#icyhot son
snazzystarlight · 1 year
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Alright girlies, I am moved and mostly unpacked!! Gonna be getting comfy this week, getting my New Animal, and then oozing into a puddle of goop.
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
BakuDeku AU ft. Quirkless Support Department Mido
AO3 SFW Fic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
All are SFW, still check tags.
Art work by @olldolldraws & @tunafishprincess
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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making it right (for real this time) by ladyofsnails
Summary: Deku, who he’d dreamed of being a hero with when they were kids. Deku, who was quirkless and crushed that dream. Deku, who was told he was useless every day of his life and yet never gave up. Deku, who always strove to achieve his dreams despite the fact that Katsuki was so sure he couldn’t, and who pissed Katsuki off because of it.
Deku, who he’d only stopped being mad at after he gave up on that dream. After the world and Katsuki broke him down.
Deku, who forgave him even before he apologized. Who he didn’t deserve.
Deku, who was probably more heroic than Katsuki ever was.
Fuck. What had he done?
— — —
Izuku is a support course student at UA, and Katsuki's neighbor, best friend, and former bullying victim. After Izuku's performance at the sports festival, Katsuki realizes something. He has to make things right.
One Shot | SFW
Loud Obscurity by Cynical_Love
Summary: Bakugo Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku never met as children. They're strangers at UA not knowing each other, until one fateful day in the Library, the two begin to talk.
One Shot | SFW
The Perfect Girl's Plan to Woo Bakugou Katsuki and how it Was Ruined by a Nerd by TurtleExplodes
Summary: The most popular girl in UA has her eyes on the most popular boy in UA, Bakugou Katsuki, and she will do anything to get him. She has the perfect plan to sweep him off his feet, but will it work, or will it be interrupted by a freckled nerd?
One Shot | SFW | Third Years
Colors and Shapes by MochiUs
Summary: A story told through soul marks.
One Shot | Soulmate AU
Rated - Teen & Up
Do You Know Midoriya, From The Support Course? by theamandarogers
Summary: “Looks like you got hit with Cupid’s arrow,” Sero chimes from his seat.
“You could say that,” Kirishima says with a sheepish smile.
“SPILL!” Mina and Denki shout at the same time, lunging forward to place their hands on his desk, getting in his personal space to urge him on.
“Hmm, ok well.. do you know Midoriya, from the Support Course?”
That seems to get everyone’s attention, even if it was said in a slightly hushed tone to his friends directly in front of him.
He suddenly feels like a piece of meat, floating in the middle of a school of piranhas. All eyes and attention suddenly focused on the spiky red head.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Gimmie A Chance by denkischoker
Summary: Underground Alpha Hero Eraserhead has never really cared about much in his life. At least until he found a small Omega child left in a box while on patrol. Izuku is Aizawa’s main source of joy. He would do absolutely anything to protect his child. And if that means having to keep Alpha hero student Katsuki Bakugou from courting his son… so be it
Complete | 12 Chapters
OmegaVerse | Rated Mature
Fuck, but he's hot though by Gruffgami
Summary: Izuku was ready for just about anything. He was prepared - emotionally, physically, spiritually, All Mightily - for just about anything but a brash, aggressive, annoying, thoughtful, kind and sometimes...flustered Bakugo Katsuki.
— — —
“Icyhot got you first?” Katsuki gaped at him, “Fucking hipster edge-lord has had you working on his costume – of course, you made those temperature bombs? Sharing his quirk is genius, so of course it wasn’t his idea. I can’t believe he didn’t-“
“Kacchan,” Izuku scolded, voice close to fond. And then it all halted abruptly. He hadn’t meant to – thought he had better control, thought he was going to be able to keep the past out of it all, “…uh.”
And it was only when his eyes flicked back to Katsuki that he realised the other man was blushing again.
They both half-started sentences, fumbling.
Thankfully, Katsuki got his shit together faster than Izuku.
Complete | 4 Chapters | SFW
Aged Up | BakuDeku + Todoroki
obligation, friendship, love by myheartslikepaper
Summary: Katsuki and Izuku are best friends, coworkers, and secretly in love with one another. But they're too afraid of losing their friendship to confess. On Valentine's Day Katsuki witnesses an abundance of people happy and in love, and decides that enough is enough. He takes Izuku out to a fancy Valentine's Day dinner, but there's one issue - Izuku doesn't get the memo that it's a date. Will Katsuki’s true intentions come to light?
One Shot | Quirkless Deku x PH Baku
Rated - General Audiences
Support class by silverynight
Summary: Izuku is quite happy in support class; when he was a child and found out he was quirkless he thought he wasn't going to be able to enter UA. Now he's in support class and if he's being honest, he absolutely loves it; he's really excited whenever someone comes to him or sends their suits to the lab for Izuku to repair them or improve them.
The only problem is that his childhood friend, Bakugo Katsuki, goes to that school too (he's in a hero course) and they didn't part on good terms. Katsuki started to be mean to Izuku in front of his other friends, but at the same time got upset when Izuku decided not to speak to him anymore.
However, Bakugo doesn't visit the lab often and when he does, Izuku is conveniently elsewhere. Besides, they say he usually goes there to complain about his suit.
One Shot | SFW
Series: I’m your mechanic & you’re my hero by taleeia
Summary: AU where Midoriya never got his quirk and managed to get into UA as a support hero.
Complete | 3 Works | SFW
Series: Genius Support Course Izuku by PhantomKetchup
Summary: Midoriya Izuku is a quirkless genius with his heart set on creating support equipment and a hobby for picking apart quirks with frightening accuracy, only his best friend and sworn husband to-be (he called dibs when they were five and extras better know their place) understands that God himself had to nerf Izu or he'd literally be too powerful. He's still a little too powerful but that's just his genius leaking out.
11 Works | SFW
Series: Support course Izuku by fallingbutnotforyou
2 Works | SFW
Reunited At Last (But Not Alone) by momkeyy
Summary: A fic in which Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki starts crushing on Support Gear Technician Izuku Midoriya. Badly. *But he's not the only one, as he'll soon find out.
