#icons gi joe
takahashi-edits · 2 years
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Snake Eyes: Deadgame - Icons
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pridewishes · 2 years
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memecucker · 19 days
its kinda funny how the decision to kill off Optimus Prime and have a devastating war with scores of Autobots and Decepticons getting killed off in the 1986 Transformers movie was a decision from corporate to promote the next line of toys and was actually opposed by a lot of the people involved in making the movie bc its a rare example where a bold and original direction for a story (especially one that takes it into a darker direction for a kids movie) was something imposed by corporate against the wishes of the people in charge of creative. Like it became so iconic its now a reocurring thing for Optimus Prime to die (and then get resurrected so he's basically Transformers Jesus)
like the 80s GI Joe movie (which was direct to video but whatever) was originally gonna have Duke killed off but they changed it to a coma when they found out Optimus Prime was getting killed and nobody fucking remembers that movie
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talenlee · 23 days
do you have any thoughts on how (if at all) the Toy Story films impacted how children play with their toys?
Yeah, quite a bit.
Toy Story is a 1995 animated feature film by Pixar Studios, distributed by Disney, that serves as one of those iconic examples of early 3d Animation that ‘holds up’ over time by people who haven’t gone back and looked at any of the humans in it. With the voice talents of Tom Hanks and Tim Toolman, it follows the narrative of a pull-string cowboy doll competing with a kung-fu action grip spaceman toy for the attention of their gigantically towering owner, whom they must never allow to know that they live, breath, and know his name.
For kids!
Look, classic yada yada, groundbreaking yada yada, wholesome yada yada. I actually got to see this one while inside a controlled christian media bubble, and if tomorrow I found out all copies of it had been deleted I would react like that ‘oh no, anyway,’ meme. It is not a movie for which I have an enormous amount of affection. I don’t want to talk to you about the narrative, though, not of Wilson’s Best Friend negotiating with the Last Man Standing about which of them will be more validated by an actual literal child and the ontological questions of why aren’t the parts of Mr Potato Head independently alive?
I want to talk to you about the humans of Toy Story. Specifically, about Andy, and Sid, and the weird world they live in, and the weird world they’ve created.
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Andy’s a weird kid.
Andy’s a weird kid, in this specific case, because of the toys he loves.
Andy’s collection of toys features a lot of things that were, for want of better phrasing, are old. Plastic army men, Mr Potato Head, metal slinky dogs. In 1995, none of that stuff looked like the heavily branded, overmerchandised toys I was used to. Kid didn’t own any legos? No rainbow vomit coloured plastic slinky?
Sure, my collection had some old toys in it. That was because I was poor, and we got a lot of toys from the Salvation Army story or second hand from the throwouts in the church charity bins.
Thing is, as toys, Woody and Buzz aren’t really like the toys I was interested in during the 1990s. Cowboys weren’t cool. Cowboys were old. Cowboys were shown on TV in largely black and white. Cowboys were always about being sour and mad and long periods of nothing happening and nobody did a single kick flip and there weren’t any ninjas. Buzz Lightyear looked extremely embarrassing, and not like the kids’ toys of the time. He didn’t transform, he was big and chunky and not an action figure. Lords knows he wasn’t going to stand up to either GI Joe or Action Man. The scale was all fucked up, he clearly cost a lot, and we never saw signs of playsets or vehicles in the movie.
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Though I say that, and you know what he did look a lot like, size wise? GI Joe. Not my GI Joe, from the 1990s, which were the size of my thumbs and cost five dollars so you could army-build. Original GI Joe, from the 1960s, which was a much taller toy, literally a foot tall. You know, like how tall Buzz Lightyear is.
My point is: Buzz Lightyear is not a 90s toy. He was a toy that looked like a boomer’s toys. Andy, a child created to fit in 1995, in a large expensive home with lots of toys, has lots of old toys. Andy has toys that speak to growing up in the sixties, with one toy that’s meant to be a toy of the 90s that’s still kinda not.
But now those toys are iconic kids’ toys, now, because Toy Story became a classic, and people who saw it as kids had kids and shared it with their kids. That is, the parents saw Toy Story and went ‘oh that’s fine for my kids,’ then those kids passed on Toy Story to their kids, and so on and now thanks to it being interdimensional meme cryptid’s extended tentacles into our reality, Woody and Buzz are now iconic kid’s toys that rely on being this sort of post-packaged boomer nostalgia.
