sleep and death, often linked to the gods Hypnos (sleep) and Thanatos (death). The opium derived from some species of poppies has been used for its sedative properties for millennia.
The Enchantment of Amber-Poppies What Are Amber-Poppies? Amber-poppies, while less common than their red counterparts, are equally captivating. These flowers belong to the same Papaveraceae family but are distinguished by their unique amber hue. The amber-poppy (Papaver hybridum) is a hybrid variety known for its striking color and resilience.
Characteristics Amber-poppies share many characteristics with other poppy species, such as their delicate petals and preference for sunny, well-drained locations. They are often used in ornamental gardening due to their unusual color, which ranges from golden yellow to deep amber.
These flowers bloom in the late spring to early summer, providing a warm, golden glow to gardens and landscapes. Like other poppies, amber-poppies are also effective at attracting pollinators.
Symbolism and Uses Amber-poppies are often associated with warmth, joy, and positivity due to their sunny color. In some cultures, they symbolize wealth and success, making them a popular choice for gardens intended to inspire prosperity.
In addition to their aesthetic appeal, amber-poppies can also be used in traditional medicine, much like their red relatives. However, they are primarily celebrated for their beauty and the cheerful ambiance they bring to any setting.
Growing and Caring for Poppies and Amber-Poppies Planting Tips To grow poppies and amber-poppies successfully, consider the following tips:
Choose the Right Location: Poppies thrive in full sunlight and well-drained soil. Avoid areas that retain moisture as this can cause root rot.
Sow Seeds in Fall or Early Spring: Poppy seeds need a period of cold to germinate, making fall or early spring the ideal time to plant them.
Water Sparingly: Poppies are drought-tolerant and prefer dry conditions. Overwatering can be detrimental to their growth.
Thin Seedlings: Once the seedlings have sprouted, thin them out to ensure each plant has enough space to grow.
Deadhead Regularly: Remove spent flowers to encourage more blooms and prevent self-seeding.
Pests and Diseases Poppies are relatively hardy but can be susceptible to certain pests and diseases. Aphids, slugs, and powdery mildew are common issues. Regular monitoring and natural remedies, such as neem oil or introducing beneficial insects, can help manage these problems.
Conclusion Poppies and amber-poppies are not just beautiful additions to any garden but also carry rich histories and meanings. Whether you are drawn to the classic red poppy for its symbolism or the unique amber-poppy for its vibrant color, these flowers are sure to bring joy and beauty to your outdoor space.
By understanding their origins, characteristics, and care requirements, you can cultivate these stunning blooms and enjoy their enchanting presence for seasons to come.
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bespokevintagecastle · 3 months
A Spring Elopement in Paris
A pretty Paris Elopement…
Once upon a time
Back in April 2018 before I knew I would be living in the city of lights just 2 years later we did a photoshoot in Paris
3 months after having our little baby Victoria
I took a trip on the Eurostar over to Paris with other wedding industry creatives for an Elopement Wedding Photoshoot.
At the time; it took months of planning and We got the timing of our trip just right as the pretty blossom trees were in full bloom and the days were long and full of light.
We planned some locations for the shoot like the Place du Trocadéro with views of the Eiffel Tower, Musée du Louvre and Jardin des Tuileries amongst other places. We wanted to show iconic buildings of Paris as well as the little side streets and general Parisian vibe. There simply wasn’t enough hours in the day or days in the trip!
We created a beautiful, romantic and stylish picnic setup for our elopement couple in the shade under a tree in Jardin des Tuileries. The colours were soft pastel shades with pinks, greens and a hint of lilac and rose gold. You can see some of these Parisian images in UNVEILED magazine in Issue 10. Here is a little look below. I hope you will be inspired by this beautiful shoot in the most romantic city of Paris!
Accessories: Bespoke Vintage Castle
Images: Jane Beadnell photography
Gowns: Eliza Jane Howell
Styling: Ambience York
Cakes: Poppy Pickering Cakes
Flowers: Frenchie Loves Flowers
Feature: Unveiled Magazine 10
Location: The city of Paris
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qb- · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Peace Love & Juicy Couture Perfume.
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scentsperfumes · 5 months
Special Scents: Unique Gifts for Mom on Mother's Day  
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Finding the perfect women's scent for your mom on Mother's Day is a personal and thoughtful way to show your love. A fragrance isn't just a gift; it's a memory and an expression of personality. On this Mother's Day, join Scents the Perfume Specialists to make it memorable.  
How to Select a Special Scent for Your Mom?  
Reflect on Her Preferences: Consider the fragrances she usually wears. Does she prefer floral, fresh, woody, or more oriental scents? This can guide you in choosing a new fragrance she'll love.  
Consider Unique Personalised Scents: Look for brands that offer custom-made fragrances or less common scents. A unique scent can make your gift more personal and memorable.  