Incomplete | 13/? Chapters
Last updated Jan. 2023
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susagnon · 4 months
Saying their goodbyes: Shouto, Katsuki
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Nee-san spoke first, “Please be careful, Shouto. I... I’m so sorry for being such a useless older sister. I wish, I cou-"
"I will. And you're not useless." That felt insufficient. Shouto tried moving his hand over his sister's head, like he had seen Asui doing with some of their classmates when they got upset. "Please teach me how to make soba properly, when I get back."
At this, Fuyumi's eyes turned watery.
Shouto faltered. Then he froze.
Natsu-nii had pulled him into a hug.
Perhaps not wanting their sister and mother to hear, Natsu-nii said into his ear: “Punch him in the face. Pummel his ass." And with an even lower voice, his brother whispered: "And if there's any possibility… please drag him home.”
Shouto flailed. Then he remembered what he did, when okaa-san had asked for his permission to hug him during one of his first visits, and put his hands lightly on Natsu-nii's back. For few seconds, his fingers gripped his older brother's sweater tightly.
Shouto turned to their mother. She had lagged behind his siblings slightly.
He knew that the loss of Touya-nii back then, had completely shattered whatever small parts of their mother had been left, that hadn't already been broken by their father. But Touya-nii had killed so many people. And his flames were so strong, surpassing those of Endeavor's.
Shouto didn't know what to say to his mother. But he had to say something, so he settled on, "Okaa-san, I won’t let our family hurt any more people. I promise.”
“I know. I’m sor…” His mother stopped. Instead, she reached out to wrap his left hand between her own smaller ones. “Thank you, Shouto. I’m grateful for having you.”
Shouto swallowed hard. His hand stayed in between his mother's palms, until the heroes were signaled to move out.
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“You will win.”
“What do you take me for?! Of course I will!”
For that, the hag decked him over the head.
Katsuki was about to let his mother know, that she hit like a ninety-year old. But before he could, his old man caught his gaze. Something in his father's eyes made Katsuki close his mouth again.
With her hands on her hips and her chin tilted up, his mother said: “Absolute victory. That's what you've always spouted. And absolute victory requires making it back. Preferably, in one piece. Although I don't expect that - no, I'm not underestimating you. But I'm also not an idiot. And neither are you."
At this, Katsuki averted his eyes. The hero students involvement in the PLW was still kept secret from the public. Aside from Icyhot, none of the students who got hospitalized had been allowed visits from their families.
Katsuki knew from his old man, that his mother had stood in front of the hospital every single day, until they learned that their son had been released and escorted back to his dorm.
During phone calls, he had tried to downplay his injuries. It wasn't because he agreed with the Commission's dumbass decisions.
It had been futile anyways. Katsuki saw from the expression of his mother's face, when she first laid eyes on him after UA's emergency shelters went into effect, that she had guessed the severity of his injuries right away.
His mother combed her hand slowly through his hair. Katsuki fought against the urge to tilt his head towards her.
"So. I expect an absolute victory, where as much of you makes it back as needed... to take the decking that you’ll get for being disrespectful to your mother. Got it?”
“…yeah, yeah. Just watch me.”
The hag gave his hair a slight pull.
And so, Katsuki's schoolmates, teachers, and anyone else in their vincity, got subjected to an encore of the Bakugou-screamo-musical, until it was time for the son to leave.
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pleathewrites · 6 months
bellow the fire into my deadened lungs
chapter 4 excerpt — aizawa & class 1a on what makes a villain read full story here
An article of Dabi and Endeavor’s arrest gets leaked Wednesday morning. Every station, paper, and social media platform picks at the exposed meat of it like vultures to a fresh carcass, fighting over favored limbs and surprise bites.
Class 1A has never been so loud. There’s chatter everywhere.
“Oh my Gods, did you hear — ”
“ — about Todoroki-san —”
“ — his own father — ”
“ — and can you believe Dabi — ”
“ — that crazy villain is Shou’s — ”
“ — brother! The guy who kidnapped — ”
“ — kugou, hey, Bakugou!”
The gentle hand on his shoulder shakes Bakugou from the one-sided staring contest he was having with, ‘that fucking Half ‘n Half — coward hasn’t looked up from his desk the moment he sat down.’
It’s Kirishima, the boy who rescued him, the boy who doesn’t leave his side, who holds his hand and smiles like Bakugou hung the moon and the stars and everything in between.
The boy Bakugou had unknowingly given strength to when Kirishima needed it the most.
“I’m fine.”
Red eyebrows curve upwards in worry, and, ‘fuck,’ Bakugou hates worrying people, “You sure? It’s ok if you’re not. I don’t think anyone is.”
Kirishima looks at, ‘that fuckin’ Half ‘n Half,’ with those same sympathetic eyes, and Bakugou feels something ugly bubble up inside him. 
He scoffs, “Please, he’s known this entire time — fuck him!” 
Kirishima’s eyes squint, “Why do you think that?” 
“Because, if I knew, then there’s no fucking way he didn’t!”
That gets Todoroki to look up, both eyes blown so wide, Kirishima can see his scar visibly stretch, “You knew?”
Kirishima smiles fondly at the angry blond, “Bakugou’s smart like that. Of course he’d figure it out before any of us.”
And, well, Bakugou was about to run up and punch Todoroki in the face right then, but the way Kirishima is looking at Bakugou roots his feet to the ground he desperately wants to sink into. He breathes in deeply, counts like his therapist taught him, and with his exhale, his pounding heart starts to settle into something that feels more like stability. The only thing he’s got the energy left for is to huff and cross his arms, mumbling a pathetic, “Damn straight,” and leaning into Kirishima’s broad shoulder. 
Ironically, Kirishima’s warmth cools the fire in his chest. 
Todoroki shakes his head in something like disbelief — which, ‘Fuck him, because who is he to not believe me?’ — and asks, “When did you figure it out?” 
Bakugou didn’t notice until now how the whole class had quieted down.
He rolls his eyes, “Like, the minute you told Deku and I about Touya at your family’s sad ass dinner. Between that, Dabi’s deranged speech to me, and spending two minutes with Endeavor, it was pretty fuckin’ obvious.”