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That’s the wildest thing. The combination of Andy’s wealth and diversity of toys (why do you have a ceramic Bo Peep statue?)  creates this weird impression of Andy being somehow a child with vintage toys that represent taste thirty years older than him. If Andy was poor and isolated it’d make a ton of sense for him to have all these old toys and none of the newest, coolest toys, like Sid has.
I’ve written about Sid in the past, in part because I think he’s the only character in the entire universe I have any real fondness for.
Well okay, maybe Rex.
Anyway, Sid’s poor? Like, his house, next door to Andy’s, is grungy and grimy and there’s a question about how Andy’s house is so nice and clean and fancy and Sid’s is basically a hell dungeon, but in hindsight it’s kind of hard to look at it and not see it as classic Disney Fisher King stuff. You know, the way that when Scar ruled Pride Rock, there was a drought, and the second Scar was replaced by Simba, there was rain. In this case, Sid, being bad, has a house that’s full of Badness, and Andy, being a good kid, has a good house.
But Sid is signalled as being poor. Everything in the house is grungy and secondhand, and he’s constantly playing with toys that have been discarded or lost, and he modifies them. Sid is curious and creative and yes, destructive, and he’s destructive of things that, as far as he knows until the movie decides to massively traumatise him, are just toys.
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Like, think about that. Sid damages and messes with toys but he uses that to make other toys, to make things he plays with. His play is seem as scary and traumatising, because… what? Because he violates the ‘proper’ image of the toy. The toy that is not properly preserved, the toy that is torn in pieces and put together again is seen as somehow violated because it is no longer’ right.’ The implication there unstated is that toys are ‘right’ when they are sold to you, and when you change them from that product, they are ‘wrong.’
Sid’s sin is making his own toys, and he is punished by the avatar of a multinational company that will sell you toys that are right.
There’s this fun story beat, where in Toy Story 3, you find that Sid is now a garbage collector. You can see him wearing the same shirt, and dancing happily as he collects trash. In the garbage dump in that movie, you’ll find there are also no toys, which creates the strange question of how things get that way. A story that explains this, a story I like, is that Sid, with the skills he has with toys, took the job as a garbage collector to rescue these tiny sentient creatures from humanity discarding them and is running some sort of toy game preserve in his home. After all, he is, as far as we know, the only human aware that toys are alive.
And he’s the asshole, not the seeming adults who traumatise a kid for playing with toys. Sid, after all, doesn’t play nice.
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omgthatdress · 1 year
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Apparently, Molly is low-key a major gay icon, and honestly, I get it. After all, Molly did *really* like her pretty teacher, Miss Campbell. If you think about it, it makes sense that lot of future lesbians would absolutely love Molly. Most dolls in the 90s were hyper-feminine princess dolls, and Molly was... not. I’d imagine the market for girls who want to play with dolls that aren’t pretty pink princesses is pretty large and the supply is pretty small. Just like there’s plenty of boys out there who want to play with something other than GI Joes. Molly (and AG in general) fits neatly into that market, which I’m sure is why she was so successful.
Last year, with its re-launch of the classic dolls, AG put a post on it’s instagram, “To all the Molly girls in the world, we see you and celebrate you,” which a lot of folks on Twitter took to see as confirmation that Molly was gay. When asked if they just outed Molly, AG gave a very non-committal reply. AG has always had a distinctly feminist slant, but it’s only ever toed the line of actually being LGBT inclusive. So far the only actual inclusion we’ve seen from them is a Girl of the Year with a pair of gay aunts. Even that tiny whiff of queerness was enough to set off a frothing horde of angry conservative moms screaming for a boycott. Since Mattell is only motivated by profit, I doubt we’ll get more representation any time soon, but we can dream.
Anyway, World War II was pretty gay to begin with.
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A lot of historians point to WW2 as the starting point of the modern gay rights movement because before it, you had very many people living on isolated farms and never going very far from home in their lifetimes. With mass recruitment of men into the military, gay servicemen were able to find other men like themselves and build a community. It was much the same way for women who went to work in factories, joined the WAC or WAVES, and joined women’s baseball leagues. That’s right, the league of their own was gay as FUCK.
As far as Molly’s fashion goes, I love her lack of pink. I’m glad there’s a doll out there that isn’t hyper-gendered, and I wish there were more dolls like her out there.
With sweaters coming into fashion in the 1920s and 30s, the sweaters of the 40s started to see more complex and colorful knits coming into style.