Opt for Fragrance Sets: Many brands offer gift sets that include perfume, body lotion or bath gel in the same scent. This allows for a richer, more layered scent experience.  
Do Some Research: Read reviews and look up best-seller lists for new fragrances. Websites and forums dedicated to perfume lovers can offer valuable insights and recommendations.  
Presentation Matters: The packaging and the bottle are also part of the gift. Choose a fragrance that smells good and looks elegant on her vanity.   
Best Fragrances for Women on this Mother's Day  
JPG Divin: 
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Jean Paul Gaultier's "Gaultier Divin" is a women's perfume that exudes luxury and sensuality. It is designed to evoke feelings of femininity, confidence, and glamour. It's a fragrance perfect for special occasions or for those who appreciate indulgent and luxurious scents.  
Billie Eilish: 
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Begin with the crisp, refreshing aura of Italian bergamot blended seamlessly with the delicate charm of apple blossom. This captivating scent then meanders through a forest of papyrus-driven woody notes, enhanced by the daring kick of black pepper, set against the backdrop of wild poppy flowers' untamed, dewy essence. It settles into a profound, rich foundation.  
Billie Eilish No 2: 
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PETA certified it as Vegan and cruelty-free. It's encased in a biodegradable Cello Wrap, incorporating eight upcycled components and formulated with 69% renewable materials.  
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Beautiful perfume by Estée Lauder is a timeless classic that continues to captivate with its enchanting scent and enduring elegance. It remains important in the fragrance collections of many, cherished for its ability to evoke feelings of beauty, romance, and sophistication.   
White Linen: 
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White Linen" is another iconic fragrance by Estée Lauder, renowned for its fresh and clean scent that evokes the imagery of freshly laundered linens billowing in the breeze. It is a timeless classic that continues to captivate with its crisp and elegant scent.  
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northgatefloristscom · 7 months
Blooms of the Southwest: Exploring the Floral Tapestry of El Paso
flowers el paso, nestled in the heart of the Chihuahuan Desert, may be known for its arid landscapes and rugged beauty, but the city is also home to a vibrant array of flowers that add color and life to its surroundings. From native desert blooms to carefully cultivated gardens, El Paso showcases a diverse floral tapestry. This article explores the enchanting world of flowers in El Paso, celebrating the unique flora that graces this southwestern gem.
Desert Blooms:
Yuccas and Agaves: The iconic yuccas and agaves are quintessential symbols of the Chihuahuan Desert. El Paso's landscape is adorned with these hardy succulents, their tall flower spikes reaching towards the arid sky. When in bloom, these plants showcase stunning clusters of white or cream-colored flowers, adding an ethereal touch to the desert scenery.
Prickly Pear Cacti: The resilient prickly pear cacti, with their distinctive paddle-shaped pads, bloom with vibrant, yellow flowers in the spring. These blossoms attract pollinators and contribute bursts of color to El Paso's desert landscape.
Ocotillo: The ocotillo, known for its slender, spiny stems, produces vivid red tubular flowers at the tips during the blooming season. These striking flowers contrast against the blue desert sky, creating a visual spectacle.
Cultivated Gardens and Parks:
El Paso Municipal Rose Garden: Tucked away in the heart of flower shop el paso tx is the Municipal Rose Garden, a haven of fragrance and color. This beautifully landscaped garden boasts a diverse collection of roses, offering a delightful retreat for those seeking a tranquil and visually pleasing environment.
Chamizal National Memorial: Chamizal National Memorial features meticulously maintained gardens that showcase a variety of flowering plants. Visitors can enjoy the seasonal blooms while taking in the historical significance of the park.
Tom Mays Unit: The Tom Mays Unit of Franklin Mountains State Park offers nature enthusiasts the opportunity to witness the blooming wildflowers of the Chihuahuan Desert. Hiking trails lead through landscapes adorned with poppies, verbena, and other native blooms during the spring months.
Local Flower Festivals:
El Paso Spring Flower Fair: The El Paso Spring Flower Fair is an annual celebration of the region's blooming beauty. Local nurseries and gardeners showcase a myriad of flowers, plants, and gardening accessories. The event provides a platform for the community to appreciate and cultivate a love for gardening.
Flower-Filled Events: Various community events and festivals in El Paso feature flower-filled displays. From street markets to cultural celebrations, these events often incorporate vibrant floral arrangements, adding a touch of natural beauty to the festivities.
Preservation and Appreciation:
Conservation Efforts: flower shops in el paso tx recognizes the importance of preserving its native flora. Conservation efforts focus on protecting the delicate balance of the Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem and promoting sustainable landscaping practices.