“Why didn’t you say anything!” Todoroki looks like his eyes are about to pop out of his head.
And, ‘oh,’ Bakugou rolls his eyes. He is so done with this conversation, “I just said, it was obvious. ”
That gets Todoroki to shut up and slump back into his chair. 
‘Hm. Fine. I guess IcyHot didn’t know. I can still blame him for being an idiot.’
At the back of the class, Sero chews the end of his pencil and wants nothing more than to offer Todoroki a hug, a cigarette, some kind of an out, but he feels as if he’s been taped to his chair by the paralyzing shock of a lost piece shoved into a puzzle he didn’t know until now remained unfinished — ‘everythin’ makes so much sense now.’
A minute later, Aizawa Shouta walks into his classroom, and prepares for the lecture of his life. Quite possibly, his last.
‘Depending on where Principal Nezu’s loyalties lie,’ Shouta thinks to himself, ‘Well, I’ll find out soon enough.’
The students quiet down with his presence, looking more like deers caught in headlights, waiting, waiting for —
“Everyone, take a seat,” He instructs, and as his students do so, he writes the lesson of the day on the board: Why Do Villains Exist?
Before the last squeak of his underline, before he even turns around, a myriad of answers fill the classroom.
“Free will?”
“The Devil?”
“Shitty families, apparently…” 
Shouta holds up a hand, “I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I was not asking you all, directly. At least, not yet.”
His students sheepishly settle into their seats. A flurry of swished notebooks to clean pages hiss and evaporate into a long beat of silence. 
Shouta takes a deep breath, and a mental note of the way Todoroki Shouto’s shoulders are hitched up to his ears. Shouta cannot imagine what the child is going through. The minute Shouta saw those articles first thing in the morning, he knew his students would have so many questions — and as their teacher, he has a responsibility to answer them the best he can.
He doesn’t know what is going to happen, now that the secret of Todoroki Touya is out, but here, in these four walls of his classroom, he has a control and a capacity to at least prepare his students for the changes to come — the hopeful good and the anticipated bad.
“I understand some, quite frankly, shocking news has come to light. I know you all have many feelings about that news, and probably many questions.
“I was going through your Hero Curriculum over the last few days, and I’ve realized something — our school does not provide one social class. We teach you all how to fight, how to strategize, how to build your image and your portfolio, but we don’t teach you the ways our society functions. The way it was built to function. You learn Quirk history, but you don’t learn about the very social movements that have gotten you, and me, to where we are today. Our society has a twenty percent non-quirk-user population, yet we don’t teach you about their history, psychology, or sociology. 
“We separate the pre-quirk era and the present day, but every study shows that our society functions in the same way, more or less. That’s a bit odd, don’t you think? For our society to be so similar to the pre-quirk era? There’s a saying from that era. ‘Those who refuse to learn history are — ’”
“‘— doomed to repeat it’,” Midoriya finishes. 
Usually, Shouta would reprimand Midoriya for speaking out without being called on, but today, a small smile ticks at his lips. 
“That’s right. Everyone, write that down. I’ll put it on the board.”
He does so while thinking of the frightening duality of identical blue eyes; resolved azure and guilty cerulean. He turns around and spots a yearning cobalt, surrounded by the thick scar tissue of why he’s doing this. His fingers clench around the marker.
“Today, I’m going to throw a lot of information at you guys. And I know when you hear this information, you all will feel many different emotions, as did I. I want you all to know my classroom is a safe space, and there are no wrong feelings. However, I want us all to respect each other to the end,” Shouta looks at both Bakugou and Todoroki when he says, “We are on each other’s team.”
He waits for his students to nod and give him their go-ahead. 
“Now, legally, in my contract, I am not allowed to... theorize to my students — you guys — the relationship between the rise of villainy and a, vastly, failing society. Bit strange, don’t you think? We ask you all, everyday, to risk your lives for this society, but you are not encouraged to learn about it. And I am not allowed to teach you the ways in which this society operates. 
“Well, that doesn’t sit right with me anymore. Today, I am going to risk my job. And in return, I just ask you all to listen with open minds.”
There is a collection of distressed ‘Aizawa-sensei…’s that fill the room. It pulls together the pieces of his broken heart.
Shouta starts to write on the board, “Our society is based in cycles — wealth cycles, abuse cycles, poverty cycles, etcetera. Note, I am talking about the majority, not the single bootstrapping underdog. Now, I am asking you all directly — are people born bad?” 
Bakugou pipes up, “Fuck, no.” 
Shouta witnesses the small uptick of Todoroki’s lips, and nods in approval.
“Correct. Reality is, we look at people who have committed horrible crimes, people like Chisaki Kai. We see a fraction of the pain he inflicted on Eri — and the twisted thing is, he most likely was given the same treatment when he was of that age. Fortunately, with the help of our young heroes, we managed to save Eri from that environment.”
He witnesses the pride in Midoriya’s smile and the dignity in Kirishima’s posture. Shouta prays his lesson will not strip them of it.
He rhetorically asks the class, “But, what would have happened if she wasn’t saved? If she stayed in that environment for another five, ten, maybe fifteen years?” He is answered with blinking, waiting eyes, “Trauma physically changes the brain, especially during your developmental years. Does anyone know when the brain fully develops?”
Kirishima tentatively raises his hand, and Shouta calls on him, “Well, I mean, if we’re considered adults at eighteen, is it because that’s when our brains are fully developed?”
“You bring up an excellent point, Kirishima,” Shouta commends. “Society considers you full, functioning adults when you reach the age of eighteen. However, studies from both pre-quirk and our era state that the brain finishes development as late as age twenty-six, even longer for people with common neurodevelopmental disorders, like ADHD.”
“Wait, shit, I have ADHD — ”
“ — Dude, me too — ”
“— does my sister, that makes so much sense — ”
Shocked murmurs flitter around as Ashido raises up her hand, and cuts through the noise, “Wait, Aizawa-sensei, then why do we use eighteen as the age of being an adult? That’s the age when we’re allowed to make so many life-changing decisions…”
The murmurs stop.