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Much of the fashion of this era was dominated by frugality. Europe’s couture houses were shut down, and fabric was rationed. Hems were shortened and baggy cuts and useless frills were done away with. Britain introduced the “Utility Scheme” which hired designers to make chic ensembles using as few resources as possible. Because of this, separates and outfits that could be made with scraps of fabric were very popular, and at-home knitting and sewing continued to be highly popular.
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“After the United States entered World War II in 1941, companies began to experiment with various materials in anticipation of rationing and shortages. This example is a prototype from Nina-Fay Foundations, which uses plastic for closures and stays instead of the usual metal. Although metal was not ultimately rationed, the company was experimenting with alternatives to metal zippers and hooks in the event that it was needed for the war effort.”
(The Met Museum)
Women were taking men’s jobs and taking on masculine roles
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But they were still expected to maintain a certain level of femininity, “To give our boys something to fight for.”
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Because of all of this, the gender politics of the 1940s are really complicated and interesting.
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The main characters, I kinda hate this but whatever. My drawing hand is injured so I have an excuse.
Keith, I just made him more emo, I hate his 'mullet' so I gave him an iconic emo cut. (Yes he's wearing eyeliner)
Shiro, I think his design was inspired by snake eyes, because they lowkey look similar. So I just decided to give him proper military SAS GI JOE attire, it might be too much but whatever. Oh, and his hair cut is like...Not jacked up.
Allura, she really took me the longest, like I desperately wanted to give her a giant afro (and flair pants) but I never seen Allura wear pants, and this isn't the 70's. I don't quite understand Altean fashion yet....However, I'm not upset about it. She has other outfits.
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dynared · 8 months
With the Energon Universe in full swing and actually beginning to sell people on GI Joe’s concept (replacing Murican soldiers and evil terrorists with a military based spy thriller and an ancient conspiracy of snake people respectively), some people are inevitably wondering what other franchises Hasbro will try to ask Kirkman to put into the universe. So far he has been adamant that Skybound will only publish four Energon Universe comics at a time, but given that the Joe miniseries will eventually lead into a single ongoing, as well as Hasbro presumably wanting to sell more properties for toys and/or future media, it’s worth looking at what they still have the rights to and the odds of them showing up.
MASK - The trademark was just renewed today, and is probably the most likely thing to appear. Funny thing is Hasbro aren’t even the original owners, having acquired MASK and the GoBots in the purchase of Tonka. For years there have been attempts to merge MASK into GI Joe as one of its many, many sub-divisions (alongside such real toy lines as Battle Corps, Mega Marines, Ninja Force, Eco-Warriors, and Star Brigade) and the ground-up approach of the Energon Universe makes it really easy. Humanity studies Cybertronians, and soon an elite force has vehicles that turn into other vehicles, with pilots that use the trademark masks. Best part is as a Joe subdivision, they won’t even need a new book.
Action Man - Another “we could throw it into Joe if need be” license, although one that may seem far more redundant. Funny enough, Action Man started as the European brand of GI Joe’s original toys (because they wanted a less American centric name in foreign markets) but unlike MASK, they add little to Joe as it exists. Not a likely addition.
Visionaries - Here’s one that likely won’t be seen unless they cameo in Void Rivals. Visionaries was re-introduced in IDW’s continuity in a crossover with Transformers that was widely reviled by just about everybody and failed to spark interest in a brand revival. While the Void Rivals crew might end up near Prysmos, it’s highly unlikely.
Jem - The red headed stepchild of Hasbro’s brands, Jem hasn’t been touched since a very poorly selling IDW comic series that was divisive to put it mildly and a movie that made made $2 million on a $5 million production budget and was widely reviled. While there is some merit to the idea of having a comic looking at society while both the Transformers are on Earth and Joe is fighting Cobra from a civilian perspective, Hasbro will probably be loathe to use Jem again. The ONLY way I can see Jem appearing is in a one-shot akin to Neon Genesis IMPACTS, an Evangelion one shot made for the Japan Animators Expo about an idol group making a go at a career during the events of Evangelion that ends with them all being killed during an episode of the series proper. If Hasbro signs off on a one shot comic about Jem and the Holograms getting killed by Decepticons, it’s probably them washing their hands of the franchise.
As for other franchises? Hasbro no longer has the rights to the Inhumanoids, ROM the Spaceknight is back at Marvel where they’re reprinting his iconic 80s run, and My Little Pony is still at IDW. So unless I missed something, those are all the major Hasbro franchises that could end up being put into the Energon Universe unless Hasbro wants to try scraping their board games for ideas.
