#id also venture to guess that gold nuggets and emeralds were the currency of choice
limelocked · 2 years
something i find interesting about the loot table with the trail ruins rn is like
theres 7 pottery shards to find there so they did a lot with pottery in this culture
the dyes and dyed items dont match up, no candles that are the colors of the loose dyes you find, no brown or green glass panes [colors of the candles], no orange or blue (only light blue) glass panes [from the loose dyes]
theres only oak and spruce hanging signs no matter the biome theyre generated in, im suffering the implications of why theres only those two to find, did they just not use any other wood or are those two the only ones to survive the test of time
considering the smithy that can generate in the ruins and the four (4) smithing tablets its fair to say that these people were masters of the forge, not only having a wealth of different armour trims at hand but also being able to manipulate and dye glass for us to be able to find
unrelated to the loot table but related to my restoration work on the buildings; these people really fucking loved color and clay! other than the roads most of everything is either mud or some clay based material like terracotta or bricks
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