“Why, indeed? You’re asking the right question, and you deserve a truthful answer. Because eighteen is such an important age. It is the age you vote, the age you register to become a Pro-Hero, the age people join our civilian military, the age you are allowed to engage in intimate acts with people older than eighteen… And it is the age you are tried as an adult for any crimes committed.
“Which brings me to my next point — has anyone ever heard of the term, ‘private prisons’?”
To Shouta’s surprise, it is Sero who answers his question, “They’re prisons that’re bought by corporations. Don’t have to follow all the government policies, can make up their own rules and stuff. Profit off the prisoners, too — I read somewhere that it’s compa-comparable? To slave-labor. Is that true?”
Sero Hanta is a student that Shouta would argue is actually immensely intelligent, despite his limited vocabulary. Sero’s file states that he comes from an unremarkable school within one of the lower-income districts, but through the academic year, Shouta has learned that Sero’s knowledge is oddly vast.
Shouta hums in approval, “In a nutshell, that is true.” 
He goes to the board and begins to explain the prison industrial-complex using diagrams and metrics that blew his mind the first time he researched into it.
“ — Various people will argue how private prisons are the solutions to overcrowding in federal prisons, ignoring the root causes of mass incarceration, like what we’ve already discussed — police bias, three-strike policies, harsher sentences for non-violent crimes, politician bribery, and so on.”
Kaminari raises his hand, “Is Tartarus privately owned?”
Shouta feels the grim pull of his expression, “Yes. Any guesses as to who by?”
Bakugou answers, “Probably the HPSC.”
Shouta nods, “Correct,” and writes down a grotesquely large but accurate number on the board, “This is how much the HPSC profits off Tartarus, annually.” 
Amongst the scritch and scratch of his students’ furious note-taking, Yaoyorozu’s hand shoots up, “I have a question about what you said earlier, that perhaps ties into what you’re teaching now. Are you saying any traumas we endure up until age twenty-six will physically change the way our brains develop? And if so, in what ways?”
“Thank you for noticing that connection, Yaoyorozu. That brings us back to my example of Eri, and if she had stayed in that environment, raised by Chisaki Kai. Anger and hurt feeds the soul just as love and affection does, but the needs of that person changes based on what they are given. What if Eri had grown up to be one of the villains you face? Would you still want to save her, or would your first instinct be to lock her away? You wouldn’t know who she is, where she comes from. You’d only know her crimes, but never what brought her to that point.” 
“Sensei... It’s really not fair to use Eri-chan in this example. She’s just a child,” Midoriya defends.
Shouta nods in understanding, “So was every single villain I’ve ever arrested,” His mind goes immediately to that day in the interrogation room with Dabi, the scarred-villain fighting for Himiko Toga’s immunity, the reminder that she is a child before she is a villain.
“But, we can’t excuse villainous actions!” 
“You’re right, Midoriya,” Shouta confirms, “Actions have consequences.”
“So…” It is Tokoyami that speaks up this time, “What’s the solution?” 
Shouta shrugs, “What is the solution? Two-hundred years of hero-society hasn’t figured that out. Two-thousand years of human society never figured out how to stop their own criminals.”
Shouta knew it was a shit answer, but, well, he only started this research a few days ago. His conclusion is that the solution will take a collection of heroes to figure out, and it won’t happen in a day, and most devastatingly, not in his lifetime. He believes in planting the seed, though. He believes in his students to water it with the information he’s given today, believes in them to let it soak in the rays of enlightenment he wished he’d bothered to bathe in twenty-odd years ago.
He believes in his students, in this generation, so much more than his own.
“You are here to learn how to be heroes. You’re not here to learn how to fight — yet, somewhere along the lines, we’ve all forgotten what being a hero meant. So,” He writes on the board: What Does it Mean to be a Hero?
“Saving people!” Kaminari.
Obvious, but — “Good,” He wrote it down, “Saving who?” 
“Innocents!” Ida.
“Hm,” This is where Shouta will have to make his poor students think deeper, “Why just the innocent?” 
“Because they don’t deserve to be hurt,” Ida answers.
Shouta nods, “So, when does someone lose their innocence?” 
There’s a moment of thinking before Asui tries, “When they’ve hurt someone who didn’t deserve it?”
‘Deserve’ is the interesting word here.
“Who deserves to be hurt? Is abuse something that is earned? Who gets to make that judgment, and on what basis?”
Uraraka is the brave one to weakly ask, “Police?” 
“Ah,” Shouta almost facepalms, “I realize I never assigned proper reading for this topic, my apologies. Right after class, I will email you all some studies that have mostly been kept underground. Here are only some statistics pulled from those studies. I’ll write them down now.”
‘70% of villains come from abusive homes and below the poverty line.’
‘40% of policemen self-reported to being domestic abusers - how many unreported?’ 
‘80% of sexual-assault offenders are not arrested, despite evidence that murder convictions have been sentenced for less on.’
‘73% of federal prisoners are serving time for non-violent offenses and have no history of violence.’
‘60% of the top fifty heroes have committed criminal acts, yet remain unpunished.’
He waits as his students write down these statistics in their notebooks. He only continues when every single face has looked back up at him.
“Earlier on, I spoke about how people’s needs change, based on what they’re given. It is against the law to steal. However, basic necessities like food, shelter, water, diapers, pads and tampons are not free. Everyone needs to work in order to make money, yet our society’s job markets are often closed or extremely restricted to convicted felons, equally for both violent and non-violent offenders. 
“The law makes no difference between someone shoplifting a luxury handbag, and shoplifting a sandwich. So, what our current justice system is essentially telling our society is that people should starve, because of pre-defined morality. That people should let themselves descend to slow death, because that is what our society has deemed is ‘right’. 
“I am not trying to make you all feel shame for the way our society works. You’re just kids. You are all incredibly gifted, and incredibly privileged, kids. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t. To pick yourself up from your bootstraps, you first need to have a sturdy pair of strong leather boots. Many are born without.