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redyellowberry · 2 years
Back to Ziami
It’s been 5 years since one of the most iconic ziam moment, and let’s go dive into it and relive those days again.
Feb 21, 2018 - Zayn is in Miami to film the ‘Let Me’ music video. He posted a lot of pictures from that city where he enjoys the Miami views.
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Feb 22, 2018 - Liam arrived to Miami to film the ‘Familiar’ music video. He recorded the story in the car after his landing, and you can hear the male voice in the background that sounds pretty much like Zayn’s. if you listen carefully, you will notice that Liam increased the volume of his voice when Zayn started to talk.
Feb 23, 2018 - the day after Liam had arrived to the same place where Zayn was in, Zayn posted a selfie captioning it with a wink and a red heart (the red color has always represented Liam).
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Feb 24, 2018 - Liam spent the day on the set of the ‘Familiar’ music video.
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Feb 25, 2018 - Liam posted the video filmed on the balcony of his hotel room where he’s showing the view of the ocean and Miami Beach, accompanying it with his favorite 1d song ‘Once In A Lifetime’ (which has the line “You are by my side” that sounds pretty significant and like a hint considering that Zayn was literally by his side in that Miami hotel). In the video he showed two desserts on the table implying that he wasn’t alone that morning and that he had a romantic breakfast with Zayn. [Since Tumblr doesn’t allow to put more than one video to a post, so here’s the link where you can watch that video].
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Feb 25, 2018 - In the same morning Liam posted a selfie and captioned it with “Lost my voice”. The previous day Liam filmed the music video and considering that there wasn’t much singing involved (mostly lip-syncing), and it was one song and not the whole show, it seems like he lost his voice because of someone who was there with him :)
Another important point - what if it’s not a selfie and someone (Zayn) took this picture laying next to Liam? Just look at the arm angle - it’s too low to take the selfie in such uncomfortable position unless someone took it for him.
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Feb 26, 2018 - The day after Liam had left Miami, Zayn recorded the cover of “I Wanna Know’ by Joe where he changed the pronounce from “You” to “He” in the line ”You kiss my lips and then you take my breath away”. He also left out all parts that address a girl in the song.
Conclusion: Zayn and Liam spent together a mini-vacation in Miami (both were there for work reasons but turned it into a romantic holiday), and they didn’t even cover the fact that they were together - shared pics and videos from that city so people would know that they were both in the same place, Liam filmed two cakes on his hotel terrace to his favorite 1d song, Zayn posted a selfie with a red heart and then released a cover of the song where he put “He” instead of “You”. And it all happened amidst the breakup rumours of z*gi and ch*riam.
Ziami was truly wild.
Special thanks to @yaz-the-spaz and @/IoveIylouie (twitter) for helping me to come up with this post 💕
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mercyillustrator · 11 months
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Extremely late Kirby Anime series 22nd anniversary
I know this is very late post but luckily I’m able to draw this as 22nd Anniversary of KRBAY anime series. As someone who is American that used to watch 4kids
Well, gotta to share my story of how I got into Kirby well it’s all started back in early 2000s I don’t know what year was it but I can only say I only remember back in 2008 where me and my siblings as an only girl of my siblings that watches anime and we were staying at my dad place where at afternoon where I tried to find SpongeBob on TV til I accidentally found Kirby but anime on the screen I only remember knuckle Joe episode where he came in cappy town and it was so nostalgic where I grew up with my older brothers who got into like Dragon Ball, Yu Gi Oh, Avatar The Last Airbender and such when 4kids was gone I was sad when I was around age of 5? til around 2013 where I saw escargoon picture on screen thought it was a snail anime show but race cars with salesman guy but didn’t know it was same universe as Kirby. This show got me more into GSA Brainrot, it made me so happy that I made friends in Kirby I want to thank you enough for being my friend and support me, reading KRBAY comic, seeing people fanart and such also rewatched anime brings back memories like nostalgic cuz I’m more of the early 2000s late 90s era like Y2K old school person as Kirby fan but it may not be perfect and glad to made a family out of them ^w^
I thank KRBAY for giving me inspiration for my upcoming comic ideas, inspired me to do art, creating my childhood that will last forever and made fan-arts out of memes and head-cannon
I wanna to add GSA knights to the 22nd anniversary of KRBAY so they don’t feel lefted out and added some iconic characters btw king dedede blocked escargoon out and very much in the rush to draw the anniversary. :3
- 💠🎨Mercy🎨💠 ;3
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dolljunk · 2 years
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I actually was despairing at the fact I didn't find an Eagle Eyes Action Man when I was in the UK but in my last week, I found this head tucked away in a cabinet at Snooper's Paradise when I visited Brighton. I never did find his body but I'm glad I got this piece of iconic UK toy history while I was in the UK.