Educational Programs: Educational programs and initiatives in El Paso aim to raise awareness about the significance of native plants and the role they play in maintaining the region's biodiversity. Workshops, guided tours, and community outreach programs encourage residents to appreciate and protect the local flora.
flower delivery el paso tx tapestry, woven with the resilient blooms of the desert and carefully nurtured gardens, adds a distinctive charm to the city's landscape. From the vibrant hues of wildflowers to the delicate fragrance of roses, flowers in El Paso symbolize the beauty that can thrive in even the most arid environments. As the community embraces the unique flora of the region, El Paso continues to bloom with a natural grace that captivates both residents and visitors alike.
Source Url:- https://sites.google.com/view/northgatefloristscom5/home
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probablyaseamonster · 9 months
Secret Life hot take kinda?
I really didn't like the merch. Felt cheap as hell. Also, I felt like there were so many ways it could've been more creative, you know?
I was hesitant to put this out there because 1) it's a complete asshole move to say "your thing sucks, here's some of MY ideas" and 2) I heard that Grian tries really hard to come up with new ideas for each season's theme ON HIS OWN and he doesn't want to be inspired or influenced by any suggestions he recieves.
But well. I have decided to share my ideas anyway, because i want to. Hope you guys like them?
- Pizza on everything. I want him on tee-shirts, phone cases, keychains, stickers - he's one of the most iconic pets in the Life Series and he deserves his own merch! Also it'd be fun to draw actual pizza next to him if whatever way
Similarly: edgy red wolf-moon shirt with the line "til death do us part" with the letters L and Y drawn over the first word in a different font so it looks like Scott handwrote on top of a line from a book
Graphic design of Scarlet Pearl looking scary, either with the moon behind her or the moon-shaped scythes the fandom likes to draw her with poised and ready, and the line "something wicked this way comes" in distinct typography
Dogwarts banner as a poster. This one would be really simple I think and it's subtle enough to have people outside the fandom not even be able to GUESS what it's a reference to
Similarly, the Cherry Blossom shield pattern as a banner. I know they weren't as interesting as Dogwarts but they're like one of the only alliances who had something akin to a flag and their colours were aesthetic anyway, similar reason as Dogwarts
Fake band poster of Gem and the Scotts
Beanie designed to look like a mound of dirt, representing the Mounders
Cute design of an upside down house with the words "YES I KNOW IT'S UPSIDE DOWN" underneath. To anyone not in the fandom it reads as one of those "don't ask me blank" shirts
Cute design of an angry yorkshire terrier with a bone in its mouth with the words "the hound of hell" underneath in bloody gorey print to contrast
Stickers that come in quartets for BEST and TIES - bonus points if the B is green, the E is white-blue, the S is red, the T is orange, and the I is yellow, bonus BONUS points if the B has a mossy pattern, E has a snowflake pattern, T has a flame pattern, S has a halo, and I has demon horns
Cute ghast with puppy-dog eyes saying "We can still be friends!" Again, has a different vibe without context but isn't totally incomprehensible
Cute cartoon clock-people standing tough with the phrase "don't mess with the family" underneath in some font that makes you think of mafias or crime lords
Bread wearing sunglasses - "Bad Boys love bread, Bad Boys get bread"
Shirt with canary wings on the back
Cactus circle - "what happens in the cactus circle stays in the cactus circle" THIS one is incomprehensible to non-fans
Turtleneck with a bleeding pattern on the neck (meant to invoke images of beheading), very edgy but also works for a variety of situations
Pufferfish and poppies together somehow
Simplified flower valley with the words "hobbits invented gay people". Might get sued by whoever has the rights to Lord of the Rings.
Red shirt with snowflake pattern - "Red winter is coming!" Also might get sued by someone
Chonky Jellie with the phrase "frick you, my soulmate is my cat"
Okay! That's 20 of them! I actually have a lot more ideas but I'm stopping here because I have no clue if anyone's actually gonna read down this far! I hope you guys like these ideas (I say to my like 10 mutuals, love you guys)!
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flowwowsblog · 1 year
Exploring the Symbolism of Red Flowers: A Kaleidoscope of Meanings
Meaningful Messages: Unveiling the Symbolism of Red Flowers
Admiring the captivating beauty of red flowers, one can't help but wonder about their profound significance. Beyond their striking appearance and intense hues, these blossoms have long been associated with timeless themes of love, passion, devotion, loyalty, and even remembrance. Join us on a journey through the seasons as we uncover the most beloved red flower varieties. Prepare to be inspired and visit Flowwow London, where you'll find the freshest and most exquisite crimson, cherry, and rose-colored bouquets.
Red Flowers Meaning & Symbolism
Red flowers hold rich symbolism and carry diverse meanings based on their variety. They symbolize profound love, unwavering courage, and more. When selecting a bouquet featuring red blooms, rest assured that it will convey a positive message to the recipient, expressing genuine affection, respect, and deep connections.