“Everyone wants to be a hero to ‘stop villains’. What I want you all to think about is prevention. How can our society lower these numbers? How can we stop a crime before it’s committed, rather than immediately punish someone once that crime is committed? How can we help reintegrating convicted felons into our society, so that they don’t end up in these prisons a second, and a third time? 
“And I want you all to also question — who actually benefits from a criminal being punished? Our society, our governments, or our heroes?”
His students look conflicted. Worried, sad, betrayed, afraid and confused. 
Shouta looks at the clock and realizes he’s almost out of time.
He puts the marker down, “I want you all to do the reading I’ve emailed you, and write a one-page reflection on how you would like to be a part of villain prevention once you debut as a Pro-Hero. No goals are too big or too small. I encourage you all to use your imagination, use your empathy, and use the information you’ve learned from me, and your classmates. Does that sound alright?”
His students slowly nod.
“Alright. Thank you all for listening. My door is always open if you have questions or just generally want to talk. Class dismissed.”
read full story here
my other works
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eclipsecrowned · 9 months
'by request' muses + how badly they break canon
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MUSE: kokoro kyriakou FANDOM: a realm full of cardiovascular imagery RELATIVE: er*qus (uncle) DOES THIS MUSE BREAK CANON: not at conception when the relative had 0 backstory lore, but then the mobile game dropped, and now she is the merriest of mary sues -- and not just because she's related to a canon, either. lore has it only two apprentices survived an attack on their generation of wielders, so kokoro's dad can't even exist post-dr. multi-generational drift against canon events.
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MUSE: astraea l*cis cael*m FANDOM: last legend the fifteenth time RELATIVE: n*ct (brother), r*g*s (father), and *rd*n (ancestor) DOES THIS MUSE BREAK CANON: over her knee like a single dry twig. the whole narrative kind of depends on the end of a dynasty, and here i go introducing a member that is actively defying the gods and circumstances that make victims of her male relatives. she's mostly here to explore aspects of canon that were left to atrophy tbh.
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MUSE: zorya constantine FANDOM: graphics about sleuths RELATIVE: miss fishnets herself and some cunt from beatlesville DOES THIS MUSE BREAK CANON: surprisingly, no. there have been universes in the past that show her parents having reproduced, and in fact a complementary muse i play is her brother from one such universe. i tend to default to her being a visitor from another universe rather than any particular interpretation's child.
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MUSE: 'valas' d*vir FANDOM: the gate of a norse god RELATIVE: 1-2's pc (father), v*conia d*vir (mother) DOES THIS MUSE BREAK CANON: prior to 3? no. v*conia's romanced ending -- the one i pursued as a baby kadi -- has her bearing the pc's child. after the character assassination of her in 3? yep. wretcheds of the c*ast completely scrapped her canon characterization to make a one dimensional zealot of her, so everything came crashing down for valas' lore. my city now, though.
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MUSE: kayden c*nnors FANDOM: marvelous graphics RELATIVE: the l*zard / dr. c*rt c*nnors (father) DOES THIS MUSE BREAK CANON: yeah. she doesn't even get a zorya pass of other lore existing that at best doesn't rule her out -- the c*nnors only ever have a single son in the whole of comics history. writing kayden in as an older daughter in the family dynamic upends decades of comics lore, and i revel in getting meta w it.
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MUSE: mira snow FANDOM: a ditty of icyhot RELATIVE: br*ndon st*rk (father), ash*ra d*yne (mother), assorted canon relatives DOES THIS MUSE BREAK CANON: ssssort of? it's implied her mother had a daughter prior to her death, and that it was a st*rk brother that was responsible. mira is me pursuing that plot thread and chasing 'what ifs' about her role in the already unconventional dynamics of w*nterfell. the big divergence is the kid is allegedly dead.
MUSE: ly*nna b*lton FANDOM: a ditty of icyhot RELATIVE: r**se b*lton (father), b*th*ny rysw*ll (mother), brothers out the wazoo DOES THIS MUSE BREAK CANON: undoubtedly. while the lord of l33ches has many stillborn or cradle-withering sons to his name, no daughters are ever mentioned. it's pretty clear if she had survived where her brothers had not, it wouldn't be for long given her half-brother's proclivities. i am simply pursuing female horror narratives.
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MUSE: laerion v*laryon FANDOM: a ditty of icyhot: revenge of the son-cousin of the prequel RELATIVE: c*rlys and rh*en*s (parents), l*ena and l*en*r (siblings) DOES THIS MUSE BREAK CANON: yep. family's fucked and then i throw another not into the fire, out into the roaring waves of their dominion. the heir who would give anything to be in his brother's shadow again. he's gonna be okay, though, bc my city now. i'm ridiculously fond of him and i can't be convinced to part with him.
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MUSE: odessa h*rkonnen FANDOM: dewn RELATIVE: the h*rkonnens (extended relatives) DOES THIS MUSE BREAK CANON: not as badly as you would expect. we never get a full scope of the size of this noble house as opposed to the sparseness of their enemy's family line. an offshoot of the main line is not unthinkable, as we have no idea who in the family holds the ancestral planet together while the baron is absent.
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MUSE: danae sp*ncer FANDOM: the malicious dwellers of the zombie apocalypse RELATIVE: the properly dishonorable earl sp*ncer (father) DOES THIS MUSE BREAK CANON: yes, canon makes it clear the earl is the last of his family -- but. i can argue the phrasing 'end of his illustrious line' could mean the family name dies with him, as danae would be anticipated to take her husband's name, or as i write it, that danae was disowned, disinherited, and no more a true sp*ncer.
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MUSE: julia mayfair FANDOM: cawabooty RELATIVE: v*kt*r r*zn*v (great-grandfather) DOES THIS MUSE BREAK CANON: in all honesty? no. we know nothing of the man's backstory or connections prior to the war, save that he had a father who was killed by germans. this is a case where you can say anything about her great-grandfather and there's nothing contradicting or supporting you. there's no canon to break.
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epickiya722 · 2 years
The usual stuff: jokes, comments, some bits of thinking here and there. Pictures but not too many.