Ever since I modified a Made to Move Ken to fit my Jude Deveraux  Ken head I decided to modify another one to fit this head too. It was the same process of removing length from the neck, but instead of using the MTM neck peg, I ended up stringing the Eagle Eyes' original neck peg on with elastic so his eye mechanism can still function and he has a super articulated body.
His hands are Hasbro GI Joe Super Articulated hands I had from a figure that shattered from old age and even though proportionally they're gigantic I really like how it looks with him.
I also cleaned his hair with a dry toothbrush and masking tape and also fixed up his rubbed paint.
For a random head I found while in Brighton he's pretty cute now.
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gijoe-forever · 1 year
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1991 was another great year for GI Joe vehicles. The neon flag flew high in 1991 with iconic vehicles such as the Badger, the Cobra Septic Tank, and the big and beefy GI Joe Brawler
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myfriendgoo94 · 2 years
I wish Bungie circa 15 years ago made a licensed GI Joe game based on the 80s toy line and cartoon/comics. Have big battles with all the iconic vehicles and characters, maybe it’s cell-shaded, and have Larry Hama write the story.
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popculturelib · 1 year
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Fanzine Friday #8: But a Paper Dress no. 3 (1990s) by an unknown author.
We don't have many fanzines that talk about Barbie; in fact, we could only find this one issue. But a Paper Dress (BPD) is a zine that talks about quite a few things, most of them related to punk rock and music. But there are two pages sharing what people think about Barbie as a cultural phenomenon -- though they're a bit of a different take on Barbie than what we've seen earlier this week. What do you think about Barbie (and Ken)?
Transcripts below the read more.
The Browne Popular Culture Library (BPCL), founded in 1969, is the most comprehensive archive of its kind in the United States.  Our focus and mission is to acquire and preserve research materials on American Popular Culture (post 1876) for curricular and research use. Visit our website at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl.html.
Text from the cover, read top to bottom:
Interviews with:
Mark Amft from Drink Me
Chocolate USA
R. Seth Friedman of FACTSHEETS
And Julie Ann Klausner?
Barbie: The quintessential icon of popular culture, or just another prick tease?
Eat My Shit, MTV boy
The Lost Art of Female Masturbation: A "How-To" guide of sorts
[around the central figure's halo] Sing a Song of Loyalty / Wearing But a Paper Dress - Brian P. De[illegible]
John Henry. Pleased to meet you.
Welcome to the mesmerising queasiness of our brother zine, The Strobetongue Files
And more BPD punk rock rubbish
live from the bowls of Hell! Special Monkees Issue
Text from the pages about Barbie, titled "Cowgirl on Wednesday"
Speculations on Sexist America's favorite pop icon. Names have been omitted for reasons of anonymity. [heart]
As a little girl I used to stand in front of my mirror naked, and compare Barbie's body to my own. I would compare our breasts, hips, tummy, and how far apart our thighs were. I would evaluate how I could change to look more like Her.
If you've ever taken off a Barbie Doll's hear you'd have seen a freakishly long neck, and at the top a kind of tan saucer connected to the body by a plastic ball. The saucer is mobile, and the ball will swivel around its "axis" so that Barbie will be able to move her pretty head to look up at the sky, over her shoulder to smile at something behind her, or just to nod. My friend Chris collects Barbie Doll heads, but I find the saucer-ball part much more fascinating. Keep in mind that without this golden choking hazard, Barbie's head would have to have to be secured in place only by being shoved down directly above her shoulders. This technique tends to make the doll resemble Barbie's heavier and less attractive cousin, White Trash Skipper. (Trailer Park and rifle sold separately)
I used to love Barbie dolls when I was little. I would imagine going to huge parties with my best friend Barbie by my side, and how we would make our grand entrance in extravagant pink gowns. Come to think of it, and the time she was my only friend...
When you lift up a Barbie Doll's arm you can see that her armpit is like a 3 dimensional sphere. I thought armpits were supposed to be concave.
[next page]
When I first heard about that GI Joe/Barbie voice box mix-up on television I thought I was going to split a side. What a great prank!