List of Red Color Flowers
Here is a revised version of the list of the top 8 red flowers and their meanings:
Rose: The quintessential red flower symbolizing passionate love and desire, making it perfect for romantic gestures.
Chrysanthemum: With a deeper, wine-like shade, these flowers represent affection and inspiration.
Alstroemeria: Exotic and vibrant with red and orange hues, they convey devotion, whether in a romantic or platonic sense.
Carnation: A vivid scarlet-colored flower that signifies complete admiration and being head over heels in love.
Amaryllis: This delicate bud with a silky texture embodies romance and indicates strong personal attraction.
Protea: With a hue closer to burgundy and hints of purple, it symbolizes courage and inner strength to overcome obstacles.
Poppy: An iconic red flower representing remembrance and hope for a brighter future.
Anthurium: A distinctive choice to express how special your significant other is to you.
Seasonal Flowers in Red
When selecting a vibrant and long-lasting floral arrangement, considering the current season is crucial. Here are some recommendations for each season:
During the cold winter months, the poinsettia, also known as Christmas holly, is widely adored and represents the season. Another December red flower, the camellia, with its vibrant crimson leaves and yellow center, beautifully contrasts with the snowy landscapes.
Tulips, poppies, and primroses dominate the spring season. These delicate flowers bloom early and come in various shades of red, adding a lively touch to the spring atmosphere.
With summer in full swing, the options for scarlet-shaded flowers seem limitless. Zinnias, carnations, and roses are popular choices as they are in full bloom during this time, offering a wide range of vibrant red options.
As nature prepares for its winter slumber, daisies, dahlias, and asters are ideal choices for autumn. These flowers bring vigor and cheerfulness, adding a touch of color to the changing foliage.
What is the meaning of the red rose?
The red rose holds deep symbolism related to love and romantic interest. It is particularly well-suited for expressing intimate affection and devotion, making it an ideal choice for partners and spouses.
What is the best red flower to express love?
In addition to classic roses, other flowers that can be excellent choices for expressing love include chrysanthemums, dahlias, and tulips. These flowers carry their own unique beauty and symbolism, adding variety and personal touch to your romantic gestures.
What does a bouquet symbolise?
When unsure about the meaning of a floral arrangement, the color of the flowers can provide valuable insights. Red and pink hues are often associated with passion and sincere affection, conveying romantic feelings. Yellow flowers symbolize close friendship and the bond between friends. White flowers represent innocence and purity, while blue flowers are associated with magic and inspiration. By considering the color of the flowers, you can better understand the intended message or sentiment behind a bouquet.
Are red flowers good luck?
While green is typically associated with good luck charms, there are some red flowers that also carry a meaning of good luck. Red roses and anthuriums are among the most popular ones that are believed to bring good fortune and positive energy. So, if you're looking for a floral arrangement that represents both love and luck, red roses or anthuriums can be a great choice.
Do red roses mean love?
Absolutely! Red roses are indeed the go-to flower when it comes to expressing romantic feelings. They have long been recognized as a timeless symbol of love and are universally known to convey deep affection and passion. So, if you want to make a romantic gesture or express your love, red roses are an excellent choice that will beautifully convey your heartfelt emotions.
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xhrisstuff · 3 years
Madelaine Petsch Packs
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tribricies · 3 years
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Icons Cheryl Blossom
follow me for more edits.
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cwbylikebeth · 3 years
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anarchy-and-piglins · 3 years
I actually really like that fireworks duo chose dandelions and poppys, since those flowers represent the other really well
Poppies symbolize success, remembrance and death, they're used to recognize fallen soldiers
Dandelions means endurance, hope and healing, and is the iconic symbol of spring
Accidental symbolism for the win bois!
Anon I never realized until I got his ask, but you’re right. flower symbolism is one of those things I did way too much research into for fics over the years and now I can’t stop thinking about this
Red poppies are associated with fallen soldiers and remembering them, though even before that they were known as symbols for the cycle of life and death and also for sacrifice. In old Greek myth, they were often considered offerings to the dead and put on tombstones, having ties to the concept of resurrection and the goddess Demeter. In some other cultures, they are used to signify ‘undying love’ or ‘love that will persist after death’. The color of a poppy is often associated with blood (the darkening shades of red)
Dandelions very much stand for spring and its associated symbolism: endurance, healing, growth,... Due to the way they blossom under almost any circumstances, dandelions are a symbol of survival and bravery as well. And they’re tied into optimistic futures and being able to make wishes come through. Also - less to their metaphorical meaning - I feel that it’s relevant that dandelions are often considered weeds by many people...
(Also as an aside, but something I’ve been thinking too much about since the stream: Pink tulips signify caring and good wishes. They are traditionally given to sick or injured people to wish them a speedy recovery, or to people who might be grieving. They also stand for attachment)
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