Did Shoto just catch Izuku with his leg? OMG, HE DID!! Impressive!
"Tomura, stop it. We must fall back now!" Smartest thing I heard AFO say. I think that's AFO.
Damn, a lot of you look a mess...
IIIIIIDAAAAAAA!!! MY SPEED BOY! MY CLASS PRESIDENT!!!! 💙💙💙 Shoto in the back though... hee hee...
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Nejire saw Ryukyu and put on her mad face. Beat his ass! What he did to her hand was AWFUL AND DISRESPECTFUL!!!
*cuts to Toga and Ochaco* Someone play Brooke Valentine's Girlfight since it's about to be one.
I'd react that way, too, if someone told me they used my quirk to kill somebody... like, damn I could have done that if I wanted to. I'm just joking. Seriously, I'd be mortified and ready to throw hands.
Ew, she's just gonna put foreign objects in her mouth? Well, it's Toga, what I expected. But, sweetie, at least have some limits, damn.
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FROPPY!!! 💚💚💚💚
"I wanted to talk to her about relationships." Now that I'm thinking about it, talking to a Hero student about relationships is like... it should be a last resort. They're busy all the time with exams and training, relationships would be the last thing on their minds.
Oh, Machia's here. 😐
Team effort with Nejire-Chan and Shoto!!! NICE!!!
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"Put me down..." Don't do it, Iida. No matter how angry he looks. Don't do it. *laughs in manga reader*
Hey, Spinner!
"What happened to you?" A lot, my guy, a lot. Man's been beaten, burned, insulted, annoyed by AFO. Man's been jumped. Like at the start, you wouldn't think he would turn out like this. Damn shame... shaking my head... he needs a bed.
Ah, and here comes Dabi with some unknown liquid to remove black hair dye effortlessly. Like, no, that is the weirdest thing to bring onto a battlefield. I know, I know, big reveal. Yeah, yeah. I don't care. That is the funniest thing ever.
The look Shoto gave Dabi is golden. That's the "my big sibling is being so annoying" look. I would know, I am the eldest and have gotten that look so many times.
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Aaaah, my icyhot boy got his card!!! So did Dabi!
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"I thought my kind would have recognized me." I know he has to be joking. That line is funny for that. But imagine saying that and meaning it. Especially to your little brother who was a baby when you disappeared. Yes, Shoto would definitely recognized you.
"I killed over 30 innocent civilians." At least, he admits it.
Oh, there's the Can't You See kid who is totally not a reference to Natsu from Fairy Tail, even though they share a VA!
"You have no idea how many times I cried on Natsuo's shoulders..." 😭😭😭
"But to my disappointment, you became the No. 1 Hero..." Everyone shares your sentiment...
I'm so sorry, yeah, Dabi cannot dance. I'm sticking to that, I'm not changing my mind. He is the guy who thinks he can dance, but can't, but he tries so you have to give him an A for effort.
Dabi's VA, Hiro Shimono is killing it though!! Yes!!!! YYYYESSSS!!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Endeavor looks devastated... daaaamn...
Aaaaw, look how cute Toya is in that outfit!
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"What happened to your hair?" He got that Kaminari going on! My parents asked me the same when I cut my hair!!!
"Did you dye your hair?" Not yet.
Aaaaw, look at that proud smile. Going though his head is "AND WE'RE GONNA LET IT BURN, BURN, BURN!!!"
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Look at baby Toya and Fuyumi! So freaking adorable!!
"Why didn't you notice I was your son? You never suspected because so many had flame-related Quirks. Is that the reason?" Oh, you don't say!!!
Eye color? Spiky hair? Also common! Just because someone shares a trait, don't mean they're related!!! Jeez, I know you're smarter than this!! Gosh!!!
Might as well say you and Bakugou are related since you have spiky hair and fire related quirks!!
And then you had been rocking black hair and staples this whole time! Oh yes, your family would totally know you're Touya!
This Todoroki drama is very sad though.
"Give Gigantomachia the order!" He is out of commission, he can't do that currently. Spinner, thanks for caring about him though. I like you.
Oooh, I hate seeing those faces on Fuyumi and Natsuo.
"Worship me." Skeptic! 🤣🤣🤣
Love that Dabi brings up Hawks "killing" Best Jeanist because ha ha!! Dude, you just don't know!
"I find that unacceptable! He covered up his true nature with his righteous persona." Okay, Mr. THAT'S MY OPINION! Obviously, Dabi didn't do enough background checking because he would have known Hawks was practically raised a tool. He really didn't have a choice, did he? Isn't that something? Like ya'll could have bonded over that or something. But no, yeah ya'll kept your pasts in the dark. Understandable though.
PROPS TO YUKI KAJI ONCE AGAIN! Those lines delivery!!! Yessssss!!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Okay, I do like the Toya-Dabi change they made to the ED!!!
"Kacchan is finally revealing his hero name." YEEEEESSSSSS!!! I AM READY FOR THAT!!!
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xexiar · 11 months
Keep Watching. 35
Ch34 Ao3
Chapter 35
I am still in disbelief that I ran into Deku. It wasn't because it was impossible, but rather because he accidentally bumped into me. I was trying to clear my head while walking through the halls when I saw the number 2 hero. I was worried he might recognize me, but he seemed preoccupied with something else. I wondered if he was trying to find his son.
While wandering the halls, I suddenly spotted a certain peppermint hair in the stairway. I was going to walk away but decided to stay on the path I was on. What did it matter if I saw him? “Why aren’t you with the class?” Was he seriously talking to me?
“You got some nerve. And you shouldn’t be talking.” He just looked over his shoulder at me. It was then I noticed that his eyes seemed to be puffy. Was he crying? Oh great. Icyhot was just like the nerd. “What the fuck.” I walked closer and leaned on the wall opposite to him. “The sperm donor is looking for you.”
“Sperm donor?” At that, I looked over to half-and-half and saw the confused expression he had. That was until he looked around the corner and back at me. “You mean my father?” I simply nodded. “Damn it.”