Maxie. Maxie could never wear Barbie's clothes. She could fit into them all right but she couldn't fill them out properly - especially with those straight arms. Man, Barbie could wear lime green spandex like no one else.
I remember that Ken's genitalia consisted of either flesh-colored briefs or a vague, androgynous "hump" kind of a shape that may have suggested a sort of phallus to the girls that cared. (myself included)
Every Barbie doll looks completely different - and it's not just the hairstyle or eye color either. I know they're made from cookie cutters, but I could never get rid of the feeling that each doll had an entirely unique identity. And I didn't name any of them "Barbie."
Barbie never menstruated. Barbie looks great under fluorescent lighting, and thin when she wears horizontal stripes. Barbie could be a rocket scientist on Tuesday, a [illegible] on Wednesday, a nurse on Thursday, Miss America on Friday, and still have time to run with the Rockers in time for their huge gig this weekend. Barbie's parents made sure to properly bind her feet when she was young so she looks very chic, but can't really wear shoes without scotch tape at hand. Barbie never fucked. (she hated sex) Barbie never ate despite her constant cooking. Barbie has never seen a corpse or a book or a cigarette or a vagina. Barbie's legs feel different from her torso.
Sideways text in the upper right corner: "If you or someone you know is interested in this subject, do not hesitate to order Barbara's divine fanzine, Hey There, Barbie Girl! for 2 dollars from HTBG! PO Box 819 Peter Stuyvesant Station, NYC 10009. Not only does she know the guys from Ms. Lun, but she's a peach of a zine editor as well."
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gertlushgaming · 1 year
G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout Review (PlayStation 4)
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For this G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout Review we welcome G.I. Joe and Cobra back! G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout is a team-based third-person shooter where you play as your favorite characters from Team G.I. Joe and Team Cobra. Experience the action from both sides as you help G.I. Joe restore order and lead Cobra to world domination.
G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout Review Pros:
- Decent cel-shaded graphics. - 12.12 GB download size. - Platinum trophy. - Game settings-auto aim, subtitles, and tutorials. - Invert axis and sensitivity sliders. - Solo and Co-op campaign support. (local) - Four difficulties-action figure, government issue, man of action, and real American hero. - Solo gives you an AI partner. - Multiple controller layouts including custom rebind. - 3rd person shooter gameplay. - 12 characters from the series Eyes, Duke, Lady Jaye, Sci-fi, Scarlett, Roadblock, Cobra Commander, Storm Shadow, Firefly, Baroness, Destroy, and Zartan. - Reload-fast reloads by timing your reload. (think Gears Of War active reload) - Ammo and health pickups. - a short starting tutorial section to go over the controls. - Ultimate unique attack for each character that builds over time and when you kill enemies. - Cartoon-looking stills are used for cutscenes. - Unlock new weapons and character skins. - Team battle-four player local MP with six maps, three modes (team arena, assault, and CTF), and settings for kills to win or match time. - Collectibles-comic covers and earn videos. - Bio section for all the characters. - Can replay levels. - Each level shows how many Collectibles you have found, the side objectives completed, and the best time and score. - Can skip the cutscenes. - The story goes between Gi Joe and Cobra. - Stop start animation cutscenes. - End of level breakdown for your score. - Each mission/level lets you pick from the two available characters. - Modifiers-13 of them and they can make the game harder or easier. - On-screen icons for objectives. - Each character has unique attributes. - Decent loading times. - Interactive points and most of the time will trigger a mini-mission like an event. - Can change settings in the pause menu. - Pick up new guns in the level. - Horde mode-style events. - 29 comics to collect showing off classic comics. - Many boss fights with the main characters. - Combo counter for kills to build your score. - Vehicle missions.
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G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout Review Cons: - No field of view slider and the view is quite close. - Hard to pick out enemies. - Auto-aim is not good as it loses lock on with any movement from you or the enemy. - No real replay value. - Characters don't move their mouth when talking. - Shooting in general is just not good. - Heavily scripted fights that break the immersion. - Small text. - They took good mechanics from popular games and mashed them all together. - Pain-in-the-ass trophies are like a load of multiplayer ones. - A lot of the levels are just go here fight a wave, go to next shoot some guys the end. - No online multiplayer or co-op. - Bad Ai pathfinding. - Your AI partner is completely useless. - Comic Collectibles are just the front cover and you can move it around. - Can't skip the ultimate animation. - Can't use modifiers on your first playthrough. - A lot of pop-ins and textures fill in as it loads. - It doesn't use the main 1980s TV show theme tune! Related Post: YO JOE! G.I. JOE Makes Its Way to World of Tanks
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G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout: Official website. Developer: GameMill Publisher: GameMill Store Links - PlayStation Read the full article
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doctor-badadvice · 2 years
We interrupt this blog's regularly scheduled bullshittery to bring you a rant/review. It goes without saying, this will be a long post.
I'm not usually the type to brush off older media, even when said shows, games and whatnot haven't received any attention by the copyright holders in decades, or even when said attention finally comes and it's horrible to say the least or just not my taste. A huge exception to this rule was GI Joe and the reason is very simple: pretty much everyone agrees that it's not very good.
The cartoons are not so subtle toys commercials and there are a lot of characters on both sides sometimes showing up for maybe a handful of episodes at best. Something has to be very good for me to commit to learning that many names. And Quick Kick making me forget how laughing feels like had the potential to scare me off.
But it turns out that for this many goodie goodie guys, there's an array of villains that are actually fun, most of the time. So here I am, many hours later, ready to rank all (animated) GI Joe iterations. For this I will consider the Joes and Cobra as groups, as well as the show as a whole. This is of course subjective.
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Sigma 6: This is the first show I watched because it was shorter than the Sunbow show. It feels like an early 2000s commercial and this weird anime twist they gave it doesn't work well mosts of the time. Some of the designs are really cool, the pacing is ok but they are a little confused as to what they're going for. Sigma is big, loud and cool. Every guy, gun and battleship is huge. The stakes are high and there are big explosions, but they go from making it a big deal when they blow up one Cobra ship in one episode to it being a background thing achieved with any guns later on. The show could have worked better as a Transformers show. They already have a mandatory useless kid and CC is a bad Megatron anyway. Tunnel Rat is a terrible Larry Butz wannabe and I wish he didn't exist in this show. Whenever there's ninjas on the screen, you can't look away, but Zartan and the Dreadnoks are the only part I'd salvage from this show. The rest is truly eh.
Sunbow show & Serpentor: You can never beat the classics, they say. You definitely can't beat the convoluted process you have to go through to watch this show. There are two mini series of 5 episodes each which are very good. They establish the characters well on both sides and can easily be rewatched back to back whenever. The syndicated show has its ups and downs but overall is enjoyable if you have a way to keep busy during the fighting scenes with all the cool military equipment available at your local toy store. The nice thing about these old shows is that you can watch at your own pace. It's a monster of the week, or Cobra scheme of the week kind of deal, there is no pressure in how much time you dedicate to it. Some of the plots are wacky but I personally find them charming and the banter between Cobra members is usually the best part.
Season 2 on the other hand hits different, especially to a Ghostbusters fan. It isn't Q5 levels, but it screams corporate interference and these screams of course come from Serpentor. Season 2 starts from the assumption that it’s a good idea to justify plot twists by saying "it happened off screen lol". You can do this if what you're introducing is really good and Serpentor is not. He's loud, incredibly dumb and doesn't even do what he's supposed to other than be a placeholder to sell a rejected He-Man vehicle. A fool dressed in a snake suit is also terribly out of place in a show about military vs terrorists. One could argue that Mindbender also has no business parading his tits around, but that's the one good thing he does.
Overall, the show remains good (compared to some of what came after) and it has the best version of Cobra. They get up to some wacky stuff but they're funny and iconic.
Renegades: This show isn't ranked this high because of its plot. If you're going to do A-Team, at least make it lighthearted. It tends to be a bit repetitive in its tragedy. All the Joes are introduced as sad and hurt by Cobra, a faceless corporation looking to acquire direct political power through an army of robots and mutants that would fit nicely in a cyberpunk novel. I'm not a fan of "We remade this show with 30% more sad", but this time I actually can't take it seriously because Cobra shares PR departments with Amazon. This show is also the only one to remember that the Crimson Twins exist, so it gets extra points.
That being said, and putting aside that Flint has been turned into a bloody moron here, it probably has the most compelling version of the Joes. It doesn't have Quick Kick, it accomplishes the amazing task of making Tunnel Rat somewhat likable and Scarlett isn't just "girl with gun". What they did to Shipwreck is unforgivable, but the rest is great and I wish it didn't get cancelled before they could develop what they were setting up.