“Oh, stop mopping.” The way Icyhot started to walk away somehow pissed me off. “If all you gonna do is run away then you shouldn’t be here.”
He quickly looked back at me. “I’m not running.”
“That’s not what I see.” Icyhot walked up to me and tried to seem all intimidating. “If you’re not running, then you better give it all you got during each of your matches. I don’t want a half-ass win.”
“Oh, please. You won’t win this.” He then took a step back and used his thumb to point at himself. “Unlike you, punk, I know I’ll win. I trained my own life for this. At that, I will prove to my sperm donor that I don’t need his quirk to be number 1.”
I sucked my teeth as I got off the wall and looked Icyhot in the eyes. “Well, this punk says you’re going to need both of your quirks if you plan to beat my ass. I want only the best to fight against me. So, don’t cut yourself short before you dare challenge me.” His left eyebrow rose before he walked away. That was until he stopped.
“If I didn’t know any better, I would have believed you and Midoriya were the same.”
“Excuse me!” He looked over his shoulder at me. “Don’t you ever dare compare me to that nerd!”
“Takes a nerd to know a nerd.” I was just stunned as Icyhot walked away. That really pissed me off, but I tried to ignore it.
After taking a few breaths to clear my head, I walked back to the other idiots. As I did so, I spotted fireball. At that, he seemed to be standing in front of peppermint hair. Damn it. Instead of turning away and walking in a different direction, I leaned against the wall and stood out of sight. “Stop your rebellious games, Shoto. You need my quirk to win. After all, my quirk is superior compared to these pathetic fools.”
“I refused to use the quirk of my sperm donor!” I couldn’t help but smirk at that.
“Shoto! Where did you learn such language? You will respect me!” After that, I heard footsteps coming in my direction. “I am not done speaking to you!” That’s when I saw Icyhot turning the corner that I was behind. We made eye contact before we both walked down the hall.
Most of the walk was silent between us before we reached the exit to join our class. “Does fireball always talk to you like that?”
Once again, Icyhot looked confused before facing me. “You come up with strange names for people. But yes, fireball has always been that way.” He then folded his arms. “Prepare to lose, Bakugo.”
I sucked my teeth as I looked him up and down. “In your dreams, Todoroki.”
That’s when Icyhot looked taken aback. He even dropped his arms to his side. “So, you do know my name?”
“Don’t get used to it.” I looked towards the entrance. After a few moments, we finally walked back to the rest of the class. The spot I had taken earlier now had someone else sitting there. And from the looks of it, it was none other than the nerd. So, I kicked at his legs. “Out of my spot.”
“Leave Midoriya alone, you jerk.” I looked up and saw that doom head and glasses were looking at me. I kicked Deku’s leg again. “Just stop it.”
“Make me.”
It looked like round face was going to say something until the nerd stood up. “It’s ok, Uraraka.” The nerd then looked at me. “And you could have just said excuse me, Kacchan.” It took everything in me from punching Deku. Why did he say my name like that? Especially when it gave me a weird sense of goosebumps. If we weren’t dealing with the sports festival, it would have been nice to hear him say my name like that again.
When I met up with everyone, I noticed two empty seats. One of which was on the outer corner of the group. The other one was next to Uraraka. I decided to sit on the outer corner seat. “Hey, man.” I looked next to me and saw it was Kaminari. “Bakugo was sitting there earlier.”
“Really?” Kaminari nodded, and I couldn’t help but smile. He then asked what with my expression. “It’s nothing.” He shrugged his shoulders and went back to watching the match between Ashido and Aoyama.
As I watched the match, I couldn’t help but pull out my notebook from my pocket. I had grabbed it before I bumped into Kacchan. While trying to write notes, I couldn’t help but smile. Besides my classmates having fascinating quirks, I was sitting where Kacchan had sat. I don’t know why that had me giddy, but it did. And then, when Kacchan showed himself, I had to stop myself from laughing. Especially when he kicked at my legs. “Out of my spot.”
I knew that was coming back. Before I could argue back, Uraraka spoke up. “Leave Midoriya alone, you jerk.” Somehow, I felt somewhat disappointed. I was planning to use one of the comebacks I thought about just for someone else to ruin the moment. Maybe another time.
As I got up, I decided I could still try to say something. “And you could have just said excuse me, Kacchan.” Why did I say his name like that? Either way, the face Kacchan had was priceless. He looked both taken back and angry.
“You can’t tell me what to do?” I tried so hard not to flat-out giggle in his face as I went to the seat next to Uraraka. Which was just about four chairs over. Then it was Tokoyami and Yaoyorozu’s match.
As me and Ida kept Uraraka company in the waiting room, I was still surprised that she wouldn’t take my help. Not in the sense of disappointment. But I just wanted to help. Especially since she was going up against Kacchan. “Uraraka is a girl. Bakugo would never truly hurt her.”
I had to hold back a chuckle. Trying to stay serious was somewhat hard. But Uraraka needed all the support she could. Yet, at the same time, I wasn’t going to lie. The way they both looked at me as if I was wrong. “Kacchan doesn’t care if you’re a girl or boy. If you’re his opponent, he’ll treat you all the same.” That’s when I smiled. “You should feel honored that Kacchan will give you a proper fight instead of giving you the win.”
Uraraka just shook her head as she looked at her phone. “After what happened since the second day of class, I’m not too sure about anything.” She then straightened her back and gave me a smile. “But if you say I should be honored, then I will. Maybe this way, I can see if I really can be a hero.” She pounded the table before standing. “And when I win, I would have earned it.” A part of me wanted to tell her that she had no chance of winning. But the other part of me was still hopeful.
“That’s the spirit, Uraraka.” We both nodded at Ida. With that, me and Ida went back to join the class. When we got back, I noticed how Todoroki was standing by the entrance. “Is something the matter, Todoroki?” Todoroki looked at Ida before walking past us. I wonder what that was about. But I had to get that out of my head. Kacchan’s match will start soon. So, I quickly went and sat down. At that, I took out my notebook and braced myself to write down as much as possible.
I knew I had to be ready for anything. If I weren’t paying attention, I wouldn’t have noticed when debris had been floating. But it took a lot out of me to destroy all of it. That was a little too close for comfort. And just as I brought my attention back to round face is when she passed out. Guess she went past her limits. Not too bad, but I wouldn’t tell her to her face. Or maybe I should. She at least earned some of my respect.
As I walked up the stairs, I stopped Deku. After a short interaction, I was surprised how he didn’t help cheeks. But I still think she probably figured out her strategy because of how often she spends with the nerd. And how our first training match was. Which pisses me off. Yet, I am grateful for the challenge. She gave her all and helped me point out a few things I still needed to work on.
When I returned to the others, they shamed me for hurting a fragile girl. How dare they dismiss round face own strength? They often preach about encouraging one another but can be hypocritical in their actions. Especially the other girls in my class going about how I should have taken it easy. “So, you rather I look down on you? Or do you want me to treat you as my equal? You can’t have both.” They all silenced and stood away from me.
As much as I enjoyed them being far from me, it also reminded me of how alone I really was. I shouldn’t care about that, but why did it frustrate me? Especially whenever I looked at the extras and saw them smiling among themselves. They all look so happy even though we’re supposed to be against each other. It reminds me of how Kato and Saito always laugh and smile with other people. But whenever they hung with me, there were barely any smiles. At that, we never did what friends were supposed to do. It was either we talked shit about Deku, or they tried to copy my class notes. I’m so glad I no longer have to deal with them.
While watching Deku and Icyhot’s match, I couldn’t help but notice something. Knowing the nerd, he probably also picked up what I saw. Icyhot was crippling himself by just using the ice half of his quirk. His movements were slowing down, and it was clear he was struggling. Eventually, he will lose if he doesn’t do something different.
Besides being pissed that Deku lost, I was at least pleased to see that peppermint hair finally used the other half of his quirk. Maybe now he will do so throughout the rest of the festival. But when that loud mouth of a fireball decided to speak up, I wished someone would shut him up. “He’s just like Bakugo.” I quickly looked to see who had said that. To my surprise, it was froggy. How dare she! I was nothing like Icyhot’s sperm donor.
“Yeah. Such a hothead and rude.” That came from a female’s voice, but I don’t know by whom.
“Just nasty and full of himself, ribbit.” Now I saw who said that, and it was froggy. I quickly left the group and wandered the halls. How dare they! I am nothing like that jackass. Those extras have no idea who I am!
As I turned another corner, I somehow bumped into something. “What the fuck!” I looked up and saw it was All Might.
“Is everything all right, young Bakugo?” I looked away from him as I debated if I should walk away. “I am off to check on young Midoriya. They have taken him to Recovery Girl.” That’s when I looked back at All Might. “Would you like to join me on the walk?” I didn’t say anything as I followed him. While we walked, it was mostly silent. “You did amazing against young Uraraka. Aizawa even praised how you treated her as your equal. Many of the crowd wanted to stop the match. Which was unjust.” I looked up at him before looking at my feet.
“If anyone is going to beat me, they need to earn that.”
“I can’t agree more.” I looked up at All Might, and he was smiling at me. “Well, we’re here.” He pointed, and I saw it was towards the nurse’s office. “Care to come in with me?” I shook my head and waited outside as he went in.
As I stood there, I saw something in the corner of my left eye. When I looked, I saw it was Icyhot. At that, he leaned against the wall on the other side of the door. It was silent for a moment before he spoke. “I apologize.”
“For what?”
“That Midoriya being sent to Recovery Girl. I did not expect—"
“Shut up!” I pushed myself from the wall and faced him. “You better bring that same force when you face me.” I then thumb pointed to the door. “The nerd always does shit like this. He’s so reckless that it pisses me off.” Then I walked in front of half-and-half. His expressionless face was easier to read than the other extras. Especially with how he was avoiding eye contact and the way his shoulder fell slightly. “Don’t pay mind to the sperm donor and win this shit. I want a fair match. Nothing else matters.”
At that, peppermint hair finally looked at me. He even had a small smile. “I will try.”
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How to Take Care of Your Sick c̶a̶t̶ Teenager
How to take care of your sick c̶a̶t̶ teenager by tuiandla
Hitoshi passes out in the cafeteria and is bought to the infirmary . Recovery Girl sends him back home with Aizawa .
Words: 3348, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Class 1-A, Eri
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Sickfic, Domestic Fluff, Father-Son Relationship, Not Beta Read, Shinsou Hitoshi is in Class 1-A, class 1-a is now class 2-a, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Autocorrector keeps correcting Hitoshi as Hiroshi, help me, They have a kitten called Icyhot
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44976265
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heroic-endeavors · 1 year
Bakugo ended up falling out his chair laughing, it hurt yes but this was too funny honestly “oh my god I can’t believe people really think Deku is his son, I just thought you made that joke up IcyHot, Deku’s dad been overseas for like the last 10 years or more.”
Shouto tilted his head slightly, "I wasn't joking when I asked him that."
Enji glanced over at the table for a moment, "Don't worry, he's safe." Enji's face flushed slightly in reaction to something said to him. "I-I don't care if you get sick. Figured you wouldn't want to worry that kid."
"Tsundere?" Fuyumi asked tilting her head slightly. Enji seemed to have jolted in reaction. He then hung up, now nearly steaming.
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moonbiit-arts · 3 years
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HBD Shoto !!
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oracle-creates · 3 years
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Drawing studies of my other son🤍❤️❄️🔥
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deadlandsqueen · 5 years
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Soulmate au mixed with spirit animals
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inkymint · 6 years
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なりたい自分に, なっていいんだよ
Todoroki's turn for inktober 🔥❄️❤️
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weisying · 6 years
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Todoroki Shouto 「轟焦凍」 ↳Half-cold ≈ Half-hot
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beesforeyes · 6 years
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totally forget if i've ever posted this but here we are, positing again just to be safe lol he's ya boy, todoroki
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hallowed-moonflower · 5 years
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apologies for going MIA, depression is fun.
but I’m back and i’ve brought a really messy todoroki painting with me! took roughly and hour in SAI
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