DiC: No. Just no. It's cheap. The designs are horrible. Destro has literally rusted offscreen. CC's outfit makes him look like a discount Starscream. The new characters are awful. There is no point in watching this. It's boring and it makes Filmation's animation look like they had a budget.
Spy Troops: Early 2000s CGI isn't great, but it doesn’t stop people from enjoying shows of the likes of Beast Wars or even this movie. No, the graphics aren't the problem with this movie, there is just very little to it. The Joes are boring, Shipwreck's hat got nerfed and the only notable Cobra effort comes from CC being a bitch boss to everyone. And if that wasn't enough, the movie also doesn't understand that if you're spending resources in animating a ninja fight, at least you should point the camera in a way that lets the audience see what the hell is going on. For this reason, Spy Troops ranks even lower than Sigma 6. There’s nothing to see here.
Valor vs Venom: This movie is good. It isn't perfect, but it works. Mindbender has been nerfed and forced to wear a lab coat, achieving full sim form while CC is constantly yelling at him. But the pacing is ok and the camera isn't drunk and in some spots it almost feels like a Sunbow episode. Destro's design is also very funny which is a plus in my book. I enjoyed it. That’s it.
Resolute: This movie represents everything I despise the most about some reboots. They take a franchise, put many resources in the animation, then make it dark and gritty expecting it to be enjoyable. There's a lot of blood and violence which of course stands out because it's animated blood. But that's for the first five minutes of watch time, then it’s just dull senseless violence. Once again, I can only appreciate CC. His outfit is very similar to Sunbow but he gets to be more than an amiable buffoon in charge of a terrorist organization. He's charismatic and scary. They did a good job but that's about it. There isn't a lot to say about Resolute. It exists.
GI Joe: The Movie (Sunbow): This one is probably raising some questions. I don't like this movie. It relies heavily on off screen action, as well as the audience forgetting what motivations even are. Cobra La is populated by a bunch of idiots who think that a giant maggot is better than an attack helicopter and who honestly believe that "We'll turn everyone into snakes!" is in fact a smart idea. The mind control bs is in fact a bullshit excuse to contextualize a movie that has no real ties with anything happened in the show outside of the Serpentor introduction and CC is written off in such a lazy way it's infuriating.
Why is it then also ranked as perfect? Well, that's because the first five minutes of this movie are actually awesome. They are what the movie should have been; the usual GI Joe but with a bigger budget to pull off actually cool fighting scenes with lots of characters doing their unique thing and a banger of a song on top of it all. Had the movie been all like this, we would be remembering it as the animated movie that succeeded where Transformers couldn't.
I won't be sitting through any of the live action stuff so the tier list ends here. Although, I must add one last entry.
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Cold Slither is where GI Joe really peaked. It's a Sunbow episode with all the better characters from both sides and the objectively funniest of the Cobra schemes. Like, honestly. Faced with bankruptcy and the end of Cobra, CC gets a loan in order to put his boyfriend favorite mercenary and his dorky goons in funny outfits to weaponize punk rock and make a whole lot of money to get the organization back on its feet. It's brilliant in its own convoluted way and we know it worked because this happens towards the end of season 1 and we got a whole new season later despite the Joes crashing the concert. The mind control part didn't work out but CC won anyway by turning Zartan into an influencer.
The Cobra La fools could have never thought of such a brilliant plan.
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alltheoutcasts · 1 year
The Parent Trap 9.5/10 stars (x)
Okay so this one is a parent fic and has Gabe Sam Eileen Claire and Jack as well. This one’s comedic and based off the 1998 film the parents trap. Years after Castiels and Deans divorce they ship off Jack and Claire to the same summer camp where the two uncover they’re twins and decide to pull a little swap like the iconic movie.
To Build A Home 10/10 stars (x)
This one is a childhood best friend AU where they’ve known each other since they were 4. After the death Castiel’s father he returns to their home town and Dean and him reunite, bringing up the bad and good memories from their childhood and teenage years. Definitely a bit more angsty and a slow burn!
Now Wattpad wise
The Novak Dolls (x) 10/10 Stars FUCKING ART
Stars the Novak Family and their shenanigans. The Novak siblings grow up together and when they reach high school Castiel and Gabriel meet the Winchester boys, who, ironically, share the names of the two GI joes Chuck named when they were kids. Chaos.
36 Questions of Destiel 6/10 stars. (X)
pretty good quick read. Your typical 36 questions fic. A gay and bisexual mess shoved in a room but it’s for science!
Hope ya like em
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